The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 11, 1894, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
orrn iAL PAi'KR or wam:o county.
T " rtwTuii rmcrAiD, m advahcx.
imr "
f lirro MMHlllW 00
A,vrrtllii rat" ruuiisllu, nil mailt' kiuiwn
llu aw1"1"11""-
A,.tr. all iwimuiiiiilcatlima In "THE CUKON
l,;7.fc, The Halloa. llruacin.
gulrd al lha fnaliidln at Tun Dalles, Oregon
as aeeinl olaaa Dialuir.
TV "ml Wrtklii Chrimivlt mny
H found Mil tnlf at I. V. Nickeltrn't tlorr.
TtU plume So. J.
THK II 1. 1. KM
Halurday a Dally.
A. K. Wilcox came in from Antelope
Tub 'j liirntjil minimi meeting of the
city council will 1 1 held nt the city halt
this evening at S o'clock.
The ( of ( i. V. Bolton against Mr.
K. IK Itiochiirt wan before Referee D.
K. I'tifur today, who In taking the testi
iiuttiy In the case.
Tim stetiin firo engine pumped away
at the water in tliu lots north of this
hn all day yesterday, and it finishing
n lliv win k today.
Mart Watermuii camu to town y ester-
luy hihI hu'l Dr. Lngnn repair the
damages he had received by running a
fiitt-li fork, through una of hi feet.
Mr. Stevenson ha put men nt work
rutting ties mid getting the portage
in shape, nml expect to have It in con
ilitinn tn handle- all freight within a
week or ten day.
A liru broke out in the timher on
AiIhiii Fleck' place- yesterday and
spread over into thn Roger place, burn
in IT alsuit ten cord til wood belonging
to Judge Bennett.
The Regulator hroiight up about forty
tona of freight yesterday, clearing op all
the old lot that had accumulated at the
pottugu. The Dalle City brought up
ei(lity ton to replace it, but uiot of
that wilt reach here tonight.
The jury in the Maloney-Snelling cane
dime In at 3 o'clock, after being out
twenty-eight bourn, with verdict of
guilty, hut recoiu mended the prisoner
to the mercy of the court. The cane of
Conroy agaiiiNt Harris wa decided for
plaintiff. Court will probably adjourn
(or the term tonight.
Within week the car will be run
ning from thia place to Celilo and from
1'ortliind to the Cascade Locks. At loon
as this i done the Union l'aciflc will
reautne it daily through service, the
strike permitting, arrangement having
been made with the Regulator fur
Imnilliiig the company's business from
the Cascades to thia jioint.
M outlay a Dally.
The Columbia is 311.7 feet aliove low
water murk today and going down
The couiitr court bus ordered the de
linquent tax lit of I8U3 and 1H1U ad
vertised. The l'ortlund mail came up from
Hood Kiver overland yesterday evening,
being the tirsl since Thursday. '
The county court fixed thn salaries of
the deputy sheriff and deputy clerk at
7.'i per month.
County court adjourned Saturday
night until the20th. The appointment
of a stock insector was put off until
that time.
Ki'lKirtu from Astoria are to the effect
that another tremendous run of blue
Iwcks is in the river, and due here in
about ten days.
Walter Howe Saturday afternoon with
drew his plea of not guilty and entered
plea of guilty. He is indicted for lar.
ceny from a store.
Mr. William Iluskirk baa found a
witch, und will turn it over to the
owner on his proving property and pay
iny lor this notice.
'That big hole over the sewer near the
courthouse should be filled, before a
serious accident occurs. There have
been a couple of close calls there already.
That well known caterer, Jack Dona
hue, has moved back to the old quarter
on Firat street, and the Baldwin restau
rant is again running under hi super
vision. John Doe got on another of bis
lisreputablo spree yesterday, In spite
' the fuel that it was Sunday, and
this morning 1,0 put up 5 and was dis
charged. The pile driver is at work on the Mill
creek trestle, but is not driving piles be
came the bedrock won't permit it.
'nts are being put in, but the work is
vury slow.
We iiiaimged by slipping in to the
clerk's office at noon to get the minutes
of the county court, except the bills,
which we will publish as soon a they
can be procured.
flaturduy we Inadvertantly used the
word plaintiff instead of defendant in
n item concerning the caso of Conroy
-gninst Harris. The defendant, Mr.
Harris, won the suit.
Roby Ordwny, mm of I. K. Ordway,
Red about 15 year, was drowned in the
Colombia a I mot a mile east of Hood
River, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
He was on a raft and accidentally fell
Those posted on the habits of the sal
mon say they die when the big runs are
on by crowding so close together In the
spawning grounds that they close one
another's gills, and then literally
A big tree In the street opposite the
court bouse reminds one that there was
a flood in the Columbia this summer.
This and a few rock piles in the Fast
I'.nd are about all that is left of the
Hood signs.
A passenger train came in from Celilo
last night, bringing twenty-seven pas
sengor who came down on the Almota.
This was the first train over any part of
the road between Rufus and Itonneville,
since the flood. The suine train went
out this morning carrying passengers for
the Almota.
The eiiHlwind started up this morning
and wafted a whole wagon load of com
baliveuess over from Chicago. Mr.
Lewis-ami one of bis men had a fight;
Conductor Hums bud a knock-down
with a limn named Skclley and I. I).
Francisco and another old gentleman
hud a fight in the Sunset cemetery.
Judge Rrudshuw has been ongiigcd to
day in cleuning ip the odds and ends of
the docket. In the cane of Mitchell
against Taylor the demurrer wns over
ruled, and in that of Auderson agnitiHt
M. lluldwin the demurrer was sustained.
Waller Kowe will probably he sentenced
tomorrow, after which court will ad
journ. There was a bit of a row in the KuhI
I'.nd this morning lietween the foreman
of a lot of railroad men and one of bis
men. The foreman ordered the man to
do something in a way the latter did not
like, which led to a discussion and end
ed by the foreman getting knocked out.
Those who saw the affair Raid the man
who struck was evidently a striker,
The bids for building the schoolhouse
at Hood Kiver will be opened today.
The district has purchased a beuutiful
site above the state road, and near Capt.
Coe't bouse, and have commenced get
ting tiie grounds ready for the building.
Hood Kiver should have a very band
some building, as it will cost about
IH.OOO. Mr. C. J. Crandall drew the
plana and will supervise the work.
I'eatie & Mays got a big lot of goods up
from Portland Saturday. They sent
twelve horses and seven men down to
the portage at their own expense, made
arrangements with Mr. Stevenson to
furnish them an engineer and as soon as
his crew quit for the night Mr. J 'ease
put bis men and team at work and by
the time Stevenson wanted to use the
road next morning Pease & Mays' goods
were at the upper landing.
Tuewlay Dally.
The Regulator brought up a large
amount of farm machinery yesterday.
A lot of the men employed in repair
ing the l. P. track struck this morning.
There as another small-sized row in
the Kast End this morning, someone
calling someone else a scab.
We are told a saloon will be started at
Trout Lake soon so that fishing parties
can get medicine for snake bite, so abso
lutely necessary on flihing excursions.
We print the' tabulated county elec
tion returns on our fourth page toduy.
It is some I. at late, but owing to high
water and other causes we could not
get It sooner.
Mr. Whcaldon let his fish-wheel run a
few moments for the good of the public
yesterday, and as a result had a big boat
loud of salmon, w hich he gave awny to
his friends and acquaintances.
"Our Coffee Club" will give a lemon
ade social at Kullar' bull Monday even
ing next. Lemonade and cake will be
served, and a short programme ren
dered, followed by dancing. Admission
25 cents.
Commencing tomorrow, the Union
Pacific will run regular daily trains to
Celilo, connecting with the Iniat for
Arlington. It is expected the trains
will arrive from the east aliont fi o'clock
each evening.
Parties who are thoroughly posted and
reliable tells us it w ill nearly a million
dollars to repair the damage at the
locks, caused by the flood. The rip-rap
work is destroyed and it is thought the
heavy masonry has been undermined.
Sheriff Driver got buck Salem lust
night. There was no truUi in the state
ment that he had lost his commilmeut
papers, and that the prison authorities
were holding both the sheriff and his
prisoner until the former could be
Alvin Sigman, of whom we spoke yes
terilHy lis being arrested by Constable
Underbill charged w ith stealing cattle,
bud his preliminary examination hclore
Justice Davis yesterday and was bound
over to appear before the grand jury,
with bonds fixed nt f 100.
We are informed that an attempt will
lie mad'o to prevent the construction
train iroimr out in the morning. We
think this is an idle rumor that has
grown from nothing. Those who at
engaged in the strike here are law
abiding cilixwns, ami besides there
would lie nothing gained by the action.
Wool is coming in very rapidly, and
the Wasco warehouse begins to show
sign of getting full. Some heavy ship
ments will be made shortly, the wool
being baled now, which will relieve the
pressure. As it J Mr. Ixird always
linds room for all that comes, the press
running steadily and assisting in the
good work.
In the caso of the state against Ma
loney and Snelling a motion fur a new
trial was (lied yesterday, anil time for
argument fixed at 1 :30 this afternoon,
at which time a further continuance
was given until 3 o'clock. We under
stand one of the grounds for the applica
tion is the testimony of Captain Buschke
to the effect that be saw Maloney pay
the money to the Indian for the horses.
Work is being pushed as rapidly as
circumstances will permit on the Union
Pacific, but it is slow at best. The pile
driver on the Mill creek trestle keeps
steadily at w ork but as the end of the
trestle is still over the bed rock and
every piece of timber has to be braced,
the work progresses very slowly. When
two or three more bents are in place,
piles can be driven ami then the gap
will be closed very qnlcLIy.
In mentioning the fights Unit occurred
yesterday we stated that Mr. I-ewis,
who bus charge of the construction work,
was in one of them. It seems onr
informant was mistaken ns to the man,
Mr. Lewis not lieirig engaged In the row
in any manner whatever, or even near
it. Having had a few minutes conver
sation with Mr. Lewis, who is a very
clever gentleman, we take pleasure in
saying be was not the man struck.
Thn hlmlu linn.
The salmon run continues without
any apparent symptoms of a strike.
F.verd ng's cannery is putting up about
twenty-tive tons of canned fMi daily.
The fishermen could easily supply fonr
times the amount they are finding
market for, and no doubt if the U. P.
trains were running salmon would be
abundant and cheap in moat of the
eastern cities. A it is, the gay blue-
back hie themselves ever upwards, and
they onght to stock the river from its
source to the sea as it never was before.
I.arty-bnc Whltbrr Away?
The green aphis, of which we spoke a
few days ago, spread very rapidly, being
reported at various points all through
the wheat section. Before tbey did
much damage the gaudy lady-bug came
in swarms and proceeded to individu
ally and collectively make three square
meals and a luncheon every day, at
which green aphis raw was the princi
pal dish. Tbey fed on them so raven
ously that in three day the market was
bare, and green aphis a decided rarity.
"The ladies, i od bless them," and the
lady-bugs too, for they resemble one an
other in one respect, that anything
green is soon taken in by either of them.
AdTortlaad Lettera.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un
called lor, Friday, July 6th, 1894.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
Anderson, John Bins, Mr J C
Iturcli.Miss Jershua Carter, Mrs Lulu
Cuflee, Mr Wm Denning, Miss Ethel
Kaurie, Mrs Mary Oeddes, Mr Henry
Gas-awav, Mins Lo- Hays, J C
rena " Kim pie, Luther M
Knll, Mr George Kelly, Mr E J
Martin, Mrs Amiss l'earcy, Mr II
Sumiior, Powuie Scott, Mr. lames
Spear, Geo M
Stanlev, Dr
l iinng, rerr.
Weguian, II
Whipple, lion Mr
Wilson, Mrs N J
Walker, Mrs Julia
Wilson, Oliver M
Tucker, 8
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Vetting In Kliapa.
The pile driver to tie used in repairing
the trestle across Mill creek was com
pleted lust night and hauled out to the
place of its labors. As soon as the piles
can be procured Mill creek will soon
have safe bridge across it, and this
w ill open the road as far west a Rowena,
or couple of miles beyond that point.
Next week the only parts of the road
impasrable will be .rota Celilo to Rufus,
and from the Locks to a lew miles this
side of Mosier. The road from the
Locks to Hood River can be put in con
dition in a week, when once the connec
tion is made between the former place
and Bonneville.
Krai Eatat Movemouta.
H. C. Co and w ife to school district
No. 3, lots 4, 5, 6 und 7, section C, tow n
ol South Waueouia; HiH.
A. S. Blowers to II. C. Coe. same
property as ataive; $1.
J. II. McKlroy to H. C. Coe, same
property as aliove; fl.
Gilbert W. Woodruff and wife to
Sarah E. Tujlor, tract 7oxli$ feet In
Jenkins donation laud claim, near Hood
River; 300.
A. J. il't and wife, Amos Richard
son and w iie, W. R. Cantrell and wife
to Surah McAfee, nU 2J, and s'j
of sw '4. ec. 13, tp. 4 a of r e quit
claim ; $1.
A horse kicked II. S. Shnfer, of the
Freemyre House, Middleburg, N. Y. on
the knee, which laid him up in bed and
caused the knee joint lo become stiff.
A friend recommended him to use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he
did, and In two duy was able to be
around. Mr. Shafer has recommended
it to many a bruise or sprain. This
same remedy is also famous for it cures
of rheumatism. For alo by Blakeley &
I 4'antjr Coart fraeillna;a.
In the matter of the county road peti
tioned for by W, K. Husky and others,
report of viewer and surveyor filed,
claim fir damages hied by D. A. Slurgis
and M. Dichtenmiiler. S. tl. Husbends,
Amos Hoot and iieorge Sellingt-r ap
pointed to HppraiiM? damages on both
In t!'e mutter of the county road
petitioned for by Geo. W. Covert and
others, report of viewers and surveyor
filed, read firt and second limn and no
claim for damages or remonstrance filed
said roud U hereby declared to be a
comity road and public highway.
Koad petitioned for by Hugh Furmer
and otherr, in the matter of the claim
for da ii i Hires by J. A. Fleck; no action
In the matter of delinquent taxes for
1!)2 and 189,'i ordered that the clerk
attach an alias warrant t ) the delinquent
tax rolls commanding the collection of
said tuxes by levy and sale of property
thereon assessed, and that the sheriff
proceed at once to advertise said delin
quent rolls.
In the matter of the county road
petitioned for by G. T. Porter and
others, amended report of viewers and
surveyor filed, report read second time
and there being no claim for damages or
remonstrances, said road is hereby de
clared a public road and highway.
In the matter of the county road
petitioned for by A. F. Frick and others,
amended report of viewers and surveyor
filed, read first time, reports read second
time, and being no remonstrance or
claims for damaues, road declared public
The same action was bad in the matter
of the road petitioned for by Edward
Both well and others.
Lieut. Benjamin of Warm Springs
Agency for Karpolis' heir reward for
Hawthorne, JoUbTi allowed for Karpolis'
heirs, for return of Hawthorne, propor
tion of reward offered.
Bond of A. M. Kelsay, county clerk,
Bond of T. J. Driver, sheriff, ap
proved. Bond of W. H. Butts, coroner, ap
proved. Bonds of Surveyor Sharp approved.
Bonds of justices of the peac? and con
stable approved as follows: G. W.
Fligg, 8-Mile; J. A. Soesbe, West Hood
River; Henson McCoy, Nansenn; K. II.
Birnie, Falls; L. S Davis, The Dalles;
R. B. Gilbreatb, Colombia; 8. R.
Brooks, Columbia; A. A. Urqubart,
The Dalles; J. R. Underhill, Nansene ;
Samuel II. Edmonson, Dufur; Henry
Ryan, 8-MkJe.
License for two month granted to X.
A. Anderton to sell liquors in Antelope
Petition for road by L. L. McCartney
and other filed with proof of posting;
remonstrance and bond filed. J. M.
Marden, E. K. Russell and E. F. Sharp
appointed viewers.
One deputy allowed county clerk at
75 per month. One deputy allowed
sheriff at 75 per month.
In the matter of the county road peti
tioned for by A. S. Roberts and others,
petition, proof of posting and bond filed.
Read firct and second time, and W. F.
Floyd, Fritz, Clawsen and W. L. Ward
appointed viewers.
Petition presented by W. R. Winan
and 128 other asking for assistance to
build road from Tucker' Mill to Fork
of Hood river. Two hundred dollar
appropriated for that purpose.
Seventy-five dollars were appropriated
for repairing road to Mosier, to be ex
pended under direction of F. Lapier.
Will Gl at Kcward-
1 received the following letter July
1th, and will pay flOO reward to any
person who can prove who wrote the
letter, as I am innocent of any charge
made therein. Mabtin Jaksha.
Tux, Oregon.
To Mk. Mabten Jaksha, Tub Dallks:
owing to remarks (made by your own
mouth, also proposition that you made
to the prosecuting attorney of giving
him a bones if he would work hard to
prosecute William Hurst some time ago.
has been given away to some of the
cow boy of your community and that
you would swear false to help convict
him also to convict others.
Now then you lool-headed dutchman
and sneak thief ought to know that this
is against the law and unlawful for the
prosecuting attorney to accept such
money, the same luw applies to Jury
men Therefore you have com mi ted a
crime and we 12 stockmen who are tux
payers of this county, and secretly or
gan iy.ed to look into the (level men t that
you and some others are raking up
against the stockmen will be likely to
vifit you some night and touch you to
hold your tongue your horns nlways wear
an unbouest mark wbxt remarks have
you made about the Brookhouse boy
that tbey have got hold of
We have cattle and horses ranging
from Hood River to the John Day River
and propose to protect onr rights.
K. K. K.
Sikh f have been frequently and
much in Mr. Jaksha' company, and
never heard him say or hint anything
charged to bim in that letter.
Akciiik Wilson.
A Lively Kuoaway.
One of the liveliest runaways of the
season occurred this morning aliout
10:30. The team belonging to Charley
Denton and used by him in peddling
fruit and vegetables started (rom near
the Umatilla house ami In moment
were making racing time up Union
street. They turned east down Third
ami sprinkled that street with cherries,
raspberries, peas, beans ami new iota
toes in a most astonishing manner.
The air wa rilled w ith misdirected gar
den sass, and as the turn was made
from Third down Court the boxes, bas
kets ami bsgs abandoned the wagon and
took to the road. The wagon struck
the awning posts in front of the Masonic
building, taking out several of them.
This failed to check ttie animals, but it
gave them a turn over toward the other
side o( the street, and hero a serious
difficulty met them. The near horse
w anted to go up the alley for a change,
while his off mate desired to sample the
idewalk,and so between two hastily
formed desires, they ran on opposite
'ides of the same tree, and the wagon
Iwing unable to follow, brought up the
whole outfit with a yank.
The horse were t'urown down and
everything loose in the wagon, that had
not quit it before, did so then. The
horses were evidently greatly surprised
at the sudden ending of their wild
flight, and were as docile as Iambs
w hile being extricated from their pre
dicament. The damage, with the ex
ception of a broken strap or two and
the disseminated vegetables, was nothing-
A mated for Cattle Stealing-.
J. R. Underhill, constable Nansene
precinct, arrested a man named Alvin
igman of Dnfur, charged with stealing
six bead of cattle, which he took from
Mr. Underbill. Sigman had rounded
the cattle up at Phipps place Tuesday
evening, and Phipps, thinking it was
one of the Underhill brothers, spoke to
him. He made no reply, but drove the
cattle off. Phipps reported the matter
to Underhill the same evening, who got
up and took hi trail, catching him with
the cattle near ihe Henderson school
house. Underhill brought his prisoner
to town this morning, and be has bis
preliminary examination this afternoon
at 4 o'clock;
Notes from the Glacier.
There was about 125 ticket sold at D
company' ball the night of the 4th, and
a very pleasant time was had.
Mrs. Lacgille expect to go out to
Cloud Cap in day or two. A party of
young ladiea are coming down from The
Dalle for an outing at the Inn, and she
will go out as soon as they arrive.
Return from the shipment of straw
berries to Denver, made by the Fruit
Growers Union, showed that tney
lacked just $24.05 of paying the express
charge. The commission house that
received the fruit, in consideration of
the hard luck of our fruit men, paid the
Vic. Trevltt's Monument.
A correspondent of the Astorian, writ
ing concerning Vic. Trevitt prove to be
as cheerful a prevaricator a the balance
of the Western Oregon crew, who floated
the Umatilla house and brought up the
Baker. This gentleman say that Vic's,
monument is 21 feet high and stands on
a 15-foot block and that the water went
within a few feet of the top of the shaft.
He also say that "Vic. devoted half his
life to the amelioration of the condition
of poor Lo." As a matter of fact the
water came only fairly up to the base of
Vic's, vault, but there may be some
truth in the other statement, though we
never heard it expressed just that way
illed Happy.
It seem from more recent informa
tion concerning the Indian who wag
drowned near the coal bunker on the
Fourth, that our statement was only
partly correct. We stated at the time
that he had a fit, but it seems now that
it was a drunken mis-fit. Parties called
to bim to hang on and they would get a
boat to him but he flourished one hand
and reviled them in Chinook and bad
Chinook at that. He went dow n, loaded,
full of fight and fire-water and conse
quently happy.
A Morulug- Jllapatch.
At an all-night meeting of the Union
Labor League at Chicago Saturday night,
it was decided that If Pullman did not
arbitrate with his employes by 4 o'clock
this afternoon every memlier of all labor
organizations, to include building-tradeB
and all other workers would lie ordered
At Portland this morning all trains
left on time with Pullmans. Not a
wheel is turning at Seatco.
Heal fcatate Moveinenta.
The follow ing deeds were filed for rec
ord today :
T. A. Ward, sheriff, to Fen Batty e'.j
of nw4 and e,1 j of sw sec. 28 t 2 ii of
r. 10 e; $310.
R. R. Thompson to F. H. Wakefield,
lots 7 and 8 block 8 Bigelows addition to
Dalles city.
A I'lculc.
Harmon Juvenile Temple, No. 4, and
Independent Temple will give a picnic
on Thursday at the academy grounds.
All children are invited to come and
have a good time. The members of the
temples are requested to lie at their re
spective balls at 9 o'clock a. m. to
march to the grounds.
Mm. J. E. Barnftt, G. 8. J. T.
Neil Mcl.eod i over from Goldendate.
Mr. John Hollingshead of Tygh ia ia
the city.
Mr. J. If. F'razler and wife went to
Portland this morning.
Read the county treasurer' call for
warrants, and profit by it.
li. F. Allen of Prineville, accompa
nied by his wife and daughter, went to
Portland this morning.
A party consisting of Charley Haight,
F'.il. Williams and Will Corson went ont
to Trout lake this morning, to remain a
Mr. C. B. Gooddel! of Grunt came
dow n yesterday, on his way to Portland.
The distillery will be rebuilt as soon a
Mr. Ieo Iiondean of Tygh Is visiting
his old friend, Robt. Keliey, coming in
on purpose to eo how the latter' posi
tion tilted him.
Receiver McNeil and Superintendent
Baxter came np from Portland yester
day. Mr. McNeil, accompanied by
Superintendent Borie, went on to Celilo
this morning, while Mr. Baxter re
turned to Portland.
M. Sichel of Prineville is in the city.
Mr. J. J. Stewart of Portland is in the
Mr. and Mrs. Crowe went to Portland
this morning.
Charley Dehm, engineer of the Al
mota, whs in the city yesterday.
County t'ommissioner Blowers left for
his home, Hood River, this morning.
Professor Birgfeld and family left for
an outing at Trout lake this morning.
Mr. E. H. Clark, representing E. Y.
Judd & Co. of Portland, is in the city.
Hollis W., J. I), and A. R. Wilcox of
Antelope are looking after business here.
Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Cashew, E. Sichel
and wife and II. P. Belknap, all of
Prineville, went to Portland this morn
ing. Mrs. Henry Blackmail and children
went to Portland this morning, and will
remain there during Mr. Blackman'
term of office.
Superintendent McNeil and his chief
engineer, Mr. Kennedy, after a trip over
the road and right-of-way to Rutus, re
turned to Portland on the Regulator tbi
Prof. Gilbert and Mr. S. J. La France
are up from Hood River.
John H. McDermied and A. D. Mc
Donald are in from Monkland.
Mr. James McKay i up from Port
land looking after his buildings.
Mr. E. Y. Judd, of the Pendleton
scouring mills, passed up thia morning.
Mr. M. Herrick, one of Astoria's
principle cannerymen, is visiting Mr.
Mr. Frank Allen of Mitchell was in the
city yesterday and departed for home
thia morning.
Mr. J. M. Russell came np from Port
land last night to look after bis wool
interests here.
Mr. J. W. French und family will
leave Thursday morning for llwaco, to
spend the summer.
Mrs. E. M. Leslie went ont to her
home, Moro, this morning, having been
visiting friends in Portland.
Mr. A. Tilzer, formerly with Blakeley
& Houghton, but at present living on
the Sound, is visiting friends here.
Mr. J. W. Matlock, the Tendleton
horseman, came up from Portland last
night, bringing his horses, which had
been in the races there.
Mrs. Amy Heppner returned from
Goldendale yesterday afternoon, where
she has been for the past week the
guest of Mrs. Hugh Gourlay.
Col. E. W. Pike and familv, accom
panied by Misses Amy and Kflie Trotter,
came up from Portland vesterduy and
left for Goldendale this morning. Col.
Pike has lieen with his regiment at the
annual encampment near Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ainsworth, Mr.
Ralph Rowb.nd and the Misses Row
land left, this morning, equipped with
camp paraphernalia for the fork of
Hood River, where they will rusticate
for a few weeks, camping on the bank
of that beautiful streaui.
Mr. Merrill Fish, an old-time Da'lea
typo, at present on the Port'and Tele
gram, accompanied by Mr. II. C. Ioh
man, foreman of that paper, came np
on the Regulator lust, niht and will
leave tomorrow for Wind river for a
three weeks' ouling. Tiiev will lie
Joined by some fellow prints, and will
lave a princely time, for they are all
Hon. F". L. Smith and family left
Hood River this morning for Trout lake,
to remain a week or so. Mr. Smith
owns the Stollcr ranch ami the lower
end und outlet of the lake, hits a fine
boat, and knows bow to enjov life in the
mountains. If we could just get away
from the desk for a week, we know ol no
place where we would so w Illingly invite
ourself to spend a vacation us at that
self same lake while E. I. is there. He
expects to visit steamboat lake Hint
mountain I Wore coming home.
At Wamic
Bonney, Mr.
Criss. '
, July 1st, by Eld. B. F.
Lou. Wing and Miss Cora
Iturklen'a Ariuvn naive.
The best salve in tiie world for cut,
bruises, (ores, ulcere, salt rheum, fevel
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cure pile, or no pay required.
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent
per box. For sale Dy Snipe A Kin
eraly. For Male.
j 100 acres 6 mile north of Moro, Slier-
A.. ' I 1 1 I
man cuumy. vu run iieauur over ij
acres. Living spring, 130 acre fenced.
Good sheep range adjoining. Small
houev, barn, etc. Price $1,000. $150
I down, balance in three years.
I A. GciHTfiRR, Moro, Or.