The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 21, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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0 IPjJFLT 5. (j
Itc House and -Senate Cannot
Possibly tome.
Oakland Has Small Kiol-Cnticrcss
Endorses the President' Action
in I'plinldiiii; the l.nw.
Tli Hint In Oaklautl.
Oaklanii, July lti. Alxiut 1 o'clock
tlii altermioii h froiytit train was started
far Mendnta. Strikers Interfered, pull
ing i" 'r'"" t'10 drawhead and cut
ting the uir pipes. The police and mil-
111 charged the crow J uud several per-
i . ..i i i...
ions weru DHyoiimed. unu tu hh-iii Hir
ing wiiini'.ii. Tlio first Intimation
received ut t tit imp thut the presence
o( troop wits n.,ulred wan brought ly
in orderly from ui outpost, who riiHhed
iotu the presence nf I.icuteuuut-Colnnel
tieary, stilting thai the strikers liuil at
ticknl Htruiii und wort proceeding to
tlftroy the property. Tho long roll
wi nt "licit sounded, nml troopH were
ludiml to tliv scene o( disorder, where
Hie outpost guard of this cm v airy hud al
ready put in on appearance. The sol
dier came to "port arms" mid begun
Operations liy pressing tlm crowd buck
lunjf i-l- tlm truin. WIiiiii the soldiers
finally readied the first crossing, the
fim enmpuny wheeled into line to pro
tect tint street from tlm crowd. The
other companies continued to march
duwn Cedar avenue, nml on reaching tin'
cunning there turned into Gross street,
where crowd of several hundred peo
ple wan slowly, but liriuly, kept mov
ing. Whenever an nletliuute spectulor
iu encountered persuasive lorce us
tniployed to bring him into submission
with bayonets lixud. Women mixed
fmly with men, mid elbowed their way
litre they could obtain the bent view
of the conflict.
Midway down Kevenlh iitreet from
Cedar bvcuud the soldiers rushed Into a
crowd pursuing them to the door (if a
home kept by tmin nuuied Monroe,
mil which Ih mid to be. the headquar
trrsof the striker. When the aoldiera
first appeared on Gross street there wan
mild ruah from the alreet. The gen
eral excitement which seined the eo
Uturs aim) affected tli soldiers. F.veu
women were not exempted from the
itrrct. One of them. Mm. lluley,
corpulent, iiiiildle aged womttn, was too
llow in making her tcapc, owing to
which one of the soldiers prodded her
with hia bayonet. The trooerBchargd
op (.'filar avenue, urging llieir home
into the hottest of the charge.
Among others charged on by the Hoi
diem wii4 ii blind in. in named Fleming,
who hud Just nrrlved from Sun Fran
eicii, and wan I'oing down Cedar avenue
when the crisis is-curred. Unfortu
nately for biniHelf lie was for Dome time
carried along liv the crowd until the
curlier of Ci.'dur rtveiiuo and ioH Htreet
wiw reached, nml the aoldiern limn came
lull); mid nrreated bun, and be, w ith
twenty othera, were conveyed to the
fiiarilliiniae, w Incli hud been iiiipruvinuil
in a tent. Su t-i m-ntl y , all the primin
rii were turned over to the police after
ttenaihle upeech from Culouel t!ury,
explaining llie po-ntion of tliu liiit.iouul
(Hard and the imperntive necai(y to
Oiaintain nrd r and protect life ami
property. 'leinini;, the blind until,
as aeiit to bis duMiitiuliiiu. A pec.iliur
featiire of tod.iy't) exciU'imnit was tlmt
whatever duty hud to be done in the
liippruit.iioii of tlm attack on the truiim,
the federal troop-i Wure ciuiHpiciloiiN by
llieir itlmence. The military dixplny
s entirely by the in.tional guard.
Apirivtil ljr lliniati
. Wahiiinoton, July 1(1. With leasthan
hull an hour'a dixciiHHiou and with prac
tically llo oppiwiiion, the hoiiu today
ilnpted the following rexolutioii, ofUired
W McCrearv, of Kentucky :
"That the houvo of repreaentativfB
etKloraeii the prompt and viirortnia ell'orta
o'the preaident and 1 i n udminiatration
to atipprean UwleaHiieHD, reHtore order
l prevent Improper Interference with
"'e enforcement of the lawn of the
United Staton, and with the traimpor
btiuu of the inaiU of tho United Klalea,
nil with Inleratuto commerce, and
Pledi-ea the preaident hearty lupport,
nd di-einn the ii(.;eH that bun already
"ttuniled hia efT.irta canne for public and
Knral conuratulution."
The reaoluiiou waa oiMi.ed by 1'elice,
of Colorado, and eoiiditionully by island,
' WiHHonrl who ilenounced the action
' the federal i lliclala In bin ow n Hlate
" wlioiiv niiiicce.iinry. lVnce .-riticiited
altitude and action of Altorney-tien-ral
Olney toward and upon the recent
trouble-!, charging that he had telectud
a railway attorney of Chiciiiro, uh rpeciul
UHHiatant dlHtrict attorney, to proacciite
j the Htrlkera nml tin i r leader in that
city, lie alao refered to the i-burgita in
democratic pncrH thut Olney waa the
reprcHeututive of corporation!) and
triiHta, aa reason wtiy he ahonld not be
In tho poaltion he occupies, and why
hia action ahoiild not be approved. The
rfxolution waa advocated by McCrcary
and Hutcheaon, and puflaed by an over
whelming viva voce vote. A call for
the yea and uaya wti unavailing. The
rcpnblicuiiH took no part in the debate.
A-frfil to Il.arr0i.
W'AMiiiNiiToN, July The demo
cratic uiemlier of the tariff conference
committee adjourned earlier than uauul
today, and tho aituation ut the time of
adjournment, from the lx-t information,
wan thut the conferee were fur from an
agreement, and that w ithin a abort time
a diaiigreemeiit w ill be reported to the
aenate and Iioiiho. The question which
Iiuh U'cn aitatini; the member aeem to
be just what kind of a report to make,
but an iiiipreaaiou deemed to be prevalent
that it would he of a genernl d ihuk ref
luent, with, pcrhups, Home of the main
point specified. It bud not lecn lie
cideil to call the republican uiemlicra oi
the conference v. lien ailjourninent waa
taken, but it in po'Hible a full conference
may meet tomorrow or next day. It
vaa evident from what could lie learned
niit the meeting allowed a tendency to
i:ct further apart than before, and the
dicuaiou of the main question allowed
there will have to lie iuxtructiona from
the respective bouaea before the con
feree will feel warranted in yielding the
lioMition they have taken from the lirat.
When the conference adjourned, one of
the conferee aiimmeil up the nitnution
aa follow :
"We have accoiuplihed nothing to
day. We have not advanced an inch,
and, after lieing together all duy, we are
exactly where we were lut Saturday."
Itftrtii iir4-Mtfr than :wnflltiir..
Wahiiinoton, July Ifi. Ueceipta from
internal revenue ao far thia month
amount to $ltl.(l(i4,.W, aa againnt $H,197,
Dlo during tlie aamo period last year.
The almost unprecedented increaae ia
no doubt due to the expectation that in
the pending tariff bill the tax on apirita
w ill be materially increased. The re
ceipta from custom for the first half of
the preaent month amounted to $:l(-5"5,-000,
which ia 6 per cent more than lam
year. For the lirt time in many
month the receipts of the government
are exceeding the ejpenditurea, the ex
cess ao far being over $-.ri(H).0(K).
Many Their John.
iSt. I.olih, July 16. National Pi
rector M. J. Klliott admitted today that
au far ua St. Louis and vicinity are con
cerned, the union ha lost the contest.
According to,l)ir ctor Elliott fully one
third of the atrikera have returned to
work. These, w ith tho new men em
ployed, almoHt Till the vacancies. The
situation is the same on both aides of
the river. The erstwhile strikers are
making every effort to get back to work,
but ao far as their former employers are
concerned, while a large number of men
will have to wuit until business picks
The Troop, tu Northern t alifortils.
Wahiiinoton, July 10. Governor Mc
Connell of Idaho has telegraphed Sena
t rs Sunup and Iuboi that the strikers
have re'used to allow any trains to be
run to Cieur d'Alene, and that the
troops there inual be retained, and pos
sibly othera sent to reinforce them.
The Idaho aenutors weie informed by
the secretary of war that the troppe
would remain in Nirth Idaho, and that
more would bo aent to the aitene of the
trouble if it is deemed necessary.
t. The Cholera Virulent.
London, July 10. A dispatch to the
Times from rit. Petersburg says the
cholera epidemic is assuming alarming
nronortiona. The present visitation of
of a more intense und more fatal charac
ter than waa the outbreak of the two
previous years. The disease lias even
penetrated Into Finland, which bns
hitherto been free from cholera.
The Northern I'aelfle Open.
Bt. Paul, Minu.,July 17. Tho North
ern I'acitlo Hue waa today declared
open and in opeiation throughout its en
tire length. There are eight trana
contiiioutal passenger traina on the
inuiu lino running on schedule time.
The flrat Northern Pacillo train from
the coaBt In eighteen daya arrived today.
It left Portland June 25.
The lon Kipluslon.
Chicago, July 17. All those injured
in the ps Illusion Buttery K'a caiaaon,
are in fair way to rei ver. The coro
ner's Jury Investigation returned a ver
dict t Ins alleriiiH.n that the explosion
was accidental uud the cante wa unknown.
Jay Goclil's Afflicted Orphans A to
lie Relieved.
The Vigilant Wins a Racc-A North
ern Pacific Train Dynamited
at Missoula.
(.renhnnra Latent.
Ntw Vokk, July 17. A Washington
dispatch to a morning paper of pro
nounced anti-administration proclivities
says: The fact has just come to light
that the administration, through Secre
tary Gresham, has committed another
diplomatic blunder which ia considered
even more serious than the attempt to
restore Queen Liiiuokalani. which may
have more Important results. Members
of the diplomatic corps, among w hom
the facta have created something of a
aensution, tell another story of it. The
Chinese minister, who has been in fre
quent consultation of late with the sec
retary of state regarding the strained
relations between Japan and Corea, has
linnlly induced the secretary to send an
oflicial cable dispatch to the Japanese
government expressing the disHalit-fuc-tlon
of toe United States w ith the policy
which Japan baa followed with Corea,
and closing w ith the words :
"The United States viewe with regret
the levying of an unjust war by Japan
upon a weak and defenseless nation like
This is considered a greater diplomatic
blunder than the secretary's action in
the Hawaiian controversy, but there has
not been time to realize the full extent
of the message. The Japanese govern
ment has made no reply, and has proba
bly not yet recovered from its aetonit-b-ment.
At the Japanese legation here
the officials profess to know nothing
altnut the belligerent message, and ex
press grave doubts as to the accuracy ot
the atory. There is no doubt about the
existence of the dispatch. Secretary
Gresham has shown a copy of it to Sir
Julian Pauncefote. The Chinese and
Corean legations have copies of it, and
the fact of its existence Is known to
several memliera of the house and aenate
committee on foreign relations.
Allen Going Home,
Cuic.u.o, July 17. The Evening Jour
nal prluta the following: The Euro
pean low rates Inaugurated by the trad
ing ateaiuship lines may result in a
wholesule exodus from Chicugo of many
men connected with the late ptrike.
Never before in the history of steamship
rates has it been jiossible to go from
Chicago to an European port so cheaply.
Since the cut rates have been inaugu
rated, the exodus fron Chicago and the
Northwest to various points in Europe
haa figured up a third of the local traffic
to New York, according to estimates of
local steamship lines, and the announce
ment of the last cut in ratea has started
a real liegira of European-born jieople.
Dozens of men who said they were now
on strike have been milking inquiries nt
the local ateaiuship offices w ithin the
lust few days, expressing their intention
of going to the "old country" in case
the strike was a failure. There w as a
half-dozen interesting phases of the
present situation, and there is much
food for thought iu the depletion of the
standing army of unemployed in this
country by return of workers to their
homes abroad. It is estimated that
before long labor will be at a premium
instead of a discount, and there are not
a few who figure on a season of pros
perity aa a consequence of the return to
Europe of thousands who have been in
the past six months unsuccessful candi
dates for employment.
The Act of the r)jrinpatblr.r.
MisHut'LA, Mont., July 17. An east
bound Northern Pacitle train, the first
in sixteen daya, was wrecked today at a
point about two inilea east of bore by a
dynamite cartridge concealed in the
track. The engine had barely struck
the pot when a terrific explosion was
heard, the shock shattering the pilot
and right cylinder and piston rod. It
also broke the windowa of the tab and
the mail car. Had the engine gone
fairly over the cartridge, the result
would have been more disastrous, as
some eight coaches constituted the train,
which was loaded with troops and
passengers. The strikers denounce the
act In unmeasured terms. There iscon.
siderable feeling over the return to
work of some engineers and conductors,
and it ia believed that some one in sym
pathy with the atrikera adopted this
method of deterring further progress.
A trestle 100 feet long, three miles west
of here, and one lo0 feet long on tho
Coeur d'Alene branch, were burned last
The Vigilant' Klr.t Victory Ncercd.
Ii kim a sr, July 17. Today's race, the
eighth in w hich the Rrittania and Vigi
lant have been matched against each
other, waa the rear commodore cup
and a money prize, over the course
sailed yesterday, fifty miles, on Belfast
lough. The wind waa blowing strong
from the west. Thia condition was
thought to lie more favorable to the
Vigilant than any si. e has hitherto ex
perienced. The start waa made at
11:12:00. At mark boat No. 1 the
Vigilant led one minute and five aec
onds, and at the second turn had in
creased her lead by 45 seconds. The
first round finished as follows : Vigil
ant, 12:55:38; Britannia, 12:5S:29.
The Vigilunt'a lead waa 2 minutes 51
seconds. To tho next turn an addi
tional gain of -Operands was made.
The Britannia in the last round car
ried away her bobetay. Phe lowered
her foresail, took In her topsail and
gave np the race.
The accident today robbed the Vigil
ant of Borne of the glory of outsailinir
the Prine of Wales' Britannia, which is
her due, but that the Vigilant ia the
better aailer in a stiff breeze, waa dem
onstrated to everylmdy'a satisfaction,
for w hen the rounded the mark to finish
the race, she led the Britisher by 4 min
utes 10 seconds, and at tho boat off the
South Briggs was 5 minutes H seconds
a head.
The titrm Near Merquam.
,M Any lam, Or.. July 17. One of the
most severe thundeistorma ever wit
nessed prevailed at thia place Saturday
night. Several large trees were struck,
but no damage to stock or property has
been reported. Aliout two milca north
of here the storm w as a regular tornado,
and did a great amount of damage to
property. A new bophouse, just com
pleted on the farm of W. A. Jackson,
waa completely demolished. A large
barn of George Biding was unroofed and
the roof carried into a field some dis
tance away. Out-buildings, fencing and
fruit trees were badly damaged, and in
several hopyards the vines were blown
down and sustained much damage.
The wind was from the northwest and
covered an area one mile wide.
The residence of E. P. Carter, about
five miles east of here, was struck by
lightning during the storm and Mrs.
Carter waa slightly injured. The house
was damaged to a considerable extent,
and a dog which waa under the house at
the time was killed.
New Men on the orthrrn I'nclfic.
Tacoma, July 17. Three hundred and
fifty-one new employes have been put
to work oil the Pacific division of the
Northern Pacific since the strike began.
Practically, all the old engineers have
returned to work. Many of the switch
men, conductors, freight clerks and fire
men who quit h:ive asked for their po
sitions, but not all could be taken back,
as new men bud been employed. The
road would be in operation as usual,
from end to end, tiie officials say, but
for the guerilla warfare that is being
continued. The force of deputy
marshals iu this state has been reduced
from 300 to 2li0. All bridges are being
guarded, but chiefly by regulars.
The Gould". 1'er.onal Taxes.
New Yokk, July 17. All the chil
dren of the late Jay Gould, in their in
dividual capacities, and also as execu
tors and trustees under thewillof their
father, have taken up proceedings in
the supreme court of New York for the
purpose of being relieved of taxation in
this - county and city upon their
personal tstates, which they allege is
based upon exorbitant assessments,
ludlati. on the Warpath.
Oklahoma, O. T., July 17. Jasper
Jennings, a reliable scout and cowboy,
just in from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe
country, reports serious trouble between
Indians and settlers. Ranchmen are pre
paring for a tight. The trouble has been
brew ing since April, when two Indiana
and a white man were killed in an affray.
The Indians claim sovereignty over the
ands, and permit their cattle and horses
to run at will to the damage of the set
tlers' crops. The settlera are wont to
shoot the trespassing animals. Men
posted in Indian affairs say in the event
of a fight blood will be shed, us the In
dians are well armed.
Almost Burled AIItc.
Sa.s Dikoo, July 17. Washington E.
Irving, a nephew of the famous author,
was supposed to have died at Excondido
the other day, and his funeral was held.
At the close of the services, after the
friends had passed the casket, a knot-king
was heard from within, and the lid
having been hastily removed, Irving
got up in a dazed condition, but soon
recovered his senses fully, and waa taken
So Says tnc. Senate, and So Says
tee Honss.
All Will He Admitted to Statehood
Hawtii Becomes a Republic On
Our National Birthday.
Wh U Kenponalhle?
S. Loris, July 18. The republic to
morrow w ill publish a page article to de
monstrate that the stockholders of the
Union Pacific are liable for the debt of
he road to the government. A state
ment of a nnmtr of supposititious facts
is made, which the republic says, con
tain so much of plausibility, as they ap
pear on the records of the government,
that to ignore them and proceed to a
final settlement d'uadvautageoua to the
public, without the most exhaustive
scrutiny of the" rights of the government
against the stockholders, would neg
ligence on the part of the executive and
legislative branches of the government,
the suppositions are printed as follows:
"By the terms of the contract offered
by the United States government and
agreed to by the Union Pacific railway,
a trusteeship was created for certain
great purposes, above and beyond which
was the mere commercial act of con
structing a highway for common car
riage; that the company built the road
for $86,000,000, and pretends thut itcost
93,000,000 accepting from the govern
ment about f 38,000,000 in bonds and land
grants, when its stock was suffcient to
build and completely equip the road;
that the stockholders did not pay cash
money into the company's treasury for
their stock, as explicitly required by the
terms of the contract and the law of
their franchise, but built the road w ith
the proceeds of the government subsid
ies and pocketed the stock, the first
mortgage bonds and the coal profits,
without rendering any account of these
proceeds to the government; that by
these and other acts, before the date of
the redemption of the subsidy bonds,
the company haa beome bankrupt,
meanwhile having averted the payment
of interest to the government, as origin
ally contemplated in the acts of congress;
the government, finds itself by this
series of fraudulent acts and fraudulent
concealments deprived of the money
due it from the company, and finds
itself charged with the payment of
bonds it issued in aid of construction ;
that the government finds it has the
right of action against the stockholders,
as trustees, who who have violated their
trust, and further (in lj the
stockholders who are living, and the es
tates of those deeeaseil, are sufficient to
read'ly meet the obligation created by
the trust and its gross violation."
The Republic then proceeds as fol
lows :
" Is there not enough in these state
ments to compel congress and theexecu
tive to ask imperatively these questions :
Was a trusteeship created by the acts of
1802 and 1804 and their acceptance by
the company? Wus the trust violated
by concealments and frauds? Does any
equity require indulgence toward these
stockholders and their beneficial ie?;
Why a funding arrangement should be
concluded which w ill continue for a cen
tury the?e entanglement j until the
powers and rights of the government to
collect its debts are exhausted?"
Split on the T.rlir.
Washington, July IS. Speaker
Crisp says there will be no report from
the tariff conference committee today.
The house democratic leaders evidently
think it might prove independent to
carry out the plan of reporting a total
disagreement and asking for instructions,
as such a report would only emphasize
the character of the difference, and
should the aenate ami house instruct
their conferees to stand by their respec
tive positions it would precipitate a
deadlock. One of Mr. Crisp's closest ad
advisers said one report would probably
come in tomorrow. The house conferees
desire to'make a partial report of such
agreements as are possible and ask for
instructions on is, subject to disagree
ment. The senate conferees have stood
for agreement or disagreement iu toto.
The democratic confereea today made
another ineffectual effort to reach an
agreement, and adjourned with the un
derstanding the full committee to meet
at 2 o'clock was to report disagreement.
One of the house conferees said the re
port would be a disagreemcet in toto.
It is expected to be the first business
taken up by the liuiise tomorrow. The
republican conferees could caue delay,
but such action is not anticipated.
isn't in it
If is just be
cause "fiere is
nc la tn itiaf
tnc new shortening
cr ao rvonccrfuly )0i
uiar with housekeepers.
oTTOt-ENE is pu f?E.
j) Plicate, Health-
or, $JWyVNCr- none
o? Vic Ufljjleasant odot
t.Qccssaril Connected
ttS'fi lare.Qet tfje emine.
" Is no real Substitute.
Miuto onlv hy
.V. I.CUIS and
Sugar, iron ore and coal were the
points that forced the total disagree
The tariff conferrees decided after a
fifteen minutes' session this afternoon
to report a disagreement on the entire
To Coin Silver Dollar..
Philadelphia, July 18. Mr. Pres
ton, the director of the mint, today, by
direction of the secretary of the treasury,
issued orders to the mint authorities at
San Francisco and New Orleans to begin
at once the coinage of silver dollars, and
during the present month, to coin up to
the ordinary capacities of the mints.
The silver to be first coined will be-
blanks and ingots, of which there is suf
ficient to coin, about 1,500,000 at these
mints and at Philadelphia. As soon
as this supply is exhausted, work will
probably begin on the silver bars, of
which there ia a year's supply at San
Francisco and New Orleans, and prob
ably five years' supply at Philadelphia.
So far as can be learned, it is not the
purpose of the government to extend
the coinage of the seigniorage beyond a
few millions, but it is stated that, after
the coinage of what gold may be nec
essary, and coining the abraded frac
tional silver, each of tho three mints
probably w ill be worked at their, nor
mal capacity on silver dollars for the
next few months at least, and perhaps
to the end of the present year.
Whether treasury notes will be retired
as fas', as received by silver, so far a
known, has not been determined.
The l.'nlon 1'itvltlc.
Cheyenne, July 18. The ultimatum
has gone forth that the railway shops
on the Wyoming und Idaho divisions of
the Union Pacific, which were closed
July 2, will not be opened for teneral
repair work until business revives and
there is a demand for motive power.
The decision is a great disappointment
to hundreds of employes and will para
lyze business in ull divisions tow i9 on
the system between Cheyenne and Port
laud. The men fully realize the trouble
which has been brought upon them by
Debs and his onion. Hundreds of men
will endeavor to secure employment
elsewhere, many having availed them
selves already of the free transportation
offered by officials to enable them to
reach terminal points.
Arlsnna anil New Mexico xt.
Washington, July 18. The .enate
committee on territoriea tndav decided
to recommend the admission of Arizona
and New Mexico as slates, and in
structed the committee having the bills
in charge to make a favorable report at
the next meeting of the full committee
next Wednesday. After ailjourninent of
the full committee the subcommittee on
New Mexico, consisting of Messrs. Black
burn, White and Shoup, met and put
the bill in shape for presentation.
The amendments made provide for a
change of dates of lection and a consti
tutional convention to correspond with
the date in the Utah bill. The Arizona
eulicommittee bus nut yet taken action.
If the hair lias been made to grow a
natural Color on bald heads iu I Icu-ianda
o' cases, by uhnr Hall's Hair Keiiewer,
why w ill it not in your case?