The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 18, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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L', J
5 oMETinxo rxrs ua l,
medicine, i Dr. Fierce'. Goldon j
Helical Dixeoverv. And, because
f that, there's sot:. ..'thing unusual
la th way of Bollinr it. Wbcw
very other u;dieiiv of iiz 1 aid
nlv promiw, w jiu.-trantcc-.l.
If "it ever fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money hack.
It's the only guaranteed remedy
for every disease caused hy a disor
dered liver or ini);ire blood. Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, the most stub
born Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous
affections, even Consumption (or
Lntig-serof ula ) in its earliest stages,
all are cured by it.
It purifies and enriches the blood,
rouses every organ into healthful
action, and restores strength and
vigor. In building up both flesh
and strength of pale, puny. Scrofu
lous children, or to invigorate and
brace up the system after " Grippe,"
pneumonia, fevers, and other pros
trating acut- diseases, nothing can
equal "the " Discovery."
You pay only for the good you
lrwerln!f the Health of Schoolboy by
Dally Attention to Their ronU.tioa.
'A Headmaster's Wife." in nn uncom
monly sensible letter to a London
paper, describes a plan whereby the
health of schoolboys or younfr col
legians can lie more thoroughly taken
care of than is usual. In normal school
practice all boys "reported sick" are
excused from fixtball and other sports,
but the question is. to what extent
must a schoolboy feel ailing In? fore he
reports himself sick'.' It is the very
pluck that one admires in boys that
frenerally works the mischief, and they
often will t complain until the delay
has more or less seriousl; ifjfrravated
the case.
Though so unready to report himself
Hiek." a boy will usually admit that
he "does not feel very fray" if the
question is put to him directly, and it
is this fact that has given rise to a
system which has been found to an
, Bwer excellently well. One loy in
each dormitory is appointed to report
each nifrht upon the condition of the
boys in his dormitory. He writes on a
slip of paper: "All well in such and
such dormitory,"' and adds the date,
or: "All well except m and so, who
complains of this or that malaise."
These slips are placed niffhtly on the
desk of the lady manageress.
Suppose that a boy complains of
headache or sore throat, he is at once
summoned, the slight ailment is in
quired into, a simple remedy ordered,
and in nine cases out of ten nothing
more is heard of the matter. If. how
ever, it seems to be a case of chill, the
boy is kept warm in the sick room for
a day or two.
"I am convinced.' savs the "Head
master's Wife," "that being kept warm
for a day or two often wards oft a seri
ous illness, and in this opinion I am
supported by one of the most eminent
of Loudon physicians. A plan some
tliiiiir r.nal-vfous to this miflit ru- car
ried on in nearly all educational in; ti
tutions. The 'preventive' takes only a
day or two. the 'cure' may take weeks,
and that means a serious loss of valua
ble work and possibly precarious
health for years to come."
fa Iwila They Are Treated mm
If They
Were Outcaat.
The practice of treating widows a
quasi-criminals, outcasts or slaves is
amonf? Hindus of high antiquity. It is
probably a substitute for a still older
custom once universal among the con
quering tribes of the Asiatic world,
slaying the wives of chieftains on the
burial places of thoir lords.
As manners grew milder and men less
desperate, and new religious ideas
were born, that practice was abolished
and widows were permitted to live,
but only as persons whoso right to
survive must be regarded as imperfect.
Their position became that of house
hold slaves, or, rather, family out
casts, entitled to no honor, bound to
Mrrvile ofiices, dressed in the meanest
clothes, fed with the cheapest food
and regarded by friends as persons who
ought to consider themselves incurably
degraded. . Had not the very pods
themselves, or the fates, pronounced
them deserving of heavy suffering?
Of course, natural laws are not
wholly suspended even by supersti
tion, ami thousands of widows pro
tected by personal affection, or their
own abilities, or by their wealth for
widowhood does not cancel rights of
property lead decently happy and
contented lives. The majority, how
ever, suffer under the ban typilied by
the shaving of their beads, that is,
they are regarded till death as fallen
from all title to respect.and are treated
with a habitual indignity which, even
when they are exempt from actual op
pression, makes the position of unof
fending women no better than that of
slaves or convicts.
So severe is their lot that it excites
pity even nniong those who believe
that it is sanctioned by religion, and it
would probably have been ameliorated
long since but that it fit in with one
of the principal Hindu arrangements
that of early marriage.
Subscribe for This Ciihoniclc.
Some Interesting Fiiots Gonoora
Inpr Thoir Miuiajroruont.
Overcrow dlnK It rrwlill.lletl l l-
('lutrgea An' Keiriil;.!.'.! l I he III
Unn' Troi inl -An A.l.ulrable
Tim Kit.ui.
If the American aldermen would take
a few tripnon the trameurs of the great
provincial c ities, say Liverpool. Man
chester. Itirminghaui where the city
owns and operates them York, i to..
;:;ul tiioc vt the metropolis itself, he
would return to America admirably
fortified by experience to renew hit. at
tack upon of his appeal to the street
railway companies of tins municipality
lie in part rep: esents for .suierior uc
commodutions for the lor.o complaining
)Ki.-.cugcrs. says a correspondent i f the
)!.tou Tianserip!.. The vst cm lure
is ns well-nigh perfect us it is inedible
to !: ami I am not quite certain but
that parliament it-elf. in grant iug
charters to various common carrier
companies applying for them, makes
'i.c :-;iinilatioiis which prove con-
cive to the comfort of the traveling
lh:ring the past few months 1 have
atron:;vd the trameurs t:ud or.mi
c.u.scs quite extensively, but thus far 1
h-'.vo failed to obcrve the lea-t bit of
ivervruwdirsg or pnv iU lay or m fin '. a
a".; le wor.l on the par! of di i er r
Iu :tor which e nl.i by any -tivtch
e! imagination be construed :is uncivil.
1: the first place, there is no qvestion
lull what the law distinctly states that
taere shall lc no overcr ling: that
then" shall le so many i n a seat not
me more bet. if r.eeessary one passen
ger may be permit icd to stand. This
ipplies to loth in -iue end out. I do
not know the reason of the conceit ion.
but this is certain, tiiat under this ad
mirably uminged order of things the
humble or distinguished and exalted
can take a jienny or two-penny or more
exjH'i'.siv-e ride, prcn-sured that it will
not only le without inconveniences
and annoyances but with ease ami
pleasure. If a conductor was to per
mit : second person to stand either in
side or out he would Ik" in.-tautlv re
lieveil by one of the inspectors on the
route who at intervals, hoard the ears
to check the way bill, which shows the
number ni passengers . arricd during
the journey. The in Mvility which one
ov"!l y exp; nonces i:. American
cities of drivers declining to take notice
of would-be passengers waiting on the
sidewalk is practically urikaowu hen',
for the men know full well that two
complaints of this character would cost
them their situations.
To every iKi-s.-erger is given a ticket
from a package numbered consecutive
ly, which must lx- shown when called
for by the conductor, though th'-. very
proper provision is rarely exercised, for
the young conductor, who isinvariably i
3 bright fellow, seldom makes a mis
take as to who has paid and who has'
not. In the matter of hoarding or '
alighting from the ear the ends of the
conveyance are used. Imt only one at a ,
time. That is to -ay. the rloor where
the driver f tamis is not used for the
time being, the pacseuirer always mak
ing his or her exit from the end f the
car. ami the same upon entering it. In
tiiis way any possibility of iicei.lcnt in ;
fiat direction is avoi led. The schedule
of time for starting and arriving ut :
certain points en route is admirably j
maintained, imd the exjerieneed trav- ;
elcr knows almost to the minute what ;
time a car will arrive ut e e-rtain spot, -
though the place may 1h two or three !
miles from the depot. So I really think I
it may Is- truthfully said that the en- j
tire arrangement and details of the !
trcctcar sv:,tcm in England are as
uccrly perf'-ct a.- possible. There is a j
very imiiortant mlvar.tae which the I
pa.iM-ner has licre which the directors j
of companies in America do not vouch- j
afe. In I!o: ton, for instance, every
passenger pays five cents if he rides for
live blocks; here you can go a couple of
ciile." for a jM-nny itwo cents). If the
avcrujre Englishman had to pay out five j
cents for a mile's ride he most certainly
would wal!i. The principle the less the
distance the smaller the tout encour-;
ajres riding and keeps the cars well
A Hard ( ictotner.
Two hunters iu the California Sierras
were returning home after a day's hunt, !
when their di:;- sea.-e.l up r. panther , out. Yon can't U- "well-looking" if
that took refuse iu u tree. Bach you snll'er from any of the lieaes
hunter had four shots left, and the first caused by a iliordered liver or impure
hunter succeeded in breaking the pan-! blood iivHs-psia, bi!iounes and scrof
thers hind ler. but failed to di.ilo.lire ' "Hons all-eiions. Hr. Tierce's Ooiden
The other man then fired his com- I
)'ement. with tin result of only inflict
in;-a flesh wound. With ammunition I
exhausted, and the panther still lash- j
in it; tail in defiance, the hunters held
a consultation, and finally hit upon a !
plan. Makinjr a running noose in n 1
lariat, one of the men climlied an ad- j
joining tree, and, with a lonff pole, :
tried to slip the rope over the beast's '
head. lint the panther was too wary, j
knocking aside the pole every time !
with his paws. .Suddenly the man saw j
another chance, and quickly slipped !
the noose over the broken leg and draw
it tifrht. Then he climbed down the
tree, and both men begun to pull, and
presently down the panther came.
There was a inasn of panther, dot', men
and clubs, and, when it dissolved, the I
men and the dotf were pretty badly j
aeratcneu, nut the panther was dead,
A flaked IlanaM."
Thnt f.imitote t rnmwiinn in . l.n 4..l I
trade, a "baked banana," does not re !
fcr to a banana that has been linked in !
a culinary sense, lint any wholesale j
ilenler in tlio trtt a.111 ll ...... !... !. '
... - - - " -. a.u.v v. an v:. jr.'U II. li .1. ;
i 4i i i : , ... :
is a banana that ba been Uio hiuttily
ripened in a garret, the result beintf
mat, wniic it is niee to look at, it is
Ml'iashy inside. Haimnas are pieked
preen in order that they may not
decay during the vo3-ng-e northward,
and ure ripened in dry, tipper rooms,
in which stoves raise the temiera
ture to a more than tropical ardor.
It is a banana that remains too long in
one of these rooms, or pets too near a
stove that U, in trade terms, a "baked
banana." '
All Train novlUK at :ilenhr
Kli.kssiu ko. July l.Y The freight aud i
pafeuj:er trains moved iu and out to
day, the revutltir troops coming in on the
truinsaiid (reh details taking up the
journey where they left off. The tcene
alsmt the depot was a lively one through
out the day. Although the engineers
had neaily all reported before the time
limit at noon, none of the firemen or
trainmen iKnitied unv desire to go to,
, ti ...... i. .it-n,..!, .,.,.,
work. H company, boexer, ,wm J
to be getting along very well, everything
' i nnitft.
Ihuiiiler storm In Nevada.
-rarson valley
. n son, .ev amy !.-v ...sou
was visited by a uv,ion of thunder
stor:as yesterday. The atinosplu-ie was
so charged with electricity that expos-
nr. to the .men air was dati'-crous.
j Two voinig men at work in a barnyard
! were struck by lightning and were in-I
ensible for a time. The barn was;
, burned and a horse ill the stall killed.
Last June, Dick Crawford brought hi
te!ve months old child, fullering from :
infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been j
weaned at four months old and being!
sickly everything ran through it like
water through a sieve. 1 give it the j
usual treatment in such cases, but with-
out benefit. The child kept growing j
thinner until it weighed but little more
than when born, or perhaps ten pound. '
1 then started the father tj giving'
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and j
Diarrhoea Ketuedy. liefore one bottle ,
of the '2 cent sire had been used, a j
marked improvement was seen and its1
continued use cured the child. Itsj
weakness nnd puny constitution disap- '
peared and its father and myself believe I
the child's life was saved by this remedy.
J. T. M.unov., M. I)., Tamaroa, III
for sale by Illakeley & Houghton Drug- j
iIxtrnviKt.nt Kuneraln.
The late John .lay had this to say iu
his will about extravagant funerals
and the custom of wearing crape as
mourning: "Kegarding the extrava
ganee in funerals ni:d mourning as un
seemly and burdcr.snnie. I wish my
funeral to be severely simple: uud I
ask my children and gramlchihlre::. j
whom 1 thank for their constant nib e- j
tion. to observe my wishes in this
gard. mid let any mourning tiicy . i
wear for me Ik- mild. ine.M-n ivc and '
witiiout crape." The injunction might j
well lx- followed by many w ith less I
means than Mr. Jay's family ikisscss. ;
Ostentatious display at funerals and iu I
mourning is one of the costly nnd con- I
spicuous follies of the day. I
Ieaf.. C'annot t.c Cured
Hy local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is onlv one wav to cure Deafness, i
And that is by constitutional remedies.
Dcafnees is caused hy an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining oi the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed ycu have a rumbling round or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed Deafness is the result, and unless
the inflammation can le taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will lie destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred 1) .liars for
any ease of Deafness tcau""l by caturih'
that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free
!J ,, , '.'N K & C":' 'lol,!,lo'
Ml sii is the mciliator iM'twcen th.
spiritual and the sensual life. Al
though the spirit be not master of
that which it creates through music,
yet it is bles'ed in this creation,
which, like every creation of art. is
mifhtier than the iirtist !'.eetlioven
Wru'ii Jack cxll-on Minx Kleioinr.
He i u h y m li jinr-t lirr plenty
Of llnwer i:l e;nir.MMt' boiilxin, w lit! h
M'Ht rbHrni liiemio't of twenty.
Ami thnnah Mr Jurk hn. skinny arm
Ami leir- tliln ai. p!'fn.N ,
Hiw Ct-iilii .n' liiMiriir M. Klertlior,
Whn HlU'-ll b'llnlivi ill, prent-. I
No woman lis' any real admiration fur ,
man's vref.urr unlefs the limn bs a ;
(rood nhvei.nic leif and arms well filled
'clical Uiscovery is a meilicinn that
! ciiri. llicse ai s. it h the only remedy
I that's guaranteed to b"n-litor cure, in
.every esse, or the money refunded,
i Medical science stamps it "absolutely
potent" as a blood-cleanser,
restorer ami flesh builder.
The worst Nal Catarrh, no unifier of
how lonn standing, i permanently cured
by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kenn-dy.
; IIkavk.n iloih with us ns we
j loreues Ho; m, ,r,t tli.-rn for onr
I wives; for if our virtu, s did not. ff,
j forth of ns. 'tv.ereu'l alike as if we hue
! tllelTI ni(.--Sil.'!;e- .;e;ie
The Ureal KnlUh Rumo.Jv
t'nanpuf mini permAnenilf
cures all forma of Arrrm
tJTrct nf A Inu or JUbitcmm,
iitfar and i"r-
M thmiy litliabUamd, Wm
tut mrxlicins kntntn. Ak
dnwclit for Wooa'a Phomhodlnei If ka offan
'ortalmedi-iiiein piacaof tin. Iea IU
tore, Inclna price in letter, and
w win hoo try reiurn mail, rnw, vw paraaa.,,
0nffipim.,.iilr fnPtt-
let in plain eIM enveUpe, 'Z cent pofltace.
AOdraa The; IVnod 1'hen.leal Co.,
;:i WrMNlanl avenue, Iietrolt Ulch.
Hold In The lialle ,y Mnlpe A. Klnemly.
J)'1- A. llKTIllt;lI.
riiysiciau and Snrgwm.
. .
po.ira.ionai eaim pnmi pi' w aiioniira
u.Uay aiU iimlit. aprlt
r.' - t. M wr U
Hlit Wanted.
To All Whom It Mv t'unctm:
i Notice in berebv jj'ven that by order
of the Coniinon t'ouncil of Itolle I'lty,
made and entered on the 7th day of
.1 n 1 v . IS! 14, scaled bids will be received
1 at the olllce of the undersigned until
! Friday, Julv I.lth, 191, at the hour of 4
o'c nek li. in. nf said ibiv. lor toe con-
, ........i,,,,',,. bm l.rol!Walk to l built by
j (ho eily (except those on Second street)
until July 1, Ihtlo. Slid cronswi. io
be const rueled iu accordance with the
,eeiilert.u..m now on tile iu
, olll,0 o( t,e niornd.
! No bid will Ik received
unless the
! same is accompanied by a good and ulli-
cient bond In tlio Bum oi one miiiu
: dollar conditioned that the bidder wu
, - ...,.,,!
-- - .ei h
BWI,r,icd to him. The right to reject
miv mid nil bids is hereby reserved,
I Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this tth
ll'lv ,'f J" ' '"j,,,,.,., As S- i),T,.lt.
Uecorder of Dalles City,
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
" Frelgrii ana PEsssnoer Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) ietweeu'The Dalle and Port
land. Steamer Hegulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. ni., connecting at the Cas
cade Lock with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
Yamhill at. dock) at ti a. in., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One w ay
Hound trip.
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, "with
out delay at Cascades.
i Shirimenf for Portland received at
any tiie day or night. Shipment for
way landings must lie delivered before
ft Live itock shipment solicteU
, Call on or address.
0nral Affnt
J. F. FORD, Evao6list,
Motrin, low.
March J
under date ol
15. Mku. SIfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
GtntUmtn :
On arriving home last week, 1 found
.all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
I little girl, eight and one-half veare old,
1 i i .... . i .i ' . i
wno iiuo wHsitro hv 10 oo pouimn, ip
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. H. li. Cough Cure ha dune
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured
1 and kept away all hoarseness from me.
i So give it to every one, with greeting
; for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
j Yours, Mk. & Mk). J. F. Foan.
If T"'i wtib to fuel freah and cheerful, and raari;
' for the Hprliift work, cleatiM your ytem wltb
' the Headache anil Liver Cure, by taking twooi
ttirec doeech week.
I Hold miller a poaitlve guarantee.
1 SO cent per bottle by all dnifKlai.
J- ijchksi;
1 liler.
First National Bank.
A Oeneral Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to (Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and pris et-ds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
hiitht and Telegraphic Exclminrc sold on
New York, han Francisco mid 1'ort
land. tilKKCTOKS
j D. P. TnoMPSos.
Jno. K. s iiknck.
l.iKO. A. LlKIIB.
Ed. M. V ii.i.ums,
II. M.
rronipt anawer aiwl an bonet optn.nn. wrlle to
MINN A,- CO., who have hart nearly fifty rmri'
spenenoe In the patent blunt. Vminiuni
tl.m trietly emfllential. A llan4lMok of li
f.mnatK) concern iu rnienl au.1 bow to ot
lain them ttent free. Alan a catalogue) 01 aiacilaa
lual aiHl entitle book ent Iris!.
I'atenu taken tiirmmh Mnnn It Or), reeetea
necal notlmiinthe rtclnnllHc An.erlcnn. ami
Ihu are bruutht wKelr hvUmUm puhllo with,
oat enet l tl.e Invent.. 'I'hm inleiMlirt paper.
lHoe.1 weetlr. eleaantlr lllntratel. baa tir fat th
laiveat ctrculat.oa of an avietttiftc work In tiia
world. H.'larear. ISimi copie aent. free.
Hniiding riiuoo, montnir tutim rear, tjimrto
eopiaa. 4.1 cent. Kverr DiunlKt eonlain beau
lifill plalea. In COirj., anl PliotOKraph nf new
boijee. with plan, enabling u mhim Umj
lal'"t rictivni. alivi atKruro cunttortn. Aililrea
MUNN cu, w Voi.ii, aul buoauwjy.
" -
K.m lllver.on.; llrnwn Mre. hrndl
u . on leu nip. Any one iiiuiinff or lM'rliiir of
mien a III, ire will 1) liberal!)' tewilnle.1 hv M'lul.
Ii.k m '.nl' J U. HANI). I
nn I) .i mn i. a i in i inn
aily and Weekly
TIIK CIIKONICLK was established for the ex-
iress purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
ami the surroumling country, ami the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of ('rook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chuoniclk is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per
annum. The Wkkki.y Ciikomclk on Fridays of
each week at $l..r0 per annum
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio DalloH, Oregon.
"There is a tide in the aft airs oj men which, taken at its Jlooct
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had roforonce to the
Fraic k Carpets
Who are selling those goods
When the Train stops at TIIE DALLES, get oh" on the South Side
r th
Till Urge and 1
optilar Hon.
and I
and I prepare.
Ui luriilah
im ill Hie city, and at Uie
$1.00 per Day. - pirst
Offie fi.r all Hlaae l.lna
ixilnl In Ktern llrrina
in thla llutol.
Corner of Kmnt and l. nlun Hl.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. I'. Ii. 11. Company, and office of the Western
L'nion Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
Blakeley & Houghton,
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon
A full line
of all the Standard Patent
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mall Ordori will receive prompt attention.
j Tina well-known Brewery In now
eaut of the CuhcjuIh. Tl.n I
f,. , . V
... b.otiucuu, nutl
on j
he llllirLet
out at greatly-reduced rates.
d.w the prlnrlta.1 hole! Imnlnxa.
II..' Uvml A.s'oiiiuiuUjiOoiim of any
low rate nl
Qlass Tjeals, 25 Cei?ts.
leavlna Th llnlle tnr mlt
and k-aalern HmIiIiiiIiid.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
turning out tl.. it I..-.. p..etf
., . . .
U'e "'"'""'K'ture of (tood heitlUl'
the ilmt-clas article will be p' seed of