THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1893. Wry Koallaiir PERSONAL MENTION Vedodj Mr. N. Pierce ol Portland hat spei the last few dart in tbe city. Mi Jcanette Willrani returned from a iterk'i tay in Portland last eveneiii. Mrs. Chris:in McCoy and Mis May McDonald of lirauts are in the city Unlay shopping. Mr. Charles I.. Campbell of F.nders'-y ia flopping with hie aunt. Mr. J. F. Boliertson, attending the public school. Thuraday. Mr. F. P. Mays went to Portland this morning. Mr. F. M. Aniea returned yesterday from a trip to Missouri. Mr. John Irvine of Chenoaeth is very iU with siiht hope of hi recovery. Mr. Chas. Green of Kinjrsley pave Th CcuoMCLii odic a pleasant rail today. Ir. Kowland and Williamson left The In, lea on the afternoon train yes:erda, and Ir. Richardson left this morning. Mr. O. W. Cook and family will co down to l.Tie in the morning to vnot with Mrs. O. Gilliam during the holi day. Mr. E. O. Leet of Moro, Sherman county, came into the city today. He sjieaks of the roads as being in a terrible condition, owing, largely to the great aiii-innl of rain during the fall and to iar in the winter. Mrs. M. Matley. sifter of B. II. Thurston, is here on a visit to her Brother. She will return to her home in I-aiayette, Yamhill Co.. in a day or two. Mr. Thnrston will accompany her home to f jiend trie huiiday. Friday. Mr. I. n. Taffe of Ce'ilo is in loan today, i Mr. II. n. William nnd family de- pa.-ied for Oregon City this morning to visit relative. hrlalaaaa Iilwwar ins bill of fare The folio served for Christmas at House : 1 ISNFR. Oyster Soup, ill lie on- t the I'luatilla , Ceiery en I'.ranch. Turtle Soup. Taunason. Filet of Salmon. Boied Votatjes. Pi js Feet. Mixed Pickles. Cold Slaw New Bee;. Chow Chow. Ov-ter Patti--. Boiled Queen Ham, Champagne Sane. Ox 'loncue. Mint allce. Leg of Mutton, Caper Sauce Chicken Fricassee. Pip Head with Sauer Kraut. Veal Cutiets. Cream sauce. Beef a la Mode, Lobster Salad. Prime Kast Beef. Ko!t shoulder of Mutton. Young Turkey Stuffed. Cranberry Sauce, Boast Pig with Apple Sauce. , Walla, t l.rJo. Haa Xew riM (.r Mlver. IX n. Waiie. the sensational povernor of the Centennial state. ha in hand, it ia atatcd. a convection of miner, which ia to pa resolutions uiv'T special aesston of the legislature to protect th. silver minimr industries, tiov. Watte has. l-en in correspondence with l"rei idelit l'iai, of the rvpubli.- of Mexico, and has. so the stale cabinet avers, ar-ranp-ed for the coinage of a hybrid Mi rer coin, upon which will apear the Mexican mark, a well a the t olorado coat if arms. This coin is to he made in the Mexican mints, of Colorado sil ver, the Mexican povenuueut having the seiirniorairv as the profit. Gov. Waite declare that the state can pur chase the bunion, issue eertilieatc-s, Wine Sauce, f which may le used as a medium f rx- 1 change until the return of hybrid, i with which these certificate may W j redeemed. The same wire which flashed the , Titer Ara ioaMllaut ul t hararter. Love wakiuror. the tac i generally , supposed by the unsophisticated public to be more or less of a perfunctory ', business, a make N-licve affair its dry 1 and tasU-lewa to the performers n.s the property fiiod and drink l.i.'u tl. -y j utToot to walU'' ut tiieir V.r. .ie'. . Uomantic und beiititacntal ptsj-.ew.l. i tie p'.ad to know thtt the tender sion. ax represented on the Is.i.rJ., u ' not all prctonse, and that occu .fniiii.-'. , at least, Cupid gets m hisworU without j shame or compunction r;rht before tin footlights. A case in point is said t ' have occurred recently i u p ; .... I comic opera trou;e in .. C : donna and the tr:t.iue wen 1 1..' v.. -i tinu of the aly little jrJ. Hi-w r I where the mutual attraction llr- l I . r:.i. i is not stated, but it ha.! : :- '.' j begiin but wa well advare.-.l nu j made manifest to the audience i .vi--I after the bariume joined the eorv:'.ry. I It was paVl of the buritone MIm Frank la the PropbeteMi Deb orah's Abls Buoooasor. vw ma h. M.o., I r-vrr at th. t o.- I "'" ZZ re" of lillioi. j arnsirm for WhJ'i fisiwikta.,' Persona who attended the con(rres u-au"r- ut v U iMUr"' of n-hionH in Cliicn,o in August will ZZZLJZ n-i u'.l the iiil.-ri'vl wiih which th. y lis- w pUlm .,., t nln prayer, otTercd, i a.iunM Tha Wo4 faiTir tt ned to ,. ('H-nlu? prnver, otTerod u.. it ira, ! v n Viumsr woman, utid rich. I u- it uav 1:1 f rvi.l. impassmnea ulter I ance. !u li tb; Jl;-vt m'mi.iii was over ' tlier' were munv THE I above information broadcast over the I kisk the vrlma ec,j ,t r Baked Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes, Mashed ; Potaue. Sugar Corn, Stewed Tomatoes. 1 " English Plum Pudding. Hard Sauce. J Fruit Pudding, Cream Sauce. Pumpkin Pie. Pineapple Pie. Mince lie.S 1 i 1 1 1 . . -a Fruit Cake. Coeoanut Slices. Jelly Boll, Lady Fmaers, Christmas Fritted Cake, Cup Cases, Small Assorted Cases. Fruits. Bents Water Crackers, Domestic Cheese. Coffee. Krai Eatal. Mr. D. Farrington is in the citv. He reports the roads worse than he has feen them tor the past seven years. Mrs. D. Farrington of Fairfield 'left last night for Kiko. Nevada, and will re- ma:n daring the winter with her son, E Farrington, esq. BORN. In The Dalles, to the wife of J. eon, Dec. 19th, a aon. Peier- MAF.UIED. John Prall and wife to Jason B. Got- ! ham IS acres in section t, township 1 north, range 13 east; $1,500. A. L. Keese and wife to Mary M. ior- I had enme from fk nver bv train ham lot D, block 36, Ft. Dalies Military He was met by cx-lvputy son Kesere; Z"b. in-law of the povernor. who had -EU?HRA7AT !,H,",n r "anlen Sic lister. . and a prison employe who had pcr- The Beantlful Lrfrrad ronnvrtrd wlch th j minion to le absent until a late hour. IXdicaUoa of Bt. Hoptus. j stealthily approachinp the prion. the A lefrend connected with the Church I employe pave the proper sipuiil and the of St- Sophia i recalled by "An Idle ! outer door was opened for his admih Woman in Constantinople." and a it J ion. All three sprang1 in. covering eontain a moral fruxTunt of troth it i the PUiinls and disarminir them. The At the residence of John K. Woods, nearlufur. th-., IVc. ITtn, 1?9S, Mr. Zachery Vorter to Kosa A. Gardner, borh of Wasco Co., Oregon. Justice A. J. Brignam officiated. Faaeral of Mr. SfcEwca. The funeral of Mrs. Clarissa McEwen lli occnr Sunday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of Mr. W. X. Wiley, wiali whom deceased has lived for the pat eight years. , Mrs. McEwen was horn in Canton, New York state. May 2, 180S, and ca;ue to Oregon in 15W, first living in the Willamette Talley and during the last twenty years in Wasco county, he leaves two eons and three daugh ters, one son living in Washington and one in Oregon. The daughters are Mrs. Wiley of The Dalles, Mrs. Parker of j iowa, and Mrs. Morion ot Illinois, iler son, Chas. McEwen, of North Yakima is eSjiected to arrive today. Bev. W. C. Curtis will officiate at the turners! ceremonies. 1 . . . 1. . ' 1 .1 .:..(.. 1 x wu fcum lie vrttuia u uhvi v.., dmary stae faahiou, as mail cut '. ia uol hungTy or driiiks who in r,.''. thinty. IU:t what was the surprise iT the spe-tators nud uf the other mem ber of tiie company to tee that he per formed the duty as if he liked it. 1 . -. I he liked it very much, indeed. I:i fact, he kissed the prima dontia w ith u-iii-.ic'u ardir and enthusiasm, nnd sue np parectlr reciprocated with so much earnest ni-M. and vi-or. that tin- scene KHn Intcaaic the most prominent in the ojiera. A witnes in descrit,::.g it said the baritone's zeal reminded him of the realistic manner iu which Bifc'noLl, the English actor, discharged a similar duty in "Henry V." Kijrnold's kiss wa lUihtsl sweet ness ao loiur drawn out or drawn in I that when he K-jjan the sporting pn tlemen in the front rows of the theater pointed warden, took poesMon of the J wou;j reg-alarlv time him to see if he Colorado penitentiary at Canyon City, f would break his previous record. The ij r I:.-' a 1 ...i..V5 OO V. D. B. WAITC. OF COLOliXHO. land Uild Vow S. .1. Tor. recently ap- inner pate was pasned in the same wav. liencc was then reeopniied may well be held in perpetual remem brance. When the basilica was fin ished Emperor Justinian pave or- j and ordered out. but he ders that an inscriptiion in letter of hibited a new appoiutnient pold should lie placed aliout the dome: j deputy Ripned by Toy. who in turn Justinian dedicates thia church to the I presented his own credentials, t.uards. piorr of liod." But on the day of the j w ho had U-eome alarmed by the dis public opctinp the emperor lookeii up j play of firearms, bepan blowing the at the dome and saw. with amazement, 1 alarm whistle and McLester was a wak that the inscription ran: -Euphrasia j ened. As he stepped out of his bed dedicates this church to the JTiory of i rom he was ortlered to leave the od." ' j penitentiary grounds at once. He "What is the meanin? of this m-K-k- ; asked for permission to po to the office err?" he asked, pointing upward, and I and arranpe his papers, but that was turnmp to the patriarch sitting beside j refused. With a man on each aide of the throne he said: '"Did I not com- 1 him. the deposed warden was con- mand you to have my name enpraven on the dome?" Who is Enphra-sia?" called the 1 patriarch. "Who knows a woman ' bearing such a name? If anvone can 1 1 ducted to the outer pate and ordered I to depart. MOMENTS OF M!RTH. NEWS NOTES Minister Stevens is out with a reply to President Cleveland. Yalliant and Ilecklu are the names of the anarchists who latelr exploded a liotnb in the house of deputies. They are both misnamed. Armed men were recently put on the trains polling out of Portland, Or., but after a few days were taken off. About that time William Pinkerton was in San Francisco. A New York newspaper says that the death of Banker Magoan baa probably settled the fate of the Atchison, Topeka 4 Santa Fe railway, and that the road will now likely be placed in charge ot receiver. Cp in Idalio they have concluded the S. F. Examiner's "gift offering" to its subscriber is a lottery, and the U. 8. grand jury La indicted W. II. Hearst, the proprietor, and T. T. Williams, the business manager of tbe paper, for vio lating the law which prohibits the nse of the mails for circulating lottery advertisements. Another claimant to the estate of the late Thomas H. Blytbe Las jtist arrived here from England. Hi name is Ed ward Edwin Blytbe. He allege his father was compelled to leave England wiien the claimant wan a mere child, and that some time ago be instructed lawyer to file Li claim to tbe estate, but tbe latter bad not taken any action. Hi attorney declare the proof pro duced by Lim are very strong, and that Li resemblance to the late millionaire is very remarkable. NEWS OF THE STATE. Cnion county is now agitating for ro k crasher. Mr. Miller, w ho went east last week U find hi lost child, baa Dot been heard from lately. Mayor Mason of Portland lias gener ously donated CM) sac is of floor to the cdy of Portland. uieo O. Holman will be declared not guilty, the court declaring be would set aoi le a verdict of guilty, owing to tbe lack of convicting testimony. Tbe smug gling trial i nearly ended. Aak vonr dealer Lir Mexican Silver answer let him speatc." From the priests to the lowest of the .sembled thousands the question: ' Who is Euphrasia?" ran round the church. No one answered. At lenpth. while the eniperor sat mute and amazed, a miserable fellow who cleaned the marble floor stepped forth and said: "Imperial Cesar. to whom 1 am tin worthy tu raise my eyes. I know a woman with such a name, hut she is o13r!ie almost bedridden. Sne lives in a little house near one of the wails of the chu-ch. "Briiig her hither." commanded the emperor, and strtiphtway papes and chamberlains rushed out and soon re appeared carrying an aped woman w ho trembled in everv limb. '! your name Euphrasia?" asked thi emperor. "Yea. mighty emperor, it is." "VI hat do you know of that tion?" and he pointed aloft larpe letters on the vault. Nothing, my lord, nothing? "But yon see vour name church. It stands there instead of mine. What have you done toward the building of the church?" "Great king-, nothinp My lord mocks his poor servant-" - "Not at all," replied the emperor. "Ther tell me you live near. Think! Have you done nothinp. spoke noth ing, thought nothinp to pive yon this claim?" 'Majesty," she said, "there is a little act, but it is so small I am ashamed to trouble my lord with it mention." "Speak. I command you." said Jus tinian. "Fear not. Tell me all." Then she told how. as she lay on her bed in her little house, she heard with sorrow the travail of the oxen and mules, carrying the marble and brick and beams up the steep hill, and her heart waa aore within her: and how. when she grew better, the thought struck her: inscnp to the on the '"Is Turn dauphter fond of the pino, nicksT "No: she's very unkind to our piano. She beats it two hours a day at least." "BAUi-.l.r: is poinp to teach me book keepinp," said youup .larley. "Well, he's just the man to do it." said Ilaw son. "I lent him a eopv if Watson's poem a year apo, and he s kept it ever since." "I iiavk enouph to nuprort you. Ethel. Will vou In-rnvwift-'. Well. in must excuse me if I am cautious. But you hay you have enouph to support ne. Who is poinp to sup port ynu?" "Guttinu money out of my conpre pation." said Lev. Jones, "is like pull ing teeth." "You must pet plies of I money, lio n, said Micks. "I never j knew of more outrapeous charges than those, for pullinp teeth." "Pi.;akk. ma'am." said the boy, "can't you be!p me? I has to support a wife an" three children." "Vou? You're not old enouph to be married." "No; but me father is. It's his wif and three children I ha to support " Harper's Bazar. baritone's kisses were of the same sort. and when he a.'.:iilnulered them in Phil adelphia he created such a sensation "that the pullery how led and the or chestra chairs lain ted." The manager "rushed behind the scenes and a.skci the baritouc whut he meant by i-uch a performance. Instead of modifying the kiss, however, he intensified it. until the compuser and the author were en tirely f orgotten ia the wild, delirious expectancy with which the audience waited fur that kiss." The manager ia ex-1 despair discharged the baritone, who said he would rather surrender his sal ary than his ripht to hiss the prim:: donna, and to kiss her conscientious! v and with a.l the laboration that t:.. scene demanded. The prima douna de clared that the interests of art demand ed that she support the jiosition takc:i by the baritone, and she promptly n signed an engagement worth twenty three thousand dollars rather than no . be kiaed in a soulful und resound. n.; style. The manager stood lirni for . few days, but without the fervent kit-, the opera bst much o its mapueti power, and lie was, it is said, forceo t capitulate and summon the prima clocu,-. and the baritone back to his service. ft kiss lor wfcien a maa is wiilmg to f ire go un;Litlon and employment an I a woman twenty-three thousaj dol lars, duriap such a hnanciiil t the present, mu:,t be r;"ti Who would not be a burit one or a pri:i.,i donna with such doiighlfu! n as this? Baltimore Sua. WITH THE ELECTRICIANS. SPORTS AND PLEASURES. MorsTAl.t sheep are protected by law in Colorado. Ten years in the pen iteutiarv is the penalty forslayinp one It is sai'l that while a resident o Sault Ste. Marie, Mich- was duck shooting recently an eaple nwoope down and carried off one of his duel decoys, sinker and all. " Mis. Jahi. Gokooji Bi:.sftt is off ot a yachting cruise in the Mediterranean which would seem to afford a gratify inp indication that the state of bi health is no longer precarious. Miss E1.1.A Haki.ix.ton. of the Wea Cheater (Pa.) Normal school, althoup! only twenty years of ape, is a gracefu and fearles equestrienne. She aits ii a man's saddle, with a foot in eacl stirrup. The selling of antlered bucks' head' "Who knows if I cannot do some- j ; j0t nrw )ne f the industries of th Tnt: citizens of East Hartford. Conn., are organizing an clcctric-Ilphtinp company with a capital stock of SlD.IHiO. St. I.ort has a novelty in the shape of an electric ambulance. It i faster and steadier than similar vehicle drawn by horses. El.MTKir clock that automatically ring bells at the end of each recitation hour or peri'Kl are lieing put into a number of New Enpiaiul schools. Tit I'nion Street Hallway company of New Bedford is to increase its elec tric power plant ao as to be able to de velop horse power. One of the most ingenious and orna mental schemes of ballroom decora tion that has appeared this season is the idea of a London iceman of freez ing incandescent lamp into larpe and prettily-molded pieces of ice. Such decfjrations serve the double purpose of giving forth With coolness and light. thing to ease their pain, the poor dumb I -at. ao patient in their woe! At ' least I will try." I Ho ahe took her bed and bore it into j the road and scattered the straw from I it on the steep ascent. It was but a i little, but lol as she worked, the straw j seemed to prow and multiply and cover ' the whole rood, and from that time ', the oxen passed pleasantly with their ' loads, and she heard no more distress. 1 The tears were in Justinian's eyes, j and he said in a gentle voice: ' "Let the name of Euphrasia standi ; she is more worthy than I, for ttt her; little she gave all she had." i North W-kmIs. The heads are wild a eight dollars each, and it cts sixteei dollar more to prepare one for nse a. a hat rack or w all ornament. crowd 1-lniut ami j ! con.'raTc.late Miss Bachrl Frank, who. : I as the y.uiiiL'esl delc.-ate present, tiaU ! been invited ' itir.ko the invocation, land nir'iy v'i did not speak to her ' ht.nn! i.rii-t t - admire the modest yet hlroii : .! ::ieau.r of the sieucicr, uaru : In- ,ui, tly accepted the warm com::n-ii.lalioa that were bhowc-vd iown her. M;s.s Lachel. or Miss Bay Frank, a she is 'icu -t cv.llcd. i. a native of Calif.rn 'a. : -.! t licr i ' accorded the d-sti- !..? f U-.sir-. -. - the first , Tn Ai mc I mart,, , ,IU.U iur , . . . , , OiB lll.n IU - .ill ear, to llir l,i,H,T woman ruboi in the w : l I. She has I ,,,., ,H Ch rwiMn. '""'"w le;., II I" law miclit mtr Mwt. atxl istv rotuiutia til tti chxltstl i:ricii;tu.ayr Oldest flgricultaral Paper .tlT.sutMio i(1t j "t To all cash sunsenbers of T10, Qhtu. payii g one yearjn adi.nt" The American Fsmnr 1729 Krw York A,BSB4) wssMlNCTON, D.t 1 GREATEST AND LARGEST. The preateht jumper ia the common flea. If a man could leap as far pro portioned to his size and weipht, he could go from St- Louis to Chicago in two jump. Thk largest engine is at Friedenv ville. Pa.: its driving wheels are 33 feet in diameter, the cylinder is 110 inches, and it raises 17,500 gallon of water per minute. The largest island in the world Is Australia: greatest length, 2,400 miles; greatest Breadth. '2.000 miles, area, 2.B41.7IW soon re miles, or nearly the size of the I'nited States. The largest building stones are those used in the cyclopean wallsof Baal bee, j in Syria Some of these measure 63 feet in length by '2t in breadth and are of unknown depth. ! CoDvertthlc MUanMhlaa. Convertible steum'.h! rMI n as K am sn w LrrTLE thinkers are big talker. j eBt designs in shiplmil.iinp. They are Good actions, like sheep, are apt to built to carry genera! or liquid carp-ies follow one another. ! on very ehort notice. The iirstvesst l IT . 1 a lr. '..fal... a...... al. . ... , 1 ,11 Ali'Jtr. ai'iniiLaaru m-ra iu iwruilM, : v i., mar iiit Iirill, slum- but arred out the hornet. j ship Mexican Prin'-e, arrivi-d h.-re a lreailc studied at the Hebrew college iu Cir.c:ni:ali. but has not finished the course, wishing to interp. dutc home study ln-fore taking the rite. In an msi-..init of Miss Frank and her ioterestinp career the San Fran cisco Chroti ii lc says: "."she is the first woman student in the college, and will Ik the first to if onlainei! sv a rabbi. There i utso lutelv li precedent in this rotiutrv or in a r.v i M-fUI areerof the Pmphetes IH-K.rah forms the only ana! t:y to the work Miss Frank has undertaken, and e en here the liliciics falls, for when IVlsirnh preached to Israel there were no syna gogues. Since then there have Is-en noted women teachers, but there is a distinction letn tcneher and preacher in the mind of the .lew. . . . People are askinp what name Miss Frank will he called by hen she is ordained a rabbi. Ik: up the first her. as no won, an In-fore has d t uc position of r.- bbi. The r? mutter, ..leiittlully ii,tKl,ii UiiiatraU.iu 1 1 lav a , XAT10VAL IS CHAKACTEt H.I tlmU with lurmtii amj nil bnall, priarllnal liuw. ,( i EMPLOYS THE BL'ST MBittik TH C COIXTKY. lid -i thlna; II, I ppnira . intim . 1 Ihi- l.ilitlfliriai-i vert ilnrttrt!, . I lsri!" t liulnro I. lwn,l j n tJi 1 ' ti.'iu-oial waia, l,Mik,iIK ,. tl. j bcot-ht ti tht Uintfr mutl hu utMii ft FIGS AND THISTLES. AHlfSM'i Ital. M. A. Moody, asuignee, will oC"jr for, ale at public auction on Saturday, Llee- amber Kid, Frank Voyt' entire st'ick ' of dry goods, clothing. ioot and sh'ies, j bats and caps, furnishing goods, etc. , Thi sale is for the bent-Id of creditors and the entire stock i to be disposed of Tirx love that is dumb until it speak on a tomlistone doesn't say much. It is bard to convince a dyspeptic that the world is growing better. Some men who start out to set the world on fire give up at the first thun der clap. Tnr.iiE are people who never accom plish anything because they undertake to do too much. Tnrftr. are men who go to a gymnasi um for eaercise while their wive are sawing the wood. few days apo from the Tyi.e. .sh,. Bsi built at Wallsend. England. forJanW Knott, and had every re-j uiren.ebt f'ir lidiiig und diseharpiiig anything thai might have to lie sent aerosa the s-a. ' Steam fans to drive out gases that al- j ways accumulate rn this typ- of ves-w-ls were part of the M'ip'n equipment. ! Winches and hiph-p-iwer puinjm were L I v on !.- r ! to suit trie varying de-! IVa.ut.l Clieaper California thsn ina-hotn-e. fiere e.t Bt the ' m:m ca( iit.i.KAxa. woman in the world to oernpy such position, naturally the name does not exist. When she has occupied the pulpit or lias leeturert in neytu.p'pue Miss 1 has worn a street t:resh, or a .iia.l-e-. :.inp tiress id h-.-l.t ercjar. This i . ;;;.'. in line v. itli the rabbis of the t-n;r;r"fatio!:s. who have lis-: r!-il iii. r. Bin! cup of the orl'.t .vt.V cn- ;-ret-tio!ls. "Mi-, i rsi 1 will probably remain with b--r futuilv and frii-Tids in Oakland this v. ,i,t.-r. After tliut. her plansare unforniav'.. V. i.lli- in ( hifiu'o nevera! ivt-sl'l;;.- He' res were desirous, of f.irrr.i. - : : .prera i-m. with her BS tii-:r r-.; , feeling i f la 'k of nretv rt! f f -reed hcrtoto-c'ine. although : Bai'l'i M .cs. t he most eelelirtited Jew ish !.' in Chicago, eticouraped her toacccp. u-i-l that toe Jews tietsd women in their pulpits." THE NATION MOURNS. The remains of Mrs. Lucy Stone-Blackwi-ll ar t Ik- cremated, in ac cordance wit.j a wish Mie nf'.in r presawd Cot A. Ii Xi L: -,i ho died, single, last week i:. ( V.cii:ia. .'. Y., aped T." years, was i (-.(: t.i President KiM more's only du j-.-l t-r. ,vlii di.sil In-fore the day Cxi-d for t.H-ir marriape. Fhaski.ix Haves, who recently died at his summer house in Beverly 1 arms, Mass.. at the ape of !to years, was an intimate friend of Dnniel Webster. Me was long prominent in tinanei-il and railroad a II airs in Massachusetts. Tut. w ill of the Ute Carter II. Harri son, the murdered mayor of Chicago, disposes of property valued at H.i0.lsto. The entire estate, with the exception of 10.(KXi devoted to charity, is directed to In- divided inctjual slum- among his four rlrldren. T Brae 1 p The system after "La (irippe," pneo monia, fever, and other prostrating cute disease ; to build up needed flesh and strength, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run-down" and used-up. the best thing in the world is iHJetor Pierce's .olden Medical Wscov ery. It promote all the Wlil v functions, rouses every organ into healthful action, purities and ennchee the blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and invig orates the entire svstem. lor the most stubborn Scrofulous. f-kin or Scalp I'iwanes, Dysjiepsia, Biliousness and kindred ailments, the "Ifiscovery ' is the only remedy that' yuarimttfit . If it doesn't U-netit or cure, you have your money buck. Can you think of anything. more con vincing than the promise that is made by the proprietors of I)r. Sage 'a Catarrh Beinedy? It is this: "If we can't cure yourfatarrh, we'll pay you VsJ in cash. " Haeklaa'a 4risrs Kalva). The Lest salve iu the world (or rut, bruises, sores, ulcer, salt rheum, fevef fires, tetter, chapped bands, chilhlains, corn, and all skin eruption, and )Kisi tivoly cure plies, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale tiv Snin- A Kin- It mir nn ihr l.t !,d tfcarta,,. a. ,il la luriii.uisl at ll.a-1.. mai 5 CENTS A Hit lit pUviit Thla raihh aa It tkaakaa, (rim It oral py' ta th raanra. FARMER LECISLATIOV I'urlnir ttw wmiihf ymr ttuvrt ltKa nttiitwv DuniUST ft iniiifr ill in RwMj r. tTit to uriiim ilvt;i m ;ib bv t,ncvm , r )riir.inri ati w h)li1.4 j, hiirt.. tm.rtit UiaI tli JjruKi 9 tronfl' a"! tt;y I.i1'rniv-1 to wtKi t'iuniirtj Mini tlrr Nttxv'l.nC ttn. Nt ftar m ( nti.tMl. 1 ((- ttimi.i ati, , t A l.ttf . lHall. WttrtU, Nr)Hf ng Urr tin. f't-T ItM'aittiM tljn nv iilW C'Ctltir thl luiorn.sitioit, mu4 ti-rm me tilt- lllltV. ItWf UI fUt ttt tt HtrtUC tvm pitiiount ! viUNb. ii(itrTUtl'Jt ttw rat rl In iriittT wk, I Hu AHttkH I'akmkr n4 Tm Cuav. wi.t l writoiM; ymr lr $1 7j NOTICE llk ITBLICATIWC. lisn (imi l. Tor Imlha -l i Sitir la hrn-hr fivv tliat im namrd larttli tina II list lit t h. loaniU mafes ntiai l.rfMtf Iu BMnfO f4 rlnilli. anil that aalll print! WK; Sa iradt h th rrarta, aiul rtnsittr al Tin law, w tiliruarjr BI, .s!l, via.. Jaeala I. Ruliaru, ft'tmisatisMl So IT'.aS. f,.- tSa- 9K-. aim K, nf SF1,. aua su or tf. v n 1. 1 y. i a,, aa I. ff.. W 31. It tianira tlie fillih'liir Hiiaaaalraf. -ritoiiiuHia rvaiiaaiiee uhiu, and eauriaae aid land, v lx K . W.wriaa.n. M. f. falnlaT. I K FalW and t H. stnialitim. all n( iMilnr. v. .. John v . t.tvt ij. im NOTICE Ft) It IXBUCinOJ Timyet Land. Act jRariKl! t'. S l.asii lirnts. riI)-:s n Noflis- l l-tir r'r tutt a eM(UR with tle irn l-l.-lia tA Vir art nt effr In: r r,. I"1: . elititK'al "As art i aar 'il U. 1 lal.da in the atrt-a - I !:!rrit, lm Nevada and abiiiri"ii lanitrfj. taa-al f . Staaaaaoa. Of Kine-lw. eotiniv ' l.aa iiuadar t.U-il in tut iw mrnl I. if tin- UTi'ti "I Ha- S ' 1 m V f S'tltl. Ill l.'WI'ail'l' " - No in fc. W M . and alLi "Lf jir" (nut tiir Und a. .uc I I t "" ' 1 tlmtaf ii al.nir llian lor airtK-ullO'H and I.. alnl.lih l.t c Inim t" aaid ' tnr ht-rialer and H'0'' '""' tMllaai, lir ,litl tr l.ath U !' llr nanus! aa Wlna va OaW M' -t r.nawy. Isiti KiHidcau and Lal?"" all ( fc ll'lslf , T. j,s Am and a.l u.T-nia rUimln alf t.-a-Tiu-d latatla arr fs, t rialma In tMaiifin-e no nt fcvinw aua rf- ( an, j.tiis w irM!z- Xi .TICK FOB PTELiaTlOS j U omci. Th. S.itnsi la hen- aivan that named artllnr baa tiWd wrtara' "m., ml. Snal .nai( tn auntairt "I tlf P"L- t aald nad will lac maoa la-nnr uaa - mrliar af Tlir laa.iea, UIW"" iMatvtnljer T, Is-.rt. in Hawltt lllaf. rt and ',..( r aa K' . 1 ; ' J. W tiamaa tl ..0..ln 'UWT i mittlmiMiia reaulrtiea " aahl land. vU' f II. . W a-t). ,tl The ball 'rjaa.. Kaatnn. Jamca tanU.u and lX I anane. Or. ,alf''J V I J..MS W. U Executor's Uotice to Creditar Nut It la tien-or lva (iIJ a.' of Ilia Mala d onwotl hf !!, a: dnW ant"tiard the 'u'ra".'flraa ! ' Iha lnat will and tawtamaiit m t darvaaaal. All )-ia..n ""J a th. ratatr of aald del w 7at " Ui nrawawt ttM-tn. with His r"T,. ' within l ai..iitln Ir-.tii Uia "Z" U. aald n-euliif al hi pl JTZ, I Ill-a llr. In aald e-iniiiy. f J W, JL Wllanll, In "aid IralU-a 1 tBfr wit MAKL ."'V"- li. ted till, lal dar ! bifmVA Admiiiistratrixi K.rti.- la harat-r rl" lh ',. nf l,a Stale id I' ".!, wt af - , dav dulv a.!-tntl Hi" iitid'eiif lrl id Ilia aatate i.l I'r "Lurd ' ! eawanl. and thai all l il 'I wln.ll.l.traltu A II '"n'Z riilrril Mi l.taaant thr't r aataU-. wl'h the pna-f i it at h-r f-i'l-n I' , ald annuity and Utf. wlltil" " J tlicdalr ...nilC11111 this lal day oMKi- j "John i' Pashej TlieileitkofK 7 Coo" !"''' 5t door to WMooSa'l fmUiu,i raeelved I'rtBIBI- I l. ao l l..lh, wht. li he Ibat lsn lllm- ' ClcaoiDS and Repairing l rsiy