the dalles weekly chronicle, Wednesday, November 2. 1893. THE GETTING IS t Then IT HOWS Ail e n o u )i h , j with the ordinary ' jull. but the hav in it down is worso. And, after all the disturbance, thorv's only a little temporary good. From Yieiiinnin" to end. Dr. I'ifroe's Pleasant Pellet? are better. They're ; the smallest and j easiest to take ! tiny, snjjar-ooated I granules that any I child is ready for. their work so easily GIANTS AMONG THE PLANETS. Noray Heeslua; Heparan.. Mlahiv Junlier. WhoTltlaineter U KI-.Y- The union MWI Nwrdeu und Kor an Tinm Thm of tii jrt n. 1 ay is in tfivut duiiiremf Wing broken. Our mot eminent astronomers do not , Tlie twu states ure loosely tied, but the nreteud to irive us exact reckonings on i Norwegians are impatient o( their the jjreut lloatintf worlds outside of our own solar system, but w itliin that monstrous uirretration everytliiup has been reduced to eertaiuty. The kiuf pin of tins wilur system is Jupiter, "uiijjhty .Jupiter, the colossal tfiunt of all the suii-kis.s'd worlds." His diam eter is nlxuit ss,o0 f our miles, bein;r about eleven times that of our own plolie; the circumference 'JTj.lKXl miles at the equator, which would pive the piant a volume exceeding that of the earth by l.:!4 times. Were it possible, savs the St. Louis Republic, to brinif the earth and Jupiter so close together that the instance scmirutiuir them hey ao their work so easily woulll no t,r,.,..P llmt whi. i. and so naturally that it lasts. They j now separates the earth from the. absolutely and permanently cure moon about vmo.Ooo miles what a Constipation, Indigestion, Uilious Attacks, Siek and Bilious Head aches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They don't shock and weaken the system, like the huge, old-fashioned pills. And they're more effective. One little Pellet for a corrective or laxative three for a cathartic. They're guaranteed to give satis faction, or your money is returned. Sage's " If we The makers of Dr, Catarrh Remedy say : can't cure your Catarrh, no matter what your case is, we'll b" this comparison pay you $500 in cash. Now you can see what is said of other remedies, and decide which is most likely to cure you. Costs only 50 cents. wondrous sipht would be in store for the residents of our little frlobe. The world of Jupiter would appear to us to have a diameter forty times laiyer than that of our usual miphty attend ant, and the surface of his disk would occupy a space jrrvater than that of l.tKsj full nioous. And this piant of planets is removed from the sun by u distance of I' miles; has an orbit of more than 1 .OOO.OOO.tMHi miles in extent, and makes a circuit of its eelestial track once every 4.3:i'j days. Thus it will be seen that a year on Jupiter is equal to eleven years ten months and seventeen days on our tflobc. The im mensity of the world of Jupiter and its orbit may bo approximately measured In order to com plete its orbit in the time piven above it must speed around the sun with a j velocity of 700.000 miles a day. or a lit j tie more than eipht miles er second. X- A v: ' -v- 4C Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c D.l. SANDER'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Mag latlc SUBFiNSOfiY. Lateat leieala! lieat Im.raTeaacnta t Wttlein. without mullein ail Urakaan rv.u.nnirfrrm wwauln.,irf brain nrvw joPTv, ; tnwe or lr,Ui5 crrtioo. a, At-rvoua del. 1:7. ttlrclwniMa, languor, rneumariara. kilivrT, lirpr aaj b.a.llr cTnpLit I., la.D l. k. clAIV'a. all Irmai. conip.i.:ct ::i hM.tti. 'e. T.US alei-trv ilelt t.vntaUi ii.rrf.i 1 1. (,r,m r- a I . ovrr ail other. Cnrreu: is IrmantltMV.c by wanr or we forfeit ta.00tt.UU. and will em e ail of tho a n diwuei or no pav. T(io;i- ave bern pirrl tias iri.rr.lnTi invcti'.n after ail otiMr reraiia f ailetl. anil we sir. h,w.i..w.. l mtjmi(iiat Hi this aru everv rthrr M.te. Oar retrial ltK-. I KLriiEic isrrvM)aT thn frrv-itat h.,. q Trr .r-rr.l walc rnn. Kin: atlta all "'". ataalia aaa liawroa. Mr-aatlh til AKaTTaatl ! it i WN enl for l.rja'-l t'amphl.f. niailva.atguud. (no SANQCN ELKCTRIO CO., to. a'lratU-trcl,l'OU l'IuaNU OSE. SOME I'aiul JAPANESE CUSTOMS. slight fetters, ami, under cover of a re quest for separate foreign agents, seek u total separation. The Uiiiif in vain sutfffestetl a eoinproiiiiso, and it is stated that the radicals have resolved, if he re fuses to establish two foreign minis tries, to resign und refuse the supplies. It is scarcely jiosslble that the king should yield, us his foreign rtolicy would luvome unworkable the Norwegians for example, desin- close relations with KusMa yet, if he does not, he must oc cupy Norway with Swedish troops, to the confusion of the ti nances and the production of another frreut anil deti nile grievance in Norway. The true motives of the movement lire the Nor wegian dislike of the Swedes, whom they regard us supercilious, und the ad vance of theoretic democracy iu Nor way to a point inconsistent with any monarchy at all. THE BARNYARD. As thk comfort of the animal is de stroyed, so is its protitubless reduced. Thk time to (ret rid of old or other wise unprofitable animals is before the pastures fail seriously. IIavk a good shade for the hog lot if it has to be built of boards und during haying. It never puys to letswine cook in the hot sun. The work team is kept in the best condition more by regularity and man ner of feeding than by the greutest amount of food. Ik there is any rule more nnportunt in stock raising than to have the ani mal gain something every day from the time it is bom until it is put upon the market, we have not heard of it. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIND A CHUB fOB RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, wo. WW",- DB. MAKDrH' KI.Hr.THir BKI.T "Tlie Regulator (if AV .a- ikv hi. -i. t ury will vtirw wuituui mli-iit u of iti fttortriiiiiK. 1 it ..-in who ' miifwr fro'ii fcrviw lbiltivv ' I.M-tt. lrlll, l.itaf llNMhutliJ, -- S r r v umn Hltilr-taiu i--h "plutnla. nti tftiiirwl III liiHlih, til nM'iir mii u , ft'rav, wrr tirApiaun. will tltfl rlif An I prnnipl runt tn tiur mnrvluii tuvvniinii, wlurh rfM)iurii biitu iriitl to comitint lh DtosL aattpHivil. lit df frta you itmr hv un iulf ttrnn,? yt(umvttini f nr fnriiil vitoiii which In lMtrl.ti v imI tliui OmumhI your wtttni((r (ao hi forr. li toii rttfiw in hi four wlrmwntM tUu UiMinl, which m nt. quirwtl for viirurittMNtrviwili, j n will rntuvtht rtutHiul liwtlt h, li aiul TiKtir will f'lli.iw t oiiot. 'Iiii i our plan und (ntnnitt, ml w uuaranlM a cumor rttfuiiil iixin n.. on a iha.l, "Til flint ri.AHHKHnV nffRHT. Moui.i h rv.l br vorr vuuna. Mil4llttifi and Winn, Mitt Mltfil, fr. Ir. Hamliiia Klirlrlr lit 1 1 li n xiwrtaint. VJ DR. SAHDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT I Tlie Dalles, Portland ail ir' Navieation Co. aawn hau Ihouaamla to robual halUi and ala-or. altr all olliar Inuiliuanla failxl. aa nan ral an.iwn by of aaatlinuirhiiul l ni and nntr Kiaiea.wn.i wimihi aiauir iauiT. aiiu uwii luauir oi mtiKMi uavu atruug lailara baarlim taaiioiony lo ihtur raouvary allar uaUig uur Hell. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! VI69R of J 4m - J""W.' Easily. Qulckir. Ptrnxntntly RciUred. WEAKNESS, NERVO'JSNi:?':, DEBILITY, fin'' aM fh. fraln r; ' 1 riinitarij trrvraur lal-7 fiiv.., tae rsui of m-enoik. a I K fi em, wrr.ere Full rrei;ri,t rl'jvtl'jpnient an t i .es l,ivrn l.itfry enjan and j-Ttln of tv iiy. simp1'' nturslm'i:..,. Immtnliar. niim.ri art a-ri. K,H r l:npu-l.,l:. 2.ili rrf.-rrnps 1- . . explanatli.n ar.l pr. Cj inaiatU attaleO ) free. Acrnniptftnlnantft f thf NAtlvp Vlitu Hut of Iroora. In Japan almost everyone, says the Waverly Magazine, earries a lantern. Hy day and nirht it is dauplinp at his belt. It resi-mhles a thin. Hat box. Kaeh end of the box is fastened to a sort of pit per. whieh. lyin? in folds, forms, when drawn out, a lantern. The Japanese usually earries alsoa tiny wooden box. shaped like a cylinder, to hold his caudle. A small medicine chest, with half a dozen little lxes. each containing a small jHirtion of medicine, a fan. a pipe and a short sword, all form part of the outfit. The belt of a Japanc' is, therefore, a verv important part of his drcs. His slippers consist of a sole w ith a worsted thread at tiie uflper end. through which the preat toe i thrust to keep tlie slipcr on. His pillow is a framework of whalebone, or some such substance, into which the back of the neck near the head lits. This is to keep his knot of hair in order, for he does not have his hair dressed every day; anil, therefore, is obliged to take care of the piece, which is pi-eased am! bound into a cue. the rest of the head beinf,' closely shaven. The rich Japanese send their chil dren to school in inferior (farments, in order that the children of the poor may not be ashamed to wear their shabby clothes. NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Kliubetli Colby, wil'eof l'roteovb tieorge C. Colby of the Cniversity of California, rtsidinif at Clareinent. com mitted suicide bv fliootitiL' herself through the heart Friday. CINIRAL DiBILITV C0REO. r ii.cim. 1 , H. WC, 1r. A. T. Raarlati, l4.r Mr r b'om 1 umI jrtiur kwit 1 waa trowbafU with ItMf viror. fltl w.ii nM, aut alnttMl aotunplat luaauf powr. 1 would timt uy wttb m vwrjr tirwl iMlintf. b.Mia a-hinit ata,inr wluu vour bait 1 h wm bJ a ow uum of III . 1 now aujoy bltrthaB 1 a (trtn rra vaat. 1 Hmlrtt at mttt ooitHilanOM lu four liMlmanL 'wi can pu it mix thl ataiamaBt. alMi hioothar wrltotir call (Hi a. 1 ruljr yuura. 11. A. hOWKN, kBaad Turk HI RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURK0 loriiinJ.UrHi.u.AiriTlr) Ir. A T. Ban Han. 1 ar hir? I iwtonn . t our halt wv wta mo for rliauwAltBtn. fmm which 1 ulTnMl furaavaral iraara, 'or tht immI atx monlha I h'l not beau aiklotot rk. mr bait haai.aatl aiaitaimu(it p-rf ct aaaltb. In tha tan wtv ki 1 ha Bal it. I eau ajali cowiiortAhlr anil faal lika a oaw man iranaraUy. M. k. m.OllK?, rrtrtator lularualional UuiaX MKAVOUS DESILITV LOSS OF VIGOR. 1 .ixiuii, VMli., (K to(r ii. 1h02. 1r. A.T H ami an, lar Mr t l havw bHa aatnu your Flact ric bait for umnmrl ai-rvnoM liability, ami U-Imv a) battar ibtui I hava mr nra yaar. I naw itainaal v nri AH. LHETKA. tAMt BACK AND RHEUMATISM. Fort I a a. I Orawott. Hfawthar JR. ItVL Tr. A T. Ran4u. tar Hlr j araof Hiimtir-anj hanl work. onibiat with Um itrvlu oowilua' frnwt tha jar of ait aiiyioa, aavw aiaa aamrnvaaaor laiua Ua. fmm whlrh 1 aiiffraJ (or anvaa faara, I Wa to ba thai 1 ouuld not bawri my bark. Vaaall oVubla. up wilii it. 1 boutfttk ou of r"r Halta. It hliw) t. lnilf I w.i tlay. ami 1 ooiitlaoal Ui wt-r It fur four mouth, twin, parfmllr eurai. Thai waa two paara axo, aixl I am a wait ttvdaf a 1 ova to my Ilia I now four txU wall, a.ttl I kn-w lotaof u.lawho hTW baan vuratl by It. ItAny othara naaA It, anl If UitrwoulJ try It thay wool.l flntl it Lha wm aa I tha baat ramatly In (ha wothl. I am loralail barw will km MtaU Ut Ulk Wtlil auOAa who waauto iiiiiiraabniit v. KOIiKltr H JUUKLEnainaarllotal rortUttd. LOST VITALITY AN O STUeNCTH. .iratt, Wa.h, .luna W, WQ. Tr. A. T. Raadan. ltdr Mir Hlntm waarlna Mur blt 1 hava baan prraxtlly anntai. I fal my ol.J an. ray lmt raturuiiMii and a (tar a wionlir um of t ha bait 1 And myaalf Inlet ai iigomut aa baforw. f mtsorf ia now naarly par fac and aach day hw for tha bat tar. I f'-l Hiiiclt trt-nni- tha K"f,.ra tuiaii lha bait, Youratruly, JlK.M.V bUIUi-liC Ul "IfcW uaiijr. mai am tronif in mvmrr pn Xuuragrataiully. CliAl THE ' DR. S ANDEN - ELECTRIC BELT lw WiTlwb wmlTanic battary. ma4a Into a bait mutuN mw worn during wnrfc tr atrvat, and W kivom a.xiiuu. pr iotma! eurrut! which arw laaltitif twit Lomuirhout all waak iarta. or wn forfait 9.).UIU. It. haa an Imyravrd l-.lwcirlo KHtiigrri thwirriat bonn war tvan wak nin,an wo warrant it i.t cure aJiy of tht wtttknataw, ami t.aiilarira aiirunkaii hmh,or part t-r tljur Krluntvl. Thty arralMl lii itranBth tt ntwatall .if wMinan m y-mitx. ntiiMia-aatOaJti1 ukl r-au. aaq w ill euro U worn oaaaa m twu or throw i.,n u. AaJraaa tor Xull iuroriuauo. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGOV. THROUGH raajaiaaL akaaaf ft a. a. m. - nciyiii aim fasseq II Through daily Mtrvir (SUI1(U wpteil) iK-twmin The Hull, Uud. Mteumur ltettulator ,'7 J Dulleii at 7 . in. connecting it r j I-oek with iteHiner lu'.lti i Hteauipr Ilallef Citv levi tm ' (Yamhill iitiwt UcM-k') nt a mwtinu with "timinBr Iti-vuUtor .! Ilullo. "i I'ANMKNDKK HATKt. One way Hound Irin . 0ai..ond toil a H - i. OCO per natUV-Wv'"'r .t-r PICKINGS FROM THE PRESS. purple eyes are -era. tIERIE MtDICAL r3 BUFF410. N. Y. yaayaaayvvv. WHIPSTER'S I INTERNA TJONA h Entrtl? aVrw. 71 mTH - t Pir ??ttrcror of flf ' I'nabritlgetl." Ten years upent Jn rvinitr, v ei tUirfitnilovMln liKn tlian iWW.fAW Everybody ffhonld own tiuw I'i'-tifmary. It an kwcraall tjiMtions. Mucriiiiiu; Ihn Lia try, pro huim iation, anl BMiarnntr of words. A Library in Itself . itaisocivcn tlit? ottn tirfirefl informatin c-onrrnintc ciiiiDent penvmH; faru ionrnin the cxUJitrit, cities, town, and uatuml fea turefl of t! trMie; varti tiiar concerning iKHed fit-xii'vAm nMjiitt and mw, trana tatiou of foreign q notation, wurtls, and pntverlw; etc.. etc., etc. This Work i Invaluable in the botiehIfl.aml to tin tear r, tUolar, pro feneioiial uiau, and wflf-educator. Sold by Ail Ju,k9eUr: O. & C. McTtlnm Co. fipritiyti' t'i, il'tu. al "-.ii.'at LVTTRX.TJTHAL I DICIXOSSMfi J irntpfi)'' reprmu of aijekent S C.. jf ,eiKl (or fr pruaprctaa. taaialaaaaiat ay a .aaaaa,-.a Creau, and l"rad-M.rkt obuioed, and all fat- i ant buafoaaa conducted lor MoocnaTC Pecs. Ou Ornec is 0otTt u. 8. partiiT orner and w caa acrur. tai.nt to leas Uuie luaa uioag J rcmotalrom Waahinfton. bead model, oiawiotr or poto.. wit a dewrtp. Uon. H t adriw. If patentable or noUlree o( J cbarre. Our fee not due till patent Uaecured. . A PaMfftcT. How to Ubtain raierxa, with e J coat o( aaae in the U.S.ud tureigu ceuaum J nt bee. Addrnt, eC.A.SNOW&CO.: JJ' Yl.'a!l.'a!S.-Laaf T T I L T'm" m'"' ft "II tli mom I 111 L neiwaaary t aylvertlN-. That la I I V what tli? moat pniffraaiv of our JL li'i"lnea. nn think, aiyt tiiite antu bua-li.t-i.. men ar the mot priiiiTfiiii at all timpa. If wi.h li rt-Hh nil the riiie In thla rilirh Nirhiaai yoii ean t '! rttr than talk t thTn throiirh theeoltiuma nf Uip. Lmu,y l:HiMfii( i.k. line mure IIimti tloiUiI th4 cirfiilatlon of miij other Mi?r, and Kdwrtialnif in It pay. bitf. Taii.i.kss eatn with ', eumraon in Siatn. I.ahi.k Iwds iif oyster unlike thiiM of the east, have leen fnund in Alaska. Wu.i.tAM K iiAN.of lltitti). T-...i)wns : a calf that ehax's and eat.s ehiekens. feather and all. Thk year iK fran n Sunday, um! it . will end iti Sunday, thus pivinjf tifty ; tiiree Sundays to tiie year. Kxi'I:i:imkx rs made in the tobacco cnltivati n throughout Kurope have not pi ven much promise of success. Attkmitk have been made to pro i iluce spider silk, but have failed, the ! fenx-ious nature of these insects not j permitting them to live together in i communities. i Kmma tells u New York in . terviewer that she loves nothing lel ! ter than a bath. If Ivtnma dix-sn't look ! out the anarchists will le reading her ; out of the party. I Thk mountain of Fujisian. in Japan, j is actually in motion. It is l'i.400 feet I above sea level, yet the power of the I winds in those quarters causes it to j sway from side to side. j KnVrta of Cave Air. The remarkable physiological effects I of cave air are well known. A traveler ! who visited the Mammoth cave in Ken tucky hays that on eruerpinp the sense of mell was intensified to auch an ex traordinary decree that most common objects such as trees, plants, animals and even people had atronix individual odors, mostly unpleasant. One tree could be easily distinguished from an other by its characteristic odor. The effect lasted about half an hour and t'len passed off. The guides any that this is a usual experience. Other writers have noticed a aimUar effect from the midden change from the pe culiar oxygenated air of the cave to that of the outside world. The sense of smell is greatly intensified in almost every case. This intensification of ol factory perceptions is explained by the rarity of olfactory ntimuli in the cave. On emerizence, in accordance with a phyaiolojfical law, the perceptive pow ers for these particular stimuli, having rested, are intensified, ao that odors too delicate to make an impression un der ordinary circumstances are power fully felt Uawrlba-d tlie Charges. Speakinjr of railway rates, Mime one tells this story: In an advertisement by a railway company of some uncalled-for poods, the letter 1 was dropped from the word "lawful." The notice read: "I'eople to whom these packages are directed, are requested to come forward and pay the awful charges on the same." WUIIII, whom, wool. IJet grades of ok. fir. nd slnb eorl wood, at lnit market rate at ,lo. T. I'eters & Co. ( Office S-otid and .Idler on tree..i Cured CotiuTi, T! ..fcri iiit;it. Ci-uuu ernniutlv; rc've vt lioo;if Con.rri .iul A;liiuii. V- r Couitiinii tit n n. b - n:i Tivul; iiH.a cureil t.'iou.vwiiN y; it ipiiii utl;e' . t.til-l; w.JiLTiirj you il tiikcii Int ii..'. fui I ! y IiruW'S'-a i.n ai-ti ii-ii t. . Inr I -ie Uacii :r Cuesuusu SUL.i)il'?i ri.A:v; Liu 2ocU V SrR EKE D Y. Tiie'e ,ii i iuut:i ' Tn. la irunr:i teeu to c-.t vou. l'rioa Hico. IuwkUit irr for alehr Snlpea Kmeraly. BWsmitu wagon siop SHOE 'ietieral Blacksmithing and Work promptly, and all work Guaranteed. ll. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tmrfi Street, oup. Licbe'soWSlaui FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. 1 KASsAl t A (iK.NKKAl.bANKlNt) Bt' letlra of Credit issued available in (,e E:tstern States. Sijrht Kxchunire and Teleurajihit Iransferssoldon New York, Chieao, St. Iuis, San Francisco, I'ortlnnd Oreifoh. Seattle Wash., and vurious points in Or egon and Wasliinjrton. Collections made nt all points on lav. omhle terms. THE DALLES National Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President -Vice-President, Cashier, Z. F. Moody Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN KKANC1SCO, CHICAGO anil PORTLAND, OR Collections made on favoreble term? at all accessible points. J. a. hchbmci, Prealdent. J. M. rnaKs. l.aaliiT. First National Bank. -'HE DALLES, .. - - OREOOM A General Banking Business transaeteo lpoit received, subject to Siht Irrsft or Cheek. Collections in)e and priM-eeilx promptv remitteil on day of collection. Siht and Teleirraphic Exchange sold hi New York, San Francisco and Pt.rt-land. DIH KCTOHSH I). I'. Thompson. Jno. s. " in. v Kn. M. Williams, hko. a .IKti H. M. Bkall. r REE ! r REE ! ! With every dozen Cabinet Photographs, one .... o Life-Siyce Crayon. o Call at the Gallery and see samples. My work speaks for itseli Freight Rates Greatly Redut Ul.i ...I- f.. Ik .1 . 1111.1.1.1111 mr i oniHIitl Ttnmii any tune day or inifht. Shipa,,ua way ImiduiKs must l ilelirrrrd te(w,l ft p. m. Live stock nhipiuesta W. C. ALLIkM, itmn aUl B. F. LAUGHLIN, j lleu.ral Manager. I THE DALLES. ORECCJ From TEUlfllNfllt or INTERIOR It THK- I Mem Pact THE DAI.I.LES, OK. FACTORS 7 :,,,', I;or Salt: at a B; .'imam. I. the line Ui lane TO ALL I'OLMS EAST lB K I It la the IHiifii- Car Umite. It nioi Ttmrf j veallbuleti Irani, every dar In ttepuk I pi. paul and Ciicffi 1 NO ( HANUK OF I Aim.) Cnituxufl nt IHntiijr Cam oiwiitmmw. Pi'.'. , limn 1'MwiiiK Itmmi ni-frauiaUMiquipairai. TOUIIIST SLEEPING CABS i llmii that ran lx- FiinalrtirtH), mi In wh' I I ai riiinmiHlutiMiia aJt lailh in iM uinttfw i lur huliK-raiif Hut and wruu-cHaiTlim.iaj ELEGANT DAY COltf ' Thf uiKliTsifziicd, luivin hxturt'S of what was intcntlcd will Ri'll tlu; saiuc at a bargain. toiler (if lO-odd horse power, and H'einvd the inaehiiierv and for a lirst-elass k1ioi l'actorv, Here is an engine and a lar''e annmnt of shoe lind- nmchinery, lasts, line sliattmj:, pulleys, heltn,"; atxl ins almost a complete shoe factorv. Jlere is also one of the hest sites for successfull v oper- Unip a factory ot this kind to he found in this country. Write for particular at once, to A mntlnttnua line, cotmerlltur wtth artiifilliu: Ulrevt ana uiiliilvrrupial ier I I'lillmati Hlw-iwr naeitlnn '"'V In ailvauce IhruuKh any aKenlof tlietcat THROUGH TICKETS himtnnt) mill Kurofw ran iM 0-1-J GrXjiEsnxrisj", Tlio DnlloH, Ox-. Familiar Faces in a Nero Place C. K. BAYAKIJ, I k. ma wnktt Late Uprtiil Agent (Jenernl .ami )ie. Bo,yo,x-ci cfi? Barnett, Jl7e leal Instate, loai, Iurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTAHY PUBLIO. Parti.-, having Prop.-rty tli.-y winli to Soil or Trail. , Ilons-s to limit, or AUtrnct of Titl.t furnwli.'tl, will linrl it to tlmir a(lvniitnn to cull on us. We slmll iimkn a sxialty of tli jirosi-ctition of Claims und Coiiti-sts Lit',..,,. A 1 IT. La a t I ..... bin, v nuiVW MUM Ullictj, 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALEKS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And Dip Most O.inpli.ff. and H.m ltw-t l'.ittrns and lina in ljur i rm i ii.'iti rmnlerM am 'mair 1 1 v i i . . . Shi-rwin. William, ami I v i ' "' "t wi ii'St, oramis oi in. i. 71 ' Mr'"V ,H,nU ,,swl "i noun hut . ?...'. . " , "rk""'" ""Ployed. AKHiits for Masnry Ll.ini.i I'alnta. N. IT" " .',r ."'"l im-ctnr... A first Hans rt lo in all .lors. A1 promptly Hlt.-nilH:1 to. Paint Shon oornsr Third auH WMhititon fits.. The Dallas Ore-oi Tn and W ml n la ln KiikI.iiiI ami Kiirniw ran ue purcuaaw - - i ticket oflli-a of the eumpauy Fn'l nifimnath'n conrertiln raw". tra' . run toe anil other detail luroU"1 ai l uuatlou Ui I W. C. ALLAWAY, J 1h11m, Or., or A 11 at'll 1 UI TtW YOUR ATTEflTIOJ li oalled to the fnottW Hugh Gleni Dler in Glass, Lime, Plairt-r. j' anil Iliilldinit Material of H ;rrl. tha Mneet l.lo Picture pulif 72 To t loand In the City. The St. Charles H PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular ami has Imkm fintiroly rfnrniHli jcJ room has lajen ropatierwl T", anil newly carptd throiiit h"- ,., house conUins 17l roomsan'l 'p with ev..ry modern conveni""'' reasonab e. A ffixat rsni" . ...gii t rut mis i" to the house train. C. W. KNOWI.ES pruP