THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1893. The Weekly Ghroniele. Kntervd t lh (KWtoiriw at Th Italics, Oregon, a sHSSind-vlass mail matter. SIBm-KH'TIOX KATES. BY HAIL, TUFAID. IN ADVANCE. A JOB TO UK FOUGHT. Ii so known One yoar . . M. wont -i. Tiirw months AilvertiMitic ratea rcimmAbk. and uiadi ou aptuicatiou. Addrens all rommunlestloni. to"TlIK t'KKOS H Ui," The Lialtn, Dnmm. STATE OFFICIALS. ttovemoi j'ennoyer H-vrvlarv of State t. W. MeHride 'rrtsojinvr 1'hiUiii MciM'Imn apt. of Public lmtnu-tlou E. B. MeKlruy . ' tJ. N. IMph stnaront )j. H. Miuhell t H. Hermann Couremcn jv I:. Kllm state Printer Frank baker t'OtSTY OFFICIALS. I'ountr JuJi?.... Ueo. C. Blakeler Sheriff. Clerk Treaaurer Conimisidonera T. A. V.arJ J. li. C'TWM'II ... Win. Mu-hell Ja. larmello i Frulik Klucald AMHwr Joel W. KwuU Surveyor E. V. sharp Biiiwriutendeut Public Schools . .Troy Shelley Coroner N. M. tastwooj "Tin: J'OLICY OF 1SFAMY." The caption of this article is what the New York Sun calls Mr. Cleveland's Hawaiian scheme. The Sun says: The announcement of the Cleveland policy respecting Hawaii lias come. It is not the American policy. It is not the policy of the United States govern ment, or of the people of this republic. It is not yet thank God! the policy of the democratic party. It is neither more nor less than the personal deter mination of an executive officer, chanted with temporary power, to use that power to enforce a personal conclusion, and to commit this country to his per sonal conclusion, regardless of conse quences iu infamy or blood. j Stripped of every special plea and j specious pretext surrounding the essen tial fact, what is the purpose which Mr, Cleveland now declares, through the eo called report of his too subservient secre tary of state? To crush the life out of a young repub lic, already recognized by ua as an in dependent and responsible government; to employ the armed power as well as the moral influence of the United States to thrust back upon a civilized people American in their instincts and habits and aspirations a barbarous monarchy, in the person of a vile and ridiculous person whom they have driven from the throne; to undo the work of a revolution which made Hawaii a republic, by means of a counter revolution by coup d etat planned in the white house at Washington and secretly but deliberately ordered by a president of the United states! jjfever i)efore now has an American ex- ocutive undertaken to stamp out repub lication and to set up monarchy in any part of tiie world. Never before, we be lieve, has an American president issued orders for the assassination of a free and successful government. Never before :aa any otlieer of this government un rUken, upon bis sole responsibility, without consulting congress or the peo- j pie, to decide the deslinv of a foreign ! reservation country in diplomatic relations with the denudation ourselves. Never before has a president j quantitv of refuse is left which drying, invited or commanded his cabinet ad- NY. (5. Steel, in Saturday' Oregonutn, gives away a job that thould be nipped and may be, If it is given publicity. It is a gigantic scheme on the part of a syndicate to gobble up vast quantities of school land worth f 0 an acre by paying only the state price, It grows out of " ! the recently reserved tract of land known as the Cascade Forest Keserve. The general government gives to the state every section numbered 10 and 3W for school purpose. If, for any reason, tne government withdraws this land from the market, and any of the sections named are not received, the state is then entitled to select an equal amount from any public lands. Such are called lieu lands. Within the then proposed reser vation there were about I'oO.OlK) acres of school lands, worth very little, on the general average. However, the moment this land is withdrawn from the market the state can choose the best govern ment land within its lorders in lieu thereof. In this way the school fund would receive $- for lands worth, say :f50 per acre. The difference would go to line the pockets of the schemers. The Alpine club, to whose offices are due the reserving of this land, discovered the purpose of the syndicate in the nick of time, and through prompt correspon dence with our representatives iu con gress, held the matter in abeyance until a counter move C'.uld In1 formulated. This was that Mr. Steel, who had hur ried to Washington, should at onco re turn to Oregon and get an act passed by the legislature, which was then in ses sion to dispose of these lands to the j highest bidder. Mr. Steel, was detained in Chicago by sickness and arrived at Salem only in the closing hours of the session, too late to get any sort of u law passed. Under the circumstances Mr. Steel got a joint memorial through, and forwarded a petition asking that the entire range be not reserved, but only a tract about Mount Hood aud an exten sion of that already withdrawn at Crater lake. Mr. Hermann succeeded in pro tecting the mines, while Governor Pen noyer had suspended the selection of lieu lands. As soon as this was accom plished every obstacle was removed, and President Cleveland signed the procla mation September 28. Later the syndicate, not at all disheartened, form ulated the Meltea bill, which they will try to get through the coming congrees. This is nothing more or less than the thinnest poeeible disguise for the job bijst kind of a job. However, Mr. Her mann thoroughly understands the sit uation, and will fight this new dodge to the bitter end. The intent of tiie reserve act is dictated trom the best possible motives, that of preservation of the timber, and it is to be hoped that a money-grabbing syndi cate will not be permitted to use it in connection with accumulating vast for tunes. Surveyor-General Byars is quoted is opposing tiie reservation, because a sawmill ran for 40 years, aud yet the ground was covered by a young growth. Mr. Byars is a very line gentleman, but he does uot seem to know much abuut the intent and scoe of a forest A greater trouble is that of a forest a great of the democratic party are going to abandon their worship of the stutfed prophet niitl can not bo cajoled by prom ises nor terrorised by threats of with drawal of patronage. Cleveland has seen his day, oven among those of his own party. CUliliF.ST I'tiFSS COMUVXTS. Hill McKinley and the McKinley will be the campaign cry of 'SMI bill What this country needs more than a high tariff or a low tariff is a stable tarilf. A democratic paper says Sen. Hill is "level-headed on his feet." He is also pussy-footed on his head. When a farmer gets a labor-saving implement for himself, let him think if ho can't find something to save his w ife's Inlwr in the kitchen. The liuoia-hoola cancan now Using danced by His Kxcellcncy, the stuffed prophet of the white house, and Her Majesty, the fat nitfger ex-queen of Hawaii, is a hummer. Of all the millions who attended the world's fair, Knrope sent but a paltry 2l',00O. America sends 100,000 tourists to Kurope everv year, fair or no fair. Our foreign freinds are not good travel ers it seems. An Knglish court has decided that the word "woman" is not libelous. It is almost inconceivable that anybody should have so regarded it. Woman is one of the most honorable titles in the English langutige. Wasco county is four years behind in tiie payment of ils warrants, but that is no reason why they should be dis counted. They bear S percent, interest and are not taxable. Discounted l." per cent, and running four vears, the inter est would 1 about 14 percent. Glacier. MALONEY'S HAUL. Arraala a Nuaul'ioua-l.okl Character for a Wyoming IHunloror. Actiug Marshal Frank Maloney ar rested a suspicious-looking character this morning at the train, who seemed! to be trying to evade the marshal, which j caused him to cling the closer to thej trail. After u glance the marshal ms-j picumed that he was the party wanted, for the murder of Henry Wade at llvan-1 Bton, Wyo.. on Oct. l'.Kh hist, the marshal having a detcriptinn ami photo. graph of the murderer, Frank M.iitin by name. He was taken to Hie -colder" j otlicv and after an examine'. (two. hours It was decided he tallied mi all ( points, height, weight, color of hair mid j eyes, actions, build, and even to a scarj ou his nose. The prisoner had on a pair of pants turned inside out, which mi-j swered the description us worn i.y the, murderer, dark brown with brown! stripes. He also had ou two oilier put is , of pants and several vests, making tiini i appear quite fleshy. In conversing ilh j the recorder he said ho was in F.viuiHton, but when he tried to ti the date the; man evaded the quest ion. At the time of the murder Martin was smooth shaven, and as the prisoner, who claimed George Fuller as his name, had quite a growth of hair and beard, he was taken to the barber shop and underwent the cleaning process. As this was exhaus tive he will he the gainer by u thorough clean-up if lie does not prove to Im the man wanted. It he is the man, Maiouey will be $100 ahead. Tale nil w IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, Cannot use Wheat that is rotten or growing in the sack. Ue will fou 50 tfs. per Saqm PEASE & MAYS ""1 '" THE DALLs!i There is No Undertaker tcr. I Wil l. ITI'.SMI A N Y T 1 11 N i -!ir. ! llOlll UIMtlttl' w In lt . not litivlnir tiiketl tin' c nr-t' font: j.m titluliik to the tmlm' vi m y ok iirsiM-. - riiul ii-hM.Kfoii .Irv.'l-.. .VI Nr'KHKH Hunt AS I'MiKUTAkklt n. rh.-,, . t,, th. ,."Mtl Hint I Imvv n Ik tiir, . 1.1 lii.tiiii ll 11 In fcuilKiliuliiK, I mu prviumM I'mtiuui . Cullorl Xm y or rii.r of 1 lit nl hihI Wn-hliitf lt,n trv-t. colt-m u ';w.t;y Httt'uihtl tu. Ktrr) thing Tlirr. Massachusetts is solving the road problem in a practical way. The state road commission has decided to build iu every town or township in that state one good road along the most used route. The design is to build from seven to ten miles of road yearly in each county, and to spend alxmt half a million dollats an nually in this work. It is estimated that in twenty years this will supply the etate with as line roads as they have in Europe. Why cannot some system like this ! applied to Oregon? visers to assist him in the odious busi ness of eetting np again a rotten and broken throne. So cunningly and secretly has the way been prepared at Washington for the restoration of the wretched Lilliuokalani at Honolulu, if possible, before public sentiment could assert itself in the United States, and so adroitly have the promoters of the coup d'ttnl timed the publication of their instructions in or der to cover Minister Willis' movements under his secret instructions, that the astounded people of the United States do not yet know what has happened in Hawaii. Ores hum is the deadest cock in the pit. A political traitor, he will share the fate which is a just one to all traitors, allying himself in a moment of tempo rary prosperity to the opposition, which later is doomed to everlasting defeat and ignominy. Gresham has his last posi tion under a democratic president, and he certainly has under a republican. How have the mighty fallen. A New York paper says we cannot yet tell whether our naval band aboard the flaghip Philadelphia played, or will play, "Hail, Colombia," or "The Star Spangled banner," or "Red, White and Blue," or "America," upon the occasion of the landing of our marines at Hono lulu to smash the provisional govern ment and restore the rotten monarchy. The appropriate music for the occasion Is "The Dead March." Tiik Ciikonici.e believes "God Save the Queen" would be very appropriate. When the Chicago anarchists march, every second Sunday in November, to Waldheim cemetery for the purpose of decorating the graves of their criminal comrades who were hanged for the Hay market square massacre and of indulg ing in diatribes against human and di vine law, Lucy Parsons and lier follow ers are exercising a privilege guaranteed them by the government which they contemn, says n eastern exchange. Only, they must draw the line at recom mending murder, else there are liable to be more graves of "martyrs" to le decorated. makes the fierce annual forest fires which lick up everything. The follow ing year a gro-vth of grass comes, mixed with the trees, which aro just starting from the ground. Then come the sheep, which lick everything up clean, and pack the ground firm with their hoofs. This prevents a new growth of timber, and the water from entering the soil. The thousands of bare mountain sides, which once were forest, are ample proof of the correctness of these assertions. One would think that the grape crop in the average Northern home, supple mented by thousands of tons from New York and California, would suflice for the needs of our people. Not so, how ever. The arrivals of foreign grapes have never been so great as this season. Ship after Bhip reaches our shores laden with this most excellent fruit. The ship Bessarabia reached New Y'ork on Sunday with 24,000 barrels of Almeria or white grapes, all of which will no doubt be quickly absorbed through the chan nels of the fruit trade. There is no better and no healthier fruit than the grape and we are glad so much of it comes to us in its natural condition in stead of its fluid form. How dangerous a game of foot ball is to the players few are aware. Already during this month fonr young Ameri cans, full of strength and the promise of usefulness, have been killed in this game. The record of broken limbs and other serious and often lasting injuries is not kept. The New York Herald has published a record kept by an English man of the fatalities in Great Britain, where the game is more common, during the last season, from September 1st to the end of March. The aggregate is twenty-six. During the previous season there were twenty-two deaths, and in the season before that twenty-three deaths from injuries received in the game. The tariff schedule, an announced by the committee, is repellant to the great majority, but there is no danger that it will be adopted in anything near its present form. It suits Mr. Cleveland undoubtedly, for lie is tiie father of it, but unless all signs fail, the high priests MARKET REPORT. All tools and apparatus at the lockn furnished by the government has to be accounted for yearly or semi-yearly at a sort of an inventory for tho purpose. If anything is disabled or broken, it is nil right, biitthe wreck must be accounted for and produced. It has frequently happened that some article has been lost or appropriated b workmen, and to sur mount this difficulty a counterfeit is made and substituted. These counter feits lire frequently of no valuo whatever. For instance an iron maul is lost, the list simply calling for a maul. In this case a two-by-four scantling does very nicely, sawed about six or eight inches long, a hole lured in it and a pine handle inserted. A saw can lie cut out of a piece of thick paper. A hammer is easily made, anil even a pair of car wheels can be quickly turned out of wood anil joined together by a lath for an axle. And thus the rigid rules of government are enforced. "A Ito.e hy Any Name," Ktc. ru -run: i ; u.on:i T' oukkh at miuut nktu 1;. WM. MiCHELl, Undertaker and hMw "There is a tide in tkt ajairs of men ishtch, taken it tf5 flCikj leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to th ClosiBir-Onl Si I -mMm k Cnf at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are Helling these sood out at greatly-reduced r MfCHELBACn P.K1CK. - . UNION ST. The recorder had before him three ho lioes and a ilrunlc rodav. One of ho- li-MDAV, .Nov. .'S.-lra.le in the local j wnf) ob!tinRte felIo, anj wouIl, market continues quiet and receipts of j not aive ,,,, ,,, nor make any rey t() genera! prouuee is ie iree. r.ggs, owing j (Jllel,tion,. Ater the ,hirj to me continued warm wentlier, are more plentiful and a light decline is noted, C7'a cash is the top offering and sho lid conditions continue a further de cline will bo tho result. Butter is, to use the common phrase, a drug on the market. Vegetables are in (uxjd supply, and present prices are the earn as of a week ago. Poultry, as the Thanksgiving tcason is at band, is in fair demand but there is no improvement in the market for chickens and turkeys. Portland quotations are about the same as iu The Dalles market, while tur keys are reported dull at lU.'jCts. er Hi. live and locts. dressed. The grain market is quite and deliver ies have fallen off to a large extent. Wheat ranges in price from 40 cts. per bushel for No. 1, to 41' for No. 2. The large quantity of damaged wheat re ported, and what is offered for sale, does not fetch over oOcts. per sack. The wool market is dull as ever. The declaration of the committee on the new tarilf law, has been arbitrary and wool, as all other native products has been put on the free list. The session of congress which convenes on Monday next will, undoubtedly fathom the question of free products and protect the wool husbandry after its careful deliberation. The live stock market is unchanged, excepting hogs which aro slightly off, owing to a decline in smoked meals. Quotations of fat hogs on foot are 4 -i and 5 cts. question to what his name was he finally that It made no dilference aud didn't need any mime. "True," said the re corder, "still it might come in handy l fore you get out of jail. I hereby fine you f'JO for contempt of court. When you return here try and find a name, even if you have to invent one." From tliff l,ovrii(r of Nutilh linkittn. (irMTiTMrx -Knel. Md pl..M fliwl .1hI note fur 11.011 lor Krmw-'i ltt'tlju-ht :nmiIm. Allow to fny Hint lhy nr ileiiilhl : iipv.t fulled to, u n- my heirlitfhea ami nv mi. world iA surtvrliiL'. 1 fin r.-4'oinnicit.liiiK tbMii wvrrv wlierw. 1 triiKiflt ( Alx-nlvtn, IItI mid Hrltton, Mnrlili eosmly, nil ruimMil m. tnitH tn-m md k.-?(i th.'ni Iu stork. I 1111 r"ititt u t.oloriulo Iu June, ami I hil ilo Ton vimmI t!i're among tli mimTw, umrly all of wuoui miUt-T from 1iUa'1ii III thnt hiifh altitude Ynun, ic J. II. Lr.ltllKi:, Ueut. (iov. Santa (.lain, 8. I'ak. bold by feuq- & klbertly. replied vrr; lr. r'hapifinn to li llvre. Dr. Chas. II. Chapman, president of the University of Oregon, at Lugene, is making a tour of Lantern Oregon in the interest of that worthy institution. Dr. Chapman will be in The Dalles Wednes day and Thursday of this week aud will be pleased to meet many of our citizens who have sons and daughters to educate. Dr. Chapman is a graduate of John Hopkins University, an educator of note. Tho university will prosper greatly under Ins administration. ABOUT WOMEN. KoKE Sand, when overexcited by writing, employs herwjlf in hewing in order to noothe her nerves. Tiik first yrnmiMiim for (firls in Germany will be opened this autumn at Carlsruhe. It ha been founded by the "Women's Instruction Iteform o ciety," formed in the year lHbi. Mrs. Grafton BoKs.un Knglish wom an, has invented a tool for killing ob noxious weeds in frurden. It is in the form of a hollow piercer, throuph which poison is conveyed to the very heart of the root of ft ktubborn weed, causing it to shrivel up in a very short time. Womkw belonging to a Baltimore cooking school have offered to train in the culinary science one hundred pirlH attending the pruinmux hehools of the city without charge, hoping thereby to demonstrate the .utility of estab lishing a cookery department in con nection with the public tichoolg. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and Croup Cure, is for ale by Snipes & Kin- ersly. Pocket sie contains twenty-five doss, only 25c. Children love It. Sold ty Snipes & Kinersly. From lld la font You feel the good that's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It purifies the blood. And through the blood. It cleanses, repairs, and invigor ates the whole system. In recovering from "La Grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, nothing can equal It as-an .etizii)g, restorative tonic to build up needed flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural action, promotes all the bodily functions, and restores health and vigor. For every disease that comes from a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and the met stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous allec tions, the "Dihoovery" is the only rem edy so certain that it can be ipmrnnlml. If it doesn't benefit or cure, iu every case, you have your money back. For a perfect and permanent cure for Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy. Its proprietors oiler 5IK) reward for an incurable case of Catarrh. "tNJUYING LIFE. A l'p Into m 1-ualilofiMhlff t'lmp-lloua at On O'rlurk In th .Momma If you feel any interest in the curi-' oils phaM- of limn.; in I take a limit In one of our fa-hiniiitlle chop-houxeH nboiit one o'clock in the morning- lfj It be Stittirdny n;;ht all the t-etter. : That (MTuliiir class of men w!u rise! in the uioniiM," uiel ir to hnl n everything ele is hIiiiI up. ays the I'itt'.hurjrh Di.-qmtcli, lire then j nut in full f.iree. It isn't Im-ciiu-ic they i can't come on some other liij.'ht. Inr j hi e.iiiv mi other itij'lits there wouldn't be mi many of their kind t Ih-iii. Most nf these iinwle hoiis,. rrovvils are youuir iov twenty to thirty years of ugv. Thcv are tinmt ly in cveniti;!' ilrvsr; unit their v:tll iitid conviTsiition have 11 theittrii al llavor. The t,re:itet compliment, thnt can he paid one of these yoiino--nter.s is when lie is taken fora roitrnl'T, u in. in iilioiit. town, or something equally An tlu- world roe, they are ratliera litle-lookili(.- speeiruen of American manhood. They have sti IT stnmachn yet untouched by t he iiisicli 010. ilemoti nf lale Mipers they are in the net of c ',(;;. ltr 'l hev tire neither he;ivyilr!.l,ov or 'unit uiiil boisterous of ilenie:.i,..r I,:;: Iheycun gel nwiiy with ruretiits mid lried hcollop-t and lobntiTB iiml steaks aud chops and other things like hired men in thresh ing time. A few indulge in cxin tisive wines, but most of them prefer the conventional toby of ale from the wihmI. About two in the morning they will have disapcared. Then the wait ers will gn around und guther up the canes anil umbrellas that have been left in the corners during the evening. These uvernge from two to a dozen nightly. Men who leave canes around in this wny are not accustomed to car rying cones. C. F. STEPHENS UKALEK IN DRY GOOD i Htmt rt It Hal Kr. Eta., Ktc, Kit Second St., The Dalles I F. FORD. ABOUT TREES. t( lr tluliin. lima, wtllw iiuiU'' Slarch KU S. B. Mku. Mrti. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Grntltmrn : ' On arriving home lust week, I all well and anxiously awaitmi- little girl, eight and one-half who hud wasted away to 3H P"01' now well, strong nnd vigorum, fleshed up. S. IS. Cough CtiW b its work well. Both of the cliMnM it. Your IS. B. Cough Cure !), and kept away nil hoarsened fru " So give it to everv one, with PM for all. Wishing von prosiwrllr."! Yours, Mk..A Mas. J. F.f' ( If roil with to fel frmh ami cbwtoU fur thn Mnri iia wnrk . finalist Tour IjHrrr the llojiUche- and Ltv Cure, by WW1 I throe uuauarach week. Bold under a positive Kiiaraut 40 oanU per bottle or all ilrntf1 V A A COMPOUND. A iwvnt dlapovery hr an oM physician. Aaomafufy turd Ui'lltt. I thn only t'rfnlir aafnanri rrlliU,l rnrdlr luo ha- forerwl. Itawaro of uniirlDdplril dniiuliu who offir Inferior nunllrlnna In lac of this. Aak for Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound, fiaa no tutori- I lult, or Inrlowi (I and 0 nu in ioita)rn in lottur I and wo will tend, aralod, br return mall. Vulla"ill ' parti olari In slain anvrlopo, to lllna only, si CUmi. AOdrvu Pond I.I I r Company. I No. a flbfr Mlock. Iwtrclt, Men. I tolil in The Pull by illaki ley & iloiixti D. A ( l ltiot a tree grtiwth i tinted near Klh'nville, N. Y., where n hemliN.'k and an oitk have become Nrfectly Joined at a height of about ten feet Of all living tilings, trees, iwrhaps, lire capable of longest life. Knglish yews and California redwoods are sup posed to have lived one thousand years, and there are cedars of Lebanon which may possibly thile back to the Christian era. A ft itioi tree growth bus been noticed in Key West, Fin. The date palm is growing from the hollow nf an Indian fig or bun van tree, nnil h n parently supported by tlm rootlets nf the fig tree, which clasp the tltite for some distance. The banyan is n siniill one, having only three trunks. ONK nf the peculiarities nf the ro eoiinut palm Is that it never stands up right. A Malayan saving bus it that: V ii i... i i i. , ... . . i- nn lias nsiHeil II pi ill a llellll monkey; he who has found the nest nf a pmldy bird; he who hns beheld B straight, cocotiniit palm or has fitth nmeil the heart of a wonmn, will live forever." NOTICE. f, Cloalna; nt Nnln of Ii roenrln. Owing to a coiitempliitt'd change of business, tin- undersigned will close out the entire slock of groceries, hardware, wood and willow ware nt cost for cash. Call early while the stock is unbroken. lol.KH IlllOIMKIIS. r. liANii iirru a, i n . w. fiilnpliilllt hnvlnit liw-ll 'nt""'' by Mdui-y . Hiulth Hgnlimt llllaB J:i ; niwniiioiiinir 1111 iiiuiu-ii i ; i . r ioWMftlltjl l....l I..L. II t.W. ........ tl... H lnl"l -.M-ll. II. I"."'. Il-'" "- , I .. wi ... I. .... i- foriii. iiii.- - IIIIC' I- " " iill Vlr t.. II " '.,. of auld euliy; the Mild irtl moiM'il UiHiiiH'nr at thm olllc1 iM'cmber, nt Hiiielork " "llj1uf'' and Intlllnh tivtlllioliy eoiiciTiiw " Hlmlliliilllncllt. , , ,a Hrclil" Itlll N W. I.KWlft, B. Undertakne Esti 1'ItIN & NITSCIIk i.i. 1 1 t int IN Furniture and Carpe Ml"'11' We have added to ' . .,...,.,loto ITndertading Lsl ,( und 'as wo are in no way o..m" ,; , i....i . Trull., our r1" tne wnuerHtarm .- bo low accordingly.