The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 21, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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Joha v. Arnold af ivuIIim NsmIhsimI
a rn tturor ialtaral--
Tht Slrlka Mltuatlan.
'the acts of Mr. Cleveland and his ail-
C. J. Mul key was yesterday sentenced j miniatration to preserve law ami order
by Judge Keilingar to one year's iiu- nd pledging the support of all branches
prisonment in the Multnomah county 0f the government to a maintenance of
jail and to pay line of f.",000. 1. J. the same policy. That settled the fate
Ilrannon. another conspirator was sen- cf anarchy in thia country. By a vote
tenced to six months iu the county jail, of 33 to 11 the senate refused to attach
C. J. Mulkey it will he remembered was an amendment to the Daniel resolu-
spechil aOnt of the treasury department, tion declaring iu favor of arbitration of
and was convicted last December of Ubcr disputes. That made it certain
muglins Chinese into this country. that the George bill to withdraw the
Two hundred sticks of giant powder protection of the U. S. courts from such
exploded in a mine in Pennsylvania yes- railway corporations as shall refuse to
terdav, killing nine miners. arbitrate when asked to do so by their
Deb. and the other A. K. U. u.en, I employ, which is being lobbied for by
arrested in Chicago for contempt of hwe member, of the K. of L. executive
court in connection with the strike, re-1 committee, cannot be pas-ed ut present.
fused to Rive bail and have been scut to 8 d nit t,mt ,1,B
... ! not favor arbitration, as everybody
J' ,1 knows that it does, but that it does not
No freight trains are moving ' I propow to alow hiel! to l)C used by a
Oakland. . ot of ,abor leaJers to ciilut, out 0f ti,e
The strike iu the Chicago packing unpleasant hole in which they find
bouses is over, they all running with full , themselves. It is regarded as sufficient
Breeident Cleveland signed the bill
admitting Utah yesterday.
John C. Arnold of I'endletou was yes
terday nominated surveyor general of
Oregon by President Cleveland.
Colonel Graham has sent sixty regu
lars to Punsumirin Northern California,
on account of the ugly condition of
affairs there.
The Southern Pacific is having con
siderable difficulty in getting trains out
of Sacramento, owing to the non-union
men being afraid of the strikers. The
same fear caused many who had re
turned to work in the shops to remain
away yesterday.
Trains are moving in Chicago almost
as freely as before the strike.
The first through train of the North
ern Pacific to arrive in St. Paul from
Portland in the past eighteen days
reached that place yesterday. The
train left Portland June 25th, and was
twentv-two davs on the road.
Tha FaUeTal Triiup, VHhilrawii I'rum
CnicAuo, July 18. At 8 o'clock to
night General Miles appended his signa
ture to the general order removing the
federal troops from Chicago. The in
fantry will take trains for their respec
tive posts, while the cavalry and artillery
will march to Fort Sheridan and remain
there until such time as General Miles
thinks best that they may be sent to
their posts.
SraiNoriELn, 111., July 18. Tonight
Adjutant-General Orendorff issued an
order directing the entire 22nd brigade,
Illinois state troops, and the batillion of
naval militia on duty at Chicago to pro
ceed to their homes at once. Three
thousand men remain on duty.
Aaked to Knri Thli Horrible Kiipfnu.
Ciiicaoo, July 18. The following
the leading hus.ness farms, was forward-!
d I to Washington tins evening from j
, , , ,
10 me pen ate ana iioa-e ot represen
tatives: The whole country demands
that congress terminate the pending
tariff legislation immediately. A fail
ure to dispose of the question quickly
will work incalculable loss and irrepar
able injury to financial and industrial in
teres ts.
A Republic haa Ileen Froelaloied In
the Hawaiian ialanda.
Avcklasu, N. 'A., July 18. Advice
received here oy steamer from Hodolulu
eliow that a republic ha. Ijeen proclaim
ed in tlie Hawaiian islands July 4.
Pan ford B. Dole, the provisional presi
dent, is the first president of the new re
public. When the steamer bringing
the advices sailed many persons had
taken the oath of allegiance.
Tha Democrats' Dilemma.
Nun- Vokk, July 13. A Washing-ton
dispatch to the Evening Post says Sena
tor Gorman is quoted by a Missouri re
presentative as saying to a group of re
presentatives: "Gentlemen, there are
two tariff measures, the McKinley law
and the senate bill. You can take your
choice." This is belioved to be the
tariff situation here today.
Federal Troopa for Untie.
Omaha, Jnly 17. The colonel com
Bianding the Second infantry, V. 8. A.,
ha been ordered to proceed at once
with the First battallion of his regiment
Irom Fort Omaha to Butte, Mont. lie
will start in the morning. Four troops
of the Sixth cavalry are also ordered
there, Colonel Bates commanding.
Wear of tke Earth.
rr-kinthelenhofthe permanent
y on the surface of the plot at'
nearly sixty thounand peopraphical
mile, with a dally average of ten
trains, it is estimated that the total
loss by wear and tear suffered eh
day by the metallic rails of the earth is
about six hundred tons. The six hun
dred tons are lost in the form of a tine
powder and are carried back to the
earth in the shape of soluble iron salts.
TnR men of Mr. Cleveland's cabinet i
re all heary men. There is only one I
that tips the scale under two hundred
pounds. I
Washington letter.
Krom our uvular cornxpondMil.
Washington, July 13, 1S(V.
i The senate sett jd two thins very
i decisively
mk. With only one
I dissenting voice reffer it adopted
I Senator Daniel's resolution, endorsing
for the present to show the country
that congress is behind Mr. Cleveland
and determined that the U. S. mails
shall be regularly forwarded and that
the authority of the government as ex
pressed by its judicial oflicera shall be
respected, at all hazards. This whole
strike business will probably lie inves
tigated a resolution providing for an
investigation is already before the
house aud further legislation dealing
with the subject, if any le needed, will
probably be postponed until that in
vestigation has been made.
Every New York republican who
comes to Washington agrees in sayinir
that the state will certainly go republi
can this year. Here s the opinion ot a
prominent New York democrat, Gen.
McMahon: "Its an up-hill tight for
the democrats in New York. The delay
in passing a tariff bill has done much
harm and the income tax still more.
The latter will work incalculable injury
to the democracy of New York, and if
the state is lost, it will be the chiel
factor in our defeat. It looks as though
the republicans were going to nominate
Hon. Levi P. Morton for governor. He
is probably their most available man ;
but in the event of his declining the
nomination, there is a good prospect of
its going to Gen. Anson G. McCook."
"The house, notwithstanding the bold
stand and loud talking of its free trade
democrats, is going to surrender !a the
end to the senate.'' So said a demo
cratic senator to a republican friend.
Things are certainly pointing that way
and the )lief is becoming more general
every day that whether It takes the con
ference one week, two weeks or three
weeks to reach an agreement on the
tariff bill that agreement will leave the
bill substantially as it was amended by
the senate. The boldest tree traders of
u,k t,leireXM,ctation of Uefeat. fcoliator
Gorman is leJ to have eaiJ curtIv
to one of the democratic conferees on the
part of the houea: "Vou can take your
choice, the senate bill without modifica
tion of its important amendments, or no
tariff bill at all. The McKinley Jaw can
pet more votes in the senate than the
Wileon bill."
ii. rtriiiuiiitru iur tue uciuuuraig to Ulnae : lion ai.o runnin-; tlivnt-e ea terlv alone the til
the (leliberntiiina. of a cnnfHn-nra enoi ",,rttl boundary line . f N.-ee A I. l-i- ii i. midl
ine Ut Jiueraiions OI a COIIlerence lOUl- tioli.twolnimlr.'.l and ten feet .uiorenr le ,Co t t-
mittee partisan. Xever before have the ?" 11 b'l'.l,"11, imeof ni toi mndeo v.-e.
representatives of the minority party in
congrees been ignored in holding meet
ings of a conference committee, until it
was done by the democrats on the con
ference committee .now engaged in try
ing to reconcile the tariff different-en be
tween the demorratg of the house and
',n nf !, annaKv Tl,.. e..t...l.l; t
coiilerees are not pleased with the '
manner in which the democrats have j
acted, but they have not decided to re- I
sent it, although they have it in their I
power to do so in a way that would be j
decidedly euibarrassingtothedeuiocrata. I
One of the reasons why the republicans j
have been shut out ot the conferences is J
said to be that negotiations are on foot I
whereby the sugar trust, the standard
oil trust and kindred trusts propose to I
furnish the democratic party with a big
campaign fund for use in the congres- j
sional campaign, in exchange for tariffj
favors, and the democrats desired to j
have the matter disposed ot before the 1
republicans are allowed to take part in
the conference.
The attempt of the leaders of the labor
organizations to have Attorney General
Olney impeached is not taken seriously
in Washington, notwithstanding the
, c'""
tbe,r ma cIettr to "Pchment.
Wsca Ba7 waa aick, we gave ber Caatorla.
When she waa a ChUd, sue cried for Caatorta.
Wbn she became Mias, ahe eking lo Caxtotia,
When Me bad Children, the gave tiiem CastoraV.
rjubscribe forjifg Ciiao.iiCLC.
Couuty I'uurt I'mraatllaca. j
At an adjourned meeting of the com-
niissioners' court held today the follow- J
lug business was transacted and bills
allowed: j
W II l.ochhead, rein polling j
place 8 00.
J W lilakenev. hauling booths 1 "0 I
I. I. brainier, meals for jurors. . 2.1 f0 j
J T Peters, lumber district 12. 'M l3
' " 10. . 8 Mi
" " " 2.V 1 4H
' wood for pit ii per. ... 7 ."0 ;
MaierA Benton, supplies 12 4" I
l 8 Dilivtr. fees 8 50
lluntingtou & Wilson 2 50
J II, rent ') 00 j
tl W Wells, juror :12 20
J L llollimrshead, witness. . . 2 IMi I
Thos Sullivan, " 8 20 1
J 12 Bennett. " 20 j
James Semple, " 2( 0,
I) 15 Dufur. " 2 20 1
Theresa Klindt, " 10 40,
Fred Klindt, " ... 10 4
Kmil Kohen. " 10 40
A A B-nnev, " 2 00 j
Clark McCown, " 2 On j
GeoTPrathcr, repairs II H bridge 127 77 I
Tunnv & Greiner, arreset Weaver Ki 00 I
J M Marden, rent o 00 1 ,
John llivers having left the state, M. I
O. Wheeler was appointed road super-!
Bonds of justices of the piacewere;
filed as follows : David Wishart, Bald- I
win; Thos. H. Williams, Falls ; A Kea-!
ton, Antelope; A. J. P.righam. Dufur;
Fred Chandler, Wauiic, and John T.
Porter, constable, Oak Grove. ! (
Kamarkitttly (onlilrat. l
A Cincinnati newspaper reports a i
striking' manifestation of uuiiability I 1
on the part of a little maiden of that ;
oitv. A luMintiful new doll had itlst '
' been given her. and a.s she nit holdinr it !(
I and siniug to it her mother noticed j
j that the old one was not in si'lit. j
I "What have you done with Beatrice?" j
I asked the mother. "I've put her away."
answered the little pirl. ' If she saw ,
me loving my new baby it mipht hurt
her feelings."
In' lSS-J the orphan asylumsof Prance
had 01.000 children in tin ir eare.
TllK London orphanu?eH are main
tained at an niiiinal cost of l's.-;.'.00t).
Whether Pasirur and Koch's peculiar
modes of treatment will ultimately pre
vail or not, their theory of blond-run-tamination
is the correct one, tlioui'h
not original. It was on this theory that
Dr. J. C. Aver, of Lowell, Mas., nearly
fifty years ago, formulated Ayer's Sarsa
parilla. SHERIFF'S SALE.
Notirc it hereby triven, (hut timttT am! by vir
tue oi a writ of ejuTUtioit iumii out of ttid l'rruit
l ourtof V e uti of Orvj;n for Whk-iM: uuiy.
on the 10th dv of March, lvtl, upon a jmiement
jriveu and remicmi in at1 ourt nnil eue on
Itl' 'M diiv oi Mrrh. l'tl mn4tir lititand H.wfc.
eten thi?ln on tut Alii diiv oi March, l,v, in
cause wherein Jotvph A. Joriniuii unk fil-intfft'
and i. inv.ur Was nvicntiani, atia i- nieui
rvetMl. and rtmmanliiiK me t levy urMn and
well the ropt?rty of the mid tK-f-ini,tril. O. I.
1 nylor, or mi mut )i thereof hn rimy be neeen-ry
t uilify all judnivnt and 1 ohl on the
joth day of July,, levy iikmi the prot-erty
hereinafter ileMTioeil an the profwrtv of Mid de
fendant, i. IK Taylor, and will on Monday,
the Ottt day of, IHW4,
at the hotir of ten o'clock A. M.. t the rotirt
houedor in Iallei L'tty, in a:d aMNt rountv, t
Oreir n. wli at puhl c aurtion t the htirhct hid- i
der for c o-h iu hand, ail the r ght, title and in
terest of the tnUl h It. Tavlnr, in and to me '
aid premises, wh eh he had on hit id Mh dv oi t
ilatrh, W.i I, or has tine aequiml, or mi niifh J
memii may oe iiiTensarv to iaM-iv -aid judtf
nienl of r7j.0U, with interest at H h eem., and
th- further vuin of f.'tj.UD cou and dtihirv
Dwntfl, and ttieeona and exp.'ne tf thht wiir.
The lollowinir ix a dmcrtniifpu of ihe r-pttv
tjove referred U), aud hiah will beo:d at the
time and place and upon the terms and condi
tions above nieniionol, to-wit:
J. Themmtn half of tin-north wt quarter,
th northwit quarter of the north'nt .(ua-W ,
and the itorthHflt quarter-f the nonhvetitar
t'T of Mf-tii m in towifhip 1 north, tnuvv to
wM, VVlllauielte Meridian, In Wimo cotuiiy,
- l otn 7 and K. in hl.ick in Hf-relow hiurT
Additinn U I'atle Cttv, WnM-ot'ouiilv. orttrMt
a I nal rertiUn place called th
Mell..niihl I
place, the name ij-inif ihe projrtv conv-td
t. If. Taylor by r. A. 31cionald and wil.-. m,mI
blff liioie ftarticular'V deMTibvd a b.lI.iHf,:
oniuu'iiciii? ut a H.tnt in the north b..urnhirs
line of Nmjc1 A; iifPWMi addition to lnlt'M t. it ,
on; chain and fifteen links, em let I y imm
.'"I uiw . . ... wiil,.r..Tvtm.H.,llti
norm wei corner ri Mini .
. .... . nii-i nnv tn I NKHIH O HINIfl
I hv il'wl iH-irfnjrdaic the m Ii d i of Kehiinin ,
INo. reeonim on -Jll, K..k I. of llei r.r.l. I
leed ni ttiiH'n eoiintv. tl.enee ni.riheilv ml
aloiiff mild wcit.'Mi boiindiiry imeof tne -iid l..t
rou eviil -o I'hrcilU Vats.n, and t.nwtd ti'in
or col-tinurtt'iin Ui'renl b a fHilnl vvfiere the line
i-olitt'illiil ho Id intersect trie m h e. le r 1 1
boundary line of nr.vt Imd out hv tno iilnnl
tie. of I m1 U Citv and ea let lulton mr-et. if
aiid wMitnwet.-rn liouiidnry line of .jd l-ulNm
tr-et were nroduecd anil ('oiilinueil to Mi-h i
. .' I'leni In a rlKhtllne loandnl
riirht line lo and n l.n m , ja a
Srsrsine Co Ma PacngSo.
herl' al -ng the eK-t-rn I
l tt'C "'liit wtii-re the en in-
ern hound tri line of th
wolin iiiii; tfieiice Koutlierl. al ng the eH.t.-ru i
lineoi ami Mini oe ued hv vtciitwonh l.oil lo I
the place of 1 1 1 r. 1 1 , tr . exeeniinir then lrnin !
H rip of land thin v ,n in width olt the ivi-t rid- I
of aald tre-t. winch ian la'ii eouveyi-d to lirl.--
lty for tri'et fiiriMi'. aiiid l inil Ivunr and ijv
iliv in IhII-wi liy, U vim eo .iitv, frVgon.
lntU - ( Ity, Oregon, Ju y 111, l'll.
j'l'-'l-'t '. J. IlKIVKl:.
het iff of Whico I onnly, o "xou.
Administrator's Sale.
Notlre la hereby given that In piimmnec of an
order of the Ion lylouitof Ihentate ofor'-gon '
for Wax o county, duly inade and eut-rcd on the i
loth day of J l , ii, iu the ma'ter of the e-t He !
of riiiiiiu.-l Patteiaoii, de- enl, directing the nn. j
d-rianl to aril at puhl'C aale all i. therei! '
roaTty te-lonuing to Ihec.'ale of a.d riocitrd. '
I will, on the ..lh day of Augint, li-'JI, at in. '
hour nf two o'cl. clt H. M. of ,md d.iv. n.-.ii the
lamia hereiuiifter deaerila-d, full at puhlie ,, i
to the higheit bidder for cah In liund, all
of the real proia-rty belonging to the e.lntc of '
,ald hatnuel Hattermin il.cea-eil. to-wlt: The'
N.uthweat quarter of aectlon twelve, towli.l.lp
fiven 'ilUi. range twelve it. In aeo e, nut) ,
Oregon. J. H. RI'IIANKi,
Julil All 111 1 iti tralor.
Letters of Credit issued available in the I
I j
J Kastern Htates.
I Hirht Kxc-hanife ami Telegraphic j
J Tratisferaaolilon New York, Chicium. ."t. i
lnis. Sari KrafH-iw-o. I'nrtlarul iinmnn I
j Seattle Wah., and variona point in lr.
j eirnn srnl Waahinirtnn.
t)llectiona inaile at all twiitita on Inv.
orsbie terina.
A nxious to Please.
Irv Us.
Ity virtue or an execution and onier of mU- i
fUttl out of the ( trcuit t ourt of the rttate of tire-
Ron fnrWuHti countv. lllHUt deer' and tndir- !
inent inade, rendered and enterti hv wild court
: on th-.l!t day of May, Ivl, tn tavor .( the
I plaintiff, in a suit wherein K. ('. rmii-tura wn
! plaintlf! ami t.eortre V. Hal. auJ Kmlly Hall
j were, defendant, and to me direct d and d-
liver- d. commanding run to levy ii- n himI -!!
jail thf landa mentioned and derritail in win I
writ, and hetcinaiter decribetl, I did tut the Uth
Irtfi of Juiih IVfl.Oiily lew niMin, Hlid will t tl at
' Miblleauction to the hiiriienl bidder ftrcaih in
I hand on theHtti day of July, t Jo clock
in the afternoon of tot id ifav at the fiont ibtir of
the County ( ourt Iloue tn HallcM jnr . in W aN
county. Oretfou, all of the land" and prcmiM
deeritd in aald writ and herein described an
bJltrMM towit:
1 ot 3, 4, 5, and koutheat uuarter C4) o!
northwwt quarter C4) of mctton mix ift). mwn
fhip one I) south, range lift- ti (!') rit, W
M.. eoiitainlnir acre? of land, iltuttted,
l lio a:il betiiR iu nwo county, 4Mexou,
Pether v ith the tenemcuti. lieredtrament aud
aipuileiiaiiceM ihereunto be oiimiiik or in any I
Hi enpp itatuiui,or no much thenxf nt hall be '
mllictent Ut atfy the urn of Wi.Jo with inter
est thereon at the rate of Hper cent, iince the :ut
"f Mav, !U, arid f u attorneva feea and .
ct- in aald autt together with the coat ol aaid I
writ and accruing cttH of rale. f
Uatedat lalien Ctt , Orexou, Jtine J1. A.P j
T. A. WAKIl,
Mherifl of Wa-eocountv, oreKoo. !
jun: I
Police of Final Settlement.
Nntir" 1 hcrihy Kiven thut liy mi unicrnt IIik
iin1y 1'iMirt nl Hi. HttUtof lir'Kin forWMM'o
i-..iiniv. nimli. an rnt tei tnli l.ith ilur it Juno(
lvM. In the niHlter ( cicatr of Wjllinrii II .
UhMn. ft. iriiMii, Mo1 Im'. July lsU. ut tlie
tmuri'f In fi'niM'k A. M., hiu rlxfl the tlniu
Mini llit I'ouitty Court KiMiin in Mill county .ti
th? fir the hinriM; of ttie ttiiHl account of
llif .xwu'or of tli luit ivlll at-tl to.tHiiicnt of
wiii! 't.(twl; !1 i'nona IiiivIiik any olijivtloim
In ilil rtutl arount ami to tin wtticiiifrul of
Mof t ile Mra tl.iecuil Ui iijHnr nt a.tiil lime
toid plrtPe, then am! there to how cut, If any
lli'.-rc Ik, ivhv Hilil liiml arroiiut kliouitl not be
u.proveit anil atd etiite aettKfl.
j 11 II i 'i 11. . Ml M1,MITII,
Latin Orrit-c, The Dnllva. (r.,
May II, lM S
iniilaiut having heen entertil at thiMiftU'e
hv Jo
li.iiili if. r iMhtrr avtiliiMt the helra nt law of
Uiilimn l. Miirt.ri-, .eil. for abti'doiiliiK
In i.lltry, .No. 4-.7I, daleil t ietol.T
IJ. ivrj. in. n the N', hh-.,. aixl N'jhVj.Kee
l, 'I I' 1 N, K 10 K, In V aiieo ciunty. tlr- trim, with
a iew lo the fiiiicelhitliMi of fund entry: the
aid (.artleate hereby suinmoitvl to afcjir at
he rHlle. ir-i(oli, on the Hth day of July.
I'll!, at i.l ..'ehek , Vf., to n-pond and fiirninli
te liinoliy concerning an If I alieveil nhiiiidoU'
tue .t. JOHN W. I.KV. In,
juneO HlKl'cr.
Pork and Beef
Lard and
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
i enera! Kla4-kstnithint and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Ttiird struct opr. Licbe's ollSlaul
IS Hi,
IF YOU wnsra?
GiK'v$mtimentt State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A.
Huccoaaor to Thorubnry A Httd.on,
83 Washington St.,
tf you want Information concern t no; tiovefn
ment liimb.or th-- htwn relatiiiK thereto, you can
consult htm free of charge. He ha made a nr
clalty of thin biiinew, xnd haa practiitd before
the (jntu-d htattn Umd OlfUv lor over ten year.
He la Air-nt (or the Lantern Oregon lmt
t-onipany, and ran a'll you (irailnt, or I u
Iniproveit Agricultural lunula In any i)nantlty
iloalrcd, null will ai-ltU a l-ainphlct dwcrltilng
theae Innda lo nnyoue applying Ui blui lor It.
Hattlara Lctcalad on Clnvarnuiant I.antla.
If you want to Harrow Money, on Long; or Hhort tlnia, ka can areommndata jroa.
Wrltaa Plra, Llfi, and AceUlant loaaranea.
r you cannot call, wrlta. and your lettera will ba iirnmptly anawarad.
Familiar Faces
l.att Special Aijtnl Utneral Land Ojtire.
Bayard d? Barnett,
Jlje leal Estate, Ijoai, Iurapee,
Parties lmvinf? lViperty tliey wiah to Sell or Tntde, llmis!8 to Ilvnt, or
Abstnict of Title fumin!ii d, will find it to their advantage to cll on uh.
We shall umke
a ft:ciulty
Ixifore tho
of tho
85 Washington St.
(HiK-cew-ors to I.. P.
A (ioiieral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whins, Dorse Blankets, Etc.
Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamccd.
No. G7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of
Baililing Material and DimeoswD Timbtr, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Dona Furnisbinp, Ele
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory auc XiumVjor ITsMrct st Old 3ft. X3ss.ll.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
lie la Agent firr aa'e nt lota tn THUKraoH's Anoi
TION hi The llallea. Till" Addilloli la laid oft la
acre lota, aud dcMtlnixJ to be the principal reai
ilenee jwrt ol llmFltv. Only JU m Iniiiea walk
Iriiui tiilirUiouw, 10 in in ll tin from K. K. I (emit,
in a New Place
Stutes Iju, !
of Claims
mid CiiiitctitH
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