The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 16, 1893, PART 2, Image 1

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p sna .nrnrmri
fill Hot Allow tbc Queen to Be
ttjnl So Rotten Kanaka Dcsputism
H'ilh Washington Abettors Clove- '
land Allied With England.
Vh toiiu, it. C, !(. 12. The Arawa
arrived ln're at 8 u. in. today. Iuimt'Ui
(c!y u jion entnriiiK the otruitH she was
bwirdwd by a 1'n i ted I'reni reporter, wlio
tlciiiifd the following :
iloMii ri.i' Doc i.
t.'uttin Lilliuokalani liaa uut t'tn-n re-
itorvd and tln-re line Iwn no trouble at
Since the Inst rrportR there have been
lint two tliitiK" Hii;iiillcu!it. Theanuexa
timiiHta held a iiiuhh hum: ting November
1'ith, and adopted resolution in ell'ect
apKaliiii( to coiiRMiHB to overrule l'rem
(Icnt Cleveland, (irt'Bham and Klotint.
For (our day preceding the (ailing of
the Arawa the troopi oi the provisional
government were tuny fortifying and
barricading the government house, or
stle, oh it was formerly called.
At the unanimous and urgent demand
of the American citizens the provisional
government has decided to resist to the
utmost extremity any attempt to over-
irow them by the United Statea forceg
fiihout authority from congress. I-eud-
:sg citizens will generally be foremost
u the defense.
Indignation is at a w hite heat.
Concord and Bunker Hill are alive
No surrender to a rotten Kanaka des
potism or its Washington abettors.
Twelve hundred riflemen , 'are ready at
call, w ith large Maxim and Galling bat
teries. It y Cleveland' arrangement with
England the champion's redcoats are to
land and protect the queen after the
I'nited States forces have seated her on
the throne.
A joint protectoruto is planned, like
The royalists exacted restoration on
Ierember 2. Tiiere is a peneral alarm
and strengthening of defenses. Minis
ter Willis is pledged to the government
ii take no action before the return of
the A 1 inula, iHicember "1st. His in
structions are still concealed.
I letnils of the aUve are to lie fowarded
to Han Fruncisco, per Oceanic tonight.
of Clilraa'o Aud of Ktandlua In
With rlmluala.
i Ciih'aoo, Dec. It. Mrs. Helen Gou-
5 gar and Editor W. T. Stead addressed a
I large audience in Central Music Hall
nst night on the best way to relieve the
lor of Chicago. Mrs. Ciougar charged
tint Chicago, as a city, was in the busi
ness of manufacturing criminals ; that
he city accepted revenue from this In
famy ; that she had seen the worst
phases of life in London, which did not
ompare with the awful poverty and im
norality of Chicago. She laid the blame
n both of the old parties, and declared
trohibition and a protective tariff to lie
'.lie remedies for the evils of today. In
ieply to Mrs. Ciougar, Mr. Stead said:
Prohibition is all very well if you
I' an get it ; the true policy is to do all
yon can, as soon as yon can, and where
yon ran. It Is no use cursing the sa
r 'Km ny
jKHttiiir something better in its place.
i't the temperance propaganda go on,
"nil aliove all, more social effort to com
pete w ith the saloon on its own ground.
on will never get rid of the saloon un-
l von urn i'nrmrd to nut aoincthinir
'tter in its place."
Ex -Governor St. John of Kansas also
poke on tiie subject.
William and Julia.
William H. Lindley, Hged about 23
fears, insinuating in manner, and claim-
"K to bo a Chicago Herald correspond
:"iit, came to this city some months
K'o, and, finding Portland place to his
Xing, he professed his intention of re
'ainiiig here. During his compara
bly brief sojourn, he conquered the
'art of an obscure widow about 50 years
d obscure, because her name docs not
I'pcar In the city directory named
firs. Julia Bradford. The young adven-
" w tickled the old lady's ear with ut-
r fames of tindvinir love till she fancied
I'le was a young girl Again, enjoying the
rsi romantic passion.
A'ter many protestations of Ins ardor
r the flattered old ladv. Lindlev beiran
f "l"tf "business" to her. He deluded
1' mn. At present they are in a position
locial necessity, left vacant by
''lurches and philanthropists. The
is to drive me saioon out iy
ber into the lielief that bis yet dormant
genius would crystalize into the foremost
journalist of the generation. Portland
had long lieen discussing the alleged
necessity of another daily newspaper of
"pronounced progressive ideus, and here
was a chance. All he required was
2,3'K) to buy the Weekly World from
"Tony" Noltner, and, presto change, it
would become a "daily" thoroughly
revolutionizing journalism in Portland.
Mrs. Bradford swallowed the bait,
hook, line and all, and with her rejuv
enated affections she also bestowed rpon
the young journalist the required $2,.'!00
in double eagles. No sooner bad Liml
ley secured the money than his notion
of In-coming a feared rival of the exist
ing press vanished, and so did he. The
deserted bride-elect's lacerated heart,
which had again swelled with love's
young dream, underwent a rapid change
a desire for revenge. She personally
traced him from one point to another in
California, till a few days ago, when, by
the aid of a detective, Mrs. Bradford
was brought face to fate with her recreant
lover at the Palace hotel, San Francisco.
Unlike mot of this kind, Lindley did
not "blow in" all his ill-gotten money,
but be bought a chicken ranch with it
npon the Sacramento river. Finding
himself cornered he accepted the least of
two evils, and perhaps liefore this ap
pears in the columns of the Telegram
Mrs. Bradford will lie the blushing Mrs.
Lindley, who with her youthful spouse
will pass the years to come dividing the
time between an everlasting honeymoon
of bliBS and the more practical diversion
of raising eggs and hens for the market.
The Administration's ltackdnwn.
Chicago, Dec. 13. A Washington
special says : "There is a well defined
lielief in diplomatic circles that the at
tempt of the Cleveland administration
to restore the Hawaiian queen to the
throne has been abandoned. This be
lief is not based on idle rumor, bnt on
official information received at one of
the embassies from that embassy's
home government. It Is said the home
government is understood to have re
ceived its information from its minister
at Honolulu, and to have immediately
acquainted its representative here with
that information.' According to this in
formation there iB jutt one possible
chance of the queen's Wing restored.
That chance consists of the queen's
coming off her high horse and of the
provisional government relinquishing
its grip in return for the good will of the
Cleveland administration, w ith the un
derstanding that the United States w ill
offer no hindrance to the annexationists'
overthrowing the queen immediately
she is restored."
On Trll for Murder.
Eiiisni KdH, Dec. 12. The trial of A.
J. Monson, tutor of Lieutenant W. D. C.
Hatnbrough, on n charge of murdering
his pupil to secure the insurance on his
life to a large amount, one company
alone having policies on the young man's
life to the amount of $100,000, began
here today. It is alleged Monson had
his pupil entirely under his influence
and could induce him to do anything he
saw fit. Tbe case is a noted one. The
body of the lieutenant was found in the
woods near Ardlamount House last
August, with a bullet in his head. It
has been known as ttie Ardleuiont
mystery. The courtroom today was
almost tilled with newspaper correspon
dents and artists for newspapers. The
prisoner pleaded not guilty and the court
proceeded to impanel a jury.
Title to Lands.
Washington, Dec. 12. The com
mittee on public lands reported favora
bly Bepresentative Hermann's bill pres
cribing limitatons ior the completion of
titles of lands in Oregon and Washing
ton, claimed under the law commonly
known as the "donation act." The first
day of January, 1S03, is fixed as the
period within which final proofs can be
made, and thereafter all such lands
under incomplete proof will be held
abandoned. Such land as may have
been claimed by purchase from the orig
inarVlaininnt, or occupied and in undis
turbed possession for 20 years by such
purchasers and occupants, or heirs-at-
law, or devisees, shall have preference
of right of title by purchase or payment
of fl.23 per acre within 00 days after
January 1, l!!tj.
Tim Armed Men Old Not Aoar.
Chicago, Dec. 12. Some days ago
John Westgarth, a cranky farmer living
near Botavia, 111., issued a circular call
ing on the unemployed in Chicago to
meet him on the lake front at daylight
this morning, fully armed, to demand re
lief from the city. It was not known
w hat result the publication of this docu
ment would have, ana as a precaution
000 policemen were lieu in reserve an
night to suppress any outbreak, but
none occurred. No armed men appeared
in response to Westgarth's summons.
Sfli3335ir H33
Cbauncev Depew Tells the Londoners
About Cleveland-Says tbe Presi
dent Was Kit;ht.
Washington, Dec. 13. The navy de
partment has received a cable from Bio
de Janeiro w hich says the big battle ex
pected in the harbor has liegnn. Ad
miral de (iama, the insurgent com
mander, Coas island and F.nnhadaa are
continually tiring on the custom-house
and naval arsenal.
Dfpw I'phold Cleveland.
London, Dec. 13. The Financial
Times publishes an interview with
Channcey M. Depew, who is quoted as
saying :
"President Cleveland was riht and
silver was wrong. Tbe tariff need not
cause any fear in regard to American
railroads. They w ill get along all right."
Explaining the recent crisis, Depew
said : "Business before the panic of
1S03 was being conducted in the most
conservative way within living memory.
The panic is due to the fact that for the
first time in 30 years the president was
elected with a free-trade- policy and a
possible majority of both houses. The
majority which put Cleveland in was
composed of all the heterogeneous ele
ments of a populace ranting to change
the existing order of things."
Htartllnc Tmtlmouy In the Tortlaud
Cun.ulrary Crh.
Some startling evidence was given in
the Portland smuggling cases yesterday
by Nat Blum, who is giving state's evi
dence. He testified that Dunbar, Jack
ling, Thompson and himself entered
into an agreement to bring Chinese
laborers from British Columbia to Port
land, to have fraudulent certificates is
sued, and to get the Chinese laborers
landed. They made arrangements with
parties in Victoria and with Chinese
merchants here to furnish them pic
tures; arranged w ith Bannon, Hoi man
and others to have blauk certificates is
sued; to have them filled out, and ficti
tious names signed to them, and they
decided to land them for $120 per head.
Blum gave Bannou two or three forms
of certificates, and Bannon had 500
blanks printed. The first certificates
made oc.t were from pictures furnished
by Ching Chong ljuie, and were given
to the Chinese cook on the steamer Wil
mington, with instructions to find the
Chinamen whose pictures were attached
at Victoria. Blum went to Victoria
about July 1, 18!i2, and saw Major John
Wilson and explained to him the con
spiracy. He took with him about 20
certificates, the notarial seals of P. J.
Bannon and II. L. Beese, who Bannon
told Blum had gone away, leaving his
seal with Bannon. These seals were
used irom time to time thereafter.
Jackling had Reese's seal on board the
Haytian Republic for some time. He
always carried certificates both signed
and unsigned, with him, to be filled out
in case of extra Chinese applicants for
passage. Wilson got some of the pic
tures in Victoria, and sent them to Dun
bar. Some were obtained from Chinese
merchants in Portland, and all were
taken to Bannon, Ifohnan or other no
taries and the certificates issued. Blum
and Dunbar kept a list of these certifl-!
cates, so that upon the arrival of the
Chinamen they could check them off the
list and notify Wilson to collect that
part of the passage rate wtnch was i
withheld until after the landing. Fifty
dollars was paid at the time the China
men went aboard the ship, and if70 after
they were landed.
Blum first met Mulkey one Sunday
aboard the Haytian Republic, which
was lying at the Union Pacific dock
here. They went from there to the Re
ception saloon, where they opened a
bottle of wine. Blum said to Mulkey :
"You have been bothering our Chinese
and opium business a good deal, and I
want to have a little talk w ith you.
They made an appointment to meet in
Mulkey's room at the Hotel Portland on
the following day, which they did. In
the meantime, Blum conferred with
Dunbar and Jackling and they agreed
they could afford to pay Mulkey some
money to go into the deal w ith them.
Blum met Mulkey at the ; Hotel Port
land, and the latter agreed not to inter
fere with Blum and Dunbar's business
in consideration of Blum's agreeing to
pay him 1,200 per month in advance,
the first payment to be made right then.
Blum paid him 00 in currency for the
balance of the month of Octolier. Mi.l
i. i . i . . . '
ry agreed 10 nave union, a f-JVcril-ment
"spotter" at Vancouver, called off.
Several letters from Mulkey to Blum
were introduced in evidence, of which
the following is a fair sample: "If no
bad luck the 72-pound casting (opium)
will be in Portland tonight or tomorrow
morning. Will you please come over
here tomorrow night? Bring the 400 or
oOO. I will go to John Burke's room.
It will not do to monkey with the buzz
saw the way times are now. Go slow."
Bed Hot Testimony.
In the smuggling cases trial yester
day Blum had a memorandum of the
transactions in the Chinese and opium
business between January 10th and
January L'Uth, 18:13, during the time
Dcnbar was in San Francisco and Blum
handled the money. Among the items
of receipts and expenditures mentioned
in the memorandum, as explained by
Blum, are: Remittance from Major
John ilson for passenger money, 70;
paid Lotan $150; received from Seid
Back, $23.j.r0; remittance from Wilson
for Chinese passenger account, $473.80;
gav Jackling $30 and $20; paid Lotan
$500; sold two Chinese tickets to Seid
Back for $50; received from Wilson for
tickets sold Chinese, $000 ; paid the at
torney before referred to, $350; paid
Tom Jordan $250; received remittance
from Wilson, $473, for Chinese passen
gers ; paid attorney $250 ; paid Lotan
$200; paid Mulkey $1,200. Blum stated
Dunbar bad left in hid hands a check
drawn in favor of an attorney for $500,
which he took up and paid the attorney
the amount in cash. He sold a number
of tickets to Seid Back and other Chi
nese, which are accounted for in the
A note written on a half sheet of
note paper under date of November 7th,
was introdnced in evidence by the gov
ernroent. It read:
"Charley: I have good information
that Ching See and Hoe Hong are all
right, and if you find their certificates
land them. Jim."
"In whose handwriting is this letter
Objections of defendants' counsel over
ruled. "Jim Lotan's."
"To whom waB this letter sent, and
who is the 'Charlie' mentioned?"
"What was Paddock then?"
"An inspector under Lotan."
"What did Ching See and Ho Hong
give for being landed?"
"Fifty dollors apiece."
"Who got the money?"
"Well, I received it and turned it over
to Lotan. Jmi gave me the note, and I
took it to Paddock, who was in charge of
the ehip, and he let the Chinamen
Examination was then directed to a
conference of some of the defendants
which took place in Val Hastings' room.
The object was to consider a proposition
of Coblentz as to the landing of Chinese
laborers and opium. Blum and Jack
ling met on the street, and went up
there together. There were present at
the conference Mulkey, Lotan, Struve,
Jackling, Coblentz and Alum. They all
talked over the proposition. Mulkey
warned Blum and others against Cob
lentz. Mulkey did not feel in the most
amiable mood towards Coblentz ; he had
been watching Coblentz some time, and
he said,." We had better be slow about
this Coblentz business; he's a little
"Mulkey said Coblentz was a d d
rascal." Blum continued, "and he was
afraid lie would pull us into trouble."
Chrl Kvana fr'ouud (itillty.
Fhksno, Cal., Dec. 14. The jury in
the case of the outlaw Chris Evans,
charged with the murder of United
States Deputy Marshals Wilson and
McGinnis, at Sampson's flat, disagreed
this morning, after being out 16 hours.
The judge refused to discharge them and
sent them back. About half an hour
later they returned with a verdict of
"Guilty of murder in the first degree,"
fixing the penalty at imprisonment for
When thejury brought in its verdict
in the Evans case, fixing the penalty at
life imprisonment, Mrs. Evans fainted,
and the children all broke down and
cried. Chris took the sentence with
little concern, walking out of the court
room smiling. At 11:30 Mrs. Evans had
just been restored to consciousness, but
iB completely unstrung.
A Ureat I.lrer IMeelli Inc.
Dr. Ou tin's Improved Liver Bills are
a sure cure for sick headache, bilious
complaints, dyspepsia, indigestion, cos
tiveness, torpid liver, etc. These pilis
insure perfect digestion, correct the
liver and stomach, regulate the bowels,
purify and enrich the blood and make
the skin clear. They also produce a
good apetite and' invigorate and
strengthen the entire system by their
tonic action. They only require one pill
for a dose and never grie or sicken.
Sold at '.' cts. a box by Blakeley A
What President Cleveland Will Scufl
to Congress.
Willis Could Not Carry Out His In
structions J. L. Stevens Talks
on Hawaii.
Washington-, Dec. 14. A correspond
ent of the Baltimore Sun says: "The
president's message on Hawaii will be
a complete review of the whole question.
The president will show that the queen
was overthrown by acts sanctioned by
Stevens; that, as it received the appro
val of the United States and was con
sidered unjustified and unfriendly, it
must be undone. The president will
probably say that Willis was instructed
to first decline formally the proposition
of annexation, and then to announce
that the United States demanded that
the queen be restored to power peace
fully, but that if she was unwilling to be
seated without the assurance of this
government that she would be protected
from harm and retained in power by
the UnitAr) States, then to take no steps
but to await instructions from the
United States. The president will say
the minister found the provisional gov
ernment much stronger than was ex
pected, being seated and its power in
creasing each day. All the conditions
were such as to prevent the carrying out
of his instructions, and now that the
president has exhausted his prerogatives
of office to bring about a settlement in
Hawaii without calling upon the naval
force to assist it, there was no other re
sort for the president but to leave the
question for the further action of con
gress. It is believed the president will
not diverge from his present policy. It
is certain, however, he will hardly urge
that force be resorted to."
Stevens Talk on Hawaii.
Portland, Me., Dec. 14. Ex-Min
ister Stevens delivered an address to the
Portland club last night on Hawaii.
Among other things, he said :
"The natives of the island, now num
bering 34.0C0, are decreasing at the rate
of 1,000 per annum, and soon will be ex
tinct. No greater evil could be inflicted
on them than restoration. The charge
that the missionaries have unlawfully
taken lands is unjust. The islands have
been fairly won by 70 years' work by
Americans. Blount confined himself to
limited field of observation. Of a large
body of influential men he cared not to
obtain information."
Stevens concluded by saying he be
lieved his hearers would prefer tho
policy pursued toward the islands by
Jefferson, Jackson, Grant, Blaine and of
Cleveland of 1889, to that of Cleveland
of 1893.
Charges Against Carlln.
Missoula, Mont., Dec. 13. Ben
Keely, the trapper, who assisted the
Carlin party to escape from the Clear
water country, claims the abandonment
of Colgate was a cowardly desertion,
young Carlin having even refused to let
Colgate have any food, although he was
at the time able to walk slowly.
Keely's whole story is very deogatory
to young Carlin, Himmelwright and
Pierce. He is suing General Carlin for
a reward.
Carlin was advised by Keeley and
Spencer, the guide, to start back two
weeks before thev did. Even after they
had started and commenced to realize
the trap they were in, Carlin and the
New Yorkers could not be gotten out of
their blankets until 10 o'clock in the
morning and gave no assistance in mak
ing rafts or in camp work until they be
came frightened. They were a con
tinual cause of delay. Contrary to gen
eral supposition the party dfd not en
counter any snow until two days before
they were found by Lieutenant Elliott.
Keeley thinks the escape of all could
have been made on rafts had not the
New Yorkers been afraid of getting
The national farmers' congress began
its thirteenth annual session at Savan
nah at noon w ith a small number of
delegates present.
A Word to Lmlle.
Ladies who desire a beautiful clear
skin, free from pimples, boils, blotches
and other eruptions, should commence
at once to use Dr. (iunn's Improved
Pills. They will also remove that heavy
look about your eyes and make them
bright, and will enre headache from
whatever cause it arises. Kemember
you are only required to take one imnll
pill at bed time, which is coated with
pure sugar and will not gripe or produce
any unpleasant sensation. Sale at 2o
cents by Blakeley it Houghton. 3m
do not Eat
fyt How fifren vrn lipnr tliia .V
M expression, and the ex.-
4 nhmnrtnti thnt nsnillv
ir? follows: "I nm trniihbvl
ewith dyspepsia." The O
explanation is not far to $ i
v seek. In the past Lard Y$
has been used as the prin
y.i cipal shortening in all
pastry, the result dys- $
VI pepsia. The dyspeptic '
ntia iivj lunger uc 5
troubled, providing Kfj
IS 7, 13 auUSLlLUlCU 1UI 1UIU 111
the preparation of all food.
y. z 11 IS CO
. It is composed strictly of J
v i oil and beef suet. When
ly used as a shortening, it V'
Stj produces yholesome and
M healthful pastry. Physi- i;
Si.:' aim cajjcii tuuKb
indorse it.Refne sntoMtntes. js
Send three cents in ttampi to N. K. Ji
i";A KairbankA Co., Chicago, for handsome Y'-
y ." hundred recipes, prepared by nine etni- J
'f Cottolene is sold by all grocers.
' n. ... ....
k m. IV. i-ikuain WJ.
fc:X ST i nine --.j
Ily virtue of fin execution mid oMer nf salp,
IftKiifd out of the Circuit Court of the Sinte of
t)nK"ii, for the County of Wascn, to uie directed
coniniHudine me to nirike mle of the hind in the
said writ, described to-wit: Those pieces nnd
V reels of land In Wasco County. State of Ore
Kon, known and described b the outh half of
section eight (s , and the couth half of section
nine I'.'t and the cant half and the southwest
quarter and the eat half of the northwest quar
ter and the south we-1 quarter of the northwest
quartci of section ten (10) and the north half of
the imrthwest quarter and the (southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of section fifteen 1 1"),
all in Township one 1, north cf Knnge fourteen
(11 east of the VVilltmettu meridian, to make
and my the sum of money, in said court ad judg
ed to be nnid to the t-biinii! in said action, in
which action The Si.iicit th a and Trust
Company were nLiintifl' ntn. ' r-e Mo. th, Mar
tha M. liooth, Ever-tt I. J Y, .MciTnre.
Sarah II. McClure. D. .. i-r, lialnli Coreis Ju
lia N. Krt?ers. I'ri Ku 1 d . (. M. i'xv ,. und J.
F. Kd wards were deten wit: t'-e uin of
WWi.UO with intoreht theie.-n. imm July 1,
at the rate of six ier cent pt-r minum mid fjoo.utl
attorneys fees in said action i.ri osts and dis
burse ' enta therein taxed, 1 have this day levied
upon the land aforesaid and on
Satanlny the 33rd day of December 1803,
at the hour of 10 o'clock n. m.. In front of the
court home d-or. in tu City of The !aIUs, in
said County and State, 1 will set! uaid ltiud at
public auction, to the highest bidder therefor.
T. A. Wabd,
Sheriff of Wasco County, State of Oregon.
My virtue of an execution and order of sale,
issued out of the Circuit Court of tbe Mate of
OreRon, for the County of Wasco, to mc directed
eommandiiiff me to make ale of the hind in the
said writ described to-wit: those pieces and par
cels ol land in W asco County, State of Oreircm,
known and described as the southwest quarter
of section four 1.4, and the north half of section
nine !! and the northwest quarter of section
seventeen 17, in Township one lj north of
Kange fourteen 14, east of the Willamette Meri
dian, to make and pay the sum of money, in
said Court adjudged to be paid to the plaintilViu
said action, in which action The Solicitor Uau
and Trust Company were plaintiff, ami James
Month, Miirtha M. Mooth, Kverett K. Hall, J. K.
McClure, Sarah If. Mel lure, I). H. Alter, Kalph
Rotters, Julia N. Koirers, I'ri Kmiiody, J, M, Tay
lor ami J. F. KdwanN were oeieiidants, to-uit;
the sum of fiitt'iooi with tnteiest thereon, from
July I, IV '2, at the rate of six percent jn'rannum
and fjen.OU attorney' lets in said action and
costs and disbursement therein taxd, I have
this day levied upon the laud aforesaid, and ou
Saturday, 23rd day of December, 1HU3
at the hour of p) o' loek n. in. in front of the
court house door, in the City of 1 he lilies, In
said County and Mate, 1 will sell saidland at
public auction to the highest bidder therefor.
T. A. W iun,
SheritVof Wacn County, State of Oregon.
My virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit tit.nrt of tho state of
Orf-goii for Wasco County, upon a decree and
Judgment madt, rendered and entered by said
Court on the :ith day of Novetntier, lv':i, in
favor of plaintiir. in n suit wherein Walter
Mreczc was plaintiff ami Alfred Kennedy and
Caroline Kennedy were defendants, and tome
directed and delivered, commanding me to levy
upon and pel I the binds mentioned and de
scribed in said writ, ami hereinafter described,
1 did, on the 4th day of December, duly
lew upon, and will el at public auction, to the
highest bid Ut, for cash in hand, on
Monday, the Mth day of January, 1804,
at '2 o'clock, in the afternoon of saJd day, at the
front door of the County Courthouse in IalUn
City in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the hinds
and premises described in said writ, and herein
described as follows, to-wit:
All of block ten 10 in what Is known as the
Military Reservation Addition to 1'alles City,
Wasco County, Oregon, and according to the
maps and plats of stinl city and addition thereto,
or so much thereof as shall be hiiltielent to sat
isfy the sum of .i77.;i w ith interest thereon at
the rare of ten per cent, per annum slneu No
vember liith, lstci, liOiN) attorney s fees, and
costs in said suit, together with costs of
said writ and accruing costs of sale.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Dec. 4, lsj.n.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the County Court
of the Mate of Oregon for aei Comity has
duly apsinted the undersigned the executor of
the last w ill and tentament of ieore F. Meera,
decease!. All ihvsoii having claims agaliiHt
the estate of said deceased aro hereby required
to preaent them, with the protr Vouchers,
within six months from the date of this notice,
to said executor at his place of residence, near
Dalle city, In said county, or at the uttice of
W. II. Wilson, in said DhIIcs City.
MICHAKJj DO YXE, Kxecutor.
L.: '.'his 1st day of ISuvcmber, Isj-i, etw