THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1894. Fl'LL STOMACH uuiriii ' fauv you no l!K,ii!f,"t ever. If it W, though if there's any "trmiMi' after entiiis; t.iko Ir. Pierce's Pleueaut Tel let. 1 hey re . a iierfect and ron- (venicnt vtft-KK'ket remedy. One of these tinv, suar- rxit.'l, anti-bilious prannle at a dose regulates and cor rect the ciitirw sr tem. Sick or liil iou Headache, Constipation, Indi gestion, lilious At tacks, and all de ransrenienta of the fiyer, stomach, and bowels are pre vented, relieved and cured. They're the smallest, easiest to take, cheaiet and best. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or monev is returned. MA1 Klihl'MAM'S. The Peculiar Affection That Often Saizos the Groat Beasts. (Mem The Regulator Line Which is the best to try, if you have Catarrh a medi cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you? The proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy agree to cure your Catarrh, perfectly and per matiently, or they'll pay you $500 in cash. f'hemirut IVrfumery. Chemistry isecrus to furnish suhsti tntes for the e xpensive perfumes now made from Howcr. It has lonjr been known that the exact odor of the ban ana is produced in the laboratory. There wms a possibility, however, that even when Mime frairrunt plants cease to le cultivated for the perfumes many mar become of importance in surgery. It has been discovered that aome such plants are free from the at tacks of insects and from funpous prowths. and this may lie due to the fact that their essential oils have anti septic properties. The eucalyptus yields an antiseptic, and so do other familiar plants. Ia.laare la India Hhn the t'raay tTrm lurM llV0 ti.MM iw the Kainiasjr and KUIedaud Itrttruyod I'eo phr mhI rruparly. lu the Kust Indies whore tame cli phants are iluwd a.s Intcllurciit m . hines and ure invaltmble adjunct!, to . ivil cn.'iiieeriiij and transportation, a tpe' clcphatit is as much dreuded UK au outbreak of cholera, a tornado, or a nuni at'mjr tijrer. Its very arueity uiuUct. it all the more dangerous, and once started ou a career of deMruetiou and life-takinp iti ineth.Hls apcur eya ical in their pertinacity and injfenuity. of such Tofjues" then? are the wild U-ast excluded from communion with iti fellows and the domesticated animal in the condition of "must." The latter is more dantrerous than the other he- cause its spell of blind fury generally ! Iicjjins in densely populated neiphNir- i UOh1:v Kut Indian official statistics, how ever, prove that, as a rule, where one pcrxm i killed by an elephant nearly forty are destroyed by tigers, leopards, j Ik ars, wolves and hyenas. Kxeeptums j alter these data. In one instance a 1 tame elephant which had been docile for years liecaiue demoniacal and tore ' away trumpeting to the woods. llofore it was killed it hud ravaged a commu nity and killed thirty-five persona. In India the condition known as '"must." which is synonymous with madness, is heralded by an exudation on the forehead of the bull elephant mid swelling of the temples. Such an animal in captivity is shackled, and caution is observed in approuchinir it. OccaioiialIy elephants with chronic bad tempers are found, but thev should not Iw classed with th pcri.-iieauy oangerous, or w.e ,!;,,,,.,;,,,, and make known as ' t overtures to ine inner ikhiicb itHiaiiiK i j a united plan of campaign in the com- iTlic Dalles, PertM lib LMi Navigation Co. l or Infanta and CbildTwa. Caataria prosnotaa THgaetinn.. an. I smrcouwa flatulency, C'ouat umiion, Hour fttomach, Warrhnra, and FevorUhmiai. Thus tho cliild la reukred healthy and lt ,lwp aatauraj. Caatoria rontuiiu no Jlorpuuie or other narcotic property. TastntU aian irrll n'-r to ehudrm that I NMnuml to aa superior to ear paraenpuua kaowa to ma." H. A. lacuna. H. 1;. Ill South OKurvl at., Brooklyn, K Y. "rWau'aral vera I aaw lacamnmaW your hma,'ud shall alwara euauaue to do , as it ha ianmratMy ptwld taMwOctal nnia." tnwta i . r'AKoax. M. !.. tSth BUMt and 7th ava. Maw York City. "Dh uaa of Oaavorat' la ao naiinal aad htMrluwlkMn that Moa a work of uimrojraUDa to aadoraa a. Vwm tnlMta- IWuirMit nunlllaa who ao aot krp CaMona wlUUaaaayrawa." CAama ILawttk, u. P.. Haw York City. Tlra Cawrioa CorAT. TT Murray tttrrst, N. Y. i ' ""swaTgj',' j THROUGH j I i The lalles laily and Mdy Freigni and Pssssnger Line lliroiiicle. Through DaiW Iruw (Sundays e-. lwtwn The Ia!les and I'ort- . land. Steamer liegulator leaves The j Dalles at 7 a. ni.. connecting at the Cas- i cade Iavks with Steamer lhilles City.; Steamer Dalles Citv leaves Portland j Yamhill m. dock) at a. m., connect-1 iug with Steamer Kegulator for The I Dalle. I rASHEM.aK BtH. Oneway - i Konnd trip 3.00 . Labor t altow Acalaat Tammany. Ntw Yoick, July Ielegatc to the ; Central Ijibor I'niou meeting, hold at Clarendou hall today, came to a uuani-: ntous agreemeiit in favor oi a solid front labor movement to down the Tamiuauy ticket at the polls in November. For a , long time the labor organizations have j been divided among themselves. T dav the ouealiou was forced to an issue. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except iar lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for 1'ortland received at j any time day or night. Shipment for way landings must tie delivered oeiore who are I , desperation the delegates decided to ' P. m. Live stock shipment" tolieted Call on or address. outcast;, which an- also known as solitaries." A typical -njrue" ran amuck near .1u)ilulpore in Is?."., and is i mon interests. spoken of as a man it. tor. Im-cuiisc killing some of its victims it tiiok theiu ' in its mouth and tore tueui to pieces. Huekl.a-. Ar...e. a.i... Many of the -riv''" elephant stories j The best salve in tile worid lor cuts, from Asia are based on the doings of i bruisee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei either ostracised beasts or those ho i Mrea t ,,e ., i anJg chilblains. in hunting i a)i .ti .,,,;,.. u,..i tivelr cures piles, or uo pav required B W. C. ALLAWAY, tioaaral Afftlk F. LAUGHLIN, url MiMr. THE CHRONICLE was eKtablifhwl for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and , Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkomcle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO jer annum. The Weekly Chkomcle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addresn THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Dalles, Orogon. THE-DALLES. OREGON - J. F. FORD, ETannelist, j ilea Mnitm. Iowa, wrllm nrnler ili ol March 21. IW I Pbovisiox is to lie made for greatly enlarging the liritish museum. Five aud a half acres will be added to the nine acres already occupied, through purchase from the rinke of Itedford. Kenneth Bazemore had the good for tune to receive a small bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrbo a Eemedy when three members of his iamily were sick with dysentery. This one small bottle cure.! them all and he had some left which he gave to Geo. W. Baker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewiatoo. X. C, and it cured him of the same complaint. When troubled with dysentery, diarrhiva, colic or cholera morbus, give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. The praise that natur ally follows its introduction and nse has made it very popular. 2o and 50 cent bottles for sale by Elakely & Houghton, druggists. Florida oranges are being shipped to Europe, where hitherto the Italian fruit ha reigned supreme. We never enjoy jierfeet happiness: nr most fortunate successes are min gled with sadness; aome anxieties al ways perplex the-reality of our sat isfaction. Corneille. My boy was taken with a disease re sembling blcody flax. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Iliarrhtea llemedy. Two doeea of it settled the matter and cored him sound and well. I heartily recom mend this remedy to al! persons suffer ing from a like complaint. I will an swer any inquiries regarding it when atamp is inclosed. I refer to aoy eoun y official as to bit reliability. Wm. Roach, J. P., l'riuiroy, Campbell Co., Tenn. For sale by Blakely A Houghton drug gist. A WHAi.iso expedition is to b des patched from Australia to the Antarc tic ocean shortly to U;st the practica bility of establishing a whale-fishinsr industry in southern waters. "I know an old soldier who had chronic diarrha-a ot long standing to have been permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's .Colic, Cholera and Diarrhira Remedy," says Edward Shnui pik, a prominent druggist of Minnea polis, Minn. "I have sold the remedy in this city for seven years and consider it superior to any other medicine now on the market for bowel complaint'." 25 and 50 cent bottles of this remedy for tale by Elakely Sc Houghton drag-j gists. Last year the Church Extension . so ciety of the Congregational churches furnished to aid in the build ing of 144 churches and iMO.10 to aid 54 parsonages into existence. escaped from captivity, wh airrictiltural neihliorh.iods to feed on .i..ruLtutJ r.l;. ,if: ti.m. Iill.l L'ill.l i people who tarn.- in their way. One ' I' g'umuiteed to Bive perfect tatisiac- ' n-hi..h ri il in th.. Horn diit ri.-t I tion . or monev reiuniltHl. Price 2b cents ! for lifuen vears, and destroyed riee 1 per box. Kor sale oy Snipes A Kin- j H. R. Man. Mm. Co., fields and killed mam-persons, was the, !y j Dulur, tJregoii. property of the government, and never j . a K.C Kail. 5. lumm uKt a, eek . 1 (onnd a chain which it carried l'Al!1H. Jlv 31. A cask of eold value.1 i all well and anrionslv awaitinir. Our escaped. Its presence j . 4- . iM)n , . , Vn,t .aQ i Httle eirl. eiirht and oiie-half vears old. known by the ! . ,', ; who bad wasted awav to 08 nonnds. if mum imm nip Train ii.tT.wp.n rmvn. j . There H no cine "There is a tide in the a flairs oj vien which, taken at its Jleoa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the rut Itself of awav when it near the v i 1 1 1 fr br-ikeu fetters. All such Soot'sCotklloot clank of th mammliufr Tirnt. s are simply predu- j nd Paris today t.rv ami vicious. ;.li-epin in the jnnjrle ( the thief. during the day and traveling at ni'ht. They an- not ropnes" proMr. or ; i lephants suffcriu)f from periisiical i lury. Cruelty sometimes makes ' ropues" of elephants. In while an eli- lli;.i,t was Is'injr ridden hv its keener in the district of siuitaiipore. ill hiic. the . unimal reaented priHlilinir with a spear ; ly pulliiifr the man from his Isick und (inramr him Kome distance away. fortunately the man fell in a liulluw Caok't t'oum Rait CawMaiJ. M m nMl- and remained there undiscover. d by ; or lac!.aa (1 and rata in iwp In ! fl.,h.nt .vhn nf t.. u 1 .r. . 1B.I we a ;u all. MawB. urriim uia.i. ru...iuu iu village. There he chas!! an old IV3 COMPOUND. A mmt dlmrrvry hr aa oM Ihtg t IhMmntU of Ixulin. U th onlr to rTmb- ate aad rvlubla BMrilclaa dU- Bawara of napruiclpltd drunata who I ; now well, strnnor and viimrous. and well tn j fteshed up. K R. t)Ugh Cure has done ! ' its work well. Roth of the children like i it. nnr S. Is. Ikmgh Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. fo give it to "every one, with greetings for all. Wishing yon prostierity, we are Yours, Ma. & Mas. J. Y. Fokd. ! If von wish to lel trash and cheerful, and read) j for the Spring'! work, cleans your rstcm with the H tallica and Uvr fare, br taklnir two m ) tana doMaeach werk. Hold under a positive suaraoui. M will per battle br all Sraniata. Cirtt It I FIB k bHI offer Inferior amttrtae la placa of una. Afc far ; J. s. hensscs. Pranilcnr. 3 X FiTTB0!, Caaalar. Aluminum Aluminum Na Qaaraar Will do you as much good as the one that buys Lr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. This is what you get with them : An absolute and permanent rart for Consti pation, Indijrestion. Rilious Attacks, Kick and Rilious Headaches and all de rangement of the liver, stomach and bowels. JJot just temporary relief, and then a worse condition afterward Lnt help that ItuU. man into a house, then broke down the j walls, pulled the man out and dasheri j hiui to pieces. I The nifrht the elephant I knocked down several horses, in quest of human beiuj." in the villages of Sur dapur. liarpaon and .luisinrpur. He killcu six men in liersoma. three in ; Sora. four in (ianpes. and f ur in Mar- i ran. lie likewise killed a bullock and j a pony and also destroyed a new car- ri:i(.re. The animal used tosumcl at the ibair of a house, f ir e his entry by de- j molisiiiiiir th' walls on either side, and ! would then kill c many of the inmates I as he eouii 1. piirsiimtr those who tried i to run away. He muiiffled his corpses' terribly. I After securing a victim he sometimes j returned to the spot to see if life were extinct, and would commence mutilat iujf the ImhIv afresh. He carried sev eral bodies loiifT distances ami threw them into ravines, etc. The elephant found his way into the dehra rajah's palace, when: he tried to entr the lioiw of a (rardener. but some men. iMour.ted on three elephants, assisted by a sp.-arsman. drove him oft. He. then returned to Hciiipur. where he tried to break down his master's house, in which several iiersons had taken rcf uu. The police irot into the hons: from a liack window and were obliged to s nd for help to the dehra rajah. A InmiTlTlTrt who sent three elephants and some j spenrsinen. The animal received two) (.'iinshots on the head at Rebipnr. which, however, only temporarily j AlTITninTITn orve ujiii on. rie was ui.iuiaieiy cup- ; tur.-d at imminent risk by the rajah's j three elephants and men. 1 National Wealth nf t.urwpe. Iloliand still enjoys the distinction ! of beinfr the rii hcst country in Europ;. ' The national wealth of England p,.r I capita is (M.wr,. France, 5.-,,30O, and I Holland. !'.'..'i. The averaife inco' h s 1 per head are (riven as follows: t'.ng- j land. r.'Oo; France. ?!". and Holland. !'. With one-tenth the popnlution of hiifrland. Holland has one-fourth as ! .-ouch Btrprefate wealth, aud with one- I eleventh of the population of France, Holland has t.early one-third as much j weulth. Oil ail un a of ot.e-iuarter of i Iowa Holland sustains .I.TJO.Oiio of pco- ! pie and wealth in the airjrrep-ate of j portl-ulan tn p'4'tt anv lofM, a Lwllta u;lr, tsamia. Julklm Pen. Mtr t'emsaRr. ?... a V.'Cvr Wb-1:. o '!!. lllca. SoM hi Tbe Dalles by snipes a kjaenly. HEW GOODS! ; first National Bank. THE DALLES. ... OREGON at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICH ELRACH BRICK, - . UNION KT. : A General Ranking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. ' Collections matte and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. ; Sight and Telegraphic Exchanye sold on New Vork, San r'rancisco and Portland. When the Tram stop at TBE DALLES, get a on the South Side Mm flEW COLtUlVlBlfl HOTEL. I), p DIRBOTOKb , Thompson. Jno. K Sciutsci. ; t'.D. M. Williams, Geo. it. M. RtALL. .IBT1B. This lante and pnpular Home dues the principal hotel buiiurwi, and is prepaml Ui luriush the Buat Acramaiislatlniis ol anr lluusa in tiw elty, aud at Ilia low rata ol $i.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Heals, 25 Cegts. Offlaa for all Htaa Maas laavlnf The liallaa for all alnta In Kaatara OrefMi aad a.atira.W ablartoa. la tuis Masai. Aluminum j Drinking Cups, Frying Pans, Sauce Pans, FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKa.noai T A (.KNT RAl-BANKlNli Bl'SlNlMie Aluminum Preserving Kettles. Milk Pans, Letters of Credit issued available :n the 1 J Eastern States. I Sight Exchange aud Teleirraphic j Transfers sold ou New York, Chicago, 8t. I Louis, ban Francisco, Portland Oregon, j Seattle Wash., and various points in Or- egon mid Washington. I Collections made at all points on 'av ' orahle terms. i;rueriif Front and Union Hie. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Tea and Coffee Pots. MAIER & BENTON. DRY FIR WOOD, $3 per cord, delivered. CAVtHIO.irWUJLnlKKSj wwrT rljrl I tt. TA I OBTI!l A TATEST Tnr a Prornpt answer and an anneal minttm. wrlta to Ml Ml CO.. wan bsve asd aearlrnrir rn eipenefMe m the intent bonnes. (Vmimmiis. tens strKtlr eonllnenual. A II aadbaak uf Id. furmaoon enoaernliaT Paleata and bow tn ob. I tain thanl aent frsa. Also a eataiogasol frhali 1'siems takso tftroocb M ana Co. reeatea spsmai ootlra.iiitlM ewleallHe Americas, and I Inas ara broaeht wnleir bcMrathe pnlilieanh. - " ""-""1 'n sTHenoid paper. Weued waealT. eleiantlr Mlastrsleri. bae be farUia larveat eirniistioa of an snentiae wort in tba wijrid. i a rear, asu.ple espies sent frae BaiMtna BvliUoo, m.rnlnlr s rear. Miraria eniMas, 'I eanla. Ktstt number eontaina beaa- I""1"; " nablina bulldan to sbow tba M"-t deaurne sad axtire emlriru. Addrasa alUN Jl Ua, htm Yooa, aal fiauAiorAT. New - Umatilla- House. THE DALLEK, OREGON. SINNOTT A. FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Raggage Offi( of the U. P. K. R. Company, and office of the Westen Union Tekraph Office are in the Hotal. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, bat nse Dr. rUgea Catarrh Kemedv, and lie cured. M cents ; of druggists." A Little . Ihirimr a strike on the North P.ritish railway, much diflienlty was experi-er-ed to find the necessary engineers to Uccp the nc-csary tmins running. ne f the Miliwtitutes. a yuun;f fellow, ran aome dUUincc past a station, und then, putting iMtek. ran ax much too fur the other wav. lie wa nrcimriinr t inalfe a third itttempt, when the ta- lion arent hhoitted, to t he rrreat amiiM- j inent of the puisM-riicru: 'Never mind. Tuinmas; stay where you are! H e'l! I tW All prol.-ninnal a II. pnrniptlv rnxfrnU-A nh ft the station." . ",Un' "hl "' PHOTOGRAPHER. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. 1 have taken 11 first prizes. I Y)R' I,ETKIfH. Physician and Surgeon. I'L'KI R, ORKliOX. Caveats, and Trada-M arksnbUinad. and sll Hat. t ant bMsiossa con.iucttd lor Mootasrc Seta. ? JOua Oeeict rs Oeeoarrc U. a. eTtirromer( and wa can serure psttut m lesa Una Uiaa uwsc bend model, riiiwmr or nhotn.. with rfewiA. e Jtion. Hi iiDih, i( ateniabl or aot, Irea ol i caars;e. Our (aa not oua nil patent is seemed, i ssrawi.rr, "MowtoObism Psienis, ' withe j Joost ol saoie in the U.S. aud lorcaju countries 2 ; esent lice. AO'heu, J i:u.A.sHUWd.CO.i uew. ruT orriet, WASHIttOTON. D C. i " s,a Blakeley & Houghton; DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .-ARTISTS MATERIALS.--'. Conntrv and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Rrewery is now turning oat the best Reer and Portst east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufactory of good health ful Reer have been introduced, and on y the first-class article will be p aced be market.