The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 16, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Tilt llALLCH. .
LOCAL KKltirilS.
Wedut-Mlay' Psily.
sav tola him that -u' wu!J l hi.
Tturruumiu? luile lex.'
Jlut the rvon she lev..! fclui
lie.-tie he h.ul tli r.v.
Mr. A. R. Thoiupeon, the assignee of;
Ut W. E. liarwt-oii slock of jewelry, ..........a n, -.. Tfc.y
' linn determined to sell off the entire cn Dai Huinl.
stock and person wishing to make lioli- i
;day filu wilt do well to look at his Deputy Sheriff Jackson yesterday
! new ad. found another Ux o( goods stolen ly
: The Uiard of phvsieians hate visited ! '" "d Jol,n Krkr' Kv"rv-
and left 11-ker Cltv. The Ieuioerat thing covered except . m carpet,
' .... ..ti.- I...J ...! .lata! tiinare and a lot of valuable oil por-
I within their reach and personally ae
: ijuain'.ed themselves as far as '( possi
w liulay.
Koriek left f r Portland thii
I hie with all facts based on sanitation
j mill hygvne to l incorjMirted in the re-
D. J. Caoper shipped UH) heal of! port. We do r.ot believe that it is in
mutton sheep to Portland tl is morning j the )oer of anv other tow u in Eastern ,
by steamer F.egulutor. ! Oregon to present a like showing." We
The first edition of the IVcen.lier Cos- j hope not. if they make a Imd a record as ,
u.opolitau was "."hUXO copies, more than : the Democrat d.ies ou eUi.!g.
traits of Mr. Fournclle's French ances-
ourse invaluable.
of Mr. Jackson thut
About a score of the friends of Mr. and
double any magazine in the world.
Don't forget the clatu chowder to be
served by the ladies of the M. E. church
iu the vacant store nest the First Na- entertained until a late hour,
tionat bank. Come and bring your J Ifautifu! residence seems to I
friends. I with an eye single to hospitality.
that when lie attended college civil en
gineers received the highest kind of
wages, in consequence of so much rail
road building, and the Incentive of high
ft is the opinion of Mr. Jackson thut salaries induce.! many io i.-uin uie an.
thev are burned. i The inevitable consequence nasasur-
Crime is more often detected when i plus of them, and wages were reduced
the least disturbance is made about it. j to about -10 per cent, of their original
Six weeks ago when Mr. Fournelle first figure. He then found it more profitable
discovered his loss he had no clue to the ' to stake out mining claim
robbers. He sought Justice Sehutz. , ors. but owing to the rcjieu
who advised him to far no attention to man act. the mines closed i
Dextei saw , they labored hard, working I
full hours, until the wood w as all tawed, j
One of these was a book-keeper and the ,
other a civil engineer. lUit . were Mr. T.J
'dow n ou their luck" and were w illing "orl"k-
to do anv honorable work to meet their : Mr- Smith French is suffering with a
current expenses. The engineer said ''''' ' .riP-.
I njt. S. . Short, of the steamer
Dalies City, was iu the citv last night.
lr. t. C. Hollister left on the 2 o'clock
traiu today lor Hood Kiver, to hold a
consultation with I'r, i'.rusius.
1 .. t
r. I ; .' si,t.-.
ll ill Colo-
w i: iio'it an
Mr. V. V.. ll.xul anil Mrs. Ella John
son and iiiini v left on the steamer Keg-
ulator tb morning hr Portland.
Iol.n-!"ti of I'ufur I" in the
tlm mhWv. and to sav nothim aliout it rado and left him ugaiu
Mrs. C. L. Phillips met last evening at tl) anyone, and before long something occupation.
their residence and were most pleasantly would" turn ut to locate the thieves.. They finished sawing the wo...i yes-
As expeetetl. they became careless, ; terday, and left this morning for I' .ir-
I believing no attempt was lieing ' land. There is goo.t metu. in iio-se
made to discover them, and a fea - young gentlemen w hich w ill come to i he
niraln with the advent of t'l
livered ten tons of machinerv at Cheno- i"heil, a wonderlul conservatory tairly veg, o( own on tlv K.r!,0n uf James '. times.
weth Lauding for the tregon l.iin.bcr- ! Mvatliiu with its wealtli ot periume, i edle, while lioth were aboard the I!eg- j
in company yestenlay, i and the picturesque grounds look almost niator. Arrived at The Dulles he gave j
The Stuttz company will plav in this i as winter as in summer. Dane- rx.pty Sheriff Jackson the information, j Dr. Oxias, formerly of Koseburg, has
city Friday and rturday evening and ! '"P nd crd Sames were the chief diver-i ,nj j"ackgon i0a and arrested tliejU-en committed lor iiuanity in New
wi'.l rilav sncressiveiv lnih'r To ! slUS, Sttpjll emented by a most uppctiz-1 vedle then informed on his ; York city.
Mr. T. li
city today.
Mr. H. C.
town tinlay.
Messrv. S. .
MiKire ot Moio :
, lames .!, Kav, an
land, fiuiii' ti,. t i I it v i
Dr. Sid. la" wi.t
The bill f, the admi
passej the house yemrj,t
A dispatch from !, ,,.. ..
dent 1'eixoto has d.,:ur.. . V
(iama a traitor.
The I'rendervu.t trial 1M,
at Chieap... Attoriiev ,
leuse. is trying to prove i,nU1-
I'hief Harris, of tl,,. -tl
has it lulraa n nil 4:
1 fi-'iuiiri i,i
ol ?i;.(,V0!H) Cherokee h ,.,1.
render !T i,Mwit,.i..... 1.. i I
r of Hake Oven is in
in i li.- .
The D.r.iA..V. Co. steamers de- (Minors are spacious and prettily lur- I ,);,... am Fournelle olwerved a coat and surface
1.1 pioneer of I'ort
11 the noon train.
i I'irtluod this
n'.-nt until Moti-
It wi'l luncn in an exquisite norai seizing.
a benent performance for tne k. of I jt,;., Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs.
Flags'' and "Pearl of Savoy.
Tin- turkey' l.'l N xrrx Mil.
ili t'tiain-e i eryMim:
Kr it Tiid'ikivir.c him hp,
Thoa C'firi.lnirt? latt'ti.'s liuu.
Testimony is ling taken today in the
i Mcsier school district case for final ad
i judication.
A marriage license was granted tixlay
to Oscar Kuhausen to wed Miss Clara
j Augusta Antoir.e of Germany,
j Prof. Kork w ill lecture some evening
next week on the political issues of the
day from a popnlist standpoint.
comrade. A search was made of the 1 Twent v-one defendants answered to
rooms occupied by them, but nothing their names in Portland yesterday in the
was found, tiutil ou searching over the : Chinese smuggling cases.
root 01 tne house a nai roi, most 01 uie , JlJg0 wjl!Luu Tw ufl,.11(1,
stolen articles were found. Wedle plead J ttl,rnev o( Lake ,.i)UI!tv
guilty and up-ared as a witness against ; lanJ 1Xx luh r,, vr8
Snow is thick on ail the Wai-hington
footiiiils opposite A'toria, and it is ex-
i pected that the city will lie visited by a i
i heavy fall in a dav or two.
i pioneer
iu Port- i
This is a very good instance of where
tiie less said about a crime, the details
of which u"-e not known, the better.
The theory of Mica ler is u correct one.
afternoon, and w:M U i
lay, the !-:h n..--t.
Jte Montgomery , n v '! mow ii I". P.
engineer. i t i.-i f.r P land tonight
to ernui!iiM ! v rrside.
Van P.. IVl.'o.hmiitt.e. iimvvi id Port
land, tame to The Dalles Ins: night on u
business trip mid returned today.
I ruiio .
Mr. D. !.. Povev, of the firm of Povey
r.riw., Portland, gins manufacturers, is
in town today.
Messrs. T. N. Joles. I".. .7. Collins aud
P. I'.. Hood, returned last night from a
short visit to Portland.
"tuiice in ,j
! tl. .1.. .
""' meir s.tie. - Ut linri,
start east to sell the U.n.l.
The house committee ... .
'"" ' 'icemen io reii irt I..
ilitt resolution culling for w
erne on Hawaiian affairs "7
amended to Include all tl.
" ccon!.
either due t ij
ence dur'tiiB Harriwit,-. ..i .fH-
The poj.e's encyclical on RikL
ht.hU that thf. flihle i Inspire :
1 i.. .1 :i i.i .... '
I.I -,,. UNO ,, U
' to Port-
t.i.n points to
science this is
prelation or science is mistuken.
The last legal drawing of the '
lima state lottery occurred jtl
Thecomnanr is clinni
...!.: :..."' Mum
....n u. v...., n-rnei itir V(jj
controlled the politics of the stat. '
two years ago. when its canli,lto
It aps-ar two letters jj
Stevens from Secretary l;!ain,
waiiun affairs are .missing, tml I
ueiayins senumg the HawniaB
Miii,ieii. e to t he senate. h it
, in tiiese that Stevens no inj:re)
A Hunilrail Tun MaKaBln trler.
As a rer.
An event in )eriodical literature, not
without its significance to the general
public as showing the growth of the
The Columbia has risen six inches : KruLiy's !'i:y.
since last night, and the D. P. A A. X.
Co.'s dock is ail under water. Messrs.
Peters ii Co. were obliged to place a
boom around their large wrx.-d rii-ks to
save them.
A special meeting of the city c ni'icil
was held last evening to consider the
matter of constructing the Lincoln street
sewer. It was decided to advertise at
once for bids, notice of which appears in
another coiamn.
Pierce Mays is about the only indi
vidual counected w ith the old regime of i
officer who is free from the taint of sus
picion in the Portland smuggling cases.
One of the government insictors savs i
that Mays' skirts are clear, and that he Over sixty incandescent lights will il-; one hundred tons of magazines : That
i l' .- . , . : lminaro TI10 invpr r I'esise .v ai nv rn. in a mrar an nrpni t n t iir nd.npv nr trie . o . . . . v . , . ....... ..... - - .... ..... , , , t
iias acteu uonoran:v to tne government - ! . .... . , . , . , , . . . . . . . , . cnnes coimiieni ana crinc m teat
and himself. ; nignt. ine arrangement was maae Dy i world. A use order has never hetore """ - muti circles. It is the first
Mr. J. M. JIcArthur, electrician. been made, and if past ratios lie main-! --'"iu -moa. iwuim, a. ir mc, i " . ro
articles for sale at the Kris KringlefineJil meaus considerably more than j on " fiekiyou mountain, soutu ol , l ms piace is noteti mr us neaunv
1 ...... ... n i...w . :it:. : 1...: t. i.A Ti 1 asiiiiidu. trooirer ciuiiiiiuir ine Hiiootiiit ' tiun nut at tins t.inr lit trrniiie seenis 10
., Tnrre mnpn rw rm mi im r.t ft. I .mii.m. iittit ti liuoiuu 1. Ifi uiliiiii lur tne 1 't-a. - : - . - e
at nu. m. at ine coun nouse. it is 1 1 - ' f 1 1
learned that these exercises, originated I S""0"31 church at the armory on the emoer
bv Delsarte. are varied, and are desiened 1!':h ,n8t- w"1 on exhibition. A spe-
reading classes, was the receipt on the
Mr. I. C. Pichurds of Cm
Vt ash., is in the citv en roti'.t
land ith two cars of fat hog".
The Stuttz com pan v arrive 1 from
Yl.oitirtr tiKt'iv unit tt-iM liiitv ti'l.f .
i Col. t.en K Shield, ior.oerlv a con- .... U , ., " I W,"r '
t ' ........
! gressnian of tr''gon. fell over a baluster i
at the Hotel Willumette in Salem last ; M mir H..rnt..
evening, the Uth, and broke his nekc.
People in the Klamath conn try claim
that the recent terrific downfall of rain
j will have one beneficial effect by drowu-
SjMTUll I'limUf.!!.!!!!.' TlIK f'liKoMCLr J
Having refrained my jx-ii thus long,
waiting for some more leading mind to
chronicle the important events thut are
ine ladies o! the r.tuscotial tiuiid will : u.i, t v,.-..,ivo, i. Th f..,. tit,,., I '
furnish pies and cakes tomorrow in j Magazine of the order given below. A I n a n'-vuul,, 01 f'"1'Te ground 1 transpiring almost every day in
! center window of Pease tM Mavs. I.;,,,,,, nr,iM. frnn, - mn,., . wioirrels now lying tlormunt 111 their j Utile ,,,, town of Watnic, but
Iieen disappointed, it ficcurred to me
Ijtst Septemlier these dispatches re- that j-i-rhaiis they are waiting for the
nit of the piiiilia:;,.,.!, 1
I fact that Chicago is prefwu,. teJi(,
j care of the unemployed far tiW wrnrer
I tramps are flocking to tlsitit, (,,.'
j train from all tlirections. yX
j authorities era taking me Hiram
them as they come in and ta
j artout.
! The Chinese flag which float! mej,
1 new quarter of the Chinese
Mrs. Helen Stafford's ctass of ladies 1
for physical culture meets each afternoon i
to strengthen every muscle in the body. ! Cla,;-T WI" ujaUt 01 --n purchases.
Caueed and inert muscles iDvite many I The report ou the streets yesterdav
disorders, which Delsarte believed could ; that a new register of the land office, in
best be combatted by mciin ino in ' this city, had been appointed, was
ej-yw iuitu. J founded, evidently, rijion the fact that
There is a report circulated at Lew-1 Collector Geo. Wcidler, of the Portland
iston, Idaho, that some miners have diatr;ct- Lad asked to res'Pn
rescued Geo. Colgate, the old man ! The state educational school board
who was with, and left to die alone ' have added to the school fund of The
in tiie mountains by the Car- j Dalles This amount, a we under-
im purty. The Walla Walia States- j stand it. was back fnnds due this district telephoned to get par:icjiars bet and af this time is very opportune as the
could only pet l ack word that i: was treasurr is almost bare.
oi.:.v a rumor, but news from tiie mount- j A riva; telephone line is talked of in
ixius was looked for daily. i Spokane to compete with the Iniand
Mr. J. C. Lucky exhibited the mode! j Telephone Co., under a new patent
A a riatciii. dump wagon this morning, ' which the present company have tried
which ought to revolutionize gravel j in vain to secure. Kates are to be f'J.jO
hauling oro'ner loads requiring to be ! per month and tiie "hello girl" is to be
done awav w ith.
Yet, when the
list of authors and artists in the Decem
ber number is examined, one is not so
' much surprised. It contains the only
known unpublished manuscript of Ie
Maupassant, illustrated by Vierge, per
haps the most famous of European illus
trators. After the World's Fair, by
Paul P.oiirget, John J. Ingalls, William
Dean Iloaells, I.yman J. Gage, Arthur
Sherburne Hardy, Mark Twaine, Robert
was accidental and the coroner's jury j be trumps, as a very large part of the
not finding otherwise. A little later, , people are suffering from its effects,
developments led to suspicious that i Smie cases are Ix-inf treated by the
Godfrey killed Smith to avoid paying
the latter money due him. Yesterday
the grand jury indicted Godfrey for
murder. Godfrey leit the country in
ample time aud ie hardly liable to If
The Klamath Star says: Saturday in ;
the dressing room of the Indian school ;
Tygh doctor, who is very succesnful in
his practice.
The graded school here is under the
uiatir circles. It is the first tiaw(
eign flag has waved continuoDilT 1
legation in Washington. MiBmi:
other countries merely hoist uVI
upon fete days and national lioi.4i
their countries.
Among the passengers on the rr
Oceanic, which arrived fmai Husk
was jiem. r. C. Jones, rx-murwA
scuffled with guns in their hands, and us
neither of the boys were aware that one
gun was loaded, another fatal and mourn
ful event transpired. Henry Alirt, a ; evening there is u grand display of oru-
I-miv .if t!f!n luifl nlftvmliV Kmtiirai! ! tory Ulul Wit.
uatmigemeiit of Prof. P. P. I'nderwood omier me monarchy, and
of the higher grade und Miss Ward ofl""' revolution one of the irom.
the little kid dci.artiiwnt. We think I wment s most ardent inpponr.
we have one of the lst sciiotils in Wasco j Mr J'"" "a aY to 'hinr J
countv. There is enrolled in the higher j on '"'-"ll'''I business io tli intere-J
grades 4J and lower :i'.i. making M. We , u,u pn'Visional Kovernnwnt. and 1
are very proud of our school. j
There is a literary society held in the
hall over head, w here every Saturday
Jumped. A lever can ie thrown which
iets the bottom of the uaon down at an
iuv;liiie. dispensing witir tiie use of tiie
owve! and saving much time and iabor.
I: is tiie invention of Mr. W. T. Ilatton
of Warm Springs, and a wagon bed can
be constructed for less than 1-0, includ
ing paj met.t of royalty.
Thurii;y" J'l.ily
Tre ef tr..-h'.iiv?." htMii!.
- 'lis he? I Wi,ri to
isfae ts;sl. this tirsimr w;r';i;(r-ni ii.l.
Awl srnill lit .jutet Ri.e.
-T' 'hiPh ar us 00 .- reier "
sue Ojid him st a 1.-
Thr whii sv thut owns it. er
Tiie wan r us tuat lj.s'
Grant and others nearly as famous, and j at Klamath Agency two Indian
nearly two hundred illustrations, to
which the following artists contribute:
Hopkinson Smith, Kemble, Harry Fenn,
F. O. Small, Attwood, Henckel, Dan
Ileard. Keinhart and Hemington. Think
of having the World's Fair done by such shotgun at John Lee Hull, a lad of seven- j "e citizens ts-gui to 1 hn-tmns
expensive men as Howells, Mark Twain j teen, and tiie latter, iu playful rutaiia- ; bn'.iduys. It is not dewriiiiued yet
an, I I'mil Knnrivi nrl .en.t'm ii.-hlti.n after thniiini. him down, i.ii'.'.e.l ' w hel her w e will huve U Christllins tree
artists a- Ciiarles S. Uinehart to Chicago tiie trigger of another shotgun on young
for a single numlier of a magazine to lie ' Albert, blow ing nearly half his head off
soid for 15 cents, or by suiweription as be lay on the floor laughing.
Work on Second street is. progressing cents. A book publisher, preparing ;
finely. A great deal of the mud has Bnt;h B book would not dare incur these i
been carted off and rock put in its place, expenses short of o.l a copy. Is it not j
Now that work is progressing so well . revolution that is an improvement up- j
there are few enemies of the improve- on ol,I methods, a revolution of vast im- !
ment. Property owners realize that the i Prtane to the reading public? The j
cost is comparatively trifling and Cue order to which reference is made reads,
good to lie derived more than commen- H follows : j
surate for a!i probable expense. ! "Publisher Cosmopolitan. DearSir: I
I T. . r-u. r";,- r. ... ' Of the iW.oyU copies of Ueeetnber nuui-!
Mu.11 v.. . . T.ui.n..a. niiiiuuui.ire a I
death rate of less than one jr cent in a ' to nt un I'lea,e " o"0, : !
vear. Incpairy into the death rate in . . ' ,. . his travels since leaving W asco countv.
Wasco county for the past vear reveals ! T1?" I Hi father-in-law, Mr. J. W. Moad, wis
seven twelfths of 1 per centand for the fu"-v' The Amencap News Company. pr,.WJjt ai(, gai1 we coul(, ,av ,
two precincts of Fast and West Ifalks, Ktatece Appointed Ktitr. going to liglit this thing out to the end.
more than the town proper, and contain-; LUmel V Stagge who lias been ! e clainl, t0 conversant with nil the
ing a population of 4.500. there have : national' bank eiaminer. was Tuesday j circumstances and acts of his son-in-law
been : deaths from disease among resi- receiv..rf the Ore.lT National i nd "X' l'e "tisfieI of Henderson s
dents. !,.. u, i 1 . . , ; innocence. lie this
Un!erin In tlif. Ctanty .lull.
il Hetiderson is caught at last, and
is safelv lodged Isihiud the Imrs of the
Wasco county jail. In response to a
telegram from Sheriff Woolery at S(x
kane. iH'juitv Sheriff Phirman left for
that point Saturday night, arriving with
his prisoner today noon. A reporter Qnr tl)Wn
saw ilenderson at the court house to
day, who declined to say anything about
or not. Ihe auniiiiiici'iiient was made
last .-untiay from the pulpit that the
good people of Wumic w ill hold a watch
i.ight service conducted by Fid. P.inney
und l;-v. l uderwoo l. All are invited
to attend. '
We Bre glad tj note that 11. C. Pratt
is on his pins again after going through
a long "pell of sickness.
We now have a pood blacksmith that
adds another convenience to our town. 1
We can see additional iiiitirovemeiit iu 1
Al. Lake bus built a line '
re-hleiu-e, barn and out biiildiugs which
looks home): u.-. Hut citv ltle disss not
Overcoats are comfortable.
Only one bid was received for supply
ing the city w ith wood, and this was at
retail price.
The store w indows are devoted mainly j
to holidav goods. An inspection reveals ,
many pleasing novelties. Now is a good ; have established a Sunday school choral
time to advertise them. onion. Over 600 boys and girls are al-
The Chrvsanthemum ciub will give read-T in fining wng. they
their regular social Lop next Friday B,nS re aid ,0 n.ething grand,
evening. Invitations are requested to ! The ""P volume of music from the
r,,e.nte.l st the door. ! b"ndreds of throats of the children has
. such pathos and power that manv are stac-'e who
A rr.innr u nirrpnt tins ranrnm! . .... , '
. " 1 induced to shed tears from emotion
that an appointment was maae as regis
ter of the I. 8. land office, but it was
not verified by later reports.
The charges of not making official re
ports as required, against the Mult
nomah county clerk, treasurer and
sheriff were dismissed vesterdav.
j suit him. So
: he smeiied 1 ne s
and settled ' 11
.. I,.b ti.... 1,. e...
e 1, ft the mill, where
i.-t odor of the pine
a citv lifr, he Wgins
1 out stiii retains his
Forty Sunday schools of Portland troiler Eckels, and, after going over tlte
affairs of the bank, the receiver was de-1
termined upon. Eckels says the ap- ,
pointment was unsolicited, and was ,
made because he believed Stagge was !
well qualified for the place. The Ore- I
goniau comments as follows upon Mr. '
is editor of the Pacific 1
not look very well for a man to resist ar
reet by force of arms the way Henderson
did, and afterwards make himself scarce.
A wruu ImrrMln.
pleasing smiles.
Money is scarce here as e. sen here.
illlt tl.f. M.ft..l.k U PU Wutl M....tlu.l !!.
as it ma v, it does . . . , ,.
eatables and a fair qualitv ,f clothinir.
Wamic, Iec. 11, IV.C
nunterfelt alll Mill.
- Some misin-
bauker, and well known to banking
I The receipts are devoted to charitable circles of The Dalles- "He was ap
-TD. ooinieu uana examiner last August nv ..,i ,.rr.
j Wild geese and ducks show knowledge ' Controller Eckels, and pla-ed in charge ej direct) t
j as to the resistance of the atmosphere j of the First National bank of The Dalies, i Commercial
I and sagacity 111 overcoming it when , which, by his rapid work, gained the ties i
Some special agents of the treasury de
partment rejort the discovery of counter-
formed persons in The Iwlles are labor-, feit II) greenbacks. It was ascertained
ing under the impression that a private I that the Anglo-Californian lnk of San
wire which ran from the Western ' Francisco had accented ouite an amount
Union telegraph oflice to several stores ' before detection was recognized. The
the bearer of several affidavits im
people in Honolulu, cnlculatnl to ;
prove the statements made in Conic
siorier lUount's report.
Two very remarkable ' Npii'-c
reucs are in the market. Un a
theater at Ells, which the niWi
pen it caused to ls built nt Porto Fema I
The second is far more Interesting
consists of n picturesque ri.'la en ih-
road from (.enapi-s Io .Wuimf St. Jesr.
w iere Nasleon dinwliiid siept on tic
night of June IT, IH15, nd from t'-
beautiful garden of which lie plain
the battle of Wfticrioo, leaning OU lif
low a!l which o.mniani!" par.nn
of all the surronmlitig country, smi ;
he held hi lust council of ar.
rmilrutug .nalltlea of "k
A numlwr of tests have
reiently, by experimental hitM
Uie eastern states on the value 0! 1
as a profitable fat ten ing food 'w
and they indicate that one buK-'j
wheat will make fourteen pooi"
pork, and is much more prunls 1
corn and further the cost of prrs"i
is less.
Pease .V Mays exhibit tonights -
ture reproduction of the F.iffel "
reaching from the floor to the tt&i
It will e ablaze with incuiM
lights, and the magnificent li-il!
original will be partially re!i
placing ddls upon the platform, v
lirewnt iieonle. To nroirly "P"
i. 1 1.. i. ...,, ,-ms I
.in jirni netful .'e.f
dolls should m alsjut an iw-
quarter in height,
nearly If. fwt high.
the V1
atiout tow n is connect-. bills are uritited from an old nlate w hich
to the Western Union 1 wn stolen a few years ago. A Unit the
wires and that par- oniv wav to detect the fraud is hv th t
in thee office can hear all business pa st which is deficient in the silk
i ft I. - . 1 1 1 .1:.. I ...... - . I 1...: . ! r. . ..1 . L 1. ... .
; ,.. u. u.c tv , . .:..,B ..rst . toe sospenueu : p)inf( over those wires. This is an error. threads, which define the genuine bills
... .... ,. , I ---i ; , " Bk"1" ,,7nu",c i The wire is merelv nsed for the conven-' Iofik out for thein
Laker City claims superior fitness f or . eaaily, and the more coutageous bird He is a bright young man. and under j jence of customers who send messages to ! - - - -
; , " - Jr,. '" P,ltl?n "l u,e ,orwar,i ie- AB . oire,'ll'n t,,e "alr 01 tllC Ur"D ; the Western Union oflice here.and there ! The Harney Times reaches our
" "'""' " -'-""- this is a latiguing poet another bird ere national uoiihtiess soon lie straight, ig no further connection Verv resneet. ! with
iesa than 1 per cent, a year ueatn rate. I long takes the place of the exhausted j ened out." fullv,
Ed. Henderson was placed under -00 j leader. Thus they place their avaiia- j in ti. orn p th ' 15. D. Jonssox,
Ijonds for resisting an ofTner and attempt- j ble strength at the service of thesociely. i " ?-.B, ' j Manager W. U. Tel. Co.
to kill. The retiuired bonds were , Mr. E. Y. Judd of fcan Francisco, a i lwo TeT gentlemanly - appearing
furnished by Van B. Delshuiiitt and prominent wool man of the east, is in
W. Lord. ! the city today. It is understood he is
Win. Young and Jerome" Lauer are here for the purpose of putting in a
building a patent dump wagon bed. 1 curing mill. It would be a very judi
wbicliwiil be tested, and if snc-essful j C'uu "lOV indeed. The Dalles ships
more will lie constructed on the same' "bout C,000,000 pound of wool every
young men appeared at This Chronicle j
otlice recently, and while the editor
offered chairs and was preparing to reach
for the subscription book, with that in
describable inward satisfaction every
editor feels w hen be believes he is about
Monthly Iteport.
Take the children to see Pease A Mays'
center window. It will seem like Fairy
land to them, and the beauty of the dolls
and their costumes will please older
lulks as well.
At the weekly meeting of the Union
whist club last night Mrs. Lord scored
."i0 points, the highest number ever made
in a series of 25 game. Mrs. J. S. Fish
won the booby prise.
year, 50 per tent, of which is dirt.
There is really little tense in paying
freight on 3,000,000 pounds of dirt annually.
its usual weaklv nuota of local
1 new, consisting of 21 lines of reading j
matter in tyi the size of brickbats. It 1
I is one of the most readable papers in !
j that section, being, we believe, the only
one. There is no reason why the Hur
j ney Times should not be nearly as valu-
: aine as the New ork Sun to the in-1
habitats of Mauna Ixia, Ashantee and
! Sahara desert. The Sun is but a trifle
j larger and not near so black.
lical I-state.
E. II. and Mary E. McFariand to
Smith French, lot 6, block 2, Laughlin's
addition to Dalles City, also one foot of
land on east side of lot 5, block 2, also
parcel of land of the John A. Sims dona
tion land claim; I'J.MsD.
Eioht Mn.r, Or.
Number enrolled, 31. Average daily
attendance, 27. Number of visitors, 12.
Those who ecured 100 in deportment:
to receive a new subscriber with a year's I Emma, Annie and Amos Johnson, Amy
subscription in advance, he was some- j Angell, Annie Patterson, Carrie and i When on a visit to It wa Mr K D I
what startled and considerably surprised Harry Drummond, Lora Drake, Lester 1 to of I.uray, Kussell county. Kan.!
-" .w.wi cu.tureo--- am. Annur c.ilc(1 . ll)e lftWat , Chamberlain j
.TV -' . ... i v i . .V"1"": C-. --. -'ow them bis
""i ciigmt saw int i.oy oiniiu, w line aud
your wood?" land Iloy Darniulle.
Eight cords of slab wtwd were plied at J Those who were present every day
the edge of the sidewalk byZtl.e office Annie and David Patterson, Lora ami
and this the gentlemen wanted to work j Arlie Drake, Harry Drummond, Myrtle
up. The contract was let for 8, and for , Ida and Arthur Patterson.
two days and a half, with an 8-foot
Hat-tie I. Hii.l.
six-year-old boy, whose life bad Uren
saved by Chamberlain's Cough llemedy,
it having cured him of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is certain
that it saved his boy's life and is enthu
siastic in his praise of the Lemedy. For
sale by I'.lukeley & Houghton.
MollneM Meeting- 1
Holiness meeting will be l'1'
court house commencing at H 0'
ni. Snn.Iiif IW. lTth lVjS. E"'
is invited to attend and to coia'P"'
for the salvation of the peop'
town. J. M. D. tt'-in"1
Tk.ll.t Knall..B"'
atom, "-r
istmo'-7 k
w. mw e
m wortlilisjs itMdKlB- la P'"C'. trt. '
duuimt slo-s, InoluM P"" -
. . . ,t ffM. V
l:ix, t-'s tM mill pUat. mU.'Zt.
hrt In pl.ila ImI sn-sLif. B Z..mi t
zukln-a Tht Woe h"
V..1.1 i.. T. . i..iiM I, Hlnkel'V
ittfort and Ajtcr.
MfoiMTKOgf f