THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1894. The Weekly Gbroniele. rHK IIAI.LB OKIMMIK Clubbing List. Tim Ciiuunk'lk, which (fives the new twice week, '" ade arrangement to club with the following publication, anil ufler two paper one yeir (or little more than the price of one : kewnlar Our pru'ii prliu f2.M) 11.75 . 3 00 2.00 . 3.00 2.25 ftmiet ui . T. TtikiM artiultuJ "-will OrriHua ... iruid it J UuwadiUa liruitt LOCAL HltKVlTlKR. Hat unlay t Dally. Pendleton ladies have organised n bi ctrle club, and are going to wear bloomers. The Dalle baseball boy will play a tram from Hood River at the fair grounds Sunday, commencing at 2 o'clock. The wire went down shortly after 2 4 o'clock, cutting u out of our dispatches. The service when completed will about till three column. Don't forget tlint the Regulator will make a trip tomorrow. Take advantage of it to get out of the duct and heat and enjoy u ride on the grand Columbia. . The Regulator w ill leave for Cascade Ix-ks tomorrow about f o'clock. This the tiiuo fixed now, but Hhould time be made up by the truin, it may go earlier; but at any rate not before 7. Khcriff Iriver owned a bear, but own him no longer. It km only a small rub, but It w" nil bear, what there was of it. Yeaterday it (cot loose and in the rou r t of half un hour ate up Tom'i crop of e print; chicken. Draymen lomplmn that with the im mense amount of freight arriving every day it i almiMit iiuixMHible to make any thing, owing to the inconvenience of the wharf. Mr. Dan French bad the ide wharf extended yesterday, but un til tiie lower wharf is reached the incon venlcnrc will have to be borne, ai it can nut lie helped. Merchant in the Interior want to put it down in the tablet of their memory that they can get anything they want in the merchandiiie line in The Dulles. I! iff tuppliv of sugar, aalt and sulphur nre on baud, harvesting machinery in abun dant, and our merchant are ready to tock up their neighbor in the interior at price that will compote with those of Portland. Wo inclino to the opinion that the tntumeiit made by the Cilacier that loll - persons' reached the mniliiit of Mt. Hood an error, a only thirty-four took the gout rank. It U more probable that that number gathered around the mountain, but did not make the ascent. The election of II. D. Langillo, to the office of vice-president was a deserved honor. Monday' Dally. The Ladiea' Aid Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. A. M. Kclaay Wednesday afternoon. The west-bound passenger did not ar rive this morning until 9:13, conse quently tho passengers will have chance to see the Iteauties of the (late City. The little steamer Inland Slur, or Gypsy as she has been re-christened, left at 1 o'clock this afternoon with thirteen pnasengnr for the Cascade Lock". About half her passenger wore ladie and children. What Is to lie gained by getting to the Cascade too late for any trains and remaining until the regular passengor train tomorrow, i bard to er, Quite a number of tourist came up on the boat lust night, and it waa a genuine pleasure to note the admiration the scenery oi the Columbia awakened. Mt. Hood came in for a large share of appreciation and the grand river, the bold bluffs and the far-reaching pano rama of mountain and river, canyon and waterfall aa new xints of view were reached, caused continuous ejaculations of pleasure. To decide a bet us to whether an animal could drug 230 iiouiida of Hand in a suck at the end of a rope half a niilo long, the experiment was tried ou Third street today. There is an idea that a weight, after it is a certain dl tunce from tho power applied to move it, liecomes practically immovable, and the repeating of this statement led to the trial today, the lsit being that a cor lain miiln (and moat mules are) could not drug the sack fifty feet. The ques tion was soon decided, for the animul walked ofT with U and could not be "topped until the end of the block waa reached. lui'iilny'a Dully. We are requested to announce that religious aervice will be held in Cainp bell'a grove Hominy, next, nt 11 o'clock, m. and 4 o'clock p. in. A warrant waa issued by Justice avia yestordoy for the arrest of Wm, s'nith, who I charged with stealing a 'orse from Wm. Whetstone of 8-Mile. A tribe of the Independent Order of lied men will lie Instituted at K. of I. hU tonight at K o'clock. Parties in mated will be on hand at that time. In JuxIIch Davi' court John Strum and J. II. Matthew were arraigned this morning charged with lim-eny, the offense being the taking of $10 from Dau Scauinion. Deputy Marshal Bentley came down from Pendleton yesterday, bringing with him about two dozen witnesses who will apiear in the U. fi. court in liquor cases. Mr. Iletrich went below this morning to Bx up the pay roll for the O. R. A N. employea. Aa soon aa this la completed, which will lie in a day or two the men will be paid off. Either l,he warm weather or the weat wind waa reaponaib'e for an unusual lot of pugnacity. There were several imall acrimmauea, hut no aerloua damage done to the beauty of the participants. The Red Men will Institute a lodire here tonight In K. of P. hall. Dr. J. A. Sender aud Mr. A. A. Ellia arrived from Portland last night, and will be the gentlemen who put the goat through hia best paces. Quite a lot of wool has been hauled to the Regulator wharf, and will beahippod below soon. In spite of shipment and the steady work of the presses, the supply continue to Increase, and it is arriving at the rate of from 20,000 to 00,0(10 pound day. A family quarrel between W. R. Brown and bis wife last night culminated in hia aliooting at her. She fled to C. E. Bayard'a house and fell in a faint at his gnto. Mr. and Mrs. liayard took the woman in, and it was an hour and a half before she regained consciousness. The long-tailed frock coats Just now coming into fashion are as ugly as original ain and without excuse. There is no possible excuse for them unless, indeed, the taiia be ntilized by some people to wear the badges of the secret societies to which thev belong on. We run across a rattle-brained fellow once in a while that hasn't room on his collar for hia ducorutiotiB. Mr. J. R. Buxton, editor of the "Pilot," aud president of the Washing ton Press ABSociation, ia in the city. He la just returning from the meeting of the National Editoriul Aasociation at Anbury Park. Mr. Buxton was elcctod a vice president of the association, there being three. Mrs. Buxton accompanied her husband, and to say they are do lighted with their trip ia to draw it mildly indeed. We have made arrangementa with the Han Francisco Examiner to furnish it in nonnection with This Ciiuonici.k. Hav ing clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N. Y. Tribune for our republican patrons, we have mado thia arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic memliera of Tiik Chronicle family. Loth papers, the Weekly Examiner and Skmi-Wkkki.y Cuuo.nici.k will be fur nished for one year for f2.23, cash in advance. funeral of . K. Half lit. All Unit waa mortal of Cbarlea K. Haight waa laid to rest in Sunset ceme tery Sunday evening. The funeral services were held nt the house, being conducted by Rev. Whisler, who de livered a abort, but eloquent sermon, after w Inch the long procession wound slowly out to the city ot t lie dead. Some seventy members of Friendship Lodge.K. of I'., of which the deceased waa un honored member, preceded the hearse, and at the grounds their beautiful cere mony for the dead was rendered by the Pythian Knights. Hon. John M ichell acted aa prelate, and recited the Pythian aervice in a manner that brought out lis solemn beautiet, and left but few dry eye in tho audience. The floral trib utes were numerous and exceedingly leaiitiful, hia brother Knights' oflering being a floral shield three feet in length, and showing the colors of the order. The colli n waa encloerd in a metallic box, and thia was scaled at the ceme tery. The funeral waa largely attended, showing tho high esteem in which tho deceased waa held by the community. Hums III Foot Kiwm- A professional foot racer traveling un der the name of II. Steven, arrived in tow n on Tho Dalles stage last Thursday morning, with the intention of lighting onto a soft snap f which we are pretty nearly sure he has done). Next day he challenged E. M. Shutt, editor of this paper, to run a 100-yard dash at An telope on Monday, July 30th, for f.'iO u side. The idea of running against a professional foot racer aort o' took our breath at first, but at tho solicitation of our friend, we accepted hia challenge, drew up and both signed articica of agreement, and each deposited a forfeit off '.'3 with W. Bolton. Stevens stands (I feet and inch In his running Bhoe, weigh 170 lb and has an ideal build for a foot racer and nll-around athlete. Shutt stands 5 feet, O'b, and weigh 143 lbs, (our lighting weight). The race will take place a week from next Mon day, July 30th, at 3 :It0 o'clock and there will no doubt be a good sued crowd out to see the Antelope "puddin' " get snowed under. Antelope Herald. A gold watch, between Dulur aud The Dallea on the 1Mb. Tho tinder will lie liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this oflice, r with Johnston Hro. nt Dufur. Ileal of Charity Halo-lit. At live minute past 8 o'clock Friday night Charles E. Haight dropped dead in Kiueraly' drugstore. He bad lt-n rowing on the river in company with Mr. Mohr, and came directly from the river to the drngxtore. He had bis coat over hia arm and after talking a moment to Mr, Kineraly and Frank Clarke went to the back end of the store where there la a box with ahoe-blacking and a brush, laid hia coat on a pile of wall paper, and prepared to black hia shoe. In a inomet Kineraly and Clarke heard a fall, and Charley Clarke called them, saying Mr. Haight had fallen. Charley waa near him and looking at him w hen he fell. Mr. Haight bad gono to the box and aa he reached it began to atagger, fell over against the counter catching it with both bands and in a few seconds turned over to the right and fell on his back. Dra. Sutherland nnd Doane were both near tho atore and came hurriedly in, the latter after momentary exam ination prepared and administered a hypodermic injection of digitaline, fol lowing it with one of brandy. In the meanwhile Dr. Sutherland had opened his shirt and found but a faint fluttering of the heart, with a scarcely discernablo pulse. The blood waa running from bis month, and to give him a better chance to breathe he waa turned on bis side, but after a gasp or two be was dead. The body waa taken to Michell'a under taking rooms and prepared for burial, Rev. Whisler and Dr. Hollister In the meanwhile informing us gently aa jkiss'i ble, Mra. Haight of the sad bereavement that bad fallen npon her. The little lady tore up bravely and if the sympathy of the entire community can avail to lighten the blow, it surely is hers. Deceased was SK years of age, of a joviul, kindly disposition, and leaves in numerable friends to mourn bis sudden taking off. He w as a member of Friend ship lodge, K. of P. and waa buried according to the ceremonies of that' order. At the Caftt-atlm. A' gentleman who was at Cascade Locks Saturday made a pretty thorough examination of the portage road and the locks. He tells us the road is not seri ously damaged and that a thousand dol lars will put it in good repair. The lower incline, or a part of it, floated, but aa it waa in an eddy, all the timbers and rails drifted back into the canal, and were not lost. The Day Bros, have re paired a iortion of the road, so they are now running their cara aa far down as the lower end of the lock. It is thought that the end of the incline at the boat landing ia etill in place. The damage to the locks Las l-cn greatly over-estimated. A short piece of the north guard wall haa gone out, and some of the masonry near the mouth of the canal in the north aide w aa undermined and fell over into the canal. At the lower end, from the steps on the south wall to the lower break water, the rip-rap got water aoaked and slid down. Major Post says that no more dry wall will be laid, and the rip-rap will be replaced by solid masonry. About fifty stone cutters are at work, and a large number of men are at work on the wall getting it ready to lay the coping. The work will be prose cuted vigorously, and every man that can be used will be put at work just as fast as the receding waters will permit. The Kali Uaine. The Dalles ball players met those from Hood River yesterday at the fair grounds, and at the same time met de feat. Hood River winning by a score of twenty-three to eight. Hood River baa some excellent timber for a ball club and though they have played but three practice games, put up fairly good ball. The Dalles ooys are about in the same condition there being good ball players individually, but they are certainly far from being a good team. They have not played together and have no discipline. Dr. Brosiua, who came up aa chief mentor for the Hood River club, is an enthusiast on athletic sports and ia anxious to organize a circuit, where in a spirit of friendly and generoua rivalry the young men can meet to battle for victory, develop their muscles and broaden their ideas. The intention ia to include football and a wheelmen's club. The idea is a good one and we hope will bo taken up by our people, Difur, An telope, Moro, Wasco, Goldeudale, Cen tnrville and other neighboring towns. The Dalles boys, we understand, will meet tonight for the purpose of getting up a team and as there ia abundance of material, we can assiiro our Hood River frienda, that when they ogain crosa bats with them, they will have to play ball. Card of Thank. I desiie tbua publicly to ex presa my thanks to the many kind friends for their preaence, sympathy and aid in my recent bereavement. Mas. C. E. II.Miiiir. or Hale. 100 acres 5 miles north of Moro, Sher man county. Can run header overlie acres. Living spring, 130 acres fenced. Good sheep range adjoiuing. Small house, barn, etc. Frice fl.OOO. fl50 down, balance ia three years. A. Guintiikr, Moro, Or. Tat CunoNici.a is prepared to do all kinds of job printing. THE ASCCNT OF MT. HOOD. Tha MaianiM Kearh the Mntnmlt la a rtaatlr Mora. ! The Maaiiiaa astembled in force at j ('loud Cap Inn and Government Camp, , ami alihouitli I lie weather on the morn ing of the I'Ui; ana anything but pro pitious for the ascent, all were eager t-) make the ttart. A thunder storm came up at 2 o'clock in the morning, and later on a terriliu wind atorm, with rain at 8 o'clock. I in the south kide of the moun tain the early climber were treated to a hail storm. Tho Portland purty, from Government Camp, were the first to start, and their advance reached the summit at 8 a. m. At that hour a regular hurricane waa blowing and the party bad to hug the anow drifts for shelter. Tho climbers from Government Camp kept arriving at the summit until 2:33 in the after noon. The Cloud Cap party left the Inn at 9:.';0 and reached the summit In five hours. The following named persons reached the summit of Mt. Hood from Cloud Cap Inn : Mies Alice Cleaver, Miss Delia Wat son, Miss Olive Hartley, Misa Ida Foes, E. C. Stuart, Frank McClnre, Griff Per rott, Ed. Williams, S. V.. Bartmees, W. W. Xaeon, II. J. Mand, C. H. Mclaaac, E. T. Simmonds, James Dimmick, J. E. Hiinna, Will Mercer, A. J. Johnson, II. D. Laniiille, P. C. McGnire. The Cloud Cap party left the summit at 0:33 in the afternoon and made the descent in 1 hour and 43 minutes; all arriving at the Inn in good shape. One hundred and sixty-six climbers reached the summit during the day. Eighty-four others failed to reach the top of the mountain or turned back on account of the storm. The Muzamas organized on the sum mit of the mountain with 33 charter members, 23 from the Government Camp party and 10 from Cloud Cap. The follow ing officers of the society were elected : W. G. Steel of Portland, president; H. D. Lanirille of Hood River, first vice president; Wilbur of Portland, sec ond vice president ; Prof. Chapman of Eugene, third vice piesident; A. J. Johnson of Astoria, fourth vice presi dent; Miss Fay Fuller of Tacoma, his torian; C. II. Shoals of Portland, secre tary; F. C. Little of Portland, treasurer. While the Cloud Cap party were on the mountain the atmosphere waa clear and the vie to be had of the surround ing country waa grand. The snow peaks in sij;ht were Mts. Jefferson, Thielsen, Shasta, Three Sisters, Adams, Rainier and St. Helens. They could see the Columbia river below Portland, and Eastern Oregon to the Blue mountains. Carrier pigeons were sent to the Ore gonian by Mr. Parrott the first from Cloud Cup and three from the summit. Those sent from the summit seemed to appreciate their altitude, tor after flying around once atwjve the mountain, com menced circling down and down until Io?t from view fiir below in a more con genial atmosphere. Those making the accent from Cloud Cup speak ir. high terms of the manage ment of D iug. Langills. Hia new route from the inn makes the ascent much easier. Alout one thousand feet of rope made fust near the auuimit and stretch ing down the steepest part of the moun tain madt the descent comparatively safe. Mr. Mclsaac of Portland, weighing over 200 pounds, made the aeeent with ease. Another man, S2 years of age, reached the top of the mountain. S. E. Biirtmesg,. Ed. Williams, Griff Parrott and Frank McCI ure left Cloud Cap at 2:10 yesterday morning, along with Perry McCrory, arriving at Hood River at 7 :0j. To thia party we are in debted for incidents of the trip. Follow ing ia a list of the arrivals at Cloud Cap Inn : Misa Jeanette Williams, Miss Grace Williams, Miss M. Grace Hollister, The Dalles; C. II. Mcleaac, E. T. Simmons, E. C.Stuart, Mrs. E. C. Stuart, Miss Bertha Stuart, Miss Kate Sitton, Port land; A. J. Johnson, Astoria; James A. Snyder, La Crosse, Wisconsin; S. J. La France, Ed Williams, Mis Olive Hartley, Miss Dela Watson, Lee Hoff man, Mrs. 1-ee Hoffman, C. F. Swigert, Mrs. C. F. Swigert, E. E. McClure, Griff Parrot, Portland, and 23 campers. Gla cier. Mrs. C. S. Juker, of Portland, Oregon, bus just received the sad intelligence of her mother's death, Mrs. Anne Marie Basche, who died June 13th, 1S91, at the residence of Iter son, A. Basche, Green Biiv, Wisconsin. From the Green Bay Advocate ;ve copy the following: "Mrs Basche wus a native of Europe, being of Franco-Prussian birth, was bom October 4th, 1801, and was therefore nearly 'JO years of age. With her hus band, Joseph Basche. of military record, she emigrated to this country some fifty two years Hgo and has since made Green Bay her home. Her husband, a promi nent of this place, died many yeara ago, but she was possessed of a wonderful vitality and was never ser iously rick, until within three mouth other death, when her physiciul and mental faculties gradually failed until he peacefully sank to her eternal rest. She waa of noble birth, also being a de scendant of ancestors distinguished in great military record, musical fame and literature. She waa a most estimable lady, and, being pose?ied of a truly lovable disposition and charitable na ture, waa greatly loved by all who knew her. Her surviving children are a follow: Mra. C. Stella Juker, formerly of The Dalles, Oregon, Hon A. Basche, M. and Fred W. Basche, prominent citienaof thia place, and Ex-Mayor P. Basche, one of the wealthiest mine owners of Baker City, Oregon. She also leavea 2S grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. She was a faithful member of the Catholic church and the funeral occurred Sunday afternoon from the cathedral, which was larpely at tended. The floral tributes were very beautiful and numerous, the pall bear er being Hon. Joseph Fohrmann, Matt Miller, Nicholaa Miller, P. F. Schu macher, C. Kaster and 8. Landwehr." A Hollar la tha Wallet. Went Coat Trwlc. The stars they thine aerener and with greater luminosity when a fellow isn't struggling with hia impecuniosity. The lofty aky ia bluer and the meadow graas ia greener, and the ilia of life are fewer, and our life itself serencr ; and we feel a glorious courage and the fates cannot appall it when we feel the solid backing of a dollar in our wallet. Oh, the quiet air of twilight is more brightly lurniniferous, and the Incense from the flowers ia more sweet and odor iferous; and the zephyrs blow more sweetly and our food ia more nutritious, and we're conecious more completely tat our breakfast is delicious; and we feel that life'a no fizzle, as the pessimists miscall it, when we have'the satisfaction of a dollar in our wallet. All our woes are less appalling and our joys are less ambiguous, and all life's happy meadows are ao lush-like and irriguous; for a glass of pure, cold phoaa tastes aa eweet as balm of Gilead, and brown bread is like ambrosia Homer tells of in the Iliad ; and we feci that life's a poem tnaugre what the cynics call it, and we feel supremely blessed with a dolar in our wallet. Tnt Like His White Brother. Lo, the poor Indian, was up before bis honor Recorder Dufur this, morning charged with filling hia dusky and musky hide entirely too full of the pale faced brother'scoflin-varnish. The dark brown flavor of his breath, matching so prettily with his complexion, had re mained with him all night, and was present at the time he appeared to plead. His cavernous eyes and noble mien, failed to awaken a responsive chord in the judicial bosom of hia judge who fined him five dollars, lie took it stoically, not the five dollars, but the fine, and as he inserted his right band under bis left brachium and gave five distinct digs with hia fingers to impress the amount on his mind, and also to re lieve a temporary annoyance caused by a personal friend of his, the marshal hustled hiin from the thisness of the now into the henceneea of the elsewhere. He looked sad, for the sacred fires with in had burned low, but the proud stoicism of his race, and tbe briefness of his English vocabulary, forbade him making any protest. He waa broke, and also broke to lead, and so he un complainingly followed. A Koollah Trip. The Inland Star did not get to the Cascades yesterday, having met a heavy breeze at Wind mountain, and being unable to make head against tbe rough sea, tied up at 13 Mile point for the night. It was a loolith trip, and the gentleman who claimed to be so near the president of the road and all its officers that all he had to do waa to tele graph and have a train of Pullmans, and who also knew all about the river. and so persuaded hia fellow passengers into the scheme, ia no doubt prepared to receive a vote of thanks and a leather medal. The Inland Star and Irma are all right for pleasure lioata, but for use on the middle Columbia they are too small and have too little power. The Railroad Situation. The railroad between this jint and Rufus ia nearly in running order again and it ia expected that truing will be running over it either tonight or to morrow. Between here and the Cas cades every point on the road where it 'm possible to put men to work ia being put in shape and a week or two will complete tho temporary repairs so that the road w ill be passable. The greatest difficulty encountered is in getting tho piling. From the Cascades the road ia repaired up to Shell Rock, tho trestle acroe the creek lxttom beyond Mosier is about completed, and ut Hood River the work is being pushed rapidly. Aa I'gly Way. This baa been one of the nuelieet days we ever experienced in The DhIIcs. The wi'd nnd woolly wind from the west wept up the Colnuibia and fell on the dusty streets witli a whoop and a whirl. The sand and sediment left here by the flood last month, fled before it, lighting out towards Sherman county on the wings of the gale. Aa for items, had there Ix-eu any a reporter couldn't Lave seen one for sand, unless he actually fell on it. Ileal Katate Movements. The follow ing deeds were filed for rec ord today : Viola C. Bell to Nancy A. Miler, s', ew'4, sec. 14, tp. n, r !'-'; w. PERSONAL MENTION. Saturday. General If. B. Com peon ia registered at the Umatilla. Mr. Jaine II. Fraser and wife of Moro are in the city. Mr. and Mra. R. E. Haworth of Uni versity Park, Portland, are visiting In the city. A number of Dalles people went to tha LK-ka today, among them Mr. S. L. Brook. Miss Hilda Beck left for Portland this) morning, where she will spend tha re mainder of her vacation. Misse Ada and Levia Blackerby of Wapinitia, who have been visiting in Portland, returned last night. Hon. W. B. Presby, prosecuting at torney for Klickitat county, ia in th city, and ia accompanied by Mrs. Presby. Mr. Fred Young ia in from Bake Oven to meet Mra. A. E. Billa and Mi) Leffie Paulding of Portland, who will accompany him home. Misses Nellie and Pearle Butler re turned on thia morning' train from Kansas, accompanied by their friend. Misa Lima Koirwell, who will spend the auinmer with them. Mr. Wallace Wilson, the genial stew ard of the Umatilla house, ia reasonably happy, hia wife and little son, who are at present living in Portland, being on a visit to him here. Monday. Mr. K. N. Staehr, Bake Oven's mer chant, is in the city. Mr. Fred Dee and J. C. Wiegand, Arlington merchants, are in the city. Mr. S. A. C'arke, the horticulturist and journalist of Oregon, is in tho city. Mr. John E. lathrop, city editor of the East Oregonian, came up on the Regulator. Col. E. W. Pike and wife of Golden dale are in the city, accompanied by Miss Trotter and Miss F.flie Trotter. Receiver McNeil, Chief Enineer Campbell and Superintendent Birie passed throtieh last nuht. Mr. McNeil goes to New York to raise money to pnt the O. R. &. N. in running order. Mr. J. R. Weddell, a prominent real estate man of Chicago, came npon the rioat last night and on, on the train. He is much pleased with Oregon, and will be back in September with the in tention of putting some currency where it will do the moat good in Oregon. Mr. Geo. W. Mead and family of Brooklyn, N. Y., came up on the Regu lator Saturday night, and spent the Sabbath in visiting points of interest in this vicinity. They have just returned from Alaska, but pronounce the scenery of the Columbia beyond anything they have ever seen, either in this country or Europe. As Mr. Mead is a great traveler the compliment is a high one. He is delighted with this country and will probably return thia fall, and as he ia a millionaire, ia tbe kind of immi grant we need. Tuesday Dr. Wm. B. Clowe of Walla Walla passed down this morning. Mr. S. Waters, the Goldendale mer chant, went below this morning. Mrs. Thornhury and Mrs. T. A. Hud son and children went to Clatsop yes terday. Mr. Geo. R. Rooper, n Boston wool buyer, arrived thia morning and will in terview our wool men. Mr. W. F. Cook, proprietor of the hotel Pendleton, went down on the Regulator thia morning. Mr. C. M. Ingram was the originator of the trip to the Cascades on the Gypsy yesterday. Mr. Ingram ia a suc cess as an originator. Captain Pratt, superintendent of the Indian school at Carlisle1, Penn., was a passenger on the Inland Star for the Locks yesterday. Lieut. Fitzgerald and wife were also among the passengers. KOItN. At Cascade Locka, Saturday, July 2lst, to the wife of D. L. Gates, a son. At The Dallea, Sunday, July 221, to the wife of Fred Houghton, a daughter. A Itaker'a Ioien. The city recorder had quite a family party thia morning, there being thir teen disci plea of Silenua boforo him charged with imbibing too freely. The number is certainly an unlucky one for most of thein, as eight cheerfully ac knowledged they were drunk, while two compromised on being hnlf drunk, bat were fined f3 juat the same, the recorder very properly holding that the law didn't recognize a half way offense, and that he could not split the fine. Two refused to acknowledge the com-juice, and their trials were set for 6 o'clock this afternoon. One, the lucky thirteen timer, w as discharged. AdtertUed Letter. Following ia tbe list of letter remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalle nn oalled for Tuesday July 24th, 1894. Persona calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Ames, Mr Fargher, Alex Morgan, Miss, Nellie Webber, Mr A E M. T., P. M. See the Worla'a 'alr lor Fifteen Centa Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world' Columbian exposition, ' tho regular price is fifty cents, but as we want yon to have one, we waxe me price nominal. You will find it a work o' art and a thing to bo prized. It con tains full page view of the great bolld ings, with description of same, and ia executed lu highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get It, we will refund the tamps and let yon keep the book. Addres H. V.. Bccxlkk &. Co., Chicago. III.