THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. JULY 23, 1894. The Weekly Ghroniele. (glmil t the aaiarornr at Th lallv, Ornou. as McwudvUat mail aiatler. btatk orruuLS. Q jTarnor Irauraiary ( tiula Trwaaurer ... I PuMir Inatrucuon. Attorney tianeral amiun OonfrvMamen. ....... State Printer H. Ptfliom . . HK ktticaul ..Phillip Maucban .... i. M. Irwin O. M ldlfiu.ll (J. N. lH.lph " )J. H Mitrball H. Hennauu )W K. K1U V. M lrdii while wtol is on the free lUl. Tl.eieaie, COrERXIC .S tl.VnS. but two other parlies he could talk for, , ; one beim Mr. Oorm.n. who is .ome- Kvcr .v twh-w hl, w er, placed n what smitten with hi. o u voice, and "-' Columbia Astoria lm. LH.l. kick the other is llavemeyer and hi part-,'1e"b,nS ,ta un ner. It is the latter oentlemen whoso K'01""1 ,hl" "",,,,,"r threatened woes stir the slumbering COOHTT orriciALB. CouniT Judge. Uo C. Btakeley flhorlrf. T. J. Driver Clork A M. Kalaay Trvaaurer Vim. Michell I Prank kuicaid Commlaaiouer. 1 A B Bloww Aaaraaor r. 11 Vtakeneld Bnrwrnr K. K.Sharp BuDerintentkmt of labile Sohoula . .Ttot dheller Coroner V . U. Butta SILVER Ti) 77.' FROXT. That the sentiment concerning silver and the free coinage thereof is rapidly changing, anyone who read must know. That this change of sentiment will make iUelf felt in the next national platforms, is a certainty. Indeed, from present appearance, it will be a race be tween nil the parties to see which can tret the broadest and strongest plank. Whether it is true or not, the idea has taken possession of the people that silver always has been the measure of value, that agricultural products fluc tuated in touch with silver, a the mer cury does with the weather; that low silver means low prices, and the con verse of the proposition is equally true, that high silver means high prices. A study of the situation for the past twenty years will show a substantial foundation for that idea. That silver is low its friends claim is not its fault, but the fault uf the laws which have dis criminated against it. The financial j panic, which has sent the money of the j ronntry into hiding, hu had much to do witn the creatiou of this centiment, the scarcity of money naturally being laid to the demonitization of the white metal. What the policy of the different par ties will be cannot yet be premised ; but it is reasonably certain that if no inter national arrangement can be made, this ttoverument will undertake to adopt and carry a double standard monev. Silver fish destrnved the business as it caught all the small one. The truth of the matter is ttiat the ealniuii catchiug qtiea- tion i- like the tariff question local. The tender sympathy of the 'papers Astori.i ttdhcrman. for the fish, is bit.ed on nothing but ellirhnesi', and they would catch the last one of them if they could. It will bo teen by the apjicnded clipping from the Telegram, that down that way the business men consider the law which gives the salmon one day in on to funds of suid debtor in hi hands. The United State, claiming that the Central Pacitle owes it millions of dot lars. which it admits it Is unable to col led. yet turns over a farm seventeen miles .square. This may Ih business. hut it don't look that wav. flres of Gorman's oratorical volcano. Mr. liormau is not moved to iech by high motives, but if he will bang up the Wilson bill the country would forgive his connuhiating with the sugar kings. aajpHHawawMilaaBiawl Senator Gorman is maklug a hold effort to distract attention from the sugar stealing propensities of the I", t. senators by attacking Cleveland. The country will not lie fooled that way. vl i . ..... .... l.,fr !. ine presiuem is uui uu uiao. un i vimum i m . i , senate is. hat air. iieveiatiu nas done may have been impolitic, but it was not dishonest. What the sugar ring in the scuate has done is to sell out the people to the sugar kings. Stand up and defend yourself, Mr. Gorman, gainst the charges which, if true, keepers themselves from both Oregon should send yon and your kind to the and Washington were hustling around penitentiary; but do not undertake to ! in the afternoon, apparently making excuse Tour actions by drawing atten-j preparations for a night raid on whoever tion to the president. ! dared venture out fidiintf under the! cover of darkness. Taiouiu is bound to have a fuir, even it is 'if it is a tiiilendcr. Just now the of that ambition village arc frantically calling oil the cituens to turn out and nail the shingles on the buildings. The exhibit from the Mid winter fair is being packed in inc trunk for shipment, and it will proba ble arrive safelv. which to escape their nets an unjust law: "To one on the outside, it looks very much like the liver would lie alivt w ith guardians of the ht on Saturday night, says the Astoriau, a- deputy sheriffj, deputy game protectors and the game- THE MARKETS. Charles S. Miller has been arrested, charged with trying to swindle his men Game Warden McGture left on the Iris for Itwaco early In the evening, but I Friday, July 27th. The week past has been one of marked activity In husi ues circles, and everybody wears a smile. I'rices of merchandise continue steady, w it li a lively movement. In tin- produce market thei is n healthy condition: Fggs are firm and scarce; dealers are paying from 11 to 14 cunts per dozen, and complain that they can't get what they want; poultry is i i . .. .1 . f..., .1.-. ,r.. Slow sale, owing to mo met uiai micr j ings are in excess of demand. Vegeta bles ami green fruits are in abumiance morn rwrfrt than thn?e of the census will be made the peer of gold, or at I department. ren mo uueuipi 10 so maae it win oe China and Japan it seems are deter- made. If one party fails to go before the country with the silver proposition made s fair and square issue, that party will be beaten, no matter what its strength may be otherwise. The people want it and are going to have it, regard less of the tariff or any other issues that may be set up against it. What the effect of free coinage will be we do not pretend to eay ; but the ex periment will be tried, whatever the results may be. Free coinage of silver will be the battle cry in the election of 1896 and ou that issue, and that alone, the elections of that year will be fought ri won. THE KIHQ OK TRUSTS. u .... ..;n,iu ki;n. ,n,. ; . am. ine iiiaraei is weak. 17 .... " - not without an understanding wuni out-1 .. . .,:!, ;.. h.. ffiOOO worth produced by his mine, and mja9ioner rrawlorJ who it was ar- ll,'CrC . . without paying his men. Miller y. ! Vhl U he intended to use the money to pay off . ami hither I 'ZT UiZ"Z his men, and w only trying to keep L.Uh , f A lhev o. .nd are purchas ng J-tlron. the As the night wmc on ., ,ii ' .aiiinn -ell i. prevalent among them. Iuring the week we heard of D'a' cents as being paid for two lots of nice wool, although an advance ot this figure was refused for a choice lot of lamb's wool the other day. It is reorted that one lot of (ine staple wan sold on private terms, yester day, and knowing ones any 10 cents, which we consider as a doubtful figure. ! The present condition of the Wilson turitf bill in congress Ixirdering on defeat has stimulated buyers and the market gene.-ally. Today ten cents per pound wa." paid for several lots of extra good. The wheat market is in a state of ex treme quietnefi. There is no ituprov uieut in foreign advices. Tho opinion prevails that the lTnited States will sur prise itself in the large w heat crop that . t i . i . -.i moved about, the niutlled sound of oars " telling onlv too plainly that thev were j irain fca83 havp "nceil to cents i:Ji,i1,)J ... t eun, nuu renoris are given uui umi in showed they were losing one or two from getting it all. We uatrol the river. know nothing of the case, but wul wager it l(et.anie riajnv evident that there our last cent that C. S. Miller was not wouM be JO b,at earryingofficers on the trying to beat anyone. If Charley isn't ! river thnt nifhti (or ,,. w.ington j as honest and upright a gentlemun as j L.0Uin,igSi0er retired e.irlv, announcing j there is in the state, then thirty years ( tlHt ie wa. unbi,. , care a I or more reputation lias Deon ontaineo , B,,,, ,,,, i.. ,.. mm n1Niii fraudulently. The only man he ever j .'eniraued." Sheriff Hare was took the advantace of was himself. . not in UlL. citv , Oregon com-' . . ... , j missioner was on the other side, doubt- Part second of the miscellaneous sta- , . . . ,. . 1 1 ; IvJS 111 It II vcr-lli:il ni llir ii,ii-hiiiit..i - tistics of the compendium has reached . ... u ,h, t. i..-i. ..t. a,"-,t' f Mr. trawtod and lus deputies. UIa ir G UUCVI t 1 1 Cl k it 1 -1 inv tvaaa- ing capacity of the churches of the coun try by denominations, and then by way of comparison of our debt conditions, publishes a small-sized compendium of the debt of France and other I'uropean nations. The census department has clearly gotten to be &s useless, or almost ; er' so, as the United States senate. In fact the sugar statistics ot the latter are It was too dark just then to distinguish just whether there ere any boats out ! or not, but any one who happened on the water front at daybreak on Sunday I morning met u sight that would have j made the commissioners weep with an- All over the broad bay, which at that hour in the morning was as placid as a sheltered miilpond, dark objects Jew York Weekly Tribune oauesieeicmoDiGie mined to go to war, and though Japan is the weaker nation, she is the one apparently most anxious for the tray. This desire may be begotten by the backing of Russia, as it is more than probable that the latter country will fall on China as toon as war is commenced with Japan. Russia has lots of dip lomacy, and the Corean tronble will make an excellent opportunity for the great bear to put his paw down on and retain a portion of Northern China. stinoats, ana Irom tiie hurried manner ' .r.. i which thev were being pulled. It tlieTC , ta ""PP'T ,hort of m.nd. lowed they "were losing no till,c in nd quotations may reach K to 8 .j cents This is the age of trusts. The coal oil trust, the iron trust, the sugar trust, the copper trust and dozens of other trusts of immense proportions, covering vast industries, and placing the consumer at the mercy of the combinations have full swing. The United States senate, the highest legislative body of the country if not of the world, composed of or at least supposed to 1 the deepest think- It appears from yesterday's Oregonian that the story concerning the robbing of the Mt. Hood etage running between Portland and Government Camp, was a fake, and probably gotten up by Cohen, the proprietor of the staire line, as an advertising scheme. The F.vening Tele gran published the details of the robbery giving the names of the victims. This Tnly confirms us in our opinion it is an utter impossibility for the truth to get over the Cascades since the I'.aker put its hoodoo on them. Little by little the strike has worn it ers, the brightest intellects, the purett self out until nothing remains of it but minded and most patriotic citizens of this great republic, stands before the country today be-smirched by tho con tamiuation of one of the most dangerous of these unholy combinations. It is not long since these trusts were content to take advantage of unwise laws placed npon the statute books, but now made bold by sudden gains, rolling in ill gotten wealth, they are no longer satis tied to take advantage of the laws, but devote a portion of their unholy gains to corrupting the law makers, bribing the leoplc's servants to betray them, and to putting tho people at their mercy to be plundered as they see fit. Not only this, but they Lave become so embold ened by success, that Mr. Sear lc and Mr. Havemeyer express astonishment when asked if they had not used their money to infinence the senate in their favor, and answer, "of course we did, what are we here for?" Yet all the acts of all the trusts, pale into insignificance be side the one great trust, that Las so managed its affairs as to be even so far free from the name of trust. We allnde to the gold trust, the king of all of its kind. Havemeyer and his fellows may fix the price of sugar ; Carnegie establish the price of iron and steel, w hile he robs K the government deliberately ; Payne and bis confederates levy tax on our lights, Armour on our meats, and the hundred other great trusts on the different prod ucts which they control; but the gold trust is over all and aboveall. It girdles the world, and rich and oort white and black, Gentile and Jew, the proud Cau cassian and ignorant savage of Antralia are all made subject to it. Mr. Gorman is a fine talker, but the question is, whom is be talking for? Not for his constituents, for they believo in free trade. Not for the democracy, for the democracy is practically solid in its indorsement of President Cleveland' position. Not for the people, for the people do not believe in protecting sugar the remembrance of its inconveniences, and the bills. The latter will be large, but as they are mostly divided pretty evenly thecouutry can stand it. Chicago and Cook county will have some settle ments to make but as they are rich it will cut no serious figure. The main ex pense of the strike has been the loss of business, and the strikers themselves are no light losers, when their wages arc taken into consideration. Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United States supreme court, has been offered a transfer, piacing him on the New York circuit, which he hag declined, stating that he will continue to hold down the Pacific coast circuit. This is devilish tough on the Pacific coast, but there is no help for it. Field is one of those egotistical democrats who think the country can't get along without them, and arc not patriotic enough to die or resigtv And now the dispatches tell us the ' Wellman Arctic party is thought to m lost, and the next thin in order will be to send a relief party to hunt up the strays and bring them in. It has often j occurred to us that as a relief party is nearly always succei-Hful. It would bo a good scheme to send the relief party first, as they always get farther and have little or no trouble. making shore before GUI Sol brightened up the waters, when they could easily be seen. It was hard work for them, as there was not enough breeze blowing to stretch their sails, and the homeward trip had to be accomplished by good, strong pulling. "In one of the down-town cafes, where fishermen usually drop in for an early morning cup of coffee, several hardy fellows were openly telling that they had been out fishing, and from their conversation it is tupposed that fish were running heavier than usual. "There does not seem to be much of a sentiment against the men who fished Saturday night ; in fact many promi nent men declare the law unjust and should be repealed. There is no telling just what the future will bring forth." -i aoon LAW. Tiiat the salary law adopted by the last legislature is a good one and will re sult in a great saving to the county can not be doubted. The clerk's office will be self-supporting, saving at least 13000 a year to the county, and the sheriff's office, w Idle perhaps making some drain on the county treasury, will cost from $1000 to fL'000 less per year. There was one mistake in the law and that was that the salary of the assessor was not raised. T..e assessor of this county should receive not less than $200u per year, for he is put to considerable ex pense, and we believe that the payment of this sum would be an actual saving to the county. Under the present law, the assessor cannot afford to make as thor ough and close a canvass of the county as he should, and in consequence con siderable property escapes taxation. It is the most difficult oflice in the county to fill, requiring more tact, judgment and energy than any other, and the pay should be commensurate with the work. Our legislators will do well to remember this fact, and have a bill passed paying the assessor a salury that will make it an objct to retain the oflice. THATS Tllli FELLOW. The senate is disposed to stand on its dignity, and has refused to instruct its members of the conference committee. It is more than probable the house will have to yield or that no tariff bill will be passed. That the house will not yield seems certain, therefore the conclusion is justifiable that no tariff bill will be passed. Baldness is often preceded or accom panied by grayness of the hair. To pre vent both baldne;s and grayno, nse Hall's Hair Renewer. an honest rein-edv. I The United States senators are not only dignified and courteous, but in the recent battle wherein they are pulling hair and scratching, like so many old Gshwomen, they exhibit their lack of appreciation by comparing each other to come old Roman. One is a Brutus, another is a Casca, and yet another a Mark Antony, And to dow n the list of noble Romans they go, w hile the coun try, with bated breath and ears pricked up, waits vainly for someone of them to mention the one name that would fit them all Cataline. The dispatches recently stated that Secretary Smith bad approved the selec tion of some '200,000 acres of land se lected by the Union Pacific in Utah. The government has tome very peculiar ways of doing business. It would be the first thing bnsincis man would do if he were dealing with a debtor to hang a piece belore the season is over. Wheat 35 to 38c per hu. Babi.ev Prices are op to SO to 60c cents per 100 lbs. Oats The oat market is light at r!0 to SO cents per 100 lbs. MiLLSTcrra Flour Diamond brand nt $'J 50 per bbl. per ton and f 2 per bbl. retail. Hay Timothy hay ranges in price from V- 00 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at $8 00 to 10 00 per ton. Potatoes fl per 100 lbs. Butter Fresh roll butter at So to 4.1 cents per roll.. Eocs Good fresh eggs sell at 10 lo 12'j c. Poultuy Good fowls are quoted ut $1.50 to$'J.50 per down, turkeys cents per lb. Beicr Mutton Beef cattle are in better demand, at $2.00 ier 100 weight gross to"$2.2." for extra good. Mutton is now quoted at $2.00 to 42.25 per head. Pork offerings are light and prices are nominal gross weight and3?4' to4?4' cents dressed. STAPLE GROCERIES. per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, 23'jc. j Arbuckles, Sugar Golden C. iu bbls or sack , $5 75; Kxtra C, $6 00; Dry granulated $o 50. I). G., in 30 lb boxes, $2 75. Ex C, $2 25. GC $2 00. Kick Japan rice, 6Jart?.7c; Inland, rice, 7 cts. Beans Small whites. 4,4((5c; Pink, 4)..jC per 100 lbs. Syrup $2 60 to 3 00 u keg. Salt I.iveriKwI, 601b sk, 65c: 1001b sk.$l 00; 2001b sk, $2 00. Stock salt, $10 per ton. KuLPnrR 2 cents per pound. HIDES AND FURS. HiriKK Are quoted as follows: Dry, 2?4c lb; green, 1)3. Siiekp Pelts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear skins, $4u$12 ea; beaver, $.'! 50 lb; otter, $5; fisher, $5r$5 50: silver gray fox, $1()W$25; red fox, $1 25; gTcy fox $2 50frf$3: martin, $l(rt$125; mink 50c(S55c; coon, 60c ; coyote, 50cW75c. Orais Baos 7J4 to 7!a each. "What's the matter that there is no dinner ready?" asked the labor lender. "The cook quit," replied bis wite, leaning back in her chair and fanning gently. "Why didn't you get it ready your self? Yon know how well enough," "Me? I'm on a sympathetic strike with the cook." Church Mmtlng. The Dalles laily and Weekly Ohronice. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ax itrt'BB purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat, and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the lxist medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.'(M) jK;r annum. Jhe Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $l..r0 per annum For advertising rates, subscriptions. Kc.. address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Ttio Ictllo, OroKon. PIONEER HERD j WaSGO .....or ' J There will be a business meeting of the Christian church held in the church vestry on fcatnrday evening, July 28th, at 8 o'clock. All the members are re quested to be present, as business of importance is to be transacted. By order of W. A. Maddrok, Elder. NOTICE. Ro t'ralght will ba aceaptad far alilp. mant bataaoa ha honra nf 6 P. M. and A. M., mmpl Live Alock anil Tartari an! iod. !., P. at A. N. C o. July 90th. I SIM. for Ton Chrokicli. J POLAND CHINA HOGS Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Thirty-live head for lhlM, sired by Center tree Trade, son of the Great Free Trade hoj of Ohio, sold for H1)0, the highest priced hog ovor sold in the United States, assisted bvson Tecumseh Chip Jr 21KS0, sold for f.fM). Owing to the hard limes, I will sell for tho next three months, my pgn for I'-D each, or :j.r per pair. Will box and deliver at nearest station free. (Joine and see them or write. No businem done on Sundavs. EDWARD JUDY, Cimtorville, Wash. A. A. Brown, K a full awrtmiit n( Staple 1 n inn v UUU 1 tllllJ 'inpu and Provisions. inch liioff.Taat Uiw Klfur. SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. liEkfst Cash Prices for Eis and oiler Proince. 170 SECOND STREET. Rates Reasonble. MAl'.K uooUh XT". VV. Go. TIIK IMI.I.KK. OK NOTICE FOR I'UltLlCATIOX. l,ASt Orni r, Th prillri. Or-it June Hi, i N.illre 11 h.Ti'l.v (fivi'n that the M'nwInK fliimnl mttlpr ha 111.-. I ti.,li ol hla InlullUiK " miiU- ilnnl prixif in mi.K,ri f ll claim mid lb' alii pnxif will I-nimi.t Ik Ii.iv tha rcffUU.-r riv.river nt Tlie linlli-n, Oi. iron, mi July Ir'.U, viz- t'nrdlimnil Waau-rmaii. Hi'. No. ItWiT, fur tlif HW, , H',', H. !C',Tp. H, k i;i B.anil N!,U!1,w, f, Tp, . Hi' ilium- tii fiilliiwlng Kitiiciaea t" prove hi coiilliiiiiiiia risililiiiiu iiiiiiii null ciiltt tl" nut IhthI.vIz i.w. Mi-I.,y, K. i. Pitcher. Hi-nry Zwnldht'. Tlmmas Ji-l!ri'), 1 yiMi alii'. John W. I.KWIS, lt-ltr Administrator's Bale. Notice la hf-reliv Rlvmi Hint In pnriianeeeiaii n( tlia Con ly rmiitni 11,,. rttate of Orernn for Mann county, Only inmlnnud milnil on I loth liny (lf Jv, ( Uir ,I)w,tr hinUI of Hainilwl HnttorMin, il.i'rawil, direction IheUO drmmiMl to a.' 1 1 at politic aHu all of turn' proTty boloiiKlti to in.' mini.' of aaid direa-"' I will, 011 tho v.'ith rtnyof Auiioil. is'rt, at honroftwo o'el.wk l M.of nlil d ly, nra "J" IniiilK hrreloafUir diwrllwd, null Ml puhll" f. l llie hlKlnut bidder lor rnali III band. ! of the real property belnnirliiir to the """-Z ald hamiii-l I'nti.-rm.n, d-c.'id. to-wlt: Te aoiithwt iiiarU-rol nwtion twelve. lownl"P hveaotitli, rni.Ku twelva rant. In WaaeneoiiMJ. '". J. . K.I'i'.ANKH, Jural Admlnl""""'