The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, July 04, 1894, PART 1, Image 2

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1 1 rkAf?Mfl
Tne weekly bDronieie.
Clubbing List.
The CiiBONu i.K, which give, the new
, u,,.,., K.Tn
a week, has made arrangement to,
rith the following publications, and !
two paper, one rear (or little more !
club i
offers two paper.
than the price of one
KrtuUr Our
. .1".
finiirlt i V 1. Iriratr
OkrMifl ui trrtim . .
I'krwirit xii raf!ilii I if ml'
3.UI.I m.W
3 00 " 2
The world is passing through a trying
und critical ieriod. The age of .trikes
and of combines is upon us. For years
the tendency of capital has been to com
binations, the aggrvjrate being vast
sums. The demands of progress and
civilization has made ibis necessary,
because without it undertakings that
are now simple would be utterly impos
sible. Py combinations alone is it pos
sible to build the immense railroad
systems, the networks of telegraph
wires, the ocean gray-bounds and the
vast factories.
Naturally the great companies repre-
eeutiug these large ajjtrregatious of
wealth are governed bv the same busi
ness laws and the same desires as an j
individual, that is the desire to get the
argest return? on their investment pos-
tnuie. in most oi xne schemes in w men
these large sums ale invested labor is
the principal costjjind on the monthly
wage paid uepends largely the success or
saiiure of the enterprise. In conse-
nence it follows naturally that the em -
pioyer. interesi aemanus me getting oi residence mere and too tier place among naVre, Marseilles. Antwerp and Berlin I ballots taken without a chit, where
tbe most labor for the least money. The . the full-fledged patrician babies of New J are somewhat complex. reporting change- j up0n the matter was postKinwl until
.wet 19 in me onuic ireiuuu. ins;
muscie is Dis capita:, and nia oDject is
to get as much return from the invest
went of that capital as possible, ret
from the nature of the latter, he is ap-
parently (only) in opposition to the
-theories of his employer.; in other
swords, anxious to get the most money
Tor tbe least labor. Monev is the ca pi-
tal of one, muscle of the other, and each j
desire. o trade on the most advanta-
geous term, to himself. The natural j
result is tbe combination of labor toj
oppose the combination of capital, j
What the end will be ia hard to foresee,
J ...Il i. . . ... i . .,, . .
w. wuu tu icil wuai me resail Will DC'
when old friend, fall ont. Instead of
fighting each other, they should get
long peacefully, for each is an absolute
necessity to the other.
It will require mutual concession, and
. patient forbearance to reach a catisfac-
tory solution, and it will no donbt be
many years before thi. will happen. In
the meanwhile the strike system will
.continue, to the serious injury of all
, parties concerned.
The stsike of tbe American Railway
Union went with tbe sweep of a confla
gration over the northern
half of the
;::u, 'r ,; r. f
tempt to bovcott I ullman, from the
verv nature o-f the latter, business the
-,- , . . .. I
T:..I 1 :
ni9n Pullman th .-.n '
iBuruaua WTjro u I n 11 imu lb. luc
e r 1
the boycott was the reduction of
wnirM 1
in hi. .hope, tbe employe, insisting
tbat he was trying to squeeze them by
reducing wages, while making no reduc
tion in bi. charge, to the public. The
tinion declared a boycott against bim, 1
and the railroad employe, refused to
bandle bis car., or train, running them.
Tbe railroad companies refused to run
train, without Pullman cars, and this
forced tbe issue, as between them and
their employes. A. soon as tbe latter
refused to move train, with Pullman
car. attached, they were discharged, and
the nnion considering their discharge
unjust, stood by them and a strike i.
tbe result. It i. far-reaching and of
tremendous proportion.. In Chicago
alone 18,000 men are out. Engine, are
"killed," and the cars stand idly on tbe
The issue in squarely made, and it
looks as though tbe fight would be to
a finieh. The effect of the strike, if
maintained for any length of time, will
lie appalling. Tbe loss in wage, alone
to the striker, will be over a million
dollar, a day while the Iom incidental
to tbe strike will be double that. The
loss to California fruit growers, whose
crop, are just now ripening, will run
into the million., and the paralyzing of
business will add many million, more.
It is to be hoJ that tome solution
may be reached soon, in tbe inter
e-t of all. What tbe result will be it is
impossible to foresee, for it ia a case
wherein an irreaistable force has .truck
an immovable body. That this alrike,
however, will be tbe cause of bringing
nearer the day when tbe government
will control the railroad, and telegraph
line., we firmly believe. Tbe country
cannot afford to Lave it. business par
alysed while labor i. wttling It. griev
ances with some corporation, a. in tbe
present case.
Tbe peculiarity of the situation i.
that the onion has a quarrel on its
hand, with it. employer, over a matter
that the latter are not interested in.
Tbe hope of the strike ia in tbe weak
ness of some one company, for If one
con-e. the deman.i. ot the union. i
-m a. .
maci. ....... . .
main idle longer than the men
We have no love for "Poor tieorjre
- " j V" -t, ,r-e
Pullman, yet it tnoae engaged in tne
"Pullman" strike have no other object
than the one . far expressed by them,
our svuipathie. are with bim. r-o far
, . i,:., ln itH m.l nnl-
determination to "break pul.
: ti. ...,i.i; i,.vu nn intrest in
. "" "V
i t,,at kinJ of l'But. except cursory pym-
patby with the under dog.
That Pullman carries on bis business
by the methods of the beggar is di
gracfeul to bim ; but not more so than
i it Is to the public, who, tipping his em
i , ... .;.,
.. ... .... ,
ao. 1 oilman s pride is not nail so large
l.ii miKP in unite of his immense
1 wealth, he solicits charity, and is noth -
li.'iriiiore nor lee. than a valet a body-
servant since be solicits tips from the
traveling public through bis emploves,
and gets them, too. The government
Mill! .I1CIU, IUU. M tlV fcl CI 1 ...... 1
that permits this kind of thing is not
better that Mr. Pullman, who originates
it, or the public w ho submit to it. But
that is no reason whv that public
: should stand in to help break Pullman.
I The American Railway Union mar
! have substantial grievances against bim,
but so far tiiey at least have not made
!,.,. n.,i,i;n 0...1 if v.i;nn p.,11... a.,
' oi; wK, un ,wcaU8C it
i .... -
j tattle Miss ilaight, of .No. 'M .Madison
avenue, graduate! from her incubator
1 Wednesday last, after a four months'
iurk. jt win o reuiumoereu iiiai iuv
' wile ot t. Clarence tiaiglit died tei
ruary 24th last, just after the birth ot a
daughter, who arrived some three ,
months before .he was expected. It
was not for a moment thought that the
baby would long .arrive her mother,
but Dr. Carle ton bad an incubator made
immediately, and the little one, who
weighed less than two pounds, was put j
in it. She is today as strong and healthy j
as any young baby of her age.
- --- -
, . , . i
ft i nuflinff llnnol. that larwip r. I
" - r
learn nothing from example, but such
U the indisputable fact. Strike after
strike bas met it. downfall from at
tempting to nse force in attaining its
end.. And yet, in spite of these exam
ples, tbe first thing lot of strikers do
i. to not only ran again.t tbe corpora-
tion employing them, but again.t the1 . , ' .
" . . , . (export surplus tbe coming vear.
goTernment It .. a perfectly plain j yg jja-et letter,
proposition that any man, or lot of men, ;
can quit working for any person or cor- j
poration for any reason, or, ior that 11 1-'ok to n outsider like the rail
matter, for none. But when this right j roa(1 toy9 re working against their own
i. conceded, nothing more can lie, for if ! interest in refusing to run construction
the further right to dictate what some I
other person .ball do is conceded, that
I ' o .... a huid niTj .n i. 1 1 nnn. nuin
of .tnkesfromthe first
, ... . .
f'-'ow. that thlg ne fata, weakness, the
lots, of trelf control and the failure to !
. .. .
recogni" the right, of others
IS the
.1. I. : .1. ... t .1 l : .
iu un huilu an ui fcliuin vpui
on which all of them split. The !
present strike was large enough and I
strong enough to have won, by .imply i
doing nothing; bit impatient and hot-1
beaded leader, will kill it just as surely j
a. the .un rises. I hey have, indeed,.
already begun to .tab it at every oppor
tunity. At Ked Bluff, California, the
track, were greased, tbe trestles burned, j
ihA Irittar twrhira tint tsv tl.a atvilf ava
but .till they are blamed with it. At j
militia ha. been !
other place, tbe
called out to protect the non-union
maintained !
men. Had the striker.
a negative policy, the public .ytnpa
tby would have remained with tiiem, j
bat tbe moment force is nsed to
intimidate or drive any other workman
away from work be is willing to do, then
public sympathy i. again.t them.
In other word., tbe right to work, or let
it alone must be granted to every man,
and thi. being done, no man can object
to any other man doing work for such
wage, and nnder uch circumstance, a.
he may cbooM to accept. Since thi.
strike i. on, we would like to see it
fnncht to a leiritimate rnnrlnainn anil
i . .i .i ' .t
.iciivc regie fciio auuuu 01 ine men wno '
have prevented this.
me steamer isaker did not get up)
yesterday. We don t know where .he i
...i .I..--. . ff-i-i . 1
is, and don't want to. The largest and
fineat crop of lie. ever harvested in the
.ame length of time have been fur
nished by tbe Baker. Yesterday wc
were aolemnly assured that she was at
the Locks and had parted several linen
trying to get over the rapid.. This
morning we are told that she never got
around Sheridan point. We hope she
didn't and tbat .be never will. We are
tired of bearing of her, and fain would
bare a rest.
Whether the entire country baa gone
prohibition on the trntb, or whether
there ia simply an epidemic of lies, we
do not pretend to aay ; but we do know
that if any man wants to lose hi. repu
tation for truth and veracity, all he
has to do ia to aay "tbe Baker" to us.
..... i
Iik....,...l,n In is ' k-
th aam arremre now as in W2. Fx-
pert .crop reporters predict a yielJ iu
IStM varying from 3),0OO,0iH) to 500,-
OX).rtH) bushel.. Many graiu merchants
eem to expect crop of about l.'tO.OOO.-
oo bu.h.1.. It ..conceded the world'.
( ..... ..... ,i
i "d yM .how. little if an. le-
"e.e in the past decade. Some .tain,
tician. naun consumption nan nu-rrasni
about Ave million bushels yearly, llie
j Indon F.t-onomUt i. authority for the
.tateuient that the Vienna conSress
I meet, this year for the last time. India
j has only ex ported since April 1st about
' -lo pt-r cent, as much as last season same
time. Argentine shipments this crop
i year have increased about i!" per cent.
lltecrbohni rejiorts total shipments to
, F.urone for fortv-fjur weeks as 27(i,HW, -
...... . : . . tt .VM .1... ..
I .,. ..nln.l l L". Ut lYIfl I I.U
: i
viou. season ; the continent importing
; out four bushels for every five lireat
' P"taiu took, t'.ermany'. iuiport. Au-
- . . . . . ........ , - , .u ......
S118' l! April oiun were j.i.i.u.wo
) lu.hota, against i:i.i'4.PW last Mwrnn.
I My imported the same nine months
! 1,0).000 bushels, against 2ii.!ri:,iltW.
j Spain', imports same time were 1 1 ,'7J. -
' nusiieis. ngainst ;i,:...s,oon misiieis.
i Tlie Iar'J Lae I-sprees of the istl.
i,,at- only 10,0(H),(MX) bushels ie-
! n'ii in Knstltsh farmers' bands, against
IS.ikHl.OnO busheis a year ngo. That
l reals everywhere throughout i.reat
! Britain promise bndlv, owing to the
! cold weather. That France shows a
similar state of allairs. and t.ermanv
I rve will certainlv lie short. That rust
extends through the Australian and
j Hungarian wheat fields, und they have
j mig0 gutlered from storms. That the
Kuggjan harvest, including Bulgaria and
I Rouniania oromise well. Cables from
; able weather, i.oumania . reort9 are
' 1 good. Belgium wheat and rye promise
an average crop. Few or no complaint,
come from our early winter wheat field,
now being cut. The more northern and
western winter and spring wheat belt,
seem to lie about as varied and spotted
a. Fiuropean reports indicate their crops
Summing up tbe world . crop, we are
to believe the acreage and yield will
show a o8ible 5 to 8 per rent. .horWge,
while consumption will be Increased on
ae,nllt of the Terr ow price. The
freight from Chicago to thi. city is but
4 rnt np h.iah.l i nil 41) .-nl.
thirty years ago. To Liverpool about
2'4 cents, again.t 25 cent, thirty year,
ago. The bread loaf in London was
never cheaper. We look for weather
market., and, generally .peaking, higher
prices, with more speculation, increased
I ATnikrt rlnmar.fl anil a .Immomu In tho
train.. There i. not a particle of dun-
ger of the I'nion Pacific hauling Pull
man car. over thi. part of tbe road, not
at present any way. The road should
Pt in condition to run when the
. i j .
strike is .ettled This part
of lie country is not interested in Pull-
. .... . . ,
u.n.. vairj, ifiriiij a iiiiu in ..iiivrji uil Ulljr
ming larger man a wneeioarrow
Kant Not..
Farmers are commencing to get ready
for harvest. Hand, teem to be scarce.
Most machine men have commenced to
engage their help. A good nianv will
bead and thrash. lirainJWks good, the
prospects being the best we ever bad,
b,Ut n0 price"
Fverything seem, to go
!!'e T for the poor. Some of
me repuoncans siariea out to boycott
tl' PPuIi!,ta' but rc ,
they nave commenced to look alter some
M the same one. thev bad refused to
give work to some time ago; but alas!
! the bird bad flown.
j Gillis Kelsey will commence haying
j today.
Mr. and Mrs. Woods, from near Moro,
j were visiting friends and relatives .at
I and near Kent last week,
j A little boy of Mr. Peters' was thrown
' from a horse, caught and dragged to
I death a few days ago. Wc did not
! learn any of the particulars. Parents
should I more careful about letting
little children ride so young.
They do not realize the danger.
( Squire Comstock is doing the bache
lor act this week. His wiff! is visiting
near Moro.
Bennett Bros, are engaging their j
hand, for beading and thrashing. They
, . , ... , ...
will head and thrash this ea?on.
Fred Merchant and Jamcf SKone
more came up from Southern Oregon
last week. They made the trip in five
days and one-half, in an overland flyer.
The boya seem to think there, no place
like Sherman county.
W. II. Bennett made a flying trip to
Moro last week on business.
Zack Taylor is hauling damaged wheat
from M. II. Bennett', place.
J. Donahue and B. M. ilrown are. in
The Iialles with wool thi. week.
I!ev. Ilinton of Gra. Valley preached
to quite an attentive audience in the
blue school honse yesterday. Come
again, Mr. Ilinton, we like to see the
good work go on. I'st i.e Isr.
Kkmt, June 25, IS94.
iTi,ni- nit vitT i:iMMl M K. l
llie .... -m..
It,.., (; V 11.1 inn. inavnr. W. II.
, lion. (i. V. Iloltnn. mayor
Butu. li. C. F.shelinah. ('. F. I-auor, M.
T. Nolan. S. S. Jobnii ami Tho N. Joles, j
conmiluien, and I. f. Pufur, clerk, j
j Tliemayor examined and approved,
! ,ie bonds of the ...arwUI. re.
, Appu.nt.t of standing .-
recorder and
, ueing in oruer. uir ir ..........
0wi :
Judiciary 0. F. I.auer, '
V. II. P.uits.
j Finance Tho. X. Joles, W. II. Hints, ;
a. C. F.sbelman. i
i Street, and public property S. S. !
! Johns, M. T. Nolan, rhos. X. Joles.
Fire and water SI. T. Nolan, W
: Butts, Tho.. N. Joles.
, Health and police ti. I". F.shelinan
' l T VVI.n ' V I ...... r
. .-"..., . .
MemlMtr of the board of health
t;. r.
The mayor delivered his nieH.agv
The mayor delivered his message to
. . .. . . - . .
. tne council, touching on me nuanciai
j condition of the city, and mud.
ed .iiUorent measures for reilneins
, penditures, in order to
1 expenses w ithin the rcce
The petition of A. Stevens and
other, asking that one month team
license be remitted, or credited on the
coining quarter, by reason of the fact
that during the high water tenuis not
licensed were allowed to haul for hire,
and asking vHid remittance as a redress
for alleged wrongs sustained thereby,
was read, (hi motion the etition was
laid on the table.
mincil proceeded to
On motion the
elect a street commissioner and two
night watchmen. W. A. Maddron, W.
II. Butts and C. M. Fonts were nomin-
ated for street commissioner and six
next meeting.
The following were
nominated for
night watchmen :
B. V. liibons, ti. C Bills, F. li. ('on
nelly and J. S. Schooling. n first ballot
B. V. liibons was clts-ted, receiving five
votes, Schooling one. On third ballot
F. ti. Connelly was elected second night
The annual financial statement of tbe
recorder was read and on motion was
accepted and placed on file.
A petition from I. I. Uurget. asking
that the art of tbe ordinance relating to
tbe reduction of tbe city treasurers'
salary be repealed, and that said salary
be fixed at $25 per month instead of $20
a. at present wa. read and on motion
the .ante wa. laid on the table.
Special ordinance No. heiug an or
dinance transferring money, out of the
general fund, to pay the warrants out
standing against tbe same, wa. read
and on motion placed upon its final
passage. Thereupon the roll being
called, tbe ordinance wa. duly iassed.
On motion it wa. ordered that when
the council adjourn, it adjourn to meet
Saturday night. June 7th, at 8 o'clock
p. in.
There being no further business, tbe
council, on motion, adjourned.
As a medicine, is Dr. Pierce'. .olden
Medical Ihscovnrv. And. bettanse of
that, there', something unusual in the
wav of selling it. Where every other
medicine of its kind only ;irmwfn1 this
is ifHiiranleeil. If it ever fails to benefit
or cure, you can have your money back.
It', the only guaranteed remedy for
every diseaM caused by a disordered
liver or impure blood. lyaesia.
Biliousness, the moot .tubliorn Skin,
Scalp and Scrofulous affections, even
Con.nmytion (or Lung-scrofula) in it.
earlier staires, are all cured by it.
It purifies and enriches "the blood,
rouse, every organ into healthful action,
and restore, strength and vigor, ln
building up both flesh and strength of
pale, puny, Scrofulous children, or to
invigorate and brace up t'..e system after
'Ji.irippe," pneumonia, fever, and other
prostrating acute diseases, nothing can
equal the "Discovery."
Catarrh i. positively
Sage's Bemedy.
cured bv Dr.
Iaaolatlnn Nnllra.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between the
undersigned, nnder the firm name of
Paul Krelt Sc Co., has beon dissolved by
mutual consent. Paul Kreft retire,
from the business, and the same will be
continued by D. W. Vause at the old
.land, who will assume all the partner
.hip liabilities.
Dalle. City, Or. May 2i, 1SH4.
Pai l Knurr,
D. W.
Itmi.K Healing or ahdiie.tion in pnn
i.sbablc by heavy penalties in all the
IM Itl.-o the luxt twenty year in
land there were 4,H7u,00O marriutfeitaiid
C,.V7 divorces.
A Million KrlanrM.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King'. New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Cold.. If you have never
nsed thi. Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will convince yon that it ba.
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Client and Lungs.
Kaeh bottle ia guaranteed to do all that
ia claimed or money will lie refunded.
Trial bottle, free at Knipea A Kinerslv'a !
Tn Relation Exlatlnsr Betwoc
Bismarck aud William X.
Nw Hiurlaa nf the ." IMIftifW"
llatwa.a Th.m-TI.. Ktar IH'Inl Ml fhanreltor-a l'r.r
r In th AITalr Mls
Prince lliainurek un.l tin- Ilolion...
li.rn," is tin- title under wliich the lire
laucr Z.-itunjT h given l. the wurh
.,..... ....I u!.,iii.,luiiL version of aniic
,.v,,nt in receni i .ennnn niuir. nir.
i the articles uiuLt tins lieai en r. j.a
I -a a irillel.w wlixationul to he woi il
! of credence. onmlMiralive pnaif of .li
irmh of them ha, however, come
vuriniis s.inn'e in llie Ut two or tlire.
weeks, and all the (rinun itmlien hav.
j N'. n forced dlscu". the relations..
' the ex-fhancelloi unit William I. in tin
I new light. "At no time." bay the l!rc
laucr Zcitiing. "did the legendary rela
' li. .lis of uiirullled serenity exist helweei.
I Kmperor and t 'hancel lor. Willi ever;.
I new success the fluineellor'a desire le
rule iiiereuned lievolld measure. Sllccen-
.......1 ... ... i.,n li. Mill'l.
i ana aniline., r.'.. ..." -
on ,.nusual height that, it iM'iran lt over
. . . . I IV.llin... ......
siia.iow me umra.i.
iiin -.,M
"ni.,.; S,, an baa f'r..w- t.N, p-t
f.i- iih Wc must t-et a Kul.stilute. mill
!,k vour belli in irr e!T,irt to find
I iine." The t row n I'rince turned at oner
j in Herr Von tiruner. Assistant .seeretan
i of Hi.' ill the old l.iheral Mill-
i-tri mi unknown reason lh
plan P elevate V.m tinnier t" His- j
marikV pusiiimi fell thr.uigh. We.
know, however, that eer iiince till- j I'-ni.-c II; .iii.n. U him d j
the di'.'iie' r. -..-ntiuehl again. V in.
(ininiT. mid nli. ii the honored oid man
on his vi uMeiii'.h.lay was
j " " "U of l;...i Pvtvy l oiincilior.
.. . .i .i . .. . i -
I n lie i .1-. i.. iir i u 'i I". .... .nnt. ..........
lie! of )..- 'Velllillg '-he pilhlicut loll of till
rvi ill i:i tin 11 "K iraiueicrer. Iliuscon' tne IWeeiieiiey of llorr vmi liniti
cr to the limit-, of 'li" court. We also
know that uf:. r tin e'.is.Hlo the t han
cel!. ir felt uii.i r.ain ill hi oill-'e and re
gar h d w ith je:.i..u -y every gifted und
(,n..r-d Mini-.t.T v.i.o might in any way
lie eon o '. r- I a -cval. And with Rome
ju-i ili'-iiion. tin- feeling thai imih
e. j iI '.!ii' Kill ' in 11.7 grew i.'rotigor
w i' i llie lie'. ' fueen yeari. Tin- posi
tion of '.lie ( li..ue.ih.r iM-.'aiue ever nion
distill.-, hi. i-r. Nihility ivcr gn-utcr.
his jiiisi.nee in Ile-'.in ever inor ii'fre
.ii ;i:. h! . r i'ie,i, f ir reh-a.e from his
olll.-i::! duti... ever more persistent
W hy did not the Km:.' grant llo-se re
ii.r.I.'.' Siiioiiy o i ar.-t mill nf im ex
ireiiie dillii-iu: v oi . . . . ling u man e.ual
i . i liism i. heritage,
i 'i'- i.e Ilinrr iv.e aia-i of mo-
neiii. !: iiT IC:::;r William migln
haze i- lt ahe- i . err on llie (invent
iiient with the aid of a new Ministet
Ten V jr. Infer, after his eightieth
1 l r - 1 1 1 :i .' . ud h hIi in oiistll utloli shaken
iin'r i.' al
n eif.i.. , a. out of th" .iies
ef. to he added the
,;:is-esi":-. of t'.te Ch.ttiecHoi
tl'lll. s l
tion. i'.i :
IIK-.-V 'lo l . i.;:is-e
and his i:iu i;eii
Of 1lf '''II.' fie
I: A. I'":
v it. hii.lin a w;y out
.. r.Ue i-tr-aits. the
:iy re.i "nod himself to
. i
......ui -i i.i l.i a . the les of two
l -oiii su.-'i . ..ii .ui. rati. ns runic
taiiioi.s V'ait,' if it ua cvet
a. v ii; ,,"k handed In next
lo hi-.
. tvi ' from him for reli'-t
ill. Tii" list reoue.t was ro
Millv hv
ll..' Dmperor that Bis
a tona'd uiak
nei-' U neve:- ma li
tic alio" tier one."
A' I'm - many journals that have
pi;..i :( d eii-euti,s;.iiit!al exidenei- of
tin- . ..-. ":ni' of ! in . new ie of an
ol,! ..'il,,i..-i i, ;he I raiiUfm-ler .fining,
a. ii,. , h:i'. s:
A.ilie relations hetaeen Blsniank
Jtinl l.rMpenir William I. have heeonic
the .ui.j. ei of general iL v-ussion, il may
he ii.teri s" I JtiT t k tm a- how full y eon
Heiuiis tin' I haiM'ellor wa.s of the wtini
tiveness of hi , iini rial lord as lo tin
copoiion rejHiri of the .Minister' pre-poiideniiei-
in the (..n eminent. Ill
tiiai.!. '.n ii.nrl n-laf.l to Ins ino.t In
tiinate frieinl i this story: I hiring the
Fj.-tieh ll: .mai-e:: and t lie King sal
one a, 1. Tin, in in the same 'oiiipartinont
of a that hulled i-.t. a way sia'ion
fie vaii r. (iermun p.-isaiits were il,s
.as. ng the war on tie- hiaiion platform,
and one of them shouted: "Yes. yes. the
ill m.trckiani. ure eoininir ' The King
as!. id at once: -What tlid thai man say'.'
Iii.-,i!tan:k nie.iveretl that he had not nu
ll, -rstood. There was a lontr sil'-ii'e.
Then the King said: 'The peopln should
hnderstand that the troops an' mine,
not yours." '."sinee then." added Uk
Chuneeiior. 'my ife ha.s often nrmiiidet)
of this little conversation, and
whenever I have hei-n ia danger of hurt
;;igth' pride of m.y id I ha.s warneu
Li": Ueinemb.T the Iiis-niirckiamt."
The metiiorh s of I'rivy jiirt Council
ior Ndinelder. recently ,:,l,lished. eon
tain numerous incident:, iiliis'rntive nt
'.he ill-feeling with whi.-l, Uiiliam I
regarded the tendency f i,js jn.ople u
as.-rihe ;i!l iriasl and great Ucruial
ihincs to his Chanuollor.
I. oat.
Two notes, one for 2iH), indorsed.
paid fl.-., signed by A. J. Anderson;
one forfiO; induised paid t0, signed by
John Krior. Both '.payable to F. S.
Klimpt. Finder will le rewarded by
returning the same to me at Tho Dalle.
or to TlIK ClIRONlCI.K.
F. J. Kum-r.
Cord Wonrt.
We again have an abundant supply of
dry fir and hard wood for immediate
delivery at the lowe.t rates, and hope to
be fayored with a liberal share of the
trade. J(MI. j. Pth. & Co.
A two story bouse, 9 rooms, with a
well kept garden surrounding it and
I Anlti IK a-..tMaau 1 1 t . . . a
ril, V iT Ta . l"" bu,m
.f . ev'.-v I I
! if 1
,-vv) .: -;
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The fi.Mowliic pmnl.le Btiitrni.-ut ,
n n.l II h luli'ii-e IniereM ; ! ,imh
.... .n.i,v 4..11u.t li. II 1'it.l .....t. .i .
Mnu... I.I....U und l.-ii' . 1 hi.. I l.i ruit hi j
iImm. m. i . iniiil won. l.iOl., J
ll: H ln..i..i-.- Il" Ui'iiU l.s.llilir II.:, I , ,
.a-.i.i. ll.eiii. in n.iiiMinii. (,
fctl-ull'T.' I
!. I -I. I.I
i.m m la My hNek Nmi iohii,,,
-.,. . V. hi. lift In. I w r.l ,i,;
I, h.oe.Mi'l.. riist , t"
fi . . I.J I
IM. I.I I''
n-l.i ' I
- . .::r i 1 -. rv.t'.i Y l.i, !i
i- me , ',- I .-oliel. siurl( tli
i . t .'i es iimui a i
' 1.
' - " 1 1 ' I 1 II! I'll "I ' T...'l..,a
a .i il ihiiiii to. 'I i!... Hun ,.tr -
... s i iV ee s- "1. I h.l.l In Ui.-., .
- I mi li l.i.lf -.leu. III..', Iml I'll R ,
,. I :ti '.l. . lieu 1 i :nv I'M ml . 'rl;..,
l.;i I;- .ior..! i. .. Ner. Mi... u,, ,lh.
I r.i l'i ; ' ! II l'i .' P. M-ir i.l.i-i.
,.r in
. ... ...... , i-xj-k I
. lillll , I., J
IV le .inn I, Lk,
.en e. eu lln.'V,,,, J
., . .... Put n lea !.. . met
.' i 1.1.1 i ii :. V
i. u.l i
i in i ii . .
...el r
r. Iris II .4. Ihm
,.i .a 1.,. re.ulo. I ti.iTAr
I ...r ili.l i.uU ti.tie idiltiai J
Friiin ITU .
l.i vet,;iit. uio.iii i nun run... ollKM-a l.a... UMa
Miles li
.lv. .N.-r. u.e on my tsss. and n I." lieeii assiitlsfaei.irr Inu,
...... it In Inllti'. - .11. Mies lttll... l.a Ulf ,
llr. Mll.-s' ll.-sliin.tlve Nervlliu Isailulli J
druu'.'isl-i on a .invr nr.i
llitSH-l lV II' ' IT. .ill"' !i"Hii.-a i .k, t.llilu.
I,., I un ts.-e in ot nrlee. l lr Isiitk
la.ulrs. for .. . iin-uaid. It UlrwtiJ
UUlulcn or uruaa-
-A- NE W
' T l 'I'
. V. . rt i i ... ... -
Furniture and Carpels
We have added to our busiutai
complete Undertaking Fstahlmlim:
and as we are in no way connected r:
the I'ndertakers' Trust, our prices
be low accordingly.
Laud Orncs. Tlsr il!a. Ot
Jlll.a ISM.
Nntir 1 hrtvhr alvan that tlir 4''fl wlttar ha flis iioUti, hi inlfiitwr l
makr .r.M.t In ii.M,rt of Ilia r)lui J .1.1U4
palfl pnHif will ta- H.N.I.' tM-lora lit rYiV s'4
a. . .-aim, -.r.K.,,,,
Ill. vu
fartllnnatl Wrfllnrman.
Ha. So. tlia HW '.. tiW i, hrr. ifj. Tr
H, It UI K.and S'MI4,Ki'. &. T(., it
i.. r..
II.' nanir till (..Unwhis wlllieaara to nmrrli.
fSMitiiiuoin. rtatKleiirfli upon ami rultlvatMt'
aid 111.1. vlfl:
t.r... Meier, K II I'ltcher. Ileury 7. and.
Tti.m. JtTtrr. Tyifh allrt,
Jims vt . I.wi. It.fuW
hy vlrtua of an rxis.iitli.ll lr1 order ol Mk
llisl mil ol thr iri'tlll ( mirt ol the HWI-'.s'ir
mm Wbms. l-otllltv, im,i ilrerrs- ll.l Jtsw
n.rut niNil.., rrnrl.rnr mut rnterisl .v rx
on llir lim UnT of May, I-'. I. pi Imrnr ol ItH
l.lallilltT, III ult wi,.t.:oi K C I ,.iiit.-
plaltillir ami l.,rat. n, nj Knillr H
arn. ilclrtiitantJ.. ana In ma ilircrUt.! and '
ltvemt. romtnan.lliiK tt. lo levy upon and
II llir iio-iitloiiril anil iliarrllNt in a
writ, an.l liris-liiallcr, I Ul.l on thr I-'
Jar ol June tsl.l. Only l.-vr main, anil wlllwi,.
Piihll. auction th,. hiithu.1 Imlilvr lor raah
Imiiil on thr jsth dnr ' J.ilv. is"H. al j nrlwi
tin- afternoon of Mil .lay at llir front itian-lu
, ninny .nun limn in Im n.s. ( It V. ln"
rountv. Ilrrtcoll. all of th Lint anil irrr. in Mill writ ul liatrln ihw rlDal
follow.. ll.Wlt.
I.ta X, I. ... anil MMithntat ,.nartr I'.I.
norlhwrat iiiartiT ( . ol .s tiun n o i, in
alllpotir (1) M.lith. rai.K liftran (HVl ra.l. Vi
CtllMlllltltf 1.117.'. af.r.w ..f 1....H .i,.i.,l lll'l
anrl latins In ri.iintv, irs-troo . !
with the U-ii. iii,.,,u. li.'esliiani.-tilK ami
b nsners llirrminn. lanonKltia ,,r in anv wla"
lrlalnllK. or ao n.lirh Ihrrmf aa IihI hr k' lo asllsly the aunt .,( Ilstl.lo Willi llllrrr
tl.rrfs.n l 111., rale of M ar ratit. alnrv llir :ilil'
May. Imn. and mi attorii. vi. fns. an.l t
cwtf. In Mill mt tuffotimr Kith :
writ nntl arrniina roatn of miI...
Imtwl at Istiiar Lily, Drnnni, Jntir i-uli. I
T A. V. AKh.
Hlieriit'of Wms. county, iirra
III the County ( mirt of tlir Hint.'
tt -..,! ..n...
of tlrrn
In tlir n,ti,-r o thr wtatu of Sauiiiul I'ntlrri'
To li. M raiterson, John I'ntterwm ml "
Mary N.-ws.inh, hrlra of Mid rtmnnrl l'l"'
on. and u all unkioiwii hulrs, if an Hire
In thrimmuof thr Htnte nf Omrnn V.m
Iirn'l.jr ritrit and to nlM-a' In u
t fl.Olt.- I ....vl ... ..... .. .. I).
- " ... Ol lin.-K""
imiitynl Waxo, nt tlir court loom He r.'"''' Cltr, In Mid niiinty, on Tu.-Mlm , llw U
rtny of July. inM. al In orlock A M.o( H''l"
thin anil tliare to ahow (hum... If any rfht
why an oi...r ahoulil not br mill rntr'
hrmln ntliori, and illns'inn the mlmmi
tratnr nt the ratal,. ,,( ,lil il.'craavd to aril "V
thr followina ilisM-rllwd rrtnlw all of ll'fre
rrorrly belonipna to witl eaiutc, ttrwlf 1'
olllhw.s.1 pinrlrr of ns'tloli twelve, liiwn"'11
nvc.outh. raiiK't twrlvr ra.t, W.M., in""
..V la-al pul.ll. I""''
I" the hlHhrst l.l.l.l.T tor raah III hull.l.
Thl rlutlon . nrrvr.l tiHin v.m hv pn''lk
nun thcr.sil by order of II
on. (in. ('. Illi..'!
Ju.lKr i, ..HI v Court, mailt, and rnief
on thl i-jth day Jiay, lBM tlir , ,n ((, BUkely. hi'lr '
tlir Mid ( i.iintv court, with the a,-ul of
court, thi. Iwrnty niiitli day '
. , d Atlcat J. B. I KO-'V
(-l of hr County Court. t'lrrt
i waxsit ounty.HtaU'S
f Ol Onsron
Chapman Block, The Ialles, Oreto"
" iaaen n nrst prlxe..