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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1893)
11 w JH Ellis $Hi& PART X. VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER G, 18U FOUGHT IIISWAY OUT Hello Has Sailed Witt Vessels. His War I'lEXOTO HAS NOT BEEN KILLED The Thrilling Experience of the Spok ane Hunting Tarty, Nearly Given ud for Lost. I.undos, IK'C. 1. Advices from Rio Janerlo sav there Ih no truth in the report tliat President Peixoto whs assas sinated, lie i toduy engaged in re pairing dangerous breaches in t he forts and earthwork ashore. The dispatch contains a report that Mello left Rio with H portloi' ( Iiih fleet to intercept vessels cpiniiig to Pcixoto's aid. There whh some des;- rate lighting liotween the relwl ships ninl tlx forts ot the entrance to tin- harbor as Mullo tried to go out. The lire of the fortH whh well directed, and Mullo succeeded in getting pant only uf'.er his flagship had been severely damaged. (Mice outside he steamed southwardly, hut it is'lmlieved this was a runt!, and ttutt the udntirnl changed his courHe an noon usout of Hiht. It i ported thut Mcllo in not wared at tl.. in ported power of the dynamite pun on board one of the vessels of the relieving wnudron. He took with him a nuuilier tl (ant team launches for use in the Mining encounter. It IB said Mello hue a much more wholesome fear of the fust torpedo-lxmta which the coining squud ron brings witli it. I.OMr 1IINTIM1 1'AItTV. Tli Thrilling- r.xiierlenee of Vuung I'm-lln will KrleuilA. Kkniikick, Idaiio, Dec. I. The so cnlied loHt hunting party in the Hitter Hoot mountains of Idaho, w hose reHCue linn excited so much interest during the pHHt few weeks, was organised !y Mr. V. K. Curlin last summer. The jiurty consisted of W. K. Carlin, son of Brigadier-General William I. Carlin; J. II. Peirce, brother-in-law of Mr. Carlin; and A. L. A. Himmelwright, secretary of the Columbia Granite company of New York City. They secured their out fit in Spokane, and engaged Martin spencer as guide, and George Colgate, of I'ost Falls, as cook. They proceeded by train to Kendrick, Idaho, and, with ten rayuscs and five weeks' provisions started out from thut point on Septeni' her 18. The route was by way of Knell's Mill, YVeippe, Brown's creek, Mussel Shell creek, and thence via Lo I.o truil to what are known as the Indian post- oflices,55 miles from Mussel Shell creek. At this point a trail branches from the IO Ia trail, and leads to the warm springs on the Cleurwater river. The destination of the party was reached on September 2(i. Although it rained steadily for 13 days, which interfered considerably with the pleasure of hunt ing, the parly met with great success, and on October 11) started on the return trip over the a l.o trail. After reaching the top of the first ridge parallel to the Clearwater river, 2.' feet of snow was (mind, and the guide estimated that the now would le four feet deep on the higher portions of the I-o Lo trail. Should the horses become exhausted from lack ol fund, the party would lie compelled to walk the Imlunce of the distance to Mussel Shell creek, and as the cook was tick and unable to walk, his position in ' NiWiase would he very serious. Thev decided to build rafts and went ''own the river in this way 22 miles when I'oniilers and swift water made further (""Kress impracticable. It was there "l"n decided to abandon the rafts nnd proceed the remaining distance of about to miles on foot. The cook at that time 'is in a semi-conscious condition, mor tification having set in in his legs below the knees. Only eight days' provisions were left, and as the cook could not pos sibly live but a few days longer and was besides perfectly helpless, he was made ah comfortable lis possible and the rest of the party began the journey on foot. The shores of the river were a mass of ragged rocks on which one could get at best only an uncertain foothold. Fre quently a large projecting clilf would atig over the river, and an hour or more would be consumed in surmount ing it. Ou the third day after abandon ing the raft the party reached the liluck anyun, which proved to be eight miles ln length. The river there haa almost vertical walls, varying from 2o0 to 1,000 'cet in height. Clinging to bushes and "'mill saplings with a footing sometimes only a few Inches in width, and often many hundred feet above the river, the progress of the nartv was necessarily How Anil ftrlraiiinlf li civil .................. Three days were consumed in passing "'rough the canyon, without shelter or "ftnkots, and sometimes harassed by ; rain and snow. Very little sleep could be secured, ami when on the eighth day the supply of flour was exhausted there was ample cause to feel discouraged. Itut, enfeebled us it was from loss of sleep and scarcity of food, the party pushed bravely on. On the 10th day of their trump, November 22, after having subsisted for two days on tea, three fish and a few berrios, while slowly moving down the river, and when within five miles of the nearest ranch, the party was fortunate enough to meet Lieuten ant Klliott, who was in charge of the relief exjieditions sent out from Van couver burracks. Mr. Elliott immedi ately made camp and cared for the hun gry men. His uniform kindness and solicitude for their comfort was much appreciated. As fust us tiie party was ablo to travel they were hurried onward by bouts on the river to the Indian ferry on the North Fork of the Clearwater river, 24 miles from Kendrick, then by wagon to Suell's Mill and then to Ken drick, where they arrived safely on No vember 80th, and were met by Brigadier-General William P. Carlin. A Murderer Hanged. Ahtokia, Dec. 1. John Reiter, the murderer of Victor Snellman, woe bunged promptly at noon today. He reud in a firm voice a confession ac knowledging the justice of his sentence. JuHt before the trap fell, a large num ber of sheriffs from different parts of the state and about 500 invited citizens from the city and county were admitted w ith in tiie iuclosure and suw the hanging, which went off all right. Ho ascended the steps of the gallows unaided and was given a few minutes time in which to say a few words to the spcteators. In firm tones he said : "I acknowledge my guilt of the crime fur w hieh I am about to suffer death, the justice of the sentence and the im partiality of the judge and jury. I have to thunk Sheriff Smith and his deputies for their kindness. I forgive everybody. I hope that I may myself be forgiven, and all will pray for me. Hnn.Ktliiii In the Coughlin Cane. Chilauo, Dec. 1. The Coughlin case furnished a fresh sensation this morn ing when the attorney for Coughlin pre sented affidavits showing that Juror Fred Crehm swore falsi y in his examination for admission to the jury when" he said he was in Toledo during the time of the Cronin murder. Affidavits showed he whs in Chicago and attended the Cronin funeral. The attorney linked that he be discharged. This, immediately '"'.low ing the dismissal of two jurors at the request of the prosecution for having secured places on the jury in Coughlin's interest, leaves the case in a chaotic condition almoHt unprecedented. MKLI.ll AUA1N TALK!. The Itnliel Ilraclllau Admiral Iue. Mill Another Manifesto. Nkw Yokh, Dec. 3. The Herald this (Sunday) morning prints a communica tion received through Senator Kuy Bur bosn, the exiled Brazilian, who is the leader and recognized mouthpiece of the Brazilian insurgents. It is from Mcllo, the rebel admiral, and was written on lioard the Aquidaban, just before leav ing the harbor of Bio. It reached the Heruld through that paper's correspond ent at Buenos A vres. The communica tion defines, in Admiral Mello's own words, the exact purpose of the revolu tion, and is written at the request of the Herald. The communication says: "I assure you our Bole and unchange able intention, as already stated in my last manifesto, is to establish the repub lican constitutional government, which was destroyed by Peixoto; to promote nutionul peace in all the states of Brazil, and to substitute a civil government for militarism and the awful system devel oped by an actual dictator, who prepares fur our country in this way the tremend ous misfortune common to Spanish com monwealths. All reports about mon archiul pinna as to the navy revolution are absolutely false." Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive real es tate dealor in Des Moines, Iowa, narrow ly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumonia while in the northern part of Iowa during a recent blizzard, says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that he was unable to got warm, and in side of an hour after his return he was threatened with a severe case of pneu monia or lung fever. Mr. Blaizs sent to the nearest drug store and got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, of which he had often beard, and took a number of large doses. He says the ef fect was wonderful and in a short time he wns breathing quite oasily. Ho kept on taking the medicine and the next day he was able to come lo lies Moines. Mr. llluize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. SOME OF TIIE POINTS In President Clcrdantl's Animal Mes sage to Congress. DEVOTED MAIXLY TO ROUTINE Nothing Definite Submitted on the Hawaiian Question Upholds the New Tariff Bill. The C'hlneoe Question The legislation of last year, known as the Geary law, requiring the rcgistra tion of all Chinese laborers entitled to residence in the United States and the deportation of all not complying with the provision of the act within the time prescribed, met with much opposition from Chinamen in this country. Act ing npon the advice of eminent counsel that the law was unconstitutional, the great mass of Chinese laborers, pending judicial inquiry as to its validity, in good faith declined to apply for the cer tificates required (by its provisions. A test npon a proceeding by habeas corpus was brought before the supreme court, and, May 15, 1893, a decision was made by that tribunal sustaining the law. It is believed that under the recent amend inent of the act extending the time for registration, the Chinese laborers there to entitled who desire to reside in this country will now avail themselves of the renewed privilege thus afforded by establishing by lawful procedure their right to remain, and that thereby the necessity of enforced deportation may to a great degree, lie avoided. Tha Hawaiian Affair. It is scarcely necessary for me to state thut the questons arising from our re lations with Hawaii have caused serious embarasement. Just prior to the in stallation of the present administration the existing government of Hawaii had been suddenly overthrown, and a treaty of annexation had been negotiated be. tween the provisional government of the islands and the United Stales, and submitted to the senate for ratification. This treaty I withdrew for examination and dispatched Hon. James II. Blount of Georgia to Honolulu as a special com missioner to make an impartial investi gation of the circumstances attending the change of government and of all conditions bearing upon the subject of the treaty. After a thorough and ex haustive examination, Mr. Blount sub mitted to me his report, showing be yond all question that the constitutional government of Hawaii had been sub verted w ith the active aid of our repre sentative to that government and through the intimidution caused by the presence of an armed naval force of the United States, which was landed for that purpose at the instance of our min ister. INSTRUCTION'S TO WILMS. Upon the facts developed it seemed to me that the only honorable course for our government to pursue was to undo the wrong that bad been done by those representing us, and to restore, as fur as practicable, the status existing at the time of our forcible Intervention. With a view of accomplishing this result, within the constitutional limits of our executive power, and recognizing all our obligations and responsibilities growing out of any changes in the conditions brought about by our unjustifiable in terference, our present minister at Hon olulu has received appropriate Instruc tions to that end. Thus far no informa tion of the accomplishment of .any do finite results bus been received from him. Additional advices are soon ex pected. When received, they will be promptly sent to congress, together with all other information at bond, ac companied by a special executive mes sage detailing the acts necessary to a complete understanding of the case, and presenting a history of all the material events leading up to the present situa tion. The Turin:. After a hard struggle, tariff reform is directly before us. Nothing so import ant claims our attention and nothing so clearly presents itself as both an op portunity and a duty an opportunity to deserve the gratitude of fellow citzens ; a duty imposed upon us by our oft re peated professions and by the emphatic mandate of the poople. After full dis cussion, our countrymen have spoken in favor of this reform, and they have con fided the work of its accomplishment to the hands of those who are solemnly pledged to it. If there is anything in tho theory of a representation in public places of the people and their desires, if political officers are really the servants of the people, and if political promises ' and professions hnve any binding force, our failure to give tbe relief so long 1 awaited will be sheer recreancy. Noth ing should intervene to distract our at tention or disturb our effort until this reform is accomplished by wise and careful legislation. While we should staunchly adhere to the principle that only the necessity of revenue justifies the imposition of tariff duties and other federal taxation, and that they should be limited by strict economy, we cannot clos? our eyes to the fact that conditions have grown up among us which in jus tice and fairness call for discriminating care in the distribution of such duties and taxation as the emergency of our govern ment actually demands. THE INTERESTS OF LAIIOR. The interests of labor are certainly though indirectly involved in this feat ure of our tariff system. The sharp competition and active struggle among our manufacturers to supply the united demand for their goods soon fills the narrow market to which they are con find. Then follows a suspension of the working of mills and factories, a die charge of employes and distress in the homes of our workingmen. Even if the often disproved assertion could be made good that a lower rate of wages would result from free raw material and low tariff duties, the intelligence of our workingmen leads them quickly to (lis cover that their steady employment, if permitted by free materials, is the most important factor in their relation to tariff legislation. NEWS NOTES. Snow is spoiling world's fair exhibits. Van Alen has declined the ministry to Italy. The territories of bt,ab, New Mexico and Arizona will make an effort, this session-of congress to be admitted into statehood. Hon. W. II. Claggett, who contested the seat of Dubois in the United States senate, has gone over to the populists, body and soul. O. P. Mason and B. P. Watson, of the defunct Sunday Mercury, were each sentenced yesterday to one year in the jail of Multnomah county. Senator Dolph will fire the first gun in the tariff debate, which is expected to begin today. In the house Representa tives Hermann and Ellis will be on hand with their petards. From dispatches received from Ger many and the East it looks as if the Union Pacific would be segregated some what. In that event the old O. R. & N. Co. may be themselves again. Prof. John Tyndall died at his home in ilaeiemere, county ol fcurrey, last evening, ilia death was Hastened by a severe cold. He was born at Leighlan Bridge, near Carlow, Ireland, August 21, 1820. The result of the appointment of a re ceiver to operate as a separate system the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf rail way, many men believe, will be the dis memberment of what is known at pres ent as the Union Pacific svstem. The reading of the message in con gress yesterday excited but little inter est, until the Hawaiian part was begun, when the senators generally pricked up their ears and leaned forward in their seats with an air of close attention. Real Kstate Transfer!. J. O. Divers to A. S. Blowers nw1 nw'4 sec. 29, tp 2 north, range 10 east ; 300. J. O. Divers to A. S. Blowers sw1- se'i sec. 20, d ne'i, e,'.i nw.'a and se'i nw,'4 sec. 20, tp 2 north, range 10 east; f3,000. Wm. T. Rogers and Celia Rogers fifth interest ne1 sw'4 and lots 3, 6 and 7, sec. 6, tp 1 north, range 13 east; 1200. Henry S. Ward to Eliza J. Ward un divided half of lots E and F, block 40, Ft. Dalles Military Reserve; fl. Lark in and Mary Vanderpool to Jose phine I. Johnston, lot 1, block 6, Dufur; 150. E. B. Dufur and A. J. Dufur and wives to T. H. Johnston, block 3, 2d addition lo Dufur; $225. A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It w ill cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. So'ci by Snipes & Kinersly. Captain Sweeney, Diego, Cal., says: ' U. S. A., San 'Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cU. Sold by Snipes & lvinersiy. PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Submitted to tbe Congress of tns United States Today. Dl'XIUR GUILTY OF SMUGGLING The Jury Decides Against Him on Six Counts Big Fire in Baltimore. Washington. D. C, Dec. 4. The president submitted his message to con gress today. It is a very lengthy docu ment, covering a wider range of euhjects than tho one submitted to the special congress in September. Of paramount interest is his attitude on the Hawaiian question. He stoutly maintains his former position taken, and intimates that developments will vindicate all his actions. Of special importance is his advocacy of the abolishment of all fees pertaining to federal courts. He is an tagonistic to the fee system and urges congress to formulate the necessary leg islation looking to its abolishment. The subject promises to become fruitful. Duuhar Convicted. Pobtland, Or., Dec. 3. William Dun bar has been convicted on six of four teen counts contained in the first two indictments against him for opium smuggling. His case went to the jury at 9 :i!0 o'clock last evening, and an hour and a half later the verdict was returned. Elaborate arguments, both for the prose cution and defenee, were made Satur day, and the judge gave his charge to the jury, concerning the evidence and what to do with it. McGinn for the de fense, set up a claim of great respecta bility for Dunbar, and exhausted the vocabulary of appiobrious epithets in his search for synonyms to apply to Blum. BIG HUB IN ItALTIMOKK. The Loss Is Kstlmatetl at Nearly Haifa Million Dollsru. Baltimobe, Md., Dec. 2. Fire con sumed $400,000 worth of property in West Baltimore tonight. A general alarm was sent in from Lombard and Paca streets about 5 o'clock. Within two hours the commercial world was bereft of eome of its stellar enterprises, and a localitv renowned for its historic surroundings and imposing edifices was wiped out by the dreadful fire. Hun dreds of wage-earners had just been dis missed for the day when the cry of fire rang through the six-story double build ing at South Paca street and Cedar alley. Number 34 South Paca street was occu pied by three firms, the Deutsche Lith ogranh company, the drawers and over all factory of Juhn & Co., and the shoe factory of Charles Heiser. ' Nearly all the employes had departed before the fire alarm had been sounded, but when the flames were discovered eating their way along the ceiling Annie Taylor be came frenzied and leaped from a second storv window to the ground. She is dangerously injured. The firemen worked hard to save the I.angfelder building, but were battling against si much tinder. The flames spread to 3ti Sjuth Paca and that building was doomed. Sheet after sheet of flame swept in the direction of the university of Maryland buildings, but were fought back each time until the rear walls of the Heiser building fell upon the roof of the dissecting building with a crash. This decided the fate of the lalwratory, and in a short time the entire building was gutted. For five hours tbe city was illuminated by the blaze. The four- story double warehouse and luetory ot M. S. Levy fe Son, manufacturers and wholesalers of straw hats, Lombard street, was partly damaged by fire, while the stock is also injured by water. The rear part of John Dotterweiclie'e three-story saloon and dwelling was crushed by falling walls. Several other ailjaient buildings were more or less badly damaged. The total loss is es timated at $400,000, with insurance of $250,000. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74c Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power.. ABSC1WTEIY PURE NEWS OF THE STATE. Canada wants free trade. Prineville, a town of about 1,200 in habitants, has no free schools this year. Police Inspector Colson was fatally wounded in Paris while arresting an anarchist. Dunbar's trial is progressing in Port land for smuggling. A great deal of evidence was produced at the trial against him. The coldest places, according to the weather bureau yesterday morning, are: Prince Albert, Canada, 42 deg. below; Bismarck, N. D 22 deg.; Moorhead, Minn., 24 deg. The weather in the Middle Northwest is phenomenally cold for this time of year. The mercury touched 20 below zero at St. Paul yesterday morning, while thermometers in exposed places marked as low as 38 to 40 below. Messrs. Louis, Henry and Chas. Schadewitz, of Kent, recently leased 3,100 shee.n from S. Houser, of Tygh valley, also the Houser ranch in Wasco county. Messrs. Schraderwitz will run their sheep on the home range near Kent and on the Wasco county range. Moro Observer. In his annual report, Secretary of the Navy Herbert shows that the total num ber of serviceable war vessels now in the United States navy is 41, 15 of which are armored. In addition, there are 64 vessels on the list, mostly wooden cruis ers, tugs and antiquated monitors that are set down as unserviceable for war purposes. The United States is now seventh in the rank of naval powers. Out of 21 varieties of Oregon wheat exhibited at the world's fair, Supt. W. Savage, of the agricultural department, says the judges found that 19 averaged 02 pounds to the bushel, one weighed 03)a pounds and another (spring Aheat) went 5S pounds. Tho judges said that not one-half of the wheat by the other states was holding up to the standard weight 60 pounds. Two samples of Oregon oats went 52Ja. This is certainly a grand showing when it is remembered that the standard weight for oats is 36 pounds. Oregon barley went 51 ponnde. on the scales, being 3 pounds above the. standard weight. The exploit of the freight train tourists in foraging upon the gardens, hen-roost9 and orchards of Southern Oregon which are luckless enough to lie near the railroad track have been mentioned from time to time in tho local press, 1H the most picturesque piece of piracy yet" noted was reported the other day from Chub Nichol's place a wood station south of Riddles. While the south freight stopped there to wood-up, the tramps picked np one of Nichol's 200-lb, hogs, smothered its squeals, carried it into a cattle car where they were congre gated, and killed, cleaned, cooked and ate it in the car. They piled stones 011 the floor of the car on which to build the fire, and cooked tbe meat in in the regular hobo-coal-oil-can stew kettles. ti iiHmnteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery Iir Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with a Cough. Cold or anv Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, ami w ill use this remedy as directed, giving it u fail trial, Bnd ex perience no benefit, you may return the) liottle Hnd have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It neverdisappoints. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's. liENTi.KHKN: HrtViiiR feulteml a great ileal from iH'tMliH'he for years mid bclitf utinlile to xvt 1,'Uef until it wouh! ivrar away ,!' itfcelf. I miv krause'4 MrmlaWit' Capsules Hili'ertise.1. 1 t'lr'l liu'in, alMl now am never without idem, flmliiiy; it tiie oiilyreini'dy Hint will give reliel. When I now tin 1 a liemUehe eoniium on I taltu ft euMilo rtnd Mlwny find the relief InctantHueoiis, Ho--peeifuily yoins, (, H., HoMon, Mas. 1 he atiove letter Is only one ol the many which go to prove the remarkable Itenelits received from the m.e of Kraue's lleaduche rsj.HUles. Any iiersnu unite' iug irom headache should proeum lhee "ai'Mlles at nnee. lleware of imit.itions. l'he genuine are sold only in hone- mid have the wotd Krameon ttielats'): none other genuine. Hold by Snines A Kinersly. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dul- ton ot l.uruy, uussell county, Kan., called at the laboratory of Chamberlain A Co., Des Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, whose life bad been saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, t having cured him of a very severe at tack of croup. Mr. Dal ton is curtain that it caved his boy's life and is enthu siastic in his praise of the Remedy. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. -Latest LJ. S. Gov't Report n e