THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNES , UL.Y 25, 1834 THE WAT XKE LOO AS trouble the wo man who i deli cate, run-down, or overworked. She a hollow - eheeked, dull - eyed, thin, and pile, and it worries lur. Now, the. way to look well is to bt well. And tho way to la; well, if vofi'ro anv Mieh is to lailliliiny uc r. Favorite Prescript ion. the only medicine thats fuaranttfil to build up woman 8 strength and to cure woman's ail ments. In every "female com plaint," irregularity, or weakness, and iu every exhausted condition of the female "system if it ever fails to benefit or euro, you have your monev baek. For overworked, " worn - out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, sho-girls," house-keepers, nursing mother, and feeble women gener ally, Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescrip tion is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic m aaaBBBBBaaai aBBBaBB BBBBBa BBBBBBBBai BBBBBBBBBBBBaBI BaBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBB1 m m AN Tilt KMtillTS OK L.tllltlt. Work oft ho tionar mill In ,1 Kaorutlvo Omaha. woman, Pierce's T. hat is Omaha, July "'J. All the incciber of the neneral executive Itoard of the Knikilils uf I.alvr except Mr. Sovereign me now here ami have taken up "r' ters at the IVlinlie, where the rl)ii of the executive ollicera will bo held. Sovereign isexpected tomorrow niorninp. Martin, Metiuire, French anJ Have were seen this evening, and when afked what they expected to do diirim: the coiniiu' meeting they announced that ('eneral Secretary llayefwas theanokes-j man and tliev would look to him to talk! to the pre. Mr. Hayes said : 'IHiring the week we expect to com plete arrangement lor n systematic can vass of Nebraska, and we will push the organization to a finish lam (flat! to note that the organized workers of Omaha art? forming themselves into militia companies. Ut curding the movHinent for a general union of all ti e Utvor forces, I tlo dot know what will lie ilone about that at this nieetiiit:. We We are in favor of changing cards, anil have been all along, but we w ill never consent to a unity at the whole expense of the K. of L." IMPLOSION it. m. tos &1 nar'vou "no in If you're miffer- rJing from Catarrh, the proprietors ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ask you to trv their medicine. Tiieu, if you can't be cured, they'll cash. llufur Doing Weather unchangeable, verv s ml sultrv. The farmers up near the j record, having its great foothold timber and out on the ridire av '-fair i l,,,n of HouS Kong, where most and warm weather," while we llufurites think a shower miktht lay the dust and be quite acceptable. The general health of fnfur is some what improved at present, whether on account of our new doctor or the settled tate of the weather w e are unable to Miratl of I'Incuh. Washington, July 2. Kecognizing the difficulties in the way of obtaining accurate information upon sanitary matters from Oriental countries. Dr. Stewart Eldreilge, the health officer of ! the port of Yokohama and a member of ( the imperial board of health of Tokio, ; ha' tent to the marine hospital u semi ! official statement of the epidemic of the j I plague in Southern China. It appears! 'from his report that this scourge, of i I w hich only fragmentary news has been! j received, is one of the most dreadful on rd, having its great foothold at the : of the foreign commerce touches. The diea.-e j hroke out in Canton late hist February, j and at the same lime was epidemic at j Pakhoi, a port not often visited by ' EiBPlty tho f-iplfUtltW. Krcry one knows what un explosion is, but it.., impolite, uu implotdori, islc: familiar. At ;-tv;:t depth in the sea the conditions ;;iv favoi'iibtf for its prodiu tion. At tvvi nly-tiv.- hundred fathoms the pivf-oMv i.-., roughly .peiiKiP'r. two i uud a h::h ton , to the touarc inch -that ! to suy, fccvcrnl times greater Hum the pressure ocrtrd by the-ate am iiHn the pi-.toi1 of i; powerful engine. A beautiful experiment to illustrate the enormous force of this deep seu pressure was made 'uriiv.' the vova;.'e f 11. M. s.. t'li:illenrer. Me ipiotc from "The Fauna of the Dr. p Su." Mr. liiK'lianau hermetically scaled nt Kith rnil.s u thick ;-las till' several inches in l.'Uth full of uir. lie vi upped this walid tuU' in llannel auit placed it in one of the w ide eoper cylinders, ii-etl to protect deep-sea thertuon: -t.-rs when 1 1 . , ' are sent down with the i-Hiid'u!',' .'."l ::'-.itus. The copp. r eyliu.ler had holes bored in it. so thai the wai. r had free ueccs. inside, nismv.,1 the !:!. v The coiii.'r ea-'i ':ititinin:rthe seuletl pla.-..s tuln' i,;'!:i u,n n t- a tlepttl of two thoti' fath ::is antl dniwii up again. It was found that the cylinder was bulged and bent inward, just us if it bail Wen crumpled inward by In in' violently Mpie. : i d. The 'i;:s -.a! it. -.elf. within its flan nel wrapper, was reduced to a line powder, ali'u st lihe snow. The 'lass tul-e, it would seei:i. as it slowly ti; au'eiitied held nut hue.' :i rainst the pres sure, lint at last Mid.leuly trave w:s. and wuscru.hed ! v tin violeiioe of the Hction ton line po' tier. This protvs.-,. e;:, tlv the reverse of an cxpltvsiiiii, is termed by Sir Wyville Thomson uu implosion. CONQUERING A TIGER. lruiupt Action Shv-4 thr I.I ft- of -i'TIic Rcjolator Line" Tit Dalles, Purttail and A:doria j Navigation Co THROUGH Freioni ana Psssengsr Lins Throngh Dailv Tri i Sunday ex .tipted) la'tween'The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaven The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks witii Steamer Dulles t'ity. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland Yamhill nt. dock) at' 6 a. in., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. : It A i k. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Ohronicle. I'AHHKXi One way Round trip. . S.tKI Fat I rt'hlii. Mr. Jumnich. the London dealer in wilt! Na.sts, is a man of ;rreat per-onal treiiL'th anil of ei rv. sponilin"' eenrae. ( n one in -casioii he wa.s called upon to ust1 botii nirainsf a ti'er wiiteh hatl es caped from its den." Mr. l'hil Koliin son tells the story in his recent boo!;, "Some Country Sights cud Sound.." In movintr "dt u." into which a tier had lieen just tlelivered. the iHittom fell Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots. l will PC brought tlirougn, win- nit delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at my time day or night. Shipments for ay landings must be delivered before p. m. Live stock shipmeuts solicted. ('all on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, B. F. LAUGHLIN, ?IIK CHIJOMCLK was established for trie ex-jM-ess purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, (iilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat ami other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkomcmc is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $(5.00 per annum. The Wkkkly Ciiuomclk on Fridays of each week at $l.o0 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addresB THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Dalloa, Oroson. THE-DALLES. OREGON ay. The haying seaon is about over and the farmers are doing some proper etsckmg this season am! a great many are building larger barns and sheds ami all will be on time for the thresher this year. Mr. Harry Ciarke from Portland has been visiting his friend S. B. Johnston. Col Laingof Portland made a short visit to his daughter. Mrs. J. C. John ston, taking home with him Miss Hazel, Miss Gertie Laird has returned from the agency, where she ha been em ployed the past year. Kev. Mr. Adams preached his farewell rrnion on the 15th. There was a dance ont at Hendrix ball Friday evening. Gness they had j an ei.j arable time by the j illy crowd we j aaw going. j Mr. S. B. Johnston met with a tenons ami almost fatal accident Friday. He. was hauling bar and while on the load driving, the double trees gave way, frightening the horse, at the same time j jffking him violently. He fell with all : force on the slab or stake in front of the wagon, striking on his breast and drag- King htm to the ground, where he was the prompt action by the ship s sur piekeii tip insensible and in a precar- ' geons. A quarantine system has been ious condition. Had the blow been two ' put in operation in Japan, holding ships ini-he lower we shudder to think of the ! from the infected districts nine dars I suit. Dr. Deitrich was summoned after arrival or alter leaving. The last immediately. He pronounced his in- case has abated, and bnt one infected r.urojieans. During March ami April it : out nun tile rest ot tin structure imme- steadilv increased until it assumed j 'butch- collapsed. The tijrer walUcd i , gigantic proportions. According to the I ".,ut ,r;m u,uil'r, th' ,,U'''P of I ; iron dars. unti sudden v itiiiH'art-il in I letter of J'r. r.ldredge, the eastern au- tl , ,. , . ' , ,. S. thorities treatetl the diseae with their ordinary indifference. Although Hung! J. F. FORD, ivammiisi, the vard. .Mimv ih-ooIc were Imil , on, the children, of course, belli'- well to the front. On the cpiiearunee of the IX Mninea, lnw, write" March -:!, ts-.n 1! iiiidt-r (lute nt Mid. Mm. Co., Ihifur, Oregon. Utnlltmtn : j . 1 . V'll arriving Home mm weeiv, i iimun Kong is the center of trade in the east, j JifTiT there was u stampede. j H we un,i mixiouslv awaiting. Oui I but halt a day's journey from Canton, The tier picked np a fat urchin by j little girl, eight ami one-half years old. land in constant communication there- : his clthe-. and walked out of the yard who had wasted away to :1H poumln, U i n. it .i;.,r..,H ;.. i... ,i. . i ii ....... .....i ..: ....... .....i .....i. with, the existence of the danger was ' V. V. " '.'"""' ! ' , r , . i upon fiuuinjr a oonvenient place in ; ignored. Ssveral cases appeared in , whk.h l( t,lkl. it!, ni(llll Mr .,.,..,, Hong Kong during the first days of May. nin ufter the In-ast, ilunq- himself up ui j It steadily increuccd in that place until its back, and pru.spinjr his thnuit with i Ihe niortalitv reachetl 100 a dav, desp:te ! lH,ttl hands, choked it until it opened j the exodus of 100,000 Chinese and n.anv j to -rasp for bn-uth. " ! Ihe urchin dropped out and acrum turopeans. , ,)U., off Th dniwin at (mp , The natives, in most eases, have left J tremendous draught u w hole lun-sful on feeHng the first symptoms of the dis- ! of air. turued upon Mr. .lamrjch "iust : eae, iu the hope of dying in their ; then a mun from the yam came run- J native villages, while a dozen Kuro- I ning up with a crowlmr, and us the peans have been attacked and most of , "P-'f turneit, tie structt it a tremendous them have died. From Canton and lamP on '"'f1' K','r t w,,nK'nt thu . ,. . ,. i tiirer wa du.eil, but only fora moment: Hongkong the duease is spreading , thcn ,,e,.d to u,r:iin. t)Ut throngh the neighboring country, and j Mr . Jamrwli seized the crowbar und will soon appear in the coast towns of i struck the-great lieust uuother mighty China, North of Hong Kong, because, ! thump. now wen, strong anil vigorous, ami wen fleshed up. S. II. Cough Cure lias done its work well, both of the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarsenesn from me. Si give it to every one, with greeting for all. Wishing you proserity, we ar Yours, Ma. & Mb:i. J. K. Foul). If yon :ih to fwl fiwh sad cheerful, sad rwul; fur the spring's woik, cleiiiiK your ithu.hi wilt the lleailM he and Liver Cure, by taking twain lltrw doteaeach week. Htild under positive tiiarwitec. 0 rcntit per brittle hv all dravslkta "There is a tide in the ajairs oj men 'which, taken at its flood leads on to J or tunc." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Cffill-Oli Sl I FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., from the carelessness in these ports, no I Tin-last. as if taking in the situa- effe-tive quarantine is likely to be es tablished. Several cases have already occurred on steamers tra, cling fron Hong Kong to Chinese ports, but with out serious consequence, on account of j tion. trotted nil by it.-4-lf straight to the yum. and. findiiir the door of an empty den oped, walked in. A The Funnr MUD DIAMOND. by w Chureh juries daiiirerou. but we are pleased to a'atf this morning he is impruvingsome wfmt but irreat care must be taken to avoid fatal results. Qceky. Ieafnea Cannot b Cored Br local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tltere is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. TVsfne- is caused by an inflamed con dition of the murium lining of tiie Fustacliijn Tule. When this tube gets inflamed y. u have a rumbling sounu or liniwrieci bearing, and w hen it isenlirelv rhik-tl Deafness is the result, and unless j ""t of Japan, so long will the inflammation can Is-taken out and tltin tube retored to its normal condi tion, bearing w ill lie destroyed forever; nine eaM ont of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in Bftined condition of the miieons sunaces. We ill give I die Hundred L) .liars for any case ol lafnesn icaueil liy catanh that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sen! for circular, free F. J. CHKNEY A Co.. Toledo, O. tH-A- hv l'rnitvii. 7oc. ship has reached Japan. Or. Eldredgej conelndes bis report: : "If I may presume to advise, I wur.ld say the most stringent niea'ines may need be taken to protect the United States, particularly as regards certain classes of gotsls from China likely to convey infection rags, old cotton, etc., and also such manufactured articles as are made in native workshop, with perhaps a case of plague dying in the room ; such things as straw matting, embroideries and every eort of textile fabrics, bo long as the disea-e is kept this coil m rv ' v. 1...1 ...1. ..I .1... T u ' ure, I'uinnr, 111 ,iie Liiiteti r;iHiera aolx Wltn against the inixirtatinn of disease." I MuiUtkr Mail t.'oncreKation. "Every one known that in the eurly days of Methodism a considerable, de- pree of strictness was maintained in regard to the wearing of jewelry," said j Kev. L. O. Cole, an elderly divine, re- cently. to a representative of the St j Louis (ilo lie-Democrat. "An incident that amused me apreat j deal happened fcoon lifter 1 hud entered the ministry. One Sunday just n I ' was in the midst of my sermon a worn- i an rose and left the church, slammim' the door as she went out with unneces sary violence. Of course I supposed I had Kiid something in my acrmon nt which she had taken offense, but later I made inquiries am! learned that she! had left hucausv I wore a 'wicked ! bosom pin.' The amusinr? part of it I was that 1 hatl ridden t i church over a very muddy road, and one drop of mud I had settled in the middle of my shirt : bowjm anil had deceived the (food Mstr ' intt tclievin? that I had adorned my a boxom pin. ' KANnAl'1 A liKNKKALBANKINO BI'MINKne ! liretlit isHiied available in t if Kaitm Stales. Sglit K.xchanife and Telirgrnphii Tr oisier" sold on New York, Chicago, t. L en?, taii Fraiieiei), f'ortlam! Orevon. I Seattle Wash., and various points in Or- mow and Washington. I y 'oheetions niHtle at all ftoints tin 'hv. j o" i ; i i- ,"ni.. . aCHKNrft. Hrwl'l-nt. M. r'ATTS JM1S . Miner. First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON A (ieneral Banking Businet. transact.-.' )eMiNits receivetl, mibject to Sight Draft or Cheek. (VllleetidiiK matte anil prot-eeds promptlv remitteil mi ibiT of collection sight ami Telegraphic Exchange mid oi New York, Mm Kraueiseu and I'nri land. IJI K KCTDNt l. P. Thompson. J.nd. . n iiksi . Kl. M. Wll.l.lAMs, ItKO. A I.IKHK. H. M. I'.ko.i . at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELiiACH 15KICK, . UNION KT. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get .IT on the South Side AT TH HEW COLUIVIBIR HOTEL. Thl laireiied rupiilir Ilntiae die the principal hotel huln anil In uretmrrtl In lu-hUh the Ileal Ai'tsmiinixlMlliiu of i Iluu iu lliu city, ai.d nt the low rate til $1.00 per Day. - first Qass Teals, 25 Ceits. Uttlre tr all MlaKe I.lnea leaving The llnlle fur all !. ra.irru lireaua anil r.atern M aahltivluu. . u 1 In thla Hotel Corner of Front and Union Hla. T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr. New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES, OKEdON. SINIMOTT & FISH, PROP'S. Th Height nf Mount Seattle, July 22. Kev. I). C. Garrett and Ira Bronsen, two of a party who as cended Mount Kainier, returned borne yesterday ahead of the rest, with the news that Captain Ingraham, the leader of the party, in taking various altitudes, bad discovered that the altitudes nf the lowliest point of the peak reached was i The New Y'ork Observer mppesU that clenrvmeo reallv nilfrhf tint write so illegibly aa to provohe the I55;5!, or uearW 1.10b higher than the : yi(,1(i; annually a volume of' I compositors to commit the aia mint y! of pro- getierally accented altitude of the moun tain, with with (reveral h'-niing pigeons taken the party have reached Kealtle bulletins. 1 WWrlL HalB la Wantail. by the women who are ailing and suffer ing, or weak anil exhausted. And, to very such woman, bely is guaranteed by Dr. Pierce's Favorite I'revcription. For young girls jut entering womanhood women at the critical "chanice of life"; women approaching confinement; nuring motlier ; and every woman alio i "run-down" or overworked, it is medicine that builds op, strengthens, i effw Inferior lIMn In plac of tola. Aak f or nil regulates, no matter what the con- ' took's Cntloo not Compound, taht no tuMt ...... ! luta, or tneloM tt and 0 cents in ponta In lttr d " the system. . j . w!a ad, ari. hrr-torn m:u rmi-ud It s an invig'irating, restorative tonic ! partl-tila" It plain enrtiopi., to 1!Im only, t fjtMitbing and bracing nervine, and the j Mn,pfc only guaranty d rem-dv for "female CtMiiiiaiut" aiel weakneooea. In l-ar. i i . .... mit-iiiian Bfii-nnoni., iwriiMliea imi liiflsiiiinaMoii. and every i rum $100 to f000 to loan. Apply to i ( .m. w . Kowi.and COMPOUND. A reerat dlawwiy by aa eld phjllrlan. 0'aewsfftif'y warii !hl0 bp thousands 0 LrulUt. Ia toa only prrftl7 safe and ntlabla aicdlcliw t Bewara of anprtnctplad drt:cita wtoa npa. Adilnaa I'nni I. II y Co mo an v. ' , . et.v. ' :ie. Sold In Th Datlm Snltaia at Klnniy. j Pat on Tmr ilaaa and Look at Thl.. I nleerHlion, kindred ailmetit, if it ever fail to Iwne. tit or cure, you have ymir money back. 113 Third fit, The Ualles, Or. tirMnlawra l.lix'iera. AmonfT the princijxil placiers of Greenland the fiord of .hikolchavn an nually aends into the s-a a piece of ice! about two miles wide, over three mih.'S lonjf und from ei fht hun lro.1 to one thousand feet tliiclf. The ice yiel I of Tottiiikatalc is atsiut four mile:; wide, one to two miles lon, at'crsr.lin'f t the swiftnets tf movement at various sea sons tif the year, and from aix hundrcl toei''ht hundred feet thick. Karaiuk cc about three milea wide arid from one and u half to two miles long, with a h(;i-;ht of eiht hundred to one thousand feet. 1 The yield from Itivdliar.tuk U two miles wide, from one and a half to two miles long- and six hundred to eirrht hundred feet thick. AuTpadlartok 1 yields annually a piece of ice at least four miles long;, two miles wide and from sue hundred to one thousand f.-et thick. OnVnnd lla;nUy. An American traveler relates that, aliphtirifr at a hotel in Granada, a man at the door put out bis hand toward him. The traveler supposed that the man was the porter of the hotel, and offered him his The man stepped back, towed his head, and frowned scornfully. "Vjram'ju."' he exclaimed: "do you take me for a porter? I would have you under ttand that I am no porter." 'Indeed? Then may I ask you, senor, what you arc.r' ' I urn a beggar,' air, and aaked you for alina!" Tilir at? Tunnr: iTirrr COPYRIGHTS. Vr Ta"; I OflTA Iff A PATFNT Fora primpt an.wr atl an horiont ontnion. wrtui to Mi .N A' Cll., wlioltitTA liad nnarlytirtT Tfiirv exoeni-nep In tow tutlnt buai im-k.. fVmnnnnira ti.mlrlrtiTnH(liliAl. A liunribonltol In. f'trmation ffmwmio rntrttla aiMl how ui no nun tu-m '-nt trftti. Alao a rjttaloguooi rrhan lea! aiil iKaentltlc ooriku iwnt trttu. I'atmila uu.n liirouin Wunn ft Co. TCOMve aopcial iMrtlottintho rtrlentihr Amrrienn. and Oiw am brouuht wnloly (wlfinitlin putilit: willi ont ciat to tlio invnuir. 'Ihm aDlftxlwl paiwr l.rHl arnklT. i?lalitly Uln'traml. Iiait hj Ua ttm !uiviat rirculatioo of anf ar-intllHr work in tua wrld, w;l a Yttar. hamr li; tviniMa arnt free lluilding K"litioo, monthly liiartar. Himtla foprna. 7.i (mmiu. Kvwry nurrtwr contain! bau tifnl platea. in eoton. anl pootovrapba of nr. houaoa. with plana, anablnnr bt.llflra to abow tlaa laj.t damn aod fcur CffUtn-la. AdtlritM MUNN O. h YtiuK, .'l, buoauWjr pa-aywawTiTwWii uMMSkjjsu crvna ''uia' J Cimt, nd Trade-rk obtiifwri, ind ill hai- nt .. a.. f r -..v .w m.. fnODIrTs TK W KC S. 'Our Orrfcc f 0Mrrc U. B. PsTirtTOrriet 0 a no w can vrture iwirni in Uum Ui-uiUftwi -remote from VV atnrMrton. f bead model, dftwi.if or nhotfl.. iiS dirrin. Jtioii, W wdvifte, II patent ji or not, free oit ;t)arfre. Our ( not One til) ilni imaerureH. f J A PnatPHLCT, Mlo to Obtain "ateni. " with J cou ot tcajo in ihe U.S. ftod (urigucmDUtca lent free. Addrena, J JC.A.SWOW&CO.j Ticket and batvatfe (iffii-e of the U. 1". ll. K. Company, and ofliee of the Wwrteni Union Tulep-aph Otl'ue are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. I.AlKiK.sT : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS. 175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. t&Conntry and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Tina well -know i, Krewnry i. w trnm OHl U,B ,(,..t ,Jw(, -nd ,,ortel ea-t nf tlle Ca-eadea. The laleM appliances (or the mannfaet.ire of pood health id IWr have lawn intr...bieM. and on v the firstlaas articl. will hf p aeed 0 lie inam-.t.