The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Clubbing List.
The CimoNiri.K, which gives the new
twice a week, Iih modo arrangement to
club with the following publications, and
offer two paper one year (or little more
thun the price of one :
H.'Kulur Our
irtiu ptietn
in,,ui S. I. trikn. 2.50 $1.75
(i,Mi,l. n4 HwUj OHfim 3.00 2.00
Itmi'U ui CtiMopoliiii l-iriiii' ... 3.00 2.25
1 uiirMlny'i Pally
The cs!e against Maloncy and Snell
ing went over the Fourth, uml In being
finished today.
The strike 1 bringing the newspaper
town to the old Ttaaeret New and Val
ley Tan style, wrapping paper.
About forty good. citl.Hin of Hood
Kiver vallev celebrated the Fourth at
tint fork of tint river, the little town of
Tjiie trout lltitig at the forkH of Hood
Klver In said to bo of the finest. Jai'k
Coon, an Indliin. killed a boar at that
place Tuesday.
County Commissioner IUowers cuuie
up from Hood River yesterday to tuke
part tnilny for the first tiu.o in the
management of county altfuirs.
W. K. Wiiians presented a petition to
the county court today asking an appro
priation to build a wagon road from
Tucker's mill to the lor tin of Hood River,
The petition contained more thun a
hundred nainvs.
The dance given by the Smith broth
em at the Umatilla bonne luHt night wan
it very pleasant and successful alfair.
The large dining room wax filled to itn
utmost capacity, uud when ye reporter
looked In he saw so many pretty girl
that hi eye ache ever since.
A private telephone thin morning
state that a thousand militia men
called out in San Francisco, yesterday,
laid down their arm in sympathy with
the striker. Two men were killed by
allots from the militia but the shooting
u accidental. Rioting wa rcjKirtod
in Chicago, but how aeriou we were
unable to learn.
A two-horse rig left this morning with
four passengers, bound for point np the
river, one of them going to Pendletou.
and another to Alt. Uot, Idaho. Thai
doe the strike revive the primitive
method of travel and emphasize the
superiority o( the car Pullman or
other to the stage roach or the upper
deck of the cayuse.
There wa a bit of a row at lookout
mountain on Mill creek yesterday,
which gave lr. Hollister a job lot of
small surgical join, Jim Crate got hi
chin cut, requiring several stitches to
put it together j one of the Heuter boys
got a bud cut in the baud and the other
a scalp wound. We understand it wus
quite lively, even for a Fourth of July
relebrution (or a few moments.
The regular subscription price of the
Wkkki v Ciikomci.k is ll.HO and the
regular price of the WjsKKi.r Oukooman
is tl.ftO. Any one subscribing (or Tiik
('niioNu i.K and paying (or one year in
advance can get liolh The Cimo.vicl.f
and the Wro;kl.Y Okkoqman (or 2.00.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions a year in ndvance will lie en
titled to sumo ofler.
Krlilay Imlly
The case of Conroy against Harris is
called (or trial this afternoon.
Hood River will have a very heavy
upple crop this year; enough to make
even (or the hiss o( the berry crop.
One of the notable things done on the
Fourth at Portland, was the opening of
the Ilurnside street bridge to travel.
The steamer Inn a did not make the
round trip yesterduy but sent the mails
through last night from Mosier by wagon.
F.ldor J. V. Jenkins will preach at
ndersbv Saturday evening, July 7th,
aid at Ihifur Sunday following, both
morning and evening.
Telegrams were received bore yester
day (roin F.llensburg and Yakinin, In
quiring concerning the possibility o( get
ting (might up by boat from I'ortland.
A rumor was in circulation toduy to
the effect that the strike was ordered off
the V, P. The rumor probably came up
on the Iiukcr, as there was nothing
in it.
School Superintendent Shelley ha
been trying to perfect arrangements for
holding a joint teachers' institute with
Sherman county, but so far has been
unable to do so.
Sheriff John Hully of I'endluton ar
rived by way of Walla Walla on tho
Spokane lust night, bringing two prison
ers (or the penitentiary and an insane
person bound for the asylum.
A large gang of laborers are at work
on the trestle across Mill Creek. A pile
driver Is being built and a donkey engine
put in place to run It. Contract have
been let (or piles all along the river and
in a few day railroad matters will im
prove In appearance.
The Stuaui fire engine baa lieen at
work all day, pumping the water out of
the vacant lots, on the corner o( First
and Washington. The water is o( a
brownish green color, and slightly over
ripe. It 1 kieing removed none to soon,
(or it Is enough to give one the agne to
look at it.
The recorder's court (urnishes a re
markable Item this morning, and that
Is, that two Individuals w ho are entire
strangers to each other were arrested
yesterday, charged with lieing drunk
and disorderly, and each of them bore
the euphonlus cognomen of John Doe.
The commissioner court is in session,
but up to date have transacted but little
business that will make a news item.
A large number of petitions have been
read first time and await further action.
The bills of the clerk and judges of
election were all allowed yesterday
The arguments in the Maloney-Snell-ing
case were completed this morning,
Judge Pennctt muling a masterly argu
ment lor the defense, followed by Mr.
Huntington, who closed (or the state,
and .presented a pretty strong aggrega
tion of farts. The case went to the jury
shortly after 11 o'clock.
The salmon industry is getting an
other black eye because the fanners are
unable to get tin. There is an abun
dance of cans manufactured, but no tops
for them, and at present no prospoct of
getting them. Mr. Kverding tells us
there is plenty of tin at hi place, and
that the royal fish are being canned at
the rate oi twenty-five tons a day.
This is one of those days when the
highly prized item crawls off In the
shade and refuses to come out. The
discouraged reporter vainly whips bis
(uvorite pools and also his bra! ns,w ilbout
getting a rise and then be sits wearily
down and in response to the devil' call
(or copy get an inspiration and dashes
off a whole line to the effect that "now
is a good time to subscribe."
An I atltnrly Fit.
Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock
Col. Slnnott and tome other gentlemen
were sitting on the west porch of the
Umatilla bouse, w hen they noticed an
Indian in a small boat a short distance
out from the coal bunkers. He was
coining from the Washington side, and
suddenly be half straightened up and
plunged over the aide of the boat. lie
came up but once, and though another
boat was on band in a moment or two,
nothing conld lie done (or him. Those
who saw the affair thought it was a case
of suicide, but John Too says the Indian,
whose name wa Jack, occasionally bad
fits, and It i supposed that a sudden
attack caused his plunge into the Col
umbia. Kallroatt Notea.
Superintendent Wade, who has charge
o( the bridge and trestle work (or the
1". P., placed three donkey engine
along the track yesterday, one here, one
at Hood Kiver, and one at some other
point. He tells us the trestles are all
completed to Celiio, and that the road
will be opened to that point just as soon
as the rails can be laid, and this will lie
only a day or so. Between here and the
Ixks men are at work repairing all
such portions of the road as can lie got
at, and when the water get a few feet
lower the trestles will be put back.
Two or three weeks will see traius run
ning again providing the strike is off.
High Water Mark.
The water level was run through from
the high water mark cut on the corner
of The Ciibonk i.k building to the gov
ernment gauge on the wharf this morn
ing, aud the extreme high water mark,
made June 6th at 11 o'clock, was 69.C4
(eet. Measured from the bigb water
mark of 1870, In Tin Ciikosici.k office
basement, the water of 1KJ4 was 7 (eet,
11J inches higher than In 1870. This
varies only an inch and a tenth from
the height a shown by the gauges,
the variation being caused by not get
ting .the last gauges set exactly true
with the first one.
Ural Katate Moments.
The (ollowing deeds were iilod for
rocord today :
J If Middleton to A S Blowers, quit
claim to ae'4 of sw '4, sec 20, tp 2 n o( r
10 e; consideration, fl.
A S ltlower and wife to L S Blowers,
nw4 o( sw'4', sec 9, tp 2 n o( rlOe;
L X Blowers and w ife to A S Blowers,
210 acres in sees 20 and 20, tp 2 n of r 10
e; $2,000.
A. O. r. W. Installation.
The (ollowing ollicers were installed
in Temple Idge, No. .1. A. O. U. W.,
Inst night: P. M. W., J. H. Blakeley ;
M. W C. F. Stephens; Foreman, J.
Simonson; Overseer, Ci. C. Ksholnuw ;
Financier, W. S. Myers; Recorder, T.
M. Joles; Receiver, J. A. McArthur;
Girdle, B. JCaton ; I. W.,0. W. Kunyon ;
O. W., D. C. Herrin.
Humeri la Death.
By the burning o( a bouse the morn
ing of July 4th at Wallula an old man
wa horribly burned and two little chil
dren, asleep when the fire broke out,
were burned to crisp. Our Informant,
who came down on the Spokane yester
day, was unable to learn the names of
tho unfortunates. A purse was raised
(or the old gentleman, and l.e was sent
to the hospital at Wallula.
Tub CimoNUxa print all the news.
A l.sjeky jseeliieal.
Saturday afternoon Mr. Jolius Wiley
went up to visit the Seuferts, taking
with him bis wife, daughter and baby,
Mrs. Clark, his wife' sister, her little
daughter and baby, and Mr. Cook, and
riding in a stiff-topped carriage of Ward
& Kerns'. After several hours' visit
looking over the orchards and going
through the cannery, they started for
home, leaving, they passed under a
cherry tree a (ew rods from the house,
from which a small limb bung down
over the road. The limb t aught the top
of the carriage, and in an instant the
whole top and bed was lifted from the
running gear. Mrs. Wiley was thrown
out on one side and Mrs. ('lark's little
girl with her. Mrs. Clark was thrown
out over tho wheel on the other side,
and as she fell the baby, 9 months old,
was thrown under the buggy bed, the
back of which u on Hie cround and
the front resting on the hind axle. In
fulling her hair escaped, its fastenings, the
ends catching in the spokes. Cooke
jumped and grabbed the horses by the
bits, and thus caused them to back, and
consequently to wrap Mrs. Clark's hair,
w hich is very long, around the hub un
til her head was brought tight against
the axle. Fortunutely at this point the
horses, which were gentle and behaved
well, stopped, and a step or two forward
released Mrs. Clark from her perilous
Mr. Wiley lifted the buggy btd and
the baby wa taken out from under the
wreck unharmed. Mrs. Wiley injured
one of her ankles and is somewhat
bruised, but is perfectly satisfied to
know that the results are not more seri
ous. Mr. Wiley and Cooke put the top
of the buggy back on the running gears
and came into town, while Mr. Senfert
brought the ladies and children in.
Mrs. Clark found that her hair pins had
been twisted into all imaginable shape
and knots, but is fortunate indeed in
escaping without serious injury, a had
the horses backed another foot, she
would have lost her hair. And all this
caused by a cherry limb lens than an
inch in diameter.
McNeil AMmm fl'nntrol of the O. It. Y
N. Ce.
.. . s
Ori'si in lull.
Major E. McNeil, who was appointed
receiver of the Oregon Railway & Navi
gation Company by Judge Bellinger,
June 25th, assumed the duties o( hi
office. Owing to delay in receipt o( doc
ument from the East, caused by inter
ruption to the mail service, the order
the court was not entered until Tuesda
evening. Yesterday morning be file
bis official bond in the Bum of f 100,00
with Messrs. II. W. Corbett and Hem
Failing as sureties, and qualified as r
Immediately after, Receiver McNi
made a demand on Mr. Baxter, gener
superintendent of the Union Pacific, (
the liooks and property of the O. R.
X. Co. They were at once turned ovi
to him. He then Issued a general ordt
to all officers, agent and employe con
net-ted with the O. R. A N. property
continuing them in the same pogitiont
with the same authorities and duties
Some new oflices had to lie created
Mr. E. P. Benson was appointed genera
auditor. Mr. Benson has been long ii
the railway service as auditor, and wa
with Mr. McNeil on the Iowa Centrr
railroad. He is en route to Portlanc
and would have been here before no
had he not been delayed by the strik
He brings with him a force o( fieri
from Omaha, who have been employed
there on O. R. & N. accounts. It is ex
pected that they will arrive and the
office be opened in a day or two.
Mr. Q. E. Withington, cashier of the
First National bank of this city, wa
appointed treasurer, and the First
National bank will handle the funds.
Mr. W. II. Kennedy wa appointed
chief engineer in charge of construction,
and will have immediate supervision of
the work of repairs. Mr. Kennedy was
formerly chief engineer of the road, i
thoroughly competent, and his famil
iarity with the road and the country
render him peculiarly fitted for the
Mr. Drake C. O'Reilly , who has for a
long time been In the office of Mr. B.
Campbell, general freight agent of the
Union Pacific, has been appointed
assistant general freight ngent, and will
have immediate charge of the traffic of
the water lines.
Mr. McNeil assumes personal man
agement of the property, and will have
his office in the Worcester block. The
work of opening the line will be pushed
with all possible vigor. F'ngineer Ken
nedy leaves this morning with a corps of
assistant and will prosecute the work
of repairs at every available point.
Wbm They Went.
tiuite a number of Dalles people went
down to Hood River yesterday on the
Regulator, but we were not of them.
We got there later; but that i not what
we started tn to ay which wa that on
their arrival they were met by the Hood
River people and all went up on the hill
back of town to the ball ground. Hon.
E. L. Smith read the declaration of in
dependence and few five minute
speeches were made, after which every
body amused themselves as best suited
them. There was a yacht race, horte
races, walk-around by the Hood River
Indians in costume, and a ball game be-
tween impromptu clubs of The Dalles
and Hom1 Kiver, the latter winning by a
score of twenty-five to five. Many re
paired with their lunch basket to the
big spring in Coe' field where Hood
Kiver gets her water from, and spent a
larger portion of the afternoon there.
It is one of tho prettiest spot on earth.
It wa very ijniet, but the weather wa
fine and all eemcd to enjoy the outing.
Quite a number visited the Cascades
and the Washington portage and a
goodly number went to the picnic on 3
Mile and on private picnics.
It W I .! Colli.
Dr. Charles Adams is never quite so
happy as when he can make some prac
tical joke work on someone about French
A Co.' bank. Yesterday afternoon he
had completed arrangements for going to
Antelope this morning. Along toward
evening Deputy Sheriff Phirman, being
out after jurymen, served a summon on
the doctor.
"But," said he, "I can't go. I have
made arrangements for going to Ante
lope in the morning, and I must go."
"That's all right," said Phirman,
"but I think you're fooling me, and I
guess I'll Iwe to keep you."
"Indeed 1 ain't,' said Adams, "and
if you'll go with me up to French's, I'll
prove it to you." And so they went to
the bank, and of course the first man in
sight was Virgil Bolton. Then Adams
spoko np saying :
"Virgil, 1 have been telling Phirman
that I had arranged to go to Antelope
in the morning, but he insists on hold
ing me on the jury and thinks I am try
ing to fool him. You know all about it,
so will you just give him the benefit of
your knowledge?"
"Of course I know all about it," re
plied Virgil, "and the truth is, Mr.
Phirman, I would stand in on any
average occasion to help him out, but it
is every good citizen' duty to serve on a
jury and not try to sneak out of it. The
doctor, no doubt, thought I would help
him out, but the tact is he is only fool
ing you."
Adam gave him one reproachful
glance, and wa not, for Phirman took
him; and that is where Virgil played
Fifth and Firecracker.
Mr. Cathcart made lot of the small
boy happy Tuesday evening. He had
a big two-horse-load of salmon, which
the canneries, being already over-
visit. "
Mr. G. M. Irwin, superintendent of
public instruction, came up on the
Regulator last night.
Mrs. O. Kinerslv and children and
Miss Mary Frazierfeft for Cannon beach
thiB morning, for a summer' outing.
Miss Ursula Ruch went to Portland
this nnrning, where she will remain for
a week or two, and then visit in Salem.
Mr. Hal French, who has been con
fined to his home with a very bad felon
on the right hand, is afeain able to be
Mrs. A. M. Williams and Miss Grace
William went to Hood River this morn
ing, where Miss Grace will spend a few !
Mr. Joseph ti. Wiley is visiting his
brother, Julius, of this city. They have
not seen one another for six years, and
the present visit Is principally accident,
... - r, .,,
Mrs. W.J. Spillman came up on the
Regula or Tuesday evening on her way
to Pullman, where her husband has
been emploved to take charge of the
Agriculturafcollege. he is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. 1'. J. Cooper, her husband be
ing Mrs. Cooper's brother, and will go
on to Lewiston, probably tomorrow and
from there by private conveyance.
O. P. Powne of Tygh Valley, is in the
Mr. and Mrs. F'.d. Fair of Pendleton,
are visiting relatives here.
J. II. of Goldendale's most
popular merchants, is in the city.
James H. Frazicr and wife of Moro,
ore in the city arriving yesterday.
W. II. Fowler, alias "Harry" mnde a
flying trip from Arlington yesterday.
Col. Nye and wife arrived by private
conveyance from Prineville yesterday
C. W. Everest arrived yesterday from
Portland. He has a lot of large mule
teams, which he will put at work grad
ing for the Union Pacific.
Mrs. Visry Doiighertv, who ha been
visiting friends at Portland, arrived on
the Regulator last night and after a few
days visit here will return to her home
at Antelope.
Back at Their Old Stand,
Where they will be pleased to see aU
their old patrons.
ONE OF Lli-fc'S MVoTcHlfeS.
Wbr Home I'coplti rw Kmpty Car Scats
and frowil TbiiH Fartiallj Occupied.
"There is one thing that has always
been more or less of a mystery to mo,"
said a traveler to a writer for the New
York Sun, "and that is the motive that
prompts some passengers in a car in
which there are entirely vacant seats
to take a seat with somebody. In some
cases the reason for this is simple
enough; it may be that the person
takes the first seat he comes to and is
satisfied; it may be that the vacant
entire seats are at the other end of the
car and not seen at a casual glaucc;
sometimes a person unaccustomed to
travel rather timidly takes the first
seat at hand; but the person that I
have in mind is the one who either de
liberately, or with what one might call
deliberate thoughtlessness, takes a
seat with somebody when there are
vacant entire seats in plain sight. I
have seen, for instance, a man sitting
by a window, alone in a seat, in a car
inwhich there was plenty of room,
reading. Knowing that there was
plenty of room he had perhaps sort of
preempted that seat, and was making
himself comfortable in it. and was
thinking of nothing but his reading.
Along comes a rather stout lady, who,
though there is more room elsewhere,
for some to me utterly incomprehen
sible reason, decides- that she wants
to sit in that particular seat. She
moves silently. She halts in the aisle
at the end of the seat, and slowly
moves in so that she can sit down.
She says nothing to the man. She
does not even Ionic at him; she has not
looked at him since the moment that
she decided to take that seat, and he is
as yet unconscious nf her presence.
Looking straight ahead with great
calmness, she sits down deliberately.
Then the man looks around with a
pained sort of look. He moves closer
to the window and jroes on readinf,',
but he won't retrain his inward com
posure for an hour. Now why the
lady should have taken that particular
seat is one of the things that I don't
I'vcullar Varicttt-i 1 Uut Travel Across the
Travelers in South America are some
times rcffaled with wonderful stories
alxHit the overland trips of certain
tishes. and in many instances the ac
counts have been substantiated, es
pecially in the kim's of the Doras and
Calliehthys catilshcH common in the
tropical South American streams.
These fishes exist in vast numbers in
the streams and pools, and. like their
East Indian ullies, they start in a body
overland, presentin.' a most singular
appearance, especially to those who
bare never seen a tish out of water by
its own volition.
Another catfish, known as the
Tangsa. in Smth American waters, is
often Seen on partly submerged lops,
apparently havinir the habits of a frog
or lizard. In England the fariiliar lit
tle fish known us the blenny has a
curious habit of basking in the open
air at times. This was first noticed bv
a .naturalist named Koss. who kept
, f tIj tlsllos in U(lllal.':.,.
, , dini(.ultv , maUing them
, . . -, . .. ..
"; '"; 'UJ- At cert:, , times
during the day they would make dem
x'rate and often successful attempts
1o get out. Finally, upon tbe advice
of n friend, he placed li stone in the
tank so that part of it was exposed,
and out upon it climbed theblennies
They seemed to require air, and from
choice spent part of the time out of the
water. Singulurly enou'rli, this was
during the ebb tide, the period when
they woul.l naturally bo left high and
dry in the pools along shore.
Tim Weird Tula of l!u TorriOlo llrogon ol
hot'UOtlrtt .nun.
In the old English "chop" book and
folklore stories the Yorkshire dragon
is always referred to as the "I.ampton
Worm." the word worm" meaning
snake or dragon; I-umptoii being the
name of the man who finally succeeded
in slaying the hidi-oiiM creature. An
other old-time English myth, scarcely
less popular then of the l.amptou
worm, is that of the "Dragon of NovU
bui'H IKiwns." The name of the man
who slew the Sod. burn nightmare is
still preserved, and is thut of out! of
t he best know n '.r 'i Vein try" fami-
lies. His tom'o is still to lie seen in the
ruins of the church at Sovkburu, where
also he lay in ellUcy with a rude sculp
ture of the dragon at his feet. When
the old church had crumbled to an nn
recogTiuable mass of stone and mortar,
the effigies of the hero and the "worm"
were removed to Socliburn hall.
Among the other relies preserved at
this hall may be seen the identical
falchion or sword with which the mon
ster was slain. Near by, almost in
sight of this miniature museum of rel
ics, is a gigantic bowlder, lying in the
midst of "Worm Field." Here, the
legend says, the creature attempted to
hide itself on the day when it was pur
sued and vanquished by the hero of
Sockburn Downs.
At So Jla. li ler Folia.
The following is clipped by London
Truth from C'roake .lames' "Curiosities
of Law aud Lawyers:" "If a man
were to give to another an orange he
would merely say: I give you this
orange' but when the transaction is
intrusted to the hands of a lawyer to
put it in writing, he adopts this form:
'1 hereby give, grant and convey to
you all and singular my estate and
interest, right, title, claim and ad
vantage of and in the said orange, to
gether with all its rind, skin, juice,
pulp and pips, and all right and ad
vantage therein, with full power to
bite, cut, suck aifd otherwise, eat the
same, or give the same away, as fully
and effectually as I, the said A. 15., am
now entitled to bite, cut, suck: or
otherwise eat the same orange, or give
the sumo away, with or without its
rind, skin-, juice, pulp and pips, any
thing hereinbefore or hereinafter, or
in any other deed or deeds, instrument
or instruments, of what nature or kind
soever to the contrary in anywise not
What Canars tho St In it io the Hand That
Lightly Touches a Nettle.
The leaf and stem of a nettle are lit
erally clothed with erect hollow hairs.
If one of these hairs is viewed under a
microscope, says Good Words, it will
be seen that its free end, after taper
ing to a very tine degree of slimness,
finishes os a little knob, while in the
other direction, after gradually becom
ing more suddenly expands
into a large bulb corresponding with
the poison gland of the adder. The
pnuit of the hair is very brittle and
ei-piuct with our bkin causes the end
to"isiiap off, leaving a hollow needle
point which readily pierces our cuticle,
and pressing upon the bulb at the
either end the poison is forced through
the central channel and inflames oiur
blood. The tender-handed who stroke
the nettle are stung for their pains, be
cause their gentleness has only served
to break the brittle points and render
them fit for piercing, but the rough
handed break the hairs at their thick
est parts, where they are too stout to
prick. Our common nettles, though
they are capable of inflicting consider
able annoyance upon many persons,
are tis insignificant, nevertheless, to
l,e included among vegetable monsters,
and we have only referred to them for
the sake of making clear the enor
mities of some big cousins giants of
the nettle family. These are. first, the
I'rtica stiiuulaus and Crtica crenulata
of the- Last Indies, species whose at
tack upon one's hand is sufficient to
cause the nrm to swell with a most
frightful pain, which lasts for weeks.
Jtnt even these ore milk-and-water
nettles by comparison with the I'rtica
nrentissima, which grows in Timor,
where' it bears the significant title of
l)aoun setan, or devil's leaf. The ef
fects of its sting last for a yeor and
have often produced death.
An enumeration of tlie population of
Aggcrsliuus. Norway, in 1718, showed
thut 1.VJ couples had liven over eighty
years married.
A soft, fair skin is the result of pure
blood and a healthy liver, to secure
which, Ayer' Sarsaparilla is the
Superior Medicine. Ladies who rely
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