THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1893. ' X. myjy.wK i-r.,tr.. , RAILWAY STATISTICS. - The Most Stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, the worst forms of Scrofula, all blood -taints and poisons of every name and nature, are utterly rooted out by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For every disease caused by a torpid liver or impure blood, it is the only remedy so certain and effec tive that it can be guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings, and every kindred ailment, are completely and permanently cured by it. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how long standing, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this : " If we can't cure it, perfectly and permanently, we'll pay you 500 in cash." Sold by all drucrsrists. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c D3. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT Wtth Electro-Magnetic 8U?FMSORY iilcurr without lwdiclne ail DukMM resu.tiDfr firm evpr-ctutiou of brain nrrre force t rrrrnt or inilia errtion, as arrrcniB debility, leeplMiaa, Umpruor, rb4im.ttism, kidney, lircr and biatlu?r compiajntj, lame back. I'lmtwu, aciatW, all female cum(.jDt.i gpwral ill heaitu. ere. liiis eiertno Bell cntaans mmm ai rfml laiMcai over ail other. Purreut la inula nuy friifoy wearer or forfeit $,, ami wiil cure ail of tb aonee di or Do par. Thou-L-ml han been mred br tuts marraina lneenti'n after all other renwdie failexl. and we trtra hmmrwdi teatimonialsui tniaanU ererr other at-ire. Oar rewvrial Impr KLEIT&IC MrrBY. th rinataac b.a nr orr-red weak mtn, rKt'K with all Health mm )tnrwMrMtit alUTTaalD la t MTN MrtKl for lrnu .1 taiwti!t. ineUwU . awawi, iron 6ANOEN ELECTRIO CO. fco. Xt a'leaimreet, I'UIH LA.MI OK F. VIGOR of i 8 EmIIy, Quickly, Ptrmaaeiti!, Retijrad. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ' an'l all th train rr tIs Irnmearly rrromor latr xei. tae rp.ult or em urk. I c k ti ( worry, etc. Fuil.tmigtii, dTioprnent antl looe (riven Uj every organ and jyrtlno of tho borty. Btmr.l. natural met ho-ia. ImnNltarilmiriTerr-nt A faithful lmort Humbly BmwhM the lrat J. Cleselauil. A friend hands us the following, taken from the Gunnison (Col) Tribune, which is worth read i iitf. It is as follows : TO AUMUiHTV CLEVKLANll. Previous to the close of the democratic county convention, FMward Croke, mayor of Irwin, arose and all the dele gates reverently bowed their heads while he offered prayer to Almighty Cleveland. The voice was filled with emotion and the reporter found it difficult to get every word. But here it is : Oh, almighty and all-powerful Cleve land, who art in Washington, when not fishing; thou who art the father of Kuth and Ruth's sister, and of Mary Halpin's boy, Oscar, and the god-father of the democratic party, (it's father wouldn't own it if he were here,) we hail thy name as the great political prophet of the century. We bow down before thee in political obedience. When thou sayest go, we go, when thou sayest come, we come. We have no desire but to serve thee. If thou sayest black is white we will swear to it and lick the everlasting stuttin' out of the man who disputes it. When thou takest snufT we will sneeze ; when thou sayest free Bilver we will echo thy words; when thou sayest gold then gold it is. We are democrats after the improved modem type. Our busi ness is to vote the ticket and vote 'er straight. What is it to us whether we have free silver or not? We are but dogs, that eat of the crumbs that fall from our masters' tables. When tiio crumbs fall we wag our tails; whev they fall fast we wag faster; when tey don't fall we stand and wait un'Jl they do Thiu is democracy. Thia id the kind of democracy which elected thee, our great and almighty Cleveland. Oh, most adored master Vre love thee for what thou hast rot done for us. We love thee beeuse thou art !Cleveland. We humbly surrender ourselves to thee. Do with us as thou wilt. Though wheat is but -10 cents a bushel we love thee; though cotton is low we love thee ; though business is dull we love thee; though thousands, millions, are out of employ ment we love thee; though our wife, the dear companion of our bosom, is scant ily dressed and looks so shabby she can't go to church we love thee; though we are sinking deeper in, debt and poverty is knocking at the .door, and hunger is staring us in the face, we love thee still. This shows our great faith and love for thee. Our wives and children we are willing to sacrifice, even as the Hindoo mother sacrifices her offspring by throw- ng it under the crushing wheels of th juggernaut. Oh, mighty Glevelmet. words cannot express our love for Hiee. We love our party, too. What cure we aljont the many promisee it made. We know it promised free silver, and wh know it won't give it to us, but we stick to the party. We know we said if it did not do the things it promised to do we would leave it, but we lied when we said it. We thought then we had some manhood about us, but we ain't. We have no independence. Thou, oh mighty Tuk total number of railway corpor ations on June 80, iwtt. was 1,J. Tiik total railway mileage of the country on Juuo SO, ISltt, was 171,&&).5d miles. Tiik freight revenue during1 the year ending June SO, 18WJ, amounted to ST'.W.HUl.O-VJ. Tiik total number of passengers car ried during the year ending June 30, IMCJ, waa.V10.U5N,'jll. Tiik pussenper revenue for the rail ways of the country during the year endiugJune 30, lMrJ. was $-J8d,h05,7lM. Tuk number of tons of freight re ported by the railway as carried dur ing the year ending June 30, V2, was 7lHi,5.Vi,471. Tiik receipts from mail service for the year ending June 30, ltrtfj, were JO, 8(11, 143, and from the exprcsa com panies were J.H.S,USH. Tiik total number of employes in the service of railways on June 30, ISVi, was SCJ1.415, being ait increase of 37, 130 over the previous year. Tiik average journey per passenger for the vear ending June 30, l.V.Ki, was, i' miles, and the average numtier ,f passengers per train for each mile run was 4'J. Jew York Weekly Tribune AND- Dalies lefiftiyCipiie "Tlitltesiilititt Who 11". lira Dn ntlnnJ - i Navigation Co. $1.00 per Bottlo. Curp Cnn-!if nar.'Mi , fur ' in out, CruMrompilv; ro!'vt Wlioupinr Coiitfli and Attuuut I r Cmmuini tinn lr bn no riYHl; baeurl thounnnclr w irvenli oilier fdlltHl; willcUHB TotTlf tiikcn In Time. HoliI by lrTugiriMUi on ft pniir-mtiv. For I.ntue iJac orCiauuajSi.lI.M' I t.A&ALU, oU. QHILOH'S. CATARRH y&&&&n EMEDY. ilrtfe vou luiurrh t Thiaremtlv lairunren tneU Co cure tou. I'riut SucLi, lu1i:is)r Xm. For sale by Miilpea A Kineraly. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President - - Vice-President, Cashier, - Z. F. Moody Ciiarlkh Hilton M. A. Moody 2u' rererrnrx. b-n! Cleveland, hast all the manhood and in explanation a,i1 pr.t , ... ,,. , , ucrciiut;iiiTC in liic pari. vie are looit; maUU iat)irtlj frev. ERIE MEDICAL CI BUFFALO. N. V. WEBSTER'S INTERNA TIOXAL I DICTIOXAIi Abvtmttof 'th Tvmtt. " I U U b T ( ." r; C d . " in revi-int:, J'i t-its-rnc"" ..arl more t .u i,i) exiitafcU. Everybody shiM ova till Jif-tionan-. It an-wt-M all (jutionii concerning the hia-tr-, eiiling, pr nuiirtat ton, anl xuoariHiLr of woni. A Lihrarvin Itself, it ai th ott?n Jrrre'i information conwrnine erinne;it; act roiM-crnuuf tiw wnmtri. cities, fmn. ami natural a t ii rt-- of the pi le : larticular. conrnin not-d tlrtni.iis i5nwrtt anH places: trans lation of forcitn quotations, words, and jrvrln ; ere. etc., etc. Thin Work i Invaluable in tbe hoiim-bold, and to tl teacher, achoiar, pro feasijnal inaii.aiid aelf-eJuctor. bold ht A'f hftktll:r. O. A C. Merriam Co. J'viiisher, "VSTBSTFTTS LNTERXitlTClNiU, I t P (,o not htiTheapThnn. frihK repriauot auueot C'Jr!Mrnd forf reo pnwpectoa. General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Hold on NEW YORK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, Ofi. 'olleetions made on favorable terms ii ml Hr-rt-fxible points. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKA.Nr.ACT A X KS K K A 1. K A N K 1 Nit HI'SINKw One Year, ONLY- $1.75.- SHOE FACTORS T For Sale at a Bargain. Tlu untlorsiiit'tl, liavinp sc'iir('(l the machinery and lixtures of what was intended for a first-class shoe factory, will sell the Kime at a har'rain. J I ore is an enpine ami boiler of -10-odd horse power, and a lar-ie amount of shoe machinery, lasts, line shaftini:, pulleys, heltiiig and funl iiiLrs almost a complete shoe factory. 1 1 ere is also one of the hest sites for successfully oper ating a factory of this kind to he found m this country. Write for particulars at once, to THROUGH FrclsmamiPa!i Through Tri-Weokly ,g cepted) lietwmm The JHdleaTA laud. Steamer Uegulator lL Dalles at 7 a. m., "i Mondays, Wednesdays tndFri connecting at the Cusrads Ui.j Steamer Dal In Citv. HtI 1 Citv leaves Portland (Yimhi1 . at H a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and KttiaJ coiiiim-iing wiin Meiininr R(jrJ 'ANHKM1KK KATIi. One way Kound trip. Freight Rales GreRete A 11 freight, exiepi rar k will be brought through, out delay at Cascades. niiipmunis lor irortiand m, anv time day or night. Hhir way landings must lie ilolim, n p. ni. l.ivn stock shiDDisnUi Call on or address, w. c. 9-1 J Tlio DnlloH, 9 Or. ALLAWM O.a B letters of Credit irrMieil available in Katern State. h Sight Kxchanve and Telegraphic transfers soliton New York, Chicatro, St. Imii", San Francisco, Portland tjregon, heattle ash., and various points in Or evon and Washington. Collections made at all point on fav orable terms. liars, lickspittles, mudsills. We have no business to want anything or to say anything. Last year we favored free silver, and now we have to oppose it. We favored it then because we thought it was right. We oppose it now, most adored roaster, liecause thou tellest lis to. Ain't we a honey of the first water? Did ever dog serve his master more faithfully? Did ever a dog get less for it? Oh, mighty master, we are ever ready to serve thee and party. All the nav we ask is to lx untied on lh h?-lt bv some local tvoliti.-i-n .ml .1U,I . I A General liauking Husiiiess transactor i - - . . -. H good democrat. We ain't got any sense. . s. eCH!r;a. Hrwlilent. J. W I'. r K.O.N Caanitpr. First Jlational Bank. :he dalles. - - OREGON raHHHMaBamiaaiBMi J Careati. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all fat. J nt buuacaa conducted (or Mooraarc Fees. Ou Omee i Oroarrc U.S. aTiiT Orrtct arid we caa aecure patent la leaa Ume Utau Uiuae f icmotlrooi Waahinitoo. bead model, drawing or photo., with dewrip- Jtiou. We adriae, l patentable or not. tree oli coarjre. Oar ee not due till patent le secured. J A Paaimtirr, "How to Obtain Patent," with J coat ol same in the L. S. and foreign countries 2 4 aenc flee. Address, t IC.A.SNOWdrCOJ The St Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been re papered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 17U rooms and . supplied with every modern convenience. Kate reasonable. A good restaurant attacher to the house. Frer bus to and from ah train. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. We don't want any, only enough to vote the ticket. It don't take any sense to be a good democrat. What a joyful thought! We don't have to think. We don't have to worry. Our work is all mapped out for us. AH that is expected is to do what we are told to do. We thank thee, oh Cleveland, that we are democrats. We thank thee for the panic. We thank thee for the hungry and idle men and women in the land. We thank thee for low prices. We thank thee for the banks that have busted and the thousands of business failures since thou has come into power. We thank thee for hard times. We thank thee for the rags our children wear. We thank thee for the clothes our wives need and can'tget. We thank thee for what thou hast done for the banker and what thou hast not done for the people. We thank thee for all these things because it is our duty as a good democrat to do so. It may be "against the grain," but we will take our med icine. We will work our wives to death, j starve our children, sacrifice our homes, crucify liberty and kill prosperity, will never go back on our dear party, and on thee, our most adored Cleveland. Thou art of more account than all of us put to gether. Thou knowest more than the south and west. Callus fools; spit in our faces; wie your feet on lis; we will love thee all the more. Anil now, our great political father, we leave us in thy care. Io with us as thou wilt. Kick silver Into the middle of the next century; give more privileges to the national banks; issue more bonds; pre serve the Mckinley bill; establish state banks; foster trusts ; bribe congressmen with patronage; fish whenever thou wilt, and hunt snipe whenever thou carest to, and we will indorse everything thou iloest, carry Cleveland rooler, campaign torches and foreverinote sing thy praise. Amen. leositJ received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francitro and Port land. UIKBCTOKS D. I". Thompson. Jko. r. m.hknck F)o. M. Williams, A Lima. H. M. Bkall. W. H. YOUNG, Oeneral Itlacksinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality THiri Street opp. Hebe's oM Stand. C. F. STEPHENS, JrREE! rREE!! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... oj lvife-Sice Crayon, Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itsell TIIK DA1.I.LKS, OH. Familiar Faces in a A'eiv Place J. K. HAKNH'JT C. K. HAYAKI), Lalt Sptcial Aytitt iir.nernl l.nml Ojilir?. F. LAUGHLIN. (leneral M aaaftf THE DALLES. - ORE 1 From TERMINAL or WTESIOR Pi I TIIK irtta Pi R7SIL.ROJTD la tlie line fc stir TO ALL I'OINTS M ill 1 It l th Pllilnx Car Kmile. It ran ellhulwl lraliiaeryuaTtUt pt. pauI and NO CIIANliK Or tAHl :nmiKm1 of Mnlnr. Cars """"'V! ninn lirawlna Kiaim tilonwraof lawi8". J ID UW nrj TOURIST SLEEPING Cffi U-a. .Ka 1 Ml, .trilfll'd. SS4 !t " aT.miTn,.latl'Mi mm btith '"""'t Inr biililuranl First anil Bwniiil-ciali IQyctx-cl eft? 33ctrxxott, Jl?e leal Estate, Ipar), Iuraee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTAIIY PTJDIjIO. lln.rm ln...,., .1.,... ...I..!. ... L.' . 1 1 . '. I ft .... a i. . v.. j i,.i.jii,w liii-v Winn li rM-ii iir i rune. iioiimiu t.n iLioif r Attract of Iitle furnished, will find it to their iilvniitjtgi? to eit.ll on us. we aliall make a Hpei-nilt.y of the tirrweiiitioii of Clnn,, r,.i,.u U'toro the Lnitep Ktutes Land Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. DKALKR IN DRY GOODS CLQTHING Fancg Ijood?, Jlotiong, PAUL KREFT & CO., DKALKKS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And thn Most Complete and the latest l'atterns and Delgn in WJJLmJLm DF F 1EL . T"Praetical Painters and Paner HanvHrs. ,.n i,t i ..i Ul ir:ii: ' , . - " V" - " i m r,..nrwm-,T, , j. . Aiasury s l airits usetl in all jur work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masi.ry Ll.iuid Paints. Nc chemical combination or soap mixture. A lirst class article in all colors. AI orders promptly attended to. w Paint 8hoo ooroer Third and WaahinRton 8u The Dalles Oras-oi Kte. Kte. Ktc., Second St., The Dalles. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Urewery is now turning out the best lleer and Tortei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful lleer have Wn introduced, and on y the first-class article will lie p aced o he markt. ELEGAST EAI a fiiiiMm, tin minivrtlnfl ei1'1! animlltiK illrw:t and unUilerruil,,l,l Piillmnn Hlmi!t wiraOntu In ailvaiii-a tlir.mgh any airetitoi ten i THROUGH TICKETS Knxlniiil ami Knr.ii inn be poit" tivaet oltloe of Uie coinpanr Full Inlormatlon conwrnlat 'S'iJI'l tralna, mula and other dettiH n"" I aplillvatlon to W. C. ALLAWAT 1 Agent P. P. A. NaT. ;o., Kai1m lallea, Or., or A. I. :HARI.T0N, . A't. totnrl r'asawiie'r YOUR ATTE Iscallud to the fact that i Hagh Glenn Dealer In Gli... Unio, flM";' and HulldLi,; Material of Carrlr i tbe rina V , Picture nHK To b foond In th W UUshingtooS . . .ii t? Times mm" Umt. 1 l'". :z, tri 72 till I 1 1 I L, nw-"")f "' uinnt i in- '" LVImi.I.i.-". men ,h , .t''. II v.m wl-h t reiieli l "' W U.rli.H.I v.m ran t iM l'"er T ,-. Ilirn UK i t leeiiiiimii" :,. ";'. mure tiniu '",:",,,rri''w r ..-r, ami a.lvrlllnif " r limn nth.