THE DAltTS WEEKLY rJL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20.1893. m 1 . .. J That's the w 1 T Pierce 1 J I Pelleti c Ill ! WASHINGTON LETTER. GT.AS ., v i f tmb our ntfuw v t V ir. I ' IW. 15. 1893. leanan. .,ln..Unrr and un- i Dliun m mi . Ome.l ... :; an J huuill- It keens them 1- j U0y the uneviauie LXlmJ rt would-be America dictator. Grover ESI Si" ' Hevel-nd. Kven the most pronounced ordinary pill in , opponent of the administration can cheap wooden or afford to feel a little sympathy fr Mr. pasteboard boxes. Cleveland, who it after all the president They're put up ! of the fnited States. If member, ol in a "better way, ' congress would vote aa they think, re am! thev act in a ! gardlees of political ties, the impeach better way, than j roent of Mr. Cleveland would be as cer the huge, old- tain aa the coming of Christmas, and, as fashioned pills, j it is, it is probable that only hie shrewd No cripinc. no ; makinz the unconstitutional por- violence, no rcao-i tinn, his instrnctions to Paramount tion afterward Clubbing List. firwirl !" (kuiin i.J lafi.u firar fiMirt ui Klir IjfiiiM.... .-Utl IlllilM,. 'tihe firnr - Knnilar .. " .. K. .. S .. Ct .. J1W .Hi"Tlie Replator Line" ji i .ir: .. W ; 1 1 i v.rlia! in. Kionnt anu .nuiswi .... that aometimes gtejul ot wriMen i, all that will save bim leaves you worse j from that lte Thepe u no reasonable In that way, they ; fnr donht tnat a those verbal in- Sick Headache, ! ,.;, h. ... BUiUr of an inipeacha- off than before. nnt tttrmtinentlu. Bilious Headache, Constipation, In- , bJe cHaie wbich wriUen instructions digestion, BUious Attacks, and all ; entirelv corroborate. It should derangements of the liver, Btomach, j terriWe mg even to a man as and bowels are prevented, relieved, ; u.beaded M the pre9ident has shown ana curea. himself to be. .nai.., Vnmll in the oldest man in concress, and his physical condition Is Thpv'r tinv. suirar-coated cran nies, a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable extracts the smallest in sue, tne easiest o . Ile d pill you can buy, 1 somewhat feeble, but be proved lb, an xae, ana cpc i 3 r ' I .w-t.,;frnH-h.eontrastinethe F.nelish for thev re ruarameea mt- , 1 . - - faUonfor four monev Upturned, j policy of .U.ned in Mr policy of protection wLich has made the United Sutes the most prosperous coun try on earth and given our wortinguien lOLUUU, V , v v nnl t)A nnnA. Ton cet. There's nolhing like'ly to be ujut at good? Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy j opportunity to rise that is . , ,T i ' im waire-earnert in anv other country, cures Catarrh m the Head. PtmaMStl) letlaraa. to wace-earners in any otner rounirj, ! that there is no fallinz off ia the mental i vieor that has f jr thirty years made him a prominent figure in congress. He ! treated the matter from an American, i not a partisan point of view, and was I conservative in hie language, as he : alwavs is. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' ud all th train of ! tnmcrLy errxr exw. Ie ivMilta of worrr.c. Fulireirli. aivn u vr7 otvan atd tyintna of tb b"J3r. Slmpi. naIUTi m'h.-l. The democratic scheme for the admis sion of only such territories aa are likely to po democratic was fully uncovered by the tactics used to railroad the bill pro viding for the admission of Utah throntrh the house. The scheme will be check mated in the senate where the bill will mrn. iiur lmpuMi' i. ; hama, and then the issne wnl be eip:nau.m ami pr-ja , aouarelv made to admit Iwtb or admit j neither. , ERIC MEDICAL C3. BUFFALO. M. V. WEBSTER'S IXTERXATIC, r. 4rlt ft l I A f I l8 k in Ti"!.-!...:. t - - it..rT : 'i.i j ej.cnn u. treryewy li'-tin:Ar-'- I ai- niKUi:: ill Tronls. S 1 ihnm-in Tiaelf. 1 . i. civ tbe often ik-i"nMi w r n; !;) J nuiwnt pemona: isris rownium eoumrwa. crtiea. tnwiM. an ta;urjl fea- a.rt'il nni:i"o trs.nainl )lat e : iraii- jjrrverVw ; -Tc etc- etc. Thi'a ll'irft- 1 n-n lrzailr in l If. bntuwbxlu. ami i tbe teaci-r. twljuiar, pru- rfi fry K-mlln. G. S: C. Hi-rrinm Co. SpriHirri'l'l. Mast. w ml fmrf mnrtra uuinimn !..... I j xc!usivenese seems to be getting can- tageous under this administration, aua sameliody at the capitol appears to be desirous of making that building even more exclusive than the white h-"!e has been made. First, orders w." it mntvi ahnttiiiff the public out of t - sen- jate chamber entirely. It l:a a! way been a favorite custom with visitor to j the capitol to stroll through ti:e tvnatr t chamber, which has always b:U o wt Uat Mk Taaaawr. 1 heanl a awry the otherday that may be new to most of you. An active younff woman entered a larre shop recent ly and sex-king out the silk department camped there for a real pleasant time. The kalesinan was amiable and glad to show her the different snaaea anu qual ities. At leakt he said he was. Kut he had not calculated upon the "staying fjualities" of his caller. Tor fully one half hour she compelled him to hop up and dow n a ladder, laden with rolls ol silk, but none could bhe find that suited t... it laKL hr had taken down all but two rolls, and. as he leaned affainst his Wiler and wiped away tne ueau oi perspiration, he said: -Well, really, madam. I don"t see that we can suit you. Excuse me for say inr it. but you really don t seem to Know nn ju want," . . To which she responded: "Well, 1 don't want to buy anything Uwlay. I was just looking for a couple of friends and" Here the exasperated clerk broke in: "Looking for a couple of friends? Well, mauam, if you think they're in thot two rolls on the ahelf I'll take those down, too." Chicair Tribune. Qt'EEX Victoria's will is engrossed in vellum, quarter sire, and is bound as a volume and secured by a private lock. Is the household of Princes Itis niarv'k breakfast is served to each member of trie family as he appears a better rule for the home of a princess than for her humbler sisters. Irice HEXRT of Orleans, nephew r1 fho Hiunt if Paris, is soon to be made a knight of the Legion of Honor by the r rench government in acisnowi edjrment of his geocraphical and scien tmc researches in the east. yi EKX Victoria, in addition to Wing colonel of a regiment, is prrliendary of St. David's, and her tenure of the office since 1S17 makes her the senior prebendary of England. The reverend colonel never officiates, however. llanos Fj:i.di:k. of Vienna, ha occu pied his time for many years in gath erincr rare butterflies. Kecently he sold his uncommonly brautiful and almost p-r('t collection to Lord "ft'iM-l-.iM for the utS! r-i tb-msand Straus that ropl Will tr with dj'l feelings and the blues when they can be so surely cured by simply taking a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator. Captain Sweeney, C. S. A., San ;i.-f.i. Cal., says: "Shiloh's Caurrh l:e:ii!v is the first medicine I have ev-r found that would do nie any gviod." i Pn.-e V) ct. Sold by SnipesA Kinersly. Srttlemcat Iteqneated. The Bales, Pcrtlaiitl ud Astoria NaTigation Co. A Grand Masquerade Ball will be a-lvsm at Armory Halt by Jackson Engine Co., No. it Tlorjday ucrjii), Jar;, i, 1894. THROUGH Frelgiit and Passenger line Throueh Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex- eepted) between The Dalles and lori- lana. Meamer wk'" Italics at 7 a. in., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, connecting at the Cascade Locas won Steamor Ialles Wtv. Citv leaves Portland (amhill St. dock) at tl a. m., TiwmuUts Thursdavs and Saturdays, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. Committer of Arrantyements: W. L. PK1BPE. I KLINDT, FRED , A. 1.EVGIS.SE. ' JOHN BLASF.R. t-AKKKM'SK KATKM. One way Round trip. .12110 . 3.00 Reception Committee. HARRY CLOl'GH, GEO. MUNGER, W. H. BlTTs, AKOI.FH KELLER. COL. G. T. THOMPSOS, HON. E. THEO. F. PEUFKRT, BrCHLEK. Hew York Weekly Tribu: i I AND Freight Rates Greatly ReducBtl. All freight, except car lots, .ill be brought through, nt'th- cut delay at Cascades. Shipments for Tortland received at anr time dar or night. Shipments for war landings' mun be delivered before 5 p". m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address. B W. C. ALLAWAV, Uoaiaral A(Bt. F. LAUGHLIN, Omral Maaar. THE DALLES. OREGON ONLY- From TERlEIRIUi or WTRIOH Polnti -THE u . i lD.TERX.OTN.Ul 5 j . . . Rheumatism Lumbago &ciatica Kidney Complaints, Lame tiaca., ac it- V. ki.ll. , - ' to mem unui niieen uiuiuirw time for opening the daily sessions until , this order went into effect. Next, tiie ' public, with the exception of newspaper I men, were prohibited the use of the ele ! valor from the basement to the senate ! galleries. To the credit of the uews j paper men, this exception has not les ! sened their criticism of this sudden ex i clusiveness. But the most un-atiefac- tory rule of a!! is that which cloed all i of the entrances to the capitol, except lone through the senate basement and ! another through the honse baernent, every day at 4 :30 o'clock p. m. No matter in what part of, the building yon were or wished to go aiter that time you had to use one or the other of these doors, about an eighth of a mile apart. This rule proved so objectionable that it has already been rescinded. During my absence, all Who have un settled accounts with the undersigned are expected to cal! and settle with Mr. Geo. Krauss, who has my books and accounts. An early settlement will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Lkmk Km.ER. Kari's Clover Root, tue r.ew blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c., 50c. and 11.00. Sold by Snipes 4 Kinersly, druggists. CO., FRENCH & BANKERS. Ta.V"i"T A ".ENKaAl.EANKlMi H':h:j:E-w lii Pad R7IL-R07D la the Una to Cak TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. D3. SMDEi'S ELECTRIC BELT With Eisctro-waanetto uf Lata PMnufMl '. wm rure wit! m-rtlrtw all W r r -.ircc TTn fctm F-r. tor; 'r ! arM m ti.:j. im iwn1, aurwr, VihM Ui.i.hmi.h evr alt rtim nTTTot m huil.r br "mmrrr or w fnrt.u S4.a"-"J aa ihai-uW tla f or o Mar- r" jai am rnrrt hr loa .aarrainaa aftr all w inM Urt-1. aart wa " fcuaora oc uawj rvrry fvuwr r r fc... surrait i".','rTI,.S i oia wr.r oK mmm wrt. rul'a uk .U aoaa? amlf'irlxiau it. nmvmi.wmmAi aa SAMDCM ELECT-IO CO., tta. 1?S Karaa SMraa. rI tA OJK& C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IM DRY GOODS & CL0THING Ms, -. Bass. Cm. Fancg Ilotioo?, ! remocratic distraction over the tariff ! bill is increasing instead of decreasing. The bill which was, accorumg 10 ine original program, to have passed before the Christmas adjournment, has not been reported to the house, and Mr. Cleveland's man, Wilson, has become so utterly demoralized that he no longer mikes promises as to when it will lie renorted. The democrats on the com mittee on ways and means have made numerous changes in the bill in the in terest of industries that happened to have a strong democratic "pull," nota bly the brewers ; and the end is not yet. The democrats opposed to various sec tions of the bill have succeeded in their efforts to have the bill submitted to a democratic caucus, notwithstanding the efforts of Mr. Cleveland and the admin istration democrats to defeat them. The holding of the canens is now cer tain. bit it rests with Representative Hulman of Indiana, chairman of the it..nnMati an(Mia to bkv when it shall be held, and the administration men are trying to get bim to defer calling It un til after the bill is reported to the house, believing that the changes will then lie fewer. Republicans are patiently wait ing to see what the democrats will do. When the democrats get through fight ing among themselves the republicans will open fire on them. Letters of Credit issued available in lie Eastern Plates. t'.j:ht fcxehantre and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, ht. Louis, fan Francisco, Portland Oreiron, Seattle Wash., and various point in Or egon and Washin.on. Collections made at ail points on 'sr. o'ahie teniiS. It la the IMnlr Tar Rente. It rnna Thrrmck vaatihuud iiatua arwy day IB Ua roar Ui $1. panl and Chicago so cnAM.e of cakh.i rotr.pooKl of Mnlns Cara nnanrpaaarrl. Foil man WawiiiK buom Blen""' latoataqulpinaut TOURIST SLED'iNG CAES B5Mt tfc?n be cmmtTTjrt-!, anl In whim t-. M k.lh sV'psm t.fl FlimlallaM) B"V"1'I1I I7ir.'.i"ii' wmv - " lur ho.Uemol uJ ixcuiitl-cini TIlMvU.aiuS HEGAUT BAY- COACHES . it .... w.n,Ml,iw arOh all ll.iaa afluriJiin ilirvct aud uuii.lem.)tl aorric familiar faces in a New Place Late .S;wrol Ayrnt (Jrneral Land Ojlirt. Jtje teal Instate, Ipap, lrajje'. COLLECTION A CENG 1. NOTAHT PpBLIC- I -..:-- x . wl-l. tn K.11 or Trade. IIo to IV- . . . , ... i. nti,m. tA call or i AUtract of title lurnihlil, wi.i nun n to v"- We shall make a specialty of die .roewcution of Claims and lfore the UniU-p Stat Land Office. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES. C THE DALLES Hotional Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OE. PrMidnt Vice-President, -Cashier, ... . Z. F. Mooor Cbarlcs Hiitos M. A. Moodt General Banking Rusinest Transacted Sight Exchange Hold on NEW YORK. SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. tn advaucr Uir.xifh aiij aceut of ti. road. vnnaiiail VISIfTS Tn and .. . k 1 B . mw I . a ticaet uSica of Uk com van 7 Fnll Inlormotlmj ronoemlns rataa, llms trait.. ronlM and otliar details lurnUbad 00 application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Ajent I). P. A A. NaT. Co., Kefulntor offloc. To. Lialloa. Or., or A. D. CHARLTOJf, Aaa'L Gcntrai faswLfar Asu, Portland. Jfn PAUL KREFT & CO. DEALERS IN , . PAINTS, OILS AND GLt And the Most Complete and the Lo'-t fatwns and Design WALL PAPBP MTTra-tical Painter, and Tai-r Hangers. None last thehfSt kr Kherwin-Wil!ian,sand J. W. Masory's Paints used In all j.t ,, the mtsit skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury w4 chemical combination or sriap mixture. A first class article in " orders promptly attended to. Ti.'l.if w Paint Ehoo corner Third and Washington Ets..Tbi THE COLUMBIA BR EWE?' AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out .... t ,- Ca.ili. The latest aonlianotrs for the manulacw- j " " .. . .',1 i ' ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y tne nnre-cia be market. KM., Etc.. EM. Blgaaal the KsMuloa BUI. J. S. Brasses. fraaidant. J. M I'ATtSSaos. Caaniar. First national Bank. VHE DALLES. - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Ileposits received, subject to Sight I IJralt or l,liecx. Wasn-moTOX, D. C. Dec. 18!.'!. Hon. John W. Lewis, Tl tlallia. Or. . it The extension nui nas own hk j ,, , ., . . . , . .v.. i, W. P.. Ellis. ! Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on 1 ' Collections made and proceeds promptly 1 . . 1 ... n remitted on uay ui piun:i,iuu Second St., The Dalles. Philoh'i Vitalixer is what yon need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or in tmnl.le. It is guaranteed to j give yon satisfaction. Pru-e 7 c Sold I by finipes & Kinersly, druggies. Sew York, ban Francis-o and Port- land. DIKECTOKS I. P. ThompoK. J0. P. I'a.ica, Ed. M. Wii.uahs, jo. A l.ianf. H. M. Es am.. J. I FORD, ETaniElist, Of Das Molnca, lows, wrtus ondav dais of March 23, InM: g. B. Man. Mro. Co., Dufur, Oregon. On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 'Hi pounds, is now well, strong andVigorous, and woll fleshed np. P. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. Your H. B. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, we ars j Yours, Mu. & Mas. J. F. Pokii. j Ifrna wi.n lofwl frcah and cheorful.and nad; : fnr lite Mprliif a wor, claanae Jtonr ay.Unn with I Uta llailaoti and l.lvar Cure, lijr tnklns two m three diaaa aach wak. j ild nnd-rt a pcMltitr siiaraiilM. Mi Mil r bottla bf ail drn!l. W. II. YOUNG, BiacKsmitU & wagon Slop Geueral Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbiri Street, opp. LicHe's nlfl Stand. . Ii called to th.f1 Hugh and Bulldinf Msw' TU C ''"Hr Pratiln fbronlnl l r.nll Ht" raawmiallr His home lI" fr ! t.all.-. 1 itr l"la un 11 V H'la nt s mi 1 r..Mtatli.I, ,,n.nU V L!.ll M ' imi.T.. wai.'ii uir iTiniiji..." . dllv Utt tin. atiiflMl liwal nr-wa. It I ...ifrml. In rimrihir Ilia lt-lrt, and hnre n.wa In 'iilnrltv and imixrTtaiiw. T It aarhlla you wliod'in I. tryaouisof Ita i?rvinliim ortvrn. Plcluie ptf , 172 To t loooo in 161 Uloshiogtoo