THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JULY 28. 1894. $ OUK SiHMJL-ArJ JN! UAL, I HRHNCE SATURDAY, JUliY 28th, 1894. SPECIAL GREAT REDUCTIONS XJST- Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, SHOES, HALT'S, ETC. This sale will be conducted on the same lines as our former sales, which have been so successful. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. Bald by Boom Member. Washington, July 25. The action of the WMiate caucus was received wi h much tatisfaetion by members of the house, and throughout the evening they gathered at the public centers and dis cussed the prospects of a speedy settle ment. Although the jreneral under standing of the members was that the senators had not yielded on iron ore, and had only discnsed a reciprocity clause on coal, yet the tendency was so strong for a termination of the struggle that there was no crilicieni of what the senators were expected to do. Springer aid that the caucus action would readily le accepted by the house, as the point had been reached where the house wanted a hill without any further wrangle over details. This tendency in the boose to end the controversy was very marked today and was participated in by members who have heretofore been ooyielding. I KsxrretarT Dad No Authority to Maka the Withdrawal. "Wahhington, July 25. The secretary of the interior today rendered a decision on motion for a review in the case of the northern Pacific Eailway Company vs. Jennie L, Davis, involving the question decided by Secretary Vilas in the case of the said company vs Gulliford Miller. In the case of Miller it was held by Secretary Vilas that under the grant of the Northern Pacific Railway Company there was no authority vested in the ecretary of the interior to make a with drawal of indemnity lands for the bene fit of said company. The decision today rendered by Secretary Smith sustains the ruling laid down by Secretary Vilas. This decision will affect titles to the home of many hundreds of settlers in j the Pacific states. ' ONE MAN'S LUCK. It Brought lllm a 1'rtie of Money Whloh Kullied 111 Life. Of a former metnWr of the lire de partment of l'rovuleiiee. IL I., who died a short time since by his own hand, it was said by ,ne press and by many of the people that "his fortune was his misfortune." Three years jiiyo this man was a sober and valued tin-man. earning a pood living by a useful life. Then he drew a "prize" of eiyht thousand dol lars in a lottery. He left the tire de partment, intending' to "go into busi ness,:" but with thisunexpected and un earned money in his hands, he fell into dissipation, and in three years had spent nearly all the money. Then, while under the influence of liquor, or when recovering1 from it, he crept into a dark attic and cut his throat. The doctors .said that the wound was not of such a character that a strong1 man need have died from It; but this man had so debilitated his system by excessive drinking that the loss of much blood ended his life. Such was the conclusion, therefore, of one man's "pood luck" in drawing a lottery prize. There have been many cases in the country in which similar "luck" has lieen followed by personul disaster almost if not quite as great. uul foc'eiiing".' What faith can ito these? Our gria our great affections, tin ur life, never leave lis. Mire M:r!M fill heart thoughts. t-utli ,,f ly they cannot le separate from iu consciousness: will follow it whither soever they shall go. and are. of thei nature, divine and immortal. Thacke raw When Baby waa sck. we gare hvr CVuooHa. When the van a CbiU, aho cried for Quturia, When she became Mia, the ciuog to Cactorta, When sue haul OUidrcn, the gam Umn Caatortv SHERIFF'S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE. liy virtue of an execution him! iMer i unie l uti our ii tin- tin-nil imrt nl thf Stmc nf tlrv )h iiuMaM1!) county. liiii h tli-rv Mint tiuU- cnl itiHilc. rfiiilfrtil mill rnteml hv saiil court (icnrrttnicut. State YOU WITT or Dalles Military Road Lands, II til" list day .1 May. l-'M, Hi favor ..( the ' a. -m- - Viniiititt, in a .nit iicr.iii K. :. omst.s k was I T T v -a. ( - I 1 -w Tv """ ,v n. plaliititr un.l tirorite W 1UI anj hinllv 1 1 1 1 I I i ( ) i 1 f 1 I II Jf JM ore tl.fen.laills. ami to me ami .1,- - VJ A s a,, roinnianilliiK me to levy iiiui and avll : SueeeMor tti Thonibury A IIiulMin, The Flrat of the ferala Fleet. Astouia, Or. July 23. The British ioar-masted bark Crofton Hall, 2040 tons, the first of the grain fleet of 18!M, arrived in tonight in ballast, after a fine bat uneventful passage of 37 days from Shanghai. On the Crofton Hall's last voyage to the Columbia, she was in command of Captain Evans, The for matter it will be remembered, when be left the Crofton Hall, took command of British steamer running to the west coast o' Africa and died of vellow fever shortly afterwards. Killed Hta Slater sad Father. BiBHiNcnAM, Ala., July 25. John Collins, a market gardener, last night thought he be heard thieves in his gar den and started to investigate. He was beard bv his daughter Maggie. Mrs. Collins beard the two, and supposing them to be thieves, arroused her son William, who took bis gun and shot fcoth father and daughter, The former is dead and the latter is dying. 1 As Old Haldler Head. Hillsbobo, Or. July 25. Captain Erskine Carson died here today. Death was due to a ballet wound received in the battle of Bull Run. Captain Car con was the author of the famous dis patch to Governor Foraker, asking the latter not to surrender any rebel flag j while be was governor. taORD Eosr.RKRT once introduced a ! fcill to substitute an elective senate for ! the house of lords. lie ia said to be ' heartily in favor of removing the veto j power of the lords. I Maitf.i. Gaiu;ia, who taught Jenny j Land, is still teaching, slthouph he liefran his ninetieth year March 17. TllE last descendant of the French pirate Jean Hart, Mme. Teisud, ha died at Ihinkirk. Jttirs Cesar was ashamed of his bald head, and when it became shiny he constantly wore a laurel wreath. Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent .serious coii.seiitiences. Indigestion, cosiivcnr.SK, headache, nau sea, hi 1 lous iness, and ver tigo indicate certain func tional derange ments, the best remedy for which is Ayer's Tills, l'urely vege table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar macy, ilrs. if. A. Duck Ktvhi.u Harris, Term., nays: "Aver's Cathartic PUN cured me of ick headache and my liuabaml of neuralgia. We think there U No Better Medicine, and have Induced many to ute it. "Tblrty flve years asso tins Knrini. I a. run down hr hard work and a uceessmn of (olds, which made me so leehk- that It n.'i an effort lor me to talk. I roniultrd the doctors, but kept linking lower until I had ffttcn up sll hope of ever Ix-uig letter. Happening to be In a store, one day. wlicrc Kdicines aere sold, the proprietor imtin-d any weak and sickly appearance, and. after a few questions as to my health, rcrom Bended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had Mile faith in these or any other medicine. Imt concluded, at la;t, to take hia ail vice and ir a box. Before I bad used them all. I a ery much better, and two boxes cured me. I am now so years old; but I believe that U It bad not been for Ayer's Pills. I Mum Id save been In my crave lonj; aeo. I buy c boxes every year, which make 10 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be . Un cut them than without bread." It. I' Intraham, IIockLind, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared hj Dr. J.C. Aytr kCo., Lowll, Hut. Every Dose Effective ny tirtiit! nf an execution luncil mil nf the i riicutt l ourtot thenuitrof tireym tor Waeo ; niiuty. in a milt ineiin pendinr wherein K I-! Smith i plauiiitl nud ! V. liitrrion. eophi M. ' ; Haruoin. Inuini W smith, John Klixternmn. K. Pi. Ijiraen, dolns buiueK under .he mime of ' , K. H. Im mu A Co., Jnhn I.. Miller. Kmiinuel , Miller nil Jnmea II. M mt. parlneoi dolus tul i I uemi under the tlrro n.iiii.-ul Jnnn 1,. Miller A i (... John Miirhy, Adnm l,rnt. J. U. (.runt nd 1 J. T. Kord, prtituerH done. bofcttieM ut.der tlie tirm nsme of Miirphv, irnt & Co.. mnetn. : oediun, I'ratt 4.nipany. a rorporatiiiii : r M. . iiendtimoii a; Co., a tonoTMtnnt : A. fc. Henneit and t. A. Ilartuin are dvf'iii.inl. on tlie i,ih day ol July, stM, I will mn at Public Anctiii t.i I the hurlim bidder furcali In haiid.nt tliei :(.iirt , Ihxiwd'ur in iHtllea Ciiv. ummi.mi the tirt day of ,-pieIn rjeri IS'h. at the hour of 2 o el. ck in the afternoon of Mid dar.ali of the riuht. titl ami interest of men a..d all of the above , naninl l(eii!anl in anil I.. the full.iwniK Ue l Triljeil real tmi rty lyinjr and uluale m Hawu on my. oreron, Ut it: All of loia one. two, three, foil-, twentv five. I twentv lx, twenty-xv. n and IweutviKnl in j li.-k four of Maticuma Addition to the town of ; l!l Itiver . alx lola o.. and twonf ,i.x (our ; in VV i nana Addition to ll. i,,wn i f ll.l Kivet ; . alo b.-k two and lot one In bhs-k f"nr in tne ! town of I'arkuumi. T. J. liKIVKl;. i jyjs .it bherlff ol IVvni i.ounty. Or. i ' ' i Notice to Creditors. all the lands mentioned and di-eritsi In lfl writ, and neteliialter d.-crlbed, I did on the l.'th ! dnv of June lvl. duly lew uiiu.and will ell at I Mililir aui'tion to the hnclieit lioliler forcali In hand on iheusth dar o( July. 1'1. at -.'n clock , in the afternoon of mii'I dav at the fiont d..r of I tne I ouiity Court lloiiw in lalle I'v, m Wasro I eoilutv. ortvou. all of the land and prennea ! d.iKrrird in aald writ au.l liieiu ilewrlued aa I followHtowit: ! Lot 3, 4, S, and vmtlieait uuart.T (',) of j northwest uarter ( ,) u an iiou u oil, town hip one il) ton in. ranife nlt-ii (1) eat, W M.. colitainliis I. II. 77 aeiea of bind, tttuateil, lyin and b.'inr in Kami county, lirexon. ( l.srv:ther ith the tenenicntH. hereditament ami i apptirtcnaueen iliereunto he ouxtiir tir ill anv j wi-eapp riaininfr.or ao mut?h therei.f aa ahall be ' uthcient til m'Wj the Mini of llxi.luwith inter 1 et thertsm at the rate of s ireeut. alnce the .Hat j of May, IHM. and f.M atlorneyi feea and I'.".' .il Ct,N in aatid anil liarether with thecostaol aald ; writ nod aerming rta of Mile, j lialed at laUt!(. II) . UrKon. Jun.' .". A D T. A. WAK1), I Hherifl'of tVauMirtiuutv, orev.m. 83 Washington St. THE DALLES. OR. II you want Information cnncemlnar (invent nient lands, or tri- lawa rvUtiua thervhi. you can consult him tree ol charirc. ileliaa made a a cialty nf thla biislnem, and haa praclicsd l-(or.j the l iilted Htatss 1-and Offliw for otttr tu yoaxa. lie la Acnt for the Kaatcm Oreiron land Company, and can aell vou (irailiut, or I n Improved Arrlcultnral IjamU In any quantity draiml, and will acud a I'aniphlet denrlblus those- lands to auymio applying to him lor it. He la Aareiil trr aa e of lota In Tlioapansi'a Audi -non to The liallea. Thia Addition la laid of) la acre. Iota, and Htsatlned to be the principal mi dentw part of the cny. (mlv &i niiiiuiea' walk from Courtiioiiiss 10 minute. I rum U. K. laepot. Mettlera Located on Govamraaal Laada. -If you want to Morrow Money, on Lone or Hhort time, he eaa aorutaiwiuriate yum. Write rire, Life, and Accident I nan ranee. If yon cannot call, write, and your letter will be promptly answered. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice i hereby given that by an order of the County Court ol tho Hiate of (msrnn forVtatvo county, niadenn 1 ein red mis l:itn nay of June, 1-etl, in the inutttY of the ra ate of V llllnm H Wilful, Mo- dav, July It;, Wt, at the hour of lo ov.'k A. 3.I., was ilxed a- the time and tiie County Court hoom of Mid county aa the place for the hcuring of the final account of tiieeieciltor of the last will a-d Ulament of aid rtetniaed all "nn havinc anv objections to tuttd linal account anil lo the aettlement of aid c-itale are dir.-ele.! to appear at aald time and place, then and there to atn.w call?, If any there be. why aald linal account ahouid not be approved and said eute aettbtl. jnnlti II. b. Ill NTIXC.TOX. hxecutor. XOTICK FOK ITHUCATIOX. Notice In hereby riven that the und'-rtiirned ha by the County t;. urt nf tne nute of Krevon forvtac county, in prottste, la en nppoiutrtl i administrator of theestaleot Ausust lieilt-faeii i dec-aard. All havinr claims gi ; aio esuiie are nereny reuired to pre ent them, with proper vouch. n. to me at the law oltiee of conri-.n A I ouilon, 1 he 1 li-a. Ortuon, within sis niotilharom the date of this notice. Itetl July a, I-. j HANS I.AtiE, Administrator. NOTICK FOK 1'U BLICATIOX. Ilia r. H. Ijso OfTICi, The lalltw. lit i Ju y i, Isoi t t.mpiaini pavinarbeen entered at thiaoftiee 7 rrans xiaione Kirmnst JonnViedt for aban 'loninc hl homentead entrt. No. 4:iti, daied March -. r... upon the K'hW',. N4 hW. and nWlf NWi,, Hec. lo I p. K H, R ! ' y j, e mi l oiiii'v. Mreiou. with a ri,;w to the can eeliation of uid enirr, the asid ps'tiea are bent by ummnned to appt ar at thia orllce on the pjth day of es-i.imber. lvn at lo n clock a. m , io re-pond and fuini-h Ultimo' y concerninir aaid allevl abandonine t K. M hhiitt. I1. S ( oin m..ioner, is aulhonicl to I.. .. t..-i..-, ttrevr.o, on e.u.-mijcr loot ha?k a. m. JAS. F IJth, i"-t, a MckiRK, Ktirisit..r. No'i.e of Administrator's Final Account. Notitr i. ht-rehr riven lhat J. W. Condon, ad of the estate of llarrlst.n I c m1 has r) et h' llnsl account of the a inilnis tnitlonof aald ea'ate with theclerk of tbet ounly Court nf h.. ho. to of Orevon. f..r V, aaco ountv, and that aaid Court ' aa apt-ojnbsl 10 n'eltak m M .ndav.Meetemher atl, lX. belli the first dav of the reen ar eeptember term of ld Court for the year lM. at the Cunt Court House in Italics lty. tire. on. as the ,me and pla e for fe heatr'inr of objection- to such linal aeeoimt and Ihc settlement therettf. This notice is puhll-b-d hv order of iald County Court made and entc d Ju y 77th. liy4 J. W. " ONIioN, Administrator. I.rr (tmcr. The Italics. Or., May 11. IWH. i (omplaint having been enteretl at this office r Johann Ci rlselicr arainst the heirs at law of llllam 31. Mtirpha. dts-eaaetl. lor abaednniii Kntry, No. 4..71, datetl (tctola-r lid N'5 bi hec lllltv. (ir. von. with view to the cancellation of aaid entry: the aid jasrties are hereby summoned toappearat The liallea. (tregim, on the nth dav of Jul v, ivt,at ocl.a-k A. M., to respond and furnish te-timony concerning, aaid alleged alaindou JOHN Y. I.KVV i. J'ne9 Kegistcr. 1-'. Ii-M, upon the N'.hK';, II, 1 p 1 N, It 10 t.. In Vt aseo county. Or. goli.t TDg ColumDia PaGkiD3Go., Familiar Faces in a New Place C. K. BAYARD, j. k. HAKNETT J.ale Special Agrnt (Jentrat Land Ofiict. Brctrci cfi? Barnett, Ji?e FJeal Estate, Ijoar?, Iurarjee, COLLECTION ACENCY. 3 TJ BLIO. Partie huvinK I'mperty they wiali to K.-I1 or Trwle, Houaea to listnt, or AUtruct of Title, will find it to their advantago to call on us. We shall make a Bpetialty of the prowfeution of Claim, -and Contot lieforo tho Unitep Stut- Lntiil OiTiee. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. PACKERS OF Tug CiiKOKicLC I'rint all the FOR SALE OR TRADE A FINE IMPORTED French Percheron Stallion. WXtrM In Korvi flf?h .r4jn pnwin, nnti fur Fo. (rtti-r. Hit wMI r.rretfMh it iiotM with jippmvrd MTtirii), will lrw) Utt hyxpr ur cttc A4dre & Buckleyt (Jtasa Vallev, Or. Pork and Beef HA.NUFACTUREKr) OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND 11 i Knceajwaorg to L. I). Frank, dwcamd.) - ici3srxs . 1U1U faciu OF Ban illllf, ill flllfll Dried Beef, Etc. W. H. YOUNG, (ineral Blaekainithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbirt Street, opp. Uclie's aids tani. A General line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIEino PBOMPTL7 NEATLY WMcsale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Dorse Blanicts, Etc. lull Assortment of Meiican Saddlery Plain or Stamncd. HECOND STREET. .... THE DALLES. OK THE DALLES LUMBERING CO.. INOOHPOHATKD ISeie No. G7 Washington Street. . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Dealer, and Manufacturer, of Boilding Material ud Dineision Timbtr, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Ik FareLsJiinp, Etc Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. rftCtory X-oaatjaor Tard t Old Pt. I3all. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city.