The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 30, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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Why Mat
p th. Htraalu aa turn
The city council are duiagr spiundid
work ou SeconJ strait and are undoubt
edly taking a groat deal of pain to nmke
a good job of it. It la roballe, too, that
Uihv receive many suggestions an to tin
best manner of doing the work, which if
they would try to follow would lun.l
tlit'in in the insane asylum. But in the
general amount of advice which in so
kindly and freely volunteered them Tint
C'iiiuivk i.k inirvKtB that they finish
their work as they proceed. We notice
that the street crofHiugs are left as they
always have been, and that mud is
lieing continually drained up on tlie
uevr work from adjacent streets. It is a
Kood principle, iu all jobii, wherever
practicable, to finish the work as it pro
gresses, and that is what they are doing
at the Cascade IxH-ks. If we could have
two completed squares of good street now
which will divert the water as fast as it
accumulates, and present a good, flat
dry surface, we are sure that everyone
would appreciate the value of the work
being done, theer would be no com
plaints and the council would fairly re
vel in the favorable opinion of the
whole community.
InatUutlolis of l.vnrulug
I'hutum), Or., Dec. L'S, lsiia.
To Tiik CnnoNH'i.ii : Puring tho pant
three days the educators of the state
have beeu assembling at the high school
The State Teachers' association and
the College association were both in ses-
aion at once. V hile the former lias
heeu occupied in discussing topics rela
tive to the beitt methods of instructing,
the latter has lieeu doing a no less im
portant work in strengthening' and
broadening higher education in Oregon.
Aside from the literary and musical
features of both day and evening pro
grams, the lectures from the lending
College professors were exceedingly eu
tertaining and instructive, us well as
highly beneficial in their inlluence. De
sides eliminating the defects in the state
system of education, it is the constant
Clara A. Moore has charge of the music
aud ill render a selection outside of
the regular program. Everybody la in
vited to be (decent. A chorus of chil
dren's voices is a feature of the evening.
Come and enjoy a treat. Admission U"
cents for adults; 15 eta for children.
la tin
, itradshaw.
Mrs. Nancy I'.lakeney is visiting her
sons in this city.
Mr. K. Littletieid of Laiavette
guest of ids sister, Mrs. V. I.
Mr. K. M. Cooper of Hillings, Mont., a
son of 1). J. Cooper, arrived inThe Italics
Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. C. I.ncky came down from
Union last night.
I'rof. A. Iroy, one of the survivors of
Halaklava, of the famous light brigade,
is in the city today, aud made Tnc
CniioMi i.k a pleasant call.
Mr. K.d .Mays went to Portland yee-terdav.
Mr. T. II. Johnston of Iufur is in the
city today.
Mr. C. J. Coats worth took
Portland this morning.
Mr. John Mi'Crutu of Portland
guest of Mr. Win Curtis.
P.. K. l.aughiiii and W. Lord went
the Cascades this morning.
M. K Jameson took the curly morning
train for Portland, where he will remain.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I.ucky left on the
morning boat for a short stay iu Portland.
Ilrlubt Cunt About Mia Oraat lovantor's
loaly Helpmeet.
Edison, the jrrcut inventor, has an
Ideal home at Orange, N. J., and a
churniiii), wife to preside over it. Mr.
Kdinon In-fore Iut murriiirc was Mbm
Ninu Miller, daughter of Lewis Miller,
the millionaire inventor and leading
liht in the ChuutniKiiiu movement.
KdiNtin met her in Huston, where khe
was Ktudyinir music, some time in l-a.
He fell desperately In love, and within
six month.-, they were cri(..'uicd to be
married. The wedding tool, pluce in
Pebruary, Ihhii. Mm. Kdisou 1h tull
und btutel.v unil has brown eye and
winn, ilurk huir und a clear
a trip to
Is the
An Amerloan't Disooveriea la Peru
and Doll via.
MKM. TltoUAS A. l:tISON.
Mint Myrtle Michell was a passenger
on the aflcrunou train for a vhurt visit
in I'oi tland.
Mrs. Iunn removed to Hkk1 Iliver
this morning, here she will perma
nently reside.
Mrs. Annie Oliver, nee Sylvester, de
parted for her home In Portland on the
alts-rnoon train today.
Misses t'rsula and Nona Much and
Annette Michel! left on the lioat this
morning for a few days' stay iu Portland.
Mr. K. V. I.ittlefieid, who has been
visiting J mine ana .Mrs. l.rmlMlisw lor
the past few days, returned to his home
plexion. She is perfectly proportioned
und very graceful aud altogether a
chtirminir woman.
The Kdison home, (ilenmont, in in
I.lewellyu Park, a suburb of Orunjre,
and one of the liretldest places in the
Ounp-e mountain:,, beiii situuted on
the eastern slope of Kjifrle PocU,
whence can be ol.tained one it the
most beautiful and cxteie.ive views t j
lie had la the m iphhorho-id of New
York. The observatory at Coney Is
land, twenty miles uwuy. can tie dis
cerned from there on a clear day, und
charming' plimpsea of the intervening
country. Clcr.mont itself in luxurious
und beautiful. Its furnishing und
decorations urc in the In-st of tuste,
and ICilison hus a comfortable, biir
library in which a bookworm might
dream away his existence in contented
peace and idleness.
Kditou has no time for that kind of
Thought to U. the Moat Ancient KamaUia
ol U ClvllUntion to Ha Found
t'pou I ha Western
Maj. William Sully 1 tee be. a retired
army officer living at Thompson.
Conn., Is ao'.it to send to the h uding
urcliaiolojcists of this country and
Muriic whut h' consider.'. pr;wfs of
some very rvmiirWable discovi "ie thut
helms inn de during res.-:ire"i , thut
have cost him twenty ,vc :-! -tudy
und a lurjre sum of mm ; e .;. ..led in
novel lines of iuvestiL-:.e:i. lie be-
licvt'K, suys the New Vor.i Mi;., that
his finding's will convlncM i i ' -rui-ts
thut America is the seal of older
source of oocideiit.'il civiiiution llinn j
either Assyria or Egypt. Muj i!."'le
eluiiiis that the races thut 11 i.;:-: .!;e 1 i
around the Mediterronenn th.' Ar.u-
diau, the Assyriuu. the Lypti-Li. t!;.-
Uomun and the liree'.c prove t!.. in- ,
belves to have been the byrrj' j
from n:i earlier people on this coiiti- i
Uent. becuuse iu tho parallels that
occur in the early traces of Itoth civili
zation!, the frrcafer purity is found in
the American ca:nplcs. Myths und
symbol... and fvHdure talcs that Euro-j
i. ii i.i'i i"li . i.a.e not oe?n nine ii
The People
Demand Good Goods,
We always lielieve that the pe,,,i WMIlt
H(M)1 Quality (,f gny kind (,f goods, either
IDx-y- Groods,
snd we intend to always ke;. Our Slock in
exclusion of any of the trashy stii!!.
. not care to Uote prices in our advertisement
but wm invite Everybody to call and ensmino'
tne tCALITY of our liootir, and then jiid-je
wheiiier or not Our Prices are Right. We
nlwuy fut prices as LOW as it is posxible to
f;.. s : i k is a! ay a i r-mpl-te, ami uni'0
ou t i ;ih and iiisf:et t)tti our stock ami
our pCe-s, knowing they will please you.
Joles, Collins & Co.,
by the
tti'-y !;
or r. '
tliut i!ie h::ve obt.;inel iilteivd
moili!i..; ii,. .ir.inu'i on C'e other si
i'o g-jve o:ily oac cxamjiie. I u j. I'.ei
in Mc.Minnvilie bv stenmer Regulator "''"".; ",-. province is
this morning. " rutherto make dreams practical, and to that end he spends most of his time In
Mr. Rues T. Cliamlteriain, government i, ii .,... u. i
aim of the college association to bring f''';'r !h "l"'r",'." VL V-l!!' i - hriek buildinirs alsmt five min-
aavancej learning within the reach of ' " " o ; ..." "tes1 va IU
those who think they have enough when to j0 B0 ore excteil to register. j
they have completed the grammar j ,.... I
land this afternoon, where she will
finish this term of tier school and then
They suy
school. As it is, only ulout one youth
in ten in Oregon is getting what he
could have and should have in the wav
of schooling to make him an accurate
thinker and un influential leader in our
IskIv politic. Like Mohammet aud the
mountain if the iiihkws will not go to
college, the college is going to the
masses ; and this is university extension.
The professors of the eleven colleges and
tire state normal schools of Oregon are
now in stronger svnipathetic touch than
er In-fore. Kuril school is ready td
help every other. An injury to one is
;in injury to u.':. A defect in one is a
defect to all. These f.icts tire now be
L'inning to lie resisted, and Orecon if
ready to step into line with eastern
state in perfecting her system of educa-
Qi ;i).M.
t l'.cr .11111 f rank limn).
Country roads are very bad owing to
the heavy rainfall.
The prevailing hard times do not seem
to ahect the holidays in'ich.
There was a very pleasant party given
by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark at their
home .Monday evening the "oth. Music
was furnished by Mill Creek string hand.
Those present were Mr. aud Mrs. F. A.
Obrist, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. l'ancher, Mr.
and Mrs. Matney, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Han
cock, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Vance, Mr. and
.Mrs. Charles Ciibsou, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Smith, Miss Olive Cannon, Mis
Kdnu Hall, Miss May Clark, I). A.
Kelscy, H. Clark, Kanch-r brothers,
Earnest Hall, John Obrist, II. C.
McKamey, Messrs. Walters, the two
Swede boys. Mr. A. Pibron, Mr. Gahe
Ilartt'l. Refreshments was served nt
midnight and a splendid time was had
in general. Scoons.
Jtaa; Vear's KntrrtalDinant.
l)o not forget the New Year's enter
tainment and supper at the M. .
church on Saturday evening, Dec. 30th.
The ladies will have on sale aprons,
mittens and iron holders, so bring your
pocketbooks. Supper will be served
from 5 till 8 o'clock for 25 cents and also
after the entertainment to those wishing
it. The following program will lie
i?iven :
Selection Mandolin and Guitar Club.
P.ecitation "The Dutchman's Sere
nade," A. Harnett.
Song "Annie Laurie, " Ladies Quar
tette. Reading.
Siolo "The Song That Reached My
Heart," Mrs. M. It. French.
Recitation "Genevra," Miss Martin.
Duet Sonata in D, Mrs. Collins and
Miss A. Story.
Talk on the World's Fair Mrs. E. M.
Song "What the Choir Sang Alnjut
the lionnut," Margaret Kinersly and
Maude Clarke.
Recitation "She Wanted to I-earn
l".bcntion," Miss Rtissell.
Solo "'Augus McDonald, Miss
Admission to the entertainment 2."j eta.
tne profits to go towards the pastor's
Cantata January ad.
At tho Christian chnrch Wednesday
evening, Jan. 3, 1S1M, a cantata under
the auspice' of the church. Miss
go to New York where she will enter the
lieilcvue hospital school for nurses.
Mr. T. J. Hannah of Linn county is in
The Dalles lixhiy en route to Grass
Valley, where some relatives reside.
Mr. Hannah says that in his section of
the country no one is out of employment
and no one suffering for food. He thinks
lie would know ,it if such was the case,
for lie lias becli running a large Hour
mill there for many years, and no one
lias vet asked him for flour.
from the house
that Mr. Edison ha often to :-o down
to the luUiratory to remind her bus
bund that it is meal time, for he pets
so ubsorbed in his experiments that he
quite forgets the necessity of eutmg.
ussertu !
the num..
nam." r,- . ;
the s..-r:.')..,
I.arure m:iit!KIi'-1 when read
li,r!tt of his American diseov
In !?i.-journ y to distant lundii
iv. i"-n alt.'tv 1, c i.i'. I bll'.i.lly
u'..'l i ':i ir:i:itlr, h- thiults so
1 ,i,-o of
, at first un ariuadilio,
lich in Peru i leum un
i Successors 13 The Dalles Mercantile Co.
1-1 ','
pit. T i ;.r::i iiti-i
e l the same wherever the
v;;s l.iiowii. 1't:' I y the t;rne
I reached uorl'icr.'i Mexico
The Dalles, 0
Dulur, f)r., Dec. 'S2. 1K1K!. to tite wife
of W. J. Davidson, a daughter.
In this city, flue. 2.1th. to the wife of
J. R. McConnell, a daughter.
In The Dalles, Dee. 2stli, to the wife
of Rev. Eli D. Sutclill'e, a son.
Dec. 2Sth, at the residence of A. Y.
Marsh, four miles west of The Dalles, to
the wife of Michael Thornton, a sou.
At the residence of J. T. Lucas, Dec.
2th, 1H!::. Mr. Levi R. Hilleary and
Mary A. Tnrner. both of Klickitat, Elder
J. W. Jenkins officiating.
Ileal Kalala.
D. J. and Mary E. Holmes to W. II.
Holmes, ne'4' sec. 10, township 6 south,
range 13 east ; 11.000.
Haautlful Hantimant.
Clapp & Co.'s weekly market letter
cometimes contains something besides
the jingle of money and the echoes from
Wall street. Here is some beautiful
word painting taken from the rejiort of
Iecemlier 22d :
The scale of magnitude is diminished
at Yale tide. Every gift is of eipial sine
measured by tiie spirit which created it.
The prattle of a child equals the wisdom
of a sage. The Fire island flash, the
goddess of liberty torch, and the wax
candle, are only lights of love. The par
liament of man, the continental congress
and the baby's dream, matters of equal
moment. Creative, electric and legisla
tive power only exist to draw sleds.
The Nicaragua canal, the New York and
St. Petersburgh railway and tariff re
form can lie laid by for a child's rattle.
About the household cradle the national
wisdom lays its gifts, and over the Amer
ican Christmas tree there hangs a star of
hoe and destiny.
Causa of Hard Tlmaa.
A farmer down in San Joaquin county,
Cal., thinks the cause of the hard times
is liecause most people buy more than
they produce. He says: "We let our
timber rot and buy fencing; we throw
away our ashes and grease and buy
soap; we give away our hides and buy
rope; we raise dogs and buy hogs ; we
let our manure go to waste and buy
guano ; we grow v. ceds and buy vegeta
bles and brooms; we catch five-cent fish
with a 1 1 rod ; we build school houses
and send our children off to lie educated
and, lastly we send our boys out witji a
flO gun and a f 10 dog to hunt for ten
cent birds."
liismarck is reported to be suffering
from his old complaint of neuralgia in the
arm. His condition is complicated by
Mndur l'Hllifd ICi.r Alar Ouea !!
I.alll Till Monala'T.
A lur;rc sjieclmcn of the vsrg of the
fabled roc of the "Arabian Nights," or
n'p.vorniH, us the extinct jrigunlic bird
of Mudu'liseur is called, bus been se
en red bv .1. Proctor, of Tumutuvu und
Prlnec'r. Siii!ire. W.. who lias brought
the curio-it y to Eon ion. It was dis
covered lv some nulives uhoiit twenty
miles to the Kouthwurd of .St. Angus
tine's buy. on the south west eoust of
Mudueunenr. It was floating on the
( aim sen within twenty yunis of the
beueli. itii.l i'. MipjMMed to buve been
washed U'viiv with the t .reshore. w hich
consist i of sand hilis. aflei a hurricane
iu the early purt of the year
The chihilihe bme-.horemen f the
unt, !,,! rpiniit;: thut the c;r(r had n
value, showed tne iiiniM'.ii! piece of
Hot ,:; nlxuit with a view of sale, mid
i' line, came into the bauds of Mr.
Proctor. The ej'f. winch is whitey
brown iu color and unbroken, is a fine
L iZZ :J
f.OOS OF it's",
siM i inu n. j:; by 'Js inches, und an
even higher value isplueed upon it than
upon the ej'g of the rreat uuk, which
lived within the memory of inun. The
llrobdinji'iiug'iun proMrtions if the
egg are lictter demonxtrated by com
puriMiu with tiie egtfs of the ostrich
and crocodile. An ostrich's etrg is
about seventeen inches by fifteen
inches, and the contents of nix such
are only equal to one egg of the
u-pyornl. The measurements of the
eggs of the croctidile are normally
nine inches by six and one-hulf inches.
It would require the contents of six
teen und one half emu's ckj.'h to equal
the contents of t his tfreat e'g. or 14
eggs of the homely fowl, or HO.OOO of
the humming bird. The last egg of
the kind disponed of in London sold
for 100, though cracked.
Titr. number of freight cors per L
000,000 tons of freight in this country
for the year ending June !I0, 1W-J, was
TilK total niimlx r of locomot ives on
June 30, 1SWJ, was U'!,l:iii. Of these
H.mih were pusM-nger locomotives, 17,
r.',',) loeomot.ives were assigned to the
freight service, 4,:i.'5 were switch loco
motives, and 2,!i"4 were unclasHifled
und leused.
Tiik averugc number of lK5omotives
per lot) miles of line for the year end
ing June 'to, IKKi, wus 'JO; the average
number of puswnger cars per 100 miles
of line was Is; the average number of
cars used in the freight service per 100
Pipe I nf II"" " T'i'.
an i". re . ion of our ututes it became
cha.;i;. I i. un "armed rabbit' u ra li
bit carry imr a b e.v u:i.l a.-r.i'.v. it is
the sum.1 :.i r:i. Muj. R.'eV i.avs. uad
staud.n for the umu- eoii.t, lial.oa in
the heavens as tiie ihirop.-uu symlnd of
a man v. .th a bo-.van.l urrow. Sagittar
ius Muj. Heche declares the most ancient
remuins of i "finer 'i ili.'.i. ' .ion on this
eon tint nt to be those ru n- of temples
and of el: ies thut ure foii- il in the
in-ighii:iioiid of I.u'ue Titicaca. on the
Roli.-ia-I'eeu border. These r. lies ure
svfctteivd over a ireat rxtent of coun
try a:.d reveal rer.iarkable i.kill iu
tone rut tin;, in ureliltecture and i:i or
:,a;ne;it. Thi , re :i n is fourteen thou
sund feetlibovo the sea level and too
coid to provihe biittena-ice for more
lhaa u sparse population, but there is
little doubt that its climate and it
population were once very different.
It once MipjM.rt;- i thousan ii; of stone
cutters who could neither live r.or
work there now. The Aytuura tribe
if ludiuii:., tlu prewnt inliabitiuits,
huve retained in creut purity the lari
guage they i polte when the Spaniards
conquered the country, and ut that
time the Spaniards took down their
failles ami iejrt nets in great lir.mbers.
Maj. lieebe sent a cai'ahle man there
to verify the old observations and
muUe uevv om .. und. after a study of
eight other Aimrieuu tongues and
people to the ?i-rth of the Aytnarus.
he is eotiviriet-1 that thev ure the rel
ies of the ol.Ie.t Auieriecii M'mici"il-(
i.iition. and thut their irUlui iice! nreal
over North AmeKc.v. i 'roots of this
he claims to have t.e.iud us fur uwuy us
lowu un 1 New Jcr.sey. lie a.sert
'.hat there tire in E'. it. an 1, for that
mutter, utl unc.ihd the Me ': i't -rrurienn, j
the most evident duplieall 'tis of the
work of tin'w A.vmaruk in dials like
thut ut Stoie-iien g , if. A.-v.; riiiu and
Egypt iun t'Uil tiajrs. 'n the folklore aud
in the luuguuges of l an- people !
f almost equal interest to Amcri-j
cans Is Maj. Heche's iPseovery with re- I
gurd to the pictographic tubiet lound j
at Davenport, la., und ueclurcd by j
SuiithMii.iuu experts to te spurious
and worse thun valueless. Muj. Dee-j
Ik- declares that he is uble to read it. j
lie says that it reproduces the sym- j
bols and myths of the Aymara Indians, j
and tells the same stories that are j
conveyed by means of the great dial-!
temple ut Tiu liuuiiacu iu their coun-j
trythe same that Mr. Inwurds. of Lon-1
don. found to correspond so nearly iu j
p;caraiu:c with a miniature temple
left in Assyria. Maj. Heche has re-,
duced all his proofs to writing, und ar-'
ranged the vast number of analogies i
that he eluims to have discovered In--'
tween old und new world beginnings
in such u maimer linn wueu u:i are
Collected and presented iu print und
bent out, the scholars of the world
muy, with the least possible trouble,
examine his work and judge hisclaims.
He is a man of leisure und of means,
who in tuking up the study of Hebrew
hud hi attention directed to those
aiinilaritien bctwecu the Israelites
aud our North American Indians
which have been often aud generally
Okohoia's criminal ,auperior court
has discontinued the kissing of the
Itible in the administration of oaths.
Judge Clark, in explaining the order to
that effect, suys: "Holding up the right
hand is the more convenient form.
Then the kissing of the b(Kk is a very
nasty thing. I have heard of person's
catching disease in that way."
Oldest flgricaltaral Paper in flrserica.
To all cash subscriliers of The Ciiiiomi i.k
paying one year in advance.
American Farmer,
1723 New York Avenue,1
irf th.- M,.lf
1 I ot;r:t .
t Orr
Tur A KKKir 4 ft Farmkr. hih U now rntcr
inK uiMtii itf 7 -ti vtiir, In Uw i-i(nwr Urtitur -jwijHT
iu tlit ciiiiitry.
it U n inrif' e)Kltt-PMef xht, and roritnln Vl
ooluniiii ft th -hiri(t utrfiftiltuntl n:id Hu-r-r
intt-r, .lMtti I uliy oii.U-'llmrmi UU tine
HiuntratUMih. it m
oi.d tlili w)th fitrminc nnrt furmrr IntertnU
tin hron.1, pructirul liut. it
mitl rvr thins tliut tiM nr fn iti rolunnm if nt
thr linflu-i ctiHrncltrr. I: vry 1iMirt:niit of 1
(iiniu'tT u-tnfi h iirM'UFM'1 in un inrtirt. tn t.1 w hv. I'H.ViiiK u lit-nrpiit'! protit and
Urn lit u ttie furnier und (ntlv.
It iiiiH-Hrt on th 1m und 1 th nf euch month.
iiiu. U lurnUhtxl itt the low tnivv u(
tti ndvftnrf. Tlil-t ttiikfa It th r lira prat
ffrlrultural t In tb ruauiry.
iMirtitr thfi r-milnir y'iir tlarr- v ill )k? nn fm
tncttw i u inkier of nittvr-t of the iuMt ittil iu
lnt t fiiniirrii dciilt with bv i oiiEToa and tht
Kxwuti e lhpiirtrn'tit ut Un.-imnfUin. It 1
hlK'tly HioriHrit ti.Ht th turitiTt trt- k)t
trn.pti)r Hhd fnlir ltiformfd an to what i tteltiK
pliiiMM-l and tlone aD-Ttitij; ttivni at the NutimiHl
( iioiuil. 'J hct toul't nil, tliTt?ore. tnkv Thk
AMI.KHH Kakmkk. m-U, Umiik ou tin- irrouno.
tuif T-ttt lm'tUtn tfiuti but otrwr iTf for
fltlur li In tiitoriniition, and tWotv liwll to
tll lut. Itwy id iiii'I in it rotiPttttitlr h
lfTHt nmoi'Titof vii'tiH! Uiformutiou thut tiicy
cn ir.'t in t -othtT H) i-
Thk Aurui- an . imw -t inifl Thu ( mkoki' li:
the Circuit ('( i::t
lor Wimi
bmU kiintcfr,
- v
A- M' MtTV, JohtU M'UKTV, IstiBV TuWtTT,
ilH'l.k HlJfl I.. :tr,'ltT
itrit .I'iuiitS.
IJllHlflh, li. J-.
To Mnria I'.rud
nthfilhe W illi(tm,
Is the
O? the Year
rJV i
iiMc ItHlntti drftlnlalit
Jji Urn niiinc df the Mat of r z ri : y,.B
h of you nrv ftt-n hy rMjtur-d . npr
Kiiftwrr Uif rMi)iUnit of piriiwiiU t;i,aj w-
yu tti t it iiiHivrruuiica oun t-uutf y
1 i.'.r lint 1hv nl tWs next niruUir le m
th ihmuJ I'ouit nf tiie Mute of tmt',ii
uwo-.nnly. m-it foli.,w li;jf tt,. !l3j yr
ttoti tf tliia mi in motm, to- h ii on or icJ-.rt V
dny, thr dy vt J-ihrunry, Jv; ij j
latl no to tjf-nr uitd mhshh, (r wwa tbt-if)fV"'i"t"-
H1 "pi-ly U ti.f i ourt fi.r t:u
la i irod for in hi tiitlfi!t. t wit
Kor a (i-n of forrt-I.Mire ot tut cr
limrtaTi-r ti1 inmli? and fxt-ruunl tiv tvi
Mow try to pirlntl!!. n th .'.;m dy Jutit, j
niMn thr M.ui)jtt i)iiirtt-r of ."ti-.n I r:
mx, tu I u ni i j. 4 nic rv-utli, of Uitiijrf fvur
Kua-t, tti tlr WlHatjiotle MTiiJiaiit in
ruunty. Ort-jfon, und fir a dT Hint Mid w
1M Ih- M.tttX a.rt'onlinK to lnvs . Thut fr.trn tttr -t-ot-tlN
of mrh mi- tu iiHnitiiI i-r iomh:
ltn r mid n r tve the uni of t i sr-J mtt
on iflid muiii at the rut- if titrht (vnr
aii mi iti M:uv Muitu JT.tU, w (Juc i
owmic utMtu th rirounry ii-t- utTUfMl
mid luorliTHtrt und ltrrin t-ut-d ; also
furthrr rutn of f.u)0 ea u xminuUx iitlorn-
ItV for lllKTttUt.llIC tlila fUlt U l.rTtH-ivi-
inorttf litre and r-iiUft Mild noie, uvthfTv
VlH.ntitf a cHwta and dihurt:iut' n.ixW
rXfM-l)Ut-.l iU lHlt Ult ilH'iU'llMt aMtTliMH r
nd PXitu-v of rn It-: und timt . at 1 1 . t i it im
jMUNTiiM-ui o er iffjntat tnr U' ieiinfjl . w--lir
any d-u ivnry rtMUHjuiirf uiu r t t the
mds if au' h imtu ahall Law twn f 't-llt-d
tmyin-'iit of nai., letrrai u!n. Uiat tiit..n '
forTiturr tmlv all of thr r Lt, tiiit tul-Tt-t .
riHlm ol you and encb of ) u, n-J your t-
It'iitlttnt", und all prrnoria rlaiuiiK bv, thr
or uitdt-r you (r itht-r vi -r ti
in and to Mid mortujiirt-d ntfun m 1
V'rt thrrvtrf x fort-vtr tMrivd and ixrii i''
nil fjuity tt rtl'-.ontkaii. 1 hat jHK.ntiff
ailoviHl t hid at siH'h forrr lot-u tv
ontiott and thtit iuiiiicdiutuly ui-on m U Mif
nun tf lit into the tmmii of
iTtnilw and cvtt nrt thrrf.f, and !
i'Uicr ai.o luniier ivwi u to ttH t-u:t
min rtiit!d Hiid Jut.
i hif i-unimonr- i M-rt'd taton vrn hy 'i!
ti u tiirrwd in 'J l-nlit-m Wtfklv ( hroi.n
h'x ("Jiiatt utive wrt'Lit, bt trdtr of H"ti. V
hrHNhM , jiidtre of th' !tovr iidiitti
which otdT w duly mudfut chaiiui'.Tit oi;
'j. 4ii dny A I'M"fUi.rr, .
VI H i; & MKM-.TKE.
tv Attiifiu-y tot I'iKinti
i Iu the Circuit ('i iirt nf tin- : i r-'.i
! I hi' Colli,!' i.t a-vs..
! J. V. l'nrili, 1
I I'luirititr, i
I Mtittli'.a i'arh. j
lH.'lcllJllt. j
To MiitiMs l'sriob iHti lldjint
In tlic inline of the Htm.- of in-c:r. V
titT'l.y rtiulrMl lop.Mr nuri nuvtiT Iht '
plHltit tlhtJ iiKMint you In thi ntxtve fiitit:.-"t
Aithlii tin dv Irom the dmr ol tlif ti h
tllll hUlllllloil Ul"ll Volt, if M'Tl'l-.! lll.lil li
eoiuilv ; ir If wrvvi n ithiu my oilier c iuni
Hits statr. thru wlllnn twenty ituvn ft 'iu
dnto of the KTVli-e ol this KUiiinion Ul'
or if nerved Uhu vim by puMieiti"ii, lt,,J"
M re rvUlred to .r m il snmer mid i
plnliit on the Brt Uhv ! tne nexi ktih
l 'iirt lli.r ,li Hieki.' liubllejltioll of tlilf
to it: on Monilny, the 1-th rtnvof
ruary, 1H. nnd l( you fnil to HOienr tind mif
the i.Inintilt will llly to the Court 1"'
roltef prove"! tor in mid oounilnJnt, t-li
the dioiiittoti of the iiiKrriHKe i-onine-t
exi.tinir tietweeti plnlntiil' nnd tt-lt'i.riiit.
for ho eiwtti und dir.tmrMetutiiU hen-ni.
Vouaill further take notice thut thi f
tuon mTVeu upon you by piiblletili'in u.' e
of the lioliorMhle V. L. Hll!i, Judteol
Court, wild order betnir flwud lin-intier
MAVK. lllMiNl.TdN A W II.-
diltd Atuniesi lr fl!nt
Carving st-ts mid Kuper's triple plntei)
lalilc cutlory at Maier & limiton's hard
ware rture.
turiner Mull hervlra.
Li'hH tlmn fifty yciirs 0"- there was
really no lHjntal h f-ti'in in this country,
rrt-vioiis to the timilu were curried
hy private firms, und rutes varied nc
eorilinjf to distance. Curriers often
traveled on foot or horse buck nnd the
pro-rress was hIow. In 1MH some of the
fmt ollices iKrnied stamps of their own.
culled "proviHionul isHiies." The ad
liesivc htuinp was first used in thin
coti n try in ls7, und prepayment wus
tnudr compulsory In iKVt. I n IWJ the
tamp containing the h. nd of Andrew
.luckson wus iHiied, nnd from then
until 1xn' the Mylu adopted cintained
t he prodles of prcsideuts of the I'nited
(Timber Land, Art June 3, 1S7S
f. 8. l.Ai OrrtiE, The lttllin, (r..(
Nov. h, imul. i
Notiee in hereby (Ttven tout ill eoinplhitire
Willi the provlnionfl of tlie net of cotiKreN
June .1, in7s, entltle1 "An net for the sale of flin
tier iundH tn the Milton of Culitortiiii, (ireKoti,
Nevada and WhMiIiikIoii Territory,''
Fiaal C.' Htavannon,
t)f KtnK!,ley, eounty of Wskco, nhite of (in-ieon,
lwi thin diiy tiled in thin , ttie lii nworn MtHte
nient for the purellnne of the NK1. if NVN' ,,
of Motion. No. , Iu lowimlilp No. i H , muse
No I.I t. W. M . nnd will oih-r proof to show
thnt the tnnd noiiKht in more VHliuihle for Its
timber or ntone thun for nirrlenltnrHl piirpoM-lt,
mid to enttthllRh bin eliilin to nid tnnd tn-tore
the Keirlnier and Riven er ,,f tlu ottiee ut I he
Uulleii, nr., on the l.ith day of JniitiHrv, n.
Itti uninen uu wltnefoit'ii: (,vorre NU'InmI, .tint-l-r
Kiixley, UHin Houdonu and ltfuyctte lint m,
nil of Kliiitnlev, Or.
Any nnd nil iieriions r'uifmlns ndverm-Iy the
nboveteirf.rtlH4t lundn are re.iueU-d to tile their
elnliuu In thin oitn-e ou or betore nuid l.itliduyof
jHiiiiury, ls'.ff.
will JOBKW. I.KWIS. Keifinter.
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee Is hereby riven thnt the unlorli(nod
hnn tnvn duly upiHilnted ty the Koiinriible
t iilllily Court of VtiiM-o pouiily, ln-roll. Ad
iiiilil-trntor of the ivtute of John Belal, Utv of
nieo irounty, and now di-einivd.
All iiermiini huvlliK etnlmn nsnlnxt iwld tnle
nlll prem-nt them, duly verined, to me nt the
oilieo of the Coliimliln I'nekiuK Company, nt
theeorner of Third nnd W arhiiiKton ntn-etii, In
linlh-n I Hv, Mnneo eountr. on noli, wlthlu nix
month from the rinteot tlilf notiee.
listed a: llallen City, Or., tee. i,
.'it di'jU Adtn'r i'tnte of Jouu lit lot, due tl.
Administrators Sale
liwrean. the Itonomhle Count? Court "I
KtMUot lknv,iii. IVmato ei.untv, ell th'
duv f November, lw.W, duly mnde mi eru-rin-tinsT
me. the underlime!. tlie duly "VI"
t1, n,uiillhni nnd netlmr af in i n u-t ro t-r oi
wtatcof VMlllnm A. Allen, d.iei.-eil, toil
Iiiiii1 nnd prelulwn In-ioliKl'iK 1,1 " , .
l.UP..i....ft..P .MrllUM1 Ml t. Ill, lie UlH'tl"'1. 1
hiuh,,l l i,1.1..r h.r rash ill hnnrt 'v"w' "'
fore, In fmruunliiv of nuid ortler nJ illl"
will, on the
Oth day of January, 1S.
nt tlie hour of two o'el.K-n In the sfterti"'
...i.l l I,. ,,,i ,l,,.r f tlie I mi"'.' ' '
I i..' i n,- Vuv.e,,iilllv.l"'1'"n
nt nubile nui lloii to the Inxlu-t 1''r'
In hand, thi) Inndn nhd premiMn '"'" ''
snld otate. nml pin tlcutnrly di-M'rlli "
H-i. lien ii ..,i,..hto
1 he Kutlient nuiirtiT nnd the n""'"".?
ter of tin' outhwe.vt iniu-r oi
. mi. .. 1; eni-t. oil"'
I.mette Meridian. In W ie roiint
mntainlns -1" sere, more or
k ol
a-TllerwitirsUnllrt :i., the U'V
thereon, huid nle will ! iniete '"'' , ,.,
pnoni ana eouniiiiuiioii ...
'i'ntedst DlllllKl'ltv. W:lco rounty. "r" dny of Nov em her, Jvm. U,,K
.,tdr.ja Adin'r e.sUitc of W in. A. Alien, J
... i.- thut the
niiinl nettler tin. tiled notiee of lu linnl priK.I in " i I ,,... .
ehtliu. nnd Hint Mild proot y,
,..,u,rt HI
f Sill
the niriter nnd receiver ni i "
februuiy 10, 1-I, vt.:
Jarob 1). Roberta.
.. ...... v.. -.!... for
N K.l and N'k lit HK.'i. nd
l,i p. 1 ... K. U K. W M to pro'
He tinmen the followiut wl'27ultli"
(ontlnuoua renideufe uimU,
Mild land, vl.: J, N. Pate
K. K. Motriaon, M .f I ,r, , .
sndc. H.louttl'ton"1'"' 'iwis. Kt
dsj.'.wti JOHN"-1''