THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1893. m A CLEAN SWEEP ! ! I We Commenced, Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1893, K ' GREHT CHSH SHLE We Closed our Store Monday, Dec. 11, to Re-CDark and He-Arrange our Goods. THIS GREAT SALE IS NOW We are offering our Large, Complete, and Carefully Selected Stock at ON. Such Low Prices Never Before Known in The Dalles! WE WANT CHSH, CASH. That iw tlie first consideration. Prices, Profits, Goods, all Sacrificed for CASH. Dry Goods, Clothing, .burnishing Goods, Hats, Boots ctrid Slioes, Etc., Etc., At Ruinous Prices for Coin, Coin! Coin!! As we must turn our stock into CASH, we have not stopped at cost on some goods, but have marked the selling price for this sale below raal first cost. TO PEOPL6 SEEKING INieSTMENTS We offer 25 per cent, per day for' Coin. or,ri intPT-Ast. navable dailv. Brine: us. for illustration. $100 in Coin, ond we will give you $100 in merchandise at ordinary retail prices. llow you $25 interest, also in merchandise, as our prices for this sale are from 25 to 75 per cent, below regular retail prices. Can use any amount, from 5 cents to $1,000.00. f you require goods, want the very lowest prices obtainable, and have the money to pay tor mem, come to us. THIS PROPOSITION DOES NOT ADMIT OF AN ARGUMENT. Behold Our Price List. f peuy of Our Offeriis : Domestics, Brown. Uiehmond A, per yard National A, " " 'adjier LL, " CahotW, " " hockwood B, " " Domestic, Bleached. Cutter Cloth, per yard Fnm-st Mills. " " Fruit of the Loom " U'amsutta, "' " ''"msdale Cambric, " Il'rid.w.f the West. " N'annsutta, Twilled," 3 cts. 4 cts. 5 cts. ; cts. 7 cts. 5 cts. 7 cts. 8 cts. . 9 cts. 11 cts. .11 cts. .12 J cts. m cts. Wide Sheetings. Brown. i - I -inc KM, 12-inc I'i-illC S-4, 10-4, h, per y ard .11 cts. .log t-ts- 20 cts. 22 cts. Bleached. per yard .11 cts. 12J cts. 20 cts. 22 cts. 25 cts. o o Prints. Sliirtinjr, Lodi, Standards, Indigo Blue. per yard 4J 5 5?, Shirtings. Amoskeag, Napped, per yard 12?, Amfwkca-'. " " 10 Southern Tlaid, " Table Oil Cloth, per vard 20 Shelf Oil Cloth, " " H Furnishing Goods. Underwear 20 "Woolen Underwear 10 Merino Underwear 40 Natural Wool Underwear 75 7-oz. Red Flannel Underwear.. $1 Cotton Socks, per doz 00 Woolen Socks 20 Linen Collars, your choice ...... 10 Suspenders, from 20 Clothing. Knee Pants, from 40 Knee Pants Suits, from 1 3-piece Suits, from 4 Suits -1 Overcoats, a good assortment at '.I Overcoats . $5 00, $0 00, 7 Don't pay $12 elsewhere for same. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. Boys' Boys' Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's Boys' Boys' Boys' Men's Bovs' Men's cts. cts. cts. cts. 25. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. 40. 00. 75. 00. 00. CO fD CD w CO Blanket-Lintd Clothing. First Quality. Ulsters Coats . Vests . Pants ... Rubber Goods. Knee Cum Hoots lip Gum Hoots Snow Excluders Women's Arctics Men's Sandals Women's Sandals Boots and Shoes. Men's Lace Shoes . Men's Plow Shoes Men's l)om Pedros Calf Hoots Oil Grain Boots. 3 25 1 75 1)0 I 25 $2 75 4 oo 1 25 1 00 CO 40 85 1 50 2 1)0 2 DO Leather Clothing. First Quality. Coats Vests Pants. fU CM) 2 25 4 00 Wa flatter onrsPlvfiS that we have your confidence, and think we deserve it, as we have NEVER yet deceived you in our advertisements and shall H commence now. Nor are we unthankful for your confidence. Ai i All Goods marked "711 IN PLAIN FIGURES. 13 1 A X T A V HE DALLES, OREGON. J-V v w P. s.-On account of Crowds, we could not serve all satisfactorily. We have increased our force of salespeople.