it Ay Ay VOL. IV. TIIK DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1M. I8D1. NUMBER 31. HIE SENATE IS FIRM U6 Whale Matter LcXl With lis Committee. SOCKLKSS JEKUV RENOMINATED Vuttik-r of Republican Coiivtiiliims Spokane Han a l ire, und Dibs Ha His Hail Reduced. Urn mikI lloraea Iturnod. rt'HiN(iTis-, July 25. Three firemen tm killed, a 1I0.1111 person injured, ml over tlirrii hundred hordes burned lu de.itii in a fire which swept over the block l II and Second streets, In w hich wm III" Knox stable und warehouses early tliiH morning. Beside ti e Knox mil Adam express stables, tun house ,(rc burned. O110 hundred und fifty horix'H in tin' Wlaui stublc were res iid. Tin' haw " ill exceed a quurler of it million dullnm. V.lltllllslMHtll 111 lllWM. Moinich, July 25. The lurgesland most enthusiastic republican statu con woti'iiiever held in Iowa met here today. John X, Baldwin wan tdected tciuKrary chairman. The jirnyer by Uev. .1. L. Weaver ii sensational, lie prayc' lor the 1 imntry's enemy, the democratic ptrtv, to U) un merciful a possible, and appealed to the Omnipotent to ussist in expediting the infamous democratic party from power und to restrain thuin forever (rum the exercise of government authority. A Hmall liliit In Mc... fun Mio, July 25. Policemun I.ind fertn seriously wounded and two rioter hud I y hurt in a fight at the Grand Trunk yards uu Forty-ninth street this morning. Thu strikers attempted to Kop a freight train. The officer inter fered and wo fulled by a volley of atone tnd coupling pins. Lindgcren tired, prtroa'nly futally injuring Alexander Hart, and slightly wounding a striker aioied Dniinignn. lint one striker wai irreted. , Is I imrnralni Ibr Tariff. Washington, July -5. Secretary Car lisle went to the liouneo( representative today and nought speaker Crisp, but Ml for the treusury without wwing him. I'roniiiient mumUira, including Home clamed 11 a railical free trader, liave let it be known that (ree iron ore and free coal are not worth the conflict they are taming. There i no indication, how ntt, that thin feeling ii nharel by Speaker Crisp or Chairman Wilmm. Church Hlock (turned at Spokane. rirmi.s, July 25. A fire early thin niiming destroyed almost the entire bock owned by All Saint's 1'arlHh of the Episcopal church, iiichiding the new rtctury and a number of tenements. Mr!. 1 1 i1 mm) , who conducted a lodging lioune In the block, jumped through a window breaking her breast bone and rweiving internal injuries. Other bad narrow rut-ape. Total loss flO.OOO ; in surance f '.M,(M). A lleelalou at Seattle. . BKArri.K, July SPi. The aeven rioter "ho were arretted at Spokane July 5th, charged with contempt in attacking a Northern Pacific train, were fonnd guilty n the United State diHtrict court to iy. Of the prisoner, A ngut Welsr, Meiaiidur (Hm-n, William Goddard, Ax 1 l.ivan, (ieorgn Koter and John .'lark were eutenced to eight months "id Alex. Uixautle to four month im ?riionmmit. To Invratlfittr Trary. Waniiinoton, July 25, In the morn nt hour In the senate the conference 'upon on the legmlative, executive and mlicial appropriation bill wa agreed to. reiuliition waa adopted to invetignte Jie office of Colonel Cliarlo Tracy, ec "fy of the board of charltie of the Ji'lrictof Columbia. Colonel Tracy 1 ' brother of Gunural Tracy, the New i-(ingreman. Hi Htrlha Mtlll 00 at fullman. C1111 .io, July 2o. The Allen paper 'wheel work at I'ulliuan tarted op 'y with a dozen new men. There I 10 evidence of weakening among the Oilman wtriker. Simon Rekin, a '"Winn, hurled atone at the maive Miilmiee ( George M. Pullman today, "caking ten or a doxon large plate gla "nddw. lie was armated. Nw Maaltta and Arlaoaa Hafa. W AiuiNOTON, July 25. The senate nmitiMe on torritoric has ordered vorb M.prta on the bill admitting Mexico and Arixona. These bill v already pHsd the bono. Amrrlran Kallway Union Caaaa. t'lK Aiio, July 25. Iii the American "way Union contempt of court case Wsy Judge, Wood doliveretl brief opinion formally over-ruling the motion of the dufemie to quuNh the information. The court continued the cbmb until Sep tember, owing to the illneHft 0f Special Coniiset Wulker. W ar uiuuirnrod In l orm. Yokohama', July 25. The Japanene triMi In Corea have commenced a for ward movement against the pomtion occupied by the Chinese. A battle I dully expected. And th Wunifin llslprd. Coi.oiiAoo Si-RiNtiH, July 2". Twenty live jM-rsous, Including two women, will lie arrented tomorrow for tarring and ftiiitlieiing Adjutant-General Tarmiey. Tha Hrnats Ntanda firm. V AHiiiNtiToN, Jul 25. The demo cratic senatorial caucu Iiuh decided to send the turifT bill buck to the confer ence wiihout iiiHtructi in. llulillrau lu llllnula. "Siui.NiifiEi.i), III., July 25. The re publican etate convention met at noon today. Jhiiich 15. Mann of Chicago is temporary chairman. .lurry, tlm Kiirklni, llr-Numlnated. HtTCMiaoN, Kan., July 25. Jerry Simpson wu re-nominuted by acclama tion in the populist conuresHionul con vention today. A Monntrr Cunvnntlim. M ii.WA i;k kk, July 25. One of the 'argeat convention ever held by the re Miiblii-jins in the Htute of WiHcousin met liere tmluy. Irli- Hall Uftdarnd. Chicago, July 25. Bv order of the court, the bail of Debs and his follow prison, wits reduced from $10,000 to $7,000 each. Ordrred to l'ora. Wakiunuton, July 25. Secretary Her bert has ordered the cruiser I'etrel and Concord, now on duty in liehring Sea, to Corea. Tyrrr.ll (ii.ta a I'luui. Wasiiin(iton, July 25. The president today nominated Jolm D. Tyrrell post master ut l'omeroy. Wash. A Wt. Jnagfi. CuicAOo, July 25. Judge I.vmon Trnuibull declines to act as arbitrator in the 1'ullman strike. Melactlona Appruvad. Wasiiinoto.n, July 24. Secretary Smith ha approved list of railroad e. lection, embracing 10C,S41 acre of land in IHah, included in a grant to the Cen tral I'aciflc, and 5,9H.7 acres within the primary limits of the grant of the Southern Pacific The approval has been on supplemental list of section of land made on account of grants to aid in the construction of the Oregon & Cali fornia road in Oregon, Central Pacific in Utah and Southern I'aciflc in California. Tim Arkansas Kopuhlloan Btata Conven tion In MeaaloB. Little Hock, July 24. The republican state convention met hero today and nominated H. L. Komrnel for governor, the only nomination made. The plat form reaffirms the national platform of 1K92; declares in favor of protection; de nounce the attempt to repeal the Mc-Kiult-y bill, and demand both gold and silver a standard money. Tua Boatun Man Madly Cunlahed. PuovttiNc, K. I., July 23. Patsy I'.roderick of Providence and "Prince" Williams of P.oston i jught six round tonight. William wa unmercifully puuished from start to finish, and in the sixth round wa sent to the ground screaming in agony and covered with blood. Mis left eye wa closed in the beginning. Another American Veaaol Seised. Savdusky, Ohio, July 23. Karly thie morning the steamer Louise was seized just east of Point Pelee Island by the Canadian revenue cotter Petrel. The Ixiuiae 1 an American vessel engaged in fishing, trading between tbi city and Leamington, Ontario. The cause of the se in 11 re ha not a yet been ascertained. The Men Cu tinned to Work. Chicago, July 23. Sovereign' prom ise of last night to the Knight of Libor, that be might again order out all mem ber of the order at the stockyards, failed to niaterialir.e today. Work pro- gessed at the various plant without the lightest sign that there would be an other walk-out. Held to Ma the Oldest Settler. VANt;ouvEB, II. C, July 23. William Charter, who died Saturday at Nicomen, 60 miles from here, wa 103 year old and waa laid to be the oldest ettler In British Columbia. Old age waa the cause of bis death. The Wkrnt Market. Portlakb, Joly 23 Wheat unchanged. San Francnco December, lOO; Chi cago Caah, .61?. BeptemW, MH- Itew silver Hollar.. Wasiiinoton, Joly 23.-The issue of atandard silver dollar for the, week enaca ine iv inni, e i.w.u. w. THEY ALLTAKE SUGAR A War of the Races Declared in Indiana. THE HEAT COOKED THE C0RX Debs Doesn't Know the Strike is Dead and Expresses a Desire to Rut in Jail. mill Jobbinc 111 Duaar. Washington, July 20. By agreement the conference report on the tariff bill waa deferred when the senate met to day until 2 p. in. for the purpose of giv ing ths republican time to consider. The republicans, after consultation, found they could not carry the free Hiigar amendment proposed by Senator Quay yepterday. It decided that Quay should withdraw all amendments, but they should be renewed in different form by some other republican. Man derson and Perkins expressed the fear that the sugar proposition would go through und the hill would pa-s, as it is understood in cane free suttur is added Pefl'er would vole for it. The republi can felt that the only proportion that would po through w hich will endanger the bill is that instructing the conferee to strike out the eighth of a cent differ ential. Thin would carry by a murgin of one vote if all the republicans, all ttie populiHts, and Hill and Irtiy vote for it. At 2 o'clock Jones called up the confer ence report on the tariff bill. Quay withdrew the sugar amendment he offered yesterday. Vilas replied to the asHuult on Cleveland. II May t.'haoae HI Mind. Cuicaoo, July 2G. At a meeting of the American Railway Union today Pi evi dent Debs said : "I hare not forfeited my right to free speech and if Judge Wood yesterday enunciated the law, I would rather rot in juil than be a free man. If I alone were concerned, I would permit no defenne to be made in my liehalf, for I consider it an honor to be in contempt of the court that ia going to try me." Whit Aa-alnst Black. Sullivan, Ind., July 26. A race war ha broken out between the white and colored miner employed at Linton. In the fight last night one white man wa killed and the excitement is at a high pilch. The telegraph and telephone wire are cut. The white miner pro pose to drive out or exterminate their colored competitor. Stewart Takes auger in Hla'u. Washington, July 20. There 1 little hope that the republican will be able to strike out the one-eighth differential on augar. It i understood that Stewart, populist, of Nevada, whose vote ia net essary to carry the proposition, will nut vote with them. Japaueae Mluleter Recalled. Washington, July 20. M. Tateuo, the Japanese minister to the United States, has been recalled. His recall it is stated is due not to anything con nected with the present Japanee-Co-rean -Chinese difficulty, but to matters growing out of the recent treaty negotia tion. Fooling W ith the Dead. Chicago, July 2fi. The director of the Auierican Kail say Union today issued a call for a convention in Chicago August 2d. Deb said the convention will decide whether the strike lie con tinued, extended or declared off. Bean Hhwotera for Two. Paris, July 20. The chamber of depu tie today passed the government' anti anarchist bill. Deputy Degihanet ha challenged M. Clemenceau in conse quence of the attack upon him in Clem encaua' newspaper, La Justice. A New Way to Tie Them I p. You.nustown, O., July 26. The street railways are again tied up tight today, some miscreant having grounded the trolley wires in such a manner that the electrician are ao fur unable to locate the trouble. War May Ui Averted. London, July 20. Up to noon today the Chinese and Japanese minister have received no newa regarding the aituatiou In Corea. The opinion i gain ing ground that war will be averted. It Swallowed the Other. New York, July 20. It la reported the United Statea Cordage Company haa practically absorbed the Pearson Cordage Company. The purchase price ia said to be $100,000. Hell aud Kanaaa All the Same. Kansas City, July 20. For three daya intenae beat haa prevailed all over this section, doing Incalculable damage. The thermometer stood at over 100 in many place. , It Popped the Corn. Omaha, Joly 20. Unprecedentedly hot wind ha done irreparable damage to the corn crop today. The thermometer registered 102 in the abade. t'pbam for (i.ivernor. Milwaukee, Wis., July 20. l'iie re publican statu (-invention today nom inated Major William II. Unham for governor. The IVbMl Market. Poktlaxd, July 26. Wheat un changed. San Francisco new, seller 91. Chicago cash, 50.. Septemlier delivery, 52.' j. Not stopped by the Strike. Cincinnati, July 26. The free for all trot was won today by Alix in 2:08, beating Maud S' famous record on this track. Incivll Civil Ha-rvlre. Wakiiinoton, July 20. It is learned that Tateno is recalled simply in pur suance to Japan' rigid civil service ruUs. All Outrt at Sacraiuento. Sackamf.nto, July 2C Nearly one thousand men are now at work in the railroad shop here. They Qott Eaally. Slottdale, Pa., July 26. There was no trouble today over disarming the coke strikers under order (rorn the sheriff. taker f'ouuty I'lacer !Ulne. P.AKLit Citv, Or., July 24. The output of gold from the Baker county placer mines lor 1894 already exceeds that of any previous year in the history of the county. The old Jordan bar, on Burn1 river, just a few yard away from the road bed of the Union Pacific rail way, was reopened this season by Sissley & Henderson, aud although thought to have been worked out year ago, is now yielding $100 per day. Only two or three men are required to operate the claim. Mrs. Squires, of Portland, is making extensive arrangements to crush rock from the Dolly Varden mine. A quartz-mill is en route from Portland. The mill building I ready to receive it. A $2000 bar wa received here this week from Shelton mine, on Burnt river. J. C. Young'a group of mi net are yielding handsomely since his Crawford mill started. The Chloride group, situated on Rock creek, is attacting considerable attention at present. It ia base ore, but an excellent proposition, aa soon a one smelter is in operation. llantrona Eruption ia I'ofTey ville, Kanaae. Copy ey vi llc, K., July 24. Between 1 and 2 o'clock thia morning Coffeyville experienced a subterranean explosion, strongly resembling an earthquake, which terrified the citizens for miles around, and caused much damage. Just north oi The town is situated a strong natural gas well. Several dis tinct explosions, rapidly following each other, awoke the startled citizen, who jumped out of bed to find the town brightly illuminated. Aa far aa known, however, no one waa hurt. House bad been shattered, burn toppled over and uiasnea of earth appeared where before the ground w aa level. The strange phe nomenon la unaccountable. tiormau Slapped Hard. Baltimore, July 24. Queen Anne county, the native county of Senator Gibson and formerly a firm supporter of Senator Gorman, today in convention gave the Maryland senator a hard slap. The convention, held to elect delegatea to the district congressional convention, adopted resolutions deinauding that "no one in the district shll accord Gorman his support, and shall be sound on tariff reform, aa the people are not disposed to true democratic principle." Working With the Pupullsta. Omaha, July 24. The session of the executive board of the Knighti of Labor today waa devoted to the situation in Nebraska. State Master Workmen I). Alleuiand was called in consultation and, after bearing his statements, it waa re folded to lend the influence of the order in the pending campaign to the popu list. , It waa decided to send organizer over the state in conjunction with the populist atate committee to thoroughly organize the workers. Attempt to Wreck m freight. San Francisco, July 25. About 1 o'clock thia morning an attempt waa made to wreck a freight train on the narrow gauge road in Alameda, between Haight street and San Iandro. A tool chest which stand beside the bridge over the estuary, was broken open, a crowbar and sledge were taken out, and the draw moved when the night watchman and a deputy sheriff came along; the miscreant fled in the dark ness. The night watchman succeeded in replacing the draw before the night freight arrived, thus preventing a disaster. JAPS CATCII THE KING j Ttie Corean Monarch Caelum! and Sent to Japan. CHINESE SOLDIERS DKOW.NED The Senate Sends the Tariff Hill Hack to Conference, but Refuses In junctions by a Tic Vote. War Has Iteetl Declared. I.omxix, July 27. A dispatch received at 11 :30 a. in. today from Lloyds Agent at Shanghai, China, confirms tho an nouncement exclusively cabled to the Associated Press last Saturday, that war lietween China and Japan had been declared. Both the Chinese and Japan' ese minister say they have not been of ficially informed that war has been de- clared. They also claim to be ignorant of the fact that the Japanese havo cap tured tho King of Corea. The inline diate cause of the declaration of war is said to be the fact that the Japanese at tacked Chinese transport conveylug troops to Corea. It is reported that a number of Chinese shipa have been sunk by the Japanese cruisers. Tele graphic communication has twice been completely interrupted beyond Nagasaki Japan and all message have been de layed. If the treaty ports remain open England erpects to make a continuous profit out. of the war while the fact that Hussia directly or indirectly ia giving as sistance to Japan is likely to place a perpetual stop upon Kusssian trade progress with China. A Thousand Soldiers Drowned. Tien Tsin, China. July 27. While no formal declaration of war haa been made, the government of both China and Japan recognize that on actual state of war exists and more collision are expected hourly. The general opin ion seem to be that while Japan may be looked upon as likely to score the first victoiies, tho Chinese troops will eventually drive the Japanese out of Corea, even if million of people have to be sent to the front. The first overt act of war occurred Tuesday, when the Jap anese fired upon the junk steamship Kowshong, belonging to Hugh Mathie son of London, which had been char tered by the Cninese government to con vey troop to Corea. The Transport waa sunk with all hands. It ia be lieved a thousand Chinese soldiers per ished. Japaaeae Capture the King of Corea. Washington, July 27. The kink of Corea i a Japanese prisoner. This in formation wu the important statement In the telegram dated yesterday, which Secretary Herbert received from Cap tain Day, of the United State steamer Baltimore, now at Chemulpo, Corea. Captain Day reported that he had dig patched marine to Seoul to protect t he U. S. legation. Labor LegUlation. Washington, July 27. The commis sioner of labor aa ex-oflicio chairman of the strike commission, appointed by the president, ha called a meeting in this city Monday. The bill to create a national board of arbitration introduced by Springer, which follow the recommendation in the presidents message of 1887, haa been reported to the house favorably by the committee on lahor. J Now With the Committee. Washington, July 27. The Senate to day returned the tariff bill to confer ence without instructiona. The vote on Washburn's motion to instruct the con fereee to recede from the eighth of a cent sugar differential stood yeaa 32 naya 32. Motion not agreed to. The Strike Off In Sacramento. Oakland, Calif., July 27. At a meet ing of the local lodge, A. It. U., last night, lasting from 8 o'clock until long after midnight, the union decided by a vote ol 187 to 146 to declare the Southern I'aciflc strike off. f ropa Injured by Heat. Chicago, July 27. The hot wave to day ia central over Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. The temperature in many places ia running over 100 degreea. In Montana and Dakotas the worst I passed. In Kansas and Nebraska grow ing crops sustained great damage. Ayer's Hair Vigor ha no equal, In merit and etllciency, a a hair dressing and for the prevention of baldness. It eradicate dandruff, keep the scalp moist, clean, and healthy, and gives vi tality and color to weak, faded, and gray hair. The most popular of toilet articles. Tan CiiKONici.a is prepared to do all kinda of job printing. 4Ido not Eat Pastry. e4. y$ 1 low often yon hear this K; expression, and the ex O planatiou that usually jpj; follows: "I am troubled jjNj with dyspepsia.' ' The u'h explanation is not far to seek. In the past I.ard J has been used as the prtn y :k cipal shortening in all pastry, the result dys l pepsia. The dyspeptic J,-'-,- need 110 longer be , troubled, providing j fa, is substituted for lard in V the preparation of all food. ' s.j it is composed strictly ot X $ Iiicrhlv refined vegetable t 'if oil and beef suet. When b used as a shortening, it Vv produces wholesome and r M Healthful pastry. Physi- . cians aud expert cooks indorse it. Rcfnaejnbstitntes. Ps $ y rid tl.ree cents in stampi to N K y i 4:rlank& Co.,Oi;cago,!or handsome ' fs. Ccltoknv Cook Itoolc, containing sixt r. -V iiuiKjred recipe, prepared by Dine euii- . . n.-nt authorities on cooking. 1 t'otrolene is sold by all grocers. T' iKW'WWXwaii.'; rtaae only Dy N. K. FAIRRANK & CO.. A e-r nine- j PVCSiCAGO. NEW VORK. BOSTON The Sntrar Investigation. Washington, July 25. Mr. Seymour,' of the brokerage firm of Seymour Bros. & Co., was before the sugar trust inves tigation committee today. Mr. Seymour declined to answer question put to him as to the purchase of sugar stock by members of the senate, or aa to his knowledge of the existence of an order for such stock vfhich former witnesses testified had been made through his firm in tho name of Senator Camden, pleading that the committee had no power to compel him to reveal to them his patron. Mr. Allison's testimony waa important, as corroborative of the statements of Mr. Guilliardeau and other witnesses. While tho detail of hi testimony cannot be given, he stated positively that he had seeu Ithe Camden order. Anither witness of the day waa George Ernee, a New York broker. It ia understood that he testified to having seen an alleged order for the purchase of sugar stock, which purported to have been given by Senator Camden, and to have also seen a photograph and an electrotype of it. Caused the Washington City Fire. Washinuton, July 27. The police have arrested W. T. Harris, inventor of a gasoline motor on suspicion of having caused the Knox building fire, in which three firemen lost their live. The po lice believe Harris, while experimenting caused the explosion, which started the fire. It's 1'nt Up or Shut I'p. Chicago, July 27. Mayor Hopkins said today that if the Pullman work were not started within a few dava ho would withdraw the militia. It is thought the worka will be started Monday. Couldn'd Hurt the Latter that Way. Paris, July 27. A duel with eworda waa fought today between M. Paul Dea chanel a deputy and M. Clemenceau, a journalist; the former waa wounded in the cheek. The A relic xpedltion Sara. Lonkon, July 27. Information re ceived here today leave no room for doubting that the Wellman Arctic ex ploring party ia safe and well on ita way North. The Unaa Haa to Htay. Brooklyn, July 27. The general ,term of the Supreme Court today denied the motion for a new trial for John Y. McKane, ex -bos ot Graveaend. Nominated For Uovernor. Grand Forks, N. I)., July 27. The Democratic state convention today nominated Congressman W. G. Lari more for governor. Kins of ('area Sent to Japaa. Tixn Tsin, July 27. It is aid the Japanese have sent the king of Corea to Japan w here he will be kept until the trouble i over. The Wheat Market. Portland, July 27. Wheat un changed. San Francisco new, seller, .94. Chicago Cash,. 60; j. September, delivery, .b'l. Feed wheat fur sale cheap at Wasco Warehouse, tf. SQTTOLENE