THE DALLES WEEKtV CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1803 A TIRED TT0JMA, just as much as a sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Fierce' Favorite Prtucription. That builds up, strengthens, and invigorates the entire female system. It regulates and promotes all the proper func tions of' womanhood, improves di getion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful restorative tonic and soothing nervine, made espe- daily for woman's needs, and the only Guaranteed remedy for wo - man's weaknesses and ailments. In ,. , , , . . , - all "female complaints and irregu- lartttes, if it ever fails to benefit or core, you have your money back. A great nianv medicines "relieve" Catarrh in the" Head. That means that it's driven from the head into . , , r, . , .. the throat and lungs. But by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh liem- edy perfectly and jierruanently cure, of E1EH Easlhr. Quickly. Ptrauaantrj Restored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' mad all the train of 'M In mi rr: v rmxsor lau vxishim. Uk rvuH ot overwork, ilckiifl.s, worrt.Hc Fullfttrvnirtli, dTUpnw9t anil alrra U ry orcan ant eimii.iimralmtii-ta. , ... nt t K. -1 . I i',f.l::i::n' sue TTirrtan-t. b.. , i nh il niu Vi rr- ERfr MEDICAL C3. BUFFALO. N. V. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IM DRY GOODS El.., etc. Second St.. The Dalles. RNA TJr,?L DICTIO (i;cjr.'-'; i .." m i.-iitL . ! '.- iurvf - : ; iniv t.'i'. ., Everybody photttil o-.n thi4 Inrtumiry. Ir a.i- we mail (tiaaiiMit fnicniiTiif irit; ii--trry. ; ruiu, r-DuiK-iatttn. ainl manM:i ot mortis. A library in Itself, i.aipiv? tii often il-,rrwl inltrmatim ittwrmins: eminent jwtod; fria omrerninz tii cmintn, citiaa. town, ami natural fra ture of th pUlje; partiiUr HKrniij ntil l.' titiMi erMHMaml plarr; traiM kttion of foreign juutio(i. wmils, aud prvfr! ; rtc eu et'. Thin Work in Invaluable in tiw bouaehoM. ami to tu ttntrlir. aebolar, jjro Icsaaiooai Biao, ami l-rliMiiir. C. C. Merrtam Co. HprinqttItt Jom. fy7 yt rmy 'liaap rbrtr- Mitl.Ha. 7yJ fur frao prcapvrtus. araaaajrajlajaia W. II. YOUNG, Biacksmlin & vvaoon shod General Blacknmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tnirn Street, cpp. LieHe's old Stand. 2!OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. 8. Lard Orrtrt, Th Dallr. Or.,( Iwnllr V. "i. ( Notlfe la bny rlten that the follimrlnK namwl arttlfrr haa fllrd notlee of hln lnlnitn.ii b. malic ttnal pr"f In Riipti'irt of hi Plaint. nm1 that aairl ftntof will be iuale before the rri'iT au1 m1ver of the I', it. liiiid oflice at The 1mI1i, Or., on January 24. l"'t, lit : J am.a Barlloiram.. Ilomtnd So. 4M2, for NE' fW'. K'j HK, nn H K -A nr.' .. it. jh. i p. 4 . k i' r. . yi. . K l. K v tn ril llr naiiiea Hie idiiowhik auiiruw to prove ni" i eiHllllllK'lia realitellC Ut aiiil cllltlvaUoa Mtift l.firt. vit. : Hi land. vl. : T. Klinonli"n. J. O. Hn1m anl J. Protit. of Wnl, Ur.,an'i r. N :iiinllw. The Itallm. r. dUjJ-t JDII.N vv. l.KWls. Kncinter. tf) ATIJ TVP ' Pradnuliy lowering The elev.-tit.n of ' UjJ q fcVJV'r; & I LOTH I N G ! the water sea level ns piven lv M S tffk 3 V- I the Snvunnah. Florida & Western mil- : J? H fj R S Jf ! road some years ajro. if. Rixty-four feet. ' W.y Tfrl ota. llho. H.U. j;v j:,.-,.,,r:.te levr!-- run by one of the i Ectt svpt '' jjt iP'Smt 4 . i . ; i' i" 'pi-.i-ai parries oi ine peoiopieai Aiii.,ana v, il p fi',' iOHUlJ lIUUUp, ilULlUilp,! h- v.inter of l'M the elevation J I ' I ! the water was found to be tiftr-eiir r "KTBSTEITS iLSTERxmnvul SUNK IN THE KAKTU. That Vanished A Florida Lake from Siffht. W htm Huia.ll mwnbotta I ! to ! a aftirtvlng Trattlc Thm la Now och I Itut a Kw Nmall 1'onla uf Water. There was recently printed un ac count i the disappearance ( Alachua lake, in Kloridu, a hike that was so well est:ibli-.hed that u Ktcuntlioat line j was maintuiuitl on it. A I'nitctl States (Titiloirii al hurvey purty ha.-. been ett- ; paired at work in that region. Anient- I Wr m' this purty. Sir. llorwy .Munrcv, recently ynvc an intere.tiii; account of j the hike, or rather the ex-lake, to a i Washington Star reporter. i "Alachua lake," aaiil Mr. Munroe, "is situated in north latitude 2 decrees ' minutes and west longitude K! depree 20 minutes in Aluchua county, Flu., unit two iuils south of (iainesville, the county scat. The lake was formerly u prairie, known as Alachua prairie In-fore the Seminole warduriufr ls;LViT. It has since lieen named I'aytie's prairie, after King raync, an old Seminole chief of i an eurlv dav. The prairie was a prcat prozinjr spot for the Indians' cattle and later was used for a like purpose and I f'r tillage by the whites, some tine jeroi ' eorn und eotton K-inp jrrown. ! Th Pirie lands are immen meadowy covered bv the fattest prass, intcrsttcrsed with )f u.a(lti(ul ,)uk tfWl 'p.4imettoes. These hinds an- subject to j inundation during the summer season. i Hatchet creek rises three miles north of liuinesville and flows in every direction ; e eompa for a di stance of ten UiU emptyinsf tnto Newnan's lake, a beautiful sheet of water covering1 ten w mil -The overflow from Newman s lake forms a large creek named lrairie creek, which wended its way through Payne's prairie to Alachua sink, one of the curiosities of the state. Then- the waters found their way into a subter ranean passage. Visitors, to have their I curiosity gratified by seeing what the j effect would Ik- to have lops thrown in ! the sink, were the probanle cause of I the overflow of 1'ayne's pruiru The ! lops would float out to the center of the sink, whirl around in a circle and j suddenly disappear. This choking of J the outlet to the waters of Prairie creek caused the overflow and made a j a sheet of water aulliuicnt to tioat small ; steamers and other craft. 1 " m. steamer in hud a gulemlid freight trufiic during the veg- etable season, can-vine shipments of vegcta!il.-.i frtmt its wharf m Chucula j ! pond across Ahu'liua lake to tile mouth 1" S"wt water branch, the nearest point l tiumesviiie. tne principal pi ace for shipment north. Aft-r the over flow and the forming of a lake it was christened Alachua lake. This name has lieen decided uism bv the I'nited upon by tin States N:ird Alachua lake on pi'irraphieal names, is eifrht miles lonp. east j and west, and in one place four miles in I width north and south, covers sixt'ii thousand aeres. and the average depth is iriio iu imritTii irvi. f'or fevirrnl years the lake has been i ol i fwt. thus showing that th" ehanirtn? elevation; a hlUt few I I-a; vvr.rr .loUnsm. now ;tttii!yin(? tho I t troI'Tv uf this Kr?itr. of riori:!a. that I Aht:2.u;t Irjkf hiiI !;.-uppM':.r , tl ntirrly, that only snuiil i-k "(s rcii:;:i:uMl an-I th I iiu;;I iirn'iunt nmr taut-'iv ;:nund tae Tin land lnler'ni'. "n th1 wwt ant! jwin.h f Ala luia l'iV; vrj frr- j tile, mit uf unr :ur!y vp-UtblfS com i injr from this louaiity. I liav swn y- ! ward of twenty a'-re in tomutoes alone, J and hunurrcis of a:rfs of caolm tre, lieaits. cncumUrrs. und wjuash.s .H-in other early vegetables extensively j (frown. The orange rroveH of I!ia"k ! Point ana the lacoma nettlement are anions' the finest iu the state. niicncran ntui tiouriaitM. A corresjHtnilent of London Note and Queried sayi that "it in said that the lielief in witehcraft i rapidly riv ing out. .with other ancient Htipersti tionn. even in the most unenlightened districts of England. The fillowinir fttory shows, however, that the black art instill fiourihhinfr: 'There Ua witch i at Misterton who can lay a upell on I anylxxly or anything, if Hhe is not suited. None of her neifrhliorn dares j ay "No" to her. no matter what Hhe asks for, because trouble always fol-I lows. One woman did refuse her bucket of water, and what happened? i Why. before lonir the calf in the calf house was fixed fast to the thinp it took its milk outof. ntuok by the nose just as if it were drinking, and there it was. try all the nhifts they could. ! till at last they Kot her to come and I nay the word that uuloXM!ned it.' " Ptaoar U'hanlc ;,.in k ..... ; Til v I , : : . 'zi- rrhnp. The sprinjfs, of course, make a difference, and the sprintf on a Pull- man cost prolmbly t;n times an much a' the springs of an ordinary car. liut in i reality the sprinirs are a small matter, j It is the wheels that make the (Treat1 difference in comfort and safety, and Pullman wheels are expensive articles. Every wheel on every Pullman car is made of paper. You do not see the and steel. The boly of the wheel is a I blx:k of paper about four inches thick. Around this ia a rim of steel fmtn two I to three Inches thick. It is this steel ! rim. of course, which comes in contact with the rails. The sides are covered with circular iron plates, bolted on. When you Lave tried i i-c tiled reme- ' i; i ,i, ,l Kit ioiianee, with no lieneht. let vmr next i trial be Simnions Liver R''i'iitor. It , has never failed in relieving and curing. GALLANT SOLDIERS. I Daviii Mioy. of llfdlanda. Cal.. has ! just celebrated his one hundred and second birthday, lie was a soldier in the war of isrjof Col. U. M. Johnson's First rviriment of Kentucky volunteer. Tim duke of I'onnaujrht'e promotion to the ruuk of full treiieral has been received after a period of nearly twenty-live years' active service. Ho ob tained his tirst commission as lieuten ant in the royal engineers in June. 1NIS. Tiik flairship of the l'.ritish squadron : is named after Kohert liluke, the fu I nious udmirat who fought for the com i monweulth uniler Cromwell against the royalists uud subsequently beat j the Dutch iu a series of briUiuut en i pufreiuents. liKN. Kl'Pt'R Saxtos, V. 8. A. (re I tired), has Wen awarded a medal of honor for pullunt service against the confederates at Hurper's Ferry iu May, INiO. So far lien. Schofiild und tien. I Miles arc the only othttr frencral oili ! eers who huve received these medals. ANCIENT TITLES. Tin: Jewish title rabbi meant master or teucher. Tut: most dignified title among the Hollanders was Stadtholdcr. Tiik word cuptain. so often used in the lihlc. simply tueuns otiicer. Tut name Ptolemy wus adopted us a title by the later kings of Kgypt. Tiik shnh of Persia pretends to date his title buck for n thoti.ind years. Moskb appointed judges for the Jews I to aid him in the administrutiou of j justice. j Tiik Jewish scribes were the lawyers. I registers und notaries public of their ; nation. j Tiik most splendid und substantial title of the middle ages was that of I dope of Venice. i Tiik title prince is from a Latin word j signifying leader, and dates from the ! Komnn empire. I Tiik judges who governed the Jews j were for the most jitrt the heads of j their families or clans. 1 Tiik centurion, as the name implies. ; was the commander of a hundred men j in the Koman army. (iloW-Democrat. INDUSTRIAL POINTS. TnK annual manufacture in Europe at the present time, according to the latent utatisticii. l.s nomethinp like 1, KtO.ixW Mjiiare yariln of lookiupla-ss. Two n.ihKKT milli at Dover, IV-1., turned out U.tHHi peach basket rn-r ilav durintf the fiunimer. Tlie work i. done with ereat ease, rapidity and pereision. The fastest basket maker in the Ihtver mills mulies from iV) to .Km lnsket per . p., : , .. ..... fit t..' ' truiihi.fiiTif dft'i AiiiUi w r C iir. iuf) e h"i n h:iN -MiriKl .im.:-' t.i. , r-r mi i o::r-;. Lv Iri;t;j",4:. 'in ' :;"--. J-' i .V.r.. !;.'. : A "if r.' r: , el iri.r.-n., '.'t i. iu''s'l,.r ti ton lo rt.rc, vui. l'r;' : ror mi. bjr NnlpM Uin.ralr. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKNERALBANKINU BOBINRtM) Letter! of Credit iaiaed available in be Eastern (state. Sufiii Ezchanire and Telejrraphic Trnni.feraoiiion New York, ChicHpo, r-t. Inia. r-ari r rai.ciiteo, Portland Orejfon, (eat tie Wanh., and varion X)iiit in tr. von and Waxliiinrton. lilleetioria iiiHde uf all point on Imv. orahU frtn. - T C r A I I ffTC? , M t DL.L.t.O . t NQtlOOEll TT BQDK. Of DALLES CITY, OR. Preaident Z. F. Moody Vice-President. - - Charli. Hii.tok CasLier, M. A. Mooot r , , ... . . General Banking Busines. Transacud. Sight Exchanre Bold on KEW YORK, 8AN FRASCl SCO. Chicago and POKTLAND, OR. Collection made on faroreble term" l all K-reaaihie points. , . -. , ,, praatntit. llanM First National Bank. V'HE DALLES. OREGON A Genial Banklnf Biwinew transacted fMpoeite receiveil, subjwt tn Hiht Itrnft ivr k. Collections Diade and pro. ede promptly remitted on day oi collection Hiuht and Telegraphic F.xcbantre "old on Near York, Kan Francisco Hnd F'ort. land. D. I . lMoieso.. ,!o. vurmk. Fi. M. Wii.i,iah, tiro. A l.i.n H. M. P. a a 1. 1 . AVe YCU TBiED to nxn a mm tK RHEUMATISM, LUMSACO, SCIATICA, KIDr.EY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, tn M f r r. t nn ttiunritia ri rnTDin nri v cV. iii " Ti Mht.rDimnh.xiuibltto robuM hMltta 4nd vlvnr.sfttfr all u4lir irMininfa tntWH m kv ta in mnKi hun.lnxl. nf cmni throuifhoui thuU(l .ihr Ntt.ho would ltly t-iirT. i.UIlww UMlif ol nuutu iuv tiuu toiti bwarluff tiiaUouy U tUir rmaotTj lulu uur Holt WE HAVE CURED THESE-WC CAN CURE YOUI CENCKAL DEBILITY CURFD. bn r r .ul4ru, A it um h. WWi. 1H. A. T raarfa, lr hlr ?-Hur 1 owl nmr bU I Wm trwxM-ti wuh last lr. VlMl "Miiw, ml tt u cml Loot puir. 1 muiti uy with r hm't I h haw! m. nmm at lit : 1 tiov tti.r.r t m 1 tivt fur too yr 1 Nawllia ii i. o nttita.wa in roar irMlmaui, Vra cnb put- irii tauuat,lao pan othara vrlifor omk on irulyyoura, 11. A. BO Wfc.N. VaJul Turk Hi. RHEUMATI8M AND LAM CN EM CUf ED. If, A T. BftNrfn. Itaar Hirr 1 tAon f rour riu htt ka iu (or rliHioliaa. from hih 1 auffara.1 Trvrwrai jrra. KuriniMtiUaiohtha 1 bul hoc bii ji'l'lnw rk. nr ball ha ulaoatt maiu aimnti parf rl halih la Uka toaMa 1 ha awl tl. 1 can Mial ( u. ortah y, ami faal Ilka a aaw nan aanaralli . 4. Iu Hi Ollkft, Pruvrtacor latarnaouaai lloiai. KCRWOU8 OEaytmjfcOOl Tr. A. T ftaji'laa, laarmrl hr ba aitw fur Klaatrtr bait for jraarai aarvataa ilabitliy, anil u-ta faai batlar than I bava for nva yaara. 1 aafaaiad ant am atroaa in avaer far. auuagrataii.Iaji (JUAB. U'n&A. THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT i a miplaf gairmmr bat fry , atada into a bait -w aa to ba aaaiiy wwn dartmr wrk nr traa,..anf t ata 'MHiitiu, pr ,ioi)Kat1 rurrvulu whu b ara UiatautiT loll turmitfhoui ail aaaA aru. ur wa f fn,; V..IMMl. It. baa an laaarav4 Ulactrle HaaaarT. tliaaraataot iMxin avar atvau aaak P t. t w trrnt ti to cure any u( Ilia aimiVh waakneaaaa, mjiu loautanrw nrunaau It tar, or pari a, or ii n . Kf'tiiiiilttil. Thy an-rntdaU in trvnath to maatall utttaaul' waaanaaa tn youiw, atiiti.W.aaJjf oKl r i "ill cuia tba worafcaaaaaui itruur Utraa atuutba. Addraaa lur lull luluriua4H. bAKDElM- ELECTRIC CO. I?2 First St.. P0RTLAK3. Chfll Hew York Weekly Tribune Dainefl ONLY A Grand Masquerade will be Riven at Jackson Engine Co., No. 1, Tor?day verir;$, Jap. i, 1894. Committee of Arrangements: F. W. L. SKir.BE. I KLINDT, FRED Ii:MKE, A. HEI GIXINE. J(IIN I1LASER. Reception Committee. tiF.O. MENOER, CL. (1. T. THOMPSON, HARRY CLOL'GH, A DO LP II KELLER, THF.O. F. SI'.l'FF.RT, familiar faces C. K. BAYAKD, l.ale special Agent ienrral Lund OjJIir.t. Bayard cfc Barnett, Jtye leal Estate, Ioar), Iurarjee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTAIIY PUBLiIO. Partiea having ProH!rty tliey wish to Hell or Tntde, IIoukos to Il-nt. or AUtract of Title furnished, will find it to tlioir advantage to call on us. We shall umke a sjieciulty "f the prosecution of Claim and Contests before the Unitcp States Land OHice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Mont Complete and the Latent Pattriia Hnd I)eeiKn in WALLj j, ractitial Paiiitera and Paper Ha-iirem. None ImH the bent brand ol ti. Hherwin-W i lanm arid J. W , Mamtry'i Painui UHeil In all jur work, and none bif the uioftt akll etl workmen employed. Aifeiiw for Mai.ry Liquid Paiiita. N chmn teal com In nation or map mitnre. A firm claim article in alWoolora. Al order prouiptly attended to. w Paint Shoo eorowr Third and Wanhinrtoo 8u..Th DaUet 0ri THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Tlila well-known Hrewery in now turninif out the Iwiit Beer and Portet eaat of the Caacadea. The latwt annliriiicefl for the niMtmfunt nr. r1 it a-wl tidmMK. fill Ileer have Iwen introduced, and n lie mark't. DRUGS Af.'D FAILEO DR. HAKnrX'M E1TXTR v r.r.i.T urr will ur wiikout mi Hit in V " 'iV . ft. ..aaaaaaaaa la . I 1 1 W. filMini, mi itrffit I'i i i'i'iMi, lUstftUM-tanf HiItUiM WKH '", (;.ri f r m(Mur, Will Uiut Ti'U. t (it I'ltitil our Iu our itinrvi : .vfii'M which rwiuinM buLtttrit.l ( t- ui i tm-is you uiaT bmfm un uiy Ur.iu. your vlntiriHrvifnr' f o m wbloli m tliirt'iv-.iiii1 t'.ui If ynu riir into your -. tut; 4miita thu tlrftittiHt. h:-l' arc o quintal fur vimriuirflii:'h, im will rniovth PMUiMtHitil iKMaUli. itiM:-.j' i; and vigor tuliow ml line Th't tm our plan nd Iminmni. ttiut t uri.nlM eurt r rwlillitl imtiiv LA Mi BACK AND RHEUMATISM Fort land Oraaoa. harvtamhar Xfl. MPl Tr. A T Baala. Iaar Hlr r- Vaaraof anur.-. i. hard wrk. aaibia1 aitti ioaatria aautiina fruai i:.a jar of an anaiaa, ava Ml aaa r cnuw ol ilM la k. from which 1 aullorwd frr avaa yaara, 1 mm t t-l (hu 1 auuid ao (moo aiy taa. vuaall ttuuhial u alia t(. I tiouaht ana uf four halla. It I fj U it iaiUof ta daia, au4 1 aunllnaal tot nr H fff I i,- atoutlia, balna parlWtlr curwl. That Wm t r-a-i two. and 1 am a wl t-xla an I aar w ia tu ltl. 5 item rnur ball wall, autl I In t taiaof p Ml" ' hava baan ourad by li. Manr Mlia aaal it. mr ,f tttar wtMild try It thay vouiil f lad ll liiw aama aa I ti t ! aaat raaiax r id tha amll. I am u-.Umi haw Pnuantly,ar.d will Imi mUU UUU ttb au una wt amia tw liiiiiura aiMiu' . liOlll'l.V HI KKKLFrmioaaTHrUa! ISirtb i!. LOST VITALITY AND BTWCTM, m lr. A. T. ftaada-v f)aar Hir sia wiuriiu u K-lt 1 bav ban (fraailr banftid . fMi pip 'i raj f4 ratarnt iia. and afiw a aoutl'a n win.' ii ait I Had ayi( iwiea aa v-aunata aa baf-iirw man ia wnw aaarlv Barravt. aad aa:u nai fir Iba bat tar. 1 I al amca atnniar t'ta b ' uaintf tha blt. Yaura tntlf, iik.M.x bv.ll Li i AND- nolle tea? Year, - &LY5.& Ball Armory Hall by W. II. RL'TTS, HON. E. SCHt'TZ, A. Bt CHLLi: in a I,'eu Place J. K. UAKNKrr pap y the flm-dun. article will he j.'acel oa "The Regulator Li The Dalles, Portland aai Navigation Co. THROUGH FreilSQflPassciit'j Through Tri-Weeklv (SundM, i cepted) Iwtween The Dalles anil' pi I laud. Steamer Ueulstor lestM r. I Dalles at 7 a.m.. 14 Mondays, Wednesduvs and Fnd coniiei'tinir at the Cascade Lwki m Steamer lallea Cltv. Steamer U., Citr leaves Portland (Yamhill it J! atlia. in., ' j Tuertdavi.Tliursdavs and StimU eonnnetiiiR with Stenmer IiefiinWj i lie iwim. rAMHENtiRH KATIES. One way Kound trip. Freight Rates Greatly ktwt. All freight, except tar iofi, will be brought through, tnti out delay at Cascades. Shipments lor Portland recsinu anv time dayornieht. Shitiiuenuii way landings must tie delivered bw 6 p. m. Live stock shipments touc: ' Lall on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, tiaa.ral Am I B. F. LAUGHLIN, O.n.ral M ana(. r. THE DALLES. ORECOI From TERMINAL or INTE5I0J Wilts THE . RKIUROTTD la the Una tn tai TO ML POINTS EAST AND SOlTS. It la th. limtiiff Car Horn.. It raw tHT"P j mihiilal lraliiry oay ia mt fl paul and Ciiics: (NO HANl.E or CAW).l ( nmiinwl of Iilnlnar ara anunartl mau Inawluc Hlcevoraof lattaMUii TOITJST SLEFJ'IXG CAL Boat that nan be conntnirtot. and amintnnlatlna ara tuitll Frai snd rr lur buiiteraul Urat and Botiil-claaTlc ELEGANT DAY COAI t eontlimoua Hue. eoimwtln wit all adrdlii (llraet and nnliilarrupleil arf Pullman RUwt-ir iMMt.atlniia eaii atiai In ailTam. Uiniu(h aujf aiilul U rui THROUGH TICKETS riiKtaud anil I'.urtfi van h. To and I li van U. purcu" - ticaet olllca uf Um oompaur sa a Fall Information eonoBniln ""ai tralua, nmtoa a:id oth.f detail! rarv iiUuatlou to W. C. ALLAwJ. , Afetit ). V. A. Kav. Co., Kxajulal " liallaa. Or., or A. I. rH ARLTt'H, . Aaa't Uenvral -aitiir Al- W" YOUR flTTENTIOl Ii called to the faot tbt Hugh G16DD, Dealer In Gle-i, lime, and llnildltg Material of "'" Uarrl a rinaat Ha Picture pioii To be foam! in tbe City. 72 rjrjashlngton Str . -ft'1 Mliallr fX-nlna- ,:h'7'",'Pif Z ,ntlaMV tor. h" - If, "t t "f'HOMEslt::: Nortflera Pi .,111imi. watch tli- M.hii"'""'' J Yn nnUy for the il.-lt .."'I'T -i'il W ' .u. c.r.-l. Ill l.nlim l" .O"1 ' kr l ", .u whnilnn t, try .!" " ',r