the dalles Weekly chronicle, Tuesday, December 27. isoa , ' TJ J2HACS lP i the svsUtti after and other pivstra tiiij acute dis eases; to build up xiivdod fiosh and ptrvnj'.h, and to restore health aud vior uhei you feci run - down and used up, the best tiling in the world is Iootor Fierce 's Golden Medical Discov ery. It promotes all the bodily functions rouses every organ into healthful action, purines and en riches the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs and invigorates the entire system. For the most stulihorn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Disease, Pysjn'psia, Biliousness alJ kindred ailments the " Piscovery is the only rem edy that's ffuurantted. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your xnoneY back. Isn't it safe to say that no other blood - purifier can" be "just as good?" If it Yrere, wouldn't it be sold so ? Can you think of anything more convincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy? It is this: If we can't cure your Ca tarrh, well pay you $500." VIGOR- WHAT VANDERBILT LIKED. Th DUfkCM Wl ItSB faadUlC II Mad (ootid tor Htm la Newport. Down in Newport the other day this anecdote id the late iiiiam K. Yau derbilt was told: "The husband i( a woman, ho for many year annually nelped the housekeeper at the Vandet buill summer house pack the poods which it was intended to take bark I to the winter home. said he went down to the Vanderbilt place to meet hi wife one daj . and as he was coming away Mr. Vanderbilt came out on the lawn and stopped, him. saying: ' 1H you know where 1 can get a good cook for lour weeks? I am going to stay here a month longer, and the cook is going to leave to-morrow. Can't you get me one? I said 1 didn't know. I would try. and then Mr. Vanderbilt said: "I don't want any French, fanciScd cook I'm going to be bere almost by myself, and 1 want one who can make old-fashioned things. I've been just iouging for some Indian pudding, some doughnuts and cheese, and some brown bread." I knew w here there was an old cook, and although she had given r.p the business I got her to go for the month. She said she pot orders to cook all old-style things. One day she told me Mr. Van derbilt sent for her. she went in. and he said: "Io you know how to make doughnut?' -he said she did. and then he said he wished he could have some such as his mother used to make. Then he said he wanted an old fashioned Iniiiun pudding, with that amber-colored jelly all nuud the out side of it- He used to invite other elderly men to come to uine with him and would praise it all. aud ask them if it didn't make them think of old tiim. "Said the Newport man: "One day I met Mr. Vanderbilt again, just as he was about to leave for New York f ir the winter, and he suid: "I'm much obliged to you for sending me that rm k. i I have had a good time. I've had the i best things to eat that I have known in many a year. " N. Y. Advertiser. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AHD FAILED a r i RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY. LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, o. rr .u cur ituliHUt rai'iii ..... ..,, K nun lx III I i t V. . 1 inn Urn ln, Is- Mri ...; ' x rrvrnuf mm, MeaeMtis A ' Pmmr Mwrv, all K r lt m- V r mn i?v7 ! aideaerl III health. IWY tt mzm EIICTB1C BELT J2 ssvsrspsxzz f - tmi'i,. w.- w.VWa J f h at4 sHiniftil. ll;U;n.-nUiO-..tnJ. I V'tO''' : v -2 I am? baa uu ;u; d-atti-..- V lJ,:,'- -which I elacrlrU,-ail tnf If m tvp-if T'UT ..lit tomntjt Uiua d.!iwt, whtca rr r v- Tfait)riiiruMiinii :i'ii."h and vir wi I f:im at Tt,i H oar pta and trattniit. n! at luirui a cura .r n-iu4 a my wiJdlMind ! nraa, mix Mla. fa lr. Knaraa klertrlc Brit w no fiinn.-u Z ViMt rh.HiZj; to r-b Umlih ana ata,r. aA alt o.hf rtnM,nf. V ohj hownty huaJrHSsff caMMttinBtfboul tht and ahr !tw ho would timuj imui. aul Xiva. aao oX ilvm a hava f-rtti AaUai ar1n t nnumy u taatf faouiarji aiiax au cuf Ucli WC HAVE CURED TMESC-Wf CAN CURE YOU! C EM Eft A L QCtHLITV CUD. LAME BACK AhO R H EU MATISM Pr. A. T haada. Uw hit b I a.1 nr b-iti fv A T 4Uiafi. l(r Mr ol ipnr t I 1 m tnMb-t with bart vtor. Ui avn . hard aiirt naifctara aUi lb atrwia comiui fruaa tba k v bAd a li al l&I . 1 m Masquerade Ball will b flven at Armory Hall by Jackson Engine Co., To. i 7)orday uerjir). Jap. i. 1894. oar ai 1 1 I ir of ma MfiM, aa 'frrrM abirh 1 uBvrwa ftr va yr. I ui p. bi r th m 1 b fur rar thai 1 ajaia mot tmm4 mi baca. d"-lv um wti 1 auhi m of vmr blio. It ' r lo and I ontlnovMi io -r n nw i lOatha. botoo porfwtlr cu4. Tbt two fmr mu. and i om ol utaj l aor mm m my t na HQtrf. 1 h thO o4. i a coa ib- U nr i'4ail on Turm Hi. K,- lAiia. ur.. Ahrii k l--UC.!haa bo ovroa b It ir a 0 it md if IV. A T. Baaiaa. Ior Sir I raon . f hii : iar try it thmy wotttd find m tbomo m H 4 im omm on f a- rfiTwiHiHura from wbi-a 1 uflrat i cho boot r Jy ia tko iril. I mm twolod hrm mix aauiiina i bmi nw rn"" noM i-oruoiuo lur nmi Pcmannily RewruL WEAKNESS NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, " and all th tralr r f i tmiaariy errors fv extvr. ta rv':i. of OTVrworfc. llrtlrM, aorpr.etc Fuiinviru. drtopnet azft t"if prn w avrj organ "4 r.irt.oo of tfte b"'fT. Hlmpi.oatTmklmeta.. Irnruit-vJ uwintp en en a. ru'irr trayc1!. -2.1 t.M retyrenet. i ex; iarui:!c ai ! pria yooro. f r too ot i ri -rt aoitb m thm io owk 1 ao d it- 1 ca l ionan f , mma looi iiso ow bu pouwoiii. or vi con. , (R'tobor M. I-VZ. IV. A. T Wan itoa. Itoor ttir r 1 bow b-wa mih war FUctnc bmit fur jraoroi orn OoOUttT . i too. iMfttor tboo I bow fur na yooro. 1 tu io bfur aaiaj. an-i ai amw ia aoor ban. . lourasraWuili. CHaj LrTTaA t-Hrai;Ls,lrop NEftVOUS DEBILITV- OEBILITV-LO I tly.oad will twoioa U tali atta oajuao aba iubi.l;r b : iviuj tnaio Tt. A. T. faada, IVor iir Hiocw nn 'ur bvtt 1 aavo booo fftooiu lionontod. I fvot a uid --rry fot rMurnnia ona ofir o BituU u of tho ho.t 1 nod mymmit twtem mm curu oo bftro. fctf eiooxory m aoa aoarty porfoct, ooa oovb loj h r Uw lb boUot. 1 1 l Biacb KMtif th - twfr amtaathobou. I'oanUaa liL.Su3f bCUVLiA THE DR." SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT ktmnManltuKbuurr. mmAr into belt o In m wciir ra durtn wr or tiM. an N f v nauui. pr loo) ntrrrun wbirb . umuoIt lat uimaifbat ail VMi Mrta. or w (urfvlt .S.W4MI. itbu lavrtTf KlMirie pttwMrf( U)rrMi bikJoTtr fiTwrnu ir.a.siit warrmnt n t nrm msty vt t tir ' knwl nd u iirm. .hru n. limit, or pnn. ur Manrf Committee of Arrangements: r I CL'tlipr t VlTVTlT .... A. JItUil.M.Ah, JIH. BLASKR. Reception Committee. HARRY CLOl'OH, GEO. MVNiiKR, V. H. Rct OU'll KKLLB:R, C01 Ci. T. THOMPSON, HOX. K. KCHll THI'O. F. SKI IKKT, A. IU CHLF.R. Hew York Weekly Tiibu oiul wili euro Uwa warn c w ttu or LUroo a,nt ha. Addyaaa lur iuU iulorfaotnai SAND EN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St. PCRTUKD, ORESCI. ERIE KID1CAL ZZ. BUFFALO. N.T. jyTFRy.i tic::. in rrvt-i,.. t li.. r- . i lii . I ai- A Library in Itself, i . to cite eminent j-ervtn; facu"ir tiie cwimns. ci;n?. towrn. anl luuirul it- tunr oi itr cUAf : ;ar.iruai t'rtjccrrimij wrted fiitr.nHis and sruLu- lallrD of fJuttUIlOIJd, Wurtla. ikUil prvert : v etc.. e.r. Thin Work is Invaluable it the fcno?blil. anO to tw- t-nr. cuoart Ti fcaemaal man. and ttf-tiucattfr. r.tlqarttf of a ITmrtlr&l Nort A housewife of the LaM. end con cluded that the only solution of the serrant-g-irl problem was to teach a preen g-irl herseif. She had eiperienee with fciria who thought they knew something', with no success. According ly she cncatrwl a pirl from tht country who professed to know nothing, an 1 commenced training her. lne of ti e new servant's duties was to attend the door, and the lady of ttie house tried ic many ways to impress upon her minu the ueeessity of taking" a tray or saiver with her when fche answered the bell to receive cards, letters, etc. During the aftern.xjn the bell racp and s:iort!y afterward the scrrant appeared at her mistress' d:ir, sayinp: "if you please, ma'am, the vegetable man is at tiie door and wants to know if you want any rood potatoes." The lady looked up from her ftewinp and then ic'l into a t of .'auphter. The servant was rtaii'i inj'. a she had been tauht, hi.Ui:i the silTer tray with three larpe Kita toes on it in the most proper manner. The servant' sense of the fitness of thinirs was evidently undeveloped. Wittstiurph I'j-spateh. "The Renolator Line v From TERWINRL or ISTEKIOR Points TKE- Kg Dalles, Mai i Astoria Navigation Co. HT .1 Tl i mm m I AND i Dalles WeeKiiiGliioiiii RAILROAD One ""STeajr, tne I: hi UUt THROUGH - 110 ALL Mm EAST A.D SOUTH. It 1 to lnrunff tar Kmite. It run Thr-MicP eoXibUit-d i raja rvvry tiny la Uiv jmmr u pt. panl and (Jliicago, frONLY- $1.75. Sold by A I H"kvUtT. C. & C. .Verriam Co. ty-wnd forfreepnwpertiav i C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN DRY GOODS Clothing Tt rm h. of Mrmtirj. A amart younjr cavulry officer was recently exercising his rvfriment upon the drill jrround when the familiar words of command autidenly b'.ipped fr-Jtn his mind, and the strenuous effort made to recall them was utterly futile. In order to cover hi embarrassment he was compelled to retire frjm com mand under the plea of illness. The f j;r:tive sentence came to Lim when he reached his roo-ns. A still more singu lar case is that of a well-known and esteemed merchant, whose memory so treacherously failed him one morninsr after leavicjr home that lie was totally u::able to lucute hLs oSice, and was actually cos:p'.led to inquire as to their whereabout. Another interest in? example is that of a popular novel ist wuo had n'.-arly finished an impor tant work upon which hs was enjraged when a sudden failure of memory de prived Lim of his plot and necessitated the laying aside of the book for more than a week: then the association of ideas recalled the missing' plot, the novel was brought to a succes&ful issue and enjoyed a wide circulation. Bos ton Globe. ' FARMERS IN FOREIGN LANDS. Freism ami PuSsip Line T:.r..i:w!i Tri-Wrek!y ei cfpieii ltween The ifutie and J'ort la:i:. Meanier Ipulator leave Tiie Lui!'f at 7 a. lu., Monday, VetinedT and Friday. eonne-tinB at the Cascade Lock" with ."testiier Fialies Civ. Meaiuer Ci'y leaves Portlai.d Yamhill t. i' k at 6 a. n:., Tu-days, Thursday an-l Saturluys, eoiiiiecsinir with S'eairer ii ein: 1 ft r for The Dalle. .N0 CHANGE OF CAKa ! Cmnt'l f iHnlni r nn.tin! u i man lnawuif kmiu. meeftemui itet wjuipmcut ' TOlTJiT SLEEPING CARS (Wt thai ran br ron.fnrtwl. an4 In whu-r ! roDimtMla'.H)it. afv bth Krrv aii1 f urru.l: fur bulilervof First and second -cuu Ticitiia.auc i Familiar Faces in a A'cw Place J. K. HAKNET1 IC. K. HAYAKD, I l.nle Sjifnal Ayrnt Umrrnl Land (fhcr. Bayard tSa Barnett, JT DAY COACHES !Jl7e leal testate, Ijoap, i)$urai)ez f COLLECTION ACENCY. A r(Tii:,'iti Im, rnnnert;nr wl!h al! Una aSnnlii.c clirwl and umiiU:rrut'Ud Trirr Puiiman rio!if roef vTi-Mi run be riirt ' In aaivant-v li.n.uh mt.y atci'nl ttt ttic rio4 -XOTAHY PUBLIC. VAE.r.K itiiao. One way Round trip. r: no ; Parti' Imviiig IVojwrty tliey wish to S-ll or Tni'le, Ilousit to J THROUGH TICKETS T"t tTf A"ran,l; I -',trui t Tltl" fumihli.-I, will U1 it to tlietr dxaiiUi'e to call on o'lfira u( it'raniiT "UT ; We hlnill make a specialty ' tlie rnN'Uti(ii of Claims and Corf Ufortf the thitej. Sut- Land (mice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES. 01 hi titat Hoot. HIiimm, liata, Kta. Etc, Etc, Etc. Second St., The Dalles. TnK refuse of supar cane can used in making paper, which should enable suar pianu-rs t pi-t a l ttT return from th-ir plantations, the method of manufacturing bein simjii and inexpensive. Tnis year's apple crop has been heavy throughout the I'niW Kinpdom and the fruit is quite cjual to the average in size and somewhat above it in uul ity. Tears, although less plentiful. I?ave a picxl r-turn. Vitiiix the past twenty years the area planted to wheat in reat llritain has decreased liy I.OjO.Ooo acr-h. and that planted to hurley by 2.0.(MJ acres, while the area planted to oats has in creased by,.v"M acres. Tiie production of olive oil in C'cph- Freight Fates Greatly Reduced. All freight, cxcif t car lots, ! be brought through, "with out delay at Cascades. ffhipmert for Portland received at j any time day or tiipht. M;ipments for j a ay landing must be delivered tef(re j 5 p. in. Live stock siiij inents toiii".ei. : Call on or address, j W. C. ALLAWAY. 4ptierat Aeut. ' B. F. LAUGHLIN. Omieral Mtnger. Full liifMriDctfoo eiiiem!!it rate. iim- oi traiim. muu oid l:'-tiia furuU:ie1 or ; )iicattim to W. C. ALLAWAY, AaT,t D. P. ax A. Nav. Co., htumUvt ottioe. Tim I Or., or . A. D. CHARI.TO., A t. i.eaJ raaMtiarr Art.. Poefland- hro I PAUL KREFT & CO., -I'EALKRS IN- FRENCH & CO., PAINTS. OILS AND GLASs And the Mjt Complete and the Lau-t Patu-rn and Deaipnt "W A. Xj J-i l Em bankers. THAKA(n A'.CXi.kALBA.VK!NU ItrHIKElM Pnu'tical I's'i liter and 1'iimr ,.-i.r Nnti but the liest hriB : SherwiD-Williain and J. V. Masnry's Paint used In all ur work, u im letter of Credit issued available in he ; the wont skiliwfl worknien employed. Airent tor Mat.ry Liquid htin chemical combination or aiaji mixture. A first class article in all w"- : nr.liaao i.r.f..itl! l n Lasteru States. ' ' . . . . . . fti runt Bhoo cornsr Tbird ana watitfto KM., i o -'" i THE DALLES. OREGON The Dalles Cafly Chronicle. Sight Exchauife aud Telegraphic j Transfer so. don New York, Chicago, fct. I 1ttiis, San Francisco, Portland Oreiron, ! Seattle Wash., and varioQS pnnt in Or- i syrin mid Washinfrton. j Co'.lectioDB made at all points on orabie terms. ! - - I HAS A IAKILY d 2000 EEADEES. THE DALLES rQtionol Bonk, Of DALLEK CITY, OR. J. P. FORD, Evaielist, Of tw Molnea. Iowa, write tinder date of , March 23. laW: j K. E. Mid. Mfg. Co., i Lmfnr, Oregon. j Qrnllemm : ' On arriving home last week, 1 fonnd ! all well and anxionsiv awaiting. Oar little girl, eight and one-half yean old, who Lad waited away to "AH fiounds, is now veil, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. li. Cough Cure has done its work well. IVrth oi the children like it. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cared and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greeting! for all. Wishing you projer:ty, we are Yours, Ma. & Ma. J. F." Ford. If To wish to tod fresh and cheerful. and raadj for Ux Hprtii sort, clvana rour ytn with ; the Haiarb nd Lirr Cur, br taaiuc two or tbra doch wis. Hold under a poaitiTt gnaraiic. u eeuu per fcy 'i d" ??''' I alonia is very considerable. a crop yielding from I:.".. 'too to HO.OW) barrels. more than T.I per cent, of which jroea into local consumption, the remainder being; exported exclusively into Russia. JJ MaO the Hlsbnp Hit Imwu. Prompted by a feeling that it u hi duty, the bishop remonstrated with one of his clergy for attending a local hunt. "Well, your lordship, replied the offender, "I really do not see that there is any more harm in hunting that in going to a balL" "I presume." answered the bishop, "that yon refer to having seen my name down among those who attended Lady Somerriilc's ball. Hut I aure you throughout the whole cveuing 1 was not once in the same room as the dancers." "That, my lord, is exactly how I stand. I was never in the same field with the hounds." Then the bit hop sat down.-Pearson's I Ttii-T read The Chronicle to Re' the Intent and i moNt reliable i.ews. And they read every line j that is in the paper. That I what make the Chronicle an Invaluable advert! Hit medium j The n.'wpRper that . ;oe to the Umlly fireld' In the one jSj- that the advertiser of tlay patronize ' when they dwlre U. reach the people. When they want ymir trade i j their announcement will be (mind In the paper j j book over our column and observe tlie verllie i tion of the truth of tht assertion, kemember. . a trade a family of two thonund i I worth asklnx for through tliee A- I , eohimna, taprlally so at oar very "i ! ! ! ITfie Si. Charles Hotel,! i PORTLAND. ORECOrv I I This old, popular and reliable houe . has l?m entirely refnrnistietl, and every roorn has been repapered arid repaint ' and newly carpeted thro'irhout. The ! house contain !7l rooms and .esnpjiliw ; with every inielern ronvenietie. Kate I i rens-mabie. A go A restaurant strji. , to the hone. rrer hn ti st'd 'rom s!i I ''r'eC. W. KNOWI.E3. Prop. I President - -Vit- President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moout Charles IIiltom M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Kxchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collection made on favorehle terms at ail acceesible points. W. II. YOUNG, THE CELEBHHTED COLUMBIA BREWER?' AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Be east of tbe Uasca es. 1 he atet ai'i; lance lor tne inanuiaciuro - , fill IW Im.ii ir.tPiubifMjl arid fin T I Km fl rttf-fiajui article will tw P he market. i. . erassca. I'realdeu' J M I'arrr.asos, i ahir. ' First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES. OREGON 1 A General Banking Business transacted ' Ieponits received, subje-t to Sight Draft or Check. Collections mle and pro-eeds promptly remitted ou day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic F.xchange sold on New York, han Francisco and Portland. BMsmiuU wagon stop General Rlw ksruithing and Work don 1 promptly, aud ail work 1 Guaranteed. K. CT OH!) Jxo. S. K mum a. Gro. A. I.iar a. H. M. I'.sm.i.. YOUR ATTEJ1T101 li called to tbe fact th Hugh Glenn Dealer in Gla. Unit, r it l0iall ind DT Tl L Tlmea niHa it nil Ine niir ( mJ otiat t't in'! firrfrr-tlrc f fitif ; iitfttieM ittfn tMtik. anl ttiM- Hftfiie tittn ; J , li.-r im-ti nn the lnn-! iri-r w Horse Shoeing a Speciality X;!:,:::':' TciriEtrcaLiclic'.cliI i ! :i miifi1rifl riciuie IHUUWi ir rl ( st nl; tltti- e In fhlf lelrll I U.l I., t l.-ln tiironifli the 1'i.hiliilin .if ttie IllIl.T ' MS'iSH I.S I It lis hi'r ttmn d-illtile tlie rtreii lull. .11 ul stif I i otlerr tiaiKT. aitd ailvertimn: ill It ptt Iik- OfFIClAI. f'ACKK (J? WAHC'J UfNTY To D loan in the City 72 trJeshingtoo