The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 01, 1894, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Kulerv.1 at Uu- iwhiilw at Tha Hallo. Kntou
a nmHMl riaw mall nialier
htati orririALft.
acraury ol stale
upL of Public luaintritoa
Attorney (enteral
II K km-lit
..Phillip MetU.n
.. (. M Irwin
u lii..,..,
!l li 'u'l'hell
in. Hermann
l K. hlil
. u ii Irai)
Slate Printer
frxTT ornciALw
County Judgv
Coauniaaiouera .
teo. I thanelcr
... T. J Driver
tKrant Kineaid
1 fc K Kluhm i
. .... ...
i- i ih.,n
SuiairiDWt.rftniUieiick.MU ..Twitbeiiey
u riwi r .
w . H. liiiti
The tariff bills continue to excite the
deepest interest. The general impres
sion in the hat seems to e that t or -
man and his confreres will drive the
house as they have driven the senate, as
they hold the balance of power, and that
it will either be the senate bill or noth-
We concede the plausibleuess of;
this theory, but there are some factors
that those who make the argument,
leave out of their caculationv First
oum .... .,.- , ,
we think is a seriou- tiiistake. It i? not
absolutely necessary that any legislation
should I toned, the democrats ot ttie
house have at goo.1 artillery a the sen-
ate, for they ran insist on the llson i
bill or the present law. Besides the'
temper of the member" of the honse '
should he taken into consideration. !
Tlie senate led h (ioruian w ho
zot uo
on his hind legs and howled, was in.lig- wardg( ana the chan.-es for diagree-j
nant at the president s interference with j ment appcar ,llore ,-avora,,ie lhe markel j Mr. j. A- i,oll!hlt , ,a ,lt. 0chiK
thehiis1nesfofti.e-enaleandhitiattemptjconlinneg to stUlv,n ThU uing the i Review to Mr. .1. N. Williamson, the
to coerce lepislwtion. At the same time , ttH ( ,he ouestion will nuLnt f il... .
the senate has interfered with and
usurped the prerogatives of the house,
as no senate has ever done before. The
bill for raising revenue must be origin
ated in the house. The senate conced
ing this, take the house bill and so
ch.ingvd it that it is no longer the house
bill but a bill originated in the senate.
and clearly against the constitution, j
The lower house of congress will if there
are men in it resist this encroachment !
at the sacrifice of everything else. It j
has its party behind it, it has the preei- j
deut behind it, and it has the coustita
tion behind both. Ixxiked upon as
party measure ami irom iiemocratic r ,
standpoint, the 'house cannot afford to !
pass the senate bill. The individual j
members of congress must fare their con- j
can go tefo.etbem in prettr good shape! T" " " ,
iLrL;..!..!!.. f;i...iL!theMn,efixMoar neighbor, across the
practically violate the constitution, and
can justly claim tbat they passed a tariff j
bill on lines following the promises of
.1.- 14 .1" a.u: .
thev have no ground to stand on. For '
these and manv other reasons we lie. !
iaD l-a lull H- 1 1 V. f 1 1, . .1 r. .1 tha n . .
irT i -ii i , . . . I
tariff legislation
will be perfected at I
this session
A Columbus.
Ind.. dispatch of July ;
Hb says:
Dr. Beck was visiting bis sweetheart,
M .mm 1 ......... I "..I u . I V - Pn taal t
iiight, when she took it into her head to
friithten him by playing ghoet. Hhe 1
left him on the veranda, saying she was ;
going ror arm, -sue wirew a sueei
over her bead and came upon him snd-
.lenlv from around the house. Or.
Beck drew bis revolver and called on
the figure to stop. He called three
times, bat the girl heeded him not.
tL .1 1 . ... .. Lll
Then the doctor shot twice, tine ball
entend Miss Cobee's abdomen and an-:
other lodged in her leg. She will prob-
ablv die.
There are several morals to this story,
each better than the other. The first
ia, never to play ghost. The second,
never associate w ith girls who can think I that it might be well to find out if some j tne opening of the conference. The e"ue outbursts of applause from the
of no better amusement than playing at j of these wise judges are not also of the I president s desire to see Wilson before i audience. The labor leader did not ad
being a ghost. Third, never find with a boasted 200,000 who own Pullman stc-k. ; the conference opened coupled with I n,il defeat, but on the contrary, declared
doctor anyhow, especially ' in the ghost j It looks tbat war. ; (jri8p-, ea!1 at the White Cou-e vester- 1 that the war against Pullman would 1
line, because l.e has assisted so many ia j - lM:kwood of Nw Yofk ; day and the president, reque'st for I "ied the bitter end. He said them up. fourth, never carry a L"tt' l. JJZ i McMillin to ca! at the While House la., farther that so far a. he wa. concerned
pisiui, etipeviMiiv wnen yoti are visiung
' ' r - J :
. i " i , i . -. - i
i lady. Fifth, never shoot at anything
until von know what it is. Hiith. don't
sboot at a ghost. If it is a ghoet yon
can't hurt it, and if it ain't yon will
probably feel badlv to think von have j
killed a blamed foot. Seventh, neveT
trnst yourself alone with a woman in!
ti.o i. ;..i,ii. i .
ii .. i . i
man carries a mstol dron the ehost husi-1
ness and kill him with a club. Ninth, ; work "hn he e'-5" ,,ere- i' 'l
don't own a pistol. Tenth, don't blow ' nldn t stopany of them if thev wanted
in your money for extra sheets. Hav-'tocome' The only difiereni.e would be
ing them too' handy causes troobie. ! tbat when 0DC ' the
Eleventh, leave your abdomen and legs , ,amiIy wou,(1 co'" onp at a tia,r' the ,
behind when yon come the ghost act. j "eJ' heing sent back as soon as each
Twelfth, avoid a'l rashly original jokes, j0De rrivetl- Congress need not waste j
like making a ghost of yourself, and ! ilt tilne f,JO,in wit1' t,,e immigration ,
when yon are in love slick to the eld ' qnetion. It must either be stopped en
chestnuis if you have to be kittenish. ! iire)' or ,st a"n" " l"'re U il Tl,,re
And thirteenth, don't lie a blamed fool D( half-war ground.
anvbow. '
There a'e a number of others, but ;
these a ill do for samtiles. i
Wealth does not keep un a city, bat J
labor does. If ten men with a million j
dollars a piece, should locate in com- j
mnnity and simply lend their money, il,
ouiu not uuuo a cny, nniesa tne money
loaned was used in some business,
employment of capital w hereby lal
The it
employment of capital whereby labor is,
iso employed, la w hat builds cities and
make them thrive. The prosperity of j
a nlac is measured rr the i ol ill
.,.. ..!- 1'vf.rvtl.inif that Increase
.n .J,..,.. the ffmirth ami
i prooiwrity of the city.
The cannery proposed to le built here
' is an institution ofj this kind.
, nu ii..i
Similtulia mono ruuiuu
itner Tho distillery is another of the I
, , . . ... .1
: .dnui L-iti.i iusiiie tnw utrect iieut-ma
to 1 derived from the establishment of
these industries, it is generally the case
. .
llml one business of the kind run suc-
; cessiulv leads to another.
! The Dalles has the best locution
fur a
: .
I manufacturing town of any place on the
i river, and eventually will take her place
an inch. A little elTort on our part will
i i.i I T I ... I...
.' .... , .1.
sneeu me out. xnen ie a r
...., i. mi.ii i,ia kiiiii) .li.r ill tun
, s 01
i wheel, and in a vear or two it will
i down-bill work and go itself.
Whatever congress is to do, we be
lieve will be done quickly, circumsian-
" navi, ouiminated to force action,
j Tlie Bnj the press are demanding
the ttiemem of the tariff question,
j BnJ lX,Bgregg with all its disregard of the
,w,.,i,.,g interests can nolonaer hesitate.
r r
It mav be a compromise measure, but
wc Jo not believe it. Uur opinion is
i tliat it m he tlie wiison bill, or remain
,,ie jeKinley bill. The lower house is
.j 1V Jt8 party alia t,v me president.
It cannot rei-etie wiiuoui peruuy u.
dishonor. Sosavs the presulent, so says
Ue jiarty. The lower bouse must stand
firm Cu the other hand Gormun, Brice
, .. . littIt roteril. ilttVe, expressed
tiieir determination to stand by the
senate bill. We do not see how either
party can yield.
In the meanwhile this hope, faint i
' .1. .. i. ....... 1 k i-
' UUMI1II li IS. UU? BVUV "Wl Olini in. Ul'-
doubt be the salvation of the woo! in-
i dustry.
i We judge from an otvasiomil editorial
; on the subject in the l.oldenda.e Sentinel
I inai i.roiuer ttonriay is w resiling aim 1
euiuc uinqrciirmir vuiim lum wucTt i
the repudiation of a few thousand dol
lars of county indebtedness that was in j
curred, perbape illegally, will be a sa-
ing to the county, and the proper thing j
to uo. It is quite probable that for ,
l-l .
! every dollar g worth of eountv warrants
a. . 1 .1 ' r
1 mum me muui.,uu in c.v.c on.
farnaor in tt ml vain. m-fllfM If
B , . I
. - , , . ""---
in6 iuc iui ui icuuLiiuu. luCTcu.pfr cent ot tne editors o I the country
x, . . . I
not. oanyi u , the state of Oregon, nn.jmre presidential puMlbilitie-, for t ,
river are. Eight here in old Wasco a
; Strict interpretation ot tne constitution
rould show that we owe f $0,000 or
no" county scrip; issuea, tecunic-1
more for county script issued, technic-1
.l,J" Peak'D8-illeaI1.v' yet w Bre Kin
' i . e --i'
value received for it. Besides the courts
make us pay it anyway, and so
rill thev our friends in Klickitat.
A Californian, in speaking of tlie j
j strike, said that under the decision of j
Attornev General Olnev and the t'nited j
8tates conrt" U ,ook "a l"a ianP
nd a Pullman car to get a letter
through the mails.
There is consider-j
abe meat jn that ,.pi(frau,. The strike
. . , , ... . ,.
question is not yet settled, and it might
be well for our judges to do a little j
thinking before they render a decision, j
if a VaUmlkn rar i, uwesary to make
- i UIB.I IB 1... t TUO i , iv lllMt .
., . , , . , , ,!
nP a,al1 traln' let lt m onderstood i
and mentioned in the contract. It i
I looks to ns as though this big govern-!
ment was standing in to boom Pullman qaesting his presence there. He was ! Throughout Debs' speech was temperate
stock, and in view of the recent devel- ! jji, tne president for some time, nuti i i" 'one nd clear in diction. His re
opnient in the sugar subject, wc suggest it was neres.irv m on tn the f. i marks were so stirring aa to frequently
ii or. iii.iiHiuini m uui ul mum L n 1 1 1 r 1 1 -
. , . M ,
ii t. i..i. .i-i-.i.nitflit. were all neenli! am
can lauur. ii proviues vnai cai:u auuii :
immigrant must have $75 and each
minor L0- l evidently wants
Tote"' for onle ,,e th,t 1"-v-"t ,,e
w t,,e a,ott ""e m" " congress A
nian having $7o, or 7o0. i not going to
change the fai t that he compotes with
the laborer here, r-eventv-five dollars
will not nrevent a foreigner innn-7 I.i
" ""l I"1'"11 " loieigner going to
What the final result may be between
Japan and China in settling their diller-
entes, is on the lai-e of the situation not , probable failure of all tariff legislation, j dorian securities fell polnU and Ar
hard to goes. Japan is warlike and ag- A mcinber whose relations with the j gentines alo scored heavy decline.
sressive. but China is strons financially,
and in numbers, is the most powerful ,
nation on the earth. Japan has captured
the Corean king but a he was only a
dummy this cots small figure. Eng-1
land proposes to profit by the light, but i
may be possible that P.nssia will be
drawn into it, and if to England will !
be apt to take a har.d.
this hovte
Several of
the valley paera in advo-
eating the completion
of the Oregtm
Pacific to a point fifty-two wiles west of
Prineville, use tome ueer nrgcment
that would be much more effective if
Itw. The principle argument I mat
- . . ...
freights can be delivered .n 1'rineville
(mtn San I- ram-isco for one cent a pound.
. .
and tuat to get frieghts from Portland j pressiou, in a general way, that Wilson
costs four cents pound now, sent by ; regarded the situation as extremely pie.
way of The Dalles. The freight from carious and as presenting a i hoi.-c In
here to Priueville in the summer time is J tweeti the senate bill, some, hat tmal-three-fonrths
of a cent a pound, and in itied, and a continuance ot the Mi-Kin-the
winter it sometimes, but seldom, j ev law , and that he tvgarihM the former
rises to as high as a cent and a half per a the leaser evil. Members of the
pound. The freight from Portland to! house ia speaking of accepting the
The Ialles by the river is u ton, I senate bill, use the words us meaning
makinir the rate from Portland to Prine
m i
rille. excent short time in the winter,
one cent a pound, or exactly what our
contemporaries are counting on by the.
new route. leides, when the freight I
is costing over a tent a Hiund by this j
route, it couldn't 1 handled at all o" I
theOregon Pacific, because at that time
it would be snowed under. j
" "
The American Kailway Vnion leaders
I r""" "" - ......v.
Broadcast at the time tticy were imlicteu
that the grand jury would also inquire
into the conspiracy formed by the rail-
way managers. This latter part of the
program was sudilenly cut. III Jiulge
. Gro980np kindlv leil the n,nntry whv
, T, , .
that there is one law lor the rich unother it watf take (() jn.licate a purpose to de
for the oor, a law that the employe is ciJo tt a Iine o( ,,.;. it a, ,tutHd
sure to respect, but which is not i"ite ' ,)w,itively by the house conferee- that
large enough to reach nn eu.plover. ; the IIiet,till(f' witll thv .a.ors bad len
This state of aiTairs is tmlay the most Wl,ltilll to a general going over of the
idaniierous threat to our voveriiment, ! u,,jwt. all() that no Hgreement had
land unless the remeJy is i pp'ied inilu,,,,, ui. :mn ..i , .,.,r. it
that soon, there is going tob) nn lit' -
' . . .
. I.un ,.u I . ,u. m.uvL- j
j The two papers will be consolidated un
j der the name of the Prineville lieview,
' and the new paper will lie independent
; in pontic
Review for hinc years, and made it one
, of the best and brightest p.,rs of Kast-
ern uregon, always a welcome exenange
auu wunnv i.u llic scissors. lit uupr
I .nr. x'oumii win not drop out pi tne
ranks, as he wields a graceful pen.
A Philadelphia paper thinks Senator or Ilothing. Tne utmo,t wa. ob
Iavis of Minnesota would make a irood I j .... :. .. .1.... .u- c.i
. candidate for nresident nn ui-.-onnt of
icanuiuaie tor presiutni on uiToum 01
r,,. odidiod on tne recent railroad strike.
Tl -l:.. ..11 At.- l. : i.. i . .
" "" 18 u" 18 TWlulreu 10 lnKe .
go"" presmeniiai iimoer, men aooui " !
; least mm many expressea tne opinion
.that was simply repeated by Senator
pttvis, long before that gentleman w as
heard from on the auhiert
We .:,, Uie -:: t,at ,,o
tariff legislation will lie accomplished '
this session ol congress. Tlie house
cannot recede; the senate will not. and j
so the McKinlev bill w ill stand. How-
eyer the dpatches show that the cnl-1
j ruination of the tight has been reached, ;
and that a day or two at most will see ;
the matter definitely settled. !
"I want to say that I did everything in
.senator Hill defending President " power to prevent the Pullmun
Cleveland was a surprise to the country, j stri-te."
but it was no more astonishing than to ! He declared be had no voice in order
see the Oregonian suddenly turn tali on I '"l? '' Pullman strike, and said lie was
its time-honored habits, and actually
suggest that Portland and Oregon stand
in to assist Tacoma in her coming fair.
The Henaiw mil or Natulan.
A S II I I :Tl I V I t V '4 VI haiPlilall
aiu.m.ii, juiy .'i. inairiuan ,
Wilson arrived from West Virginia this
morning , and soon after rei-eived a mes- i
aam- from th ..ninn .. . 1
... . , .
evidence '
that the president was willing to let j
' ---- - ,
Chairman Wiilson and McMillin know woula "8nt out the battle along pouti
exactiv w hat his opinion was liefore the : cal liow- -PPwl'ng- to the liallot for res-
conferetii-e resumed. Whe.i the cull of;
Wii-oti at the White llue U-iauie
know n, it was felt on all sides that a i
settled policy on the part of the adminis- I
tration hail lxn ugntrd nn. and there
was an eagerness to n-irn which course1
it wouid take. There wa? un almost j Losiios, July 29. Money is still in
unaniiiioiis expression oi uieinlsrs that unprecedented abundance. Thore has
only two course were open iu view of ; been no change in rates. The plethora
the utlitude of the senate and the tie i has necouraged many issues of capital,
vote of yesterday, viz. : to accept prac-; The public, however, is too wary to in
tii ally the senate bill or to leave thejduce another indiscriminate company
McKiniey law stand. The e.v pressiotis ! promotion lsKira. The settlements at
were quite general thut us lietween the the stock exchanuo proved small and
senate bill, wit h such modifications as ! easy. The Corean crisi caused a re
could lie obtained, and the Mckinley i action in foreign securities which had
law, the president and W ilson would j been previously firm. The prospects of
reluctantly ad ept toe former, and thus I
end the legislative panic and avert the I
president are verv close, suid that while !
hi-could not speak with authority, he ,
hail no doubt thut an agreenent be- j
tween the conferees, even though it Ire
an acceptance of the senate bill with
some moderation, would be ac
in bv the nresident as the best thimrnh. i
tainabie. The president s letter to
Wilson, said this member, bad pointed 1
Tilt: l!i:ST. I out cjearly hat the choice of the presi
! dent hud lieen. hut it did not sro to tlie
extent of committing the president ir-
I revocably against the senate hi!l if"
al obtainable from a conference.
i Wilson Haw several incinlierB "I the
: house during tl.o early purt of the day,
, ami hile avoiding a direct commitim
) , . ...
on the fisl.l N le.. the hou-e and the
, annate, tl.o men,!.., nhtuincil tlie im-
coal, iron and sugar. There is no
I doubt of rmi.nm.Viae. on manv of the
I other at'liedules. llthe1 three items
the hi.ue itiemliera feel that then- inav
iH, m,n( slight change in the
rates, although the substantial lVatiires
will stand. It was significant in this
particular that a leudiug democrat of
the house, w ho expected to start tunight
ou a campaign tour, prepared h's
gpeeciies ou a basis of practically the
, B,.n;ltt. scneuuics on sugar, iron ami com,
, Ti,e lonse .lemiK-ratic conferees went
j to the wav8 anj meill,g rouiniiai.iou alter
j Uie ,era! conferenTO with the -ennUir
' lllti ,.n,iwi. Xhe Btrav niemlierH
: vmnorg retired and the four house
ferees held a secret session. It a the
gr!,, tjuiu tiev ,a,i Im,t in this wuv, and
.h,.t tl,w r.r.iihli.ari ron-
I feiees would be called
1 meeting on Monduy.
at tlie next
At 1 :.'10 the session of the house con
ferees) had assumed iinportaut proKir
tions, and it was regarded as the timing
point of the tariff struggle. The four
i h(j(, down or a ,ong ,,, it WIW
Kl illl'Pll tA ilax'ision IllsiVWIllUnt. Tt tllH
sliJ bv n , 0 kuow U(e
j Mft q( atraira dofced (lwr9 lat
the meeting would last until 3 o'clock.
i i l rl ti-:i
id hi three
1 associates were face to face with the
I plain proposition of whether or not they
would accept practically toe senate nut
DVITrU, UUb lb IB NIU fclinfc illt Ulilll
. . . . .
ngwer j,, lnts decisive question was not
m.i t. u. 1 u.. .l.. 1
conferees separated. The democrats of
the conference will meet Monday agaiu,
and possibly in the afternoon the repub-
WHO 1IU83IUII III lUC Mlitll IlifUll fcl
Iic.n meInber. will be called in
Ifb ia Ta rrr Haote
Tki:ke IlArTE, July 20. Packed like
sardines were the people who listened to
Iiebs in ttie opera bouse tonight. Ieb
said that he had alwavs been in favor of
arbitration and opposed to strikes until
the gauntlet was thrown down and an
effort made to crush organued labor;
that there was a time when not to strike
meant degredation and dishonor, and
this was that time, fie made quite a
lengthy address ami was vociferously
applauded. His statement was:
unalterably opposed to strikes. He
quoted from Chicago paper of May
1)3, which showed, he said, that the
general managers of the roads bad at
that lime so organized themselves that
Bl UIJ4.lli:ill. llllftCE UU Wt'I I UU U
. i ...
Chicago would Vie forced. Delis entered
'rr?c'y into 'he political features of the
strike and declared himself a populist.
this would lie the last strike ia which he
"hould engage, and that hereafter he
tilution of the laborers right.
Money la Still
In t npraearlaalad Abun
dance. war caused liKie disturbance in the ell-
ver market or eastern exchange.
Ecu a -
Vn.arii an rnilj ae-neli,a '
or less depressed during the whole week,
and at the close were flat.
liona on ita Mtti.
Washington, July 31. The house I
be avoir. f iTftir.;.' .f..u.d tn . '
to the senate miliion-dollar thistle .n-1
propnat ion. 1
N I'minn fr th llou.a. j
Wsiiim.tos, July ?.So plan of
nriH-ediire has liecn arranged for the
i house of represciiUtivcn us
' Crisp wants to keep the whv clear for
the tanlt bill, if an aiireel it can lie
reached. The only business set (or the
! week is the I'linaton-Mnore contested
election case, Wetlnesday. The etitioii
I circulaleil by Springer for a democratic
j caucus Tuesday, is likely to cut an im
! iHirtutit lignre in the week, unless
! Saer Crisp and other leaders succeed
' in having the caucus abandoned.
Much feeling has arisen over the caucus,
j for it is construed as a reflection on the
I house conferrees. The latter are up hi
1 arms and there is promise of wunu
ierMiua1 controversy if the ca icns is
I Cum HurMril up l Kaunas.
" Toi-kk , .Inly t!fl. lieports from Cen
tral anil Western Kansas are very dis
; coiiraging, in half of the Western part
I the crop is ruined, while in the central
a fuir crop w ill he raised miiy in sections
where local rains have fallen, 1 he com
in uiuiiy of the fields is burned tip, and
1 . - l. . .1 .. . a Ik.iHllil
I uuriiig ine 'asi inrri- ur, .....t ,
have wepl over the wetern half of
j Kansas, leaving destruction in their j
i nath. The temperature was over I0O'
degrees at many places.
Klllrrt an S:i.losOm
Chk io, July 111. Three men were
j killed in an explosion today in the
i stone yards of I lal A Micpard at Haw
j thorite. s
i).. v. ,.,:. in. k" Iiif l'ii.
Ol ll-T I".
)ii ::.
hi . f;:ir
i nr. ii vc:t.s ii's I.' :'iri :.ii ,
! , is...! h . I. ..relv -d . b -r
; IimI lii.ii .-If i'p :i 'li
l ! K "MM tn Im- II .'II c.llile 1"
rn.ithiT. ns busy i
mit.-rimr her ibwers. bv n-murhlng: i
i:.-;i-t i iinl evenil!!.'. M H
fii sh the hn-i i-s lire Ihis i vclillij.'
till. .." va.-. tin ri'di'-r t.harp reply:
tli v lire nteliv fresh, hut th
a fri-.h ii-. that niiint v. r settin' in: it
ai. mil on "iNint t.-n miiintes uiru.
An I
. ,, 1 1, . 1,
liniMiinfiirtitiile 1 xprvMtiii KjireiKt HM-II
I .v'- the iiiiinteitalPT of that voting
I man. luit the votinjr huty jiit then put
in un upjs-iiru uce Hint invited our hem
to t:ike h s4-at in the hiiiniiuN-k. which
ii:-.-i":il ion he refused by wiyiii(f: "I
llcin'. Voir very Itincli. .Itilin: but, tak
inir all thtnifs into ciuisiih-ration, 1
luiMii I'll uf irk to the pin:.u."
Varleliea lf I'lltalliea.
The potato, ixi lonif a staple fosl, ha
developed iilmont inniimeriible varie
tleK. l-'orty lire eunily ilistint'iiishable,
but then" are many others w ith hlight
ami iilmoxt impereeptible differeneeK.
Tli-re an- uinelii-u varieties uf the
uhitt- potato in America, eightetn in
(ii-nuuny. twenty-nix in tireat Ilritaiu
n:id thirty-two in Krnnoc.
th Warla'a fair far rirtawa lU
Von receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, we will
mail yon prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of the world's Colombian exposition,
the regular price ia fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one, we make the
price nominal. You w ill find it a work
o' art and a thing to be prized. It con-
! :... I.. n nin..,i
tains full page views of the great build-
, ings, with descriptions of same, and is
I ,, , , .
executed in highest style of art
II not
satisfied with it, after you get It, we will
refund tlie stamps and let yuu keep the
book. Address
H. K. IlOCKLKS iV Co..
Chicago, III.
A .Iapanksi; host or hoste-j. never in
trusts the making if tea to the wrv
oiitu on company occamou. father
he or hhe premrea the deewtion in the
pn-M-neeJ nf the irnests.
llaafneaa tanaal ba ;arwd
By local applications, as they cannot
reach thu diseased portion of the ear.
Thete is only one way to cure Deafness, 1
and that is by constitutional remedies, j
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- j
dition of the mucous lining of the,
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets j
inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or j
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely I
cloned I leaf ness is the result, and nuless
the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to ita normal condi-
tion hearine will I destroved fnrem-
"earing win tie uesiroyea lorever ,
nine cases out of ten are caused bv
catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
a i i
... " ........wrrn.
He will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Iieafnesa i caused by catantr
that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh !
Cure. Send for circulars, free. '
r . J . v ii r.y r. l t;o., loletlo, t).
"Sold by Ihrnggists, 7.':.
We have made arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with Tiir. Ciiromclk. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian
and N. T. Tribune for our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members of Tim Ciihonk i.x family.
Doth pajiers, the Weekly Examiner and
fcrwi-WKKKLr Ciiiiomci.k will lie fur
nished for one year for fl.'.:, cash in
Taaehara' Kaamlnatlon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may offer themselves
as candidate for teachors of the schools
of this county, tlie county school super
intendentjtherenf will bold a public ex
tninaUon at his office in The Dalles be
ginning Wednesday, August 8, 1894, at
1 o'clock p. m.
Dated this noth day of Jaly, 1894.
Tor Snr.i.i.EY,
dw County School 8npt., Wasco Co.
M.I.,;rr.Twy"i7 lITrorma,
Chills and fever, congestive chills, can
lie prevented or cured by the nse of
Simmons Liver Uegulator, a purely veg
etable medicine, tuperior to calomel and !
quinine. I
One of His Experiences.
For tlilriv-elirlit . vramrapt. Loud fnllowH
tlicM-n, iiuxt of llml llnie a- master nl a m-
-l mid omui retlrhia from Mw r,lfr
nfiliiO-d li lie- iMs-reiary of Hie I nlieu Siaim
1'reasurv t lla rlnlfliil the simiI It-lii rli-. In
Alaska, which ltloii tie lielil hvo yiiiira. Us
n lllll-SOMP -mTHMIMJ m
I nr aroinil vi-iirs I had Iss-ii tr.xilil mtti
reiu-ral iH'rvoosiiesa and aln In th rviuin
t iiiv heart. I)T ureaie-l iitlllellni, M
kiltkinaN; tl wua iilmuai Inipuonllile atanj
mutt ti.olitaln nsik and aleep. Iluun
I ir. Miles' n-modhst dvrrtlsl 1 Ih-siiii ii.ii l
Nervine. Afler tuklim a smull i)nniliv HA
he ne lit rernlved was mi irretit llml I iiwh
Hvelv alarmed, IlilnklnS tlw remiMly rin.
allied iiiiIuk-m which would llnally In- hiliirt.
mis to me: liul mi l"-ln Bsnms-d ly lhe ilrut
Kli that It was perfectly harinli-s I i-imiii.
lied it toaellwr with lhe Heart un-. Ti d 17
I cun coiix'leiiiloonly any Hun Hr AIIIi h' Kh
sliirullve Nervine mid New Heart t un- tiiil
oiorv for me Ihnn aiiyililnu I had evf r in tun,
I had IsM'n tis-i.n tl hr emliieni hYaii iuna
In Ni-w Vork and Mm I'mm-isco a lihnui tx-n-elli.
I owe my iin-x-m ! health to tin
Judli'lmiailseof thran linail valuahle n-meihea,
and heartily rwoiiiuieint t lit in to all arttli-iea
as I w.-w." fant. A. I". I.iai'1. llinisl.-o. Me.
Ir. Miles' Keatiirnttve Nervine ami Seal un
arvaold hyall drumrlaiaon a rMlilvKnnrui
tee. or hy lr. MiUsi .Meilu-ul .. Klkiian,
liul.. on receipt of price, SI rx-r lajlf le, nr an
laittltMi fur 6. ripresa nrepuld. Tliey an
f rev from all opiates and dutiaeroua drum.
N.itliM- l hi-n-liy irlven. that iiinli-r ami hv nr
Ine ol a a rll 11I eiisHilhin tiitil mil of the I irrntl
I nlirt of In- Slal.- nl lirivn ftir Waslsi ri-umj.
nn lhe llllli ilsy el Jill. IV1. Ilsin a llilniil
Siven anil rei ili-ml in sul't l iiiirl anil eaui en
Inv '.-ii iIhi nl Mureh. 11, nun ruri.lletl and iliwk
eut theieiu nu im- .itli day of March. Is-M, In
1 ean-T w hen-iii .hiii a. inn u pimmm
1H, 1v,r wn. ,,., . nml t innli anil rumtiniuilttiK Hit- i levy iimiii ami
ell tin- prnfsrtv nl Die muiI ilefeuiliiiit, II. ll
frtVl.tT. er miieh tlieril a niav Is- ms--ary
tii MMlInf -alii uiilnieiil ami is t , I mil on Uts
'.nth ilay'iit Julv, wo. leiy iiniii the inits-rt
hvreluafti-rdeM-rlDeil a lh- priirafrtv n( aaiU 4r
Iriiilaul, U. I), ' ami will ou Tliursila),
lh .loth day -t Augumt, 1H94,
at Un- hiiur nl Umi i-'rlm-k A. M., at the mutt
hems' diMir lit liall.s ( in. In mn'.ti W mtii fiHiut,
Onir-n. s-ll at tmhlH all'-llntl In fhehlsliest hm
der htr rash lit halul, all the r sill, till- and la
tetssil ol the anu! II. II. lavhir, In ami tilth
aid prvinlsisi, wloeh he hail on sulil .1th ilaf H
Jlaieh. 1!. er has miii- a-.Uinsi, nr mi murli
thertsti a mav U- nNMHrir t atiflaly aalil hiflff
metit nl Sl.iT.i.ili. Willi Inlermt at a per isnt., and
lh further atim ul t.s, iri enaU ami illnliurar
Bienta, and tut roaia ami etpeiiMw nl Hits writ.
The liilliiwlus la a ileaenittiuu uf Ilia pmpvrv
abnva retorosi ti, ami whieli will hv wiliI at th
lima alift ptae and uimiii Ilie Urrma and cuinli'
tliilla nlMivr menl tuned. Pi wit
I. The arviltll ball u( the nnrhat quarter,
Ilia northweat ftiarter id the nnrineaai iuarw.
and the mrlresMt iliarteruf the liurltiwrsliiiar
hr of Ms-tnifi In Uiwiixhip 1 nurth, rause IS
aat, W lllamtitle Meridian, in Vacv ruuaty,
l.U 7 and V In hhek. !. in lllavhiw-'a llluff
Aililtthin In liallea itv, WaM-oi-iHinU.lirvsiHi.
I :i. 1 hat eertain iilaee railed the .VlelhnmUl
j place, the aame lielw; lhe pnipet-tr rsiuveyrd te
ii. U. Taylor bv p. A. MelMinahl and wile, ami
tielag mora parUeiilari dearrllal aa fnlliiwa
' ( iiniim-neliiK nl a isiiiit 111 the mirth iMiununry
Hue nl hae A I.IImmiii aililltlnn pi liallea City,
nu chain anil lilieen link easterly Irula In
tiorthwisit enriier of nli Nee A IiIImiiii n ailill
Hun and riiniltltc tlivue w ply ahms the Mill
mirth iMMlliuary Hue il Neyee A (iltiai.ll'a ail'll
liiiu.lwiilniiulr-d anil ten leet.mnreiiT lesa.ti. s
' ,,, u.ury im. ..I a I n ..I laud nmvuyni
I r Jam. Kuit.m nml n p. i-riM-uia wniwn.
lo a U.ssl rs'irliiK ilau the 'J7ih day nl t'ehrtiary,
. si, reurild nn psne -.-ll, l-.-s.t i, uf Reninui m
j IhI nf Wbm.ii rsiuiity thetiee iHirtharly anil
i ahniK aiiirl w.siirii tmiinilsry hiieol the sid hit
! ifineveit p. l-risetiia Wiii.,,ii, ami s liristu. lion
nr eiiulliiiiatluii tlu-nsit P a situl w hen- the hn
so eiiiitluti.'d wimiIiI luterseet th nuiithweab-m
iMiumlnry hue nf street Innl nut hv the author)
tie uf iitll"l lty null eallasl r ullim Sln-et. il
aid nuthwatt-fi! buitmlHrv Hue ul Mid ulpin
atrwt w.-r priNlueeil nun eotitlnunt to sm-h In
lera e'Jnn: inn rlirlit line I., ami almis
the nl'l Milllhw.s.tern iMiiitiilnrt uf I ulloll stnsit
pi the point when the nm tliterM-ta theeaul
ern tsiliiulsry Hue ol Hie Inuil owned h r.t
woilllml tlieui-e Miulherlv aluus the easumi
Intern aaul lnd riwrneil by W cutworm Lord to
lhe plaee ol l innliif. .:rs-.iinr tiereirom a
strip of land thiny teei In width oil the east sole
nf ald Irset. whlrh ha Is-en l-.iniayed p. Iinllm
l It) lor lris-t ,nn-. -.aid land (vlii anil tie
tnsr In lalle i tiy. tt ts-n em.iitv. (irrttoli.
liall I'll), (infill. Jul) Ii. I-. T. J. imvi:i:.
SliniH of l aseu Coiitily, (lieKuii,
Nolle la herepy rl ven that under and hv virtue
ol an eaeriitlun, ..u, t nf ,r cm nil I uu rt
"I the SUP ol Ut...ii lot W aaco I ounlv. on tie
'.'laldsy nf July, imi, uu.,u H deem, rivii and
rendered In anul i-.uirt on tn 7th di of .hily.
sut. In a rauae wherein u. V. ItiiU.m wn. tilaia
tlir nml l.u.llv Ik Kln-hnrt mid am re Clm harl.
Karl Klii.-h.rt, ( rl ;iuehart and -illlii -.n
.. . "" enardlnn ad litem. . II
,.i.,m. wen- del. nil.nil. and lo me ilirveieii
ai. ii ueuvereii, ana iomniaiMllii( me to eti's
liieum ui l.-l-ow, with lllp-rest th-re.,1, nl the
rat of s p.T ismt per annum from said Tth day
oi jiiiv. ll. ami 1 -J, in n. ....... - . a
I I -ci-ta.,f .uuami aeeriun i,y a.niui,
'" ,"M' mnnm-' irou.hst i iw h.r' tu.-..Or ol
rlirdTKn". ''r,'"
r.lmmart. .arie Kineh.rt' . J",
runup rule hull lu ami to l,.l. ' -II ' ami
-I." In Inilura (.rami View Addition to hallrx
Ity.ln Wa-en l oiinty. state of
In to theiiltieial plat theieof n ti.e Mlnr ap
J.rarsrrf rer-urd within nnd lor ald I ounlv am!
Slap-; I will on I hurwlin, Alln- l. II. ill
the hour of hi o elia-a a in , at lhe eouri Iuhim
disir tu Iwlleat ttv. in .hiiI i oiiiiit and MPik-.
sell at pilhhc aiiethm to the hlK,est PliMer Inr
cash In hand, all Ih rttihi. title and lut.restuf
'.''.' '"l.iiil. In nml p. the above named
and d.x-rilsd .n nil..s i.r ,, miieh iheieol an
may h iv-wwj , aaliMy the .un.- nls.w
I'kII.-s l it-, (in ii.iii, jl) -jmI, l:n
.. , i J. I'l:l kk.
Jli . .,1 Kh-rurof Wnwi oMun, iireaon
v-i m
Furniture and Carpets.
We have added to our businea
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no w ay connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, otir price wll
m low accordingly.