THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1893. The Weekly Ghronlele. Kutefmi t the poatortioe l The lallca, Oregon, m aerond rlaa mall mailer. SlHtil'Kll'TlON K.VTKS. Y a tiL. rosTAii raxrAiu, in advance. One year H J? Si mont n . Three months .. W Advertising rntea reatouablv, ami made known on application. Addres all communications to "Til K I'KUON Ji l.K," The Lalle, Otvgou. HTATK OFFICIALS. tj.iTemoi . IVmioyer 8eeriarv o( SlaU) it. W. MrKride Treasurer PhUlit MctM'han Sunt, of Public Instruction 1. 11. McKlroy ,J. N. lvlph HMiator. jj Miu.h.u I It. Hermann VUrraueu W K. Kills State Printer Krana Baacr t'Ol'NTV OFFICIALS. Comitv Judge lieo. ('. BUkeley .T. A. War J f. )i. Croaaen Wm. Ml.-h.-il Uas. linnnrlle fKran Kliica'.d Anhmt Joel . koonti Surveyor K. F. harp Suiwri'nteudeut o( Public School Troy Mielley I '.i roller N. M. haslwotal 8neriil... Clerk Treasurer Commissioner . DEM OCR A TIC IXCOXSIS TEXCIES. The only thing the democrats have to be thankful for this year is that ro j :l I..... I....... h.,1.1 1 ' thing's, " allorded protection to wool, coal, load auJ other artieles, anil they Kuitok CiiKOMi Li luasuiuch an the democratic party of the nation in Its platform of 1S'.2 has denounced repub lican protection as "a fraud and a rob bery of the preut majority of the Ameri can people for the benellt of the few," and that "the federal government has no constitutional power to enact such a law," and that "the McKiuley tariff law was the culiuiuatiiii atrocity of class legislation ;" and inasmuch as the ways and menus committee is formulat ing a tariff act to be reported at the com ing session of congress, free from uncon stitutional provision, their action is a legitimate subject for criticism. The orators of the democratic party profess to be guided by the principles of their predecessors, and especially the doctrines of Jefferson and Jackson, and hence it becomes a fair matter of in quiry how far the democracy has leen faithful to the principles of the'" dis tinguished apostles. As Don Quixote charged full tilt on a Hoi k of sheep, enchanted into Alil'an iaron. Lord of Taprobana, so did the Quixotic democrat of the national con vention charge with fury against the McKiuley law, because, amongst other And now general Lew Wallace is charged with plagiarism in his ''I'rince of India," which it seems has many points of similarity with "The Captain of the Janizaries, ' a novel by Lev. Dr. James M. Ludlow. The Toledo Blade doubts if the charge is well founded. l!oth are based on the fall of Constanti nople in the fifteenth century ; but there certainly is no plagiarism in weaving a story about the events of the historical episode. The recommendation of the president to abolish the fee system in federal courts is one cf the strong points in his message. It should be favored by the adherents of all parties. There is no doubt that the present system works wrongfully often in inducing the iuno cent to commit crime for sake of the fees attached. It is equally certain that many a case is dragged into court that would never come up only for fees. When all officers are salaried they will not be hunting for crime, and will per form their duty under the law none the less. The fullest answer that science can yet give to the three most interesting questions, perhaps ever asked in the world, are explained in an interesting article in the December Forum, by Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, the ethnologist. These questions are: "When did the first man appear?" "By w hat process did lie appear?" and, "Where did he appear?" humming up all that geo logist? and anthropologists know lie ap Veared certainly 50,000 years ago, and it may be as many as 200,000 years ago. '-Tfce evidences of his existence which! date back 50,000 years are unmistakable. ) dure to our countrymen the true princi By wiiat process he came into being, j pies of their constitution and promote a science has no detinite answer. 1 it re- j union of sentiment and cf action equally fuse to accept the doctrine of specific j auspicious to their happiness and creation, it must refuse also, for lack of j safety," thus aflirming the constitu coniDlete evidence, to accent the doc- tionality of a tariff. followed in the footsteps of the eccentric John Randolph, who is reported to have said he would go twenty yards out of his way to kick a sheep. Let us see how General Washington, who had the proud title of "the father of his country," regarded the constitu tional question repudiated by the na tional democracy in the aforesaid plat form : The first act of cougress passed after the adoption of the constitution was an act to provide for the manner of taking the oaths of office at the begin nine of the government. The second had for its title the following words: "Whereas, it is necessary for the sup port of government, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encouragement and protection of manufactures that the duties be laid on goods, wares and merchandise imported, be it enacted, etc., etc." Washington wore a coat of domestic cloth on the day of his inauguration, thus giving an ob ject lesson to the legislators of after times as to the means of promoting our national prosperity. Fresh from the national convention, can any one not blinded by party bigotry believe that Washington would have signed the bill if he had any doubt about its constitu tionality? In his second annual message Thomas Jefferson, to whom the democratic ora tors refer as proof of the orthodoxy of their political sentiments, stated his views as follows : "To foster our fish eries as nurseries of navigation for the nurture of man and protect the manu factures adapted to our circumstances." "By continuing to make these the rule of our action we shall en- tion principle. Under the protection principle embraced In the tariff of 1S'.), 1824 and 1S28 manufacturers flourished ami the public debt was rapidly diminished. Calhoun was in favor of protection lu lSlOand 1S2L He Mid: "Afford to in genuity and industry immediate and ample protection and they will not fall to give a preference to this free and happy country." In 1631, however, when he got the presidential bee in his cap, ho was opposed to the principle of protection. Mr. Clay's compromise bill in ISiS for the preservation of the manu facturers of the country was on trial. It provided for a reduction of ad valorem duties of 20 per cent, every two years until the 30th day of June, 184?. when all duties should lie reduced to a maxi mum of "0 per cent. The object of Mr. Clay was to save all he could of tho pro tective policy, and to postpone all further action on It till a more auspicious day." Mr. Clayton insisted that Mr. Calhoun should rote for the bill, which with great reluctance he did, hut previous thereto he went all lengths against the protective principle, stigmatising it us unconstitutional, oppressive to the south, an evil "inveterate and dan gerous." So incensed was Jackson at Calhoun that in his last sickness he declared that in reflecting upon his administration he Kini;si.k, Dec. 1, IMU. chiefly regretted that he had not exe- Prom oar Kmirsloy c.-rtep n i'nt. cited Calhoun for treason. "My The neighborhood of Kingslcy is hav country," said the general, "would have j ing a long spell of rainy weather. It bus sustained me in the act and his fate ( rained almost without ceasing fur the would have been a warning to traitors j lust six days. It is not often that the for all time to come." I XB'1 liidge people get too much rain, Thus it apiears that for more than but now they are all crying for a halt, one hundred years the protection prin- Those religiously inclined are sending ciple has been maintained, the only petitions up to the Kuler of the universe efforts to abrogate it having been made to halt, while the timid ones are pro- MARKET REPORT. Tl'ksoAV, Pec. 5. Tho local market Is practically quiet in all directions. Hiisl liens lias resolved itself into that of small transactions. Trices of all kind of stapl.ts are unchanged. seem to lluctuate on the market, owing to the supply and demand, and prices vary as the supply varies. Some dealers quote '.'" to 2S cent per ihuen and others quote "JX to 30 cenis. The butter market is sluggish and quotations normal. Tho vegetable market is quiet mid prices continue steady, while p..tnlnes arequotalile at .V) to till cent" .1 -acK it is conceeded that un iidvan -e i;iu-i fol low the low quotations in the futuie as the valley product has been injured by the fall rains. Tho fruit market is fairi:n a stiif tendency with a disposition to mlvuine prices for gixid keepers fur export. The poultry supply is fair an. I quota tions aru unchanged. The grain market has uiidergoin- no changes, unless It may he said thai Hie bears in the east are less stubborn A general tendency denotes a la'tter future outlook for breadstuff. The movement in the Portland market has been more active for tho past few days. Ktliiraley anil Vicinity Wo Will ToVn TlnfltlfTDfl iI71in,,t nil ii ill i a i i iiiiiiii i ii iiiiiiu'i II I I lift II U i vviird IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Cannot use Wheat that is rotten, or growing in the sack. Ue uill fou 50 tfs. per Sa jfe PEASE & MAYS, "!" "" THE DALLES, or. trine of gradual evolution the old Dar winian doctrine. Dr. Brinton thinks the theory of "evolution by a leap" is as good as any other theory. According to this, mau sprung from some high or der of mammal, the great tree-ape per haps, by a freak, just as men of genius are freaks, and as all the vegetable and In a letter to Joseph C. Cabell, dated March ISth, S'1, Mr. Madison writes as follows : "The meaning of the power to regulate commerce is to be sought i" the general use of the phrases ; in other words, in the objects generally under stood to be embraced by the power when it was inserted in the constitution. animal kingdom show freaks. As to The power has been applied in the form where man first appeared, it is beyond 1 of a tariff to the encouraging of particu doubt that his earliest home was in lar domestic occupations by every ex Southern Europe, or Aeia, or North 1 isting commercial nation." It has been Africa. No earlier traces of him have j so used and applied particularly and been found than those found in the area ! systematically b Great Britain, whose that is now Kngland, France and Spain. commercial vocabulary is a parent of rrrrErr j ours. During the eleven years in which an i Every president, from General Wash income tax was imposed in this country j ington to Mr. J. Q. Adams inclusive, as an unavoidable war measure the . has recognized the power of a tariff in amount collected averaged a trifle over j favor of manufactures, without indicat $.0,000,000 per annum, and in 1S0H the ing that a doubt existed anywhere, tax was paid by only 250,000 out of a , A construction of the constitution total population of almost 40,000,000. practiced upon or acknoledged for nearly There would be no objection to the prop-1 forty years has received a national sanc- osition to impose a special tax upon those who are in receipt of the largest incomes and can best afford to bear an additional burden of taxation, if that would be the result of levying an income tax. Fixperience has shown, however, that it does not work that way. Those who are honest and those who draw salaries would pay the tax, but those not over scrupulous and whose exact in comes cannot be readily ascertained tion not to be reversed, but by an evi dence at least equivalent to the national will. When General Jackson was a candi date for presidency the first time, he re ceived a letter from L. II. Colman, dated April, 24th, 1824, which reads as follows : "We are anti-tariff here, and candor re quires me to say that should you be the advocate of a measure to which our in terest is evidently opposed, the zeal with which you have hitherto supported would either escape entirely or pay much less than their just stiarc of the will be relaxed." tax. An inquisitorial tax of this char-1 To which the general replied: "You acter gives rise to fraud, perjury and ask my opinion on the tariff. I answer trouble of all kind, and ought to be re- j I am in favor of a judicious examination sorted to only when all other means of j and revision of it, and so far as the tariff raising revenue prove inadequate to the before us embraces the design of foster- necessities of the government. One ing, protecting and preserving within reason which makes the proposition popular with the democratic congress men is the belief of the southern mem bers that practically all of the tax will l paid by the people of the north, and they enjoy the idea of unloading their share of the burdens of the government upon those who vanquished them in "the late unpleasantness." But the argument which commends this odious tax to the democrats without regard to sectional lines is that an army of agents will lie required to look alter its collec tion and that places will thus be made for thousandsof thefaithiul who are still hungry and thirsty for the spoils of office. ourselves the means of national defense and independence, particularly within the state of war, I would advocate and support it. Heaven has designed our mountains and climate and soil for the growing of hemp and wool. In short, sir, we have been too long subject to the policy of the British merchants. It is time we should become a little more American ized, and instead of feeding the pau)ers and laborers of Europe, feed our own, else in a short time, by continuing our present policy, we shall be paupers our selves." These were the outspoken words of I General Jackson, in favor of the protec- during Calhoun's efforts at nullification, and the late now doctrine announced bv the Chicago platform of the democracy. The cry of "Polk, Dallas and the tariff of lSi'" and the cry of "Polk is a better tariff' man than Henry Clay," was not made on the constitutionality of tiie tariff, but because of a demand for the reduction of duties, made by tho demo cratic party. It will also appear by the foregoing summary that all the predecessors of the democratic orators of the present day were in favor of protection, and none more than McKiuley of Ohio, and Ueed of Maine. phesying a second flood. We hardly think Tygh nidge will 1 flooded, but we believe that the lilerl supply of rain we have had will be the making of the country, for the ground being scarce ol moisture for the last three or four years, needed a thorough soaking, and it certainly has got it. Both grain and grass are doing well. Stock is looking better than I have over seen them look this time of the year. The health of the neighborhood is good. The Kiugsley Sabbath School is closed for this year. Mrs. ltemi Londenu of Kingslcy has returned home from a four weeks' visit The fact is that the republican party, j with friends in the Willamette valley, under whatever name it appeared, was Mrs. Kondeau says that she enjoyed her always in favor of protection, whilst the j visit very much, but she would not ex- democratic party was not, and nuw that i change her Kiugsley home for any place she saw in the Willamette vallev. In. 1. A t.'aletiratffil Ilia. the party has thrown off alt its disguises it is more than ever necessary to use all legitimate means to turn it out of power. This ought not to be difficult to do. The people have become Broused to the in capacity of the present administration. The Hawaii question has become en- ....T...t 1. : -.s i n- three diplomatic agents and requires a j ol circumstances operates against a brave wisdom bevond that of the present ad- i oder and he is convicted ami s-n-ministration for its solution. There is j tencedus a galleyjslavo. "Jack lietiau.l, likely to lie bloodshed there. ' tl,e 1,ero represented in the cast by J.!irati...ithnf HisLilwiilmiMrn. I ' tuttz. It U needless to say he is !. ment has 110 constitutional power to ini The seats were all filled at Wingate hall last night to witness "A Celebrated Case." Iris a thrilling drama of war time in France, wherein a combination pose and collect tariff except for the pur pose of revenue only, "and that the Mc- yond criticism. Hi) has invested the character with a power tinapproached by any living actor, and combines crfeet Kinley tariff law was tho culminating ! naturalness wttn me uramatic atrocity of class legislation" are not likely j of the character. .Mrs. E. Alma Stntt::, to get entire credence even in the demo-1 M "Adrian." ami Llbbie ;Noxon as cratic partv. Manv democrats do not , "Velontiue," showed abilities of a high wish tobecotipled with Calhounand null- j or,lur- w,lil t,,e llort was ample to ideation. The democrats of Alabama.who tain the chief roles. The "Count lie l.iivi. ir-n or., .in, I in. 11 ninnllfMiirpri in I Morney" by H. A. Beldoil, who is a protect; lead miners of Missouri, who want protection for their lead ; the coal miners of West Virginia, who compete with Nova Scotia coal, and the wool growers of Texas. Ohio, Oregon and Cal ifornia, all have such nn interest in the protective principle that their voices will be heard when the tariff bill comes before congress. There will then be music in the air. T. A. Hco.sos. CUKHLXT PRESS COM il EXT. An exchange says a calamity-howler is a statesman out of a job. Now that the world's fair is over, Chicago has returned to the old-fashioned method of sandbagging. Sarah Bernhardt has been pronounced too aged by the Paris people. This looks like a premeditated effort to force Sarah into the ballet, and everybody knows that Sarah was not built for a ballet dancer. The principle of the modern plow was laid down by Thomas Jefferson. A plow consists of two wedges, a cutting wedge and a lifting wedge, and Jefferson dis covered and enunciated the proportions of each and the relation each bore to the other. Before his day no two smiths mado plows alike; now they are made in accordance with a mathematical formula. There is little strictly original matter in the president's message. He rather slurs the Hawaiian matter, and brings out for periodical dusting the old tariff figure. One or two catchy novelties are introduced, and the balance of the mes sage is chiefly mado up of government documents heretofore published. Khiloh's enre, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes A Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 2oc. Children love it. Sold fry Snipes A Kinersly. Hot cl am broth at J. O. Mack's everv dav at 4 o'clock. rlaiiifr nrliat anil , ini.jl t.i )t. lu.lti.r known. The child actress won the hearts of the audience by her artless naivette and really good acting. She is but four years old, and great things are to ljo expected of her when she matures. Two illuminated tableaus intensified the thrilling interest of the play last night, and taken as a wholo, "a Celebrated Case" exceeded expectations, which were of a high standard because it has been played here most meritoriously by home talent. The play tonight is the great emotional drama "East I.ynne." It is a favorite with the ladies, who should supply themselves with a lilieral number of handkerchiefs, for it appeals strongly to the sentiments. Pity for the unfortunate Isabel contends for the mastery, despite her crime against her husband. Miss Nixon, as the eccentric Cornelia, is said to lie the beet delineator of that charac ter in tho United Stales, and is a fitting foil for tho heavy work of J. G. and E. Alma Sclmu. THE UNEMPLOYED. I'eople or Firm In Nl of Help Mhfinlil lleail Thla Mat. Following is a list of people seeking work, who have been registered at Tmk CiiKoNici.K employment bureau. This list will l! published Tuesdays and Fri days. Those procuring work w ill please notify this ofhee, so their names can x; taken out : y. Johns, Thr pull.-., any kind of work. M. l-.'.irN. till" oil m.-m.Iv ultuallMli In wiw mill. Have anetit whole life at It, ami run Klvr beat of refi-reiM'tw. A yoiiiiir Haitflit a restaurant, general Iioiim' work. win. Maxwell, The lialUn, any klml of work. WANTKM Immediately, work of some kind, by a reliable man from the east, must have work at once. Inquire at this ollice. Iluoklan'a Arinra naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 2." cents per lat. For sale by Snipes A Kinersly There is No Undertaker Trust! UU.I. rt'liMHH ANVTIMNt. SKKHKH KIM) VI AN I SDKKTAKFU n rhts,. , P).n pnnil Irniii ttmnm' u tin th itnl lulnti.' lu tin A 'U1 l'n, Hint 1 liuvu h tlu-r rjM 1 1 it v 1 1 1 ix taki-ii tho ii't'wmry niiri' nf lintriirll u in hinU ilinlnx, 1 am jn'jMrl t nil tut t thuf i..-rt n.itti r.i ti.. !. . "'m Cnxx Vo Cnllod Day ox- 2VlKlt. ri .M'I-: iK lil'HINKs.s -comer of Thiol ami Wn.hliiirton lmli. UKdlliCNCK -Cunirrl rilli! V i,-hlliloll hllivtv Alt onti-r 1totottl) HllrlMlitl l'. ncTfitF.s ki:a.mi:i to hui-:k at miiokt not hk. WM. HICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. "Ttt-re is a tide in the affairs oj uu tt which, taken at Us fiooct leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had roforence to the C lo sin a-0 ui Si I -Fiiiire Can at CRANDALL &. CURGET'S, Who are selling these Roods out at greatly-reduced ratn MICIIEU'.ACH r.P.ICK. - I'NION ST. Illlla Alliiwail. The following bills were allowed the council meeting Saturday night: Ibmplaa Diifur, recorder Pan .Maloney, mnrshal W A Maddron, t commissioner (ieo Drown, eintinecr fire dopt I I Duriti't. treasurer .1 S Fi"h, lire warden V K Drown, labor A Ki'0e, labor F M Kiiitf, latior J Millatd. lubor. John I'liares, labor Ilan Fisher, lalxir A A I'rquhart, lalmr . Antone Knucklcy, lulmr ('has Allison, lalior . E llavis, labor . . . . Wm Morgan, labor ......... Tony Ulaiiml. lalior . . .... Valentine Hoi lalor .los T Peters o: Co, liidse Ilallcs l.ttmherini; Co, indw liiinninir i'c ihx'kmnn, luUir. . . . IVaw A Mny, nidse V 11 Youmt, labor Maier V Denton, nidse Mays A Crowe, mdsn .Joles Dros, linNe lialles Elect tic Tel & P Co, light iliK street . Dalles City W'iCr Works, wuter rent . Dalles i:ie,-t i ic I . i ,c P Co, light ing ol!ii-c Maya A Crow.-, Inlatr .......... A M Williams v. Co, milse . . Dalles Electric Tel A P Co, light ing lire dept (ieo J Drown, sawing wood. ... doles Dros, mdse Maier A Denton, mdse II dough, lulair Jos T Peters A Co, mdse ... Mnv A Crowe, mdso 11 I. tiregory A Co, mdse Dr () D Donne, profcsssional services Snies A Kinersly, mdse Sinnott A Fish, prisoners' meals It V (iibotis, night watch J D IIarier, night watch ltM) It'll Tli no -'" I'J :iu "I I 1 20 I 1M IS 4 lo :i l "ii t; i r, :t 2ri lit ; (H) no 1 ;,.; nil ! Oil : 11 1 00 ! to I'll I H,i 01) I no no 1 no no CO ; oil CO (HI j !0 j t:: ! 10 I 00 ; rr i :;h 2!m to I 10 ".' 00 oo no 50 ii." 40 oO J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Of pro Mollies, Iowa, writ. ntiuVr data ol Mareli 23, lft'J-l: S. 15. Mho. Mro. Co., Dufur, Oregon. (initUme.n : Un arriving home last week, J found nil well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 118 ikhiiiiIs, is now well, stront? arid vigorous, and well fleshed up. S, 11. Cough Cure has done its work well. Jioth of the children like it. Your S. D. Coitoh Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo are Yours, Mk. A Mum. J. F". Folio. If yon w'.uli to fuel Crush anilctii-vrfiil.aiiil warty for IhoMprlnn'a aork, cloanae your synU-m with the lluailarlie and l.lver Cure, by taking two Of three doMeach wtok. Hold uinlvr a pnaltlve unaranuw. 60 cunta par bottle by all ilruggLata. WOOD! WOOD! IVtlOIII Dcst grades oak, fir, pine and wood. Ollice Di.'l Second street. orders promptly at landed to. tf Maikh A Dknton. slab All Nntas l.oat. I.ost, two notes payable to J. C. Meins. All persons are warned not to purchase said notes. dlw J. C. Mkins. 11 urait. Moore's ranch, about thrmoiilwaoutU of The Dalles, has iimxcellt-il (nrw and any one who desires lo avail ttiem- selves nf the fact can secure rrawHuUi terms upon application. 17tl NOTICE. I'. H. I.anii (iKrn a, Tim lu.. fit.. N..v. I. Ivu i Cootjiliitnt hnthiif !vn riiti-ml ttit. itffm liy nxilih'V . i-mlllt uiMlot l IIIhhi Amw In ntftlHlMi!ii; In- !nUM'li'Mil KfJtrr ',t?j., i.-il"l M.-h. II. IV1I. iiuno Un- Ml', ftmrtl-ml, 1oiviiMi North. Kiiiik-' I:' .(. In lluti count'.. ortK'in, Mlth u l' Ut Ifw riirJItii'ii ol tuilil II try . I In- Mhl nrtti ilv htrrly won lllolitll til ItlilM.iir nt I lift ofTi.Tim lift, l.tii.uiv 01 Itai'tMiilH.r. 1- li. at lo , i fli-k X. M.. bi tvtiiit im.t lofiilli liitimoiiv ronivrtiiitt tin! lliKl illMllll.lllllO'lll. .urns w . i.r.wis, Kitutn Administrator's Notice Notliv l hrii'hv Kl veil that tti- lilf h.i. iwn ilnly ati'"lnt.ii hy ne ll'iia I i mi n l v Court of iim-o r.Minty. on-"i riilin.crnlor nl thr itnl.i of Jnhii btlat, X Whm'ii fOIt , null now ll.fMNtll. All ktoiih hitvliiK PhilniN itaiLlil Mwn" will r.' llifiu. iluly .tiioiI. Utmri: olton ol tho ' oluiuMa rafkmir I 'oinwri thociiiiinr of Third anil Wa-hiuutoii twt' Imllin City, i-.inniy, or..111, alitus motitlo, (rooi IlifdnUi ol tiiU tinUr1 Imu-d at ImlU". ( Ilv. or., ! .'. I"1 K. c. I'lllllMll ol fj'ij.l Ailui r wiUilc ol John UrUkikri Administrator's Sale. iMiprva., thr llonornlila Coiinlv ( wirt "1 HtaU'ol lln-;..n. dir a-o nninty, on l iluv of Novemlif-r. IV:, dlllv mail.' ' rnMliis in", the niuli-rlKiiil, 1 1- "Inly apa it I, aud art 1 1 ik ! it ltrat" " rolaU'ol VV llllnlll A. All.rn, dtwaanl. "-' lallilft and lin'liilft.Ni lMiioiKlliir lo Mll ti,, h.T.'ioiilt. r ilf-rlla-d, at imlillr aurtKai.tJ" hlclmt litildiT, for h III hand ".' fofi-, In iMimuaiii'v of Mild order and uUh".' will, on thu ll day of January, isat. at tho hour of two iilo'k In the I'"'"' aid day. at tho (rout door of thl L houw III liallm Cltv, WaMoollllO.T'' , nt piililic aui'llon to tho li'iilit hid 'r In hand, Iho landa ami l.noill" " It mid ptal. and Miilicillatly ilf Irwii, tihwtt, . g 1 ho Miiitiii'.'.nt iiunrtor and the nortl"'"'1." ter of tlm antithMmt iUMrt..r ol Kttvr;t lowmliKt. I north, ol : xiiko 1:1 t. lillnrttx M-lldlatl. Ill aco nuillt'i coiiiaiiilii' Jin aor.n, mora or ! o' arlhor Willi nil and niilar Ilia llnpnir m tiivrvoii. Haul salt will Im mad anbjt ' ,' proval and conlirmiilloii of Hi" 1 l. oil 1 1. , . (til luit'ilat KnC. i Clly, Wniwo count), "' 2itfl dnv of NovamtMM, 1'' l- , .UHs l.KOItliK A Ailiirrratateof Win. A. A I .itdiij! J NEW LIndertakiis Establishmcflt! PIIINZ & NITSCIIKJ PKAbEBH IN Furniture and Carpets ... . . . ...I ... our l"''BtJ e nave auuru . i. ,i,ii(tia'n': somplete Underladinir anil bs we are in no w. v the Undertakers' Trust, our P bo low occor liniflv.