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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1893 TllF. FIX AST I A I. SITVATIOX. The Weekly Chronicle. ! What is Chaniwy IV pew drivine at? If hi fame for making after dinner apem-hes it due solely to the genial in fluences of a full stomach lie cannot have eaten anything for a week. He ears nothing in many more words than it took a pertain lireek phitoelier to announce an important discovery. Tlie concussion experiment" for rain It is a mistake to support? that tramps ; disorder and to restore ' niakiiut were not wholly lost. Professor do not keep posted on current events. ; cjmmm.ial prosperity, but he also ' Huzen, of the weather bureau, who Within twenty-four hours after the pub- j Bhow g tJmt u jg ag niuoh 8 itg j watchetl tllt,ir effecti jg convinced that liahed report thai Chicago will provide j m0Jt optimi9tic ,dTOOates claimed for it. ' thev, iu some instance, served to pro winter supplies for the unemployed, the The bajjk ,tw.k of goIJ have gteaiii!v long the drouth. They may yet be util dusty knights of the road commenced gin tllB mo.:e t0 lloard it : :Md t0 break ni) exeewive rains. This ! frout rank of producing states, and to enact a tariff law putting lliwse prouurta Senator Iohh's able and exhaustive imo the market unprotected would par- j revi?w of the existing financial situation a'.vue the productive anergic of the , is a feature of the December number of : great Northwest. The great reform the Pacitie Banker and Investor, and is entitled to the careful perusal of every person who desires to have Intelligent opinion on the leading question of the day. The senator not only proves con clusively that the repeal of the Sherman act was absolutely necessary as an ini tial step to relieve the nation's finances j from extreme disorder and to restore committee did not give the West a hear iug on these vital questions, and in so doing evinced a spirit of hobby ism, without realizing a fact, that the pro ducers are the bono and sinew of this great republic. making tracks for this new asvlum. The I police will have their bands lull in keep ing them out. They are about as bard to manage as mercury. The Baconian cipher claimed to have been discovered by lr. Owen, of Petroit, promisee to become a literary sensation. If the doctor is right, Donnelly will be sustained, and Shakespeare as an author will drop out of the biographies. Pr. Owen claims he began the solution of his cipher two years before he heard of Donnelly's discovery. He now has it copyrighted and will soon begin the publication of the narratives which the cipher has disclosed. These publications will be followed by publications of the cipher itself. 1 - Mm for a premium has been removed, and j must be gall and wormwood to lieneral bankers and merchants no longer hesi- j Dryenforth. j tate to meet their obligations with it. j "T"-"f- I That indicates a restoration of con(i-t CURRENT PRESS COMMENT. j dence in the continued parity of value of I onr monev. which was about all that the ! nple cons.der it necessary to I repeal was pledged to accomplish, it call a convention whenever they want to was prescribed as a specific to cure one j Pt a good resolution, of several ills not as a panacea for all of theui-and it is satisfactorily fulfilling I The sorrows of Queen Lily O Killarney its mission. Separate remedies ningt ought to command the sympathy of the annliMi m th other diseases that are 8ale 01 rl . What has become of the fair Kaiau aui all this time? Nothing has been j Do'.ph shows that the cause ot this is an heard of this school-sirl dauchter of the excess of expenditures over revenue. ex -queen since this Hawaii matter was first brought tip. Shortly afterward she came to America from her England boarding school and endeavored to arouse a sentimental sympathy for her-1 dread of sweeping tariff changes which elf. wailing over the loss of her throne lias checked industry and trade, to be when her fond mother should die. It is I followed at once by a wholesale reduc niore than probable that the sarcastic j tion of the national expenses. These witticisms of which American newspa- j are the salient points of Senator Dolph's pers only are capable, have taught ' review, and he produces indisputable playing havoc with the country's com mercial and industrial system. lespite the abundance of gold returned to circu lation, and despite the fact that the gov ernment's dues are cheerfully paid in j yellow metal by importers and others, j the twannrv mld reserve and carih bal- 1 ance continue to dwindle. Senator i l,.v h depression of 1 SIC!, it is not likely that the election of last year would have placed the democratic party in power. which the most rigid management by j the treasurer cannot prevent. The only j cure for this treasury-depleting cancer is a speedy removal by congress of the j The people got their change last fall, i They are now anxious to get some more j "change" of the kind that rattles. Had it leen known that the demo cratic victory o( 1S!)2 was to be followed MARKET REPORT. "A ol M the hills" nn.l never exev II- Trio. I and proven" is the vtirJiot o f millions. Simmons Livor Ili'gu- Ay J only Livor JDUtfLf und KiJnoy medicine, t o which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild Uxa tivo, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Livor and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Pruggiflts in Liquid, or in Towder to be taken dry or made iutoa tea. Tha King of Uar Medicine. M 1 have lined yourHiniiumia Liver Revo lator mid ran euimMonrioualy eay It l Hie kuiK of all liver, I eunalder It a l.ieUI.-lne cheat In luell. AJUo. W. JACS auN, Tutfonm, WaalituKUio. a-rvr.RT package- Baa the T Stamp to red a n van Pills QT7 AT T-JVt -i -v1- 4. DRUGGISTS. The Dalles, Oreg0 175 Second Street, A full lino of all the Standard Talent Med Drills, Chemicals. Etc. .. ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.-. jTjaCountry and Mail Ordera will receive prompt attention. wines. Kaiaulani that Americans cannot prop erly appreciate the rights of monarch? and their descendants. facts and figures to support them. TPUXSPORTIXC, FR07.EX FISH. The fall measure of the president's duplicity has reached Hawaii, which, as expected, electrifies the provisional gov ernment, wno declare they will defend the existing government with their lives. Happily there is no call for this sacri- : fice, for congress will allow them every : deserved right and the reign of Cleve- ! land is practically ended. The temper Nothing connected with the fisheries of the west coast lias been so important a factor in their development as adoption of the suggestions made by Capt. Collins, in his report on "Fisher ies of the Pacific Coast." "The importance to the fishing inter ests on the Pacific csast," he says, "of theestablishmentof properly constructed of the Americans is such that from ; freezing houses can scarcely lie over benceforth this obese dictator will not be i estimated. The demand for fresh fish, permitted to trifle with the rights of ; i all parts of the country, is a growing nations or individuals. He bag all but ; one, and apparently increases plunged a weak power into war, and j rapidly than the population. Ti.i lie would doubtless have done so ere this ; maud should be met and all legitimate had he not been called sharply to ac- means should be employed to incree coil'- it. Among the methods so far adopted for the preservation nr! A lut ri tin ' im t.f t :u. -)i r-j:. .. - " - " , B , . , ' fisherv products, none perhaps has met tensely practical man. During the 1 , ' , , , , , , " with greater or more deserved favor than coarse of some incandescent lamp ex- .- . , . ,. . . , r i ttiat o' artiticiallv freezing munv species penments he wished to know the amount , , c , ... " , .. , . '., . , , , ,, , of fish which can lie satisfactonlv kept of SDace included in the glass bulb, and ' . Al . , ,. , ., . . .." , , ,. , f in this manner and distributed, through Mked two of his learned assistants to . . ... ... means of refrigerator cars, over an enor- figure out the cubic contents for him. i . . . . , . . , , mous extent of temtorv. aiier lacing consiaerauie lime ana sei i Fkiiiav, Itfc. 13. IVcemljer this far, ! with the temperature mild and the : farmers busy with the plow, the busi j net-a among merchants is light. Locally ! it is quiet ; trade is carried on from ! hand to mouth, and purchases are only jon account for immediate demand, j Prices continue without any material I change. Some dealers are making specialties on some articles for the pur pose of inviting trade, which is having its desired effect. In country produce it cannot le saij , i mat mere is anv improvement in me the , . t ' . , ! market. i rices are sieauy in every thing except ev'gs, which are in better : supply, and dealers speak of a tendency downward in the product. The grain market is as lifeless as re ported a week ago. The Clapp com pany weekly market letter of the (th says : "We look for a continual demand after January Sth. French country markets indicate strength. English millers and sjieculators are more anxious to l i:y. and from a crop of 100.000,000 le than in 1S!2, evidently our surplus i in the "show case" with millers and fl-jnr j ihtiers. The domestic demand for EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County in probate, executrix with the will annexed of tiie estate of James I nderhill deceatu. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present them to me with pror vouchers at the law otiice of Con don A Condon in I'ulles City. Oregon, within sfx months front the date of this notice. November 11. 1S!3. Claka 7.. I'ndekiiii I., Executrix of the Estate of James Under bill, deceased. -NOTICE FOR ITIUJCATIOX. LaSij Omc, Thr Imllm. (r., Hi. '.. I Notice la hcrvhy Htm tht tlie full.. win rmnivU mttl-r b rmtirt? of hi tntt'ttiioii u make rrnnl )nHf lit upjMrt of hi rlalin. mtd that Mill lirtKif wilt 1m mmti' U.(irv tilt rvniMlwr anil r"-vHtT ml Tile IihIIva, Or., nil February lu,, vu. farnti ll. Kulierts. Homeiitoed Nd -.'..I.;. fur thr BK'. nl N l-'4, and S. of SK'4. and W. at ff., ,!i ht. l.Tu. J K. 1J K M. He Itamee the f.llowilil wltniM to prturc hi eontitiiiottit riiti'iit ummi, ami rijltUMtion nl, aunt himl. viz. K. h. MorriMin. M. t. I'ninu-r. J. N PatUTMiit and I . K. btouiriiton. nl! nf luilur. or. dvwb JOHN . 1.KWH. H'-ci-l.-r. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. INCOKPOKATKD IStSiej No. 07 Washinotox Street. . . The Dalliu Wholesale and Retail iK-alers and Manufacturers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Furniiis Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and p Boxes and Packing Cases. 1 Pctory and Ijumber TT-ct wt Old lt. laxj DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city. i Successors to L. Harn I. Frank, diH-eused.) OF ALL OF A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. HEPAIRINQ PROMPTLY NEATLY TXjSE. wnolcsaic and Retail Dealers in Harness, Erifilcs, Wtips, Horse Blasts. Full Assortment of Mexican Saifllcry Plain or Stampci SECOND STREET. - - - - THE DALLEi New - Umatilla- House,1 THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT &. FISH, PROP'S. NOTICE FOR ITULICATIO.V Lakd (irni a, Th Italln. or., i Sov. 'J. Wjci : Sntire ia hi?rilir irivpn that tl floinir- j nnnttl antllvr hm ill.-tl iiottnrf Idh lnt.nllii to nialif ntml tinwif in vtiiiMirt of hi" clniu) ami that ! win inl will In mailu UMoru thu rtMt'T anil mriver at Th laliai, Orvyiiu, on wlnwlnv . eral sheets of paper they brought the re sult to Ed;on, only to be told that they were wrong. The electrical experts again went over their figures, checked them and tried all the forms of mathe matical calculation, from arithmetic to applied mechanics, but without avail, for the final result was again declared wrong by Edison. After several more aseleee attempts, and when a good por- j tion of the day had been waited, the : professors would work no more on the problem. The "Wizard"' thea simply took the cap off an incandescent lamp, filled it with water, and then poured the water into an instrument used to deter mine the volume of fluids, whence the cubical contents was known. The hint adopted. Mr. John Wallace ill thus given was promptly prominent hah shipper at Kaiama, Wash., gives, in Ice and Refrigeration, some interesting , facts in relation to the rail shipment of frozen fish, which may tie of general lvalue. As onr readers well know, a large quantity of frozen salmon finds its ! Df ev- - l V2, 2 T coit-ii in ition , and export demand for wheat and flour will likely soon 1 big ! J"; ,h;; 'v' factor, and cause much higher prices to ; nwltt King prevail. The stock of flour is nearly I lloniwtoad Arnlnntinn No -i I .11 ....I L'l ..I .III i. one eighth lens than a year ago. i ii,' The wool market at home and abroad is flat and will continue so until the tariff question is settled. Wheat (3 to -Pic per hu. Eaki.ey Prices are np to 55 to f0c cents ier 100 lbs. 0.ts The oat market is light at M J to h" cents per UK) lbs. j MiixsTrrrs Bran and shorts are I qn-ited at $1 00 per ton. mid-' (Dings 22 50 to W, 00 pttr ton. Rolled : Shell- for the S1, n( ID. 1 1. '.' li fi II ht. Il nnma thf foliowtiic wttnt'" to prove hln i roiitlltlloua renlil.rhi.f upon ami cultivation ol I aulil Inml. viz. : II. W. WelU. ot The Iinll.n. Or., t'harlea i Katon, Janien hton ami l'NUI l.llnerotll of NuiiM.ii. Or. Joiik W. I.Eir!, Hauler I Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. I'. II. It. Company, and office of the Kmm Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IS : OREGON. IF YOU WISTT Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, Thomas A. Hudson, tiiiii'i-wHir to Thortilitirjr A Iluilxm, 83 WashlnKton St., THE DALLES. OR. If jrnu want iiif'rrnmtlon rititcnunir tivtT!i mrtt Untt-.irf tin lttw n'intliiit thTvtt. ymi -m r.nult tilm (nt nf nmrw.v 11. hit" luml' n -rtultv itf tht tiimltiw, mid hi trmti'rl ttu i iiitrtj Mtiit. Land (iITiif lur ovit ten yrri Administratrix Notice. " nviu m- i fw i.i iijt uimu3 n h axil- i- i ) ai ." . - . . . . ; rLoi'H Salin niilif flour i nnotd at -- .- " v. - aj ""'l'l""! '"- J tio tiufro Imrorin .mi. Nttif is hTiTy Kivfii thnt tt f'onrit rimrt of the r(.it of m.irm fur W ro niun'v ttn Itim ly il'ily Hpioi!i. !(! uiil'Tict(f! -iiiiinitr trix tf tl.f ratilc nf Ir W. K. Kiti.iurt. 'i' rvnl. iiiti ttml be hum tltily ifiirihlii n mh i HdnilliMTrHtl IX All (Mitni( Hr tfn-rWorv riuirwl t fir.'nt tivrir elmni- nifnittnt wrnt ?Mttt, with Kit prt'wrr m'tifr ttn' Wur. t. th recognizes the fact that tish frozen solid j (3 00 per bhl. jr ton and f:i 25 per hhl. ; d-w I.""" " " ' " ' "" will, in part, refrigerate themselves. ! 'etail. 1 tMII.V BK1.I.E HInkhaIit. ii.M j.h.kj.1! iibv rniip-j in jirice I)t.'1 ttil l.l clnr ol I--"ii.i--r. 1 v,.;. i: ! boxes and load them into refrigerator! j car. Thee cars are first reduced to as 1 i low a temperature as practicable, and ; then the floor is covered with several I ; inches of chilled sawdust. The Ixjxes of 'lofor'-o. nni lhen lal.iU I lie I Airi-ltt fur the KMfern rini,n tjtnif I otnimuy. mill .-all m-!I ou (,nuthjr. or t it tnl'roil AfrU'ultlirnl Uim! ill any iiimlitlly will M'lot a rnmlihlet iltq.'-all)Ing anyone al niK to lllm lor It. He l Ari-nt lor aale of lol In TboHWoK'I I" Tloa to The llnllea. Thm Ailillllott l lain c aere tola, anil dt.tlllel to Ik the nrlnriml m rtem e irt ol the nlv I ml V.n nilmlte" lli (roin (.ourthouiie, ( inii.utea Iron. K. K. Ifvfwt Hettlera I.oealed oi 4.o vfrlinnt I.aala. Ifyou want to Itnrrow Mtinejr, on l.nni or Mhurt tlma, ha ancommMlaiar U rltoa rira. Life, mutt AorliloBl loauranca. Ifyoa ranniil rail, wrlta. and yoor lattrra will t promptly aaarar4 Hay Timothy hay ranges in price from $12 00 per ton, according to quali'y and condition. Wlieat hay is in full Ht'M-k on a limited demand at H isi to $10 00 per ton. I'otatokh 10 to 50c per 100 His. I'.rTTEK Fresh roll butter at .'Kilo 50 SHERIFFS SALE. Kecently inquiry has been made of ; Uih are tiien loaded in, leaving a space the writer by writers in the East regard- J of wveral inches between the sides, ends, ing the discovery and naming of Mal-i nd toP of the car, which is alrfo filled herjr lake and river; alo the John Iay, WItn c"ul sawdust. Then the car it- i Powder and Owyhee rivers. The names closed and sealed. No ice is placed in : Malheur, Malade, etc., indicate the dis- I t,ie tanks of the car, but it lias iieen j trees in early times of explorers or trav- j fouJ hy quite extensive experience that j elers, who applied these names, sug- j Cl,h 80 packed for shipment reach their j gested by their own unhappy condition, destination in perfect condition, in; to streams or other geographical fea- : reasonably warm weather, without ice, I tures hitherto unnamed. John Duv ' and th;, loo, after a passage of fifteen ' ' 1 ... . ' 1 T 1 . , I wu a hunter in Astor's overiand party lu nf"wu uy. me saving enecieu of 1811-12. led by Wilson P. Hunt. He'"' the first cost of the lire; then cost of was separated from the party in the up- j freight oa the ice, and also a gain of per Columbia region during a long j 1 -500 f'Unds of fish in lieu of that much period, and underwent terrible hard- i weight of ice, which, by the practice of : to A at per ships and privations, from which he Buffered so much that he became insane and died at Astoria, probably about the end of the year 1811. There are several streams east and west of the great con tinental divide called Powder river. Probably the name, like Malheur and Malade, ia of French origin Poudre, whic'i may signify dust, hence a stream in a dust region English works, is used as a name for Hawaii. The first trading vesvel that came into the Columbia river, after A- the Northern free. Pacific road, is allowed Estimates for the gold production of 1893 make it $H5,0o0,0O0. an increase over last year of $X),000,000. In this estimate the United Htatet is credited at .'15,000,000, an increase over last year of only 12,000,000. The principal increase ; is in the F.ntrlish Iprritorv nf Son ft. Owyhee, in older I Africa and u , Engillh pro,i(..t. Tfie i Americao prodmSt of silver has not only j diminished in quantity for the year, and i the showine in American orecioua metula vor omoriunaie venture, was me American tiark Owvhae. Poasihlv Bom ' one who had seen her gave the name to oar river, or through some other cir cumstance the original Owyhee may have been applied to it. In "Evange line" the heroine ia said to have prose cu ted the search for her lover to all re mote places, including the Owyhee; but poetical romance did not work here, for the name was not known to geogra phy till long after the'Acadian episode. Oregon ian. for the year will be a poor one in con- raat ear i f Vi rsAr inna svaata cents jM-r roll, in brine or dry salt we quote :il) to 40 cents Jr roll. ' Logs Good fresh eggs sell at ! 27'.., cents. P'iii.tey Chickens, are quot 1.75 to 2.25. Old fowls :!.00 dozen. Turkevs, 7 to H cents ier 11 l'.KKr a M i-rro.s lie!f cattle are in better demand at 2.00 per 100 weight gross to 2.25 for extra B'hmI. Mutton is now quoted at 1.75 to 12.25 per head. Pork offerings are light and prices are nominal gross weight arid4'.2 to414 cents dressed. STAPI.K OROCKRIKS. CopfKKCosta I:ica, is quoted at 24c per lb., by the sack. Nalvadore, 23'tjC. Arhuckles, 25c. Si-oar iolden C, in bbla or sack . ?5 12; Extra C, 5 37; I)rv granulated (, 12 In iKixes, I). G., in 30 lb loxes. 2 75. Ex C, (2 25. GC 200. Pin Japan rice, B)irt7c; ixland, ! rice, 7 cts. I Heans Small whites, Cd.hc; I Pink, fx tier loo llje. J Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, Cic; 10O11, ;sk.l 00; 200lh sk, $2 00. Htock salt, $13 60 per ton. HIDES AND rt'HH. Hiiiks Are quoted as follows: Dry, 2!4c lb; green, l J,. Kkbep Pti.TB 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins. I 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light 1 lb, heavy 75c lb. itear- I skins, nw$12 ea; leaver, 3 50 lb; i otter, 5; fisher, 5nr5 50: silver gray fox, $ I lira 25; red fox, 1 25: grey fox, 2 50m 3: martin, Ur125; mink, '50crt55c; coon, 60c; covote, 50cfr75c; i badger, 25c; polecat, 25 f45c; com- I mon house cat, 10:(r.25c ea. Khiloh'i cure, the Great Cough and Representative Hermann, Ellis and Doolittle say that the Wilson tariff bill will cripple the Industries of the Pacific state ; that there are no stales in the anion, In proportion to their population, that will suffer as much as the states of Oregon and Washington by placing : Croup Cure, in for sale by finipes A Kin-1 J'J' ,' wool, hope, coal, and alto lumber, on ! ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live ; coimt ano'atate, the free list. These industries have 1 doses, only 25c. Children love it. rold grown to as to put these states in the I 7 Snipes A Kinersly. It V virtue of an eK.iiO-m anit onl-r of inle iaiieil onl of the I'irenit I on "t of tie- HUlle of lir-iron for W-o I o 1 1 1 1 1 v , njin n il.fn-.- ami Jnitn.eiit ntailf. r-inler., nnil enteieil hv -nlil i uurt on the illt. Uuy of Nnvmler. 1-'.;. in frtvwr of ,liimti:V in a unit w h-r- in A. i. Iloiton an lil'iililifl. tin i f-miik il I'llli-jin anil Kln-Oa 4,ill.".!ie. . K If mi i ami V. H. Muti.-r w.-ri-'1 !.-:. ilrtlfM. anil to me anil 41.-1 1 v .-r.-t foTitiiianilMiff nie to levy niMin ami eil nil tne IniiilH liK-ntioin-il im.'I eeritK-il lh -mil writ, ami h-reinitlt.rr ilewrlt.l. 1 ilnl. on tie- Ith ilav of Iw e oIht. l-n;. ilniv levy iiKrn, nn'l will seli at j.ilMie auetloli. li the hijcht-Mt hliM-.-r, fur ch.ii hi htiinl, oil Monitay, the Hlh risjr January, I H1II, at io'eloek In the aflermam of nM dny. nt the front loor of the I onnly ourttion.e In lmlle ' II'-'. In VVaco ( iimity, ', all of the liiml aml iirerniaea ileM-rllHl in nalil wrltund herein rl- M-rltel ah follown, to-wtt ; The liorttiweat onarter of leetloll fourteen II In T-mtiahlf two J eolith, of Knnve tonrte.-ii (111 l.aat of the Mlllamette llernllan, III U eonntv, 'trecon. 'tr ro nni-h ih-r.-.if mm Rttnll lt miflirlent tit aatlify the aum of, witn In-er-t tlierem at the rate of ten jier eent. .r annum mee Noventher ltth. 9tit atlor- h'-y a leea. and III Ki eou In ani'1 int. t'lt-tle-r with caita of aani writ, ami a-eriiinr e..i of ale. T. A. WAKIt, Hherlffof W'nni l otintv, 'trtvii. It.-t at Ialle city, Or., 1w. 4. ijcj. ilni w;, SHERIFF'S SALE. By lrtu of an cieeiiilon and nnli-r ot Mle luei out of the (,'lreiill Court of the atatr of itretron for the enmity of Uaaeo, tn me, -.nninanilluit uie Ut malie aale ol the laml In ai1 writ.ileaerllt ed to-wlt; Ihiaar pieet-a and pareela of laml In Waaeo O.liuty, Htate of ltr.iii, alinwn ami tie erthet! aaall of arellou thre.-(.ll, and the ...nth half of th nmthent 'jiiarUir of e.-llon furl), ami tha aimth balf of aer thtn tit ( i ami tie north half of ax-tlon eiitht laj. all In Towinhin one in. nttrtl. ol Kaime fmirlren ruenatof the w lllamette merlillau, to make and pay the nni of money, III aald I Olirt artjll'lic-.l, ft tie ld U the pialnlifl In aaid aetlon, la whleh aetiou The Holieiiora Uatn anil 1 rut l oniiainy were plain llfT and Jainea matth, Martha M. Htattli, Kv.-rett K. Hall, J. V. Me lure, fa rah H Met lure. It l, Alter, Halpb Ko.-ra. Julia S Itiarera, I rl i-ni-t1r, J. M. Tavloraud 1. V. Kdwarda were .1. feudaute. to-wlt, the aum of li.ttiin with Inter eat there,n front July 1, lr.'. at the rate of mix per eent e-rannuin and I "l .m attorney f,- aaid aetlon and riaitaaud lllnireiuetita therein Uied I ha.e tin. day levietl ,,,, ,(, laml deta-rllted and tin Saturday the 43d day of IMH:l. I'1 a Bl., n front of theeonrt he ety of The Itnlle., In aaid I will evil aaid land al uetlitn, bt the hlK'ieat bidder llietelor SlterlfTof Waaeotvtuiity.stateof (i'.V'mi. UOV.'td TUB CDiumDia Packino Eb.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MA.M'FAOTKKKtiOK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Hams id Bacon, ! NOTICE KOH Pl'I'.I.lCATIOS. j (Tln.U-r Laud. Aet June 3, 1ST-! I I H I.akii ttrrt. K, Thr Italle" ' i S,,y . K Suliif 1. hen-l.v len that III paiirJ Willi tlie urotl.l.ina ol the aet of eimP1 .Inn. 11. a;. riilitiul "All aet .t tne ; le-r land. In the Itit.- of I alll'irilla, . Nevailit and W iiilituitton 'Itrrritory,' Seal Hteveuana, I 'If Klim-l.-y. eouiitv of a--o, nt of 1 h.i. tlii. ilnv In this olllee hi" """': 1 .... ..t v i'i. M '' , of f.-et... So .-.1, in lowtiahip N"- ' ' ' "!t ! No M K . M . nnd will niter r""1'. Ihat tie- land .'.iiifht la more vs'!1'. tiiute-r or than lor tiKrleuitural rj ami to t-litlili.h hla eliiiiii to "il the htVLIer and K'-eelv.-r of till. "T A luillea, i r . oil the I ill. liny of Janilf ' ' j II.- nann-N a. wltne.iM-a l,e..rire n I-r Kn.l-v. U-iin Komleau ami IIaT all of K li.K.le) , l tr. a,. i- I ..if ,'. .In. li.e a'lv1 nim e ii-.-rii.-ii iiinu. an: n-'iii'"' (f n l iilllu. In thl.ollii-e on or la-lore aanl P""" Jauultr , l!l. OJ1. win JoltS W. I.f Wis, E', t Dried Beef, Etc A. A. Brown, Keej a full aaaomneul of Staple and Fauci and Provisions. which be nrTera at Utw rifriraa SPECIAL x PRICES to Cash Buyers. Highest Casl Prices for Ems and otter ProJnce. 170 SECOND STREET. COPPER-RIVETED Clothing Manufactured b LEVI STRAUSS & San Francirtc. Calif- Every Garment Guaranteed KOk fiAl-K BV PEASE & MAYS THK DALI.KS, OWM-