THE DAI-LES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1893 The Weekly Chronicle. Chastened by bitter experience the president says "the" commissioner now, referring to Blount. The January Dumber of the Forum (reduced to 25 cts.) will contain an im Mtrtial review of the whole Hawaiian question bv Mr. James Schouler, well-known historian, who w CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. The machine ior separating the floor gold from sand on the Columbia river placers "doea not work just right." That has been just the trouble with all other machines for that kind of work. It doesn't pay to economise on Christ mas i-heer. Even if times have been V. - 1 ta .11 k. wMMtAV niacin fiO m iian I ' - - the ' few davs of bwlUav prosperity. The rites not odd are that tnere will never be another for the sake of controversy, but to tell j the iacts of the whole contention and set them forth in their proper proportion. period in your life when the spending of j on. turned state's evidence when grained yellow fir from near the butt 3.M15 pound, and best Michigan oak snapped with a strain of only 2,425 pounds. These tests were made by the Northern Facifcc railroad company at Taconia, Waiu. The trial of the smuggling ring at Portland brings out the fact that they bad their plans well laid out and were making lots of money in their business. Nat Elnnt. who stood in as long as the public was not aware of what was going the badger, 25c; polecat. 2V(,i-.v; com-1 ion bouse cat Havad - iBlakeley & Houehtnr no doubt been more lives of j J K rd from death in croup or , a. . aw , , 1 - The Dalles, OreJ The preachers of New York have now started npon a crusade that will be wished Godspeed by everyone the abolishment of the insanitary and over crowded tenement houses of that city. Inasmuch as one of the wealth iet churches of that town U said to derive a large income from houses of that class It is entirely proper that the reform should be undertaken by the other churches. For the present state of the flying ma chine the public is referred to Me Cxrkx's Magazine for January. Hiram S. Maxiro, maker of the Maxim gun and one of the few inventors of real abilitr and authority who have been at- a little money woo id give you greater pleasure and be so productive of thank fulness and joy. matter came to htfht and has told the whole story and pulled his accomplices down and is trying to get them under Lfoot to lift himself up a little. There is The president extricates himself from j no doubt a great deal of smuggling was the Hawaiian mess in much the same , done, but for our part we would dislike picturesque manner as one does from the j to be on the jury and accept the teati niucky tara beds of the island realm of mony of such a man as true, even when the Pacific, with mod ud to the knees as ' given under oath. The one who will There has children saved from death in croup whooping cough by the use of ouions than by any other known remedy, ur mothers used t- make poultices of oui!r or a syrup, which was always ertVtheP in breaking up a cough or cold.ctual. j l.tino s Onion Svrup is made by com-1 billing a few simple remedies with it: which make it more effective as a med- icine and destroys the taste and odor of , the onions. 60c. hold by lilakeley A j Houghton. 175 Second Street, Medic a witness of the filthy incorporation. Some hitherto unpublished letters of Whittier's, written to an intimate friend, Charlotte Fiske Bates, will appear in the January number ofjMcClure's Magazine. They are especially important as being the direct expression of that sweet, serene faith in an overruling Providence and the soul's immortality of which de lightful glimpses in Whittier's poems. thus Wtray a friend is rascal in the outfit. Ex. the meanest tram's Z Root? A full line of all the Standard Patent Drugs. Chemicals!, Etc. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS,-,., Country-wnd Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. MARKET The Holiday Trmd. atrtek LlMt Mall. REPORT. bat Oraiaarr j 6853 rz ctt: t .. w m - c - t m Friday, Uec 22. The holiday season is at hand and locally trade is brisk in notions and holiday gootls. Business in general lines is quiet, prices in general merchandise are steady and unchanged. .. . .. i nil inn r . ni i voirrneirw rmn una traded to the subject or aerial naviga- . - - y - r - - . Th Droduce roarket.while in fair sunnlv oeen snomitteu to me nouse on ine . . . . is particularlv dull, and there is no tion, has now nearly completed an air hip that gives great promise of sailing the skies successfully. Water is being successfully brought to the surface of the apparently dry streams of Colorado, Western Kansas and Ne braska and applied to the purpose of irrigation. A brief mention is made in one of the Morgan county papers of the successful experiment of Mr. C. S. Owens of Byert, who has obtained a plentiful supply of water from the west fork of the Eijou, a stream which rises in the divide and beneath its sandy bed for more than fiftv miles. Hawaiian question, the former uphold ing Cleveland and denouncing Stevens, the latter questioning Cleveland's con duct and holding him to account. Any further comment will be profitless until the facts are learned. The truth of this whole matter is now in order. Let Stevens' statements either be approved or disproved. change in quotations, save in egg ; ar rivals are increasing and the market is a little weak, and 20 to 25 cents per dozen are the outside figures paid. To day the stock on baud is large and a de- Anaun tanalsveand N i.h t. ul.Mw, oid lr ItruKrw ur out by mail S4c. he, and f i.(M per pauiiuuf. bamna frea irn Tl f Tb FavmiM tocti rerrn lk VJ lit(ortiwTamaaiMllmaia.aM. Far awl by Hal K manly. THE DALLES LUMBERING Co INCORPORATED ISS4 ' No. 07 Washington Street. . . The Tii... Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Buiklin? Material mil Dimeaioo Tisbfr, Poors, Windows, Muliikjn, Farai&iii Special Attention Riven to the Manufacture of Fruit an . w , Boxes and Packing Cases, Factory awxact 3L-.i.ntx-"Yaarrt attOlri 17"t. x, SHERIFFS SALE. DRY Pine. Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered, any part of the city. A mammoth petition was wheeled into congress yesterday, requiring the services of several men, on the subject of road making and asking for government aid. It was signed by seventeen governors and 130,000 citizens of the Cnited States. We are el ad to see this important move- nwnt tnrMilinir frond waiTnn riiads are t Mid ' -more important than railroads, anct IT a ' hare of the monev nut into SO much ! Clapp railroad building in the last decade had j been applied to roadmaking the people would be more prosperous now. Oregon has a mammoth cave that rivals the one in Kentuckv. It's en trance is 12 miles this side of the stale's southern boundary line, and it has been explored for a distance of 22 miles, partly underlying California's surface. The end of the cave has not yet been reached, chambers Ily virtue of an exiti"! a ltd onKr of ttr iii)d out of the i'lrruil I ourt uf thv of tinffiii fur Hiwo Counts, upon a iKtw and Judgment made. ntioVtMl and enU'rvd hr aul tHirl on tit Uth day of Novt'Bibr. 1. la favor of pUiititiit. in a mt vovnii A. li. Kitnu plalntin. au.i f rnni li .illt-i.h- and Khoda f.tlUwnt. W. K. Ruut and W. If. Hutiar rv dflflldanln. aiMl lo m iliwtnl and di-tivvrl rvintinalul.uK Qi lo trvy litMin and wll all the land DtiU'Hird und d'iH'nlK-d in ald writ, and hrviiiftu?r dintml. did, on Km- 4th dav of lmluT, lt, dulv lvy UDtin. and aril! wil at rtil,llr nurti4iii. to th hixhtwt bld'lrr, lor cah 11 band, ou aoaair, taa aia day Jaitaary, iaw. t tYi 1 I : at Jo rlaa-k In tlx lU'rrio.n of aaid day, at the j i tmnt d,Mr t4 th l onulv 4'ourttiou in linl'i- Tlie poultry market is quiet with a fair , an.1 pnm,m d-nii' m nt and lumn j r-t,;..l--. o,--rii-i a. toiiow., t.ait tvicceaaors to I- cline is in sight The butter market also dull ; 35 to 50 cents per roll is of q notations. if : i jipGiu.e.s uaii are quoted at 2Jli to ..o ir du. and live ioanaiii two r . , , ,. ' , . ... I (H; "f the Ilia turkevs at 10 cts. per lb., dressed at 1. s, Munn. rvit,jn. or . eta. per lb. The grain market is quiet and dull. Barley is dull on sale from 50 to 60 cents j per rental. Oats are in moderate de- It is a chain of spacious j mand at 06 to 80 cents per cental. I some of them be:ng oi6 feet Wheat on the market continues fur northwmt ouarftT of !ievtln fourttHni fill j fHHith. ol kanaa fonruvu t nitte Alfridiau. lu W mMi j Ullirfa Uirmil mm- ihaU lie 1 audtrienl tu Katlsfv tiie tuiu of I'l.l4, vrita In Vvt therwoQ ! the rule if ten tier ivnL annum ,llu N,,VOTiitr 11th. Wirt Si4Mi at,,r. ney , ieen, and fxiia In aaid ,uiu t.rei!ier , SECONI STREET, aritta euata of wild wrtt. and ai-cmitia nt of ' ai T A. WAKli. I i 1 " i- HherilT of VI awn ( onnfv. tirr.! Iatl at Dallii. City. Ur., live. 4. i-.l il-. D. Frank, dtvaad.) OFALL Of A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. wlialssalB w Eetail Dealers in Earns, Bridles, flips, Horse BMsXtL Fell Asssrtmciit if Kciican Safifilsr? Pisin or Stsmpi - THE DALLE; in diameter, and the ceiling of none ol them being less than 50 feet from the floor. An e!T.jrt is being made to have one of the chambers reproduced at the nter fair. slug- gish in movement, and local quotations range from 40 to 4'2 cents per bnshei ac cording to grade and quality. The Commercial Review of Portland savs I the wire advices from Eastern and also " "" ' European markets are of a bearish char- s marset letter contains i ,..ler. ,nd there is tint little in th SHERIFF'S SALE. Eev. Robert Collyer, not his double, has been heard from in a very pleasant fashion. The venerable divine has just preached a sermon on his seventieth birthday. "The dream of three score ears and ten has come true," he savs. "and during all that time I have never j in transit for exchange falls been absent from my pulpit on a single desire that exceeds nece$ity. A Co. the following sensible remarks: honor is a public treasure. I'ublic treasure may be secured at the expense of private honor. Honest legislation may provide honest money or dishonest men. A liquidated income dollar a :i clipped is generally sent to the n un uf mettle for recoinage. Constitutional distribution can onlv be effected in- con- i stitutional taxation. A tax on product niuikiy on E.-otiou-v j . m rTIVae ' that la lirwfiil" lttv The larye supplies in and France, together veat which has just been finished in tiie Argentine Republic amounting to 4(.!0,000 bushels for export, is food for IIv virtue of an rtwitl m and tmlr of pale, Iuurl ou; tif the ( m'Ult Court tit toe date of trvatin. lor thv County of W aeo. ! mv uiretM poTiiinaudiTur pi,- to ma -nieot the laud In the aid writ dewrruied t,wit tlioe plt-ea and par re ia oi land in u ei ountv, state of on-arnn. i'town and dve?id a tiie wHitnwit nuarvir 1 Tiokt anrl rn.,ami Ctmr,.m. ..I T- itU- I "',l"n lour !T. and tlie nortu hall of .-;,,m ; --' " '" l- . nttiM l'; .l I:. . . n t u ..i.n.t ...... i futures. .turn rn-UnJ htinic nmrtfea .,4Mt of ue w iimn Mm- eiurv in rnpiana (jmn. Ut u. Hint t thr mm .( m.iiiv, in j with the new bar- ' 4 onrt tiju,iri p'1 " riniiiit u. New - Umatilla- House. THE DALLES. OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. Sunday from sickness, and I have never been sick in bed one day in my life. I would not exchange my lot with any human creature I know. Nor would I . an.'all ahinnipnt which wna mail, tn tr.a ' piuue auction to the bucuert bidl-r Hhenll of Wawo CiKin'T, Slate ol urntun. nov.Jtd is the only defense against a tax that settles on price. The man that invents : Oregon Citv woolen mills, vesterdav, on ( a lax that will fit bales, banks, busl.eis, p,,,,, termg j, is nll(ier,too(1 'tl),t , barrels, bonds, beer and bullion alike in ! of the ,.. ,wm', r!ir, : have chosen any other seventy years for j forty-four states can be made American uiain on the u,ttoui, unless the pre-ent ' my me. a nappy uig. mumi. pope. ! congre-s settles the tariff favor of protection llld IniMI OliiMlir w, ,fr !inlflti:f. and Jati! H.nrth. Martha V Mooth. E.tett r. Ma!., i f. ' Mrt lure. earnh If. Mix ture, li. i ibT. I.alpb h.wra. Julia N k.awr. I n Kmll. 1 M lav ' kir mid J !' km. ili0t,0i li.vit . Itie liears to work on, consequently the i the atim of t'n aitli mnteat tneim. . ! . .. f -1 . : i i' .l f July 1. Iwi. at the rale of at, bereeu(!'ramtti!i trll.le.t.rv Of SpecnlaUon favored the ! mu U .u attorney . e. ,uU -uu .d sii'.rt iile of the market, and the bears :nm and dwtmrattnenta therein u-i. I iir . tila day levied ujaiu tiieland alorencud, and on hsve own way all tnrongh. j f,.,..,, tar day or iim..,, imhs. ; Tner has been no movement in the at the hour of .ooeinrk a m in front of the ; , , .,i., ,ii l. , eonrt houae dour. In tlie city of The 1 in -.! market during the week except a ,d , IMJntr ad sute. i whi -i, aam.aud .1 1 P. R. R. Company, and office of the VTam Cnion Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREG0S. Goi'tmment, IIP Stale, YOU W7V2STT or Dalks mlfilitary Road Land:, Thomas A. Hudson, huceeot u Thonilmry a Hudxm, 83 Washington St. THE DALLES. OR. SHERIFF'S SALE. Katherine . Rand, wishing to im- j In ninety-nine esses out of a hundred press parents with the fact that boys and ' it is wrong to give food to tramps upon girls of fourteen to eighteen are not in- i application, and the custom of feeding fauts, but try to fiirt, love and hate each them is what bes been breeding them so other, suffer from jealoupy, and, in a rapidly of late years. Every well regu word, live out the comedy and trazedr lated familv should be provided with a of life in juvenile fashion, has written,) "The Childhood of an AEaity." It it j not sensational, it contains nothing ob jectionable, and if- somewhat common- woodpile and ax, but if not it is better to send them on to someone who has. The idea uf an abl6-bodied, strong, hearty man bejrging food, scorning to place, it is as good as the average story ! give itsequivalent in work, is against the written for youth. Parents who cannot I traditions of our industrious ancestors, see that their children are growing up j who were never cursed with this prcda will continue blind, and generations yet tory scourge. "If a man will not work, unborn will suffer from a similar optical neither shall be eat" is as good a rule in infirmity in spite of bocks, however j this age of the world as of old, and until clever. "The Childhood of an Affinity" j it is more rigidly adhered to, this army will not open their eyes, but the author ; of worthless, pilfering, train-beating. has done what she could. ; police-dodging, brow-beating, vagabond ! T beggars will continue to increase. There , tetail Hv virtue of a: eveeutlon and ordr of aal-. luvd out of ll:e ivuit I ourt of thr Hiate of Orewtiii. for the Count-v of Uaaro. to nt dire'ti ro'nniandinr me to make tale of the and in the I aeid writ, deaeriraf to-wlt Thoae ao-Te and Iwirreli of lajid m Mavi, oun'r. Hule of lire. K n. inown and d! a- Hie ..u!ii hrt'.r ol eelioii ettit . and the ou!h ball of m nine '' and the eaat half and titr amttHt I finance and tne mmttl half i,f tt, Hiiftli.wr I 01 t!ie bill It IS liopexl the scheme Will I I ir and the oiithet iioarteT of the uorthaeM i I i. iu , 'inartor of eeetion t-n do. and tiie north hai( of j the nthwt i)iinrt'r and tlie outhmui: oua-ter i an ear v advance wi.l Lake ti ace S"""" " io'ii un- n i question in I which is exceedingly doubtfa', as the Wilson bill is fully en dorsed by the ways and means c im- j mittee and the democratic members of ' the lioue. Should tlie senate get hold j 4 If rtm aaut luf.irniatlon eonren!t: s loireru nient mud.or Ihe ia retali::tf IJ.erirt.. vou ean , eonauit htm free o( rha-we. H made a ajpe ( ela':v of tin Im-lneav. aad haa iraUieed le-lore j me v uueu ni4la ijuiq llTn.e coer fcni yimra. i la A"lit for the raetern Ijind Conivmiv, ai d ran nil ou i.ralin. or I n lu:ir,neil Arrii li Uml ttl anv iinalitltv Iraired, and lil ai.d a 'iu.l. :et thc latit Ui ati'U!,a Biil)'iu( to hlin lot IL killed. In that event it is believed that of the nit In ToaunhlpoTie 1.. north of kanre foureti V. jn jl i. I ' aat of the e, lllamerie meridian, to make M tI.IT IU lO i-C per tin. m,i pT the mm of no.n. r. In aaideotirt al;uilit Caklxt Prices are up to 50 to 60c " !' iid to th niaintiB in id a. ti.,n. i ,. ,,m, ' i wnkrh artlon The H.,,i-iiiff ljn and Irimt cents per lov li. ., ln,nv vi-re vlatntilt and Jamia'h. Mar- Oats The ont market is litrht nt fiO 1 il-Booth, Kverett fc. Ho.i, j i. ji, lun:. . ,, ,, ruirnfi li i.iure. i Alter, Koihli Koarn. Ju to HO cents ier luu lbs. MiLLSTrrrs Rran and short .are (quoted at $ii 00 per ton. mid dlings ."J itt) to $Zi 00 per ton. Rolled bariey, $ 00 to i24 00 per ton. Cell ed corn 1 per 1"0 Bs. Flocb Salem mills flour is quoted at $4 -o per barrel. Diamond brand at should them. be state fews framed against The gospel of protection according to McKinley is: "It protects our own l ... m kn nf V,A ' Ian mnA i jji . u v. lb u am . .i . . , v. w . . ,i m i.u i - . the stranger, while the domestic con-j The Spokane Review says: Portland miner i secured reasonable prices ' has long had two rival republican through domestic competition. It diver- j '"hosees" ''Jim" Lotan and Joe Simon. lia N Her. I rl hmlaalr.J. M laviorand 3 t Kda-nrd- aere deleii'iauu. to-lt theaumoi t.'ml'.Ht with Internet tnereon, Inim July 1. at toe rate of an per rent ar annum and t-M- i athmieva fa in aaui M'tirm and eaita and dl hure et:ta thereto tuxil, I bavethl day levi-d ujani Uie land afor.-id and on Saturday the Z3ra)tay of leeenl,er IM93. at the hour of 10 orlops a. nr. in front of thi eoiirt houae d'--r. In tue'ltvof The liaii'-a. m 00 per bbl. per ton and ;l 25 per bbl. """" ") i at :i i liuhlic aucUuo. to the hialieKt hnl ler .h-reior. aiea the employments and multiplies Their warring factions have engaged in the opportunities of our people; secures ' many a lively tilt, and the odds of battle an unrivaled home market for agricul- ; have been pretty evenly divided. It is tore and unrivaled wages f jr labor. It ', the Lotan crowd which is mixed' up in encourages skill and genius to their tiie smuggling scandal now in the courts highest activity, and under its opera tions we have reached the foremost rank Hat Timothy hay ranges in price from $12 00 per ton, according to ' quality and condition. Wheat hav is ; in full stock on a limited demand at 1 $ 00 to 10 00 per ton. ; Potatoes 10 to 50c per 100 lbs. riberifT of IWmil'min'y. novild l A jim.. HUiie ol SHERIFF'S SALE. 'Blum, the "peaching" witness, is sus I pected bv many of being the willing tool i widest individual and national prosper-1 looked like the Simon crowd would "do ity. It favors the United States, and is . up" the Lotan gang ; but the latter knows the true friend of every American girl J how to fight in defense, and will probably and boy struggling upward. It builds ' escape from the lashea of the law, op; it never pulls down. ! though badly smirched. Lotan, by ! way, is f trover Cleveland's He 1 Aretit for aa of Iota In Taoanon I iV Tina lo 1 he Imlim. This Addithai la iak ner- !ol. and defined t lie tlie nrlnrijan m drne tart .if the eity 1 niT nilttulva aaJ Irom (onrthouae, IU mi utile Iroui h it. Pepot. aettiera Laaeatad oa baitnunl Laada. , ( If yoa want te Borrow Moaey, oa Long or Hhort time, ha eaa aecoaaaaaaaai i Wrltaa riro. Life, and Aeeldeat laaaranea. If canaot call, write, aad yair letters will ba promptly aaeaeree. By virtue of an eiwnth.n and order LCTTEB Fresh roll butter at 35 tO 50 I the atate of Ore..n for the eouiitv 'cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we I " mtt a,rr,,M- r""m"'1'" I qQot "0 to 40 cents per roll. i th.-e m ,d i. ..f u,,d EHia Good fresh eggs sell at 20 to wac(iuty . wtaie .,f wn. non .! d -.. " " arrliied aaall of aention !hrer(.;j, and liie aouth icuu. I half of ie aotttheaat unarter of etlon four (I, PoctTKT Chickens, are cinoted at ! '"' i'T f.""." h"" ( and tne ao ii- .il . ,i, (i . in, - ii'twi uau o. ee-uon eieni (,. all in Iownli! iv ivwii t.n IWT i nn. ill. noeth nt ! I..., . . . . : I down. Turkeys, 10 rents per lb. Vi ilUmette nieeidlan. u maa- and inv the aum Rerr a M cttos l!ef cattle are in ' b,"",t-,n urt ad,udK-d. u, m tid to! la-'ter Urr,ar.H af to i ... . I 'ne piaiuun in aald artlon, la wllleb aetloll The letter Oemana at ..IJ0 per 100 . fcolteium Loan and Iruvt ( .-mi-.nv were plain. weight gross tO 12.25 for extra rood, tin" and Jame Ifcioth, Martha St. IWaitn. len,tt Mutton is now quoted at $1.75 to 12.25 I , IUili J, '". mn H hire, p i,. I per head. Pork offerinirs are Lht -lV?''TJ,',1i' IJULIlL: j and prices are nominal Kross ! lenoante. u. on. the aum of t.ii.i witii imer- weieht and4'. to4J. cents drmwd i "T"'" ,r" J'H i- I-"-' at the rale rf x the ! per eeut per ammm and jih atuirtiey f-mm in . n -. . . . . i Mill irlloil Dili ftataanil i1l,lmMnM,t. , . . .. double. ...... . ! tal. I have tint day levied upon the land "There is no use in going back of tlie He resembles the president in face, fie- " , 1. T L ' 17 7 i L, Z . mZ . . i . iuiv ure jiraiunui iu law, ug pT lb., bv the Back. Sa Vadore, 23', C rdar the S3d dav of UoMmlMir. I S93 returns," is a maxim that may fairly be , ore and action., eo close is this re- Arbuckles. 2.V. ' ) at the ho,.r .A lo . m.. , 1Z7. T.hV ZA stppueo to uie new lariu oiii. une oi , semblance that nothins could be added Srnaa tiolden C in l.H. n. ...v 1 """" '? . T' ina. in aaid its opening statements is : "A glance at to Mr. Cleveland's reputation by send- j 5 12 ; Extra C, f 37 ; Dry granulated the tariff legislation of our own country ing Mr. Lotan to prison. One doesn't t 6 12 n bole' ! G., in 30 lb boxes, I. C. NiOkelsen, The Dalles, - - - Oregon. ESTAHLISHKD 1H70. Thie ol3e,t. lamest, uiii Lst manafed roui in Scliool Hook, orirl Ijewka Muicil IiihtrutneiitH, Watches, Jewelry tituJ Sport Iny; Ooode. Agt. HoniburifBremen Steaninhlp Co Ttrkats to and Irom Europe. Pbojiit A-rrtsTitisi. Iiw Pkh r. l to tki Tmrs. No Undertaker Trust' There is I I ought to satisfy every intelligent student ' relish the knowledge that one's double! that protection has always shown its falsity as a system of economy by iu absolute failure to bring a healthy and stable prosperity to manufacturers." A lance will show nothing of the kind. It will show a prosperity on every, band which would have existed yet, but for the fear which has closed so many man nfactoriee. It will not only show that the United Htates has thousands of millionaire manufacturers, but will how hundreds of thousands of working' men working for the beet in face and form has been branded criminal. 2 75. Fx C, 2 25. OC fJOO, T' ... T. : ei -j . 1 ' rice, 7 eta. RxAsa fimall whites, rink, De per luuitie. Island, It would be difficult to eonvinre the- ff.LT Liveri'ool, 601b sk, 65c lonih average man, especially the Missouri ; sk. $1 00; 200:b sk, 12 00. fctock salt, pkoneer, that hr is a stronger wood than ; iJ M per ton. oak, but such has been proved by actual mvr.n axi rras. tests that were made by a fair and im-i Hint Are quoted as follows: ; - e it; count- ana atate, will aill aald laud at pulille au. uuii, mi tin iiiKumi utuiit!T inevetof T. A. Hull. Hheflffol Waaeoeounty, sute of Orea;on. OirriKl e J3 i L KtRM" AWTHIM, NfKIiFI) KKtid AS IMiEKTAKfB aa eheap n eurwl from antou.- a ho d.aai not , to the Aa. lailon, and I have a la-tier " erf il.o L ILS"- ""' eoiime of ln.tfii.-tl n In fcailMlniius, I am iiared tualtew a thins larrtalmnit to the huinea. hi t or hi mink aim naaliinrlon elreeta. All order, t.ronmllv attended u. CicTCKrrH 1'KAXHi To (IKIiKC AT SHORT HOTH K. Vjo Oamlleci Z3awv Corner of Third and Wnahiiieton atrarta. kf.KlIiKV-r-Corn1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. nartial committee annotated for that purpose. The timbers used were ea b -2x4 inches and four feet long, both ends solidly braced and tlie weight ar- agee in ! plied in the middle of the span. Yellow1 Dry. Christendom. There is no use in foiag , fir stood strain of 3,0f2 pounds, coiu behind the returns. I mon Oregrn oak 2,022 pounds. Pine Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the j Coonty Court of the htale of Oregon for j Wasco County in probate, exerntria with I the will annexed of the estate of James j I'nilerhill dereaaei. All persons having I "' " i'i ewtaie are hereby re quired to present them to me win. r-Hsrp iTirs-jo io mi ea. ueerskins, i proper voucners at the law office of Con 20c lb for winter and 30c for rammer. I don & Condon in baliea City, fr(--'in Iresed, liglit 1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Rear- j within six months from the date of t-iis' skins, t iI2 ea; beaver, 13 60 lb; , notice, otter, 15; flatter, 5v$5 50: silver gray; November I, l,?,. fox. fliKrl25: red fox. $1 25: srev fm. l Clara 7.. l'.i,.u H"tl 25: mirk, Exeeutrix of the Rstate of James Under. liiii, aeceaw.-o:. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and EmbaUn REMKMHKR 2 5oc'55c ; martin. coon, oc; coyote, 50c';75c; ' Twloo .A. Woolt From Now to December 31st, 1894, onHbTlt I