tDCiccfelg 4J V ixat VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 18ia NUMBER 19. is A JEALOUS HUSBAND Killed His Wife, Another Woman an Himself. WNS DIVORCED FROM HIS WIFE Hoy Frightens His Little Sister to Death-Minor News Notes. Kankakkk. III.. Nov. 24. .Tonne D. U. tuitli, a former merchant of this city, nurdered hid divorced wife and Mrs. iraybill this noon, and then shot hiui- t -- l.... I. ...... Mill. IlOllI WUI1IUI1 WITO nilUb lUIUIlgll the huurt; doath wan instantaneous. roith Hliot himself in the head, liut the bullet dU'.i-ml, Injuring him slightly. He thou to his hoarding house, and Jiot himsell through tlio right temple mt lie for tin' tdieriff arrived. Jealousy ) dupp. ised to he the can no. The di vorced woman and Mrs. Graybiil lived together. KrlRldniKid HI. Hl.tttr lu Itealh. Nkw Buunswick, Nov. 24. Twelve- rear-old Mury Powell, of Prospect Plains, thin county, went to the cetliir int night, and while bIio was ascend ' the stairs hor brother made a moun.i.,1 -jiiml and slummed and locked th door. WHirl scroumeu; in terror, mil trie hoy it(.t her hH'kod In. All ut onco the cmm ceased, and when the door was jmi'd the girl wan dead. A physician im win summoned said her death wan at- h) the shock produced hy lior fright, do hrolher, who in thus apparently res- oiihiI) e lor nor ileum, is in irom re- irHe. lillleil With a Marble. 1KKNTON, i. J., iOV. JirillUI Turner, aged 10 years, wan shot and ulni'iHt msiuiiiiy Killed ycHieruuv uiier- nooii hy John Vuttu. The .latter had a pin loaded with powihir, into which he put a marhlo. Turner Blood behind a tree and dared his companion to shoot. Vetta pointed the gun and fired, the marble striking Turner iu the mlddie of the forehead. He walked about M feet and fell dead. The hall fractured hit) ikull. Vctla was arreHted, liut Coroner I. I), ltower roleaiied him, l)lii"vinn that .lie shooting wan accidental. (illKMII AM MIAWMSHEH. Blames C:leeleinl fur Hi Hawaiian Ciiicaoo, Nov. 24. The Daily News Washington HH;ciiil says: "Groshain ha atteinptod to absolve hitiiHolf from till responsibility of the administration's Hawaiian policy. In con versa t ion with .ersonal friend he slated he had nothing to do with framing the policy which was inaugurated hy 'parnuiount' Blount, and which ia sought to lie en forced hy Minister Willis. The seeretury Htated that, liefore he was Invited to hid eat in tho cabinet Cleveland had form ulated hia Hawaiian policy; that he had ilccUred the dethronement of the queen unjust and hia determination to re-en throne her; that the preHident, without consulting the secretary of Htute, deter mined upon the appointment of a special mmissioner, anil selected lilount lithout the knowledge of the secretary ol state, nnd, in furt, the latter officer KHn ely knew I'.louut at Might at that time. The secretary of Htate said further Hie instructions to lilount, also those to WilliH, were prepared at the white Iioiibo. Hie intimation Ih made hy him that he 1 ictticiy know at the time of Blount a I (iePttiire for Honolulu what hid in- trcti(in wore, for they were not only ''" pared at the white house, but de livered hy tho hand of 1'reHident Cleve land." An Italian Iteimhlle Komk, Nov. 127. -In the highest and "unit reserved circles it is said to lie well known that the present dream of tiie Vatican is the establishment of a federal Italian republic. This idea is the only real explanation of the extraordinary language adopted by Vatican organs in 'peaking of the mission of France and liussia with relation to the papacy. I.auirliml HI .Air tit linath. I.auhki,, Md., Nov. 2". Wesley I'er ons, an ngod and well-known farmer, while joking with friends yesterday, was seled with a pll of laughing, being unable to stop, lie laughed for nearly an hour, when he began hic coughing, and two hours later he died from exhaustion. Huoklan's Arnlra naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, hritises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, fornn, nnd all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required is guaranteed to give perfect satisfan tinn, or money refundod. Price 2" onts er b.,. yUf gl4e )V Snipes A Kin-ritly NEWS OF THE STATE. A quartz ledge assaying 0 to the ton lias i)een muck in Sjirttgne river valley. Max I'riicht of Ashland received the award at tho world's fair lor the iii.est eaches. A big thankHgiving dinner is to be given the newsboys and tneseenger boys of Portland. It is reported that J. O. and I. N. Iay are putting in a fine stock of general uierchatidiHo at the l,ockn. Three more indictmeiits for smuggling have been uiado against V. Punlmr, C. .1. Mulkey and L, C. Sweeney of Port land. The First National Hank of Fort Kla math Iihs tmnponded on uccoiint of the uiyHteriouo disappearance of the cashier. Will Plumb, a La (irando school hoy, accidentally ehot and killed .Sherman Kent, a companion, aged 12. Kent's mother is prostrated. Nat P.luiu plead guilty to five different counts lor smuggling, and his example was followed hy Sweeney, Jackling, (iarthorne, Patterson and lierg Inifore Judge Bellinger, Monday. It takes a gambler to heat a gambler. A stranger iu Portland the other even ing on a fit) limit game dexterously changed f" to f 100 much to the surprise of the dealer and as the former won, the call had to he paid. Hut the strunger was not allowed to continue tho game. As an illustration of what can be done in raising apples, we cull attention to the orchard of John Sweeney, one mile from town. He lias apple trees six years old, from which he took this year 5:10 boxes of first-class fruit, which brought him 70 cents a box on tho tree, or :!70. Glacier. K. Brighton, under sentence of six months In the jienitentiary for smug gling opium, committed suicide in his cell iu the county jail at 7 :1'0 o'clock Saturday morning by severing his jug ular vein with a razor and bleeding to death. The jury returned a verdict of deliberate suicide, due to despondency. F'red Kemp lost his life a week ago by being thrown from a wagon loaded with wood, being killed by the falling wood. He lingered a few days at the residence of his parents at Hood Uiver, but died Tuesday, and was buried the following day. Mr. Troy Shelley "of The Dalles officiated at the funeral services. It is stated, as a result of the moit careful experiment, that tho cost of pro ducing hops in New York state is 13 to 14 cents a pound, while in the Pari tie states they can he raised at 9 cents. Willi tho ireight less than cents 1o New York, shipments from Oregon to England of hops, competing with the German growers, has already begun. Mrs. lOli.aheth Hess has begun a suit against Theodore Lieut , president of the Oregon German Faking Company, for fL'5,H0 for malicious prosecution. Mrs. Hess is tho widow of Christian Hess, who attempted to kill Mr. I.iebe and then committed suicide. In her com plaint Mrs. Hess alleges that I.iebe caused her arrest last August on a charge of larceny of f ")00 from the company's store, she was placed in jail and de tained IS hours before her husband and child were notified. A. A. Kosenthal was appointed re ceiver of the Sunday Mercury Publish ing Company by Judge Steams Saturday. The Mercury appeared on time again but there was a great difference between it and the Mercury of old. The size of the paper has been reduced one-half and the sensational features abolished. The famous column, "Over the Teacups," has disappeared, and the usual resume of scandalous happenings has given away to other items, some original and some taken from local papers. Receiver Kosenthal briefly announced his appoint ment and his intention to make a reada ble paper out of the Mercury. PEOPLE OF BRAINS. Kai.I'H Waldo Lsif.hson was a groat whistler. Thk English accuse William Wal dorf Astor of being influenced by his interests in the United States in his attack in the Pall Mall Gazette on Canada. KoiiKitTllrKNs'granddaughter.widow of David Wingate (who was pensioned fifty pounds tt year for his literary merit), bus been given a grant of one hundred pounds from the royal bounty fund. Wii.mam C. Tomt, who recently gave fifty thousand dollars to the Boston nublii! library to supHrt a newspaper reading-room, is seventy years old, and a graduate of Dartmouth in the class of 1-tl. Shiloh's VitalUor is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74c Sold by Snipes Kinorsly, druggists. GOOD NEWS AT LAST Tbc Carlin Party Fonud. Which Have Been Ont Sines Sept. 20. IT WAS NEARLY TOO LATE The Cook Missing, Having Been Left Behind, and It Is Feared He Is Dead. Si'okask, Wash., Nov. IB. A courier arrived at Kendrick, Idaho, at 5 o'clock this morning after an all-night ride from Weippe with news that Lieutenant Elliott had found the Carlin party on the middle fork of the Clearwater, 130 miles from any settlement, laet Wednes day. The lost party were in had shape when found, being out of provisions, barefoot and with little clothing. They were slowly making their way down the river when found. George Colgate, the cook of the party, gave out a few days before the rescue and had to be left and it Is feared ho may have died. All that is possible will be done to find him, dead or alive. The rescued and rescuers are expected here Tuesday and General Carlin will be here to meet his son. The story of sufl'ering, desperation and hard ship told by the lost hunters was heart rending. They managed to cross the Clearwater in several places at great risk to their lives, being compelled to wade the icy current up to their necks or swim amid floating blocks of ice and snow. Nearly all their horses died of cold and starvation. The men tramped for miles through the deep enow in blinding storms, with scarcely any food or clothing, being pat on half rations of bacon and bread. At last the struggle became too much for George Colgate, the cook of the party. Colgate realized the situation fully and advised his cou. pan ions to attempt to save themselves. Strong men shed tears when one of the party was loft behind to meet his fute alone. It began to appear as if all would be lost, and at most the only hope held out to them was the chance of being found by a relief party, which Carlin said he felt sure would be sent out for them. The rescuers and rescued are ex pected iu Kendrick Monday,. Lieuten ant Klliott went as far as he could with jrses, borrowed a saw at a rancher's cabin, made a skiff, and had gone up the river in it 13 miles when he met the party. The courier gives the following account of the egress of the party from the mountains during and from the time that they discovered they were irretriev ably lost unless heroic methods were at once adopted to make their way out of the wilderness : "October flth, the day upon which they were preparing to leave the Clear water, a heavy storm came on, which completely obliterated all the roads and trails. To add to their distress their animals stampeded, and when night overtook them they were powerless to proceed. Being without anowshoes or other appliances for winter traveling, their perilous situation was soon realized, and it at once became apparent that the party was in for it. That night there fell more than five feet of suow, and the following morning consultations were held, but no definite plan of action was decided upon until the following evening, when Guide Spencer decided upon brav ing the storm alone, promising to go to a certain point he had in view, which, if ho could reach in safety, all would be well. This, however, he failed to do, the remainder of the party not consent ing, preferring that all should live or die together. And so the little band re mained, trusting to fate and awaiting succor, which arrived almost too late.". WASHINGTON LETTER. How the Hawaiian Mattor Is Viewed at the Capital. Krmn imr K-t?lur CorrtNKmdeiit. Washington, Nov. 24, 1S93. "Support my tariff bill or you will get nothinn from the administration," is the ultimatum which Mr. Cleveland has given to those democratic congressmen who are disposed to protest against the wholesale crippling of various industries in their districts that the new tariff bill will bring about, should the schedules as prepared by the direction of Mr. Cleve land be allowed to stand. The number of democratic protestors is largo and as the result will probably decide the re nomination and election of most of them it will not be surprising should many decide that the welfare of their constitu ents that is endangered by the Cleveland t.riff bill is of more Importance to them than any favors that Mr. Cleveland has to give out, and be found carrying ont tho threats now being made of uniting with the republicans for the purpose of securing protection of their constituents. One of the arguments advanced by some of the Cleveland men is characteristic ally democratic "Support the bill as it is ; the senate will be certain to amend it according to your wishes." The same sort of argument got votes for the Wil son repeal bill at the extra session. Nobody need lie surprised to hear that Secretary Gresham has resigned. His position i now anything but a desire- able one. Instead of the vindication he thought the publication of Blount's re port would bring him and the adminis tration, he finds the public much more disposed to accept the answer to that re port made by the Hawaiian Minister Mr. Thurston as a correct story of the Hawaiian revolution. Secretary Gresham is eo chagrined that he hardly gives those who come in contact with him a civil answer to the most trivial question. It is understood that he wanted to send Mr. Thurston his pass ports because he made public his answer to Blount's report, but that Mr. Cleve land forbid it. Senator Culiom, of Illinois, does not mince wrds in expressing his opinion of the Hawaiian policy of the adminis tration. Ilusays: "The president has overstepped the bounds of American patriotism and the authority vested in his office. It is the most un-American and unpatriotic step ever proposed by any administration, and congress, al though it id democratic in both branches, will, in my opinion, take the first oppor tunity to administer a severe reprimand. I know of no man iu congress who has endorsed the action of President Cleve land in regard to Hawaii or who has spoken a word in behalf of his unpatri otic effort to restore the monarchy. The act already committed by the adminis tration is clearly without authority. The action of President Johnson, whom congress moved to impeach, waB not half so reprehensible as that taken by Mr. Cleveland and his secretary of state. It is a most humiliating spectacle to any true American citizen, and I might add that it appears to be the most senseless exhibition of combined mendacity, malice, viciousness and outrageous exer cise of official power that the world has witnessed in modern times." There is one paragraph in Secretary Carlisle's New York chamber of com merce speech that, in view of the methods of Mr. Cleveland, is really amusing, particularly to democratic con gressmen not on good terms with the ad ministration. They are in doubt as to whether the secretary intended to be delicately sarcastic at Mr. Cleveland's expense, or was preparing the way to shift th. blame for the lack of a financial policy from the administration to con gress. Here are the words of Secretary Carlisle: "It must be remembered, however, that it is the function and duty of the legislative department to establish the policy of the government upon this and all other subjects, and to clothe the executive with the necessary authority and means to carry it out. When the authority and means are granted the ex ecutive department is responsible for the manner in which the law is executed, but beyond this it has no power to act, and consequently no duty to perform." Hon. Jos. N. Manley of Maine, was here early in the week making prepara tions for the opening of permanent head quarters for the national republican com mittee in Washington, from which the distribution of republican literature and other educational matter will be con tinuously made, without interfering with the work done in that line by the con gressional committee or the League of Republican clubs. Gen. Harrison wished the national committee to do this four years ago, but a majority of the com mittee did not agree with him and it was not done. Speaking of the national committee, I have it on good authority that when the committee issues the call for the next national nominating convention it iil include therein an edict reducing the representation in the convention of those southern states in which the republican party practically has no organization to about two delegates each. The idea be ing that the states from which the elec toral votes must come should be allowed to name the party candidates. Cas. Yob M ho Lead Sedentary LItc Will find great relief from the constip ation by taking Simmons Liver Regula tor. It is a simple, harmless, vegetable compound, sure to relieve you, and can do no injury. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cab, says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price r0 cts. Sold by Snipe& Kinersly. THE NEW TARIFF BILL Free List Will Satisr? the Most Radical. A REPUDIATION OF RECIPROCITY Wool, Coal, Lumber, Salt and Iron Ore on the Free List-Agricultural Implements Free. Washington, Nov. 27. The new democratic tariff bill is given out. Its provisions fulfill every expectation of those who predicted it would be a measure of radical reform. In many respects It is a surprise even to demo crats, as it is unprecedented in many provisions. The free list is of liberal scope, sufficient to satisfy the most rad ical advocates of reform, and the repudi ation of the principle of reciprocity is decisive and emphatic. Thus the bill, In addition to tariff reforms, will, if passed, necessitate the readjustment of treaties with South American countries, which enjoy practical or theoretical reci procity with the United States. The bounty on sugar, instead of being re pealed at once, will be repealed by easy graduations and will not reach the full effect till after the close of the present century. Beginning March 1 next, the following articles are added to the free list: Bacon, hams, beef, mutton, pork, meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not otherwise provided for; baryta, binding twine made in whole or part of istle or tampico filier, manilla, sisal or sunn, single ply, measuring not more than COO leet to a pound ; millinery, bird skins prepared for preservation ; blue vitriol, bone, car coal, bituminous and shale and slack or cut; coke, coal tar; colors or dyes not specially provided for ; ovide of cobalt, copper ores, old copper, clippings of new copper, all composi tions of which copper is the chief com ponent of value, regblus and black cop per, and copper cement, copper plates, bars, ingots, pigs, other forms: cop peras, cotton ties; diamonds, dust or bort, jewels used in the manufacture of watches and clocks; yolks of eggs of birds, fish and insects; crude down, fresh fish, undressed furs, iodine; ro sublimated iron ore, including magnjfer ons iron, dross of burnt pyrites, sulphur pyrites in natural state; lard, lemon juice; mica and crude metallic minerals and unwrought metals, ochre and ochrey earths, sienna and sienna earths, umber and umber earths, cottonseed oil, paint ings and statuary, plows, tools, disc harrows, harvesters, reapeis, drills, mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, thresh ing machines, cotton gins, plush black for making men's hats, quicksilver, salt, silk not further advanced in manufac tnre lean carding of combing, soap, not otherwise provided for, sulphate of soda, or salt cake or nitrate cake, sulphuric acid, tallow and wool grease, straw, hurrstone bound into millstones, free stone, granite, sandstone, limestone and other building or monumental stone, ex cept marble undressed, all wearing ap parel and other personal effects on iden tity being established under regulations to be established by the treasury, tim ber, sawed boards, planks, deals, other hunter, lath, palings, shingles, staves, manufactured wood, provided the same duties as now exist shall obtain in all cases in which an export duty is laid on any article in the above schedule ; chair cane or reeds, woods, namely cedar, lignum vibe, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, rattan wood, all tonus of cabinet woods, in the log, rough or hewn, manufactured bam boo and rattan, manufactured brier-root or brierwood, reeds and sticks of patridge, hairwood, pimento, orange, myrtle or other woods in the rough ; all wool of sheep, hair of camel, goat, alpaca and other like animals ; wool and hair on skin, noils, yarn, waste, card waste, burr waste, rags and flogs, including all waste or rags composed wholly or in part of wool. All delinquent taxpayers that don't want their names advertised had better come forward, as the roll will lw pub lished on the 21st of this month. T. A. Wakd, Sheriff. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTEIY PURE NEWS NOTES. T. V. Powderly resigned his position as general master workman of the Knights of Labor. Washington Hesing, editor of the the Staats-Zeitnng, has just been ap pointed postmaster ot Chicago. The Mexican revolutionists have van quished the regular troops in a late battle between Ascension and Palomas. The entire number of paid admissions to the world's fair was 21,4SO,14l. The total attendance at the centennial at Philadelphia was 9,910,000. Thermometers in Minnesota, North Dakota and Manitoba registered 6 to 15 degrees below zero yesterday. Sauk Rapids, Minn., reports 24 below; Fargo, N. D., 23 below. The City of New York is doomed. After a long period of almost perfect weather, in which efforts to Bave the vessel proved unavailing, a storm has arisen which bids fair to destroy the ship. It is reported that articles of Impeach ment against Mayor FUistis will be pre ferred at the Minneapolis council meet ing for permitting saloons to keep their back doors open Sundays,' contrary to law. Leo XII has fallen into a stage of a senile decay, which his physicians do not believe can last till March. His hold on life, at best, is a matter of months. Preparations are being seriously made for the election of a new pope. Reports are coining in from Western Kansas which tell of great suffering among many people there who are des titute of provisions and without money to buy fuel. For 24 hours a severe bliz zard has been raging. Appeals are com ing to the governor for coal, but he is powerless to aid unless coal could be shipped there from the state mine at Leavenworth. A 25-pound turnip was presented to the Oregon City Enterprise by a farmer living four miles south of the city. A colony of Scandinavians under the leadership of Jens Johnson of Minne apolis have arrived and will locate in Silvertou and vicinity. The plans of W. C. Knighton, of Salem, for building the Soldiers' Home, were accepted. Advertising for bids will be done at once. The work of clear ing the land will commenced imme diately. Mr. Kertson, who has been employed by the West Side (Independence) for nearly a year, proposes to start an oppo sition job aflice and perhaps a newspaper. This means starvation for both, and about the first thing they will go to slashing rates to a trifle above cost of the paper. Kertson had better have con tinued drawing his salary. Corvallis offers to the fashionable world a new form of entertainment, the onion sociable. Six young ladies stand in a row, and one bites a chunk out of an onion; then the onion is turned over to the young men for inspection. The one who guesses who bit the onion kisses the other five ladies. If he fails to guess, he is only allowed to kiss the girl who bit the onion. Thus again is trie hope of reward overshadowed by the fear of punishment. IleaceliflMrt from the Axtert. City ok Mexico, Nov. 20. It is of ficially announced that the Marquis de Castellanos, Don Aueusiin Maldoimdo Carvajal, and his two brothers ami sis ter, all residents of Madrid, Spain, have been recognized by the government of Mexico as descendants of the Aztec monarch whom Cortez conquered. The treasurer-general has been instructed to pay to each of them an annual pension. This decision has been communicated to them by the secretary of the treasury. Are your children subject to croup? If so, yon should never be without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. If given freely as Boon as the cronpy cough ap pears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of mothers who have croupy children, and never disappoints them. There is no danger iu giving this Remedy in large and frequent doses, as it contains noth ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.