The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 27, 1893, PART 1, Image 1

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    AT BLa L. A. " BB tk m
paut i.
W jatciro CaptnrjA ty '.be In-
fii'litins Hctcen Italian Troojs and
Pcnistus--Fight With King
I'eknahmto, IVr. ':!. The martling
nuiurs have reached here from various
tooncs, w Mcli lend uii hit hi err ouiiiy lo
.bsui, to tin" effect thai the insurgent
ietl at Iiio Juiifir", after two days'
Ha't'iry fighting, ma. If a determined k iu force ami CAptnred the city. It
I .!.!.! ('resident Peix do haw resigned
favor id v t m i ru I de Mello, ami that
Peixoto n u (.rioiier.j Though this is a
tm-ral , u m right to add that t lie
aeip! ( IVrnambiico li not credit it.
i run ciciiidfnt was nnabie to obtain a
reply to messages sent south, and nies
ages fruiu tli Associated Preri corres
pondent at Kio art apparently inter
rupted, lending color to the N!if that
omething extraordinary has happened.
A battle between the relieli and :
.ovrrnnient lorcet i reported as loi.c l
csierday in the interior. Fifty govern
ant troops are said t have lieeu killed.
it 'KNOtt Avkkk, Dec. -"J. A severe en
ii' inent between Brazilian insurgents
md government troops is rejiorted to
are taken place Itajahy, north of Iies-
terro. It said that . were ar.lea ana
u large munlier wonnded. The govern
ment in said to have captured the rebel
warship Madero.
Washington. Iec. L'2. The covern-
Vmtif Viau FMiviiviMl ink tt.ti-!,'. 1 fw! ifftt i n c
the capture of Kio Janeiro, though it
has lieen believed fur some time that
I'eixoto is lotting ground, and in liable to
-erious reveriiei at any tune. Officials
ure inclined to think that if deceive re
sults were reached Captain Picking
would Lave been beard from. At the
rlraiiiau legation the report is doubted,
ut the ordinary daily message has not
ieen received, and apparently something
as occurred In delav it.
1'auftc tn a C'oartrm.
t.w ionic, jec. mere was a
panic in Judge 8teckler's court, situated
in the building on the corner of Second
avenue and First street, this morning.
There were some l.MiO ieople in attend
ance on some petty civil cawee. When
about half of them were disposed of, a
rambling sound was beard, and with
u :
t ry mai mv uiuming ao coiiMjriii a
ush was made for the doors. For a
:me the courtroom was the scene of the
ivildeet excitement' People fought with
ne another in their efforts to reach the
treet. Kefore half the crowd bad got
ut the floor sank some three feet,
which added to the excitement. This
j-as followed by bulging of the walls.
All got out in safety, however. The
t uiiding has been condemned several
;mes. .
Two I'bmt fur tta. frlc of Una.
Tub St. I-oiis Globe-Democrat
Vmi- Weekly Tuesday and Friday
Kiuht I'aires each issue Sixteen Faircs
-very week only one doll a a a yeak,
ueajntst nutional news journal published
"Uie United States. Strictly Flepnbli-
a ill politics, it Still GIVES ALL THE
and gives it at least three days
in,er than it can be bad from any
weekly paper pablished anywhere. Tht
firmer, merchant or professional man
"no desires to keep promptly airl ttior-
"glily posted, but has not the time to
(f'-inl a larire dailv Dam-r. will find it in-
iHieusible. Kemember the price, osi.v
ne ooi.lar A yeak. Samplecopies free.
Address, Oloiik Fkistinh Co.,
t. Lofis, Mo.
irtor fur the Italians.
Kome, I)ec. 22. Mocenai, minister of
"'T in the chamber of deputies, today
announced the victory of the Italian
f roops over the Dervishes between Kas-
kala Agordatyn northeastern Africa.
'he Dervishes threatened to attack
gordat at night. The battle took pla-e
esterday. The Dervishes numbered
',(KK) and were completely routed, leav
g several hundred dead. Kixty flags
F"'d mitrailleuse .were captnred by the
tnlians. The mitrailleuse was maile in
P "gland. The hulian loss was two
flurers killed and two wounded.
A tight Ytlth l.aUrngula.
Cai-e Town, Dec. 22. Natives who ar-
r ved at lluluwayo report that Captain
F'lieiii ami 0" men, who were thought
f ' '"tXP 1 n niaxHticrc-l ufter faliinu in-
MutrtU'U; anibif-h, dffeateil King
'"'f'yula's ffirce, beyomi t'ie Shniigmil
j river IW-mln'r 4t!i. LibenguU fled. ,
(Premier Kbode. announce, that the na-
lives are daily yielding guns and aste- j
; gais in large numbers and the Matabe'.es
I are sobuiisively settling in the small
! kraals.
To Kidnap llaliy Ruth.
Aiiilexe, Kan., IVc. 21. letters writ-
ten by one K. F. Km k and dated Topeka
have been found here. Ttiey outline a
scheme for kidnaping Rath Cleveland
next month. Five people are named as
implicated in the deal. At first it was
thought to be a fake, but developments
show it is probably the scheme of a
crank who bad been hanging around the
city recently, but who has gone F.ast.
The police are reticent about the mat
ter, but it is known two women are in
volved in the plot. The date for abduc
tion was set for some time in Januarv.
Mitchell of Oregon is interesting him
self in a revival of the Torrey bankruptcy
bill, and is quite sanguine of success,
notwithstanding the defeat of the bill in
the house.
Jlie Hon. nugn .vicLurjy, grana
master of the Knights Templar of the
United States, was married at Charlotte,
Mich., Thursday afternoon to Miss
Emma J. (ioodrich.
General John W. Ppragne of Tacoma,
Wash., died Sunday last. He was born
at Wtiite Creek, New Yorx, April 4th,
1S1T. lien. Sprague was a brave soldier
and wit). a one of God's noblemen.
The Salvation Army of San Francisco
on Christmas day fed 8,000 hungry men I can vessels in Rio harbor all the pro
and women at a former dive, changed to tection they desired from rebel fire
au armv stution. They also gave away j while landing cargoes is asserted by ag-
1 AM bankets of food of the value of 2.50
each and sheltered over 300 homeless.
They had accumulated a fund of ?S.000.
The crank, Joseph Donjau, alio has
seut threatening letters to the executive
and Vice President Stevenson and others,
has been caught, From a conversation
with bim be evidently is one of the
anarchists and socialist imports, as he
is from Selesia. Austria ond is 26 years
of age.
John Koth, a laboring man, was beld
np Thursday evening in one of the most
populous thoroughfares ;in St. Paul by a
woman and robted of $37. Koth bad
$2t.K) with hiui, which the woman over
looked. He says she was very cool, of
medium build, and that two women
followed her.
Commodore Stanton, detached from
the command of the South Atlantic
a luadrou for saluting Admiral Mello in
the harbor of Kio, has-been restored to
duty and assigned to the command of
the North Atlantic tuuadron. This is
regarded as perhaps the choicest station
of the command.
A bottle has been foundjat sea near
Almoira. on the Mediteranean, w ith this
message inside: "Owing to the etorm
the steamer Carolina, belonging to liil
boa, foundered off Koquetas. All hands,
with the exception of myself, were loet.
I alone sin left and am awaiting the
, ,,.!-. ti .
in ml .iimixl "Caotain. ' The eovern-
. . ,
ment has sent a gunboat to search for
traces of such a w reck off Iiouetas.
Game Warden McGuire and bis dep
uty at Albany are making it tropical for
the violators of the game laws in that
vicinitv, and the former has
secured ,
evidence against (juite a number of other
violators in Yamhill, Benton and Marion
counties, and is determined to put a
stop to killing birds and game out of
Mr. Botefuhr makes a good second to
Mayor Mason's gift of a carload of flour
by contributing a carload (400 bushels)
of potatoes, to be distributed at the same
time and place that the flour is to be dis
tributed. There is an additional dona
tion of 1,000 loaves of bread by the Ore
gon German Baking Company, to be dis
tributed at the same time, and another
1,000 loaves by the Pacific Bakery Com
pany donated to the city board of char
ities. The unsatisfactory result of Mrs.
Williams' last fast, which has left her in
a precariou condition, and the fatal
ending of the fast of Mrs. Wells, do not
seem to have dissuaded the faithcurists,
and a surprisingly large number of per
sons are now going through the w ilder
ness. The anBociates of Mrs. Williams
will not confirm the rumor that she is
very much dissatisfied with the results
of her 40 days' abstinence from food,
though they admit she has made no im-
portant revelations since coming out j
the "wilderness," and that the condition j
of her health is serious. j
Shiioh's cure, the Great Cough mid I
Croup Cure, is .,r sale by Snipes Kin- j 1'iM'ket size cn;.iins
dupes, only 2. Children love it
f S;ii;er iV Kiiiers';-.
Sold ,
TUTU? I DCIIII) fflllfr ( V
Hit W Aujllll 31UllllAl
Orfiercl to
3 to tas SMrau
Capt. Ticking of the Charleston Cen
sured -A Draft Ordered by
San Francisco, Dec. 24. It was learned
here today that the United States man-of-war
Mohican is to be dispatched to
Honolulu Wednesday. Sailing orders
have already been received and there is
unusual activity at Mare islund prepar
ing the cruiser for sea. Tho vessel has
been ordered to take a deckload of coal
in addition to the usual supply, and it is
evident an effort w ill be made to force
the Mohican's old engines to make time.
Coal heavers at Mate island are to have
no Christmas holiday, so positive is the
i order to equip the Mohican for sea with
! out loss of time. Inasmuch as the steam-
j ilip Au. traIia gaile1 ur Hono!n!u Teg.
j ttrdav anJ coull have carried aI1 the
ne,.es5ttrv a,ivices to Minister Willis, the
; :nferen..e u th,.re mU8t 60me urzen.
reason for strengthening the
States naval force at Honolulu.
Hrasll New..
New York, Dec. 24. The Herald
prints the following from Montevideo:
Captain Ticking's refusal togive Ameri-
! grieved shipmasters to be a
recognition of the insurgents as belliger
ents, and their views are evidently
shared by the American merchants in
the cily. These persons eay Captain
Picking's reports of the situation to Sec
retary of Navy Herbert have been so
vague as to be absolutely misleading,
and they declare that a firm stand taken
just now by the American naval officers
would be of material aid in bringing
about a natiefactory ending to the revo
lution. Felxoto'ft Order.-
New Yokk, De?. 24. A Herald dis
patch from Cania says the report has
reached there that the government forces
available for actual service, having been
allowed to euffer serious depletions from
one cause and another, Peixoto has now
determined to raise the strength of the
National Guard at once to a high Btand-
I ard iu several provinces. Accordingly
i be has issued an order that drafts shall
immediately be made for slightly more
than 12,000 men in each af the following
provinces: larahibuna, Sao Paulo,
Paruhaiba and Pernambueo.
From our Kiirtilar t'orrcajieudent.
Wamhngtox, Dec. 22, 1803.
Senator Hoar's arraignment of Mr.
Cleveland for bis unconstitutional as-
sumption of authority in dealing with
r ' . "
Hawaii, as admitted in his special mes
' .. , ;
! sage to congress, was terrible, but strictly
In aaconlance with facts. The memory
of his burning words, as well as those
used by Representative Boutelle, of
Maine, in speech in the bouse, w ill
linger long with Mr. Cleveland, who has
. i iilrMndv pxnresseil himself to a friend as
. .... . , , .,
Deing sick oi tne wnoie uusuiess. ne
will be sicker than that before congress
gets through with it, as the democrats
have not shown any great desire to either
shield or defend him. The following ex
tract from Mr. Hoar's speech is both
true and pertinent : "If Mr. Willis went
out instructed to reinstate the old gov
ernment, absolutely or upon conditions,
could little Hawaii help herself, if the
American people had been behind the
art? No, Mr. President, this adminis
tration has )een hurried into this trans
action, not by any sense of justice to
Hawaii, not by any desire to vindicate
the national honor, but for the sake of
making what has turned out to be
weak, impotent attack on its prede
cessor. The great name and fame of
Benjamin Harrison are source of envy
and discontent in some bosoms."
Secretary Herbert has got into hot
water by adopting the royal methods of
Mr. Cleveland. Not long ago there was
a vacancy at the naval academy, which
should have properly been filled from
the fifth congressional district of S. C.
Representative Strait, who represents
that district in the house, wrote to See
retllry Herbert concerning the vacancy
bu rei;t.ive(1 no re,,!v, when he came
to t(,e extra session he called at the
navy department and was coolly in-
Wrtncl inai secretary nertieri iiau
the vacancy by appointing a youth "I u:-
, own stat", Aiat'Htnu. ,nr. .-trim ims in
troduced a resolution in the hoiive cull-
ing upon Secretary Herbert for hisj
authority fjr making the appointment.
One would suppose from the frequency
of the slaps in the face which the admin
istration gives the democratic senators
that it bad no need of their support.
The latest slap was the nomination of
Wayne MacYeagh, of Pennsylvania, to
be ambassador to Italy. The demo
cratic senators smile and try to pretend
that they like it, but it is plain to all
that they do not. There was no diffi
culty about the confirmation of Mr. Mac
Yeagh's nomination by the senate. He
is thoroughly competent to creditably
fill the position and if Mr. Cleveland
preferred to give one of the highest
honors at his disposal to a reuegrade re
publican rather than to a democrat, re
publican senators bad no objection, so
tho nomination was promptly confirmed.
The adoption of the following amend
ment to the urgency deficiency bill in
the house by a vote of 123 to 40 was a
practical reprimand of Mr. Cleveland
and Hoke Smith, for their wholesale sus
pension of pensioners: "That any pen
sion heretofore or that may hereafter be
granted to any applicant therefor under
any law of tho United States authoriz
ing the granting of any payment of pen
sions or application adjudicated npon
shall be deemed and beld by all officers
of the United States to be a vested right
in the grantee to that extent that pay
ment thereof shall not be withheld or
suspended until after due notice to the
grantee of less than thirty days, the
commissioner of pensions after hearing
all the evidence, shall decide to annul,
vacate and modify or set aside the deci
sion upon which such pension was
granted. Such notice to grantee must
contain a full and true statement of any
charges or allegations upon which such
decision granting Mich pension shall be
sought to be in any manner disturbed or
modified. "
The administration men are alarmed
by the statement ofj Senator Murphy
concerning the Cleveland tariff bill.
They know that if he lives up to that
statement "I will endeavor, so far as
lies in my power, to see that no injustice
is done to the interests of my native city
and state" it means another demo
cratic vote against the Cleveland tariff
bill in the senate, where they have few
votes to spare.
The majority reoort in favor of the
Cleveland tariff bill is not calculated to
make any votes for that measure. It is
not much of a Christinas present for the
democratic congressman to take home
to their unemployed constituents; its
fine talk about future prosperity will not
buy groceries or pay house rent for those
who have already been brought to want
by the prospects of that which it so
highly lauds.
Secretary Carlisle's long delayed an
nual report was eubinitted to congress
this week. The most noteworthy re
commendation it contains is that ask
ing congress for authority to issue 200,
000,000 in bonds. This is just what
Senator Sherman said during the silver
fight that the administration would
have to do sooner or later. Cas.
A roeent discovery by an oH
physician. A'nwiltr Ud
monthly fry thousand of
IjuH- Ta the onlr tyrftwllr
corercd. Bewar of unprincipled druggist who
fr, t-fwtt mMlli'lni. In Dlaca of till. JLsk for
Coek'a Cotton Kool Compound, takt m rbttl-
tute, or inclum (1 and 0 oenu in pontage iu mm
w will nA faloA. hr return m.:L Fullr.iod
prtlculr la plain envelop, tit ladle only, t
tamp. AxldruM rone .ii y o m p any.
Ko. 3 y.khi r lilocc. IMtrult. tuca.
hold In The Dllc by UUketey & Koogtnn.
How' Thl!
We offer one hundred Dollars Reward
f..r nv nf ntjirrh that ciinnot be
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHKXEYACO., 1'rops. Toledo, I.
Wa tho nnilersiirned. have known K. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
mnau,.tiiti. And tinanciallv able to
carry out any obligation made by their
WestATranx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, .
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Totedo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly uwii the blood and muc
ous surface of the system. Price 7oc.
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes
timonials free.
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal
ton of Lii ray, Kussell county, Kan.,
called at the labaratory of Chamberlain
& Co., Den Moines, to show them his
six-jejtr-old liny, whose life had been
saved by Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy,
it having cured him of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain
that it mved his ls-.y's life and is enthu
siastic in his praise iA the Kemedy. For
;! by liinkeley A Houghton.
ibwwkw m
The Wortl Xmlonul" Mo.t Not II l .ed
by Private Corporations.
One of the most important of recent
events in buililintr and loan circles, is
the decision of Comptroller Eckels, of
the treasury department, regarding the
style of associations doing' business on
what is known as the "nutionul plan."
He holds that the use of the word "na
tional" as the part of a title or name
of an association isillcpal and cites the
following statute in support of his po
sition: "All banks, except national banks,
and all persons or corporations doing
business as bankers, brokers, or saving
institutions are prohibited from using
the word 'national' as a portion of
the title of such bank, firm, or corpora
tion, and any violation of this prohibi
tion committed after Septembers. 1873,
shall subject the offending party to a
fine of fifty dollars a day for each day
during which it is repeated."
The luestiou has been referred to
the attorney general of the United
States for an opinion. If sustained the
decision will affect a large percentage
of the associations which operate on
the national plan.
About 25.000 people are killed every
year in India by wild beasts and rep
tiles. Deer are numerous in northwestern
Maine, and annoy the farmers whose
lands are near the forests.
A snake, just discovered in Urazil,
has tusks like a boar, and a two-foot
horn ornaments its forehead.
Salmon- fishing is prohibited in the
state of Washington between six p. m.
on Saturday and the same hour on
A O.UAIL almost pure white was late
ly shot near Atlanta, Ua. The only
part not white was the tip of the tail,
and this was of the usual hue.
A huge lob tr, thirty-five inches in
length, was jtely caught by Everett
Smith, at the edge of the surf, in
I'atehogue. N. Y. One of its claws is
twelve inches long.
Georoe Jamison, of Hath, Me., had
just warned Michael Nelson to handle
his gun carefully when he (Jamison)
tripped and fell, and received a death
wound from the discharge of his own
The largest fish caught in the Co
lumbia river so far this season was a
Ktnnrcon measuring 11 feet 5 inches
long and weighing 755 pounds, which
was landed at Knappton, Wash., a
week or so ago. The head alone
weighed 151 pounds, and the fish
yielded 4J7 pounds of edible meat.
Cat or lingular Duty.
A railway company in Australia has
eight cats upon its staff and their
maintenance is regularly entered in
the company's books. Their duty is
to look after three or four hundred
thousand empty corn sacks which are
much preyed upon by rats. That the
rodents do tremendous damage is evi
dent from the fact that the holes in
the sacks have to be attended to by
twelve women, who are kept constant
ly employed.
rrotrrtlon from Malarlrt.
The preventative is the fur-famed
Southern remedy, Simons Liver lieguU
tor, a purely vegetable tonic, catlimtic
and alterative. It acts more promptly
than calomel or quinine.
Shiioh's Yitalizer is w hat von need for i
dysjiepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give yon satisfaction. Price 74c Sold
by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists.
MIAKPHUCHil, I'll , Jll'l. .'T, t-'f.1
M J. J. K R 1 1,.
rl ut ! it-bn rip, I'll.,
1far PlK-1 lnoe uhiI Krtmfc's Hi-iiiliirhc
rut,!!!' fur sotsc llinu mikI wiint lo -tify ti
thi-lr viiltic I tritil v 'rtoiin wcil rcc. tinnii-iMl. d
medicine, but R"ot mi relic! llnTli 1 u-ed tlcn',
mid now would no. In- without for ten
time, their eot.
Vourn nirt-ctfully
t II t KLfct 'T SP.IX.H l( K .
Wold j- Sullies .V KlhtTMy.
Highest of all in leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A Strang Indian Mthod of Putting 1.1 1
tl One to Hleep.
Sir George Campbell records In his
Indian Memoirs a very strange habit
of native mothers in the neitrhlKirhood
of Simla. lie seems inclined to recom
mend its adoption in England, but per
haps he is speaking in jest.
I wonder not to have scon more no
tice of the curious practice of the hill
women of putting their babies' heads
under a spout of water to send them to
sleep and keep them quiet. When the
new cartroad was first made, there
was a village at a halting-pluce where
rows of such children might be seen in
a grove close to the road.
The water of n hill spring was so ail
justed as to furnish a series of little
spouts, each about the thickness of
one's Uttle finger. Opposite each
spout was a kind of earth piilow, and
a little trough to carry away the water.
Each child was so laid that one of thj
water-spouts played on the top of its
head, and the water then ran off into
the trough.
I can testify that the process was
most successful. There never were
such quiet and untroubles me babies
as those under the spouts. The people
were unanimous in nssertiu.f that the
water did the children no harm, but
on the contrary, benefited and invig
orated them. In fact, they seemed to
think that a child not subjected to
this process must grow up soft-brained
and good-for-nothing.
Certainly their appearance showed
no signs that this singular method of
bracing the intellectual part of their
bodies had done them any harm.
The public and private indebtedness
of the world is estimated to be 8100,
000,000,000. The Merrimac river is said to move
more machinery than any other stream
in the world.
At the present rate of increase there
will be iyo.000.000 people in the United
States in fifty years.
Is the construction of the Suez canal
80.000,000 cubic yards of material were
excavated by 30,000 laborers.
Potatoes first appear in history in
1503. In 1802 the United States raised
201,000.000 bushels. In 1884 the world
raised 79,000,000 tons.
Accoiidiso to the last census there
are over 3,000,000 bachelors in the
United States that is, 3,000,000 mea
over thirty years old who have never
been married. .. ,.!--.
Chisgao is the enterprising potato
county of Minnesota. Three million
bushels were raised last year, three
thousand car-loads shipped and the rest
used in the large starch factories. .
It is estimated that the richest of
civilized peoples is the English, with
per capita. In EruLee the aver
age is said to be 51,102, in the Unite.!
States $1,029. while by the sale of their
lands to the United States government,
some of the Indian tribes are worth
from 85.000 to ? 10,000 per capita, man,
woman and child.
Even queens aro not exempt from
fads. Queen Victoria is extremely fond
of two Spanish bullocks of great beauty
which she has had for many years. A
young English girl has succeeded hi
grouping the two in a most ef
fective manner in a bit of sculpture or
dered by the queen, anil with whiuh her
majesty was duly pleased. In tne
course of her i,tm!y of the royal pets
the young sculptor grew enviably inti
mate with them, even to the extent of
having them take lumps of sugar from
her hand.
Kir at Wooilhurn, Ors;oii.
An explosion in the store of Iliuco
Pros., at Woodburn, last Siitidtiy even
ing, started a $40,000 fire, which h-jllled
the etrorts of the firemen until the en
tire block epposite the depot us
Look Over Voiir County HrrHiil
All county warrants reuisiered piior
to January ltith, 1H!l0, will le puid if
iireenteil at mv ollice, corner of i 1 1 1 r 1
and Washington streets. Interest
cease on mid after thi" date.
Wm. Miciiki.i.,
Treasurer Wasco County.
October 'Jli-t, l.SlKt. if
liest grades onk, lir, pine and muI
wood. Olllcn l.'S.'l Second street. All
orders promptly attended to.
Maikk it I'knton.
Htirklir. Arlti'-a -wlt.
The best salve in the wnriil fur cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlirinn, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chill luins,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per bo. For sale liy Snipes ,Si Kill
ers ly.
! !.
' ;