The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 04, 1894, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Entered at "lime at The liallea, Oregon,
as second class mall wattor.
itatk orruiAL"
H Trnor
lamuiy of HtatS)
uii ul Public lustruntlou
state Printer
H. I'Hiinovi
II. W. Mcrlrl.
. . I'll 1 1 1 1 Melacmt,,
.. K. tl. Mchlroy
J. N. IMpli
" f J. II. Mitchell
H. Iltfrfcianu
W K. Kill-
Crank llaser
coi'NTT orrii uu.
County Judge...,
... (ion. C. Hlaselcy
T. A. Ward
...J. H. Owsneii
Win. Mlciinll
I las. Dariilclia
i frank klucalil
Assessor -I"! w KiailiU
Surveyor ;E' Hhrt
llltvilllelll Ul l-UDlir acaoois . .1 roy ne.iicy
Cormier. .
K. N. t.aatwmNl
HaluritHjr Dally.
Slxtv passenger unit down on
SMikane from Vmatilla to Culilo today
ami on to this place this afternoon.
The trial of the caae of tlin state
auinst MeReynnlds was completed yes
terday, am! the jury brought in a verdict
of acquittal.
J'.y substituting the word area fur
-cnH where the latter word first iK'i'iin
la'ni an editoriul entitled "Malthu Cor.
red" in yesterday' issue, a very reuse
less paragraph become plain.
All clulniH against the city should he
tiled tiy 7 ;30 th'f evening as tlm present
city government desire to act U)miii all
bill and claims, ao that the Incoming
nflicer inav aturt with a clean slate.
The ease against Maloney and Snell
Ing i on trial today. Court waa not
called at the uhubI hour, on account
of the venire not fating returned, the
work requiring conitiderabie traveling to
aerve the summon.
Mr. Theodore Trine fell from an ex
press wagon thin morning and dislocated
hit shoulder, and Mra. Kent fell on the
idewalk breaking her left leg below the
knee. Dr. llollister waa called In both
cases to repair the damage.
The average temperature for June at
this point for the pant nineteen year ii
r7.3. That for thia month la Ii3.2.
Only three yeara in that time haa It
been o low. In lH'.K) and lS'U it waa
between til and I'i2, and in 1R8H the
tame aa thia year.
In going to Hood River yesterday we
bad an opportunity to examine a por
tion of the railroad, and are convinced
that the damage is not Dearly ao great
asiuppoeed. When once the break be
tween Bonneville and the Lock in pass
able, the balance of the road will soon
I placed in condition.
. r
lNputy Sheriff Phlrman got home at
, noon having aummoned apecial panel
' of j;irora to nerve in the cane of the atate
ugainat Maloney and Snelling. The
attorney! will commence on them thil j
afternoon, but owing to the manner in
which the caae haa been brought and
kept liefore the public, it la going to re
quire considerable time to select a jury.
Mr. W. If. Jones, secretary of the
American Railway Union here, received
a dispatch from President Deb thia
morning calling oil. the entire brother
hood on the I'n ion racilic. Tomorrow
there will not be a wheel turning on the
entire system. The matter has now be
come national in eitent, and will prob
ably settle the question of railway
strikes, (or if the I'n ton cannot win now
it :ievr can.
.Some fault is found by our merchants
on account of the time required to get
freight here from I'ortiand, and also
that the company discriminates. In
order to understand the first cause of
complaint a visit to the Cascades ia
necessary. Thia demonstrates, the im
possibility of moving freight faster. On
the other charge, the company has
adopted rule, w hich it haa never vio
lated, of bringing all freight through in
the order in which it ia received; first
offered, first brought.
Monday Pally.
Thia is St. I'latyptis day.
The river ia on a stand today at 39.5
ti' County Clerk Keleay took charge of
y.hut cilice this morning, with A. O.
Johnson as deputy.
More than 400 aacka of wool were re
ceived at the Wasco warehouse today,
about MO ,000 iKitinds.
Sheriff Driver took possession of the
book, papers, business and prisoners of
the sheriff's office thia morning.
The I). I. A A. N. Co. will carry pass
engers on the Fourth the round trip to
the Cascade for $1 ami to Hood River
for 7,1 cents.
A dead horse in the water down by
the conl hunkera ia liable to lift the
latter if be gets any stronger. It should
I sent out to aea, and sent floonj
It ia quite probable there will be no
nail up tonight, unless It cume up from
Tortland to the I.ock yesterday, aa the
I'nion Pacific ia not turning a w heel.
Mr. A. W. Patterson of the Heppner
(a.ette, Is in the city. He telle us
privately that he ia not staying on ac
count of the strike, but because be ia
infatuated with the place.
The Raker waa reported at the locki
yesterday evening, report waa
alto denied. Another report ia that the
will be brought op today. This story ia
Retting to be genuine horte-chestnut,
bntif she can be brought np at all the
water is at the right stage for It now.
Sunday night a light aprinkle of rain
fell which has continued nearly all day.
The atreet aprinkler get a rest, and the
pedestrian pick op any desired quantity
of Columbia river mud.
Through the kindness of Messrs. Sln
nott Fish the Smith Proa, have se
cured the dining room of the imatilla
bouse, (or the night of July 4th ami will
give one of their old time parties.
Henry A. Iirainard of San Francisco
has sent Mr. Kmil Schanno a lot of lady
bugs, with instructions to put them on
a tree infested with San Jose scale. It
la claimed for them that they will ex
terminate that pest in short order.
The strike ia 011 here, the firemen re
fused to work, even on the engines en
gaged In the work of repairing the lines.
The Union Pacific has one advantao-e
- - - n
lover Its competitors, at least for this
I part of the road. Its employes may
' ,triket but they can't tie it np.
Mr. K. Chase brought us some speci
mens of cherries raised on hit place on
:! Mile that are him ply perfect. They
are of the Rtyal Ann, Plack Republican,
Murilla and an unnamed variety. They
furnish proof conclusive that this section
is adapted to the growing of that kind of
fruit as well as nearly all others.
Brigadier-General Otis, commanding
the department of the Columbia, and
Mayor Tully MoCrae arrived here Sat
urday from Walla Walla, having com
pleted a tour of infection of the de
partment. They were guests of the
Umatilla bouse yesterday, and left by
the Regulator tor Vancouver this morn
ing. lion. A. A. Jayne began the work of
his office early, commencing at Mr.
Wilson'a request Satnrday, by impanel
ing the jury in the case of the atate
against Maloney and Snelling. Eleven
jurymen were secured Saturday after
noon, at which time the panel was ex
hausted and a special venire leaned.
Tht, case is on trial today.
Recently we have been shown pear
limbs taken from orchards near here
which were afllicted with blight, the
leaves being dead. Mr. Schanno tells
ut be sent some apple limba similarly
affected to a horticulturist in Portland
who says the blight was caused by sud
den falling of temperatures, followed by
bright sunshine, or else, that there is
too much water In the gronnd. The
latter cause would be removed by nnder
draining. Harvesting will commence in this and
Sherman countv thia week. Several
would hare commenced today bad the
weather been clear. The volunteer will
be cut first. Reports from Sherman
county are to the effect that the very
lowest yields of volunteer will not go
below ten or twelve bushels to the acre,
and the yield of tall and spring sown,
both, will ran from twenty to forty
bushels. Sherman county will have
two million bushels of wheat, alone.
TuexUy'i Daily.
Ad Keller has moved again, and if
now occupying the old stand of W. II.
Butt. r
Rev. Potwine willcooduct services at
the Kpiscopul church tomorrow evening
at H o'clock.
County court meets Thursday. Have
your bills all in by that time if you want
them acted upon this term.
The Dalles baseball team will cross
bats with the Hood River nine at 1
o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
C. I.. Kichmond'i wagonette will leave
postoffice corner at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning for 3-Mile picnic. Round trip
50 cent.
Hon. J. F. Moore assumed his duties
aa register of the V. S. land office yes
terday. Up to date there lias been no
change in the clerical department.
Mr. T. A. Hudson left a couple of
branches from bis cherry trees at thia
shop thia morning. The cherries were
flue, and the limbs resemble each a
huge bunch of grapes.
Don't forget that the Smith Pros, will
give one of their old time parties to
morrow night at the Umatilla bouse.
Good music and floor and besides it is
the coolest place in the city.
Mr. Henry Bolton returned from Mt.
Angel college last night. He tells us that
Bertie Baldwin received the gold medal
for efficiency in music ; and Matbew
Tiiorburn the ailer medal for good
There seems to be considerable life
about the Kast F.nd but nothing that
will make an item. Wool is coming in
lively, and the blacksmithshops are
busy shoeing horses and repairing
The express company loaded four four
home teams with es press matter and
sent thorn up last night to Celilo. One
four-horse team was loaded with mail
and another with baggage. Besides
this eight or ten vehicles all carrying
passengers left at the same time. It
looked like old stage times.
The Maloney-Snelling case Is being
tried today. This morning the defend
ants, jury and attorneys all went out to
the graveyard where the horses were
foand to get perfect understanding of
the aituation. They got back about 10
o'clock, and after the bailiffs had led
them all to water, the trial proceeded.
The jury in the smuggling case against
Lotan and others retired to consider
their verdict Satnrday afternoon but up
to the hour of going to press by the
Oreg.iniao Monday morning had not
agreed. It is not probable therefore that
any agreement will tie reached, and it is
probable that the cases will be dis
missed. lrowBt at Turn water.
Mr. J. A. Splawn, who is engaged in
cutting bay on the other side of the
river, inform u of an accident that oc
curred at Tumwater about a 'week ago,
hi informant lieing an ludian named
Jake Andrews. The latter says that
alwut a week ago a w hite man came
down in a small boat ami landed at the
head of the rapids. Andrew talked
with him, and offered to 1 nl his boat
around the rapids if he would wait tin
till morning. The man, however,
seemed to Is an independent sort of a
fellow, and saving he had to get to The
Dalles that night, produced a long rope,
which he tied to the boat and under
took to lower it over the falls. After
going about a hundred yards the boat
took a sudden plunge and pulled him
into the water. The Indiana saw that
he kept afloat for a hundred yards or
so, and then went down, lx-ing soen no
more. Andreas describes the man as
being aliout six feet tall, dark com
plexion. The fttnmtr Irina.
The steamer Irma. due here last night,
did not arrive until noon today. She
left the locks at 3 o'clock yesterday
afternoon and would have been here by
9 :30, but when at Mosier broke a pnmp
Captain Coe came up on the Regulator
last night to get an injector in place of
the pump, one he had ordered by ex
press, but found it bad been put off at
Hood River. He went down thia morn
lng, took the pump to pieces, and made
the ran as stated. The little boat left
on the down trip shortly after 3 o'clock
and will get back to Hood River tonight,
and here about 7 o'clock tomorrow.
After that the mail will get in earlier on
account of the time being changed for
it arrival up at the locks. This, provid
ing the strike i not on.
Advertised Lettan.
Following is tbe list of letter remain
ing in tbe postoffice at The Dalle on
called for, Friday, June 20th, 1894
Person calling for came will give date
on w hich they were advertised :
Mr XellieMartinf 4 ) M issJorgine Jensen ,
Sara Howa, Mrs Catharine Jor-
Thoa Howlton, don,
Mr Juan Agiribas, MrsCiaraWoodrath,
Mr Ann M Brutt, John R Walker,
Mr Germain Segar, Hank Bryant,
Mr John W Gcilin- A J Cobel,
ger, TP Conn,
Wo F Dermis, Mr Will E Freeman,
Mrs Jugrid Lyons, Mr Dudy IVpee,
Mr Ben McDowell.
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
A Brakes Lj.
Dr. Sutherland was called to Sherar'i
bridge yesterday afternoon to attend
Mr. Richard M. Powell, who had the
misfortune to break hi right leg just
above the ankle Sunday evening. He
waa riding on a load of wool and it tip
ping he jumped to the ground, a dis
tance of about ten feet, breaking both
bones and so close to the ankle that the
fracture ia a bad one. The doctor at
tended io hie injuries, and reached home
this morning.
Oregon Again Ahead.
Under date of June 20tb, the San
Francisco Chronicle say :
"The following young meu from the
Pacific ccat will, receive honor at the
commencement of Notre Dame Univer
sity tomorrow night: Bachelor of law,
Roger B. Sinnott, The Dalles, Or.;
Francis D. Hennessey, Portland, Or. ;
Michael McGarvey, Los Angeles.
Sorin gold medal for Christian doctrine,
J. B. Murphy, Port Townsend, Wash.
he Haa Failed, aa rr.
The steamer Baker haa been trying to
get over the rapids at tbe cascades a'.l
day, and has broken several cables in
doing bo. Shortly before 4 o'clock she
parted a line, after getting half length
out of the canal, and is no lying back
in the shelter of the locks. Opinions
seem to differ widely among those
watching her, the majority being of the
opinion that she cannot make it.
rernpleat'lt jr.
Bless God for victory ! I want to tell
everyone that God, for the sake of
Christ Jesiist Hi ion, ha given me
good eyesight. The devil and all Li
angel cannot change this victory into
defeat. Praise the Lord! He has won
the victory for Hi own glory.
Blam kr Rothrock.
Ileal Kstnta Movement.
Robt. Hand and wife to Thomas Jeff
reys seven acre in see. 2, tp 2, n, of r 10
e. $000.
Horace Rice and wife to Wenceslaus
Pashck, mxi w , and tw'i of nw1
ec 30 t. 1 n of r 15 e. Consideration
For Bale.
160 acres 5 mile north of Moro, Sher
man county. Can run header over llfi
acre. Living spring, 130 acre fenced.
Good sheep range adjoining. Small
house, barn, etc. I rice $1,000, $150
down, balance in three years.
A. Gi'isTiir.a, Moro, Or.
Subscribe for The Chbomk li.
The Oreen Hit an the Wheat.
Little green bugs have appeared in
myriad number in tbe wheat field of
the Willamette valley and are to be
found thickly enaconsed in the open
space between the layer of wheat berries
along the beads. They have caused
great alarm for the safety of the present
crop and for the future of wheat growing
in this region ; but scientific investiga
tion prove that the danger is not so
alarming as might be supposed. It is
true, thia year's crcp msy be injured
some by their depredations before they
are destroyed by their Inevitable accom
paniment, the parasite, but the chances
are happily against such a result.
Some heads of wheat plucked from a
field across the river In Polk county and
also from one in the Waldo hills were
shown to a Statesman repiesentatlve
last evening, and while the green aphis,
for such it is, was very numerous, yet
the berries seemed to be sound and
healthy. Put the reader will be more
interested in something authoritative on
this subject, so the Statesman is pleased
to present from the Corvallis Times the
following account of the little "varmint'1
and the manner of circumventing hi
nefarious schemes againt the prosper
ity of Oregon, as given by Prof. F. L.
Washburn, of the Oregon Agricultural
"It is a small green infect that attack
the stalks and later the heads of wheat,
rye and oats. It lias a long beak with
w hich it extracts the sap. It is not des
tructive to the berry except that its ab
sorption of the tap robs it of nourish
ment and causes it to chrivel.
"As w heat ripens the aphis migrates
to the more succulent oats and when
these in turn ripen it goes to the various
grasses. It spreads over a wide extent
of territory quicker than any insect
Known. Altnougn its existence was
observed seventeen year before, the
grain aphis first appeared in great num
bers in 1861, spreading over New Eng
land, all of New York except the western
portion, northeastern Pennsylvania and
portions of Canada. Every grain field
was invaded and many of them thronged.
In many case the wheat crop wa re
duced one-half, and tbe oat crop hardly
paid for harvesting. Tbe following year
it spread over the remaining portion of
Canada and into Michigan, and then
disappeared. In 1S83 it appeared in ten
counties in California doing considerable
damage to wheat, one man reporting
that tbe yield of bis spring wheat wa
diminished one-half by the ravagea of
the pest. It wa prevented from multi
plying by late rains to the extent that
damage was scarcely perceptible in
other counties. April 27th and :X)tb
and May 2d and 3d large flights of the
winged variety were noticed in Sacra
mento, but disappeared after the rain
of May 4th. In nearly every instance
where tbe pest ba appeared it has been
met by a host of purasites, flies and lady
beetles, and if it ha not been at once
checked, have prevented it reappear
ance the second year. In many cases
these natural enemies have prevented it
entirely from damaging grain.
"From specimens aent me I observe
that parasites are working on the aphis.
If these par&ites are numerous enough,
no very serious damage may result. If
not numerous enough, many wheat
growers may lose a large portion of their
crop. There is no practicable remedy
that can be applied at present. Tbe
only thing that the farmer can do ia to
burn the rtnble immediately after har
vest, together with all straw, weeds,
littel or waste of any kind, on or about
the field. This will destroy places
favorable for the insect's) hibernation.
The experience in the F.ast lias shown
that this aphis may ruin a wheat crop
one season, and not be seen again in
that locality for many years. Whenever
the aphis turns a dark color either
brown or black it means that it is
doomed. This is caused by the work of
the parasite, which deposits the egg in
side the aphis the egg hatches and the
larvae feed on the tissues of the body of
the aphis producing the death of the
latter. The parasite finally emerges as
a wasp-like insect to repeat its good i
The following from the Albany Demo
crat bear out the cheerful view taken in
the beginning of this article :
"The wheat aphis that is causing con
siderable talk is not a new thing in Ore
gon; in fact it has been here lor years.
A man teils a Democrat uian that he
saw the aphis as early a 1878. It ap
pears this year in larger uumbers tliuo
usual, but it is probable will cause little
damage to the wheat, particularly to the
full wheat." Salem Statesman.
The Hurglar Med.
Saturday night or Sunday morning,
somewhere about midnight any Tay,
the residents on Third, near Liberty,
were aroused by a series ot screams in a !
feminine voice, commencing in high C
and running up to the filth added line
and then over the roof. Windows were
raised and heads protruded therefrom,
aud oon Mr. V. S. Myers, Judd Fish
and other neighbor had gathered at
Mr. Forward' place, where the trouble
seemed to be. They had dressed hastily
and were not in costume for an evening
party, even of the kind ; for some were
in pant and slippers, while the nulled
pajama was all that other could boast.
Tbe trouble was caused by some bold
tramp, who delilierately undertook to
break in the d'or. Mrs. Forward
i looked out the upper window, and when
she ordered the tramp away he replied
with an oath that if she did not let him
in he would smash the door, and then
he screamed.
When the neighlior arrived she was
of course much excited, and insisted to
Mr. Fish that the burglar was still
around. "Madam. "said the imnerturb-
jable Judd. "when you screamed the
; second time he lit in Sherman county,
land ia now on the North Platte." No
loss; no damage.
The Dlvlnent Thin In i hlldhood.
The very finest expression on the face
of a child or infant seem to me to be
that of ojien-eyed and often open
mouthed curiosity and wonder. The
objects of nature charm and entrance
the oul, which (or the moment become
almost one with the face. This divinist
thing in childhood, which only bad
school methods can kill, which prompts
the primeval experiments of Infants in
learning to use their senses, limbs, and
minds upon nature, is the root of the
spirit of research, which explores, pries,
inquires so persistently, and often so
destructively in older children, and
come to full maturity in the investi
gator behind the telescope or microscope,
in the laboratory, seminary, library, or
on exploring expeditions. At its best,
this spirit of research has awe and rever
ence enough in it to give it a high and
positive religious character, and the best
and most characteristic feature about
tbe new movement in higher education
I am trying to describe is that its up
ward tendencies can best be character
ized by the word "research," a word,
alas, now more often praised than under
stood. PresidDnt G. Stanley Hall, in
the Julv Forum.
A Hneak Thief at Work.
Saturday night some petty thief
entered Mr. J. F.. Barnett's residence
between 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning
and got away with sixteen dollars. Kn
tiance was made through a window, and
the thief got away without being dis
covered. The money was taken from
Mr. Harnett's pants pockets, and in the
morning that garment waa foand In the
kitchen door which wa open. Track
were found under tbe bouse and the im
print of hands and knee where the
robber bad bidden behind one of the
post on which the boose rests. The
thief was both considerate and careful
for be left both Mr. and Mr. Barnett's
watches, and other jewelry which was
lying on tbe bureau.
Repairing the Kail road Track.
About three hundred men are now
stopping at Arlington with quite a lot of
teams, also a work train. Arlington has
more appearance of a mining camp than
the quiet city it was two weeks ago.
The empty house are being used for
deeping quarters. Tbe hotel are doing
a rushing business. The saloon of an
evening remind one of the days of '49.
While every person is anxious to have
tbe road put in repair aa soon as
possible, the resident would be glad to
keep the crowd here. Arlington is the
only place where accommodation can
be bad nearer than The Dalles or Uma
tilla, and we presume tbe men will be
kept there until the repair are com
Iteal Estate Movement.
The following deed was filed for
rocord today :
Richard Sigman to Melvin Sigman,
the nw4 of sec. 24, t 1, 1 of r 13 e; con
sideration, 2,'CH.
Last June, Dick Crawford brought bis
twelve months old child, suffering from
infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been
weaned at four months old and being
sickly everything ran through it like
water through a sieve. I give it the
usual treatment in such cases but with
out benefit. The child kept growing
thinner until it weighed but little more
than w hen born, or perhaps ten pounds.
1 then started the father to giving
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one bottle
of the '-'j cent size had been used, a
marked improvement waa seen and its
continued use cured the child. Its
weakness nnd puny constitution disap
peared and its father and myself believe
the child' life was saved by this remedy.
J. T. Maklow, M. D., Tamaroa, III.
for sale by Klakeley A Houghton Drug
gist. Outer Klrfe Items.
Died on the 2.)th inst., the beloved
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, aged
2 months and II days, of whooping
cough. The remains were interred at
Warrener's cemetery.
At Long Hollow schoolhouse, on the
'-Vlh inst., un entertainment was had at
which the school children participated.
A very enjoyable evening was spent,
much to the credit of its teacher, Mies
K. M. Ball. A. P. M.
A horse kicked H. S. Shufer, of the
Free my re House, Middleburg, N. Y. on
the knee, which laid hi 111 up in bed and
caused the knee joint to become stiff.
A friend recommended him to use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he
did, and in two days was able to lie
around. Mr. Shafer has recommended
it to many a bruise or sprain. This
same remedy is also famous for it cure
of rheumatism. For sale by Blakeley A.
To THl ,UA
Co I'M' I L Of .
The undersig
with desires to
the financial cc
cc lion
sources of expenditure,
enue, etc. for the fisci
June :!0t!i, 1S!U, as folio-
f'lir iiHti-cra Urli
Mil', Hp , lire J. wt lliiunt
M'TivtaiKl citllri! llidita.
I'cilice ilviwrtmeiit, lueuU (en
em. elc
FrliuhiK ami "taUiniary.furii'
Hewer ii'purtmi'tlt, mnterliil.'
Hearer department, laboi.
htreet dertment, mnterlala
ritreet department, labor '
Superintendent ol at reel.
v Hter reuv
HuiidrlHH. '
1 r 'It rrunherand freight iiii mime
Operating einetm o( nx k cruntaer .
Inmriinee premium,
I in Mental e.ieiiiie id recorder icmirt
mirveymir .
City Ji repaint
Judges, clerkx, for city
lioiiHtiiiiia (or eharltatjlc purpose. . .
Kepairlnir city .imd
Incidental expenditure fur minor
12 A7
Total rlaMlllod expenditures SIUJKI :
Htreeet lamp fund
blt-a .lu.u..t...A..
$ l'.7l SI
:7 !
2,117 M
I.J 17 KM
Ifu'i Mi
Current exticnte fund. .
..ui r.-iii exfteute lumi
Sewer and atreet improvement fund
City ntlieer'a fund
Police fund
Total drawn on different funds Ilii,7ll rt
Fines in recorder's court nr, v.
Bar licenses 4J2m l
Team licenses j4 7.-,
Kunner licenses . 711 mi
Auctioneer licenses ... ill tw
Koad tax. city taxes, ground rent, etc. a.'.ild
Total cash receipts July L'd, l!'l $lll,Yi2 Jtt
July 3d, balance and total on
hand " a,,?
1 rand total
111,117 72
Warrants redeemed from
July 1, !, to July , W. . . '.,'.7 lij
Interest on same l;sau 7-1 tlltlM Mi
Balance on band July 2d, 1SIM f 2,V9 :
Interest bearinf debt July 2, 1H91 111,1'. 04
Accrued Interest ou same July i, H. 4WO o
Warrants outstanding July 3, lS'.i? . . I.I7.1K.", 90
Warrants Issued during Hues I year, lHd.l l(i,7bl fVI
Accrued interest on interest-bearing;
debt 4;ao OH
Total VSn 62
Warrants redeemed from
July 3, 03, to July 2, '94 . . Id.wr; 2
Cash on band July 2, 1SX... v,-ivi;.n M
Net liabilities July 2, ltnil
t4.',7M u
Net liabilities July 2, W.U
Het liabilities July 3, l.H'.a
t.-.,7-io u
37,16 iKI
Increase in indebtedness H,aai 54
Explanatory The accumulated in
terest on the warrants outstanding July
3, 1893, wa not figured nor added to the
net principal at that time, and the in
terest would increase the indebtedness
on July 2, 18D3, about from $3,500 to
4,000 leaving the actual increase of the
fiscal year of 1893 over that of 1892 about
Warrant issued for thefical year, IW3 ir.,761 M
Warrants issued fur tbe fiscal year, 1MW Ui,b.iH 7.1
Increase in ixsue of 193 over 1892. ... I 202 SI
Pespectfully submitted,
Douglas S. Dukub,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Mr. Ciage of Mitchell is in the city.
Mr. John Buick of Silver Lake is in
the city.
Mr. Alexander Kircbheimer of Antel
ope is in the city.
Mr. A. A. Jayne came down from
Arlington yesterday.
Mr. Geo. P. Morgan returned to Cas
cade Locks this morning.
Mr. Clark of Oysterville is expected
up tonight on the Regulator, coming to
vie it her sister, Mrs. Julius Wiley.
Mr. Lewi Porter came in from Ante
lope yesterday.
Hon. W. R. Dunbar came in from
Goldendale today.
Hon. Thurston Daniel of Vancouver
i registered at tbe Umatilla.
Hon. W. H. Holme came upon the
Regulator yesterday evening.
K. S. Olinger, the genial Jehu of the
Mt. Hood stage line, is in the city.
C. W. Nibley, of the Oregon Lumber
Co., passed through on his w ay to Baker
City after a visit to the mill at Hood
River and Chenoweth, yesterday.
Mr. L. D. Ainsworth and wife, who
have been absent for the past few
months in Kansas and on their way
home stopped in California for hia
health, returned last night.
At the M. E. church, this city. July
2, 1894, Mr. C. F. Clark and Miss Laura
Piter, lioth of this city, Rev. J. Vhi
Ier officiating.
At the Congregational church in thia
city. Monday evening, July 2d, by Rev.
W. C. Curtis, Fletcher Faulkner to Mis
Lulu Bird.
At the residence of the bride' par
ents in Middlebiiry, Vermont, June 1.1,
lH'.U, Miss Harriet K. James to Mr.
William J. Roberts, formerly of this
Mr. Roberts is at present residing in
Colfax, and arrived home with bis
bride just in time to escape the strikes
on the overland roada.
Iu thia city, Saturday, June 30th, to
the wife of C. L. Richmond, a daughter.
For Colle and Gruhs
In my mules and horses, I give Simmons
Liver Regulator. I have not lost one
I gave it to.
. F. T. Taylor, Agt. for Granger of Ga.
Tiik Chroniclb ia prepared to da all
kinus of job printing.
Tut Chkonicli print all tbe new.