The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 02, 1893, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
There ia a bill pending in congress
providing (or the Issuing of postal frac
tional currency, in denominations of 5,
10. 25 and 50 cents. This Is intended to
furnish the public with a convenient
form of money for transmission through
the mails. It is to displace the postal
notes, which are to be withdrawn from
ale on January 1, 1S4. This fractional
postal currency will be furnished at
its face value and without the formality
now necessary to get a postal note
There are branches of business involving
mall transactions which would be sen
iWy aided by such a currency for in
closure in letters.
It is reported that a movement is on
foot, with its headquarters at Pittsburg,
to girdle toe earth with a series of re
ligious conventions on the 1900th anni
versary of the Christian era. A great
expedition will start out, numbering, it
la thought, some 1,000 persons, who will
go entirely around the world holding
rousing religious services at (every iuv
portant stopping place. The first ser
vice will be heid in ban Francisco, and
the last in New York. Bombay, Jerusa
lem, Rome and London will be taken in
on the way. The services are to be en
tirely non-eectarian. Several weeks will
elapse between each service, and it is
calculated that the expedition will take
a year in making its rounds, and that it
will cost each of the crusaders about
Professor Joseph B. Witherbee, writ
ing in the Popular Science Monthly, calls
for universal reform in penmanship.
He says the demand among business
men now is for style of penmanship that
can be written rapidly and that can be
easily read. The present fashion, with
its sloping letters, is so far from meeting
these requirements that commercial
firms complain boys now do not begin
to write so well as the boys of a genera
tion ago did.
The kind of hand that will fill the bill
Professor Witherbee finds in the straight
np and down style, the letters being
written without tendency to slant in any
direction. He claims that this is the
natural style, and that the slanting
chirography is only obtained after long
and painful effort on the part of the
pupil. The vertical handwriting is much
wore easily read than the sloping one,
just as the plain letters of ordinary print
are more easily read than italics.
In England the reform has so far pro
gressed that the civil service examiners
require the upright writing on the part
of applicants and will accept no other.
This is on account of its greater legibility.
Vertical style copybooks have already
been published in England, and on the
whole we may look upon this as the
handwriting of the futnre.
cleverness to bear upon the clearness oj
her complexion, upou the freedom of
her graceful figure, and upon the per
fection of her health, as well as hu
her art or her profession.
An eminent electrician is quoted as
authority for the oplniou that "there Is
no danger from lightning If an umbrella
be carried during the storm and brass
chains hung from the ribs." Electri
city no doubt in its applied forma is
going to solve a good many problems of
life, economic or otherwise, and it
seems almost a pity that the present
season is too far advanced to give this
method of protection the trial it de
serves. Meanwhile, says an exchange,
there is food for picturesque reflection in
badirer. 2.V; polecat. 2oc(r4-c;
won house cat, lOvca -Joc ea.
Keep Moving and ltrt KiU ttach the
rtrat '.efte. WaUla;.
There are co,amiPS4 remedies tug
pested to '..he cafcick traveler by
mount, of. which hope of speedy recov
ery til held out, and to the Intending
traveler by sea it ia safe to wiy that
theru are pivcu any nuniK'r of sup-nvsi'l-to-lH'
Mire .preventives of this
troublesome but never dangerous ill
ness. The Philadelphia Times doe
not believe that there ia any known
herb, drug or line of action thut will
prevent seasickness if once you start
in on that disagreeable path, but there
are many things that help to want oft
an attack which will indeed prove of
value to those who dread ko much the
the idea suggested. Whether the chains
are to las hung from the ribs lefore j crossing of the great Atlantic or Pa-
leaviuc the house or whether one is ex- cific ferries. It is advisable before
petted to carrv them in the pocket and one starts on sueh a voyape to be par-
at the first rumble of distant thunder to
take off one's clothing and to attach
them to the ribs i' not mentioned. Nor
whether they are to be worn inside or
outside the clothes, nor how they are to
be hung from the ribs. These are mat
ters of details that may be left to Indi
vidual taste, but the community going
round with chains hanging from its ribs
would certainly be a spectacle for Ajax
t icularly careful as to his diet. On
the first duy out keep an much upon
the feet as possible and do not hi'
tempted to eut too heavily of the nu
merous palatuble dishes that will lie
set before you. Walking up and down
the deck continuously is advised by
mnny"ty arpuing that one more quick
ly lecomes used to the motion of the
vessel in this exercise, and the futijrue
which it induces brings the much
needed sleep. Hut it is useless to wear
L II" Will,
Anaa-reeHht lansllveeint N KUV k l'OM..
fcM liv tirugirietaor aent lv mall. tfto.,0UU.,
nut f I'.UU iwr package. Sample free
tt HA The Favorite TOOTS KWMl
llVl ItlforUieTwtaanaUxuaLU.Sou.
For sal by Hnlpas Kinerely.
j . r s-9 w him ii'inii
th.... .tear. .kudl .T -
MDt?tMt.l..-l arl tr !.. A.M.... Da.
defying the lightning and a sight for all I .ine's self out hoping to stave off the
the gods besides.
An obeerving exchange says that
when a man yells "bread or blood," you
can generally effect a compromise with
him on beer.
"What shall we do with our cranks?"
asks a co temporary. Well here in the
east we usually lock them up. But in
the far west they sometimes send them
to the United States senate or make
them str.te governor. Ex.
Ko kissing ever occurs in Japan ex
cept husband and wife, not even between
mother and child, no shaking of hands i
in salutation. If one were to offer a kiss
to a Japanese maiden she would proba
bly think she was going to Ve bitten.
feelinp of nausea if it once attacks
you. Lemons are most grateful to
persons in this stutfo. and there is no
better settler of an unruly stomach
than iced champnpne. If you do not
feel inclined to eat do not force your
tolf to jro to the table, for ft is ten
chances to one that the very sight of
food will mukeyou retire ignominious
ly from the festive board. A well
l:novn medical man declares that fif
teen pruins of Riilphute of quinine
taken from two to four hours before
sailing will prevent all feeluifr of sea
sickness, even to a most sensitive sub
ject. Whether this applies in all cuses
we have no way of ascertaining, but it
is simple enough to be followed out,
and if it proves helpful is worth all of
the confidence such an authority places
THe Columbia PacWL
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of
Our American liberties are in peril.
If congress fails to check this usurpation,
then, by the Eternal, the people will
take it in hand. If this be treason,
make the most of it. Telegram.
Next thing we know we'll have a
Prendergat in Portland. The Telegram
man will kill a goldbug or bedbug, or
something. Welcome.
The application of power through
triple screws in large ships is an innova
tion, and its results in the Columbia are
watched with intense interest by the en
tire civilized world. Essentially and
avowedly a commerce destroyer, and not
a fighting ship, the armament of the
Columbia will be comparatively light.
The Columbia has been in a special
degree the work of Enginear-in-Chief G.
W. Melville, U. 8. N., of the bureau of
steam engineering, under whose direc
tion the designing of her machinery was
done. When the estimates were made
for this ship, the speed fixed was twenty
knots, but after the naval appropriation
bill was passed, it was found that in con
ference the speed had been raised to
twenty-one knots, and Mr. Melville de
cided that the ship should have from
20,000 to 21,000 horse power, and at once
began to lay out the engines and boilers.
It soon became apparent that twin screw
engines would not do, because of their
siite and the fact that they wonld be very
extravagant in the use of steam at the
ordinary cruisintf speed. Besides this
the space that could be given up to
machinery was restricted, and would
not be satisfactory for twin screw en
gines. Mr. Melville then decided that
triple screw engines were the only ones
that would do, and at once set about the
preliminary design. Through the course
of her construction he has watched the
machinery carefully, and the success
which she has achieved marks a new era
in marine propulsion.
Tell known writer, recently re
turned from India, expresses great fears
for the future of English and American
women. He apprehends that they will
eventually resemble the people of a hill
region above the Brahmapootra Valley,
with whom he has had dealings. There,
be asserts, the women are supreme.
They woo the men, they control the af
fairs of the home and the nation, prop
erty descends through them ; bnt, note
the sequel they are the very ugliest
women on the face of the earth. Clever
women have possessed for a long time
the permission to be ngly, and some
times, it must be admitted, they rather
base this privilege. Bat, while many
talent may choke oat beauty with dis
astrous jealousy, the notion that what a
woman gains intellectually by higher
education she loses in beauty and grace
ought to be relinquished. The woman
of the fnture is going to be clever and
beautiful, too. r!he will bring her
Fhiday, Dec. 1. Tiie stormy weaihei
has thoroughly demoralized trafhV in all
its various branches, not only from the
interior, but locally.
The produce and provision market i
steady. The only thing notie.ible i- a
weakening tendency in the egif market,
and as the supply is quite sufficient for
the demand, prices have shrunken
somewhat, and 2 cents cash and IT1.,
in trade is all the market will bear to
day. Other classes of produce continue
trie same, without the least change. As
the Thanksgiving season is over, poultry
Everybody I eel to Depend Wholly un
Hteamboul Trannfmrtatlon.
One of the most difficult problems
the old citizen curt Ik- asked to solve
is the present position of the river to
ward the commerce of the city. A
quarter of a century upo. suys the St.
Louis t;iole-IVniocrat, it was every
thing. It was Imth the feeding and
distributing1 artery. People enguged
in building, locating for life, could sec
prosperity only near its waters. Ad
vised that business would soon be go
ing west thev could only respond by
the question: "I)o you see that river?
I Is it going to move'.'" Created avenues
of trade were just !cginningto receive
attention, due to the rivalry of other
points which were not blessed
with a natural highway. The posses
sion of this nature-given avenue of
commerce had. in fact, made the aver
age St. Louisian neglectful and di
iluinful of the created avenue. Life
that did not begin and end un the river
was not worth talking about. The
man who wanted to go to Cairo, .Mem
phis. Vicksburg or .New Orleans never
tlrmight of rail. The palatial river
Meunibont was the accepted means of
travel. People going east, even, at one
time tKjk a river steamer to Alton.
The levee front was the scene of nine
tenths of the life activity of the
city. The runner" was the most per-
llll 3 1 fill I III,
Dried Beef, Etc.
Administratrix Notice.
Nolle im lirrebv Riven that the I'minly Court
of IheHUtHnf Onicnii lor Vtro county 1im tliU
ditv ilulv Nfpolunl tiit umli'riitfmil ftiimliiutrit
trtx nf thtj iwUto of l'r. VV. K. Klm-hurl,
tcl,ud tht )ht bH duly itialllil a micli
atlmluivtrittiLv All pemoit rv then-fore
rtNUiiretl to prvM'iu their elim aifaf tint mhuI
eitiit with the proftrr voucher thifir. to the
uronlirneU at her rfttiMie In I'ttlltm l.ilv, lit
mid comity ami ut , within tlx uiunthn rutn
the date hereof .
bated thl lt day of December, l(yjkj. 4t
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Blakeley &, Houghton
The Dalles, 0reg(
175 Second Street,
A full
lino of all the Standard Patent
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mall Orders will rerolve prompt attention. '
I. C. Niclcelsen,
The Dalles, - Oregon.
The oldeMt, largest, arid best mana2d
houHe in School Hooltn, nnd Deaka
Muslonl Instrumental, Watohea,
Jewelry and SrortlnK Goods.
Agt. Ham burg-13 re men Steamahlp Co'
Tlokat. to m rid from ICurop.
I'komit ArritNTioN. l.ow 1'iiickh. L'p to ma Timkk.
No. (57 V ashinoton Stkeet. . . The Dauks
Wholesale and Kctuil Dun lent and Muimfiu'tururs ol
Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Eonse Furnishing k
Special Attention Riven to the Manufacture of Fruit and pi J
uxos unu riiuKinij wases,
Pnotory unci Jjumbor TTrcl m.t Old Vt.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliver to
any part of the city.
: SmvesMors to L.
is dull on the market.
The wheat uinrket is very dull; in tilont an:l irresi.'-tihlo nf hi:, II
fact, prices have none nearly f Ijedrock, "rail" fur tin; i.t.'iimiT us well a Un.
so to siwak, and transactions for shin-1 1,,ito1- wnuhl ul-ii. t ui.inap n jx;r
merit are very liyht; 40 to 4 is alxint
the average per bushel.
son to fc t him to hi.. rt.Miiicrur to his
hnti'l. Tin' liitUT-i;:;y i!::i:in is nuth
I inr to b. cuniparvd to him. And ko
j with tin- nu-rcliant who had a (muml or
:a ton of fn-ijrht to ship. It must jr
ty river liy lxat or harjfi:. Thiw
wen? jrreat days for St. Iouis. Kail
roaiiinr was unilcvfloM'l in' tin- west
and soiniiwckt und northwest mid
twenty-oni- ntaU-s and territories were
reached lv water. 1
Wheat lit to 41'x per bu.
Bablev Prices are up to 55 to 00c
cents per 100 lbs.
Oats The oat market is light at 60
to 85 cents per 100 lbs.
MiLLsTurra Bran and shorts are
quoted at $1M 00 per ton. mid
dling $22 50 to Z. 00 per ton. Rolled
barley, 00 to t'24 00 per ton. shell
ed corn (1 25 per 100 s.
Flour Salem mills flour is quoted at
4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at
:i 00 per bbl. per ton and 'i 25 per bbl.
Hay Timothy hay ranges in price
from $12 00 per ton, according to
quality and condition. Wheat hay is
in full stock on a limited demand at
$3 00 to 10 00 per ton.
Potatoes 10 to 60c per 100 lbs.
Butter Frewh roll butter at 35 to 50
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we' this realistic picture:
A KealUtlr Plrtorw or llrr Mnjmty yoMi
Those outside of a palace may feel
Hhakespearc's sentiment: "There's
such divinity doth berime a kinfr;" but
it is hardly possible to those inside.
One of the Scotch commissioners to
negotiate a union between .Scotland
and England. Sir John Clerk, could not
have felt itdurinp an oflicial interview
wnn vuecn mine, oi wnom ne Rives
Notlw 1 heivl.v 1ven thut the Ciuiilv court
f( tli Hutu of Oregon tor ami ( Diiiilt ha
Inly miK)intl tin? iimleraliriHil Hie rwciiior nf
the Ui Mill ami Ivatrtineiit of (itsinitf K. iten.
demaMI. All tterMiiiM havtujr cluiift iriiiiiil
themuiipof Mill iIvcnimiI M hrth' rttiitmt
to prmrtit Ihviii, with tlu irt(wr voiiclieri),
within lx nioutlin fnm lh dnleof thU iitic,
ti mmM ext.rut"r t hU placw 4i( rvnltlviicv, nMr
lmiH i uy, in nm routily. or ml the onli-v of
IV, II. WUmiii, III niill lll.f ( !lv.
Ui llAKl. DOYI.K. Kxwntnr.
Datn thia lat dny of ."ovtuilwr, Mm
Notice is hereby (riven that the under
signed has lieen duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County in probate, executrix with
the will annexed of the estate of James
I'nderhill deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present them to iu with
proH-.r vouchers at the law oflice of Con
don fc Condon in lMlles City, Oregon,
within six months from the date ol this
November 11, 1S'J3.
Clara '.. Vndkiii.ii.i.,
Executrix of the Estate of James Under
bill, deceased.
Estray Taken Up.
Oue black pour. hrnnle4 either fi or R on
hip and e-ft jaw. Ownrean haveMiineXyp
mir propvny -in paying for oiih nonee.
or.i.i. i ii.hmi.
10-l:tlm Foabjdiw. The iMIIea. or
quote 30 to 40 cents per roll.
Egos Good fresh eggs sell at 25 to
27 t cents.
Poultry Chickens, are quoted at
1.75 to 2.25. Old fowls :i.00 per
dozen. Turkeys, 7 to 8 cents per lb.
Beef a Mutton Beef cattle are in
better demand at 2.00 per 100
weight gross to $2.25 for extra good.
Mutton is now quoted at 11.75 to $2.25
per head. Pork cflerings are light
and prices are nominal gross
weight and 4j to 4 cents dressed.
staple orockribm.
Coffee Costa Rica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack, lialvadore, 23'.
Arbuckles, 25c.
Sugar Golden C, in bbls or sack .
$5 12; Extra C, $5 37; Dry granulated
6 12 In boxes, I). G., in 30 lb boxes.
2 75. Ex C, $2 25. GC $200.
Ric-Japan rice, 67c; Iiand,
rice, 7 eta.
Brans Small whites,
Pink, 5c per 100 lbs.
Salt Liverpool, 601b sk, 85c; 1001b
k.$l 00; 2001b sk, 00. Stock salt,
13 50 per ton.
hides and vurs.
Hides -Are quoted as follows: Dry,
2)4e lb; green, 1.
Sheep Pelts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins,
20c lb for winter and 30c for summer.
Dressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear
skins, $HW$I2 ea; beaver, $3 60 lb;
otter, $5; fisher, $5rS$5 60: silver gray
fox,$10$25j red fox, $1 25; grey fox,
2 60m$3: martin, 0i 25; mink,
50cft55c; coon, 50c;; coyote, 60cW75c ;
Hhp Loat.
Lost on the raine between the bead of
Mill creek and lygli Valley 10 bead of
ewes and Jamb, branded H. H., ear
mark crop in right, swallow fork in left
n ewes and same mark reverse! in
weather lambs. Suitable reward will be
given for information that will lead to
the recovery of tin; same.
Solomon IIouskr.
Tygli Va.ley, Or.
Timber Lund, Act June :i, !7x.
t H. I.akii Orrirft, The llle. or.,
Nov. N (
Notice ia hereby slven thnt In eoninlniiiee
Willi tlie provlhna of the act ol rongfc of
June ). insn, vnlllliil "All act for tlie ixili- of 1 1 in
bcr JatHla III the ettllea of ( HlllurnlH, tlrKoll,
ievaujiauu v avruiiKe'll lerrnory,
Nal C. Htvnaon,
Of KiniHey, comity of Waaeo, amie of Oregon
h thiwfliiy flleil In thla f?r)ic tii HMorn while
mem lor the pnrrhaM of the NKU of NW1,
of section. No. Si, In 'lownhli No. :1 H , run.
No 1: K. n. l . and will oiler proof to how
that thu land aoiiKht ia more yaliinhle for ll
limler or atone than for axrlciiltnnil pnrpimea,
lniea, or., on tne i.iin any of Janiiarv, Ih-.ii.
ll lim..a lltt.K...M I
per Knalejr, Iwn Kouileaii ami Lafayette 1hvI,
alt of Kliitfalev, Or.
Any ami all tieraona clalndnir adveriu'ly the
alxivw ie-rl lied landa are r-iieatei1 to file their
cinima in tiiiaoiiice on or belore aaia Lull dnyof
win JOHN W. I.KH'IH, Kelatur.
I). Frank, dmmased.)
j A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
wnolcsale anfl Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse BMets, It:
Fnll Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped. '
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage OhVe of the U. P. It. It. Company, and oflire of tlie Wsatsrs
Union Telegraph Ollii.o are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
if you w.2sra'
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
Hiieceaaor In Thornbnry A llmlaon,
83 Waahlngton St., THE DALLES. OR.
If you want Information oiiicrrrilnx lioxcni.
ment InmU.or th.i lnw rvUllntf thereto. on ran
nmalllt hlni Iree ol chaiire. 1 liaa maile n
chi!tv of thla huaineaa, anil haa pracllivfl lu'lorn
tlie I nlteil niaUa Iinil oiflee for oer lafii yenra.
"IUmil... l.i,.,;,,. .. I anil to tilhllall Ilia claim to aald liitnl befi
iier maienty wan laboring under a n, .mi n.iv n... .. .
iiv oi tne from, anu in extreme pain and
agony, and on thisoc-c-aiiion everything
aboiit her wan much in the bame disor
der an ahout the meanest of her anb
jects. Her face, which wan red and
Knotted, was rendered aomething
frightful hy her negligent drews, nnd
the foot afTecUd was tied up with a
pultia and Rome nanty bandages.
"I was much affected at thia Right,
and the more when nhc had occaaion
to mention hor people of Scotland,
which ahe did frequently to the duke.
What are you, poor mean-like mortal,
thought I, who talk, in the atyle of a
"Nature scema to be inverted when
a poor, infirm woman lecomea one of
the rulers of the world; but, as Tacitus
observes, it is not the first time that
women have governed in Hritain, and
indeed they have sometimes done this
to better purpose than the men."
Youth'a Companion.
Land Orrics, The pallea, or., I
Oet. 21, M.i:l. I
Notlee la hereby lven that th following,
nameil aetller haa lllecl imfleeof hla Intention to
liiako final lni( In ailliiairt of hla elal III. .11(1
thataahl nnaif will be mailu before the l(. viator
anil Heeeivier at The Lialien, Or., on peetriiilasr
11, 1M, Vli:
Itolando O. Hriinha.
deviMaiof John lliif(hea,dwu(I
HomeaUwd Application No. mm, fortheM'i BK'i
nd n'i HV'it 'of (tee. :u, Tp. s'., r. j;) h. '
Ho narnea the following wltneaaea to prove
hla contliiiiotia realdviKw upon and cultivation
ol mil'l laud, viz:
it. W.(;i.ii, w. A Miller, Krank ( releliton and
Beth Monran, all of the nw Or.
MMt"! U llkuiwn pleaae take initlce.
fiM JOHN W. I.KWIr), Heglater.
NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Orrics, The pailva. Or.,
....... . Nov. tf, j
Notlee la hereby given that the foll.nvlni
hained aettler haa fllwl uotleeof hi Intention u
make final pnaif In upportof hla claim and that
aahl pnaif will be iiih.Ih before the relter and
reeiv,r at The lallea, Oregon. oa We.neiMlav,
Decemljer -.T, lawi, vi: '
Hewitt King,
llomeatead Application No. wa. r,.r ti... vi ..i
HK'4 and KU of hee. 10, Ti. 'I M. K II Ka.t
II" namea the followinir lln .. i..:
l''l .VA' ' v I " ' ' JM"'' """" eulv"" "
II. w. Wella, of The lial (ir rhsrlea
S?nue. or'."'" "" Uu"""tl ''
He In Agent lor . Kaatern (In-goti IjiiiiI
Company, ami run ell you (traxlug, or I n
(miroveil Airrieultiiriil iMiula In any iioautlty
de.nil, and Hill aeml n I'nmphlet deaeallilug
Iheaw, lamia to anyone applying to him lor It.
He la Agent for ante of lota In THoarxw'" j
tion to The 1'allia.. Thia Aihlltlou la IttAoda ,
aero lota, ami Uafined lo la the nrlncliiai itw
oniv o itiiimiii
doeo nart ol the ellv. Onlv 'Jn minute 1X
Innn t'ourthouae IU uiiiiutea Innii K. K. Iwpot.
Heitlera l.iteated on lnverninen I.snda.
If yon want to llorrow Money, nn Long; or Short time, he can ooonlrnoU',
Wrltea Mre, l.lfe. unit Accident Inaiireuee.
If yoo cannot cell, write, end your letter will lie promptly aiiaweM
is No Undertaker Trust
cured from aiiroue who iha-a not la-loua to the Aaalatlou, and I have a heller cla ' ff.
Having taken the neceaaary eoiirw ol luatructl u in KmlailiuliiK. I iiiii prepared to att.ut
thing pertaining lo the hnalueaa.
Oexxa. be 0tllod TJajr or XaTlslxt.
i'.V;!"' ""HINKas-tlorner of Third and Waahlngton alreeta. KKHIKKNCK-""1"
and VVaahluglon atreeta. All order promptly atleuikal t.
WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer.
Twloo J. Woolt
From Now to December 31st, 1894,
John W. I.gwia, Keglater.