The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 25, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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    Ilf TTI If V
Cliaa and Japau attic About
wnat Ncitinr Owns.
ake sn:i fok n millions
House Noli" 1 Amend the Constitu
lj(Mr So that Senators Will He
Elided by the People.
The? Vt Milt the Meitnte Ulmitml.
WjniiN'iToN. J"'y "I. There in u
jll Bu Inure of members of (lie house
tml.iv. It iwiirs demanded tlio regular
onlrr. A resolution proposing hii
iniiMulincul to tin" Constitution provid
ing tlmi senator lie elected by a direct
nlle ,, thi' people. Although a two
thirds vot in rt'itiiri'l lor iiiiuhii ti-h
uif iit'" '"iHtiiiitiiui, lliu pending
mmlulioii win- o.seil l"7 to 4!), thirteen
Volt" t spare, I '1" IlllllOUnCCIIieilt WSH
rem veil i L 1 1 l-1 n .t-rti t ic applause. The
h-iii-i' di-agrecd to the senate amend
nifiiih mi (! 1 1 itt in ii appropriation dill,
llolinan, Allen iiixl W iIki'ii of Washing
ton were appointed ecnfnree.
Mukmi m Itotli Hlioulilera.
Washington, July "I. Seiuttnr AUtm
Of .N.'I'lilHkil, H IIHMlllll'l- of the Ull'.'lir ill-
e-tigaiing committee, made a report t.
the nen.ite hii iliMiniui ii that of the
committee, lie says evidence shows
that tin' sugar trust contributed to the
om i iti IiiiiiIm, both of tin democrat
ind republican purlieu, with the exped
ition, if not i III I !'! promise, tlllll ItH
interest would I in cared for, hihI tluit
)l l'lumon nod Quay spcculaicd in
mir during tin' pending of t tie tariff
bill, lie recommended tliut laws Ik
MttH'il covering both thrse practices.
A t'apltallat 1 hrenten the Hennte.
Washington, July "1. Senator Joni'ii,
one uf tlie tariff Conferees, ha received
adoicn letter of which tlie following in
fair HM-(-i uimi : "To Congressional
fiiiiiiiittee on TurifT : If you punit the
Uriff hill with iiu-oliiu tax attached,
don't forget to order your collin. Yon
will need tilt-ill nil ill noon as you leiive
Washington. So help you Gud. Signed
Hugnrlllg iIT.
Waniiin- ton, July 21. The conserva
tive ilviinH'rutic leaders ill llie senate
ire ill -i' iixh 1 1 1 1; the advisihility uf hold
iiig u caucus for the pur pone uf trying to
refill mi understanding on the tariff
oirii-uieii. Their plun in for a repent
ol the sugar Isuiuty ly an independent
bill if (tin differential duty on refined
luar is stricken out of the tariff hill,
Hid llie hill defeated in c iiuaequciicti.
1hl' All) That's All)
Nr.w Youk, July 21. The Kbiiuhh
FV-iiu- IxiiidlioldnrH' coiiiiuiltve, Silim I'.
Dutelier ithuiriiiHii, him entered nut in
tlir llniteil SialeM circuit emirt for New
Vuik in llie iiauiu of John Cjuimy
Aildiim, Hitaiimt Iwilinell H.ine ami the
enme i.f JHy liouhl, to recover $11,000,
OW', the pmeeedH of nwuritieii.
T,i H(IU-Not talk.
Wahiiimiton, July 21. The 'epuli
liran AdviHmy committee of the iriiule
toJ,w d eided to recomuieml to the re- HellHllim tllllllliW delltlifllllK til
iu the greater part of the lalkiiifc' on the
tantr Hinl to vote rolully to Mlrike out
tli ditr.-reutiul nuiir luy.
M'miid Nt U ui k Without Them.
Ciiiiaiio, July 21. The reiin.vnl of
Hie lr.i.ii h Irmii the Lake Shore VHriN
'H niiiht eauxed the men em plot ed
there to refiiHU lo work tlii-i nnirninit.
Trei-ident N,.ell aft'iired tlie return of
II" onii,iuiy of militia and I lit) un-n re
uiiird ih,.ir work,
llnllrv).. I ho lall TrUlller er.
Wamiiinotos.'JuIv 21. A rniid im
priiveini'iit in the couditioii of tlm Went
"n iiihiI m-rvice ix reported ly the pout
'HicedeiiHrtnient diHpHti'liep today. The
Ptal nllirliiU 1.,'lievn that all ii jmioun
fleet of the trike a ill he overcome hy
hie liettiuniiiK of next w k.
Hlla Will !
Kinohtowm, Dulilin Kay, July 21.
Ihe Viuilan won today under pondi
hin hereiofure considered unfavciratile
'"her. 8he flniHlied a fifty mile cruise
"'fee minute and thirty-nine recoiid
''"d of t,e Ilrltrti una.
And the Hall Kelt.
,l,"Nt. Ida., July 21. A cyclone nwenl
'er Kik county a day or two a", lvel
i'lif tree and ile-lmy inif sheep and
'"n''- Hail stone to tl e depih ot five
Inch.-, f,. (, ,,!,;,.,,. Two prus-
Pfelom were Injured.
"r t'cilm m ti Uriih.
Hi V linilea I. I
'IVH'- KentiUtor. I hate not lo t ne
VhVm i, ...
I". I'ayloh, At. for tJraii,fers of ti.i.
Now Arrat the Oilier llw.
Citlt Aoo, July 21. U.doodwin, . K,
tiuiiis and J., dircctom of the
Amurlcan Hallway Union ami K. I.
Benedict, cteno(rruplicr, aero arreNtn
lodiiy. Warrants are out for Directors
John MacVeahan and TIioiiiuh Ilogan.
A Muli at I'ullnisa.
CitiCAMo, July 21. A mob at Pulliniwi
today attempted to Intercept thirty
llolluiider on their way to the full
man shopa. The police escorted the
workmen through tlio crowd and re
mained on guard at the works.
Hlily luilltitiueola at at. I'aul.
St. I'aul, July 10. The I'nited Stutes
lrund jury today retried (K) indict
ineiitH iiKHiiiNt striker and others for In
terferiiiK with ttie u.ails. liencli wur
runtii were Issued.
That Hunt Mr...
Wahiiinuton, July 21. The senate
mii'iir iiivesiiriition coiumittee reMimed
work today. The miiHt imiairtant wit
liens is Marry Kood, the New York Her
uld rejMirter.
t Irril Into tlm Mol.
Cinuik'nati, July 21. Deputy United
Stutes Marshal Schlesiner firerl three
shots into a crowd that wus sinning him
today. The policemen drove the mob
A Hair Million lllass.
I'.ikmi.noton, Ala., July 21. A firo
this morning consumed the Caldwell
hotel and udjoiiiing Imil. lins ; loss,
f :00,()mi ; insnruuee. (UitO.OO.
War lierlarsij lletwenn t-lilna aud
London, July 21. A dispatch from
Htiiiuhut says a rumor is in circulation
that war lias heeu declared hetaeen
Cliinu and Japan.
Th H'lil Market.
I'uutlanu, July 21. Wheat un
changed. Sail Francisco D-ceiiibcr,
KM), Chictiyir Cash, C2, .'4'; Sep-
temher, ui, .
Indlrlmriit Itetnraed at Clilesffn.
CuiCArin, July 19. Twenty-nine in
dictments were returned hy the special
federal jury, charping offense against
the interstate commerce and (Hiatal laws.
The jury completed its lalsjrs and w as
u inch a rued. The district attorney re-liii-ed
to allow the name to lie published
until the wurrauts were served in the
moriiitiK. No warrant were issued
this evening, as the court wanted to
itive all an opportunity to furnish bail.
The hail was lixed by Jndiie Sen limn at
$10,000. There are cumulative indict
ment Haiiist Deha, Howard Kellher
and Kotrors; also sirnin-t the other di
rectors of the railway union. Sovereign,
of the Kniirhts ol Labor, may be among
the indicted.
Tlta Han fraiielaeii Inveslla-ntliin.
San Fkancihco, July 19. The United
States itraud jury resumed i ' s session
this afternoon. Wrioiis aci in re
straint of interHtnte coinmeice com
mitted by railroad employe were under
consideration. Un ted Mutes District
Attorney (i.irter says no indictments
will probably bereinrned until the in
Vciti;ulion is completed.
lleatraliieit frmn liilerferliic. July II). The miner of
the 1!ik Muddy tlnul C.iiniiany. at. Mur.
pbysboro, ruck t his week, and the com
pany nppl'ed today for an ii junction
from the United Suites coiirt re-lraiu-init
the strikers from Inlerfet imr w ith
operations of the mines. The injunc
tion w as granted.
One lluuilred Striker In .lull
niKMiNOHAM, A!a.,July 19 One hun
dred st ikcrs, charged Willi pai tiuipalinn
in Mouihit's riot at the Pratt uiliies. are
in jtil. The juil is heavily guarded tie
night, as the i llne-s have U en informed
of a threatened attempt to rescue the
An Arrest at Tnonina.
Tacoma, July 19 AngiiHt t:oldberg,
W 1 1 1 in in Cassiiy hihI John Slmrt were
arrested tonight for contempt uf court by
diieila-y ing Judge ILindlnrd's orders.
I'hey were brulje carpenter, and took a
band-car, on w bich 'hey rode from the
laiiiiede tunnel to Kent.
W. II. Nelson, who ta in the drug
husine at Kinifville, Mo., ha lo much
coiilidence in Chamber lain' Oil ic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy that he war
rant every tail tie and timers to refund
the money lu any cu-tomer who I not
satisfied alter u-ins! it. Mr, Nelson
lakes no riek in doing this because the
remedy is a certain cure fur the dlneasea
for which it is intended and he knows
It. It Is for sale hy Itlakoly A I lougbton.
Men VI all I ml
Fifteen men wanted to cut cordwiMid.
I iitj n ire of
Tint Dai.i.ks l.uwnwtiNO Co.
Sittncribe (or liia CitaoNici.i.
Hs Makes a .Bitter Attach cb ths
The Labor Lcadera in Court, Hut Say
They Will Fight Until Congress
Decides Their Appeal.
The Ilemiicratlo War.
Washington, July 2.1. The buttle
over the conferee report on the tariff
bill wa refumed in tfio senate today.
The attendance is larger than on Friday,
and t tie fight is confined to the demo
crat, the republicans cnucedini; it to be
their fight. President pro-teiu Harris
is in the chair. After tho routine busi
ness was finished Voorhce called for
the conference report on the tariff bill,
and then the torm broke. Gorman
addressed the senate at length, ppeakiii);
from carefully prepared notes. After
reviewing tlie condition of the senate
which made a compromise necessary,
lie delivered bis defr.mce in dramatic
tones. The infamous calumnies heaped
on the bead of the senate, forced from
his lips, be said, this plain, unvarnished
statement. IJelerring to the president's
letter, he said : "It is tlie most uncalled
for, the most extraordinary, and the
most unwise communication that ever
came from a president of the United
States " Gorman then proceeded to
detail the manner in which to meet the
objections and secure the support of cer
tuiu disaffected democrats, the changes
had la-en agreed npon. He stated em
phatically that during this work, Vest
and Jones had frequent conferences w ith
Cleveland himself. He charged directly
every one of tlie senate amendments had
la'en seen by Secretary Carlisle before
they were agreed npon. He read the
inierview with Secretary Curlisle on
April 30ih. in which the secretary gave
this same bill his sweeping endorse
ment "The secretary of the treasury nec
essarily spoke in a great measure tor the
president on matters relating to bis de
partment," said Gorman. In response
to an appeal from Gorman, Jones of
Arkansas related a conversation he had
with President Cleveland before he pro
posed the Jones amendments to the
tariff bill. He said he told the president
he would not go one step further with
the com promise measure until be was
a-suied it would have the president's
support. The president told him he
would favor almost any coin pruttiine to
secure the passage of the bill. Vilas
a keel whether President Cleveland had
not expressed a desire for free coal and
iron? Jones replied he had, but had
urged the senate to get the compromise
bill through.
Gorman resumed with one of the
most sensational references heard in the
enate for many a day. He said the
senate bad been traduced. Attempt
bad la-en made to try and gibbet them
before the country. Charges had la-en
"ioully made coming from distinguished
souices," and these must be met and
refuted. These charges were echoed by
men w ho chirped w lieu he talked. The
senators w ho tiad been traduced had
founht for the tariff reform bill when
'-cowards in high places would not show
their heads." He said he could con
ceive of no reason for the remarkable
action taken by the president unless
perhaps the one responsible for it was
"consumed by vanity" iu having the
country regard him as the author of all
that was right in the tariff reform bill.
Never before since the declaration of
independence had the president of the
United States la-en guilty of such viola
tion of the spirit of the constitution as
had I'leveland in writing his letter to
Chairman Wilson. Gorman had Black
burn read an extract from Washington's
farewell address about the encroach
ment of the executive on the powers of
C'liiitress a subversive of tne principles
of the republic. "The liberty of the
senate has Wen invaded," he said, in
thumb-rum tone, "but we stand here to
maintain our rights and the rights of
the people, though thousand hirelings
write us down and traduce us."
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. K. Bucklen
A Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills free, a well
a a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. All of which Is
guaranteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly.
they Will right to a
Chicago, July 2.1. What is consid
ered by libor leaders as one of the most
iuioi tanl legftl battles in this nation's
history was U-gun in the I'nited States
circuit court today w hen President Debs,
Vice-President Howard, Secretary Keli
her and Director Rogers, officers of the
American Railway Union, tiled their
answer to thn contempt rule. The de
fense proMjses to cirry the case ta the
supreme court in tlie event of an ad
verse decision here, and if defeated will
appeal to congress.
Magfi Driver Klllt at (Jnverument
t amp.
I'obtland, July 23. Word was re
ceived here thst two uianked men held
up the Mount Hood stage near Govern
ment Camp this morning. The driver,
a man named BroinGeld, was shot and
killed and one of ttie horses suffered the
same fate. The stage contained six or
seven ladies who were relieved of ail
their valuables. A posse bus gone in
pursuit of the highwaymen.
1hn Kenate Hill or None.
Washington, July 23. A gentleman
w ho is very close to the Gorman-Brice
wing of tne senate, is positive that the
assertion that thp tariff bill will cither
lie the enatu or the McKinley bill, w ill
be proven correct. Tlie senators are in
dignant at the president, and will not
consent to any concession or compro
mise. The bouse must come to the sen
ate and concede everything, or there
will be no tariff legislation.
In Favor if the Itailrnail.
Washington, Jnly 23. Secretary
Smith today affirmed the nclion of ttie
general land office in rejecting tlie ap
plications in tiie cases of Ferdinand
Garbairo, Theodore Barlan, Isaac L.
Williams, ZeraGn Wunderle, Lou Wark,
James Brown, John Anderson and Tim
othy Healy to enter lands near Oregon
City on the ground of a previous patent
given to the Oregon A California rail
road. laaue Joined lo the Courts.
Chicago, July 23. An answer was
filed today by the officers of the Ameri
can Railway Union in the contempt pro
ceedings before the United States court,
growing out of the alleged violation of
the federal injunction against interfer
ence with the mails and interstate com
merce. The answer contains only
specific denials of the allegations con
tained iu the information.
Try Troops on Thrir.
Uniontown, Fenn., July 23 This
rooming a bomb was exploded under the
house of a non-union man named Dan
bar. The house was literally blown to
pieces, and that the family escaped un
injured, is miraculous. Nearly 2000
strikers have gathered here today to at
tend a meeting; they are in an ugly
mood, most of them drinking and all
Nouili C'arollua Opens It Haloons.
Columbia, S. C, July 23. Governor
Tillman issued a proclamation today de
claring that all state liquor dispensaries
would be opened August 1st. Although
there is no further armed resistance to
tlie state militia in their efforts to close
saloons run by individuals, the law is
looked on with disfavor, and trouble
will begin as soon as the dispensaries
are again opened.
llrowned In tho Lake.
Habkison, Idaho, July 23. Frank
Bramtuel and Alfred Mottof Pullman,
Wash., were drowned in St. Joe lake
while swimming horses last evening.
Frank was the son of President Bram
tuel, of the Farmers' and Traders' bank,
uged 21, and Alfred was the son of A. W.
Mott, a merchant, aged 14.
Japan Opens the right.
London, July 23. A private dispatch
says a Japanese gunboat opened fire on
one of the Corean ports tialay.
The W heat Market.
Portland, July 23 Wheat unchanged.
San Francisco New, seller, .90, ;
Chicago Cash, .53,.
Last June, Dick Crawford brought his
twelve months old child, suffering from
infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been
weaned at four months old and being
sickly everything ran through it like
water through a sieve. I give it the
usual treatment in such cases, but with
out benefit. The child kept growing
thinner until it weighed but little more
than when born, or perhaps ten pounds.
I then started the fattier to giving
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud
Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one bottle
of the 25 cent sise had been used, a
marked improvement was seen and its
continued use cured the child. Its
weakness nnd puny constitution disap
peared and its father ami myself believe
the child's life was saved by this remedy.
J. T. Marlow, M. 1)., Tamaroa, III.
for sale by 15lakeley A Houghton Druggist.
Hill Says tlie House Will Never
The Well man Arctic Expedition Sup
posed to he Lost The Chocolate
Colored Queen Protests.
The House Will Tr Yield.
Washington, July 24. Every sent in
the galleries was filled today when the
senate met. At 12:28 o'clock Harris,
the manager of tlie tariff bill, called for
the conference report. Hill was at once
recuunized. He agreed, he said, witli
i-orman that the democratic party is in
the midst of a great crisis, it would do
no good to obstinately adhere to the
position taken when the bill passed.
Backed by the publie press of the coun
try, by the democratic masses and the
president of the United States as it un
doubtedly is, the house will never yield.
Hill said he sympathized with the
president's letter to Chairman Wilson.
Its sentiments were his. The president
violated no clause of the constitution
when he sent that letter. . The demo
crats of the country are in sympathy
w ith Cleveland and the democratic clubs
and conventions all over the country
had endorsed ttie Wilson bill in respect
to free raw materials, and on the other
hand the senate bill had been received
everywhere with disapproval.
Mar.tial Ylolatlug; the Law.
Gvthuie, Oklahoma, July 24. Gov
ernor lien f row lias received a telegram
from the citizens of Enid, declaring that
the United States deputy marshals are
violating the organic act of the territory,
by arresting citizens, denying tliem a
preliminary bearing and spiriting them
away. At ttie same time an unlawful
organization at the norm end of town is
threatening to burn the city.
Japanese Win the Flr.t Battles.
Shanghai, July 24. A telegram from
Nagasaki this morning says that a de
tachment of Corean troops at the insti
gation of Chinese residents, made an
attack on tiie Japanese garrison at that
place and were repulsed after losing
many men. A later telegiaui says that
a Japanese cruiser and a Chinese trans
port vessel had an engagement, and that
the latter was sunk.
The More lie IMaaaree., the Nearer He
la Klght.
Washington, July 24. At 3 o'clock
the senate adjourned until main tomor
row, without doing anything except
talk. Tiie democratic senators intend
holding a caucus this afternoon, ami
Senator Hill lias not been invited. The
general opinion is, that while Hill dis
agrees with both the senate and tlie
president, lie is nearer riijht than either.
To I'revvul Kinugglliig.
Washington, July 24. Senator Power
of Montana lias in roduced a bill to have
the collection of customs revenue along
tlie northern border of the United
States, traiisferied to the war depart
ment. Tlie object is to have the Isjrder
better patrolled, so as to prevent the
smuggling ol Chinese and opium.
A New L.alur I'lilun.
Chicago, July 21. The American
Lalxir Uu'uii, a new order, designed lo
gather under one banner the whole
army of the tolling in usees, has been
launched with W. C. Walsh as presi
dent, it is said tlie new union will lie
affiliated with the American R.tilwav
Union, and w i I be controlled by the
same men.
Hawaii's Ou ell fr.iteats.
Washinoton, July 24 I'he president
submitted lo the senate today a letter
from Minister Willis dated June 2S, in
which he reports the receipt of a protest
signed Liliiinkitlaiii, -earnestly requ-.t-ing
United States not to extend its re
cognition to any tiovernineiit formed.
Tlio W luat Market.
Pobtland, July 24. Wheal valley,
.80 to .82,'ji per cental. Walla Walla,
.75. San Francisco new, seller, .9tli
percental. Chicago Cash .67u'. Sep
tember delivery .53l4' -r bushel.
Think They Mill Agree tu Agree. .
WasiiinoT'N. July 24. Mills and
Smith representimt ttie two extreme
Highest of t.i in ic-
wings of the democratic party in ibe
senate today ex preyed the opinion that
the party get together ami )ass tariff
bill licfore adjournment.
Anil Kite Won Again.
Rochksj I'oint. Southampton. .Intr
24. The Vigilant won today in llie
twelfth fifty -inile race with the H'inan
uia by 3 minutes and 22 second- I'he
wind was fresher than during ant f the
preceding contests.
They Won't Freean Now.
Chicago, July 24. JaiucH W. Scott,
publisher of the Herald, says the i.eed
lie no occasion for alarm about the Well
man arctic exploring party nntil niter
August 15th.
Ami the Clerks Uo Hack.
Wasaington, July 24. The hon-e to
day passed the hill for reinstatement of
tho clerks dismissed from tho i iilnHy
mail service lietween March l.Vli ami
May 1st, 18S9.
Not luaappulnted Lot6.
Sr. Louis, .Inly 24. Augusta K ch,
71 years old, today wrapped her-i- f in
coal oil-saturated sheet as a stir "id mnl
setting it on fire perished.
I. nut In the Arctlra.
Lonoon, July 24. Late advic irmii
Norway leave but little doubt Imi ihat
the Wellman Arctic expedition i U-t.
The Ambitious Little Slate Fleker..
In a large room sat the little slme
pickers. Tlie floor slanted at an angle
of forty-five degrees, and the coal hv
irjg been manifested by the gieai 'eeih
was streaming sluggishly in l"n iron
troughs. Ttie boys sat straddlint: these
troughs, and as the mass moved owiy.
they grabbed deftly at the pieces of
slate therein.
There were five or tix of them, one
above another, over each trouitli. the
coal is expected to be fairly pur.- alter
it passes the final boy. The in-n ling
machinery was above them. It th up,
dim figures moved about in the dust
These little men were a terrifically
dirty hand. They resembled tin- New
York gamins in some ways, bui iney
laughed more, and when they l.uuli-d
their faces were a wonder and a leiror.
They had an air of supreme independ
ence and seined proud of their kind ut
villainy. They swore long oaths with
Through their ragged shirt we c iuhl
get occasional glimpses of shoulders,,
black as stoves. They looked prici-ely
like imps as they scrambled to get a
view of us. Work ceased while tbey
tried to ascertain if we were willing liv
give away any tobacco. The man who
perhaps believes tliat he controls tln-iu
came and harangued the crowd. I In
talked to the air.
Tlie slatt-pi ,-kers all through this
region are vet at tiie spanking H-riod.
One continually wonders ainit their
mothers and if there are any school
houses. But as fur tliem, t hev rin: not
Concerned. When they gettime i 'It' they
go out on the culm heap and play base
lml I or fikht with boys from oilier
breakers" or among' tbemmlve-. ac
cording to the iippoi tnnii ies. Ai d lie
fore I hem ul w ays is I be tee til one day
jetting to be door boys down in llie)
mines and, later innlebois. And yet
later, laborers and belp-rs. Finally
a lien they have gn wn to be irrent dig
i:ien they limy bee him niinei-, real
miners, and go dow n and net 'iii-ez-d"
or perhaps escape M it shattered ,,lil
man's elat with a iin-r- "niiner'fl
a-i lima." They are verv inn bilious.
Meanwhile Ihey live in :t ,lrti?e of in
fernal din. The ciash ami i hini.h r of
tlie nntchi nery is like ihe mur ol mi im
mense caiarnct. Tlie room un i ii k a i. d
blare- mid bellow. 'l nnls of dust blur
the air until the window s shine blindly nlf. A I the sliiic'nie is a uenihle
from the heavy sweep ami code i.f the
(Hinderon mechanism. Down in the
midst of it sit these liny urchins, a here
I hey euro fifty -five cents encn day.
l b. y local!. e this atmosphere nniil
i heir him." grow heavy and sick witn il.
l in y Imve tins clamor iu their eais un
til it is won 'erliil Ih n they have any
Imodium-vd"r rein.iiniiiL'. lilt they
are iiiic wed; they continue to swanifer.
And at the lop of llie "breaker" lalnr
ers can always be neen dnmpiiw the
r. i.i i i n a- Cal down the w id.-, voracious
maw of ihe Ceatine.
Wauled, a kl I to do general house
nor. A pplv St this ntlice.
... x.u.i.'st U. S. Gov't Uqiort