THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1893. The Weekly Ghronicle. j Entered at the pcatornce at The lVtllea, Oregon, a eei-oad-claee wail matter. 6t B. KHTioN rates. by mail, nwritii rurim, is advaMck. One ntf II f V. X lUOttt "S hree mouths oil A-lTrtiinc ml. reasonable. ik1 uimk' known OQ application. A.ldn-e all eonimnnicatioos to'-THE I'KKON- Ii L-i., l'he IsUiea. umcuu. CVKREXT PRESS COMXEXT. The blue downed the criuison. The 1 black-and-blue is now downing them j both. Patti's music U written one not lower i than it used to be. But her scale of price is a high as ever. Knox county. Hi., is probably the di- UE SPEAKS TOO LATE. The president presents a strong state ment of facts in support of the poliry popularly accredited to hiin, that of his desire to re-enthrone the queen, believ ing she was deHed uulawfully aiuT through the intimidation of the V. . lie has made a mistake in not A WESTERN STATESMAN. vorce center of the Vnited States. In the last tive vears the number of divorce troops ! being thus frank long ago, and it W : ! evident that he appreciate this UiUtNke in the following parngraph ui bis report : . : ! ha averaged one to every eeveu war- The F.xaminer cails for r.itvy i sheep at the Midwinter fair. statk ornriALt. I riages . - . . .s Pennover ; .. W. Mt-Hrut I . . . K B. Mi K j. H.1 Mitchell ! tariff system the Examiner has been ad- B. Hermann, i i1iflltUviif,hMn wnnM ikwin , k Kill I '"-"!- -r- t be a rarity wormy a pi ace in a utuie museum. "The unfortunate public representations of the equation and the exaggerated t-venioi rc'etarr o Stale Trvw.urer . BupL of Public Instruction MuaUira "ongresamcn. tit lTl liter r'raa teaaer corstT orriciAx.8 lomirr Judgv. lieo. r. BUielcy j statements of the sentiments of our display of ' lp'e have obviously injured the pro Under the P1' ' ucc.t!iiul nieUiation." These "public representations and ex aggerated statements" would never have been made had he chosen to deal openly with the American people, instead of sending Blount with paramount author- Siena er. Treasurer . . .. CommiMUouera A Hon. W. II. Corbett scores the Tele- T. A Ward " m sSei'l Pm 'n yesterday Oregonian quite (J. lsmueiie I artistically. He shows up the content pt- Joei k.-.iiu ihieness ol the paper in auusmg Mr. Bunnuaaen. o! Pubhc school. V-vU u.n some months ago, and then up- cunniM N. ii. lAstwoui i holding Mr. Markle, a man in ever way ' j his interior. The Telegram needs some The Puke Yeragna is reported to be ! of it own meilic-lM ollce in , wllie. giving expensive entertainments in bis Senator Dula MiIm a et Mweh the Tartar. Next in importance to the Hawaiian message was the eeech of J. X. IVilph in the senate yesterdny on the tarill' tuentiou. The senator from Oregon reminded the senate of the speech nirde by him last scinn on liie silver I f.!, in which be attributed the existing depression in business lo the threatened abandonment of the protective system and the fear of hostile tarill" levis'u.tion in the l' nited .-tatea, beginning i;li the M-pinni-m of the colonies from the mother He Mid the proposed o i (.- would taean ileath t" when' m -l ! groainf, the ruising of cuttle and le-r-o. fruit-raising and hop-grow ing. !i- iitf. lliuilieriiig and uuii:ng. which lire the tne prim-tpul iniliHtries. Senator Josenh N. iKi'.ph, of P.irt- We J TTT win iic Mira m IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Cannot use Wheat that is rotten or growing in the sack. Ue ui fou 50 ts. per Sa;k Hero PEASE & MAYS, II I .11.1 ity,!and Will,, with pecretSnstroctiona. J-- f f Z11 .,ho" TKfl.-n io K1 r lUnnr,!, T .huyler) county. .V. Y.. ctober m. j 1 1 Ul X V-V5ns- He received a common ch -J i aatcan in f-an SebasUan, in Spain. He ! Oregon got to the world s fair with U a pretty nice bankrupt. His Ameri- ( feet on her ,y0oo, besides getting an sympathisers, wno were to, and . awav with eighteen medals of award in tho-e who did contribute to hU relief- j horticolture. nineteen in agriculture, fund, should be in baste with their j (our ; niines, four in education, six in ducats. -ii j fishery, two in women's work and two A French phvsician who has found herbarium. She bronght back -'0.000 that the majority of deaths upon the j o the unexpended appropriation. Fifty battlefie d arise from the bleeding to fiTe wrJs 'or state that is thought by death of the wounded while waiting for ' 90010 ol our cousins as a part ot the surgeon, proposes that each soldier ! tlie Sacramento valley is not a bad in the French army shall be taught showing. wiiere the arteries of his body are, and that Mute held nt iliiitrhamton. vembcr, 161. He thi-n practiced No- how to arrest hemorrhages from them. In doing this he has found a nse for that most nseless of arts, talooing ; a small figure of some kind being tatooed over each artery, so that the soldier can at uace see where to apply the ligature. Economy is one of the greatest virtues in times like these. American house wives very often waste much food from carelessness. The slop barrel receives mnch meat and bread and vegetable scrape which should not be allowed to thus go to waste. The habit is engen- T. r , -r,, , dered from universal good wages, which The Baker City Elade says : "The . , . . . .... wool growers of Baker countv have , ..... . .... ,. . , j manv have lost their situations or suf- s:gned a petition asking the state board , : ... . , .. . . .. fered a reduction in salarv, the same of equalization to make a lower rating ! , , . , ,, ' . . , habit of waste follows. Theru are manv on the assessment of sheep, giving as a , , , , ,. . , ... .... ..... , . " . I rood )ooks published which will give reason that Uiey were assessed above the ; r . , ' ... , , ,, .v. j hints on how to utilize these "left-overs, market value. In this countv sheep I , . , , , were assessed at $1.50 per head, which I 'nd ,l wonId conmljr m m-a unit atMkAAn it- rk ViA lt.1v tf was entirely too high, as we have heard i , , , , . The state board will needs be careful in their deliberations, ae other stock and properties are assessed in excess of true value. leaving all others in d uht as to what ; JB u- tliuv itlirruu r.lli4dMilltnf ! V ! " wnen Ulis saia "lie came not io in-j eatictttU.n. private instruction, un.i for) vestigate, but to act," the plain infer- j a tjnie otti-uded the li. ncM-e U'enleyan j ence was nothing less than to place the ; hcmiuarv at Lima. N. Y. After urriv- j ntiMn ou tlie throne. This nnturallv i inir at the aire of eighteen years he ' aroused indignation, for such is a prero". j taup-ht whool a portion of each year gative which belongs onlv to congress j "h;f l"'"; an education and h.s .... , T.i . prod-ssion. Ho s-ncUftl law with M. ui. The president deserves to be alarmed that, irtm.ah Mc,;uin. ,u MaVBlm, x. Y. the prospects of suci-eesful meiiiation are! BUll ,VBK B,iiuitt.a to tlie lar at the obviously injured. He may have been j r-enerai term of the supreme court of sure of this unfavorable press comment npon his exclusive dealing, for he invited it. Manifestly he has injured the cause' for which be was laboring, for the American press will di9like to retract , what has been said, unless ciiiifMl!ed t ) by the severest demands of honor. It will consequently try to make the ino-t of such evidence as can be secured by tlie most careful search that the marine were landed nut to aid the provi.-ional . government but to protect American interests, as claimed by Stevens, Thurs-. ton, et al. ; that the queen was too cor- J rupt and profligate; and that the) strength of the revolutionists was ade quate to overthrow the monarchy nn-' aided. But Cleveland will stand con- i victed of being the first dictator of the . American republic whatever the facta. ' l wiu. Krkvtr.ii Avvriitv, nkm.h. kkm av i-nukktakks ehrst. .. rf.nil inim xnv.iiie h,. il --- li. .1 Ix' o tlie A.-l'loli, slul I .v a l ii,.t ,., " IUviiik Utkim Hi,- wn-wrl e. .io ..I limtrilt-U U III I.iiiImiIiiiIi.K, I mo imiiaMil Wall VZ"'' tt:li.( la-rltuiillix t" the lmlti-. '"''s-i UK i-i'rliUMliix lu the I I K 1K Ur.slVKs. tlud W it-!:li;ttiti Mtrit'tn. I I'l-riuT if I hlnl mul V uhtntrton stiwti.. Ail i.rili'-- proli(.t!v MtUMMl.U to. Called Dajr or 'The re I'li TI KKS KUAKK.Ii Til til'.liKK AT tilMUT 507ICK. WM. MICritLL. undertaker and Emhafepr i is a tills in the atfutn ot tn ti n-Jii-h tnlr- i ... leads oh to forttine." The poet unquestionably had reference to th CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. j profession In Sehnyler county, N. Y.. I during- the winter if lsi'.l-'wj; in W.-J enlisted in ( apt. M. Crawford'a cum- The Lehigh strikers gained nothing pany. known a the Oregon Kscort. which they conld not have secured . raised under act of congress, for the itiiont a strike, and its consequent loss purrxnte of protectinp the emiffratnin lNii.i'ii. om.oox, j , BESA.TOK J, Representatives Hermann and Ellis are receiving petitions, memorials and .etters from their state asking that I ges and in many cases of positions. ! of -vear. lo ''e l'acific coast apainst j - iiosiiii? iiiuiuns. n.iiu me jrtmiiiuu (! The average price of wheat is 52.1 -, ! ortlerly aerpeant. cents per bnshel. The next lowest price ! " ,tu 1, e on the free list of the t ilson Ue in Portland, Ore., in Octo- in the twentv-three vears from 1S70 to ' Dili we "OPI newspaper joiies on , ber, lrV.i, where he has since resided at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ram MICIIFUUCH BKICK, . fSIOX CT. 1393, inclusive, was W.5 cents, in ISM. i lne 'ee ma" w'-' not niake their j In 1W4 he wa elected city attorney of l tie city 01 1 ortlanil. ami tlie Mime year was appointed ly 1 'resident Lin coln district attomev for the district The average for the ten years 1ST0 to j ppearance next summer, 1ST9, was 10-4. M, and for the ten vears J 18S0 to 189, 82.6. while for the three! Sapf the majority in congress i i 1 1 r . 1 l 11 .1..- u .1 .1., : ve&r isiiu to 11 was to.u. ine ue- t - , , .... ,.-, : j rlinefmm the avenue of the last three ' nua""oriu11- or iwini-wann urf f the htat. w.natf of im-ejtii win. ttLrutiiiuii ui uir lumwT. woui, iron iqu i -.. .. i ri ...1 i t , i , hop interest, of the state. Wilson and ! Pt of which, viz, ! w,JU,d Cleveland and yaeen L,l. do ,)f thp ,,. Iroolittle have received similar doen- i nd '2. occurred the largest j t,,en. , ; and '74: has been actively enp 1 reL ,1 , ! vihls in the historv of the conntrv. is! i since his removal to Oregon in .1... i. : .11- .i i 24.5 cents, or ?M ner cent. The nrincina! ' line limb 1- will IK llliliOJnsioie 10 110 ; - ' ' ' 1- 1 .. ., lt. . ..... . ... .toi.n..- Vnrlr 7K Pfnn- 1 form is direcliy before ns. Wonder if unvininir in tne House tor tne nemo- , . SHERIFF'S SALE. Airtla4 !.rltr. ! it r virtue nt an rjeriitum :hI utw c,r uir I roiiowiiig is the list or letters rrmaii n- ( tutr4l out ul thr i in-illl iinrt ol tlie Sute of ! ilcf in i1R tioti.fTi Tl TU') til he resipned them to take his scat in ! ""-Jim w.c. nmnit. ni-m ii-w nrnl . , ., rv r ........ ...... i. 1 ..... ..... . I. . ...i.i ' t'H Ail Lie F.i.Uw liu A.L IiHj mi-m- I J . .. . . V 1 . . ''. i-.ii, ikv il -t im tlie -;il dT of Si.vrmhiT .11 i. ..o- ., , . v.m ii iiie(.iiniitir!. m unit then nrnl theret,.i,o I --" caiuiiK jor same win fire mi- terests or defeating the tariff bill senate. sylvania, CS; Yirginia, (J; Georgia, W : ,v, ' gan. 57 : Indiana, "i-: Illinois and Min- 'rttic majority is so larire. Thev sav 'here is a possi'bilitv of saving thee in-1 Tela9- Kentucky, Ohio and Michi- j Mr. Cleveland remarks that "tariff re- he don't wish it were behind us instead?!iiff. nhcreln V. It liiinir. Oevirv UntkliiN n. H-l.i..l. u : .. j . ,-nr..l " - , " uvnriiaeu. ; uiuier the nrm imine mihi iie -f in!ur. v m . i.rimrr, js V4 r I klt.a JL tl.l.l. w.M. ..I. H...l llu..l ' It I tf-...' . .: i.;. " J ....... , I'w-iiiin., jiriur riabiv n io: .i m. l .... vmk i ri.a!nt unilliliti ana 1 ue liwlirii l.llm er- time of his election had a lurpc, lucra- j ' "on-anv. a e,.rt.rHti..i.. r a. i.n..innt.. live law practire. and was actively en- ; m. t . i. t ni.n and ti.e u i,' nie..ti...i iu MARKET REPORT. I paped in various business enterprises. nesota, ol; Iowa, 4!; ! Kansas, 4.'5 ; Nebraska, ." Missouri 47 rlouth Dak- I 1 1 Tiesiiav, Iec. i:. Tin ota, 44; North Iakota, 40; California, presents no new features. local market Our business Iavia, Mrn Agnes l il wards, Mrs J llendre, A Iltigtieit, r-amuel Knnutf, John (. Merchant, Mrs Joe I'attiaon, C A Mclrntian, Malcolm Uh-, Mr J C I'.ien, II Hush, Alice Itckersou. EC iliggins, I'nint-s llyiand. t.eo Jl t Morr, Mm Alia Moore, Af X 51. houses are displaying holiday goods ex- The president withholds his report on The market is well supplied with al! the Hawaiian matter, ostensibly to gain ; kinds of fruits and produce in general. time. It is probable that when all the i i'ncee continue steady, w ith the extep- j It has been said of McKinVy, by those who look for defects, that he has no sense of humor, is too serious ever to train impulsive popularity. But this as sertion does him much injustice. He has wit, though he dues not use it npon ; ... . nv.i L-arr it m-ill ahnar an tion of eL'?s. which are on the decline; the stump ; and he has a keen sense of , paralleled assumption of; authority, if j 20 cents canli and 2o in trade is what the j hnmor, though he esteem it out of J not arj8olute betrayal of American ! dealers are paying today. j place in bis public relations. He has interests. In the Sunday Oregonian ap-j Poultry is in fair supply, even though never forgotten what that great Ohioan, I j,,, a letter from jheodore F. Lansing, j the holidays are almost on ns, prices re- j jom vr.ui, uiie-c mu iu tuuiiij jiun- , , : iinnolulu. for a can Francisco main nominal tician: "Be rerious; the crowd will i w.mni;.;n ,, to Henrv F. Gallix. I 1'eai'hnian, May lioneli, ( has I Walker, Mrs J Wymaa, H J M. T.5W..V5.P.M. follow fun-maker upon the stump, and j of i.ortiand) nnder ,jate 0'f DecemW will applaud his wit an-1 go into ecsta- j.5th . ..Yonr lA);Ph, is right in cies over Lis humor, hut they nave a mental reservation against him when they come to the polla." wanting to see Minister Willis' instruc tions, and we hope that he, supported by the entire congress, will insist npon the facta, tor we believe that the docu ment in question contains an act of war, as much as though Willis had accom plished and carried oat iu instructions. We also believe that a damnable ccn- Mhl Wftt.aml lier.-llmltr oVe. Itwil. Ui'l on tlie , ... .1 . , - I . . ..I ' U i eHUH'T. I-'AI, UUI M- T I. IX. II illtl lie was t-iccicii to me t nuett .aies :,;,.! H, nm,t, 1M u , t.. tin-l.iKlit hidiler. senate as a republican., to succeed La- i .rraii in fayette tirover. icnni-rat, and took his j SSnmiajr. ha -J ad day of January. 14, seat March :;. 1 and w as reelected ' "! -' m the aft.-m.-m r ..l.lilnT. at the , . i !r..ut ilwr tur ri.imtv etmrt hmi. in lmlS- m Jannarr, 1 .. ids term of service i i, w0.,,, ),!,,., aii i.f tn un..i will expire March Tl. ' "'I' t-'en.!- iie-m-.t n, tnt writ, ami ;ieiein (M-ni'iiiiirlv il--ritM-l n. luliMva t.. lt I All tii ii iiorti.m ! Inn.l .iimiii.-I in tin ktt i . VOOO'S I'lIOSrilOOINI. ;..tu -t-f , i rr .1 1 1, j N . K l.i K . vv x . Tbi Cml Kmllili tliiaali. i1" W "'' e""llt. lre..n, beaiiiiimc nt tl..- tmrnm-T and paraanmMIr , " o. . " .. ' . . . . mraa ail forma of Aerrow etn.-r ti.eiMv nn-ih t.. ii.thM..i ..m... ... i..t irtaaMa.atlaaliM. Sixear '. lr In -e- inrr unl t.. .i.lli.ei , , I i. , ..... ,- ...i., otorrhea, hpofC9adaU w '( ul IjiI th. n.e .nlli t,. ,laer ill le. j rtll,y t tll il.- ttrttuoAtramor Ikxm, ; "Oi --iiH1iiIii :rj :s li.. urn,, vr ami : , .Hintr otirt nl Warn-., nniiitr. "re pnxrrlbrd trrwt B I T,"' -' l-f- ;"" """""i'. 1 n.n.i.trnt.v ..I tlie atr ..! J.-tui BiU 'Llrr. i ",'7, r e,w,r , rrr '" i w rrrr i,:,.': i, drmnrM Tor Wnfi ntmboaUMii tr Da otrera - ".! " - iimv. , roni.-r .if Third and W-Iiinitl"0 ixfjrt and After. Administrators Notice "Until the B. B. was discovered," writes Professor Henry Drummond, "scarcely anyone knew how to make a man, a gentleman, and a Christian out of . street boy. The thing had hap- j piracy ; WMbington , ,rru.,. . Cu...c or .pvn, . clewUlldi Gresham, Blount and the but there was no steady machinery forjEngUgh emWRT (nd if the American it. Specimens could be turned out sst - bHc - not WBtchfu, Cleveland will the , rate of a score or two in a year, but , not onJy nnd( tfae acU o( the iltTrUoD under the new procew you have them j ,dmini.trationi bat will nndo the o( by the Uttabon. The .treet boy of the j oof forefather, in 7f and reduw Amer. close of the nineteenth century, in fact, j ica to , Briti.h colonv." will soon become m tradition." And in j a McClure's Magazine for December he, NEWS OF THE STATE. describes this important B. E. (Boys Brigade; and tells the story of its origin and progress. Geo. Barnard and George and Clarence Zacharyjwere bound over nn der foOO bonds at Fossil for stealing The success of aalmon canneries near cattle from Charles Prindle and selling Blaine this season is said to have had j them to Mays &. bons of Anteloie. the effect of attracting the attention of j Tiie Dallea-Prineville stage has again many Fraser river cannerymen to that ' changed its route, so as to 'run from point, where all the salmon must paw J Bake Oven direct to Prineville instead in making their way into the stream. ! 0 cming around byAntelopIe, a branch According to an exchange, the result gtage running to that town from Bake wil I probably be that two more can-! Oven everyday. neries at least will be removed there be fore the opening of another season, and eventually the majority of F'raser river canneries will be massed at or near 1'vint Koberts. It is said that one cannery cleared $25,000 this year, and the two institutions packed about 75,rxX) A correspondent of the Antelope Herald says: The'two year old daughter of John Lloyd, living near Mitchell, met with a serious accident last f-aturday, Dec. 8th. While playing with tome other children, the little one had her There is no change in the wheat mar ket, and it is nearly lifeless. i OLD AND SPRY. .Tous SaRTAIX, tlie Philadelphia uteri j enjrraver. famous for introducing me- j zotint into this country, has jtwt cele brated bis eijrhty-fifth anniversary, r icing- in excellent health und as indus trious a ever. Alf.xam:k Hck kaIiat. who lives in Harrison county, Intl.. will celebrate his one hundred and fourteenth birth day November IT. He savs he hun voted at every' presidential election since 1"W0. a period of ninety-three years. Mrs. Ei.i.AHKTn Jr.Kvis, of Amity- j villi-. N. Y.. the widow of a veteran of I the -war of recently celebraUid j her one hundredth birthday. .She is I in excellent health, and has seven children living, of whom the eldest in aeventy-Eve years old. Mb. ami Mits. ('rura Chuah, of Craw ford county. Ind.. have for seventy-five years foutriit life's battle together, and j a day or two ajfo, Kurroiiiiih-d by nu merous cini'tri-n. frratidchildn-n and tfreat-fmtndchildren. they celebrated their diumoml weddirifr. Josiha Baiistow, the only living printer who ever worked at the case with Horace Greeley, is curhty-uve. hut still picks up type at riijrht in a Norwich (( onn.) otliee. Thoti(.'h he Joesn't lMik sixty, he talUs like it. and is tine of the joliiest old fellows in town. ., . ; Mmt wnctlili ajadarloa In plita at thla. lean tola i ciialHMMai atxn-a, look prtra In Irttar. and j we will aaad br rtim malL JTloa, one pwlutra, I tl; atx, ax Om wttl pUn, mi miU ea. faaib' ; let tfc plain ana Wtl enyrt(iv. eanta pcataa. Adilraai The IUI ( bvmlaal Co.. l.'l WiKxlwanl Tanue.Iwtmtv 11Kb. ro d In Tt I'allca lT Blakelcv at lionKbm. IIMfiH n1 1, ; lli. Whieh tl .- t j I aanl H.w.k I .llrtlililnetiinn I ! reliruarv i , I . fmtre llt.el pmi.i tfc. nii tHariiiK Kaal Katata Tranaffira. Kheriff to t-olicitors' Loan A Trust Co., lots A, B, C, J, K and L, block h3 Ft. j Ialle Military liesene; $2,045. j riheriff to McFarland A French, e' j se'4' sec. 34, township 1 north, range 15 i east; $1,:MK). j Daniel Osmers to Aug. Bnchler, lot 0, i block 82, lots G. H, I. J, and K, block 80 Ft. Dalles Military Keserve; $0h0. Clarence O. Bunker to Sarah E. Bnn ker, lot 13, block 12, Thompson addition. $J0. "A Talented Editor." 1'iirinr the eomliiR nn.ntlu. or the henled perl.1. tliiwe who are traveling ir efHitempiatinit a trip away fnim hmi.e r.Milil rmil the lnll.iw init lett-rr tri.m a brltllant and wull known edit. and tirovlde themauivea airatluit attano nl tieailaelie J fd ilizin.-: I ItRSTi.r.Mrs'-1 had ennn t.. n aovernl ; box f Krauw- a fleadaehe ( itimieii while i traliiit U. hl'niro t.. attend the Nttniial bem- (leratle i .ni veuli.Mi. T Im v ' l-il like a charm In , prevetllinr harailaehea and dU2lne. llnve ha.J ery nine lii'lene lime n.jr return, Wlneh reinaritflOle. unm renpectlnlly, Ji.ns t'. SHArrsn. A KeiKivn. t-n. . K..rd, 9aW hy liinkel. ai ll..iiitht..n. t-rerriiitlnn Imtta. IT.'. Be. , i , nt.. 1 tie Ijalie, or. B..I.1 lijr snipe iL klnernly. Sm' Juiis (t.AlToX, nephew of the (rrand old man, is dcscrilied as a tall, broad-tihouldered younir plant, as 1 l.anrl ertt hrntittti tliA lelr mat o ardent a conservative as his uncle it Though at the present time . h k , M he,( , b , ! the reverse and one of the most ex Ptiget sound is not reckoned in com put- ! ing the saU'ton outpnt for the season, this will oon I changed, the pack this season having passed the IW.OuO mark. Those who have anticipated great thing from the wealth of fisheries in our waters are not to be disappointed, and the time is sot far distant when we shall see ir hope verified. inside skin. Her mother placed it to gether and kept it therejtill the 'arrival of Dr. Hualock who dressed the wound in good style, and it is now doing as well as could tie expected. American industries suffer from "that tired feeling," due to Cleveland's met lage and the Wilson bill. I tensive whisky distillers in Scotland E. C. Kr-r..t( kk. M. P.. wears collars four inches hit'h, probably the highest on record. They are made from a special pattern, never stand more than one or two washing-, and it takes three of them a day to satisfy Mr. fipcncer'a instincts of neatness. Use Mexican Silver f-tove Polish. When on bn of Ltiray, Bussell county, Kan., I called at the labaratory of Chamberlain i A Co., Dew Moines, to siiow them his1 six-year-old boy, whose I i fry had been j saved by Chamberlain's Cough Kerned v, ' i. . . . i it naving curen him ot a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dai ton is certain tiiat it saved his boy's life and i enthu siastic in his praise of the Bemedv. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. rihiloh's enre, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by fcnipes A Kin emly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses; only 25c. Children love it. f-old ry 8nipes 4 Kinersly. "eti UiritiK Ontr Kehriiar j-i. . )., i.ti lil at j.iee I t-r the Sirrrl. t'artlie Irm.k ' -i. . , hv ileeil tMwrlliff dale , lu.'S iteil 1 iliil r.f.rie4 at . J. "I' . to " illianl Hutu tiy i tl't I-'. I- l. Khkrll fl.etl la nillT feeorileQ .11 e'We T.I ut km 111 tis f : lot J VV In U. 1 leru.K .lnti JtllT 17, Jli, ; which deeil a ilniy rv-mile.1 at ie u n( uid i Hi. -I' . and tn J. turner and t.. w rtnlaiid j by del henrinr date Jnmiarr II). wi. wrrl'-h I nee.1 l. ilniy minleil at ture 1 il H.Ji -u ' nl : aanl rteed tee..fii, Iiit aanl cinnty. all of which rimiUare herei.T relerreit a a part i( tlila rte u ripu.ii.: lik-n and levied npnii the pn.periv nt lit. anil! t It i.rahani. or . nilieli lher-..t mm hall lie aiiniclent to aatiafr I'.e mi in dlizi.lii with Interest aaid ainn Irom the 'fid day ul Novenilief. !"!. at the rate ( ten percent er anniiiii. and Iumii attornev a ha, and the lur th-r.iin ol lt eta of aald nit, t.aiether with aeenilnit roau and expnnaea of Mle, and II any u-j.ln- remains alu-r the aatialnctlnti of aid iiiu ahoTe menllniieil. aneh aurplna tr he api.lnl In witlafeif wn of the jnilument of the d.'l-tidnnt The Huiiea l.n mlmrl 11K omtainy airaltiat tne deleinlanta. Ilaeid and Ktta l.raham, ner iirdlnr hi aanl judgment and derree herein liel.tre menlioiietl. Iialeil at 1'aliea t'lty. Or., Ier Is, lsnit T. A. WARIi. d'Jiw.'.t Sheriff of aaeo Cmnitjr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Lard Om . The la.-, dr., iHnnticr V. Iicl. i Notice ta hereby (rlveii that the f..ll..lnr narneil pettier ha fllell lottie of his Inpnitlt.n ! In malie htial trriiof In nnpiM.rt of htn riMlni. and i that aanl priail will lie maile the rno-l-r and recover of tiie ('. e I anil iiRier at '1 he Irullva, Or., nn January 1, 1-mji, v. lamea ttarlliigaiiie. llonii-l.-arl No. .r.'. for NF'-,' HWi,. K'i MK' . ml SK.i , SK' ,. See. Hi, Tp 4 s K 1.' K. W . M. He nullum, tne l .ll..wlnr wIIii..ti p. pnive lila eoinii,in.ii ni.Jenee npnn and cultivation id aanl land, vl : 1 r iliiionilMin, .1. (i. flni...n and 1 rmnt. nf w amie.tir., and K. N 'handier. 1 lie I. all.-., or ni-'.-l JUII ttv, Hm-ii eonnty. nl tl.l lintiee Wlti.i I'aliea i i rnontha In. in the date i I l.lHl I, I 11.- IH M- 'J. l"lfl .'t di.J l Ailm r estate of John Is.-lal.'- Administrator's Sale bemw, the llonorahle Cnuiitr I oett ; State in orea-oii, f..r im eounti.oa' da of Novemlarr, sl, dlllT maile re-tliit Ilie. the llliller.lxi.ell. tlie Sllir eil, iunlMi--d and actum admiHi'ir" " eaUteof W llllam A. Alien, dereaes!. " Inndii and premln-a lie,oiisiiir h mid mu ' hereinafter deMrllal. al piihhe an"" ' hiiheat belder, lur enah In hand. " !.. lore, In pursuance nf acid imlet and sal-' . will, ou III lh lar of January. IS4 at the hour nl two n'rlie-k In the aid day. at the front d.air of ,'u,i mm.- in ianea i uy, nuninnii.." " aifall nd premie raid eataie, ami partioularly lfe" lew.. Pewit -t The niiti.'t iiiartet and the nirrw ter nf tlie anuthweat .iiarter nl ""ULt towtiihap I north, of ranire 1.1 e" " lamette Meridian. In Weerii eaiolT. . , iiiiipiinnnt .im acrea, mure or i- ",-e eetller with a!l and -ll.enlar tlie IH,m.T. at public auction to ll. hirlie-l In band, the landa thereon, said aaie will prnal and cinilirruatiuii t la- niaila ""7', the mm of H l.l'WI. II, ,.!... visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Ditl-; NOTICE. r, H. (irru a, The On., SOV. 1. I fiimplaliit harliie le.n entereitat thin OfTlec h Sv.luey M. Slnl-.h ag.iln.t Uliaiii .e..iiey lor aiMii.i..iiiiiir. ho- rlonicMead Ki.try No. :t.n ibih-il 5h h II l"i. ute.n tne HW of h.itl..n Tonhip i North. Knliee li Kat, In i eoiinty, Ureif..ii, with a . p, ti, enin-ellatioii nf aald entry: the aald airtet are hereby mini monen i, ai."-ar al una onn eiiu the lith day nl le-einia-r, al III nclnca, A. M , p. and (iiriii.ii ptiinnny eoiiicrnnur ankd Ntrtindoiiuietit. JOHS W. l.KW IS, KiKlator. haled at lialieat 'llr. W aaco cnniitr- 'tnh ilar of Noenila-r, l-'l. . ,ieti. t.K'Hii.fc ,M ii .'rtdi'.ja Adm'r estate of W m. A. Alie' " .A. NEW UD(lerlakD2 Establi KINZ & NITSCHM. DtALERi IN' . 'i Furniture and Carps-, wimiii: noon: utiout Best grades oak, fir, pine and alab w-d. Ollice B53 Second street. All i orders promptly attsnded to. tf Maii a 6l Bkxtox. a no!"" I W. have added to our o...plte Undertading ''"'"'t .ml are in no way o" -;. the Undertaker.' Trust, onr P"1 be low accordingly.