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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1S93. The Weekly Ghronicle. CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. !w '. tvniiritr.irjf ti " t " I 1 v . STATE Ol f H lALV PUELIiHiNa THE BANNS. im. a DAttai Tr a1 fcs. a aw- V-tf V." r-V l - j vexatious. v.--rtiM . vta-r o iui S-i.'t ui Puhac Instruction sroilors . . ''o:.;rnfsiuea. 3:nt niniit i. is. M. mum ais-ut tnose ver is the y prominent Portland lB A, of ilia lrnoratit tallow He i having had the batiua pub...,hed the lo the caurvh l.' l vumM .u holy wedlock- The wni.t was conducted with out a hil.-h uut.i the ofhc.u '..!.? riiv?' man arrived at that part w her he asked. "William Wisher, wl.t thou bare this to thy wedded n ifc? when lac tiriit-;rrvim replied with some atv r..-hmeul that his name was not W isher. The ceremony wai, f - i fa pended, ami on invest; -::. n Wiiic the r i Bikmuiib lb XrT . ' of Life. T: e i'a;ii V.u- tc receiver cost the : ! r S'f . - per wct!s. There i no A1 ,.,u. til,. cll0 , f tie war a po, r ; :' t ti,a.t a rw ' is J'lVttT nearly as fu"; -l ui': wjT.u'i'.I'.i.; tinilf K!iha Dr. a. iiui n:;; ie h.i r ;-;v. a-i:u-t' in the ; vit-a.::y ui i.U:v-i llv.lli-. Ky. At t::ue. the l.ouit-Iw.-hc-iVrBi- crat. he avtx :.re4 to Jn- M--i-r.ty ' -ar 'hi. t ii ci vi.irou t a utile. i lie e-.l 'i!he.! hiait li in the Miutli , 1,- hut which Le l.a (.vci- .-.l t..:.'.--. j-uiJe as to tbc iaac c-i u.s'.v nI.c. The new arr'va! i:r.:: llar Miak a (. mamma TT T , l'o.i,..i of uxaaiitc. 1 1 1 lj I viram av a !ulienu, a'.Wit ' ly r V J I i. inei.iei.t iK-currvJ at a church If II III ihalL A rustic rr'. af.-r II U II 1J IN EXCHAfSJGE FOR GOODS. Take D 1 1 UUI !... a a !:.i-.t Mir.itrr can irl J: r eonot r.itm !-.i s -il tsken ear of i.iT the tint tiirve veir if he i'.i on!y kevi tnstrKCS'.ou. Cannot rise Wheat that is rotten or gro-K-irg in the tack. Ue uili fow 50 s. per Saqk Herp , 1 ...! La?t ej'T'.Tti il -s j.rrd;e;evl that the tiiatciv Ixciac a aia of pr,iiL!:'.f3H' ia ' T deiiiocraw auJ jp::'.is:s wonid own the a pevu'.uvr way tnjir. the nejrr.v of ou;ic? hita t- hare the trEs!ireU that the Vriiier i'.'.ts 10 xae s -i.u oi use -. '.. re- f-h- PEASE & MAYS corjrrr enrr Judge- C B:is ! C.r:niianMier T A V 1 ti Vi.-f r 1 N. 3u state aft-r next election, hut nine cuuth of deaincraer at Washington hsve chanTrd the aec: of political aiairs tha: the prthets are now sorry they eioke. Voter of Oretr.m have had k K::iJ ahout jiliuoit euocjh of fK.'.i:ieal expcrl- Eier.ticr. The war detrtii)ent 1.2 .iii:chel an c er war Te?e'i to theiK-.iT i" sr lloo o v.iu. It ee:-.! ae if t:.rie was q::;e a ie :;-iet in a tea;o: and our poverun.eut v ciasii; a jihixil of i:l: t ;. ructlr.j: fer a Kanaka womsn. this et:n- K-iti.ia of the tvuntrv They were ur.ahle to pro:iir.r.L"e the n'.i nvgro' came, and it wa. iim:pt.-d icto Lire I'.r.iad Ax." l!ef.-re the old man had resided in the vieii'.ity a year niiraeui.'us power nerx1 a?;r.'. uted to him by the :;-!mrar t ne(rr . A fen-of the".l peo;ic v. ere t intellijrect to In.' deee.ei-.i. !.;: hi i:.- with the majority ! . p-rea: that th;e lt-tt r itiformed were ":'-"J U1 OJuru l,ur"-' To some "Life hr.oJ Ai wa a o letter pnh'.ic U;e. W hatever ; ,iK-t,,r ttca controlled life tad tieulh: ele may be said about the Lea' wo- J to others he vras the hifh pr-.e.,t .; man, noUxiy iii claim that she : more hiack marie and in leajrue with tiw rmn.l ninf ,m,iil or m ire truthful devil. oimmntiiljS' a! w ill with U :n or. Viemed from a Mary Ellen 5tand;o:ut. public Hie dr women ! The f-eau-: Jut of !omi "ulery ever 1'T.ird ui i? le::i:ig ont Nat r.lum, the ::. r-.'rio'js character who has r'rr.r?d in t .is.- Ur.i'.e J :aies court of ite. oa oV bond. He propose f r.iif to Wash ington, P. C, t interview the presi dent. Presnruab'y tiie iext we will i.'ir will be an apjxiintcject to some . !..reisrn ttatiin. as a reward fvr his !y '.r.e, instead of pola? to the penitentiary ' j ..- iife. w here he belun. ! for her c-u:tact with polith. Chrii::uas is ajsia saie j '--' d aad the neit dansrer to t!ie ris:nst generation ail', be preen peaches ar:d the July watermelln. There are but three or four territories ieft. Lei them all le adesitte-i t the t'nion and the name United State w ill have a true meaning, without the csual mental reservation. ted sr,ul;. To all c: r.tnn. he w; : - rue e::i c he- pre-:u-e. end a he v;... ."emocrats in congress expect a nep a- by all means it should be fittingly rep t;ve -oene't to tate p.ace ty p.acm? retevl at the MiU inter exposition; oul on the free list. Texas will po and since HO.CX did uch pod work, democratic anyway, Oregon is too m.OCi) left, which win be expended wrongly repchliean to hope for change, nearer home, should accomplish spien- hile the larger manaiactcris; states did results, they believe will be so pleaded a: the -----------. j:rosTjeo: o: -retting cbea;?r raw material Tiie popular belief that the Indians tha: they will force the tide toward the doomed race and are rapidly dis demacratic camp. But the force of appearing, is not sustained by the re evects have sroven their logic fariity. for port of the sectary oi the interior. He n.ft only is written above Uregjn's dtor says they cot decreasing in number. On Abandon bepe, ail ye who enter here," , the contrary, "tribal wtrs and wars with t t the of many leadirg , the whites having ceased, they ere in eistem states have adopted resolutions t creasing rather than decreasing." erring cr. press to still retain the present Trmmmmmmmmrmrr tariff oa wool, coal, iron and other raw i W uope that the present session of r-itteria.g. 'congress will deal vigorously with tiie problem oi foreign immigration. There and i-;i: with fe Kxilmcnt of jrood and ev. ferre-: to esi-rci- hi.- i:;2u, terror jreiieru. y. Lvet; l p P'.-.iati n t uele Lice." e.iEBiieiv Known. t a irnu In their pre-taee he v. a universtJly no'.;u ttt-J Larcl . tl'.-rj . h amiir.jT his colored ro;uair.tane;.- ar rocrsnt Lnd comma ndinc. To the v.-hite chUdren the atred ntf-j i'.:- Le-.t-r known to W otherwise thin i::ni th.iuph the fear he icvirvd auioitj.' the mmmmimmm! neprvie by his reputati.i:; as u V'.vvi ,h Oregon did so well at the world s fair, docu.r was shared in t; esarjerated hshed. and concluded hh letter thus. "So no more from your w ell wUh. r Mary Williams." The fccxtor. t. .-.. t. -that Wii'.iam Wisher was the i.:."ie the ictetidtntr U-nediet, pul' ' ' ' accoru:ni.y, and the disi ed couple w ere compelled to a -.'. the puVication of the banns in their proper tames. Sme years. ae a n:iddled-ae i r.rri cu'.tural la?nrer called upa the eler.; of Alloa and asked him what the charge was for p-.;l 1. .hh:p the "cries" L e.. hmn- of murriae thnce t. meson the same Scnday. "A pound." re; lied the clerk. "Aye." said the oth' r, "au' what d'ye tak' rhea ye tak' two Sun--it.ys to tSo'l?" "Half a putnea." wa;. the reply. 'Ai.' what r.'ye ehairp-e when ye tak' three Sur..l.-.ys t - d i t?"' eas the rusti-s r.ext ouerr "vven end ix." answ, . .! the t lerk. v- l;h an u::.a-e.l air. Are, c;u," r j .;ied the ...erist. "I fcet'. the lacker ye tak' lo dae'l the it pets. Just cry twa' t:il ye p;j v v. r-el : ' And he to... ;.l , departure without more ado. Lot: I t. Tid-llits. THE DALLtS, Or. '.r,: t-.-i., :u- ;n. i! imi -I..n,- t !ir. 1 H e l:.ri: O r v t r 'j-w ,il in-t-ti tli. i s ) r!i.,i.!:iK .u i.i,iu- i r.t.m an rM.f.iiTHMi.MSfim on- --union, aitii i i.avv s I-:i,.T r !'l ' V u ui K u intiuiiiK. I mm imm i-tttuak VH. KIMEIL. URsSertaksr end Emfe Cau Vo CaIIocI Say or IsTlfilit. 1 !'.r.-:VI'-s Citti.': T' til mr.n . hllii;t.iii -tnst. KK-Il'KSl t t l '.rtv:-. Al. .ir,.'- j.: in. (.-.. j: u ;i-i-vi tiL i iiT i.b r;ui ; t f k at a-ET soli- i; form I'V them, lie was Laown to do a heavy traffic in thmis. amulet.-. etc., amoii the neirroes. Tiie purehusew-as supposed to carry -ikk! luck or imiKiil misfortune, as the old voodoo priest toctated. Thev did THE ELACK SHEEP. Joha TarMtf Out li-irt-llr niil to U , l.rcitarur. "im one occasion." said a ttory-tell ; injr congresstaaa to a f rm; of news paper men. "I wa;. ia the mountain of Ker.t jeify and stayed all :t:-ht w tb an ' old farmer who wax. conaiderabiy a'nore the average f ir that section. After t doubt n;s powt r , sunier we talhe.: jioiitie nr.:; r. n to --t-iek" anyone who had incurred : for awhile, aiid hntdly worhej around his displeasure, thourh when itM-v ,' to pervon&I auVi-cta. lie dida t kr.ow , timed by a white person a- to the , w ho I wa. but 'l was foiii.- I sprin? ; miraeuious pwers attriimt-d to his. it on him. -just t -e how it would ; by the tiecr . the oid tcrro always ' affect k.m w hen he found he was rn- j hastily denied such claims and vthe- tertaiuinjr a cor.-r-.-ssman unawares. ment'.y protested that they w ere merely ' " "How mar.v s .ns have vou"' I ai,ked. xne invent: nis or nt; Iotne neLTiii-si. Iiowever oi.l 'Lljre would (ie ny that he had e. ..- told the "white folks" that he r aj n a hi;-h i.riest of votHiool-ra. ;-sse.v, i ..f attri butes aad familiar win the mystery of hitman t tti..teaee. Ture :s c. t ;';'( in t-.i j;'j:ts cf ittt n t. :tii n at as r'toa it u.rx rr- it fs tunc' The poet unquestionably had reference) to th c Sli- I m mm k Cm when he had leen taikinir family " s.lX.' " "Ahl that's a fine lot of bora " 'Yes, and they are flae b"y." ' "Iiave th-y oil turned out wellT "'Ail bet one.' at. i tue old man's at CRANDALL &, BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at Rreatly-retSuced rata. MICiiKUlACII I'.LK'K. TXION .T. Christ a. as comes but once a vear niav ' l or the pa-t rjatirtor of a century the ! voice nad ii local. :y hits ireen di .rurb, J periodiefcli V 1 " 'Ahl' I d somen hat. . 1. not w ..- to i him r,:.t t::e Uiinus o; many ank!, Jn the coaa.rTf who eopelled :r. taer are glad of it, but they will lcave their own home, flee to Aroeriea -L-rer t tt for-go its annual oc-; . m.riete,i fifijd tllT their atmci- are too manv anarchists. drnamiters and by aee.i-atlots ara'.ast the old wizari j abort the bla-k iwp directly. ha is trie tine; ne went to 'nrreace for the once. It is the dav of , tiei. We are satisfied with our schools, . currs to tae cairen, ana in contem- , our churcll nd our coartSf aad dj no. t .ing Uie..- enjoyment Oiuer folks for ; de?ire , chal, l0 the thlloti conditions the time renew the.r own voutn. To a.o it hai a dee;ier sijinificance the mere attributes of gift giving which are ejecial!y preferable to these assassins bv nature but, cowards at I; commemorates the : .itii oi the iiiofet righteous, fuercifc heart. -,d char. tat. As one of the results of the McKiniev ' ing the world has ever tariff a big establishment for the mann- br m-. ti. n rs of hi:, race who i.!icvwl t.iet ti:--y iia 1 beta plaeei nailer a stx ::' lor n 'tae laaciea fc.ipht r Ih-cau-e he was paid to ! s.) by tiieir ' en tny. These eoatpiuints were cf various f irtas. !n oae ta-e the viet .m 1 of the old r.-.--n 's pn ie-j-.lm, kiietre:: j that he had forced i.i.a to sr. allow a: pie-.-e of corn kr.i'e in his :iiep. lie! c itil 1 t'.-l the p".:..t cti'.tinr its vav ; ti.r- i.trh hii lie -h. liv wa' -ratilie'l ; "t v -: , and ar.y-. are.! t Mif- Yca: the legislature." "Hhr I laughed, "he mifrht have dijne worrf. Who S wwt tkrrM Ar. "My sweetheart." aaid a diamond dealer ia Maiden laae. "is a jewel of a trirL "Her errs are a bine as sapphirv, her cheeKs are the earnehau. Mu ll Mhonld lti In Caer Moias J. V.. Wi'.n, h'Tl Clay M., !nir;. bnrg. J'a.. says he will not ! withoc! Ir. Kii jt's Ne Ilirov-ry f it r-or.suir. tion, ruttgho and eoid. that it cured t is w ile ho was thretcn-d w it h pri"tiuionia after an athtrk of "!a g ppe." when varioun other reuiedlef and -vera! phy sicians hnd ioi.e her no . llot-rt lUrinT. A Co-.k-!ir-. I'a., claims I'r. Mr N rrake. J W Inborn. K.lig's New Ii..-.oerv h d m- 1 im '. Mr Antornu rooster, Mr Hiran ilml. ro.iow nig is the imt of letter wniaa ing in the jMotofTiee at The folia n called for, Saturday, Iec. ZA, hi : i'trn'fis rahirur for kinm i! plv Ai on which they were advertised; i Mr Cha Oar!. M F Heart. Mrs llellen V Da- Mrs A K Jna. i" . Jatne the l -'r:a at. .u. . t:.e ttiiti o:i:a'ii. er:i; iia s ill uw i wi.-ich he r :: ut-;ilv i had le.-a "trl-jh -i ty Ax. tl.'t viet.:a i.iti. inve-t :--at.on was nia; .ft-r lla-.-.r:; 1 cieliri i:r... i:. i.lai.:i tls-t hi i'o. 'Lire i.road A v. ,-:ao.rteui :. Ti..o,'. iniai.h fctiowi. in sacre-i or history, facture of fine cutlery will 1 erected by T;.e ver.e-t huiuauitarian cau Cud noth- Tillany i Co., cf New York, at Forest ii-i to iy ajaint the avior of the Kill, New Jersey. It will lie completed world during his corporeal life. Tne in- next spring and will give employment hdei will readily concede that he was to IViO bands. Tiie manager of Tiffany t..e nets: perfect men in the history of 4 Co., in speaking of the project Lo :. world. The Jews w ill say, as did ' manuiajture cntiery eaid : "Heretafore jctint Pilate, 'T find ao fault in this : we have lieen coa:j;!led to accept such jumji," though denying tis divinity, pxnis as the fireign manufacturers were i-at nothhrig good can come jrom im- ' content to give us, bat under the pres--ten. and Christ was no in. poster. : ent protective tariff we will try to make The civilization of the Nineteenth cen- articles more suitable for use in this -jit, with all its wonderful invention country . This one factory will give aad rtaneuient. U due to the nobie life support to more than 1,500 people. The , anj-rif the negro-s of smthern Ken- w ork of Jesus Christ and the ;iread of money which will be expended frr the ttiekv hus increased of late years. This the ieavea then sown to over half the products of the estahllsament w ill be is partially attributed to the fact that worii. When this relicioa becomes kept in tiie United States instead of h'- h" rvaided Uere more caiversal we may hope far the ret tori-; being sent to Europe. tion of a new Aidenn, which will Lave ; , .. , t; m-r, w-t I ,T. : The Market. zjt., the milletiium to lor.g ho;edfor; the era of peace on earth and good will v.. Euea. h- ever it'd for w.-z tn.nbie. N-ithing like n. Irv it. rrt- tria. bottles at -:iij-i A Kin rs't'i. Ijirjre tsittitn. Sec. and M.ll. SHERIFF'S SALE was ir...i:lttt .;. -e..,.fii et.'i ir...ane... but if. us was believe-:, the ii-;-ro had liven pihiaed. tae (in:? i"o d v. as so sul.tle at. to defy Hurrical skill to cie teet its prestnce. " h.s ol.iy .errirl to convince tiie nerrn-s more thoroughly; if tiie vo'ioo d''s knowledge of the black art. ! Hit o:l Yooooo doctors in,.u'nee has Li- of corah teeth li-e ;uri. her ' '?! brow is white as Persian ma'bie rud her hair is the color of old gold. "Her name is Uuby. "She has a dreamy look like the moonstone. ' Her w it sparkles like a diamond. "Her father is a connoisseur in gems. I adore her"' "A rare Cower." said the Fifth av enue florist, "is my sw eetheart. "She has eyes like biueU-lls, rheeks like piaks, a brow Lac tiie lily and hair the hue of yellow ni-v "When I saw her ia-,t she wore a bunca of brown chrysanthemums at her throat and held a fox-giove in her hand. 1 .Mr John W tu!:in- Vr Untrr I.ixIomii. Ker, Mr Lolicrt Iluyes, M r -eo Hansen, I 'rtdf Tavuir. W t. .piier. Mr JiMepb Mourir. aiiiiiistian, M. T.Si)utc,?.M. n.r- t., leer i Uc wii Imitd iu I'ofcey county. Ind. i;t H'ir name is Uot-e. ; ' ,y "f , !he u tii C jwtrr of her sex. N Ir t r?nr r 1 f-t-!,i.;- j ont- ' .t': i 1 i i i t i ! f.-i- i nun ..f i!,.- m.'.w-m Mt"jf-iD 1. r Wk' i-nnii.T lito-i. n r.- i.n-: ;'l;k"M.t f ... . 4MH.fwi mi, i-T.-rv f .lI '.n.r.'". m! Ni.' ii.t-'T ! . in im ur of (..n.Mti-r. u !;.: t-.':i nn1 ti-f-i.-f-tt-Tt.'Vi.k-. r Urt.'i I. h. I'utv.r. I.? -in :nl trm.a Ni.'Tir. ( t 1 1 . uit'l-'T tfi- r.rrr imn aiitl wfvir ( .:4.:ir mt A. MIiHft. Kr'-n- ! in , ;i t , Ulifl ,1 fp rutWt . fT- ii ;.'Uli.t'. t! ml Tl, rtinunnti'Uuir fl " fir- )A! M 1 mJf itta-l til . .. .I., t" itc iiljCltent itl'i.-f. Administrator's Koticf , Nut. it I. !i.OfliT lflm tl:s th 0f !! l-s-e ilo ! !-".:.l'-l I " 11'' H. l-4iii,! urt f W !,-. i-,-i;iitT, ot-c. i .i:.i?rwl-if tit tl:r r'le .f Ikis W . r-MiiOi . mill now ,.sitsl A t-rwii l,pti-r riiitii witnl ti:. to ..... ,i. . t- i-fti.- It.. 4 ,-.r,iiii. I'nt-Koitf riifli5' ll.f i-i.rlir nf T..IM1 W liliu:li'0 rls ( w hot. r.mnr. irir m. .a ni'.illi fnnn trir ilnlrnl tlo nutur I'Sl'U s! lib.l i itj , Of . lirr 1. C. .'I Ui ,.: sain r astatr ! J"l'n Iwi!-"'1 Y. World. TiEsoAV, I)-c. 2f. The Christmas season has para'yzed the markets and there is no change ia quotations in any The report of tae lu.noruy members of the various lines. Suppliee of prodnc a quarter of a eentary. he has not per- : ceptlb'y fcj.-i-l since that time. He i almost as vigorous now as when he made his appearance in this locality. ' The best authorities airree that the . old nefro is more than .one hund'td years old. lie is not positive as to hi: ' a?e. Familiarity with events early in the jiritvnt century indicates that he A l umUj t liais-h. fiiT i -h i-. ; MnliflAT, tl, : .l at '2 i- rw-)! in -., !-,'!!t il -if ll( til' I.I Ms, I iHH'! T . -tti i( i 1 fi 'V, r t ti t.un Im. . tit Administrator's Sale variously estimated. Ancient authori ties- give the sum as e,uai to one mil- 1 i lion s.x hunCr. J tinni-.und dollars of ; W linw. I! I..t.rnl.'i I .Mllit' on" J -til-ot or-if..ti. Jot Wrsi e-nijilT. mz Sr il. of Noruilr. l-"i::. lino riisur 1R r Uut nir. ttir uii)r-iiriiril. tli i S B rl. fjushli.1 mil tM-tliK llIl.lUOIrtl,' ' rslnlr ir( W lliimii A Ah.-n. l.r4. -m . . . 1 . . k m i . ...c UH UI nb iiulnrnminnu-l 1U -sul nt. Sh.i ii.-t-ill Sophia, at &itiKtantio;de, haa been . v".1' '' -" i--ri:l tn.i.. i. wit , .ah ii.i.'. i..,iii in ifi'-T i.iiRi'fi m i ii mil. ls si: , "I Si-r ,. In 4 ; I . k... rt ( . i Vii,.. fsiiinlT. I'is-tr-.:.. iiinnif it..- Hl!lii-.I r-.irnT ui tin- sW . n! tljr -K . uf ..ii! - lil" JT-iio U-iimKliir " " 1 . I ... . .. . I I .-,. 1 (.Ml IW iLH-fllM Bit 1,11 l.lf iiTil'.W-- either grdd or aiirer which, is not ex- : "-ut t?i.-ns- nicth t.. nmttmti"c-rt,.-r irf ! I otil lielilrr. -t rh in hsrni nressiv stated. loibbon mtiin to fur. " " - tii-n--wt I. -.i.ti .-. s '" l"i'"i "t ""ia I....' i ... ,i. .. .. i . . .- ; wo' "SHl IJ IlKlK-r .mtri I., i.ikt ..I br u.itl, nun )iu.. mi; " '-, UI li!C ' ei .Ui:i -iiUimni- ... t- ). x t.. Mvr- .nd cf the ways and means committee dea.s r ample for all demands and former , vat probably lrn in the last decade i j,,,, laU.r wrsU.r the j... i oci.h.- .-.ur.-.t i.v .i n, ,,i .r.i..n. i ui tue eiiit':iiui ijtioun. lie was ... . ...... : " unm v-rni. ii, fi j. .Mun-r Hi. tin tiie '.t k dajr of JJaauarj. I vlgtjroas.y with the tariff bilh It is laid quotations are eteadr. The wheat gitua- t j be principally the work of Mr. Heed. : tion is unchanged. The "The most surprising thing about this ; light ae the demand for ex to.. ar the report . is tne lact that stor-netf. : nml v,,,.: Th. .i.i i,. t;.o r... hi. lenWitiMi ti rwiw tH rrmnM ! ! f..r ... u '-.!l..,.t .. 4i.;'..i.- ! th enorrooua sum of sixty-five mdhon . , ... '.J JafclaM. ' .,. i-,..,.. . iK . i .. ' dollar. It is also atateO that the dome - Tlitt I tf. ffrar 1ST Pirr m ri-ai-nl . . . .... ."-"' , lact oi his great aife. lie (btciares lewheat situa-; (Neaie) express-- his Ui.ef that gold '! J . r Iwi.k.i., i-t 1- infmr nt Iwni. movement is . " " in i-.o.' uy a iPt,nded Aerort' nif to i hi. Im. , lr' ' " s--"l.u m i. i. movement . fn. p-,antr who left Cuba at the " lcten , ' Acc""' r' . aj- ,. iu.,m -I: i.r.t. ,.f .ri m H.t, . rxport is finite outbreak of ti.e war between France P"?''""1.' th can ! "" -'. "" -""r '--- : .,i kr- Tk.,l.,..Ui- - r.. i W.ieved pKsible, vould have rt;W-i,ed i i''n ''''"' '''''' '""'''V''1 t'"' 1 ''" oil iIt. at tt. l I Ii 1 - lioiir in i,i.:i. I Hi , W s, rmltil ' ur-r- 1. ... - .' .... .. mum ru,l, II-F.j HI III- HI!"-" III ImlKl. Ilir l-;il and l.f. no sol MUir, aiil rtiriiirljr 1 l.r Miiiiitrairt iinsrw .nil tlir triw" , ILia li-rl ina tiie UCI IliSl t".- - -.. :. . ' by thtf bill the larger part of the burden ant than yon think. It keeps tkm' ' A m I7', of taxation is transferred from foreigner, altrayi fre-h and reliable. uniikVthe or- vt an'! thf ,he . . . d tisrrni' i in rl,nn .flra irr ing divovered tne elixir .f immortal and bright to our own citixwt .Um.i tIlt) ' ' i i7 Many of these nerrs assert always t kept is mind. K ad the ma-! They're put cp in a better way, and that the secret of his lont'evrty i that janty of t:ie Ojmu.ittee followed the nn- , tiiev art in a better war, than the 'huge, ' he occasionally takes the form of a compromising declaration of its party old-fashioned pilis. No griping, no vio- vampire end repairs his shattered j -i,'i,H .,.,, , lenee, no reaction arterwaru that tome- constitution with the bliMxl I tns f wiiil It-K-ii . -i th. Niti, -n-ilir IriiM !nliiilwlii-1iir l iin-llio . hr b. nrl lir ilnlt h -irt'iisTy j, ,..i il--Kl' U .1 1 i I t r-, f .1. 1 mi tIe tawniac.e waa or pure goiii. . Ju K 7. ' ., rTrw and aurmounutd bv a croaa srirKI,,!. du sr.. -'i,;,d a.. ... r1'1" ' '" "!."' ZZrni - ... . . ' . . ........ . . ,.,rt. Mid .,. r ,i im rmi . . ' lT if tlw o'.lthnmt ,lirUT " I, tiilitiip I li.irlh, tti riMilfr 1.1 to, laiT.-t t- Mm-iiIirii, lu Wsimsi r,na' s-r ' lOi'N.n 1 (l:-l tm-mnug lis!.- J 1- ' If. ) timee leaves you worse than before. -ar.n jot rerenne on.y, our tacK in com- th.t W,T. ,.., core trmanntl. Sick ureittiitg upon the result cf the commit- Hcadaei-e, P. lions Headache. Constipa tee erforte would Lave been Ejoch more tion. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and f tmple. So far, however. Lave the com- ngwirwU of the liver storn h , .... . and beweis, are prevented, re.iered and mitteemen departed from tiie demands rred. of their national convention, that we are ( They re tiny, suar-coated grannies, : ii och tempted to borrow a phrase from compound of refined and concentrated tt.eir own platform and designate the ??hi2XtTLth5 iu . .,, ., ,., V the eaeiet to tak. and the thenar' pi.l ..I as a coward.y maiteshift," were it yfMS tar, for they re guaranteed to not that the resclu are already t seri- ! give satisfaction, or your money is re on f r mere epithet. The committee turned. You pay only for the tjinti you has presented another tinkering tariff "!.'. ... ,-. . . '. ... , , -. . ' . , Thee notning Lke:y to 1 "-ui a, la", the .ike of which Lave dorturbed ,j - ... yv--.. yount'er victims. The power of old 'Life to inhabit the body of animals at will is not cjuestioned by many of those under his influence. fW-ttlrnsr-nt HmnwmU-A. tmine ao Biar.y time ia the iart thirty Jears. Had the bill been for rev- i enne only, the people of the country' Daring my absence, all who have cn luig'ut have teen at a g.ance w Letber settled aceounM with the undersigned they desired one policy cr the other, and are exfect to call and settle with Mr. tha paction might Lava been settle , ..eo. Kraust, who Las my Looks and ince for all and the country attained a'.-coant. An early aettlernt-r.t will that repoee and stability on which our greatly oblige. Ycmrs truly, prosperity to ranch depends.' j Li t In both France and Germany tjm-. Tlir.RK are Ji'.cxhi Nurw. fian Luther fourth l;,i reduced t- a decimal is , ans in the I'li t- d xta'-.-s. w-ritt-n; in Enirlabd it ia written i Tlir. larjrest (.othic church in the fc-a.1 (always with the perixl at the Uip world is Col'ifr.e atin-dral. J-.. Cf the line i. and in the t'tited State foundation stones were laid In lit-, in this way. Ori.1. France and Oennany ; r ud the ediih was eomph-ted in l-, a'rw avs rise the comma (.). Engiand and - 7 llT ,.r r.,r f l.ennariv asserts that ti.- I'niu-d States ti.e period (. I. tiie 1 ,,,, cur-i ,-!.rs ar,l takinjr only the manner in much of Lis time, and ordered that r,. which it is placed upon the line. S.r w nr.on shall last more tiiau six uor. Isaac Newton is given the credit of . . N". Y. World. 2finatir.?tt.e pres. nt Entrlish meti.'Kl ; T,,r. p.rd bishop of Chh-h.-ster is the of usin? the decimal point, hn reason : b!est hi ho,, ,r, Lt:j-lai.d He is over bclr,r that by plat li t' it at the V-p of . r.:,.,T v,r . V(.t Il.,,.ri,jl, .r,e line 11 coti.u m o.swovuii..-u -i- to all ti.e duties of hi 2 ; piaiice from toe "full stop" pcncttia- tt, ,, , , , ,,.,,r ten mark. All L;i('hsii n.athenia-; . .. ticians use the mrk in the wey pro- FverylKidy is lixiking fr bargains, p- d by New ton ar.d the feril a:- a ad at K. Jacolwn & Co. s ou 1 an find sign .f muitipi.eation. them. Al! price, f holi'lar gds re- ldmed. uinlr.fiv ls..i,riH- n..,l ...... v A IJ KIll.Ti l..l .llliV at .m. Ill ..' . ii me saerea vess :s 1 h-. mui Ui J Im-rr .i.n 1, w h..iimii l.v 1.-1 l-mfiiiir dntr- JaloisfT in. n-il i ilniy r-.ifii.i at otii l" of K'"ifc "i ' of 0--l rrr-'ifll. Ii 11,1111 I'ti.tJT,, Hii ,,f w (,!..(, li-.l. .is- hts-lir r-(''r-l m mrx uf tion ilr x-r.fitioi. htm .ml i:,n n tn. ).r. .-rlv 11 thsniil I tin l.fitiln. in limes (l,,-,f a "lisi: lr iil).i . iil In fitufr ti, mini tAf.i; u will. t:iti-rvst ii muh. lf.,m lur r.d ritij ,l Siorminrf. l-'i'.. nt II, rut.' lif t.-fi (roi:l. mi .lililifn. :id U J" attorn.-' a ., anil tlir fur Ui'-f ffniri tti ii 7 . r.-. ,f suiil at. it, towoti.-r with a.-i-r'i!(.- r..l at.d rtja-ii.1 .f .ai.-. a'lil If j anv i.-imi. t.iimiM. a'!.- II. satl:a.'t.'i, ..f H, i; r... al.vr niriil e,i,... i.-h iiriln j t'liii'-d 111 put -ilai-tcn ul th- jioliftiiul ..( twi rl-i--i i-Jji or 1 r . - li.ii. l.tiitilr 1 hr 1 . .1 . t.i . t y 1 araiuiit tnr del-TidaliU. ia. id add f.tla 4,-nIihiii . j a, .-.. rdiritf fc.rl ji.iljr u..-r:l alol ili r.- 1..-, in t-lnis- mi'iiti'iifWi lmU at l.i,r I it, f)r., Inr 1 T A WAftfi. dJi. rt M.eriffof w asc j loitiutT, ' io.-kuh. precious stones. were of gold. The a: tar cloths were embroidered with gold end peari. and the tltar itwif was comptrsed of a man of molten gold, into which were thrown precious jewels, and every objt-ct which could raine its castiincs. V the highest imaginable degree Golden I lays. lh.rrr.ili. ian : ; irnvi .i.d on. '' ,..i ,l..,rw,il I- mad "T, Ml.Mlliatli'Il til Ii- " 1. U iMtxl al Pull.-. CUT. W nasi eiflI. ?rtu llitjr f Nuv ainla-r, lo. 1 irtf. .,n.iu,r a ift tdi.; 1 Ailin'r etiiU- id m A i" J NEW PASTOrJ ANO PEOPLE. Lndertakng Estaitti witho'it NOTICE Foil PCPLICATloN. 1 I on orre PHINZ & NITSCHft PEAI.KK is 1 .am M '" Furniture and carph 1 - ....,nr W M ' We have added to onr r.r.h5 -ml;-ndertngf on. ; ,. wwWm n'1 J iT..nt. of , i-nderUkpn Trust, our p T !'iaf". 'T..r !" tni t.tml I f-if In n(rrt uf til -lniit. hiH", ff , on Juiiimrjr l, , 7 Mi'l iit.I. VI I K lio- i.'i VI . . , . d j'oHS w. l.tri-, h-riiur. 1 be low aecoriiDg.y