The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 30, 1893, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.!
Clubbing List.
tt:fi iW in uii
rkr!'W tti Cwfiiai Ikuim,
tlr-i-ft ui Tnitn fi-w-t. Cii JtS
niill operativesol 1-owell alone mint half
million dollars, owiug to shutdowns.
UtviWi Our
.3 I
It U claimed that the business depres- ' plenty o( it on the wrorkiuguiaus table, j
ion ot the part summer has cot the It would put g-ct clothe and plenty!
ol mem on n vtackr ol the working-'
man's iamily. It would bring cheer aud i
warmth and ewmfort into a hundred j
thousand hutr-rc where thee are Strang-,
era today. U would clamp out pauier- j
isra; it wtvold preerve multitude ot
disruption; It would
,W(ii5oi-; coon, fiOc: ct vote, .Went 7.V;
badger, -V; K!eeat, 2.V 4-V ; rotii
uion house rat, likv -5c ea.
The democratic party is confronted
with a condition that War hard on its
theorv. To increase revenue and Je- j
crease taxes at the satue time is some- houMuiokis from
thing of a feat. i reseae a vast army of men, women and
i children from the certainty of misery
J13 Three routes for a cahle line to the unj rj4tiou ; H would lie a message
. Sandwich Islands have been surveyed,
ts ' and each il aiii to I practicable. Vim
1 cable to Honolulu a pood start is made
to lav it entirely acrosss the Pacific.
A lariv of Cincinnati who is a nurse
of gladness whose electric influence
would reach every corner of the contin
ent and inspire everv heart with new
energy and new hope.
Kavad from ! Ky Oalona. I
There has no doubt been more lives of
rhiidren saved Imm death in croup or
w lioonins couch bv the use of ouious
than bv any other known remedy, tir llC CprnnrJ
mothers ued It make ultices of on.Tr I OCCUUU
or a syrup, which was always cll'ethcl j
tu breaking up a cough or ruiii.riiiai. ;
tiunn s Onion Svrup i made by com-;
billing a few simple remedies with it :
w hich uiake it more effective as a med- '
icine and destrovs the taste and odor of
the onions. 60c. Sold by I'.lakeley A j
A lull lint1
& HoilfJ-lltnti
Street. - The Dalles, Oreg0r
Ml icine.
f all the tamlanl l'attiit
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mail IVvIcm will rwive i-romj.t Attention.
Th m iar IlMtfi.kfnaf Vtkirwi rMtlttr httril
A mass meeting ol wool growers wait ; . ... , rtlfl . . -i
, BU1UUK lllf IT"L"l 9 Ut Airman, uno iivi.-t.u ( yU lliv m-'Tji lift m mitxnu , s w. -
held recently at Antelope, to aaswer . , dige4iH) , but in. W (rom ,he ,oli0WItl8: -The yonth
met ci qnwuon, relaung to the effect of w th. ,.. ,he j who tne Kphesi.n dome, just lo
tokin, off the tariff on wool P! MkeU thu ot her small salary be j U.e old thing burn. n.nst have
Justice, Eatenian A Co. of Piiiiadelphia, j
.. . , 1- ' ers of tlte sooth.
Tail, Or wntcn me io:iow ing i a reafim-
lation from the columns of the Herald
In reality, the Rocky mountains region
is better adapted lor the sheep and wool j aohvt the best
j withdrawn and givea to the flood suffer-I the founder of the IVnnoyer family.
Sorely a noble hearted j II i9 penchant for deviltry for its ow n
I sake could not have heeu accumulated
I in one generation. Hereditv uiunt iiear
The Wichita. (Kan.) Eagle thus diag- I , ... ,,,,,:,,:!;... .i,OUl?h there
is no doubt it has tieen tlioroughly cui-
known woman politician
crow ing industry than any other, there- j of Kansas: 'Mrs. Lease's glory is in her ; tivatej
lore 11 is extensively engagr. hi. irridesceat aigtag, her gyratevl scintuixa-
dntyof 11c, per pound on foreign wools I tion rjther thsn in her nnbifuroated
was the cause of as being able to com- j habiliment. It is the danle of the un
pete writh foreign and natural stock-1 exjwWsi etyward scoot and the dead
Twising countries. The expense of rais- J tnuj e( the subsequent backward flop
ing wool in this reentry is so much , that Bt once fascinate and paralyze her
sweater, transportation by land being so j devotees."
moch more costlv than that by water. 1 Tm"m?m?
Tke Holidays La a Tentpnrory Kparkl
to Trail..
Labor is so much higher and to much
more of it is required here, while in Aus
tralia sheep are turned loose in large
bands of 10,000 to 100.000 head on land
Tented by the owner at a small cost and
-which need little or no attendance w hat--ever
except at ehearing time. We in
the Rocky mountain region and in this
-district, w here we can run only 1,500 to
2,000 bead in a -flock and require on an
average of one man to each 400 or .V0
herd of sheep to attend to their wants
all tne year 'round, cannot compete with
Editor Stead, Ixindon editor of the
Review of Reviews, will not lie safe in
Chicago any more.
Fkiimy, IVc. S'th. Our market is
! quite lifeless. The li-ilul.ty season per-
j fectly absorbed everything outside of a 1 iuanr
, local trade for Christmas remembrances. '
Cheaper than anywhere els at the
California w inehotise. 1
N.u-r U hcivhv Kiwi) thut virtue ot an it
rtittt.n .Mtueai (Hit nf It t in utt 1 uurl ol tut
yniv of irviu (i't M.n'n t ounn. m m uii
ttirvlti intUnit whfriu W A Miilvr U vtmii
urt Htui h.. . Kt ytitll t i.tft-iiUnt, to mtlt
pst-t.-tl. nd iHminis&iidniK m lo mvll th r
jiTttirtT hniiiHfusr tit-os'Mbfti. lo Mitiv th
fciun tf Us uu nntl lnuTrt tntirn at th rntr
of fifcint iwr rvtil vr riuim fnm iMituitwr -2.
K. atitl i tie um i( .t mul tutt'rrat
lio-nou mi 1h-rhof enrht ht cent )'T mm uui
(t. tu ttw J'lh d. tif Mun-h. Wft. nl ttiv further
urn of iv Mtton-v U-r, mul the titrititr
sum ( !.':. ftt. n 'Hlceti t th- i-iHintift tut
st:nist Utf a.'lt-ii.Uiu in miiiI uti, I wiii oti iiwf
tb 3rd Amy t rbrury. 1MI4.
At tlx hour of '2 v l.'k . m.. at th front dr
f llic ountr ourt H.uwe in t t . i 'rv
Von, su'll ai puh!ic lk t" te hittH-ml hithtor, for
rh in hmui, ail of iht follow jiiir tlrii-l rl
trx?Tty. to-wit: Tho outb liaif of tti aoitth
ueHt uusinor. ihp ii'irmtmitt jurUT mi Xhm otith
t qtisiriirr, and Itic n'ltthwewt o,uitrtir of Ute
o! t-i'U 'ti jn, iowninit i
North, Khiikv IS Pift. W . M , rontmmiic 1(4'
No. '.7 WasiiixiiTox Street. The lUinj
Wholesale and Retail IValers and Manufacturers of
BailJiu; .Material and Dimf nsino Timbrr, Puors, Windows, MulJia flonst Famiii
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit ar.d
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory and Zjuxuler Vnrcl at Old Xt.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered a
any part of the city.
rr. and tli. uorth linif . tf tli. n.trtltwiwt .tlr-
Ttriainuii mm bi.Io an.t (. .mil ton in I l. U' Il.irllinul nUH.-ler .'f linrtlmrM Hunt
t . moet'Tiff r.f the ; ! tt-r .nd the nuth-.- DU.rtff nf ihi imrllifuBt .
om.nsclut,orgameuto rei.eve he f , , d rrfl.lion, ,,, , .;,t:' - j
needy, he gave them some opinions that j , r . , -,s T ,
kiw iimiv (.inrti!r thin clmint. If he . J .. . . . ! td Sbe?:!T o( W ! ..unty
had not so thoroughly daxed them they
would have cowhided him right there,
but before they had recovered their self
possession he had sloped.
hung on the jamb silently waiting for
the coining of old Santa Claus.
Business is dragging along with slight
interruption, and demands for immedi
ate requirements are easily met. Trices
in general merchandise and groceries
the Hawaiian imbroglio. A re-imposi-!
. . HID UUl.lUlrU. XII ll'UIlhl. PWUIt
there is a free deliverv of ail kinds
egg market is weak and shows a disioei-
f i (in l aT i naa atiTl rtniMi TLta luva a ma
.. . t rw . I w- - -- a nf t riA W Uinn tariff i I whtch !
tuis region is necessary to wara on im i navinc IS and 20 cents per dozen todav.
... !
DAtural stock-raising countries. tiou of t&e tlutr on ragar, Amounting to ;
close attention to our fiocks in three-quarters of a cent, is one of th re- '
bill which '
attacks of the numerous wild mar yet 1 made. The opposition to an
Uv vi tne of an rifrution and ordr of uv i
ui of th i irt'iiii t ourt of thr MhU? of rw
ptoi: ft if co t ouiit . "ii tli Tth iXuy ot No
!jiNt, ufton m iM'litmsnt mrt and nn
rtrvi in Mid court ou tiir Jv t .So'.riiii-r.
lvt, tn an wtion th-Mt aixl tt,r.'ti.irv fit'tnliiiv j
in unl ismrf wvriHr.:n II ft' M.-fcls-. . mr . .
The ! "" ' iiffiiiitnt. aiiU til mli j
i m im aiiu UtT j t7Twi, i-t tin IIIMIIU J IlK I'.IT Ml ,
nl tio-ivt. iforr ttJit titHi in iwtul wti. n. ttt mt
t-ry the -uin of and lutit on mmni mim
siurv tli lrh day o( Juio. lv;. at t n 'T rtit
Parley cfi? 37" anlt,
i SiinfSHir to l I. Frank, deo-HiMnl.)
A (ieiieral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wtclcsals anil Retail Mm in Harness, Bnfllcs, ftijs, Hone BMa.liL
Fell Assortment of Meiicai Saiillcry Plain cr Stamped.
i tMr annum mki! tha dirt ti.-r nin nf I p ia altr
, . . , . , . j . I ouitci ic uuii vu kiiTT uiai an, iu wv ie ut- in" ill wiu annul, ami rixsis. ano
animals which infest this part of the increased whisky tax is so great and the ' , ,..; , j;)r, ! -' the .-..( aua ui.n 1(J wr.t. I ad i--y
Mintrr and i-ontinnalir nrev nnon our difficulties surnmnding snch increase to' , M . uin sua win no
ountrj ana conunaauy prey upon our ..... . ... , grades todav. i M.i.d.r. th day or ia.
flocks, and while we have to prepare for
three months' winter at a great expense,
the sheep in Australia can roam at free
will and fatten on the rich natuaal gra??
which clothes the pasture lands of that
country in the winter time.
In conclusion, we wish to impress
numerous, tliat it is not like.r any part
of the deceit caused hy the reduction in
rate win fie met from that source.
Some of the members of the ways and
means comuiiltee believe that, with a
sma'.I duty on sugar, the increa.ed cost
to the consumer would lie very elight, :
Vegetables are in fall snpp'.v. Pota-! a: !h h'11" i !' i " !t-T:i.n .( j
1mv. n! tl, Irtinl l'Mr i( tti' itMihrv mint !iium-
toes are freelv offered at oO rents per ; m' !';.. t itt, i ,.unt. . -n. :. :
... L f I -;...,. .. .,..,.1 .. I " ueiMli t. rw lilsnr-l l. im.t l.r .a-l.
New - Umatilla- House,
THE I"Al.l.ES, tiiaX.ON.
(mions are quoted at j
3 . rnt ur
upon the minds of our honorable repre- "lie the revenues resulting therelrom
pr.ri-lv.a rii farr that. th!a i u vm 1 w ould Ite considerable. Such a move-
11 - ii., rv. 1. 1
lbs. Turtips 34 cents jer !b.
Apples vary in price according toqual
ity and kinds of keepers
nient would be very gratifying to t'ie
Louisiana delegation, and to the delega
tions from other states where the 1-eet
sugar industrv is rajidly deveiopiiig.
territory of Tough and mountainous
country that is utterly unfit for any
business except sheep raising. There
are favored spots where hay can be
raised, also the agricultural products
which are sold to the eheepmen, where
as tf the sheep industry is destroyed,
there would be no market for such pro
ducts and large sections would be prac- atistics of this state and !.,. the
ticall v abandoned. Furthermore, even Sfe ' "boot the proposed reduction
at former prices for wool, wool growing j the tariff on prunes, so that he wi.I
alone would lie unprofitable, but com- i know ho to wt when the bill comes up
Lined with our mutton sales the hnsi-; for consideration. He has no authentic
nees had heretofore been sutififactorv. ' atistics of the industry and it is a hard
We have spent vears in improving our job to get any. Although Mr. Sargent
Kt. .,.,t i, ..f'has sent out in connection with
protection we have so improved our
The Pacific Farmer says : Hon. !' iifr
Hermann has written Secretary Sarjrent
to know something about the prune
t has sent out in connection w ith the
weather bureau thousands of slips, the
growers appear to give little thought of
their own weliare aud they utterly
' ignore tliem. Oniv one place, and that
: the procressive New tjerg.has responded
: si satisfactory figures can be made.
This place has at least 1,500 acres in
Xow we have the satisfaction of ' lran- ihisis a sunject that aemanas
; immediate attention and every fruit
grower Bbould send in w ithont delay all
the information obtainable. From the
slowness displayed by the large majority
'of the grower we are led to believe
first of this month, their destination he- i tt,at the? 00 not care " ttieir cosiness is
ing fotith Africa. If they find condi- j roined or f t.
tions in that country favorable for wool- i
growing quite a number of sheepmen in 1
wool increasing the weight and improv
ing the fleeces that last year we were
selling oar wool for much less than we
could have done ten years ago, and at
the same time were paying our herders
fo per month more than we have paid in
seeing our well-bred ewes driven off to
the slaughter pens and onr business
After disposing of their sheep, two
prominent eheepmen left this section the
html M I i.f 1119 l-nii'WlI M dt'wriliMl rml rt"ilr J
lT and u-ii uj-mi ! t.'jr- irnrrv of miu! '
UWU'l!lI. (I (. t,. Kit j
I rt thf rkiimtioii Iji:iiI i lalui nf H (' i :
III -'tmiii i,. .w, ai it Ii 'I'nIi:p
i Vinh. Inir 1" hift in' V iiU(r.fH- Mn
Ctimnion, I 'l"'1' ttnTjinunir ii.iiit l Url. tc-:iir
mixed, 40 cents per x of 4o Ils., best, ; namv. then-tint" t i.mciiiijiT m am !.. ,.nt- r
fnr f,iti,r L-Ar M .nn .r ,t I "liillia. and t"!M-:m. w..-
lor inture ies w tents per hox. maIl.r r,Khi,ceiiie.,ia. ir.:,ri,m
Tlie iviultrv market has not changed ' n,t trin.-ir-.. a nt itenirr m.. wtr.iin
. . . I and ..ik1iiiu UwJ in rnuverine al--r lrin. '"!
Bince last report. ?ome ueaers speaK
of 7 to 10 cents per lbs fjr live turkeys
an 1 11 ti 12 cents for dressed is the
T.'ie live stock market shows some evi-dein-f
of an improvement. Good prime
l.v! are firm at 2'4 cents on font.
Mu"'ii i in better inquiry at 2tot.'.""i.
Tiie U-:;verv of fat iiogs bus fallen off: ""1 0 l "UW lyit:s and i-mr l
. . ' W urn 0)titity. iirc-iu, ir ki mt;-ii tl"-rnl
soiiien nai anu me mnraet is stinening mv b- n-rr t. aatiitj Hid um ol n-m-y
since the deliveries of a few davs ago,
The grain market is fiat. The saying j
that wheat is on sale fur less than the!
cost of piodnction is suggestive that i
there i a crippling process carried on
somewhere. Th Oregon market, which :
ptfiiuw t th town of il ui t
i UUl. irT'lfxii. Ai" that ii trwl
frt'nj;iiic lo tn at".e uanifl H '
eit tin tb-loirth wn1- of t- nt.,r.'ij trai'k of
tti f ' ii inn !'at f: Rut ir m i t:inii. in : i u
.. 1 "WiMhiv N-ti.'i. l;nr- 1" h.m: ft tliv ..
lamttt Mtnitjiaii. (-iiUiiiii!itf atxitit .'- arrr-.
'wo trm if arxiYt- r.ifitli'iTonl f--n:;ji-imn aii
itf tli land p;nhra"d in t!o Inttii . m Ijiml
i;i:m of Mini H i . wuirh Iimj. n nttt'tloTv
U'i ilti ti offiT mrto Ai--lotf. 'j, f. art't :
in rrtioii A, antl lot r, anil T to rt'toii ! ::i tin
Ma;ir.nut AM;tin to tio-town ( Ii'--1 K:vt.
Ntv mntion-1
t l'ultl thin .rd day ol IwmNT, )''.
d;iwlt Shoril! of W m"t ..!.. (r
; Ticket and Iiagguge Office f the U. P. U. II. Company, and office of the Ttwi
I'nion Telegraph (f?iie are in the Hotel.
1 Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
GcKH-KMCtit, State, or DalUs Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
mi. ,," r ti. Th'iTiiliurv it lladxm.
83 WashinKton St. THE DALLES. OR.
If you want iiif'rniatlnii ro KtriiiT: t.o.rjt
i nirrit miil.or th,- Uwi n-ijit'.mr tiu .i-t'i. mj run
rUtiilt him frtt tit rjiurv- W Im mmli- a njit
i rinlty f tin titMiii, atiff tm if".itd u-htre
, the t lilted UiUrt Laiul tTiiv f.iT ovt wu if
is a', present Portland, quotes wheat at
AS ct-cls per bushel, a lower figure than
ever known on the coa-'.. ur own
! market is very dull and quotations do
; not recognize anything over -12 cents for
! best grades, w hile ord.nary is quotable
at :'' to 4'). There is no sale or demand
for damaged grain of any kind.
Wheat 10 to i'2c jier bu.
P.AK1.EV Prices are up to 50 to 0"V
t cents tier 100 Urn.
Oats The oat market is light at GO
to HO cents ter IW Us.
i Mii.l.sTrrrs Bran and shorts are
i quoted at $1 JM per ton. mid-
dlings tSJ -Kto l:: 00 per ton.
hill amnaawi ci'Tiuru ! in1: fnot win t ri rti tK i . .
thin immediate vicinity will sellout in i IT , '7'(rw wn
: out the state, not neceeaanlv againHt the ; ed corn i 2o per 100 C b.
auawui vi aai V4li;.nuv UJUWIC IJCtB U , v. I ' a I f BICUJ UIHIV (l'UI 19 i J' Ml b '
l;ani(Vid brand gt'""'-"c'
of business, and if it becomes generally ;
known that in foreign countries stock- j
men can seenre profitable localities it
will have the effect of sending many i
good, enterprising citizens and much '
capital out of the country. '
mrnril trrnarintr SnHnotrv . f tlna rtmnlrt '
' we are
Vours very respect fully.
Here are attached the signatures of i
nearly ail the sheep owners in this
country with the number of sheep owned
by each man set opposite his respective
5 per bbl. i
"i.. ....... ....... v. .1 i -.
- ret tjeen artnbnt-d t Srlvest.r Pin- -' t'er
sheepmen in the west will be forced out 1 ' .r . . . . ' . .,..., i t3 00 per bbl. tK.-r ton and
.' . ' luipiwsiun tetail.
wnicn the gentleman unwittingly makes
that one-tiiird of the people of Oregon
are poverty-stricken. This letter will
have great weight, coming from the
source it does, and its evil effects will be
titirH ti MinntarVial.nca In- . a n .-
Trusting vou wi.l use vour best efforts ,r . . , . . ,
" . , , . i efforts as has been made bv the haletn
to prevent trie destruction of the great U it.i . .i "
" ' - " ju. . 1.1 V . . I 1 1 1.11. v. . .IV
Iopulons cities of the state may be in
artnal want, but few complaints have
oeen heard lrom the rural diHtn.-ts, and ' rort.TKT Uhickens, are quoted at
none east of the Cascades. It there had 1 t- -7 to -1- id fowls X00 per
been such destitution as exisu in .an d"rn' Tn'k7. 10 nt per lb.
r . ,,. . . , , a Mf-rros lleef cattle are in
rauuiBv-v anu uicago mere wotiiu nave
I been small excuse even then for the
JlUll '
Tr I publication throughout the east of Oov.
Tlie record of college foot ball shows j Pennoyer's letter. Put no such suffer
that one more man is needed to com-j ng exists, nor one-tenth of it. The
plete the equipment of a team. It needs ' damage will be hard to counteract now,
a chaplain. All men in danger of death I for the Kast, already jealous of the
are entitled to the benefit of clergy. I steady hegira westward, will not take
I nearlr
! Iit vi-ttie "t mi t-x-ttl"ti am nnl'-T f imiI j nut "f t!i- t'U'Ml.t ( "'jrt "f tli-' Mat. "( '
jirrvi.ti f.,r i-ii (iiuiit, ii im hi a ami j
: Julirtn-ut mail. n-it(l--T-.ii atitl i-itu-T-.l l.v -mfi
"turt on tliv llth liny "f N"V--nj.-f. l-i.'. lit ;
; of niHMitilt. l:i a itllt wh.-r.rui A i li" '
, aa iitniutit?. mi'l raiia If. '. : iu-tuc ati'l l;ti-la i
! V.. K Hunt aiit W If. Iiu!i--r .-r..
-i--l'iMlaiit-i. aii-1 t" lite ilin-rt.,! and il-lvrr--i j
. r-trimatnlMiv me t" li-vy anil , n;i tii- ;
; Intl'lf lli.:nll"tlr.l uril (l-"rU--l Hi "Hill r!t. Hllii '
1 bf'-lmiilT il-M-til-I, 1 ihfl, . ii th ttli tlnv i,l ,
!. --iiilnrr. i"Ji, ilulv l.-vv Uli-in. ami wii! nt '
putill-- nui', ti the litKl"-: b:il'li.'r. dir i nnii i
i 111 tlllll'l. WII
I Mundar-the Hlh 1ay Jannarj, 1MW.
, at J" 'li-rk 111 tlie ftft.-riii-m iif hii1 liny, at tin? ,
t-"til ilimr of th l "initi l "urtli"ii--- In Jiui"-? j
llv, in WaM-o I "iintv. iir'sf"U. all "f tli- limil. I
; ami n.i. fl'iT!itl in unl urit anil h'-r-in i
it writ--! an fiiiiiiwn. I" it
1 1'h- i-rtli-t ijnartr nl mi-tti'ii fmirt-?--ti U) !
1 In T "Wliniitt twn 1 2 Miuth. "I hauir-- l"lirl-M 1
j U Kfl.t of tli-- V utani'le il-'f 1'liiiii. Ill W a.-" '
-"iiiit-. it-?Wiiii. if imi lini'-h lh'-i"-"l an Hhrtli Ii--
nullii'ii-nt to wli-ify tne wtiin l, nitu In- i
t.rt-.t tlef-iii at th ruu "t tn j-r r.'nt. f-rr '
i annum "Hi- S"v.rjil(rr lllli, 1-tf: t't mi at:nr-
fci. and III mU In Mild -.111 1. Ii-irallir i
all nl "iiid writ, and N'-criunr r..-u M
li'-il. ninl
tut-ftt lallil-i t
H U Ay.-iit ("r tl" Knuli-rii tin-Run luinl
iitnl'-iuy, and cnli '! v ; i lirnliia. i-r I h
A-K-iiiliirn) lentil. In anr ij '.innt:t)
a l i l a-ml a I nn ll.l--t it-" a iiii
an vim-i npiiij In (.mi "r It.
th l Airi-nt ;r ( l"t 111 TH"rWi J
Tl" tn In. Iiaii.. 1 hl Aililltlm U laiaifi
wrr lulu, and d'-Httu! 1" t-r tin jifllin-iai ra
ll.lif Jrtirt i.f thr iitv ( Mllv Jli nillilll Hill
frniii t i.iirtiiiiu-M. in niliiutn irinu h K. ln
H-nttl-irs Lorated on C.uv-prnniftiit l.aada.
If joa want to Marrow Money, on Long or Mhort tlnrn, k ran neconioU
M rltea rir. l.lf. and Aceldont Inanruco.
If joo cannot call. writ, and yni- Irttora Ha promptly ananaraS-
tax 1 A A
-h-Tif? nf W aw" ( "lint . i ir- ifun
lMti at Ial..- I lly, Or.. l-c. , 1-1.. llv
ana prices are nominal gross j
weight and 41, to414' cent dressed. !
Corrtz Costa Piiat, is quoted at 24c i
fer lb., by the sack. Halvadore, K5,,c. !
the pains to contradict the re-1 Arbuckle. 2'ic. I
The official treasury figures show that port that they were to enlarge njsin the ' rc.AR iolden C, jn bbls or sack . I
the receipts are running at the rate of ; state of affairs suggested by the remarks j v. '? C' V r ' ltTLvfin?llkU! j
t.i,000,000 a month or 1312,000.000 a i of the governor of Oregon. , j.j 75. Kx c!2 25. i.'.Cl'iklo !
year, ana expenditures at the rate ot - - iBjaj,an Tict.t
32,CHX),0f)0 a month or $384,000,000 a lays the Union P.epublican : The de-1 rice, 7 ct.
year. These figures indicate a deficit for j cisive defeat of the Wiison bill would
the fiscal year ending June 30, 18!4, of J open every American factory within
$72,000,0X). thirty days. Tha news that congress
Lad struck out the enacting clause of
that measure of folly and destruction
II ay Timothy hay ranges in price
from $12 00 fier ton, according to ',
qualify and condition. Wheat hav is;
in full stock on a limited demand at ',
$ 00 to $10 00 per ton.
Potatokh 10 to iiOc er 100 lls.
Crrrxa Fresh roll butter at to 50
cent r roll, in brine or dry salt we i
quote 30 to 40 cents per roll. !
Et.os liood fresh eggs sell at 20 , ' air.irtt and delivWl, eiaii.iiin(lii m-1. levy j
' n-nta u.-.n and all ttif liin.l. im-iill.iiinl and ill-
I t-i-niB. , MTiti-il in Mini writ, anil tn-riuntt.r dMrHi-(l,
1 unl. "ii tlie tin ilar nl iw-iim.r, l-y.:. Miny !
lv iiim. and sill 'M at iiuhlir ainrtiiiii, Ut tin i
lilith--at liidd'-r, finr rajili tu hand, on 1
Hun-lay, th Hth day nf.laouary, IMU4.
at2"!"ik. In thr afu-rnnn of mitd iIht, at the
frufit il-i-ir of tb I iiiinty (iiirtniMi-M- in IihIihh
( llv in w ao I i.nn'y. (inifin. all of tn. Inirl4
Mutton is now quoted at $1.75 to $2.25 Ji d a. l.ii,..-. t.. ,t
p:r head. Pork otlenngs aro light ! All ..f i,i.-a t.n inj tn what i. kn n .. ti,..
Hy virtiiaol an rx--uti 'n..and itnlirr nf t;ilp i
nut nf tne iriiilt i nurt nf tn- siatt nf ,
iir-"!! Iiir W aiMo t.iiuiitv, nMin a d-rw and '
juil-ttiint maile. niMl-n-iI and nt-n-d hv aaid !
niirt mi tlie 1 -tu nay nf iiv!iiI.t. l-'i:;. in
favi nl tilaiutltt. Ill a utl vliiriln V a I t'f j m
in mn titamtitr and Alfrwl kiMindy and ' wr I
I aniline k-Miin-dv wirre di-n-tiilnntii. and t" me I I nDTQ
a a w V
I. C. Nickelsen,
The Dalit-si, - Oregon.
Tlit- filtJeist. Uii-.-!-.t. jjtttl tMt managed
Iioue in rsclioi.l Hook, and I)taUw
Nltjtsltfjl IiiKtruttietitM, VVhtchea,
Jewelry uiui tSportln Cxi
Agt. Huml.urn-Hrenifii Stt-fjrnlil; Cos
Tlckwta lij a r r3 from FCurcp.
Promct ArreNTio. Ixiw Pun ta. l to tiik Tiwks.
is No Undertaker Trus
; lietter demand
weight gross to $.
$2.00 per 100
for extra irood. !
.lliilliiry tt-rati"ii Ailditiou ! l'nln- rity.
tAaM'ii li'ilnlv, ir-V"li. and wfui,iug to the
truii and iImU nf Mud r-ilv and aililitlnn th-r--ti.
nr -hi inticli tliiwf a nIih!) !. nirtir'i,'nt nat
lily tli mini nf !77..'... ith lntr-t tliir.i.n at
! Ii! rat.. nf .n r r-nt. T annum iiiih Ni,
rntar l;ltli. l-.t;. m. atiurm. f.a. and
lii l.i i.nia in .i1 anit. tivtlnT with nu nf
kald writ and aminm m-Ij."! nale.
1. A WAKll,
Sln-rirt ut ia -r. t iiniitT. it-v .n
liatui at hali" 1 ity. or., l..-e 4, li t; d-i.,w.'i
1 " 11.1. r t 1..M-11 AMiTilfNi. NM.liKU KKoN AN V MiE KT A k f R an rh-f "",..-
7'in-n limn a , i,m-, ,,- u, .1,, ah..mii..ii. and I a l .
llavinir tat-m th- n-Mry riiurKe nf lutn.i tl n In Kliil-alintnu. I am .n irl t"
i ' -"iiia m in niminwa.
l'I.A K if-
aiMl M anlniiiflnii ulrwtp
1o CaIIocI Dajr ox PTlsb-
nrti.-r nf I. ltd ami .i-hn,rl"n tr-t l:l-ll'l N' '
All iirdi-rn )n..nii,) alli'lidnl tu.
Kev. Mr. Kmmerson, who has lived in
Hawaii for over forty years, says that
the provisional government are men of
high standing and that at the time the
troops were landed the conditions were
very chaotic, rendering their presence
imperative to protect American interests,
and in no way intimidated the queen or
her following.
would kindle erery furnace Cre, populate
every deserted mine, and set every idle
loom in motion before a single month
bad passed. It would give work at
American wages to every man who wants
work. It would arouse all our great
productive industries to magnificent
activity. It would put good f.-d and
Peaks Small
Pink, 5c per loo lbs.
Hait Liver pool, 501b sk, 65c; 1001b
sk.$l 00; 2ixilb sk, $2 00. Stock salt,
$13 50 per ton.
hides Ann Pt'bH.
limits Are quoted as follows: Iiry,
'-'V lb; green, t.
Shekp Pr.i.Ts 25 to 50 ea. Ie-rskins,
2c lb for winter and 30c for summer,
l'ressed. light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. lii-ar-skins,
$Hni$12 ea ; lieaver, $:', 50 h;
otu-r, $5 ; fisher, $5'if $5 50 ; silver gray
fox, $10fi$25; relfox.$l 25: grwy fox.
2f)0ni$3: martin, $lni$125; mink.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by tlie
County Court of the State of Oregon for
"asm viumy in pror-ate. executrix with 1
I the will annexed of the estate of James !
; Underbill deceased. All persons having '
claims atruinst said estate are hereby re-1
I quired lo present them to me 'with :
prop r viinchers at the Uw olli.-e of Con-1
don A Condon in Ilalies Cifv, Oreg.m, '
within :-riiiont!is from the date of tl.i.'
j no' ire. I
! November 11.1 Vi3.
f'l AI'.A 'A. UxiiKKIflM ,
Fxerufrix of the l.-tateof James filler
1 hill, deceiini '.
WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Emhalmer.
Twloo J. Woolt
From Now to December 31st, 1894,
ojsrjL,7ar 01.00.