THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1894. I '- . , , the dealer who "i -a r " l)i:v, win n ou ' ask for IWlor! , . ! I KTCt H rillUrilU . 1 resc r I p Hon, ; uh t "lust as i jjooil." lYoof of this is oasv. The' . ' OlllV tIUtruitteea remedy for tho ailments of wo manhood m ths " Favorite Pivserip- ' tion." If it ever inils to lieneiit or j arc, in n.ukin.' w a!: woiren strong j r Buffering vcnur. v. you iuv.i ( your money ha, . Anvtlniiij "just as sriHMi, or a-s ure to brum help, eouM te, ana would be, sold in just that way 1 his tjuaranteeu mcilieuie is an invigoratiii!;, restorative tonic, es pecially adapted to woniauY needs and perfectly harmless in any con dition of her system.' It builds up; strengthens, regu lates, nnd . cures. For prtiodical pains, bearing -down ensations, ulceration, inflammation verythiiig that's known as a "female complaint," it's a remedy that's safe, certain, and proved. Everything catarrhal in its nature, Catarrh itself, and all the trouble that come from Catarrh, are per fectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh licmedy. No matter how bad your case or of how long standi:)'1-, vou can be cured. PUZZLE FOR THE ANTIQUARIANS Mka ot a K-v U lio Lived on an laland I(T thr Frrnch ottt- A lady whose home is in the south of France writes to t.oldthwaite's Maga zine of a visit :die made recently to an island on the coast of lirittany. Those who have read the story of Kimr Arthur and his knights will remember that they started out oter the sea in pursuit of the drasron. In this, the Warliihan sea. is a little island which can Ih naehed from the mainland only when the water is smooth. The sole inhabitant is a lireton shepherd, who lives in a little hut and six1 nils his time in caring' for his sheep. The partv landed and were met by the kind-faced old mun. who led them over the prassy slope where his Hock was feeding, and showed them the way .around a hill, on the east side of which they found the entrance to a tunnel. This extended some distance, and its iloor, sides and roof were made of immense flat pieces of stone, covered with hieroglyphs and figures "looking somewhat like wreaths and again like coiled :rpents." At the end of this tunnel was a hall, also floored, roofed and walled with the same curious atones, and in the center was an altar and a stone upon which it is thought that human sacrifices have leen of fered. The strangest part of all is that no stones or rocks like those used in this tunnel can be found on the island, and at no place nearer than one hun dred miles inland. Who brought them? JIow ilid they come? There is no rec ord left at least none has been found to tell who these people were, or anything about them. They must have lived ninny centuries ugo, but have vanished entirely, yet their work i.i as perfect apparently as when first bnilt. It is thought that they may huve Wen Druids, who came here when they left Great liritain: others, again, think that they were worshipers of the ser pent god culled lloa. lint it is conjec ture. All ve know is that the stones are there, strangely carved, skillfully put together, but of their builders there is no trace. Daafnea Cannot ! land By local applications, as they cannot j reach the diseased trf.rtinn of th oar. I Thorn in nniir nun m-v tn i-nrx Iw.ofuu ..! .l.. i. t... l . i:. i i . i JeafneHi caused by an inflamed con- Uition of the mucous lining of the I Kostachian Tube. When this tube gets ' When this tube gets inflamed you have a ruinblini; sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness !s the rejnlt, and nnle!s the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine case out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will eive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness i caused by ratanh! that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. XWold by Druggists, 75c. Sour of the women of Glasgow have gone into the barber business, and thus contrive to scrape together a fair income. Bnofcl.n . An...l. . ' The best saite in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Snipes A Kin ersly. Intaraai taaaaa. All warrants registered prior to May 1st, will be paid on presentation at my office. This la the second call for these warrants. Interest stopped May 2:st. Wm. Miciikll, Treasurer. Notice. All city warrants registered prior to Iecember 1801, are now due and pay alile at my office. Interest ceases after this date. I. I. Riuoet, Citv Treas. Dated Dalles City, May 15, 1S!L .Ill, 81'" TWO OF A KIND. HARMLESS COQUETTES. ' j Time Hard. Tney l'ontlni to ! M , riu i hii.oihtn.ny. jl beta on btjr.cvr "You von lcmt wimt un.v coul ear prol'it. TilO j ri,., Up to-d:l '.v he inerieil, ns he put thilljr that he i his head into a lawyer n nfflit on liris. Wiin'tS VOU to i cold htreet the other iluy. wi.vs the lM tmit 1 rec I ; j-i.ouirli to hnya bucketful, win. tii:-doleful reply: t ...... , ,.;.,.. ,1...... I ...HI l ..Mill Ml'," -.... lllfi .....I: ju B ,.ni, jtuiiull hund. 1 Mipjiosc?" Xothiusr to copy but billrtrfrom ereil- Uors." ".lust m. I hafe In-en there m.VM'lf. . . .. . . , . . louM I no any worn at your nouse. ' kucIi as shoveling off snow, for in- i sUincv" ! j. Couldn't pay yon if you did." "Exactly. We are nil Kuril up thi. winter. Any hills to collect? "Not a one." I "Neither have I, anit tnats v. tie it ! wo aie for.uiiuie. I'll wash those w in- ilows foia ijuartT. louliln't think of it." "Let Vui po until next summer, eh; or ilo it yourelf mill save the coin? 1 uiubTst.incl the situation. (lot any i pressing creditors?" j "About tlft.v." I "1 mi,"i. call upon the mivst persist ent and obdurate of them and make excuse:, for vou." j "No; it"s no use." , "No chance to hawk on to a few ! thousands and skip?" ! "Not a chance.'' "llon't -;'.rt a tirc'ut vour house to , jret the Insurance?" i "My insnniucf has run out." ay, old tuun. this is u toufh. col.t world, ain't she'." laughed the tramp. "You lift:" Hut we've rot sand and will come out on top i:i the sprinir. If either" of us earns n quarter t win v we ll whack up with the other, ch? liood-by sec you later." A RARE INSTANCE. line Folirainan Who Waa t'apahla ot a tlUIUKII Act. Policemen perform many unoflicial ! acts which prove that the proverbial I stony heart does not always lient under i brass buttons. A pleasing instance is! thus narrated by a writer in the lioston i Saturday Gazette: A poorly dressed nnd feeble old woman was coming dowu one of the side streets on the Duck Iluy. carefully balancing a basket on her head. Sud denly a treacherous b!t of ice, or an inequality in th" pavement, caused her to miss her footing, and in striving to regain it the basket was thrown to the ground and its contents, a quantity of small wares. Hew in every direction. Almost before she had time to re alize the catastrophe, a policeman, who had been a spectator of the scene from the opposite corner, came hast ening across the street, nnd with a word or two of condolence begun deft lv to collect the scattered spools. nieces of taw and thimble Several of the spools had rolled into i the gutter nnd were rendered worth-! less by their contact with the mud. i and my knight of the brass buttons noticert ttie rueiin glance them tv their owner." When the last of the articleshad been restored to the basket, anil he had assisteil her to raise it to her head, he took a piece of silver from his pocket, sli piled it into her hand. and. with a pleasant little nod in return trty t lia. vnlnmimmu t ili.-wi n f kKiiia.-. ri I nnon him. sauntered slowlv back to his I pi'.st. I business at Kingville, Mo., has so much This kindly act ' was certainly not I confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Choi done foreffecU for the street was de- j era and Diarrhoea Iiemedy that he war serted at tlv time, and I wus screened I rMnt. -VHrv hnttle nnd offer to refund I from view bv the curtains of the win- ! , i OOW. 1 , A PETRIFIED DUCHESS. Th Wonderful tutu; I'mwMwd liy a Ktr-.MIiurg Arttftt. The petrified woman recently found in one of the caves which wen used as burial places when Strav.burg (Ger many) was plague-stricken in the year 10j4 is now Is'licved to be Duchess Arlellwiil tlif Iitoit nf !,. l.i-i.'! It:ii. baros.,a. Tiie petrifaction, which has the appearance of being a beautiful marble statue, is only perfect from tin- Waist up. It was found in a rude .. 1....1 i .i -".. i ihuii nun in .-i iii' m.i ii- t;,c t.av... am,,n;r thou an, U of human ,i.iili.s and other remains. When the workmen opened the t.!!in they found that it had been tilled with iiuic.'.-litnc that it had be "r some other preparation, which strongly scmhli'l coiiiuioii -mortar. "urious to know who had been thus i carefully put away among tie heaps; of dead they broke into the plaster en- : casement and found the wonderful i petrified bead and bust above alluded . I to. Contrary to the expectations of i I the sightseers, the features did not 1 crumble awnv on exposure to the air, j but remained clear cut. lifelike and iin j wasted. About the head were two braids of golden hair, and across the I breast both hands hail been carefully j folded. The face is said to bo one of j great beauty, every feature exhibiting i intelligeuce aud culture. This wonder- I ful petrifaction is now in the studio of I Ntrass- ' llasley ltauer, a well-known burg artist. IVpparnilut Parma. There are two places in the I'nited States where the cultivation of the peppermint plant in one of the leading indtiHtricit. The older of the nc placew ' ih in Wayne county, Now York, hut fur a quarter of a lentury (he huNinesr. tins I leen a well-known one in Ht. .Iinwph I county. Michiiran. In the latter place j a farm of about four hundred acres i.- ' planted with the mint each venrand ! alternated with clover to keep up the j strength of the soil. The cultivation j of the crop reuuirra more than ordi-1 nary eare. From the time the mint; appears ahove the ground it s con- j Rtantly cultivtted and hin-d to keep it free trom weed ,. whicli lire the banc of the pepieriiiiiit - crcuver'h existence.' Two or three emph an-yutlnred from! each planliiiL'. 'I he lintt and second I cnipnarc tiu: he'-t, mid rveniy p iinid:. i,foilto the aero is considered a (food yi Id. The third crop Is very apt to b" weedy, and the jield only about ten pounds to the (en . Honro Aro llaautirul lrullar. A continental paper (rives an in teresting uocount o( the lluneuriun omen, a translation appearing iu Mr. .J. I- M... ...I . ira(i a muuAii.. -. i iiy nui ij, v ! the Magyar woiuun, who speulis the luntfiine of l'etnti and JoUui, is to le fouml in the. country districts, says a : l .,, I.. n...i- kIw. iu t. I ...... j I - . . . . . ...... ... v i with her coral lip and larfre, speaking j eyes looking so obstinate and anillhi,' alluringly. ! The peculiar look In the eyes of tho i . - ' . i i .mjnur nouiuu, tier vivacity, neriiuica ntep. as well as her inclination for i comfort, lead one to suppose that she i has Turkish blood hi her veins. Shu has a (rood heart, a kind disposition, is tender anil true, with a passionate love or a passionate hatred for her hus band: she is a irood mother and s. tmst wnrthy friend. She has her weakness, like the rest of womankind. She has a great pref erence for elcfrunt toilets, for pold i and silver, diamonds and pearls. She is I vain, though she knows her bounty docs not need any artifices of the toi- i let, but her coquetry is harmless anil unconscious. She will not have any one in love with her but her husband. i The women of lludapest. like the women of all laro towns, like a per- feet .luxury of dress. They will not I only conquer in the drawing-rooms' I but surprise the men aud womeu in j the streets. i ' , Look up, and not down." if vou're a ( (,,,,teru)J! WOmun. Kverv one of the ' bodily troubles that come to women only has a ijuantnt'td cure in Dr. '. Pierce's lavorite Prescription. That will bring you safe and eertsiu help. JW a powenui general, as u ' uterine, tonic and nervine, nnd it builds : up and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and promotes all the proper functions, improves iliifes- tion, enriches the blood, brings refresli ; ing sleep, and restores health and ' , strength. j For ulceration, displacements, break - l ing-uown sensations, perioincai pains, i and ail "female complaints "tavnrite' Prescription" is the ; gunruntml j remedy. It it even fails to benefit or! cure, you have your money back. Tiikkk are whispers of knickerbock ers or Turkish trousers for tennis girls. The trousered or divided skirted bicy cliennes who travel in the wake of Mrs. ltowmun and Mrs. Germain and Mrs, Cheney are no longer a novelty, though in numliers not yet a host. lleaervlna; I'ralao We desire to say to our citizens, that fof years we have been selling lr. King's New Iiiscovcry for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Tills, Iiucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell a well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if ,atisf:ictorv results do not follow their use.- These remedies have won their Tun Ninu Wmm Art Heauttmi aud' cast nponlreat popularity purely on their merits. Sin ies & Kinersly s druggists. An Indiana divorce was some years ago granted because "the defendunt pulled all the covering off of this plain tiffs bed and she likewise ran a knit ting needle four inches into his arm."' W- Ne0", who is in the drug ,,, ., . ,, , win unfile-- iisa.iv i: .isiimci wuu in infi . , '. ,., satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk in (loins this because the remedy is a certain cure for the diseases for wiiich it is intended and he knows it. It is for sale by Riakely & Houghton. A wai.i. horse (siwer engine w hich is said to make forty-two cigarettes a minute is the invention of a French man. COMPOUND. A TOiit dlxwc-y by an oM -Vy Anwwniy ov iiwumrvm of uuuu.t, 1 1 urn ml i j ffafoawt rrl:tl mWlk-lao dL-i Bcwar cf unprincipled ilrtf-.;ila who ( oScr Inferior ml!.-la In place of thin. A-k Vic 1 Coolta Cotton llool Cnmpounil, tike no gtbttt- . tvf or Inctmo $t aril 0 ci;nt in xfia. in il?.cr lalw wl.I aituI, aeait.!, br rct'.im j.uj:;. iullf"ka!ul J part!-'liar It p a:n env Ifpc, f l-v-IU!, 2 fltacpo. Atiitn-! I'o ti fi i I y Co m p a n V, No. r i ' ir Uli-'-. -;t, Ji.-rlu j Solil In Th. Drilloi hv Kmpoa d; Kliier!)'. ! J. S. HCHtHCK. I. M. Fmfi.os, 'a'tiicr. I ffisl-lvllt. prst .National Bank. THE DALLES - OREtiON A Oenera! Banking Business transacted IX'posits received, subject to Sight lra't or Check Collwtions mado and proceeds pronip: j rrmiiieti on uay Of collection. Siuht and Telejitraphic Exchange sold ..h New York, Sun Francisco and Port land. oir acTos Thompson. Jmo. ti. ( huni k. D. P Ed. M. Williams, (io. A. I.ii;hk. H. M. Rkali.. Tj"'TQT7''M'f"ITT J - XtJUiXN VJQ. & BANKERS, tRANHACT A UhNKKALBAMf INM BUHIUKW) ( Cre,lit issued availahle In t'.e Lantern f-tutes. fiaht Etchantro and Tnletrraphic .iniircit-iniiiitjii .w I urn, IjIMJ UKO, rr,, 0 Ixmis, Kitn Francisco, Portland Oregon, KeatMe Va!i., and various points in Or- J ... I !' I " ... if J raiiHleratioKlon .New York, Uiu-bko, t-t. er n twin v aniuntrioti. v ! ( 'iln-ctioiiK Iliads at nl! or;ilj ti;rmr . points on In e. X7 fur Infant and Chlltlrra. CatorU promotM Tg "d overcoiiMM Flatuluncy, .'oiwiiutuiii, Hour Stomach, IMarrhoa, and FoverishiHws. Thus tho chiM U rnuleml hiltliy and It. sleep aatartU. CutorU contains nc Morjihine or other narcotic propertv. uCMnrtfttiKwillstlspCt to ehlMnrn that 1 recumuivBd aaasuprriurtouv prTiiuou awmulunM." II. A. Annum. M. Ill South Oxfunl S(., liruuktym N. Y. " For iwTvral year I hT ncomnflrd your CVuuwln,' anil thai I alwara onunim to do aa it aaauiTarlablr prntiucnt hnmttclal iwulta. KnwiR K. l'lHiias. M. 1., JJ31h Stmt and 7lh At., New Vork City. "Tho o of 'OMtorta' la ao unlwaal anil Its ntorlta ao wall known that It nwuia a work of utMrrot.-mtlon to andoiw It. Kew are tha In Mlijrrut fanilllva who do not kei Uaalona wiUuiitajy raanh." . Caauw S1.ti, v. P., tiaw Vork City. Ta CxifTAOa Coararr, T7 Murray Btraat, K. Y. "The Regulator lie" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freigra sna Pssenosr Line Through Daily Trios (Sundays ex cepted) between "The Dalles and' Port laud. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland ! :Yanihill St. dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalle. PANSENtiKK K A TICS. One way Round trip. .2fX) . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipment for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. CALLAWAY, B. F. LAUGHLIN, ! THE-DALLES. OREGON J. F. FOED, Eranplisl, ; Of Iiv Moines, Iowa, wrlica under date ot i March 23, VM: . j S. E. Mkd. Mkg. Co., I I hi fur, Oregon. ! Gentlemen : I On arriving home last week, 1 found i all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, o had wasted away to M ismnds, it now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. J!. Cough Cure has done its work well, lioth of the children like it. Yonr S. Pi. Cough Cure lias cured and kept away nil hoarscnes from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for nil. Wisfiing yon prosperity, we are Yours, .Mb. it Mm.. J. F. f'oun. Jf you wish to feel frnb. anil cheerful, snd ready for the HprtiiB's work, cleanie your system with the Ileadarho and Llrer Clin:, by taklnic fnooi thrpe doaeaeach ws-k. Hold nndi.T a rymltlve (piara'itK. M cnta per bottle by all dnittgtsti. COPYRIGHTS CASf I OflTAlK A PATRT For a prompt arww tuiO an bonnat opinion, write to M VS N A I .. who hava aaarlynfir Taara' expanwo In tha patmt bu. nm. romoiunica tlona wnetlr oonrklontlal. A Handbook of In. formation concern luff I'm IrnlN ami bow to oo- uinuiaBKiHrn Ainoa eaiatociMQti leal and acHmtllto boriHit iat frc. Patnta tnkon thnfuah Muno A Co. apfieial notion inthe rlonllfto Amcim. anH tbua ara browht wlilrly lwroratii public with, oot eimt In tha mrrntor. 'I hi. ipiuo paper liwiied waakly.ahwantlr lllnrtralrd. ban by far to lanrnat rtrcalatinn of anr acinlinr wira In Ul wooo. .l a rear, bainpi nn ant Irec Hulldlua Idiiuuo, miaiibiy. r lum rar. iHneto enpMa. UAeanla. KTarr liuinlm aontaim hiian tiful atataa. in aolorm, anil pliotiarapha rrf now hoaam. with alaua. aiiablinc n liter, ui hw ma Jaft rlnalinM alio Krtinj tamtrata. Aitdraa, MUMN CO, hum YlH.K, ;ut baoAKWAT. J ( ,Teat. anrt T raite-M ark obtained, and all fat- : vni D'lHDtuc'innucicii lor MorjiaATC Sera. Oin Ornee i oo,irr u. a. eTt.T omr ami wa can aa ure uatetu iu lci Luua Uiau ihotc arcnioie irom aiiiinition. bend model, diawntff or nhofo.. with dewrin. a Jlion. V aoie. ll ialrniaoio or not, free ot i tcamrfS. Our fee not tiue till iiaieot isecurerl. S 0k faMaHltr, "How totiiitain falfnls, ' with cot oi aatue in the U.S. and foreign countries t ent free. .Adilreia, J JC.AiSNOV&CO.s Opp tht Orricc. VHifmTOf. D. C. i -Va-a.VVtr,. aaa T"'. ' '-rrr. p.. -. - --'a 00- ffiHiricfSfiRcl! lie laily and mm Ihronicle. Till: CilKOMCLC was MstoblishoU for the ex press jmrposo of faithfully rt'j indenting The Dalles ami the surroumliii; country, ami tho satisfying t'fft'ct of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, (lilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and (trant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve- 4 ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 ier annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $l.o0 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Ttio 33xllos. Oregon. "There is a tide in the ajfairs oj men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the ii-(M Si I OS Fun at CRANDALL Who are selling those4 goods MICIIELTSACII BRICK, When the Train stop at THE DALLES, get oil on the South Side ay tw flEW COLtUlViBlfl HOTEL. Till. In mi and popular ll,.i,v ll nil l iirermrrd lo furmah $1.00 per Day. - pirst Ilfltfe f..r all Mtita l.lnaa , nnnri iirr(iin In thU liiital. .1 ."tiniirol front anil t'nlon Htn. 4 Blakeley & DRUGGISTS. lb becond Street, - A full line of all the Standard Fatenl Drugs, Chemicals, Etc -ARTISTS MATERIALS.-. farCountrv and Mail Orders will receive New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT&, FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and HagKage Office o( the U. P. K. . Company, and oflice of the Wester. Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Ihts well-known Itrewury is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliance for the manufacture of K.xd hoftlth ul lleer have l-eti Introduceil, and on y the first-class article will be paced on he market. lalles le Cuts & BURGETS, out at greatly-reduced rates. V UNION 8T. dora the nrlnclrial hot.!) builnna. tlm Hrmt Ainmimodatlonii m any ow ralv i Qass T)ea!s, 25 Cert8. laln( Thti Hallra for nil nun cuatarn Waa hlnitiia. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Houghton, The Dalles, Oregon Medicines, a S prompt attention. BREWERY, turnins out the n, P..nef e