The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 28, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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Clubbing List.
The Ciiuusui.t, which gives the newt
twice a week, ban '"lo arrangements to
...iltli the following publications, and
(HUM - "
oilers two r on year for little more
than the price of one :
llcifiilMr Our
lirliw price
Amxb J . 1 ''" 2.ri0 11-70
ft,H.'U 8.00 2.00
iintuU ni Cooi'poliUi lifaiiw ... 3.00 S.25
Mrdiimlay' Pally
The Arlington National linnk closed
itx doors yesterday.
Tliu furry boat is now making her
landings at the moiitli of Mill creek.
Xhn Regulator brought ii another
coimignmcnt of can lt night. The
wbiirf i OHml witli them.
The freight ut the (Ktrtagu wus all
Weaned up Monday, no that shipment
now come through from Portland with
out delay.
The Regulator did not get iu IunI
night until 10 :!U) o'clock, Iwing delayed
ut the Lock", where she took on two
,-arl"cl of freight for the O. R. A X.
1 Tho I'ile driver ii at work replacing
the treNtle across Mill creek. This
thoiild be iiniMheJ tomorrow. If o, the
read will be open to the other aide of
The lily recorder had u nice little
lumily party of twelve before him this
ui'irning. Seven admitted being drank,
two were discharged, two bad their ex
aminations continued until thin evening
and the other fellow wax the glass
A the chuneeh of the Wilson bill be
ing defeuted improve the price of wool
advances. One sale was made today at
nine end one eight renin, the highest
price reached thin season. Yesterday
we uiulerNtund the liest price paid wan
eight C'.llltH.
IjinI night a trilie of Improved Order
uf Red Men wun organised here, consist
ing of ("oino thirty uieinberN. The in
stitution km aitdly needed here, as the
present order of red nieu are not up to
that atandard where no improvement
ittiile made.
The first through train from the east
arrived thin morning at 10 o'clock. The
last gup to the east of ua wai cloned last
night, and though the roud ia not in
good condition it ia passable, and just a
fait n men can do it, it will 1 put in
first class shape.
F. M. Schuiert it the name of the
irascible German who smashed the
Umatilla house windows last night.
Ha was up before the city recorder this
murning charged with being drank and
diaordyrly, and was given the bigheHt
. penalty the recorder had on band, thirty
days in juil and fifty dollars fine.
Reports from Astoria are to tho effect
that another big run uf salmon is coin
ing. A single drift with one net yielded
It.IitMi pounds fur one man, while four
others brought iu 10,000 pounds. As it
takes the fish about two weeks to reach
this point from Astoria, the run will be
too late to do much good here, tho fish
ing seasou ending August 10th.
We print elsewhere Mr. Condon's
Htutemunt that the Gypsy got through
all right, and that the passengers en
joyed the trip. Incoming passetigers on
the Regulator brought (lie story hero
Mondny night that she was tied up at
Kl inilo point. The presumption is that
they saw the Kowena and mistook her
(or the Gypsy. This was quitea natural
intake, yet it shows the fallacy of
jumping at conclusions.
The steward and several of the wait
ers, four in ulL, from the Dalles City
uncliidyd they would take a bath Mon
day in the warm springs above the lower
Cuacudca. They took with them sev
eral demijohns for the purpose of bring
ing back some of the water. As the
time for the bunt to leave arrived, a
vigorous tooling of the whistles was
kept up for half an hour, but finally the
boat had to pul! out and leave two of
them, the other two finding their vay
hack. Yesterday morning, after spend
the night ia the woods, the others found
their way over the ridge and down to
the Regulator landing. The effects
would not have been worse had tliedem
deuiijohtis contained the pure old bug
TnurxlH)' I'oily
Firemun'sclectioii, Augustoth. Don't
forget it.
The Regulator took down quite a largo
shipment of wool this morning.
lUininess in the land oflice is rather
thick owing to everybody being at work.
It is proper for our boys to get to the
front now and lot the public know
whether we are to have ball club or
Quito a lurgo party of I'ortlandites
came up ou tho Regulator to White
Salmon, lust night and wont out to
Trout lako.
The sheriffs deputies are busily en
gaged tn preparing the delinquent tax
roll for publication. It will Ui printed
next week.
Yesterday the chain-gang was the.
largest we ever saw in Tho Dalles, thero
being at least a donen men at work on
the slroets.
Judge r.radshaw writes from the sea
ide that be is digging clams and having
grand time, from which we infer he is
much happier than the proverbial clam,
ven though that sqoirtolent bivalve be
high roller at high tide.
The river Is still 20 5 feet above low
water mark. This itself is a pretty fair
high water, but in the light of the 59.7
it looks like dead low water.
Fall grain is ripe, and the headers and
elf binders are putting It away in great
shape. The crop is now out of danger,
and will show up a phenomenally large
The Mazamaa, having successfully
scaled Mt. Hood, now proiose to leave
their hoof-prints on the eternal snows of
Mt. Jefferson's neva. It is said to be a
hard mountain to climb, but all things
are KMuble to a Mszama.
W. F. Ilorrin, chief counsel for the
Southern Pacific railroad, and who is at
present managing the company's de
fense in the snits brought against it bv
the U. 8. government, 1 the brother of
D. C. Herrln of this city.
Unite a mini her of men discharged by
the Union Pacific are still tin paid, and
are very much dissatisfied thereat. We
do not pretend to say where the blame
lies, but that the men should have their
money cannot be denied.
Hon. A. R. Uyrkett of Hood River,
who has a fine ranch at White Salmon
und one of the finest herds of Jerseys in
the Northwest, has moved all his cattlo
out to Trout lake on account of the grass
drying up near the Columbia.
Commencing Monday The Chiioniclk
will be printed in the building one door
north of the express office. The ma
chinery and plutit will tie moved Satur
day afternoon, which will compel us to
get the paper out early on that day.
Our neighbors over in Washington
are getting ready for the fall campaign.
In Spokane the county central commit
tee, republican, fixed the date for hold
ing the county convention for Septem
ber 17th, so that the race will be a short
The sudden chunge in the weather
yesterday did not suit some people, and
we heard one man, who to our knowl
edge hud been complaining of the heat
for week, taking the country, the
climate and B. S. Pugue to task because
it was too cold.
Orion Kinersly is responsible for the
story that one of the victims of circum
stauces which brought him before the
city recorder, explained the fact of his
lieing drank by saying that after be got
a dozen drinks he felt like another fel
low, and then the other fellow wanted a
The city recorder is still doing a good
business, fifteen gentlemen of elegant
leisure being up before him this morn
ing charged with being drank and dis
orderly, and two of them having the ad
ditional charge of fighting to answer for.
The were fined impartially, and are ru
minating on the beauties of an overdose
of corn extract.
F.lder J. W. Jenkins will preach ut
Dufur Sunday, July 2ltb. Subject of
the morning discourse, "The Young
People's Society of Christian Eudeavor;
Its Origin, Design and Growth." All
who are interested in the organization
of a Union Society of Christian En
deavor are requested to be present nt
the evening service.
The regular subscription price of the
Wleki.y Chiionici.k is $1.50 and the
regular pri of the Weekly Okkuoniah
it $1.50. Any one subscribing for The
Chiiomclk and paying for one year in
advance can get both Tux Chuonici.e
and the Wxfcki.Y Oiieooman for 2.00.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions a year in advance will be en
titled to name odor.
The city marshal ban fot-r men work
ing on the streets today. There are a
number doing time in tho city jail, but
they object to working for the city.
The marshal has udopted a rule of no
work, no eat, and those w ho refuse to
work get three square meals, consisting
of bread and water. It is sale to say
that none of them will want to get line
in order to get boarded.
Mr. Cohen, the proprietor of the
alleged stage line running to Govern
ment Camp from Portland, is the author
of the lie telegraphed over the state, to
the effect that the stage bad beou robbed
and the driver killed. As a liar Cohen
can no longer be classed as an amateur.
He by a single leap reached the summit
as a professional. Should somo stage
robber take a center shot at him we will
cheerfully write hiui an obituary that
will make him glad that be is dead.
Friday's lmuy.
John Fitzgerald, the genial janitor uf
the courthouse, is painting the iron
fence around the courthouse yard. Ho
is making it a deep glossy black, he says
to suit the now oflicers.
The train arrived from the east this
morning in time for the passengers to
take the boat. In coiiHequenco the
Regulator had a largo passenger list, as
yesterday's train was late.
Tho city marshal lias had a do.en of
his best men at work on Second street
today, as we suggest elsewhere, and the
improvement is wonderful. The city
ought to set up the beer and got the
Itoys full again.
Wo have received several notes inquir
ing concerning the railroad situation,
many farmers being anxious about the
graiu shipments. To all those we would
say that tho O. R. & N. l being repaired
as fust as men and money enn do it, and
that it will be finished in time to move
the wheat crop to market. The mana
gers expect to have the road in running
order by the 10th of August, and while
they may be over tangaine, it is certain
that three weeks at the almost will see
the trains again running.
The Huntington Herald is of the
opinion that it does not add to the dig
nity of the federal court to employ
Chinese and Japs on the Union Pacific
road in Idaho, when white men could
be secured to take their places.
A heading crew in the Goodnoe mills,
Klickitat county, struck lust Saturday
for an Increase in wages. They had
been getting $1 a day and demanded
$1.50. As there was no chance to re
place them, the farmers had to stand
the raise.
A meeting was held this morning for
the purpose ot taking steps to organize
a company, and starting a a cannery, to
handle fish and fruits. Mr. Hugh Glenn
was made president of the meeting, and
on motion appointed a committee to re
port on location, etc., this evening.
Quite a lot of piling has been sent
down the flume, and is now lying lieside
the track at the Columbia hotel. It
will be loaded on the cars and used be
tween this place and Hood Riveras soon
as the Mill creek trestle is finished,
which will probably le tomorrow, if the
work is continued.
The city marshal yesterday provided
such of his prisoners as would work w ith
rakes and shovels and put them at work
removing the rocks and rubbish from
Third street. The work was well done,
and the street is much improved. Sec
ond street is now getting in condition to
be worked, and a small dose of the same
treatment would lie a great benefit to it.
This morning two wagons containing
eight ppople passed through town bound
for Hood River. Tho primary object is
to have a few days' rest and recreation
in the shade of the big oaks, and by the
cool mountain streams, and this will be
supplemented by harvesting a few bush
els of the delicious wild blackberries
that ripen on the loothillsof that favored
Hon. D. P. Thompson, who passed
through The Dalles a day or two ago,
was returning from a viflit to his wheat
patch in the Palouse country, and was
not looking after the seat in the senate
at present occupied by the Hon. J. X.
Dol ph. Mr. Thompson will harvest
something like 200,000 bushels of wheat,
this year, but then it is a pretty good
year for wheat. Besides it ia pretty
generally admitted that Mr. Dolpb Las a
grip on the senatorial arm chair that no
Oregunian can loosen.
A Wild Ceieylle.
Yesterday evening about 8 o'clock,
while a crowd of guests were sitting on
the porch at the Umatilla house, a
sawed-off square-built little fellow, evi
dently a German, came out of the office
door with a chair in his hands and with
out further notice than to "get away,"
swung the chair around and smashed a
window. The gentlemen sitting by the
windows were evidently rattled, for in
stead of stopping the fellow they all got
away while be continued the work of
destruction, until one after another five
of the windows had been broken.
Night watchman Gibons happened to be
in the house and rushing out collared
the irate little fiend, who dropped the
chair, and when Ralph gave bim one
shake that loosened his joints und
tongue be became very humble, declared
himself a friend of bis and wanted to
shake hands. The whole thing was
done so quickly that those present had
not recovered from their surprise until
Ralph had the fellow on the way to jail.
It seems the man is, or was a Coxeyite,
and has just been released from the
camp in Idaho, and was given a pass
over the U. P. to Portland. This, of
course, did not cover the trip on the
Regulator, and so last night be went
into the telegraph office and asked Mr.
Johnson for a pass on the boat. The
latter told him he couldn't give him a
pass, whereupon the Coxeyite said he
would "have to stand the conse
quences," and at once went outside and
commenced work on the windows.
4'lnaet th Wrong Hank
Kuitok Chronicle : I notice iu your
issue of yesterday a statement that the
Arlington National bank bad closed its
doors. This is a mistake as the Arling
ton National is in good shape, Iirs not
closed, and will not. It was the First
National that went dow n.
G. V. Bolton.
We are pleased indeed to correct the
statement. We took particular psins to
trace the report to what we considered
reliable authority, but our informant
being iu error nulurallv we got iu too.
This is the first bank we were ever able
to muke a run on sufficient to close it,
and this was entirely unintentional.
Kenl Itatate Movement.
The following deeds were filed for
rocord today :
United Status to John N. Reynolds,
ii w". 4 of nw'4' and sw'i", fractional of
nwt4 sec. 31, tp 3 ii of r 11 e; patent.
Samuel Hutchensen to John P. Hus
kirk.thes'c, ne'i" and , nw'4, ec.
13, tp. 1 n.rtte; $400.
Men WiQlnl,
Fifteen men wanted to cut cordwood.
Inquire of
rortnfil by MltlnrtiM.
Hood River eople, or some of them
at least, have an apparently well
grounded superstition that a certain
ranch on the east side of the river has a
curse hanging over it. The place
formerly belonged to Claus Hoeck, w ho
died several yeur ago. Soon after his;
death his son hanged himself to a tree i
on the place, and since the little ranch
has been neglected and deserted, each
cf the families moving onto It meeting
with misfortune, nntil the pl-tce cot a
bad name. Several vears ago D. K. I
Ordway purchased the pluce, and about
two years ago moved on to it. Soon
after Mr. Ordway moved on the place, a
valuable team of young horses belonging
to bim ran away, one of them being
killed, and the other ruined. A few
months later, bis hone and nearly all
the contents burned. Then Mr. Ordway
got sick and after a month's confinement
in bis bed, almost the first time he got
out of it, he fell, breaking his arm and
otherwise Injuring himself, and toon
after died. Misfortune however was not
done with following the dwellers on the
farm for about a month ago the oldest
boy, aged about 15, was drowned, and
Tuesday yet another accident befell
them. Another son aged about 12 years
was riding horseback into Hood River,
and when a mile from homo his horse
shied, throwing him heavily to the
ground. Fortunately Mr. Hans Lagc
and his daughter Mrs. Mita Byrkett,
who were on their way to town, saw the
accident and went to the boy's assistance.
He was unconscious, so putting bim in
their buggy they drove rapidly to M. V.
Rand's place where after an hour and a
halfs work they were rewarded by the
lad's becoming again conscious. It is
likely the boy is not seriously injured,
but it was very cloee cull. And now
the wonder is, in what shape the next
misfortune will come.
Eastern Oregon Weather anri 'ruf.
The temperature has remained high
throughout the week, the mean ranging
from 70 to 76 degrees, and the maxi
mum from 84 to 90 degrees. There was
no rainfall, except a local rain in Baker
and adjoining counties on the afternoon
of the 23d. At Baker City 0.44 of an
inch of ruin fell.
Fall sown w heat is dead ripe through
the Columbia river valley, and the
headers are at work. Considerable
threshing has been done, and tho grain
is plump and large. There have been
hot north and nortbest winds witbin the
past ten days that have been slightly
injurious to the spring sown wheat.
Practically all wheat is too far advanced
to be .materially injured by the hot
winds. Barley is a good crop and oats
promise well. The corn would be bene
fited by more rain, though it is at pres
ent growing very well. Late spring
frosts damaged the fruit, and now the
hot weather is causing the same to fall.
The farmer are all busy in their har
vesting operations. In the counties
south of the Columbia river valley the
crop is alx-'-it ready to cut. Alfalfa will
be a very heavy crop. The grain has a
good growth, and no fear are enter
tained of any damage being done by the
hot winds. The wool is being hauled
to the warehouses. Throughout East
ern Oregon the rejiorts indicate that the
wheat crop will be the largest on record.
The hay crop hu' been good and cattle
are in Cue condition. The w heat crop
of the state will equal or exceed any
former crop as to quantity and quality.
B. S-,
ljcal Forecast Official, in charge.
Klj Wheat Crop.
The editor of the Wasco News, writing
up a iiip through Sherman county says :
"We found Al Murchie cutting a crop
of volunteer that will average at least
thirty bushels per acre. The truth is,
we have never seen such immense crops
all over the county. On driving out on
the bills, as far as the eye could reach
headers could bo seen at their work ;
and that by the score. We noticed
most of them were running from three
to four wagons, and were not kept busy
then. The quality of the grain that
is now being cut is of the very best. It
is as plump as any. and ought to com
mand a price equal with valley wheat.
Spring w heat is only beginning to ripen,
and It is coming to the front wonder
fully. We noticed several fields which
we believe w ill equal fall-sown or vol
unteer." riivrc Wi Nothing la It.
The Dali-ks, July 25th, 1894.
Kuitok Chronicle : In your issue of
jesterduy an item headed "A Foolish
Trip," needs correction, which no doubt
you will gladly give in order to keep up
Tuk Chronicle's reputation for truth
und veracity.
The Inland Star did get to the Cas
cades tl;a 23d, and did not tie up at 13
mile point, or any where else for the
night on account of the rough sea or for
any other reason. The party I took
down enjoyed the trip and found their
train at Cascades as expected.
Yours very truly,
J. W. Conuos.
The value of a good name was well ex
emplified the other day, when a man
asked one of our druggists for a bottle of
Sarsapurilla. "Whose?" inquired the
clerk. "Whose? why, Ayer's, of course.
Ye don't suppose I'm going to run any
risks wirb Hannah, do ye?"
Joles, ?ollir;s 9 Qo.
ar Our ttye porta
with a fresh stock of Groceries. In
our large stock of General Merchan
dise we have many special bargains in
BACON, (Klickitat)
390 to 394 Second Street.
r'tnm our regulur forrcafMinaent.
Washington, July 20, 1894.
Senator Gorman is not ono of the sen
ate conferees on the tariff bill, but he is
credited by the cuckoos with being re
sponsible for the action of the senate
conferees in standing out stubbornly for
the retention of the senate amendments
to the tariff bill and forcing the disa
greement report that has been made to
the house, in the faee of the influence
of Mr. Cleveland and his administra
tion, which has been openly used to
bring about a surrender upon the part
of the senate eonlerees on all of the im
portant senate amendments, and par
ticularly upon those putting a duty
on sugar, iron and coal. Doubtless
Senator Gorman is perfectly willing to
accept this responsibility, but as a mat
ter of fact he and the few democratic
senators who aided him in putting a
duty on iron ore and coal, thus saving
two of our greatest industries from the
utter destruction intended by Mr. Cleve
land and the free traders, are in this
matter merely the representatives of the
great business und industrial interests
of the country, which have plainly in
dicated that as a choice of two evils the
tariff bill as amended by the senate is
far preferable to the original Wilson
bill, to which the democratic conferees
of the house wish to return. As the
matter looks at this writing the free
traders of the house w ill have to choose '
between accepting the most important
of the senate amendments and no tariff
legislation at this session, and it is not
yet certain which they will take. The
republicans ure wide awake and will
take advantage of the situation if an op
portunity be gien them. What they
wish most to do is. of course, to kill the
tariff bill outright, bat failing in that,
they stand ready to help keep every
senate amendment which puts a duty on
articles made free by the Wilson bill, or
raises the duty named in the Wilson
bill. Things look very favorable to
their succeeding in the last if they fail
in the first.
The Bailey bankruptcy bill, which
passed the house early this week, is not
likely to be popular with creditors, as
no matter how hopelessly man's busi
ness may be involved, he cannot be com
pelled by creditors to take any action.
He must do so voluntarily or not at all.
This may be an improvement on no na
tional bankruptcy law at all, but it is
such a small improvement that it is
doubtful whether the senate will ever
pass the bill in its present shape.
The democratic bosses ure considera
bly ularmed at the probable defection of
a number of democratic congressmen
from the South. There has been con
siderable talk on the subject, but it was
not until this week that the revolt really
showed its head. Representative Den
son of Alabama, who has been in bis
district for a week 6r ten days, has
written a letter formally announcing
his intentions to leave the democratic j
party and to affiliate with the populists,
and others are expected to fo'low Biiit.
Republican are not greatly interested
in the revolt, us the solid south has not
been allowed to play any part in their
congrescioiial calculations, although
they would not object to anything that
promised even remotely to bring about
fairer election methods in the south,
which can only come after the over
throw of the autocratic authority of the
democratic party in that section.
It is easy to tell that this is congres
sional election year by the buncombe
resolutions and bills introduced in con
gress solely for vote-catching purges.
To this class 'belongs the joint resolu
tion offered by Senator George, of Miss
issippi, providing for an amendment to
the constitution of the I in ted States
making eight hours constitute a legs!
day's work for all persons doing mannal
labor. How Mr. George's Mississippi
planter friends, who work their "hands"
from "sun up to sou down" all the year,
must appreciate his alleged efforts to
lighten the burden of those engaged in
manual labor.
Senators Gray and Lindsay, the dem
ocratic members of the committee that
investigated the sugar trust scandal,
placed themselves in very unenviable
positions, when they voted against a re
opening of the investigation, to ascertain
the truthfulness of a statement asserting
that an original order given by Senator
Camden, of West Virginia, for the pur
chase of a block of sugar trust stock wu
in existence; also a photograph of that
order. It but proved the charge that
the democratic members of the com
mittee had never had any desire to un
cover anything reflecting upon demo
cratic senators, although it did not pre
vent a reopening of the investigation.
Senator Camden swore that he bad
ever purchased any sugar stock, and if
it can be proven that he did the com
mittee should lose no time in placing
the facts before the United Statee dis
trict attorney in order that the grand
jury may find an indictment for perjury.
United States senators are Just a
amendable to law as other men.
Mr. McGuire of Hood River is visiting;
his daughter, Mrs. Allison.
Hon! D. P. Thompson, Portland's
leading banker, is in the city.
Mr. Samuel Clark of Pullman, Wash
ington, but for many years a resident of
Hood River, is in the city today, and
will leave for Portland in the morning.
Captuin Michel! Martineau went
below this morning.
Mr. Leslie Butler and family left on
the Regulator for Trout lake tiiis morn
gn. Mr. Roliert Curr, of the Skamania,
County' Pioneer, was in the city yes
terday. Misses Jeanuette Williams and
Matilda Hollister went to Clatsop thin
Mr. J. G. Day, senior me'nlier of the
firm of contractors constructing tho
canal and locks at the Cascades, is in
the city.
T. A. Hudson and Charley Michel
bach went out to H-Mile this morning
for the purpose of gathering in the spec
tacular trout.
Mr. James Kennedy of Wumic is in
the city.
Hans. Lugo and J. W. Strowbridge
cume up from Hood River last night.
Rev. W. C. Curtis will be home to
night and will occupy his pulpit next
Mr. T. A. Hudson goes to Pendleton
tonight to adjust some losses by fire a
that place.
Mr. Matt Murphy, tho newly-appointed
deputy U. S. marshal for this
district, arrived on tho Regulator last
Mr. IS. F. I.aughlin arrived home last
night. He has been quite sick in Port
land for the past week, but only needs a
few days of Eastern Oregon ozone to put
him in good shae again.
Firemen Attelltlon-
The annual election of the chief and
assistant chief engineers of the fire de
partment of Dalles City will he held in
Jackson engine- house, Third street, on
Monday, ith of August, 1894. Poles
will be open between the hours of 0 and
7 p. m. All active firemen in good
standing are qualified to vote.
Jo ii P. McInebxy,
Chairman of Fire Hoard.
W. II. Ixm:hhead, Secretary. tf.
1'ut on Your Olasae ana Look at This.
:n 100 to $2,000 to loan. Apply to
Geo. W. Rowland,
113 Third St, The Dalles, Or.