THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1893. TOO PRUDENT. A I'blluMiphvr Who Thought It HmI to multipoint III Wife. Robert lirant, in "The Opinions of a Philosopher." gives a telling instance of the manner in which a prudent man may disappoint hi wif. Tin- philoso pher in nuesliou fancied hi- heard a burglar and hastened to the bolted I'hainlH'r dour to listen ami confirm his convictions. Iliswi'e was aroused ami asked htuirsvly what was the matter. "Fred, art' there burglar in the house'?' :he pus-ted. Sh: Yes." 'What are you doing. Fred? Oh. you mustn't go down ami expose yourself on any account! lromisc me that you will not!" Having ascertained that the iloor was secure, 1 walked across the room ami turned or. the electric light. Josephine was sitting Isilt upright, otiivering with excitement. I slipped on my trousers and a pair of boots, and began tMk around uic, trampling sturdily. "I'red. they'll hear you if yon make such a noise," said my wife in an ago- ! nized whisper. i "I fervently trust so." I retorted. 1 "That's why I'm doing- it." I As I spoke my eye lit ut last ou some- ' thing adapteil to my purpose. I had ' lieen trying to avoid the destruction of I a washbasin, anil 1 received with grate ful eageruessi'a pair of Indian clubs 1 which offered themselves, ami lilting them to the level of my brow lei then: ; fall clamorously to the iloor. The welkin run;?, so to speak, and 1 sank with nervous exhaustion into an arm chair. The house seemed deathly still, and it struck me that Josephine on her part ivns ominously tpuict. When she sookp at last it va to ask: ! "Haven't you a pistol?" I "Yes, dear." "Are you going to let them take everything'.'" "It is for them to decide, darling1." "Hut. Fred" Josephine did not finish her sentence. . The words she uttered were, however. so full of poignant surprise and disap- ! pointment that I felt constrained to ; inquire, with a guilty attempt at nun-, chalance: "Is there anything' you would like to I have me do?" "Y'ou arc the best judge, of course." ' she answered, coldly. "Only, do you i think it is the usual way"' We have talked it over many times since, and I have endeavored to make plain to her that, in the process of evo- lntion. thinking- men have come to the conclusion that the husband and father : who chops logic at deaii of night with an accomplished burglar on the wrong side of his chamber door Ls akin to a lunatic. She listens to my arguments. a;:d has done me the honor to admit that there is more to !e said in my behalf than she thought at tirst: but I remember that the last time we conversed upon the subject she shook her heati. with the air of a woman who, in suite of every thing, is still of the same opinion, and the murmured gently: ' "is t toid you before. Fred, if you had fired onee nvi" the banisters. I would say nothing." "Hut I might have been killed or maimed for life!" Josephine looked a little grave, but she answered sueeinet'y: "There are certain risks in this world .hat a man has to take." AFFAIRS OF THE HEART. Wiikn the hair of a Komau bride waa dressed for a wedding, it was always parted with the point of a spear TllK weddiug ring- is worn ou the left hand because, in symbolism, the right hand is authority, the left oliedi ence Tut: weddiug wreath is reminiscent of the age when the bride was always presented with a bouquet of symbolic llowers. In China atl arrangements for a wed ding are made by a go-bet wee u. who also does the courting and makes the proposal In most churches of England a ring is kept so tiiat embarrassment may lie spared in case of forgctfuliicss of the parties concerned. A cori'i.i: of hundred years ago Eng lish and lierman people, in order to se cure the greatest ossi)ilc publicity, were married in the church door. In Hungary the father of the bride takes otT her shoes and bauds them to her husband, thus turning over all his authority to the groim. skxtimv.n': is as old as anything else, as i indicated by the discovery in Egyptian tombs dating back to It. C. .JOoo of wedding rings engraved with a heart and two clasned hands. HUNT OF THE OFFICE-SEEKER. upa I- KvaowMt Itor by ty Id til Ho fvrrvil .M tkoih Ih llMtrt HU-k. Not all the people who haunt the Capitol are olliee-seckers, but a goodly proportion of them are, says the Wash ington Star. They come from all sec tions of the country und represent all classes of society. Of all the great concourse that streams through the corridors of the vast building day after day the olliee-seekers are the most for- j i i.:.... fi i...... ......... !...;.. i ll'I II limiting. I ill I iiiii'iu i mil. iiii-ii . ... (lull , PERSONAL MENTION. WrtlucaiU;. French went to Spokane Mr. Smith laxt ni-flit. Mr. Malcolm Jameson went to Port land thin morning. Mm. Thos. Condon is in the city vinit iiijj her parent", Mr. and Mm. Wiley. Mrs. EsheliiiHii had im attack of some thing like heart failure hint night, and HOW THEY TOLD THEM APART. art HoIImI Kff a I ha fejaar anil llanl llnllaij on Ih llnL "In a country hotel where 1 had stopped for supper," said a traveler, "! ' mw ou the table iiouie Iwiiled eggs. As 1 reached for them the wvitrt-aa said: , "-)o you like them hard or noft ! boiled?' I " 'Soft,' I said. I " 'The soft boiled are lu the other dish,' said the waitress. SHERIFFS SALE. Ill' Vlrlllv (if Nil HTITIltl.M, ..,, , , Hill. it mil nt the 1,1' i' nit . ""I'-. r l'1' I ' Ullll i, K'Ml. kilOV It HIH I tt-i'Mt- ..-(.oil i'.;,M-t . il t 1 1 1 t!i. , I I' It !' III .1.. " 'II; M.. II, I i ii,, NORTHERN Animal nml INSECTS. 1 otiml trButabli Life Near the 1'nln. It is a matter of surprise to all who, for the first time, have any experience in high north-m latitudes, to note the great abundance of insect life in Alaska. The writer of this paragraph was especially interested in noting the large amount of larva- and other low conditions of animal life which was carried down from the melting glaciers into the rivers and streams which flowed from them. It is to this that we have to attribute tiie great abun dance of the higher forms of animal life which prevails. Fish especially are in such quantity near the coast, attracted by this abundance, that it seems like repeating the tales of l'.arou Mun chausen to the listener. The young son of the writer, who was with him in this expedition, was, with a couple of Indians in a boat, able to drive salmon into narrow creeks in such abundance that the boat eouid lie driven against the fish in their en deavors to escape. They could have lieen dragged up in shoals bv any strong and ordinary net. Iu the earlier history of Colorado very much I stress was laid ou the fact that Fre ' rnont saw a Ix'e on one of the high ele : vations while crossing the Kooky mountains. I.ieut. Peary, in his re : cent expeditiou.i to North dreenland, ; found a bumble bee ou the north coast of Greenland the highe-.t point of ; land yet reached by a human being so i far as known. This explorer states ; that not only bees but otiier insects 1 abound as soon as the spring fairly opens. Flowers of many kinds are c particularly beautiful and abundant, i afi'ordir.g a good chance for honey and polien-collectiug insects to lay up ' rich stores in advance of their loii arctic winters. senators und representatives over I again and tefuse to lie turned from the phantom they are pursuing, lie fore congress meets every day the generul reception-room to the south end of the senate chamber is full to crowding with those waiting to send iu their cards to senators. A majority of these are after oUice, either for themselves or for relatives or friend. Hy the time the invocation of the chaplain is fin ished the bita of eardlioiird begiu to fall iu showers upon the desks of the statesmen. These gentlemen do not have time to jro through their mail be fore they are interrupted by callers. The visitors baud their cards to one or the other of the numerous doorkeepers and assistants and retire to the great leather-covered chairs and sofas scat tered around the reception-room to await the result. It is a uoticeable fact that women largely predominate in these waiting and unxious throngs alniut the senate eutrauces. Perhaps it is thought that their earnest solici- Mr. Frank Meredith, who lnm been visiting nt the home of Mr. !. V. Laugh- !in, left for Salem yesterday. Mr. John Medler, one of Slernrin countv'H most influential rinz "'i, cilicd on Tim ('iiuoMi i.i: office itnuiy. We rouret to learn that Oil. Sinnoit hud a flight stroke of piirn1 vsu ihin morning. It was not so serioux, how ever, but that he in able to lie around :u lending to ImfincfS. - J. B. Wiilternof Poise, Idaho, i-i the eitv. Mr. Wallers is an old-timer, Imv. ini; resided in The Italics in '. lie N now drifting toward San Kranci-n, where lie will attend the midwinter Thiinuuiy. tins. Ilrockmaii of Pear creek is iu the city. Mr. Frank liabe! has returned from it j six months' trip to Wisconsin, mid w ill j reside iu The Ialles. ! Joe Kubbertson is slowly recovering . from a severe cold, which hits almost tude will more favorably and deeply j laid him on the shell the last few days. impress the men who are supposed to control the dispensation of otlicial favors. They are of all ages. apicur- j unces ami conditions. The fashionable i ! society woman elbows her more hum- j ble sister of the work-a-day world, and j blushing, ditlideut young girls sit and i j wait by the side of aged, infirm women j : in the seur and yellow leaf. Silk ! : rustles against the simple garb of the t()ll,lv : humble poor, and lieauty smiles into I the face of decrepit age. Many of them wait long and patiently without j reward. Their senator is "uot in," or he is "engaged." or he sends word: "Please call ngafii." And the recipient : of the message goes away with a heavy ; heart and troubled countenance, to i come again in a feu days and try it all over. I). H. IHIlou of Jewell county, Kan., is in the city looking up a favorable lo cution in our unexcelled fruit belt. Iu all likelihood he will move to Wiimm county within a few months. Kriilsv, Col. Win. F. Helms is iu the city. J. A. tiulliforil of Diitur is in town I !...,.), I.. 1 u' ntiot her dish cf eggs. those in the first anybody could tell them apart if they should ever L'ct mixed tip. As long lis i they were kept ul the cuds of the table where they were lir-t placed it would be very simple: but i.uppoie some po lite gue-.t i.iii'Uld ki" t 'his neighbor: 'Will you have the '',',"!,''." "And suppose the man should say: 'Yes, thank you,' tun! take them, nml KiipHse one dish should in this way work along the table until It was alongside the other: or. for that mat. ter, supMise the ilisheK iliouhl elintnre pluees, lis they nir.'h! easily do, who could tell then which v:;s hard and which soft? I found ri.:.e!f rather amused by this idea, and I asked the waitress how they could tell which was which. "Why, the' soft boiled are in the Miiure dish mid the hard Willed ure in the oval dish.' "Then I stopped talking for quite a sH'll. for it seemed clear to me that 1 was in some things not un intellectual giant." ' n.. i.ii-irti.r tl,,.,vi-l .,.( .. ..,r .i,.l II,.. ...i.lio...., ... '.'."'."' Ilimrt I , I'll, ,11 II l !,(,, , ,,, I ,,'"' '"It!;',, Ilic niirtlivii.-l iiiuii-Lt nml it. ",rl" Iiji ..f it.. .1. . . . '""MM. I , "Then, as I looked the other way on :: in imvn.,i. mn- i rii. .. . ., , !..,.. I !.i ,f i.i't's 111 l""l"l Hi" III ihi.'-.l.. t in- iiiiiii'. i -H i ini...... . Hut thev looked precisely like i. .....I 1 ...,..i. rt.l hnu- " i.imiu I in si. I'linr- . - ...... I miiii miu,., u i. llll II till sitriih If. I I in S li-.-, I I- I ilnuril- .'iui hi llh hili i..t Ihnii'iiti, in, lii'.f ,. . . " "w. Mini iko oie -iiiii i, im, tn . in ' 1,1 h,, l'1"" Vi It It'll ' W"inlll, lu ,,,' 'i'H, lui -illtll.' ill. I .i r. u t . Ilii'l i t ' Su. un- l O A I tut i... . ., I ll l llll.,-!!, , j. l ,.? I' l"l. mil., I,, ,, ' ' n Ju v 'i "s. I ill the rule nf al i tir ei'iil iht r ' Mi Mltiinii'li. t.i'. In lil sell, hi ii, "".",;) Inir-e i'l.l IIiit.'Iii liim il, 1 liiimi,,!""1 Il Ilpuli the Inlul MlnniHl,t nml on tiill HHturilay III a:inl ilay f llnk. Ht till' lll.tir nf Hi n'flm'k ii, l n'. iiinrt ti. hi -i iliKir, hi ihr ciiv n( IhfT Mill ClillllH Hill) Hlilll', KlH . mT-it imlillc Min n. .11. Iii llir hi, I i-,t ,i,,n ih' slierlll nt Vs. omitv. i4 avf Hill '"lil SHERIFF'S SALE. II) l lrtili l-musl mi. ill llll exivlltlmi Hi ll mr, url nf ... - I, i. i, ,r Hi., l ull i, Ii ..I 11 . '" Oipt. S. V. Short, of the steamer I Dulles City, was in the city last nitrht. Mrs. J. M. Patterson returned last j night from a visit with her parents in j Salem. i Mr. F. J. Etidwig.of the Standard Ilox Factory, Portland, is in the city solicit ing business. WOMEN AS HUNTERS. There Oriental IVnrkmeu V.Ihi llnve l.rrm Skill in Tlnn Uraiich of llrH.i;it. zVn art which is carried to a high de-: ;rree of excellence in the east, but i which seems in some danger of decay-; i::g. is that of ornamental bookbinding, j s'-inie notion of the skill of oriental ' craftsmen in this brunch of design j may be gathered from specimens given in the latest issue of the Journal of In-1 (!ian Art and Industry. The best of j tnese specimens, says Lot. Holbein Ilendlcy. came from L'hvar. and are doubtless of Persian origin. Few ap proach in goodness of design and in I ejtrefulness of execution the work of ; Karl Ahmed and hisyons. who were for j some years in the employ of the chief j of t'lwar. The grandsons have now J succeeded to the sons, however, and in I their hands the art is likely to become a mere trade. In India a man of real genius developsan art from some hints he receives from strangers, or. it may lie, discovers it himself, but from jealousy or from fear of destroying his monopoly. teacheK only the mera'wrs of his own family, who may or may not share his skill, and thus in the course of a generation or two nothing remains but a shadow or parody of per haps an exquisite production. In the l lwar Ixxikbindings the orna ment is somewhat after the idd lirolier PEOPLE OF NOTE. ; f'.Ncr.K Timotky Iiyi'i:. aged U-J. the j olde.-t resident of Haven, Me.. ; recently caught w ith a hook and line, from a srria'.l.boat. a halibut weighing '. pou;:d... j Me.-.. l:.oi.T. tin ex-commissioner's v.ii'e. says that some of 'he native : women she net in Honolulu were as i cultivated and refined as any women she ever saw. II.vHon liKisrn has sold Italian rentes to the amount of 1! .iim;,iiiit, and has in vested the amount in American rail road securities, including some low- j priced stocks which pay t:o dividends. : At'STtx oKHl.N is the lending spirit ; and chief promoter of the proposed un- j dergrouml railway system for the city ; of New York. His plans involve the i expenditure of about ?llhj.0iiO.i")O. , (iov. M.wikiiam. of California, has i spent all his vacations in the motin- , tains in the southern part of his state I for fourteen years past. He camjui in the wimmIs and is an ardent fisherman. 1 Is No limuin Why Ther Mhould Not He Kuril If Tuey ttuh. I am convinced that if woman fluds pleasure in killing fish or bird, she is perfectly entitled to so uuiuse herself, and the great, round, goggle-eyed world has no rigiit to point at nor talk about her, says a writer in (luting. The few women who openly handle rod and gun as though they really knew the uses of the tools seldom fail to acquit themselves creditably; and, best of ull, in following their chosen pastimes they find what every man and woman wants alsive all earthly things health of body and of mind. Long, dusty ages ago, from out the old blue clay was fashioned man. and after him was woman. She, the humorists tell us, has lieen after him. more or less, ever since: and, in my humble opinion, the more she is after him in the line of field sports the better for the gentler sex. There is no evil in the wilds as nature made them; there is wondrous truth in the sermon of stones and streams, in the whisper of vind-stirred folia;,', in the ripple (,f waters and the sigh of swayin jiiin-s. There is health and purest pleasure in store for those wim follow the windings of musical trout-brook, ir trump long, breezy miles behind staunch dorrs should not woman enjoy these thing.-.'.' She muy never ucquire the art of hi,'.';"ing a gn at of rye along duri:if;-outings: she may never master the intricate problem of throw-in; responsibility of misses upon the gun or ti.e ammuni tion she may not even learn to lie freely ami iersuusively about the num ber of lisii she caught or of the si.e of those that got away, but she can be a sportswoman true, and the sooner she realises this fact the better. Mr. Mark Illoom of Pennsylvania is iin the city, waiting to confer with Mr. F. H. Knwe in relation to the construc tion of his saw mill at this point. Mr. Jesse 1. Williams, airent for 11. G. Iunn A Co., lias returned from a trip: til rough the country, looking at crops and prospects for the purpose of making J a report. Mr. Truman Putler will make through trips from this city to Portland and re- turn as purser on the steamers Keguln- tor ami Ihilles City during the winter ' months. ' i A. I. P.olton of liovd was in town yesterday. He was expecting some cattle from srrom the river, which he t intended to feed this winter at iiis much j on 15-Mile. : Mr. Fred S. Cutler, the genial miinn- j ger of the Stuttx coin-niny, left this morning fur Vancouver, where he will ! make arrangements for the appearance ! of his company in that city. Mr. Cutler ! is just the man for his position and the success of the company in a large mens- ; ure is due to the business and social '; qualities of Mr. Cutler. We shall lie! giad to see htm again. 1IIKI1. SIGHTS OF A CITY. "I have seen, at one time and an other, all sorts of things hanging on washlines." said a citizen, "but to-day, j for the hrst time, 1 saw among the shirts and stockings an American flag." 1.1 the shopping districts one some times sees a newsboy, with hi.s bundle of papers under his arm, gravely hold ing open the door of a carriage for my lady. Sometimes she (fives him some thing, sometimes not; he takes the chances on that. As A general thing the newsboy, style, in which the colors are painted I when on duty, devotes himself strictly on the boards and are not inlaid. In most of the designs the pattern is pro duced by the use of brass blocks. The colors are then painted on with the brush. Sometimes the I'lwar artist colors the whole of the ("round, and at others only part of it, so br to produce very different effects by the use of the same blocks. The effect is remarka bly fine, and is comparable to the de sign work on some of the most beauti ful productions of the more famous china manufactories. The bindings are expensive, as they are all hand made, and a great deal of (fold is used. A bargain may be made, however, with the present artists, who ask for as much ns they can get. As their work is curious and valuable, they have, as a rule, very littlediliiculty in disposing of it. Numerous specimens have lieen made for the queen and other distin guished persons. They all show more or lesR similarity to tie' best specimens of Persian workmanship, of which the binding of the Koran, purchased by Ihniieror Anriingzelie. and now in the royal library nt Windsor, is a particu larly interesting example. to hustling, but there crossed Madison square. New Y'ork. the other evening, a newsboy who, between cries of his papers, smelled at a sizable bouquet of red flowers with evident pleasure. TllK year 177i was a fearful one in New Y'ork. One hundred and fifty-five cases of sunstroke occurred on -Jnly 4, of which seventy-two proved fatal. The principal thoroughfares were like fields of battle. Men fell by the score, and ambulances were in constant requisition. CHURCH AND CLERGY hhe Likes to iet Kven. If there is one thing more than an- otiier that pleases me. it is to get even i with a grumpy man," said a bright (firl in our hearing the other day. "The other night a man and I were out walk j ing and he nsked me into a drug- store to have some soda. Itefore we ordered ! he aslced the proprietor if he could change a ten dollar bill and that indi vidual snapped out 'No' as though my escort had insulted him. leaving me seated there, my man friend went across the way, where he secured the change, right readily, and when he came back we sat down to vanilla soda and lemon phosphate. When every drop was rone fifty cents was offered in payment, und I was just tickled to death when the cross old thin' couldn't change that either. There we were in two drinks and the crabbed druggist had to sen us depart without his pay. My. friend wanted to go back and pay him later, but I told him if he (lid J would never speak to hirn again, it was just iovcly." said the vixen, as she showed her white i as they snapped together on a olate caramel and beamed in vicious glee over the memory of one poor man's discomfiture. Philadelphia Times. Oh. little teeth choc- Omo has l.un F.pworth organisa tions, thus leading the union. I.i the province of Queliec the ratio SENTENCES BY "JUDCE." We watch the winds from east and west and our hopes arc answered from the south. Special cash sale of If) per ct. discount in ladies, petits and children's shoes this day und tomorrow only at M. HonevwiU'i. of Catholic to Protestant is 1,000 to 1. " 18 --ni'w-"-'r "tray (-learn . , , . .1 of sunshine or of love a little child will find it. Thf religious improvident trust in Providence and the unreligious im provident trust to chance. The manifestation of life, whether in the discovery of a nest of fledge lings in a ttolitury place or the soft, warm touch of a little child, is a pleas ure to the senses and a joy to the soul. Kathrine O-o ienn. Co.uoitK'.ATloN ai.ihm has the greatest strength in Massachusetts, where it has TiV.) churches. A Mkthoiiist bishop out west who uses a chapel car speaks of it as the "Holy Koamin' church." TllK Protestant Ivpiscopal bishop of Massachusetts Is to be one of the of ficers of a crematory soon to be opened iu Koston. I(eai7.late James Dentiiron and IiHvina Ienrii son to J. C. Meiti". lots F und (i, block 100, Fort Dalles Military lieserve; 1. Notes Lust. 1-ost, two notes payable to J. C. Meins. All persons are warned not to purchase said notes. dlw .1. C. In this city, Iec. 8th, Mrs. Ma Mat tison, nee ikigley, of consumption. A Sew Arcument A-riilnst Corseta. Thin is the shape of a woman's waist on which a corset tight is laced. The ribs deformed by being squeezed press on the lungs, till they're diseased. The heart is jammed and cannot pump ; the liver is a lump, the stomach crushed, cannot digest; and in a mess are all compressed. There fore this silly woman (trows to be a fearful mess of woes, but thinks she has a lovely shai-e, though hideous as a crippled ae. This is a woman's natural waist which corsets never yet disgraced. Inside it is a mine of health. Outside of charms it has a wealth. It is a thing, of beauty true, and a sweet joy forever new. It' needs no artful padding vile, or bustle big to give it "style." Its strong and solid, plump and sound, and hard to get one arm around. Alas, if women only knew the mischief that these corsets do, they'd let lamo Nature have her way, and never let her waste to "stay." All tin Hoard I. oat. London, Dec. 7. The body of one of the crew of the steamer Nvatca was washed ashore on the Cornish coast, adding to the proliability of the supposed foundering of that vessel and the loss of her crow of eighteen in a recent (-ale. l)r. Grant's German Klixir cures all Iniii: troubles if taken in time. Sold by Sni(es A Kinersley. WOOII, HIMIll, W(OI. Itest (trades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jim. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jefler son streets.') HER FIRST TRULY DCAU. A hieiul!hr!ft Youth Who An-ieora When the lrl Takes to I.oiltf lire. The first lienu npin-ars along a I unit when we nre fourteen or fifteen. There have la-en. of course, many little boy admirers, but according to a writer in the I'.lniira Telegram the genuine gul lant dees not materialise until we put on long dresses and commence making ourselves up for young ladies, a com prehensive phrase that all girls will understand, lie is usually the brother of some sM'cial chum of ours, and in this wny we are enabled to see him more often than if we had no reusou for going to his house. lie is exceed ingly bashful Is'fore people, but can talk a blue streak when we hit alone, lie squanders his allowuni-e on ice cream, soda and caramels, and on rare tM'casions invites us to a church sociable or concert. He is always one of the group of youths who wait outsidt' the church or Sunday school disir. and he is the one to escort us to our homes on such occasions. We are teased un mercifully ubout him and really enjoy it, though pretending to lie fearfully in dignant and provoked about It. This sort of thing goes on until something hapiM'tis, as some things huve a way of doing, and either he goes away to col lege or we leave for boarding school, or perhaps a quarrel or chiiiit'e of resi dence occurs. At any rate year., per haps will roll away before we see a Warded man whoean bcarthe slightest resemblance to a young, rosy-checked liy. A Man Who Una Tun otra. A little public house, in which the 1 landlord and his customers huve it cu rious experieiiee. stands ou tiie boun dary line dividing the townshiie of Harwell anil ( swu hit wist le. Lancashire. The boundary line runs directly 1 through the center of the hostelry, an I as there are public rooms on cither MUe of the passage two licenx s lire neees- l sary. 1 lie publican is cuiiis'Iii il to close the Iiarwi'ii side of the house ut ten o'clock every night, according to the condition of his license HlllllllllhllH IHI- III lllli k I' Mill- ,f ft,,. I..., Mil writ riVacrlla-ll to-wit. tlini t.i,.w,;l' ' rv:. hi mill! Ill mmii , Htllllv, hlulp ,, , - ; kmiwii hihI iliwnl',! h HiV .,iiti,w, i,l -.i-l l hi Inur ; l. Hint Hie mirlli W( . " ; iiine I'H. nml tin nurthwi iuim..i!J ' u'telilis-n I7, III li.uiuhl,, , m 1 Kniikv liuirlii'u (II. in.t ,, n- lll, ',, I ill, ill. In iiuiki. unit .tiv II , ol : I I "lot Iii lie um1 in llii.i,i,lv. , HHl ni'lliill. Ii. whli'li ai'tli.n I In- Minim!'! .niul I ru-l ( i iiiihii v ni'ii- lilHliitltf. iml I- ,li,. .il.. .Murllm M Ii i.t.t.'n.ttr Z-i. i.M.l lute, HiirnJ. It Mrt'hit", Il I, ii-T, 1 1:, iv.'Ih. .1 ii Im M It,.., l -i I. ...i., ..."! Mnt.illilJ K MiuimI. arir liii,.,,!, 7 the .inn I .ihii l.m I'll lilt,.,,.,. Uvi4 i'" ; -In Iv 1. I-'.',', nt ll,-ri.l..i,f -in -riviis.f, " mm nuurnej, i.-.-. lu , ,,, -j ...! ii lid ill.lHir.. iu,.,l thcrWn U'..i C thi-i,i li'vu-il ii-mu Ilu-liiinl ali,rea,'a4 Salurilav, !i:irit lny or Ho-oiaWr ltan ul tin- limir nt In ii luck s iii. Iii h ( tk i-i, in i ii. ,u- .1'i.n, in ini i i :y in lTieif,in aillil ( nioitv niul sliile, will .'l, nii.itriM ; urllt- aiieiiiiu ill nil- jiiviii'ii hlililiT Hwrta ' 1 A iu hlnTlnef W im'ii ( itimtv, stiili' uf ifftta. llnlV'Jtlf SHERIFFS SALE fir vtrtui of mt fxt-rtitlun und m ol Mtlf 1-nml mil f tiit- t irrtiit m ' iitf ii tut if l-r th ks llh tit lltilti Mil.' ( thl' 11111 III nti Writ. '.sr. , IIMHI ( IllllttV , lHl t( t rniCHI. kllOVT I ( writ-! im hII ii' sn'ttMii thrM-i'!, ni1 li.- 4 , hull of tin wiiithra.Ht iii.irtcr ! itoti i ; hihI tir oiiih hull of wip.n flvtj i.-j m nurfli linlf of Mfiion rtuht -.. nil In lr nhi- d. north of Uhiik fimriwn (H rml t( i U llltiim-tir iiii-rnliiiri. t iimkr niul jjt iftx ; fr nu n v, m niti ouri ni iiuifv.1. t!- mm ; llir ilntitl In mh1 nation, Ih which i;.i I r(iiirittr 1 niul I riMl hhiimt tr pit. nil iiim! l.irn.- Ihittfi, ilnrtlm V ftoit, lwtr. Il lliiil, J t Mr. Inn-, r-umh M Vr l:in-. u AIlT, I. rtlj.h i..T. J11IU N U.-pi. 1 rt U 'ilv, J. M In tor ntiil J. F J-,iwrrn wh' (ml. ui(-, to- it, fht nirn nf l"WkU. Intr "t l(n-ntm from July I, l-rj, nt nu- t iM-frMiii imt nuitiiiii Htni I.oii oidim rm Mill ftt'tldi ami fs-NiftHtnl ilihtiriM'iiiruti tnrfn tM-l, J hmvf thl liny i'vrl IZt llUitf ! sITllRll Nllll on Npttiirtlity thp vaI rtnv nf ltP4iiilir, IWj ut ih? hour o( in m in., In Imnt ni tMwr Iomim ii.ntr, tn th' iMty d( Th tn ri'iilit' it l ul l.tlf, t wlh "11 ftnlit luruf at rjg mm turn, t tin- tiiut hltiiit-r tlicrncr T. A. W .1 no, Hl.-rH? t,nt, . Mt(- j ftX!m. m at." hi SHERIFFS SALE. Ii v vrl!ii.nt nil ".joiMitl n ant orltr ot , IiikI ..lit ill th ( IM IIlt Dllft Ol tlill' ciriKuli 11 ir Vaeu ( 'mi lit v , ilwu r. niiliri.iiit lin;ile. refill' red aii'l mlar-il m n I nun im Ilia 1 .til iibv "I NiivmW, 1" : Irt'. iir n( Itlullltllt. Itl oil' H"n V,.rJ llni.e n- I'lnllillll ami Alinil Kiiirt l i nrnllii" Ui'ini.l- wim. il.-li'iMliiiil-. ' hni-inl nml itiillicriil, ii.iiiiniii'illii iw' ' UI.IIII anil wh the uniiti- iin'im "Hel but ttli'Os- ! el'""l In mil writ, anil hwiiiaiit "" .. i . i l inn. nil llir llll naT in imvu.i-,, . - tvaldtivistle license ailoV.s lillll tn keep rl , ,.,, M,,, ,. at iml.lir aurtlui Ills iliMir open until eleven o clis-k. In order not to lay himself om-ii to a pros ecution by Ilarwen. therefore, the land lonl. when the clock chimes ten. com pels his customers to remove from tiie Imrwen to ; ,n. swiildtvislie side of the house ii'i'l -!o. -.-s the doors of the early -elos:.' - ;i .r: the landlor '. ' for voting ho'.i his bed directly line. "i. It is stated by he 'I'.ialities himself . tou ii-.hips by lixing over the boundary m ilffort and Ajttr. Tbefinat EndlUh IlitniRiW. rmptijr and parmammtljf cura all forma of A'rntMi IVttiknem.t.mluUmM. ttptrmr otorrhea, l"potnry and aU IflreUaf Ainu or IrctmM. bora prMorlbrd mr HA .ream Itl thmuaoiUor caani la thacmJy HMtablmamd famr wudUHns Imam. Aik itniitlit for Wood' Phoaohoalnai If b oiTan orn worthleaa mRtl-lnr In plaoo of tbla, harm bU duaonatt store, Inoloaa pnra In latuir, ami rewllltamd by rttirn mall. 1'rlce, ona parkAKn. tlliU.S.".. On will plHue, aia tafll mm. I'ampU let In plain aaalail nvaiopa, oimta piaiaae. AOdreM Tht Wooa ( hamletl Co.. Ill WiMlwanlairciiue, Lwlnilt, tlwn. folil In The lall hr Hiiiki'ley a. Il.iimo.n. When on a visit to Iowh, Mr. K. Pul ton of Luriiy, ICunaell county, Knti., called nt the laboratory of C'hainberliiin & Co., I)e Moiuci, to alio them 1 1 a ix-year-old boy, whose lite hud been aved by Clinmlierlain', Cough Ilemedy, it Ii living cured him of a very evere at tack of croup. Mr. Halton in certain that it aved bin Ijoy'a life nml i enthii iantic in his jiraiie of the Kemcdy. For ale by lilakeley A. Houghton. !. ' .'J. rill: f. -...t. f VII. L Nil T L. V I ' ., . t At ameeulile latiativv and N v 1, I U.N Ic. rViht l,jr liMi.(Kil,ii,renl hv ICH.II fecluc,, mt tlM) mt imi.uiiM-B. Hnmiili-i frwi lTn CJlTi Tha f'nvorlta T0CT8 rOTIH MkJ I J J for t.'io 'I wth aim breath, Xuo, For lata by Nnlia, Koirraljr. m V-r-- '"S hlulieat IiiiIJit. each III lialiil, nil Motiilar. tlta Hth liar "f January.! it .,'fl.a.i.' In thi. artariiiMitl Of ftil'll ihT I run I il.H.t ot Hie County l fiurtliouar lr, l lll In aM-ii utility. iriK'ill. nil ' ami t.raiiit-i tt.-wrllnl Itl Hill a Ul. ' All nt til,'K leu iin) III wltfit Inkn.rt:" MlllUrv Ke...fnllim Ailillll'Ul I" '"'Jl Wa-i-ii t utility, innmi. ami "rtml ' initial anil plnU ol unlit rill and aililllinn i.r .,, itiiieli amill iitlo"-'"', ti.iv in- urn oi nil hii'ti-'i ' in niii; in n il ii mil. t ii'iiili-r l ltli. Is'Ai. IM'.ki ntlnoi'i i a t.'.l.l.i poata 111 anlll lllll. tei'lll'r til" iilil a-rlt anil aci'tuliiK tiMtaut !' ,,fl T A " " MiiTltt of Waai'i. County."" Iiateit nt Imllea City, nr., 1 4. SHERIFF S SALE Ity vlrtm of hii px.Uim jj, OrTfon lor Hhh-o ronutv, iiHn "JJJ,,! mi it mi th I ttti itnv of NovfoW-1 fv..r f r.l..l..M1 t.. 'tit uht-rrlD.t i front itoor of lite ( ottiity cttv, In Yin-en ( utility, orettiin un nr oi pin in on, in a. ami a ni . u,, lilnlnllir. nml trunk l. I illl'-T":. ". (Illi'-iil. W . t. Hunt anil W. H vr,,. ili'l.'iiihiiil., unit tn me itirectot ' piillitiianilllil ma ii levy llm ,no 1 Iniula liii'litlntl.'il unit (i.erllail l " lh j, her. 'Iiiii Iter ile-rllalt, I (llll. lT', in."etiiia'r, i-M, fiiuv lew iipi-ii. "'" f jai I mi, ne aiieimii, in inir niaii. - II lllillll. oil ,, , . I'"' moilflllT, ilia run amy oa..-."-' . . .ia dir. it1 at Jo elicit hi the nftoriiimn VT i',, iw ' i ..url iw- ' ... I '.. '....,". ' .i.' ...V'-i' I., talil afltl"1' r.ll.1 ,...-11,1-.- ..--.-, 1... ... - th M'rltatl !! flllloHi., to-wlt. , jttt. The nortliwpat iiniirh.r of Hectl';" ,'l,,i hi 'liiHiialilp two Jl Miiiith. ei """" im (111 "f the W lllainelle iiaoni"' milllllV. Iinroll. or an line ii '": . -a nil.' " lillll l.'llt lolltllv lllPlllll "I ''" t V li'reiil tliareoii at the rate "I I1" r.,, iiiii amen Novemlatr lllli. '','.,, i,'i liey . fn-a, null III l enaW hi ' " pMi wiihp.wlaol aalil writ, ami JT.iKl'- ' Hlierlirof Wnnciil "I'li"'" at Ditlli-x Clli, Or., Ih.4. Executor's Notice to Credit Nothi' li lii-reliv Klvetl Ul"',' " ' Vuiinl' ' nf the sttle of (iri-Kim l"r ,,ariv' lllllv lliMlintnl tin- llliileramlieO - ,n i,f the Uat Hill mill toalmiient "I ";',,. ilwi-axil. All la-r l",vl"1 Ve,v IM Un-f-liile n ,in1 ilrt-en.iil aie "' 7.r ym to pr.-aciit tliein, with ""',! ",( hill U'1 within mil iimnllia from the ""',''' a.i.-i '-1 to in,l ctii'iitiir nt hi- il-" "',. (af bnllea l Ity, in Mini rniiiily. (" "l W, II. ll.oll, Itl arllil loillii" ' ,. f ta-a"' mh mah. i,Uv:.r; BlKhit thin latihiyoftiovenil'er'i ti n- llelall mil III in cry iniii. ' llirl.n, i o A' KNTH makp ..( L i i,ff nh'liill aier '"', n' 1 1 t ut v ol" TO Oi:K W'KJ V lllllaflllir tl KM , - v. ir . . .' . i.i rv Irani I II mi If II ine " "' In BI" tint lni'1'i.wiiri-. A I'-i- ...,.,! Iii r1 l-ltl... i antiiM h........ Iiitnra mnv , ' i. r .lo lllli mill Mum st linrll " (a- 111 III""' IN-1 Ilirtlll" ll