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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1894)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1894, attain ka-raoailaaarma Who Wara polim-.l In un loillan War Iteara. Whon tin1 wa-atlu-r is warm and the nights u litil kuI try, says the In tluuinpoli.s Journal, tlioro ure several .oniretiial hiiirit.s who cluster about the ofllei-aif Ktiilish's huU'l, who draw their j chair out on the ;iva-meiit next to th atrea-t iiml put in t hi-owning Tory plt-aw antly relating Mories hatoheil hero and there over t he world Hiid triven an air ing, for their tellers, are well along in years and have hail varied experience. Dr. , one of the company, was at MM' time pr.iotk'iiiir metlieine ut an old mLs.siv.ti in California!, w here the lnaliuu used to puttier ooeasioually. loaf around allalay and disperse, at iiijrht. There vras one old redskin i lio mould do tha trilx-'s war- ilaiiee for twenty five ivnts, ninl il'ui Jo it whenever there were! enou'-h eu: ions r.uditori to . omrihate that amour.', retire, and aft Tho add Indian would r removing what wear-' iny apparel he had. fro. nially with paint and , fury, (ro through his in-.-rations i.t-.d reivsonio v. 1: i''i f ilis- forth iu a ;.::uiio of ay-.;li.-.:itiiiii and retire, t- tho inters ili'.i ation of those who sail ! i in. tine day r. !i,m. Unarm'' touru-ts fin m tao lii.v.t tloo-rous aiuur tsiifl!ii' a-.". I'.'!'.::.''il;iv.'ii to the mis sion. Tin mi Indian was. a:, usual, on hand, and hud soon entered into a con trail in no war o.o. -o 1 lies :iiHi!:n:: v. -ere ileliifnieii. 1 lie fev jM-i-plo v 1 1 i won-ai -ound the mission wen.' surpri od to think these effete en ii i n ladies would care to ivitneva a porf -nnanro s. doubtful of its results, but said nothing. lYesently the noble minion appeared with a yell, a coat of ( a lia'. hot and aluut as free from deir.:tion of any other kind a.s nature ploesos to originally o-iin'ii human tribe. With one composite soroani the liajGtoii eiria i.i'.ban.iod in all dirai'tions. kl.v xs possible at 1 their eavri to U- driven just M quicUIy from tho missiun. MEDICINE IN PATAGONIA. Haw Sl.-k liilUrrn Aw Trata.d In Oar t'oatl:ipf 's Stiullie'.-n Kxtmultr. The Huston (ilobe has learned the medical treatment of sick children in Iatatrnnia. As mhhi as the ihxrtor ar rives he looks at the sick child, and then with much ea'n'itiony rolls it up in a piece of skin. He then airders a clay piaster, and by this time the ehild has ceasrtl eryinjr. siHtlu-d by the warmth of tho skin, and so renders still more solid his reputation as a wise man. Yellow clay i.s broujrht and made into a thick i-rcam with water, and the childis puint.'il from head foot, causing him to cry ae-aiu. The evil spirit U still iH-rc." says the doctor. Niffcly, and un-diH-s tivn mysterious packajfes he car ries; one contains rhea sinews ami the other a rattle made of stones in a pourd tlecoratcd with feathers. He then tnfrers th" sina'ws. mutters somethiuff j for a few minutes, then hi btizi-s tlie rattle and shakes it violently, stariuir vay hard at tlie cryinp child, then J wraps it in tho skin arain and it ceases . r ; ,...:.,,.ui M,,i.ui ( -, 7 . . , ,ri as done four times, and then the run- is considered complete. The doctor leaves the child quiet, enfolded in the warm akin, and ps away, having nveived two pipcfuls of tobacco as his fee. 8trauK,e to ikij-. the child frenerally re covers, but if it does not the doctor frets out of the diliiculty by declaring that the parents did not keep the medicina1 kin tightly rouud the child, and so let the evil spirit tret back a-aiii. This statement may possibly expUiin tho orifrin of the old nnrscry son which u printed in all edition. of "Mothertioose Welodies," and has probably been sung by every mother in America: My Baby Ilur.tin. Daddy's ironti a huntln'. To gut a Httl rabbit skin To vrap ap Baby Bunttn Id. GOOD IDEA FOR SPENDTHRIFTS. A ltprtr'M rifin Whereby He Managed to Have .lluuey All Week. A newspaper reporter whohas wielded a pencil for various journals in Now York for nearly n score of years told an interestinfr story about himself to a party of congenial friends incIu.lKi- a Uomnicri.-ial Advertiser man. tlnitather eTcnintr. that will lr-ar r"fj'atint'. lie aaid that durinir tile earlier jKirtiou of his journalistic canrr he found it al most imi.: ible t lay aside any iii iuey, notwitlistandinx- the fact that he was then a single man and i-amed a first class salary. Try as he would tlie money lie received on Saturday for his week's work would slip away from him, and when Monday came around there renuiitail nothing for him to do but to strjlie tin: cashier, i'inaliy t.ho ett.iiior ba-came tired of l;iii; hit so early in the week, and the reporter was warned that he would have to ffivo it up. "I managed it in one way and an other," said the writer, "but after a lime my friends alsn lx-oaine t-ei :,;id found mysidf in many rnl;arra:v,iny po:itions, until I litially Jut on 11 pi-oiil-iar but altogether atisf;wtory pi ::i." "And what was that?-' ho iv:v. a ,'ied. "Well, it was simply this: i 1 1 jrot my money Saturday afternoo.i uent over to tin- post ofliec, ptiieliawd ;. re-.n.-tereal letter, put a portion of my Hilary in it and uddrosed it to myv-if at the office. Of course, the letter was not delivered until Monday, and iu that way I managed to (ret alone-all right and finally kave some money." Alankn Wenlher. 1 m- spring in Alaska is iciiernlly more luek ward than in mora- siMitliern latitudes, because the mountains In i.if jovered with snow the atiinr-plia-rc in kept more or lcsa chilled until tlie snow begin to appreciably disappa-nr. I!ut the compensation cornea in fall, when the mild weather in extendi a far d it limit in many other plaea- 111. the center of civilization. V.ff. :?tai and flowers friiiioiit!y arc found "in(,' in the ifanlens after xmhrr. ' 't is rare that heavy fr ist scenr ba'f. . itinonth. 1 ..e Mimma-r .n Alanka 1 'htful, na ver i.pprot. lively warm. '. hermometcr remain;! tnntnil aeventy-i decrees fur v.i !.i nd iM-rhnps inonti.s, while the phiu nt daylight rebmins in the amls-r shy. A Jat. :.: -MK 11 1. Cho Stmm-e C'to:-;r of n aiiou?iiippl n ver rVj.xi. v it l',Mir I'istu-U na-tller tl.ama Milli.-u a.r.- f t - Tw.i tli.iir uual William! IV. n-; twr r it. Iii t!- south eiu't o! Iv e::l lei'i ; i- mli-li t till'"- 1 - I': ' very -Vide IWlie i empty the city, eommon lmt hieh at one i'tiilleant name of inK-ka-tl, there rv- mi'u ,;: i f the eurly I reiH-h settlers, Joe ..!;..!! hy name, says the St. Louis Kei.-.diiic. "Old Joe," iw he is called lie aua-ryoiia-, is one of those un fnrt-.'.:i.:',i' I-'n'tiehiiieit who settled ill t'urondelct while it was vet u Imr of wM".e ')r e en houses. !(' aa-quired t . .m-1 .r as mil Lll l lie i , , mid' when 'a iron- active ol a'ivir. 'it ' triot ::i-d : i-iicroaclicil upon iiie atis-tlu- property lovan to lie worth m inethilie-, lio lost it all tlirouo-ii carelessness and bail mnnajn'meiit. It I may not be jronerally known that Jia' was a millioui-.iiv for two whole hours at one time, and the circumstances of j his ri c ;.:.''. f.-.'! :'r-.' ber.t tu!d tit his own words: "It w III Ul r t!i - sUlillltel' ol I I i a.- on the liver in;,' a:ui it small boat The : v . fo t-" ;:o That iM!s in ; I in a e..r!y tvav n St. stuck oidei steumlnt tunes iv',-.. n , v. '.. . clou ny river, ana me uari j Louis iva!, lino! ivith Uiats whi.'ii their how. so ti;.vt!:er in M (!( to the wharf ut ;.!!. that they j formed a wall alon tho river front anil wlii-ii a lire broke out on one boat I the others wen- so tijrhtly wed;nM! in that a'scups was imiKissible. It hud j been storming all ilay. and iu the even- j ine; the river was a rafintr torrent, readv to tear awav its banks or to d.i-di 1 It,., lmr.1 ln.i tli-if lei.l I1....11 1 . ill', m .t .'i 1 ... ., .7 , .. , ... j j Uu. Vl.ntKr,.,f , lhl. bank out into mid-streaiu. "Alxiut niiia' o'clock that evening a tire broke out on the levee union"- the Isiats. There was a panic. omc of the passengers who won" spending,' the ni'ht on the boats in order to make sun1 of their staterooms lost their lives in the panic which followed, and others left their valuables. The loss was im mense, baith of life and of property. Tha red fjlare of the fire was distinctly visible in Vide 1'ixdie, and I and my partner sat up and kept watch on the river, a-xpeotiii"- to see some of the pas hensvrs of tho bnrninjr lxats drift by, and to rescue them if pavssible. We waited linijr, but no victims of tin1 tire came. At last as we were about tocive up the watch, ive saw out in the cur rent a dark object that appeared to bo a raft. It shot swiftly into view, and us it passed us wo could see the white face of a man holding on to a raft which he had constructed of four life preservers, and on which he floated a I iarire chest, which, from the can- he j had taken to place it in safety nf the I risk of his own life, we juded to be 1 very valuable. We resolved to save him if ixissiblo, and, jumpiii'r into our skiff, we pulled toward him. At that time tha- raft was caujrht in one of the whirlpools Isdow the Klwooal street dike and was broken to pieces. The man lost his hold and was swallowed in the vortex, while the chest, too, went down. Wa- rowa'il atxiut tha' spot to pick up tha" life preservers, which hud been separated, and in pickins.' up the wcond ona- found a rope attached to it. My partner wanted to cut it, but I stopped him anal told him to save the rope, a. it mirht lie useful. He com menced pullin-r it in, but before ha- ha (rotten much of it in the boat hi' ealied ma- to his assistance, ami we workea'1 j away pulling in the alcaal weight at thi other end of the rope. i 'Finally the task was hnisliwd. and. as a reward, instead of the boaly of tha man whom we had just sea-n drown lie fori; our yes. we found the chest which lie valued mora- than his life. Wc hauled it ashore with many misiivinirs, and I did not oa-n it, but put it care lessly ba-foiv my shanty. "The next alay I had plenty to do piekinj.' up wreckage and watehinjr for the Imalia's of thosa? who had perished on the boaU. About five o'clock in the aveninu a irentlcman airovc down to the shanty, lie seemed jrreutly a-xcited. He was aivoiupania'd by a constable. They asked me if 1 had sea-n a chest floating don n the river. Well, to make a loiifr story short, the man was the owner of the chest, which contained his whole fiirtune more than a million. The man who was ilrowncil was his brother, who had locked him in his ituteroom to perish anal tried to make jfl with the treasure in tha: way de avribed. "I told him of his brother's death, and he remarked: 'l'oor fellow, I forgive him and shall not tell father of his at tempted crime.' He was a marmls-r of ane of the Ix-st families of the city ut tin- time, ami alter tali ins mar to the nearest sal" a. where we hail tha1 Ix-Ht I ... , . i , i'i -i. .-'-i-i'ii . mi i w-i mo," un vii'ia n ii oii;"-iiimh III till- Iiuiim-, ha- Ifuva- maa tiva-tllollHilull to rl tinnl meounl nt l. tlie wttlement of lolliirs to lia-i-n tha- whole nlTair ainia-t ImW wUlmre iliia-eteil to .i-r t Mhl lim, . . . I mul iilHce, tJi,-n nuil there ti uliuw enune. If liny l.-t IllMUima- lia; known. H liat there be. hy Mill liiml ee,,t .hoilirl not Iv 1 1 I I .! IVltll till- flVl; llollfirR? I liva-il liUa- a ii-titleiiian on it for s year. "Jliil I i-vit m;- Ilia- o;i-ntla-ui:iii afain? Vi-s, iiiit- of la-ri. Ila- is ona- of the lajiul inf if it'll of t. l.onis tivilay." -auhliiiie AniirMnre. Tin- m-rvi.-t man in Aiiii-ri-a h.'u oa-.-n ilis;.,,v,-n... Hi- i a tranii. anal Allen lat --a-ll W.IH llis:n!;i.;,rin, ir. .n ml a ei.rii.-i- in 'I op;n:i., one lay lat -lv. II.- Iiuil enta-ri-il a ra-Ktual-:ant luial orili-ra-il an arlalaorata- mi-al. Afta-r eating it with Kra-at n-lish lia- toalk hi a-lireW. uul!i-il to tlieca.sliii.-r anal ?iol!y infurina-il linn that ln hail na luon.-y. Tin i-ashia-r put his hanil ta i ihi-lf iiml -r ilu- ii-.,k. proiluca-al a ( ami onl tlm miiij to pay. "Uliat that'.'" tin. tramp n,sla;il. point- in;'!:-' tvl. "That, .sir." answered . a ri-v-iilva-r." An exprchv .tia; otlicr. "i . lion of r.-lii-f i is ha- ra-pli "d: 'or a r-vi I vcr: icli j map. ( .' val!-.'-il out !. -r ci mid rail-. t:! - over tin- man's face 'Mi. I '. n't earn n htrawr I liioa-.'lit it w;jj a ctoin "! at t Tin, i in." And ho . f:i : t ini .l, caJili- ii :'IW. imUila lMUtaa, Befor the war there wan no aneh Howeras the daisy in Virginia. The hardy llower was u curiosity. .Now the Helds just around liiehiuoml nrc whin with them. This is especially so of the late liuttletlelds ulmut the I'hieUahomi nv river and whenver the federals lir.d encampments. An investitr.ition sliiiwi that the seeds of the proluic daisy were nrani,'ht there in the hales of hay brought by the union soldiers in ir piuia when they wore ciiiupoil near the city. An old battery west of Kiohmoml is the sMt from which tho daisy bepau U spread. ' Mr,,, hvlvV 41 v I A Little Daughter Ol' a Church of Kn-laml miui.dct enroll of n distressing rash, bv Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Mr. Kii'IIAKO 111 i:ks, the well-Utiown DniRiiist, -7 MoC.ill st., Montreal, I". Q s;iys: , I have mild Avor's I'uinilv Mmlieiiii-n for 40 years, and have heart' notliiiij; but pood said of them. I kuon u many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsiiparilla. 0110 Iu paitiruhir liain' that of a little ai.iuhti'i of a Church of England tninii ter. The child was literally covered from held to foot with 11 real and c reoilin"ly tiniililesiiiiie rash, from which she h id suit i-reil fur two or three yaars, ir: spile of tha- Iks! 1t1e1l.a-.1l trcatmi'iif available, ib-r father was ill great distress about flu- a-ase, and, at my ri't'iiiiiiiii-iiil.itiiiu, nt last bepau to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two but ties of hieh etle. t. il a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's ilcli-iil. I am sure, were he here ta-alay , heniiiilil testily in the strongest terms as in iiie iiit-rtts of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'wnaiTtl by Ir..I.C. Ar k ('o.t Iowcll, Mm Cures others, will cure you NOTICK FOR I'Ur.LIC.VilU.N. Laxd Orricc, Tho iMlle. Or.,( June Ji, Im'H. v Nntiee i" hereby rirm that the fol.owlntr naintil w'ttlcT h filed notieeof hi" liiteiitfon t make fin.ll proof In rttftprrtof hiaclaim ami that mud proof h ill be made befon; tlto register and rti-eivcr at The 1j 11 lies, UrV"t ti July viz: Fertlinand AV eater man. lie. No. W,:, f.,r the HW HV ht. Tp. n H. It I ', K.aiMl NWi4'.aJ4,eee. fi, 1 1, 4 b, K hi k. li narne-i the foMowintr witiieiMf to prove hi rontihtion reifivtiee upon and cultivation of an id laiHl. vi : -. M-I..v, li. !. liteher. Henry ZwtJdler. Tboinax J tin . 1 (fh Vail-. John W. I.kwih, Itt'RiMter. Notice of Final Settlement Nntii-e l- hra tiy jtivn thnt liv iin onl-r of Ui, f I'oimty I ourt ut thai r-tiit,-of aari-uun fur Whmjii . ci .ii ut.-. . Tiiuili- un l i-nt r1) Inin Mtii il'iy oi Jiinii, I l-'M. Ill thi-nmtliT of tin- in'nti- of IMIMiun II ; VMimim, il.i .-ii-il. Mo. l,iy. July 111, 1I. nt the t hour of In orlirf-k A. M., lixpil nm the tllnf ) a-lil tha- a otihty I nurt Kiniiii of Mllfl a-oun ty un I the ilrti-e for thi' ha-iatinir aif IIm- tinnl meoiiutof 'XH '"f"r f tlm liit will mul lantHiaient aif l't""ei Hll.l II1 aUlle e.i jiinii. ii, in i ii, iai. Kxeeiitor. Wasco Waienouse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rotes Reosonble. makk (moon W. "W. Oo. TIIK DAI.I.KS, OK WANTKIJ ' rtre-H -1'iinhinir i'nnvi;r nt ft.Hial l.lU'iill illHry null exi..ii.,. ml 'Mhl Weekly; feriiimielit i.ll..n. ilKOWN Itllll.i li.. .Nuriieryriieii, Horllnii'l, air. alfiwijy ia-; r ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. SHERIFF'S SALE. ; Hy virtue "1 n vxveiUyt hii1 tnlr of Milt in j fUrtl nut nf tht irvult Court oi tht hint t Or- tcon fur WniK'o riMtnty, iiMn m dfrrw jiml juUjf I uient inaiU. irndt-ml mu) cnteml hy wtHl rourt j mi t)iH:t!t day tit Mav, lvi(, in favor of the i I'lHintlll. iu a ult wtirrvin K. C. ComvtfH'k wn plmutut' niHi i cur . M.iK mid Kmlly 1UII uere il'-feiniHtitj. nm t me direi''ttl hih) hvemi, conimiiiHliim Die ! levy upon Htid iK'tl . hII the Iflndn ntfntioiut hih I iifrtbMl tit writ, unit hereinafter uVtcrtbrd, I ittl on the K'lti I itrtV of June lv, duly levy upoii.nmt will nell m j pub) to auction to the hiRhent hiiluer forriwh tu hmiil on iiie jHth day of July, lv4. at o clock tu , tho afternoon of mtKi day at the fioiil dtNir of the County Court House h lnllt 4 Ity, In U mmo hunty. Onx'HJ. all of the land anil rfinle l'erileri In ald writ nud herein dtwrtbed aa oltowh tow It: Lot 3, I, ami Muthe4t iiiarter (',), of iorthwet qtiartor of Motion U rfi), mwii hip one () ftoiith. raiiKC fifteen IIS) et, W. M. otitaininy In. 7'. acnn of land, iltuateil, IvIuk nd tteniK In Wawo eounty, (fretrmi, fcwther lth the teuemeuta, hereillUiitienlH and appur enaiiee thereunUj betoiuciuir or In anv wie nj. -rtaiiiiuar. or ho inueh tlienof an nhall heaum lent to aatlnfy the sum of $iM'..p with Interest lereon at the rate of s per rent, alne the Ml of lay, 1-v.m, and ? .m altornera fwn and l-.' ."t in nalti u it ttHflhtT with thecoaUof aaid rlt and areruliiK eoat- of Iatrd at I Mite citv, Urevoii. Juueith, lM. T. A. W AKI. HhcrfrTof Waworountv, trej(on. Jiiii.w FOR SALE OR TRADE A FINE IMl'OHTKD French ftrckenm Stallion, Wa-iuht In gil tloah tofi niiiil, n ml Hnr val Letter. Will M-lt fiira-nnh nr tinlen wltli ppnvaal naurf ly, nr will lrUo fur home or mlla. Ailatra-n Kerr & Buckley, Grass Vnllev, Or. NOTICK FOU lTr.I.lCATlON. Laxu Ornrr, The laUe. r., Cornptatnt huviric been entereil at thi" oftlee iv JotiMiin it. KlWi;r Miriiiit Ilia- hi-lrp at liaw of WiUlnrn M. Mimihr, iR-a-naa-al, for nhiniloutiig hln liomait.ail Klitrv. No. 4 ,7 1 . ilnta-il ai't,,liarr tiwt, lit" n tin- V, HK'i. and N'i K',,m' :ll, 1 p 1 N. It 10 K. In rtaw-o a-ounty. Orrann.wiiB j a view lo Ilia ('Miia-llnliim nf miiil entry; tnt I lanlil imrtiw nr,- b-fahy miiniiinnal to apiieur at 1 Tlie liHlla-aa. aarceim. on the llth aluv ol .tiily, i IMil. at V 1,'rliK'k A. M., to ra-Himl anal ftimtfih te.tiniony a-iina-prillliK Mill MM--'! rIiiiihIoii ma;ilt. JllllN VV. l.l'.WIf, June 9 liauliiti-r. tub GoiumMa PSGKIDO GO. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef JIA.NUKAtrrCKKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of Jf BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. W. H. YOUNG, Gunfrrml Blaokfmiithing ami Work dona promptly, and all work Guarantee. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Ttiri Street Dim.Liclic's olds tani BUI, Biacaiti&waps PEASE Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, homas A. Hudson, HtirceMor Ut Thorn bury i IIudou, 83 Washington St, If you want Information eminent In Govern ntent land, or th law retattriK then to. you eau ronault hlrn Iree of charye. lit nan made a cialty of thla hiMlnea, and tiax prai'tirrd bfoic , the 1' nf ted NUttea IjiimI OIHre for nwr un yeara. He la Airnt for the Kan tern Orefrmi IjiimI Company, and eau aell mi dnuhiR, itr 1 i it Iniprovtit Airrlrultural IaiuU In any unantlty dilrtl, and will aend a Hamphtrt deriihtuit thow Unda to anyoue applying-to him tut It. lleni I mm haittlairB Laatd on If yon want la llorrow Miimji, am Lane WrllM rira, Lira, and If yon eannat call, wrlta. and yaar . familiar Faces C. K. BAYAKIJ, .nf Nprritil Agent timtrnl Land Office. Bavard tSa Barnett, Jr7e leal Estate, IoaQ, Iuraiee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTA XL IT X UBLIO. " Purtii. ImviiiK JVoiH-rty tln-y wish Almtnurt of litli- furni;.lii l, will Imd ,. Hi Ilk 1 1 limka- ii HH-ciult.y of tlin lx-forn tlla Unita-fi 85 Washington St. Farlev ' ISiH-i-a-tworH to I,. nuns A General Line ol Horse Furnishing Goods. K,EFA.IKI2Sra- PBOMPTLV .d 1ST 323 .A.TIjY X303STB. wnolesale anfl Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, WHics, Horse Blaniets, Etc. 8KC0XI) STKEKT. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO.. I NCOHPOKATKU 1MH No. (57 Washington Stkket. . . Thk Dali.ks. WliijlaionlH anil KcUil Pi-hIdi-h and Manufii!tnrira of Building Materia! ud fiimeasion Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Doiut Fnrnishings, EU Spoclal Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases, rnotory tud Ijumljor Yrci Mt Old 3Pt. I3allo- DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and any part t T & MAYS. THE DALLES, OR. He In A urn I fur alr nf Intn In TliimrianK' Aim THIN laiThi- llialln. Till. Ailillllnn In lulil off In nera- Iiita, mill alavtlllaaU In Imi flic tirllla-'IIMLrv-iil. - a paart of tha CUV. Illity 'at mflllll-ai wmt I'nurtiniuic; IU oiliiutoa friini U U lMft liovtrnniMt lanit. ar Hharl tltna, b can Mtommaulatti jraa Amlilunt Inanranva. lattar will ba promptly anawarad. in a New Place. J. K. HAKNKTT Ut M or Tnida-, JIoiiw-h to Kent, or it to tln-ir n(lvuntu;i to c-nll on un. jiriisci iitniti Stuta-H lllul of Cluinji Ollia-.-. nud CoiittU THE DALLES, OR. c? F'r&txiLsL, I). Frank, liM-iraii;(l. ) - Haiiifisses! Plain or Stanmcd. THE DAIXE8. OR Slab WOOD Delivered to of the city.