The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 07, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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CL ,)t
PART 25.
vol. iv.
4 yn
I III IA JiiJ A. - Jk. .
&w, II t nn
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Tic Situation Bccomini More and
More Danncrons.
Strike Paralyzing Business all Over
the Cmuitry-A Tew Passengers
lint no Freight Moving.
r.m-t or Ilia Urkle.
('nn !', J uly 3. Tlio rulluiau lioy
cntt ( gradually spreading. The I'.nr
ingti)u, which em plovn non-union men,
it about the only Chicago roml nut
slfreted. Tlie Chicago A Northwestern,
whicn up to last night Imd escaped, in
completely tied np today, ltd Buluirlian
trullic is verv heavy, und great incon
venience ren.'s irom ine stoppage l
this branch ol 'uisiiicws. Thu Illinois
Central, Erie, Milwaukee "c St. Paul
and the (iri-iit Western, all report like
conditions. A general tie-up at iHdroit
today itopi the Michigan Southern and
tlie Michigan Central effectually. The
Wenlern Indiana Terminal, over w hich
the Grand Trunk, the Chicago A Krie,
WaUsli. Eastern Illinois, Santa Fe and j
Million roads enter the city, wns liund
ling pasmMiger trains with a reasonable
degree of elliciency np to last night.
Tuiluy all Ihe-e roads are again in
tmiililc. A new difTlciiIty is presented
by the refusal of the engineers and fire
men to risk lives by working with green
bands, and the railway managers them
selves are not anxious for fighting.
They are exceedingly fearful of precipi
tating a battle on the 4th of July, and
will make no serious effort to move
trains before Thursday morning. They
also say a suspension of business at this
time is not an unmixed evil. "We
know perfectly well the freight Is in the
country and must be moved sooner or
later," said one today, "and we shall
ultimately get our share. It will not lie
tung before tlie inconvenience resulting
from this suspension will be keenly felt
everywhere, and then we believe public
sentiment will lie a great factor in the
extinction of Iub and his people. The
price of provisions is advancing verv
rapidly, and fruits, ice and all kinds of
perishable property are commanding
high prices."
All the engineers, firemen and track
men on the Chicago end of the Nickel
I'late struck today without warning,
leaving things in a desperate state of
conltision. In a swamp several miles
from the city a trninload of passengers
from the Fast were left to their own re
sources. A telegram from the military authori
ties at Washington was received at local
army headquarters late last night order
ing the Fifteenth regiment at Fort Sher
idan to be held in readiness to proceed
to Dine Island at a moment's notice.
The dispatch was sunt after a confeence
with 1'ren'uleiit Cleveland.
It was reported ut the General Mana
gers' AtMocintion headquarters today the
strikers luid broken into freight cars at
Laimlng, 111., and stolon sixty eight kegs
ol powder.
Tresideiit Debs was served this noon
itli a chancery suhpirna, a simply
formal notice to appear before the court
at the August term to answer a bill.
After a talk with tho leaders of the boy-
Mtt today, I'eter K. Studebaker said it
was true he was trying to bring about a
settlement of the strike.
A pasxctigcr train on the Baltimore &
Ohio was ditched at Bock Island junc
tion today iiy strikers. The engineer
was hadlr hurt. Tho roud was com
pletely blockaded by a derailed train.
Strikers stopped a train on the Nickel
Mate roud which left the city at 7 :II0 a.
in., at Ninety-second street and Stony
avenue. The engineer and fireman w ore
eonipelled to leave the engine. Twenty-
five deputy marshals were sent with
orders to recover the train. The plan
ing mills have shut down, as they cannot
''ove lumber. This will throw out of
work over 15,00 men. Not a Kock
'"land train was moving today at Blue
Island. The switch tracks are filled
with dead engines and stalled trains.
All the switchmen employed at the
nion station yards have struck. The
Wabash is tied up.
Firemen on the Kock Island were in-
'tructed today not to work with non
onion men. The Illinois Central engi
neers passed resolutions endorsing tlie
"trike. Master Workman Lindholm,
Cl.iefofthe Knrghts of labor in Cook
county, was In conference with leaders
"f tho American Kailwav Cnion today.
He said w
when asked. The Knights of Labor
e heart find soul ith thn Amikriritn
"i.ilway Cnion."
A HwnepiiiR Injuiirtlun.
CuicAdo, July 2. Judges (.irosscup
and Woods, in the I'nited States court,
issued an injunction today restraining
tlie strikers, haHed IkMIi upon the muni-
eipal law mid tlie interstate commerce
act. It in a very sweeping order, and
aims to protect the roads in the trans-
portation of freight oh well aw in carry-
lug the United States mails. The in -
junction names twenty-three roads, all
in the membership of the railway asso-
ciution, and the Union Stock Yards
Transit Company, that must not be in -
terfered with. All members of the
union, and "all persona whatsoever"
are ordered to refrain from interfering
w ith the trains, freight or passenger.
rho men are also ordered not to enter
the yards or premises of the companies
with intent to do unlawful acts, or to
compel, by threats, violence, or by any
other means, tlie employees of the road
to quit work. The order also enjoins
the defendants from inducing by "per-!
suusion, threats, violence, or by any
other means, the employees of the
companies to leave the service of the
company, or to induce them to refuse
to perforin their duties."
t ight at Klue j
Chkaoo, Jalv li. Today's develop-!
ments In the great Pullmun-Amcriean
Luilway Union strike have been prolific
in sensationalism, the principal theater
of action bring in Chicago and adjoining ,
-uouros. uu rumors were rue, ana
hen it was announced more orders
had beeu issued for the Second regiment
to proceed at once to J'.lue Island, IS
miles out, extra editions of all the even
ing papers with warlike headlines were
eagerly scanned bv thousands of r.eoi.le. i
This report proved luter to 1 unfounded. !
The first serious clash occurred today, !
when 200 deputy I'nited States nmr- j
shala were surrounded at Blue Island by '
2000 strikers, who openly defied th i
federal authority. eapons were
drawn on both aides, and Deputy Mar-1 not ""dle Fullmans, and Suiierinten
shal Logan badlv cut with a knife, but I dt'"t Kli,,e discharged them. This
when a bloody conflict seemed immi- morning he was equal to the emergency,
neat, the deputies retired to their bar- tt,,d l,J non u"Ion en8'" i re" ready
racks to await reinforcements, leaving
the strikers masters of the situation.
During the battle United States Marshal
Arnold was pulled otT a car platform
and kicked and rolled over in the dirt
by strikers. at at. Lnnli.
St. Loi in, July 3. The strike situa
tion in the territory tributary to St.
Louis is decidedly worse today. All the
American Hallway Cnion men on the
Western division of the Wabash struck
today, and the engineers refused to work
with "greenhorns." On the Cotton
Belt, the American Railway Cnion men
went out during the night, leaving that
system in bad shape. The First Regi
ment of the Missouri National Guard
has been ordered in readiness for service.
At Fast St. Lonis all tlie wureliousej
laborers struck closing every freight ;
house. Not a single road on that side
of the river has a complete switcbing
crew. One road on this side w hich has j
been handling its own business with its i
own crews la the St. Louis, Keokuk & j
Northwestern division of the Builington.
This morning the switchmen and yard-1
men in the St. Louis and Southern St. I
Louis yards, of the Iron Mountain j
road, returned to work. !
Krrio. Troui.1. EM. te.l. j
St. Pai'i., July X The Burlington J
passenger train for Chicago and St. j
Louis w as stopped at Westminster
street, in tlie Fast St. 1'aul yards, this j
morning. lwo men juinpeu on me
train and cut the air brakes, mid at the
same time an explosive of some kind
was thrown under tlie engine, blow ing
out tlie cylinder head. The train
cume to a dead stop, and a few min
utes later the Northern Piiciuc train for
Fargo came from behind at a rapid speed.
A collision was averted by the prompt
action of the engineer, who stopped his
train within eight feet of the Burlington.
A large crowd of strikers and many
women are at Westminster street, aud
serious trouble is looked for tomorrow.
Many special police and extra United
States marshals were sworn in today.
Nothing is moving except passenger
Coxey oa th Stump., July 3. "Gen." Coxey
arrived today to fill an engagement to
speak at a local labor picnic tomorrow.
He declared lie was not responsible for
the depredations of some of hi followers
In various parts of the conntry but the
movement bad accomplished great godU
in calling attention to the condition of
the Industrial classes. He declared he
was certain of election to congress.
( toning- up rrelsrht Houaa.
Mii-wai kkk, July 3. The Milwaukee
A St. Paul and Northwestern are mov
ing passenger trains. Freight business
is seriously hampered, however, and the
northwestern has closed its freight
houses. The breweries are the worst
I fltrlke Ended at Clnrinnatl.
j Cincinnati, July 4. Railway officials
I tonight consider that the Htrikn in over,
j unless it ia affected by influences from
connecting points. Superintendent
Peters telegraphed the Pennsylvania
officer! that another day would nee the
. last of the strike here. The Chei apeake
& Ohio soon overcame the trouble today
with its freight and yardmen, and is
running full (oices on all trains tonight.
1 The Southern's men tonight asked to
get back unconditionally as a body.
The Louisville & Nashville, Cincinnati,
Hamilton & Dayton, the Baltimore &
Ohio Southwestern and other roads
have taken back enough old men to be
' full.v equipped, and are holding the new
j n,en- All are running freight, including
I livestock. The Big Four made some
! progress here today, and announces that
I ite freight and passenger trains will run
Meat ore la New York.
New York, July 3. This city is
threatened with the worst fresh-meat
famine it lias experienced in 20 years,
on account of tlie railroad strike. Noth
ing in the way of livestock or dressed
meat has started from Chicago to this
city since Friday. Trices on all meats
j went wI,h ; jonnd th,
Tll(J conulmieT lmve to pi
bv from
, ,., ,., . ,. T.
delirioll, fruiu which are' over.
laud from California have suffered most
through the railroad strike. .Some
fruit is still coming, but there will be
little received after tomorrow until after
the strike is settled.
Th" J,',"h"rn "'
tiEAT1 3a! The hope of avoid
"K strike on the Seattle A Lake Phore
roftJ ' abandoned at 2 a. m., when
,Le u,Kn retuaei to handle the incoming
1 otimna i.rin, umnnea iy a nonunion
crew. Hie men declared thpy would
to take tlie place of the deserting crews.
The result was that trains went out as
Asvir Sentouced to Be llanaed.
Santa Crcz, July 3. Anthony Asoff,
who shot and killed Len Harris, was
sentenced this morning to be hanged at
San Quentln, September 12. This after
noon Azoff was prevented from com
mitting suicide. A sharpened spoon
wns taken from him. He was seen by
the other prisoners sharpening the
spoon, and the sheriff was notified.
Ia.naer. 'radftrgelna' Hard.htii.
ISloomington, III., July 3. There are
live passenger trains on the Chicago Si
Alton lying on a side track at the Cnion
depot. Fvery trainman on the Alton is
out except the engineers. They may
decide to go out at the round house
meeting today. There are (100 passen
gers here, and many cases of great
(clli-ral Mil, lu foiuuianri.
Washington, July 3. General Nel
sou Miles, commanding the department
0f uiw Missouri, was recalled from leave
0f absence for consultation with officials
concerning the strike situation. He
).ft for Chicago to assume control of the
government troops.
vt uiMak Kitort.
J(Ll K lMLAS1,t m., juy 3. General
superintendent Dunlap has concluded to
l)Bk(J Bnotller elrort to clear the block-
. e .f niak.jn,j another appeal for
troops. Fifty more deputy marshals ar
rived today.
(arrlnou Ordered Out.
Wasiiinoton, July 3. Orders have
been prepared and the whole garrison
at Fort Sheridan under Col. Crofton, of
Chicago, has been ordered to prepare to
move. The garrison consists of eight
Auandwnrd at Ht. Joseph.
St. Sobki'H, Mo., July 3. Fmployes
of the Kansas City division of the
Chicago & (jreat Western road quit
work today. Trains for Kansas City
were abandoned here.
Troop, at Kattl Creek., Mich., July 3. In resiionse
to information from the sheriff of Cal
houn county, Governor Kich has ordered
the Fourth regiment to assemble in
readiness at Battle Creek.
Th Wabash Shop t'luacd.
Toi.kdo, July 3. This morning 4)0
employed in the Wabash shops wero in
formed the shops were closed on account
of the interference of strikers with trains.
KuMla Object, to Japan.
Sr. I'ktkhsiiuho, July 3. The gov
ernment has served notice upon the
government of Tokio that Russia will
not permit Japan to occupy Cores.
Thk Chronici a is prepared to do all
kinds of job printing.
And Tbey Mused to Cbarge When
The Regular Troops in Chicago March
Beside the Trains But the
Strikers Get There.
Keg-Mlar In Chicago.
Chicago, July 4. Taken in its en
tirety, the day has been a quiet one in
strike circles, barring an occasional
flurry caused by the gathering of mobs
in the stockyard district, which, how
ever, were held in check by police and
deputies, backed a p by the near prox
imity of a detachment of regulars from
Fort Sheridan, for whom the strikers
have a wholesome respect. Trains are
once more moving at Blue Island, the
turbulent element having suddenly
scattered down when confronted by
pieces of ordinance and glittering bayo
nets. After the troops disembarked at
the stockyards, the strikers vented their
spieen by ditching the two rear coaches
of the troop train, and disabled the en
gine by shoving -xiupling pins into the
cross-head guides, being careful, how
ever, to wait until the regulars were a
safe distance away.
The Chicago and Northwestern today
resumed its passenger service, which is
now running regularly and without in
terference. The Illinois Central an
nounces that its suburban passenger
service will be resumed tomorrow. The
Atchison & Topeka and Alton service is
seriously crippled, though the former's
passenger trains are moving on time,
the Baltimore & Ohio passenger service
is normal, while the Nickel Plate's
freight service is at a standstill, and
passenger trains are irregular. The
Chicago & Calumet Terminal is at a
standstill. The Michigan Central sent
out a train of 40 cars of meat today.
The Pennsylvania announces that it
will be moving perishable freight to and
from Chicago tomorrow.
Cnion Stock Yakdk, 111., July 4.
Soon after 2 p. m. a train was seen com
ing into the yards on the Lake Shore
road at Fortieth and West avenue. The
mob that bad been loitering around
Halstead street since the first trouble
this morning, immediately started to
ward the train with the intention of in
tercepting it. The train was made up
of three passenger cars, containing six
arti.lery and five cavalry companies of
u niied Mates troops, in all about lio
men, together with ten cars of cavalry
horses and two fiat cars loaded with
half a dozen gatiling guns. On the en
gine and tender were stationed eight ar
tillerymen with a pistol in one hand
and a rifle in the other. Troops were
on top of the boxcars with loaded rifles.
which they held in a threatening posi
tion. With this formidable showing tlie
troops failed to intimidate the crowd,
who at once uncoupled the two rear
cars and threw several switches. Then
they crowded around the engine and
succeeded in getting the engineer to
abandon his post. A nonunion man
who accompanied the soldiers, and who
is said to be a cousin of Wiiliain linker
ton, the detective, volunteered his ser
vice to act as engineer. The train
started again, after connecting the cars
that had been uncoupled, but it had not
proceeded more than about a block
when the cars were again uncoupled,
this time in the center. The troops
were then ordered out of the cars and
marched along the train on both sides,
clearing the way and keeping the mob
back until ihe train was made up and
started for the yards, arriving at the
depot at 3 o'clock. The troops im
mediately went into camp at Dexter
ttaeraiuento' Must Kxcltlng lay.
Sackamknto, July 4. This hag been
the mosc exciting day in the brief his
tory of the strike. Early this morning
1,000 armed militia arrived here from
San Francisco and Stockton and pro
ceeded to the armory. As they pro
ceeded down L. street countless thous
ands of people lined the sidewalks and
alternately cheered and hissed the
troops. The anniversary of the birth of
the nation seemed to have been forgotten
in the great struggle het veen capital
and labor. After reaching the aruiory
the troops halted and were received by
General Dickenson. Subsequently they
entered the big building, where they
were served with breakfast. Soon after
K o'clock General Dickenson ordered
the troops to load their guns, prepara
tory to going to the depot. During the
loading process a gun in tho hands of a
member of the company from San Fran
cisco exploded, seriously wounding ().
H. Wing, a local fireman, and injuring
two soldiers. Wing was shot through
thelKJwels, and will die. One of the
soldiers was shot through the right leg,
and is now in the railroad hospital.
The other escaped with a flesh wound.
In anticipation of a lively sreimmage
between the soldiers and strikers, an
immense crowd gathered at tho depot
this morning. It was not until 10 o'clock
that the San Francisco First and Third
regiments and the two companies from
Stockton marched up Sixth street to J.
thence to Second to the depot, with
companies G and K of Sacramento, at
the right of the column. As soon as
this body of nearly 1,000 men were ob
served heading for the depot, a stream
of people proceeded them and crowded
the west end of the depot. The Sacra
mento regiment wa9 ordered to clear the
depot of the crowd, but the further ad
vance of tho regiment was blocked by a
dense mass of people who refused to re
treat from the soldiers. They were
reasoned with by United States Marshal
Baldwin and others and urged to permit
the soldiers to enter without a collision,
but they refused to move.
General Sheehan then reported to
Marshal Baldwin, by whose request the
troops were sent here, and under whose
command they were, and explained that
it was impossible to clear the depot
witnout using torce, and asked tor a
written order to fire, but the marshal
refused to give such an order. At first
he said that he was not aware that the
troops were under his control, and that
he would give no orders until the law
setting that fact was pointed out to him,
and it was made plain that the troops
were under his orders. He was then
asked by the military authorities what
he wished the troops to do, and replied
that he wanted the Yolo and American
river bridges guarded. General Dimond
wag asked to make a detail to carry out
this desire of the marshal, which he did
by ordering General Sheehan to detail
one company to guard the Yolo bridge.
Company G, of the Sacramento regiment,
was detailed for the Yolo bridge and
company E, ot the same regiment, for
the American bridge. Companies G
and E were reported as ready to obey
Acting under instructions from the
United States marshal, Genaral Shee
han commanded the Sacramento com
panies to clear the depot of strikers.
The men marched into the depot amid
the wildest cheering, but when the order
to disperse the mob was given they
lowered their guns and marched from
the depot. This was the signal for a
tremendous amount of cheering. The
strikers shouted and yelled, and one of
their number climbed upon an engine
and triumphantly waved an American
flag. The Stockton companies were
then culled upon to clear the depot, but,
likewise, laid down their arms and re
turned to theif barracks. As the Sacra
mento and Stockton companies marched
up Second street to the armory they
were enthusiastically cheered. Realiz
ing the futility of further attempting to
disperse the mob. Marshal Baldwin
ordered General Sheehan to have the
troops return to the armory. Amid the
wildest cheering the soldiers then
marched back to the armory.
Illue Inland's Blockade ICalHed
Bi.i e Islano, 111., July 4. The block
ade on the Rock Island was entirely
raised at 1 :1") p. m., and trains that
have been tied up for five days began to
move. The first of the trains that were
stalled at Joliet came np to the track
guarded by soldiers. Ten cars, half of
them Pullmans, made up the train,
w hich was followed every few minutes
by six other trains of equal length, all
guarded at the point of the bayonet.
The spectacle of this procession of empty
trains on the track was more novel and
interesting than any Fourth of July
procession which could be produced.
All the deputy sheriffs have been with
drawn, and a large number of them
have gone to Riverdale, on the Illinois
Central, where trouble is expected.
The Midwinter Vair Is Ended.
San Francisco, July 4. The end o
California's Midwinter fair came today,
when San Francisco day and the na
tional holiday were jointly celebrated.
The exposition was formally opened
January 27. The total attendance np
to this morning was 2,140,154. Today
over 73,000 people passed through the
gates, making a total attendance of over
Kit-bard C'roker Hark from ftnrope.
Nitw Yohk, July 4. Richard Croker
arrived today on the steamer Majestic.
From the pier he was driven direct to
Tammany hall, where the Fourth of
July celebration was in progress. His
appearance was greeted by enthusiastic
had for dinner
was the test I ever ate.
Tsanks to COTTOLENE, tho
and successful shortening.
Genuine made only bjr
yobody Ever Saw Two Women Win
Were Just Alike.
One of the constitutional opinions of
the average man is, that women are all
alike, writes Junius Henri Itrowne in
the Ladies' Home Journal. It crops
out in his Npeeeb perpetually, some
times in the way of kindness and sym
pathy, oftener in the way of derision
and contempt. hen a wife has for
given some (Treat wong done by her
husband, when a mother has sacrificed
herself for her children, we hear: "It is
just like a woman." We hear the same
thing if she has deceived her lover or
involved her father in debt. This dis
sent is due to tho fact that some men
are sentimentalists, and that more men
are cynics. The former are always
praising women; the lutter are jenerul
ly sneering at or decryinr her: but both
think that she has only one nature.
The sentimentalist believes her to be
good, ffcntlo, loyal, truthful under
every circumstance; the cyni: pro
nounces her bad, harsti, inconstant,
hypocritical on instinct. Neither is
wholly rijrht or wronpf. She is good
and bad, fjentle and harsh, loyal and
inconstant, truthful and hypocrital.
Her qualities depend largely on tho in
dividual, and tiio individual varies with
mood and environment. She is not cut
out cf tho ideal, nor is she. drawn front
debasement. She is primarily human,
as man is; a compound of brain and
body, of strength and weakness, of
feneroMty anil selfishncbs. of charity
und prejudice, of altruism and egotism,
of affection und aversion. Some wom
en are fa.- better, some, wom-.m aro fat
worse than the mass; but, lictter or
worse, t'iiey are fundamentally unlike
one another, and often unlike them
selves. Poets nml novelists may, to a
great degree, be responsible for the
average man's opinion.of woman. The.
poets have ordinarily used her as a
vehicle of passion and romance; us a
source of light to set off tho darknessof
men's sins. She has been portrayed an
their better angel, as turning them
from vicious courses, as comforting
them in illness and affliction, as recom
pensing and blessing them after all
their trials with her unalterable love.
The I-anil of Kin k..
There are more ducks in the Chines
Empire, says an authority, than all the
world outside of it. They are kept by
the; Celestials ou every farm, on the
private roads, on the public roads, iu
streets of cities and on all the hikes,
ponds, rivers, streams and brooks ii.
the country. Every Chinese boat ale
contains a hutch of them. There an
innumerable Iiutching establishment!
all through the Empire, rii'iij of which
are said to turn out about Mi.OoO young
ducks every year. Suit ed and smoked
ducks ami duck's eggs constitute two ol
the viost common and important a1
clcaofdiet in China.
SutVerers from chills and fever, who
have used quinine as a remedy, will ap
preciate Ayer's Ague Cure. This pre
paration, if taken according to direction,
is warrsnted a sure cure. Residents in
malarial districts should not be without
Thk American manager who has en
gaged Slivinski, the piunist, sent him
a cable dispatch before departing
"On no account have yonr hair cut."
Whiskers that are permanently gray
or faded should be colored to prevent
the look of age, and Buckingham's Dye
excels all others in coloring brown or