DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1894. THE The Weekly Chronicle. amendments, is foregone concluaiuit, and that the conference committee can t.:..i. ever nnd a common grounu uu wiuvu annoyanco and worry. Tho condition ahowa two thing; first, a hick of en ergy on the part of the wholesale imple- OFFIOIAL PAPER OF WASCO COCXTV. ' the two houses can meet, seems utterly moi.t dealers in Portland, to whom the ! imitodsible. I that the Wilson bill will not pus in any 1 to the weather and to damage, or put it away in a damaged condition. The care of farm machinery is one of .. ..... .till nl th faith : retai era look for supplies; ana eeconu the greatest carvlersne on the part ot Bt-WK'RMTION RATKS. (orm. BUnehard, Cutler? and lrby ; the fanner, wno, wnen tnrougu Harvest- y mail, rowA.n rmarAiD. is ovisc. , .. .-,n.ellt so the Wilson bill as i"8 hist i. machinery exposed on?yr ! it left the home, and without them it MX BBtHltT ' i , Thnw uontho . cannot pass. The house will never eon- AdvCTtUtnv mta iMMHiiible. and made kiiwu j , ., .....,., Wii uuw. indeed. TddWSTruu..ntiu. H.-THK i KRON the member, thereof are entirely bereft ; the most important thing on the farm, t( LK., lhrl'allr..oixic'u. 1 . ,., think the MiKinlev bill and on this alone aiu-cess often hinges. I .Hi aurvivH. and be on the statute book : U i useless, of course, t.. preach on this 'tt,TJ'0;I1MtMiin.htWhen,he republicans will! subject '- -'ditiuns M asrain have a maioritv. cannot be changed for tlii moii, and by next spring or for liiut matter, hy .Y( JOli FOR Till: MILITIA. ! the time harvest is over, the lesson we I have lust had will have been forgotten. THE EM SOT FA R .111.11. The California militia wheu culled I T. .,,,. ,.t h nii :t tw ,. i,rc-xor.l upon to attack California working men, ' conditions farmers could all' be taught to ; refused. That such result should lol- tllfc ,. tliir fnrin maohlnerv. and rig strike have broken away from control ,,, ,w .ill ..ir.nm!ttHma. but almost THE DALLKM OKKUOK ' The end of the strike against the rail- roads is now not far away, for as ,ow . Bempt to uee the state militia lmU bwt tgnl. to ptlt it in running the hot-headed one- engaged in the a(?ainst it9 own ciwnt is not only prob. jg .n fM M u -wBy on and commuted acts of violence that , certain. The state militia is composed briugs them and the movement in con- j aInujst entirely of workingmen. It can-! fliet with the government. All the i not 1)e peoted tlmt a citien who sym- i people, the government, are more iower-jlvtnie, with hig nojghbor is going to1 tulthau part of the people, hence the , f , that !)VmDatllv and chance Ins' end of the strike and the result are both . who!e .amce,. a9 mrtn wien he pulls easily foreseen. Had the counsel of the , off a eoHt he pun.m9ed wjt his own leaders been heeded, it is quite within j nmMev and pllt8 on one purchased by the range of possibility the railroads I ',, v,,,,,,,,,., ,i - i,i for the winter. Then it can be brought out and used when the time comes without two or three days' delay and a trip to the blacksmith shop. One of the first -industries to leel the j ell'ect of the strike, was theCoxey move j ment. The glaring heal-linos tlissap ! neared from the dailies, and the ereat the state. Kruss buttons and a blue I , . 1.1.. rilJhllUnmm!llhvi.l,lkt . . . ' army 01 rommou weaier-Ki irreiritM ituiy , . .. , , coa uo not U1UKL, aoiuiere, nor uo inev i , , i change the character of the wearer. A l man who mis not some cause or princi- , MMf ;.,,.,. .,, of as it is tiie managers know that now the result is settled. No doubt nine out -of every teu of those in the strike depre cate violence in any form, but the trouble is the minority does things, the responsibility of w hich falls upon the majority. It is passing strange that so many working men, who go on strikes, fail to understand their rights or the rights of others. Thev claim for them selves the right to fix the amount of wages they should receive and the num- j ber of hours they shall work. This they i have a perfect right to do. Their mis-, what niav well be called the com mon woe. From the pinnacle of news paper importance the army of tramps pie he is fighting for is not much of a j weut hurtIing U(lwn the abysmal depths soldier and never can be. i of forpetfulness and dissappeared forever. luse re n claiming me right 10 nx the or t0 quiet , labor riot jown aulon? the wagea oilier men enau receive anu ine hours they shall work, nd they do not ki their fellow citizen8 seem to tee the inconsistency of their .position. If one man has a right to fix the wages or hours satisfactory to him self, every man has the same right. How then can one set of men claim the ( . i :n t.- : ui course mucn censure win ou Kccu The lnIulful 0, l)r(lv, the militia, and doubt an eltort iil he nude to do awav with the svstem on I the ground that thev are not of any .practical utility, inis is umioumeuiy , ,oW9 Hr(J not goinR t0 Washington, and true in an cases wuere uiey are urougut , by Uu, way neither ; BIlvbody e. into contact w ith their own people. The militia are all right, aud would ' make a splendid showing should they j be called out to repel a foreign invasion industrials, went I j out like a tallow dip dropped in u mill j poud, before the appearance of an unity ; I of genuine industrials. These latter fel-1 THE MARKETS. right to dictate the terms on which another shall labor? Were this princi ple once conceded, the freedom of the -citizen would be gone. Yet with every Slavs of Pennsylvania, but they will not I Besides, when called out, the militia, although com-. posed of laboring men, is invariably' asked to side in with capital. No one ever heard of a militia company being j called out to assist labor in raising ' Fkidav, July ith The interrupted business conditions that have prevailed for the past few weeks, on account of the high water, have again assumed their former aeth ity. Interior dealers are ordering for the purpose of replenish ing their depleted stocks and our mer chantsare brisk with business. The mar ket is well stocked and all orders are wages, but the causes are alas! too fre- i promptly filled. Trices are nominally qnent when these laborers are called j unchanged in dry goods and groceries, out to assist in enforcing the attempts j The provision and fruit market is very of capital to reduce wages. In other well supplied and is favorable to the strike this same matter is bronght up, worilgi thev aro calle1 out to enforee i bnver tmd generally is the rock on which every what ig contrary to tueir opinions and Vrod contrary to their ominous and I l'rrutirr. nf all kind in nlentifnl. itlti All over the country ! tt .ni.i . Mn.nun. f ! .... . ..;.n . - I III.VH11D. ll'Jn n. i " U1HU wm v. lAHBMJni OTIC in Ml . 1 L Mil . uub J i umt mm j rich men go to assist a lot of laborers in ! new are selling at one and three quarter strike wrecks. acts of violence are reported, and in every case the government has been appealed to. That appeal will not be in rain, and once in the field the govern ment will not stop on til the furrow is . plowed to the end. What the final out - come of the strike will be is hard to say. Eaeh ide feels that it dare not let the other -win. The strikers fear being oppressed by the companies should the fight be lost; and the companiee fear aggressive dictation and perpetual tur moil should the strikers win. We be lieve the government will be forced to take the roads and operate them before '.he question will ever be permanently settled. enforcing their demands for higher wages? And how many fellow-capitalists would they fire on? It is more than probable they would not have any more cents per pound ; peas, beans and other vegetable are in good supply with free selling. The poultry and egg demand continues stomach for the job than the militia ! steady. Young fowls for broiling are quoted at f- to $2.2 per dozen ; old at .'.50 to t'X There is no change in the egg supply or egg market. The season m too early to make qnota tions on grain. The great strike ou the railroads has demoralized the commer cial centers and the markets are lire less. men have. Besides, the issue between the strikers and Pullman ia a private affair, not a public one, just so long as no acts of violence are committed in connection with it. When force is used on either side, then, and then alone, the government can take a hand; and then only to punish the wrong-doer. The : The latest reports from the old world government is powerless to either com- j indicate a full harvest and the world's pel the men to go to work, or Pullman : supply will lie equal to, if not larger, to raise his men's wages. j than last year. In the face of the pres- The militia are not going to take any ' ent outlook buyers for the season are part in it, and those who expect them to j quite shy and look on the future with liefore the taking of the final vote in will find they are mistaken. The strike i distrust. Foreign markets are in no the senate on the tariff bill, Senator Hill I may win, or it may fail, but it will do healthier rondition than they were last said as between a populistic income tax neither with the assistance of the vari- year at this time. In A merits, cati on the one hand and a republican tariff j ous states' militia. ' mates of the probable yearly product in dicate an increase of 100,0U0,00Uto 150,- SLXATOR HILL S FOSITIOS. AFFAIRS AT THE FORT AVE. on the other, he chose the latter as the I lees of two evils. As between pernicious j - class legislation, fraught with dangerous m (ouna wU consequences to the country on the one i,. RAnIa,, tnT , hrinin froi(,,lt hand and simply high tariff taxation on the other, he preferred to endure the latter, at least for a brief period. Con tinuing, he said: "Eliminate the in come tax and there is no difficulty in framing an honest, consistent and genu ine tariff bill upon revenue lines with all raw materials free, which can be passed by the vote of every democratic senator without the aid of a single pop ulist vote and which the country would welcome and approve. This is not even pretended to be such a measure. Num erous senators argue that the demo cratic senate and chamber must fall as though democratic principles have been surrendered or bartered away to secure the triumph of this botched compromise measure which is really acceptable to no one. I am sure if they expressed their honest tentiments, they do not ap prove of this bill any niore than I do. The Issue of tariff reform had better be postponed and preserved intact rather than emasculated, disfigured and de spoiled in the manner now proposed. The bill does iiot meet public expecta tions, but at liest is an empty and beg garly fulfillment of democratic pledges. It does tliofe things which it ought not to do, and leaves undone those things which it ought to do. Mr. President, I ! not fail to appreciate the gravity of the situation, but the course which duty ;nd consistency require me to pursue at this hour is as clear to me as the noon day sun. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I cannot and will not support this bill in its present shape." The final vote on the tariff bill was reached in the senate Tuesday afternoon after three months and s day' debate. It was, with the exception of David Bennett Hill, who voted against it, a etrict party vote. The populist senators divided their vote, two being for and two against the bill, which passed by vote of 39 yeas, 34 nays. That the house will refuse to concur in the senate '000,000 bushels over 1803, making j product of 5i",lHX,000 bushels in the : aggregate for After deducting the amount necessary for home eonsump I lion X.'5,00fl,O0O bushels, there would Vie a surplus of 210,000,000 bushels for ex port. In addition to the stock now be ing carried over into this year's supply, taking into consideration what is now before us in tin: breadstnff line, the future outlook for active markets and remunerative prices is none too en couraging to tho producer. The wool market is nominally lifeless. Some sales have been made on the free wool basis. Whkat X to S'.)c per Im. Barley Prices are up to .V to W)c cents per 100 lbs. Oats The oat market if light at HO to HO cents per 100 lb-. through from Portland. If those who complain would go to the Cascades so that they could see and realize the situ ation, they would at once understand that the Regulator is treating everybody fairly and is doing the beat it can. The portage railroad, over which the freight must come a part of the way, is owned, or leased, by Mr. Stevenson. That gen tleman is engaged in salmon fishing, and is operating the portage road not as a public convenience, but as a private one. He leased the road for the pur pose of handling bis fish, and cannot perhaps be blamed tor looking after his interests first. The blame lies with the Union Pacific railway, which made an illegal lease of j a franchise, and closed and refused to operate iw roau in oruer to arive dobis ; 14 -jh per barrel, diamond brand nt from the river. Mr. Stevenson operates j I- "fper bbl. per ton and .i 00 per bbl. the road for his own business interests, teta'I- consequently he handles freight for The , llAYTj,i'I'?tl,y 1,a' rHm"'8 ir,'. ',riw! , . . , , from $12 00 per ton, according to Dalles when it suits him. and w hen it qmi,ity Bnd yai wlieat ,my uoesn 1 ne lets 11 aione. ine ireigm is in full stock on a limited demand at piled off at the lower landing" until all W ) to U 00 per ton. available space is taken, and it is im- Potato 35 to 40k per 100 11 I Salt LivoriKJol, 601b sk, tVW: 1001 h Isk.ll 00; 2001b sk, 2 00. Stock salt, ! 1 10 per ton. j Mints A Nil TKH. I IIidkh Are quoted as follows: Dry, ! -'V lb; green. I1. ! SiiKKe Pm.tb 25 to 50 ea. IkH-rskins, 20c lb for winter an.l 30c for summer. Dressed, light l lb, heavy 75c lb. Hear skins, Syi$12 ea; beaver, 3 60 lb; otter, $5; fisher, 5(.fft 50 : silver gray fox, $lU(.i25; redfox,l 25; grey fox 2fi0(n3; martin, $H" I 25; iidnki 50ct"'55c; coon, 50c; coyote, 50c(" 75c. , PARSONS OF GRETNA GREEN, i Thro Man Who Tlad Iha Nuptial Knot for Many Kuuaway Couulra. The first ers.m who twined the! bunds of Hymen thin way It supposed j to huve been a mini named Scott, wlnj resided at the Kitftf. u few miles from the village i f tiretna, about 17."0 nr IT1I1). He was accounted a Mirewd. crafty fellow, ami little more i known of him, mivs SiiIii'k Journal, tleorge Cordon, an old soldier, Htarted up us his successor. Me ahviiy.t upiieiircd on murriiiire occasions in 1111 untiqiiittcit full military costume, weurinir a Urge cocked hat. red coat, jackboots, 11 ml H ponderous sword duiijrliii,' at his side. I If at any time he was interrogated j ''by what authority lie joined persons 1 in wedlock," lie boldly aiiKwereil- " J huve 11 special license' from govern-1 nicnt. for which 1 pay fifty pounds ! sterling per milium." He was never! closely examined on the subject, and 11 j delusion prevailed during his life that 1 n privilege of this kind really existed.' Several persons afterward attempted to establish themselves in the wime line, but none wus so successful us Joseph I'liisley. who secured by far the j greatest run of business, in iletiiiuec of j every opposition. It wus this person! who obtained the appellation of the; old blueksiiiith, probably on account j of the mythological conceit of Vulcuu j iH'iug employed in riveting the hy-j iiieiieal chains. j Paisley wus first n smuggler, then a I tobacconist, but never ut uny time aj blacksmith. He commenced his mock pontifical career about lTsu. for many' years he was careful not to Im- publicly j seen on such occasions, but stole , through by-paths ti the honse where) he was culled to officiate, ami hr there ' gave n certificate miserably written, j ami the orthography almost unintel ligible, with a feigned signature. Through an important trial, arising ; ont of bis murriiipes. he wus forced to declare himself, und afterward wore canonicals with the dignity of a! bishop. j ' lie t'oulil Throw Mom. j "Several years ago." rcmiirked a eiti-! yen of New Haven, Conn., recently, "I f knew a man who lived on the outskirts 1 of my town ho could throw a stone I with more accuracy of aim than is dis played by most sportsmen with a rifle. The man was a perfect giant physical ly. He wasagoott deal of a hunter, using stones as hi only weapon ti bring down the game. He hud a large leather Miuch attached to one aide of. his coat, in which he always carried a good supply of carefully selected mis siles. With these he bagged every year no small quantity nf game, such as quail, rabbits and sqnirrcls. He could kill a bint on the wing or a rabbit at full speed almost as easily as at rest. One of his favorite methods for display ing his skill was to set up a scythe blade with the edge toward him at a1 distnnccof ulMitit one hundred feet, und j by throwing Mtutis against the edgcj cut them in half, lie could almost ex actly halve two out t4 every three potav-j toes he threw." 1 iioksT " J In this city, Wednesday, July -Ith, to ' the wife of J. P. Mclnerny, a son. In this city. Wednesday, July 4th, to the wife of Ad. Kellar, a eon. In The Dalles. Friday, July 0th, toi the wile of A. 1.. Keese, a son. Jew York Weekly Tribune 1ND Hies weeny updigi 1 One Year, ONLY- $1.75. WE ARE BACI At tlio old stand, and ready to sujijily our CiistoiuiTs with anvtliiiif: in tin lin' of 7 arinffl, raws ai Implements, Etc. s Kvt'rythin;; in our lint- MAYS & CROWE. The Dalles Daily and Weekly PIONEER HERD OK- Ohromce. MiLLRTcrrn Floi.'h Salem mills flour is quoted at possible to keep exact track ot the order of its arrival. Instead of finding fault with the Reg ulator, we should all feel grateful that she is on the river, for without her we would be cut oil" from the world. We have no fault to find with Mr. Steven son, for he is looking after his own in terest ; but we believe damages could be collected from the Union Pacific, as well as Mr. Btevenson, for refusal to carry goods offered them, and that the failure to operate the road will work a forfeit ure of its franchise. LOOK AFTER THE MACHINERY. The harvest is about npon us, and many farmer is hustling for machine extras and to have headers or other" harvesting machinery put in order. As extras are just now something almost impossible to get, there is considerable Buttkb Fresh roll butter at ll't to ."0 cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we quote 30 to 40 cents per roll. Kios Good fresh eggs sell at c. Pocltby Ciood fowls are quoted at 3.00 to 3.50 per dozen, turkeys X cents per lb. Pkkk a Mt.-Tto.N liecf cattic are in t A. . 1 I . Ail 1 1' . ..... iwtHjr uemuiiu hi fj.im per weight gross to $2.o0 for extra good. Mutton is now quoted at 2.00 to 2.25 per head. Pork offerings are light and prices are nominal gross weight nnd.'5?4' to4'4 cents dreed. ATAI'LK CHOCKRIKM. CorrKK Conta Pica, Is quoted at 21c per lb., by tho sack, halvadore, 23'jc. Arbucklee, fiuoAH Golden C, in bbln or Hack . 12; Kxtra C, $" 37; Dry granulated 1 12 In boxes, D. (j., in 30 lb boxes, i 75. Ex C, $2 a. UC 200. , Emu Japan rice, fl!5'7c: Uiand, rice, 7 cts. . POLAND CHINA HOGS! xon. hale. I Thirty-five bead for l!l, sired by j ('enter Free Trade, son of the (treat Free Trade hog of Ohio, sold for 8U0, the highest priced hog ever sold in the! United (States, awintecl hv on Tecuiueh ' Chip Jr 211), sold for $200. I Owing to the hard times, I will sell J for the net thre months, mv pigs for! $20 each, or $;I5 per pair. Will box and deliver at nearent stution free. Oiine and sen them or write. j No biiHines done on hundays. KDWAUD JUDY, I t-enterville, Wash. A. A. Brown, Kv).'M a lull aumrtinvn', of n n.. 11 iMi i.p 71IE CHROMCLK Mas (!Htallihhed for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying efl'ect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the, best? medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chkonicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.U0 per annum. Tho Wkkklv Chkonici.k on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, TlX5 Dalles, Orogou. CU. . M'lllIU Ml II h Pjsjamm Small white, Pink, ic per 100 lbs. . and Provisions. wtilcb hoodtTt at Low KiKurtaj. SPECIAL x PRICES to Cash buyers. Hintat Casl Prices for Im and other Pmiiice. 170 SECOND STREET. New - Umatilla- House, THK DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT & FISH, PROP'S. Tioket und I!agnKe Offld, of the U. P. R. R. Company, .nd oflloe of the WA Union Toletfrnph Ofllce are In the Motet. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OKE00S