The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 25, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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Two tramp j placed an iron rail across
the railroad track near Harrisburu for
the purpose of wrecking anil looting the
train. The engino knocked oil" the rail
by a fortunate chance, ami was so saved
from throwing the train down an 8-foot
embankment. The tramps are now in
The Multnomah county grar.d jury
fouiul true bills apt bust threeof tiie high
est officers of the comity. These are
Treasurer Charles A. Jlslarky. Sheriff
Penumbra Kelly, and County Clerk T.
G. Powell. The bill against Mal.uky
charges that he is guilty of "nonfeasance
in office, ' for not tiling a report of
money received, etc., for thei. mouth
prior to his ijualincttion as treasurer.
The charges against T. C. Powell, the
county clerk ami the sheriff, Pciiuiiilra
Kelly, are substantially the same.
About 4 o'clock Monday afternoon
come laborers on Union avenue in I'pper
AlbinA taw a woman throw a bundle
from a window. Investigating they
found it to contain a still-born infant.
The matter was at once reported to Of
ticer Hunter, of the Albina police dis
trict, who took charge of the child's re
mains and sent them to the West Side
station. Here City Physician Wheeler s
attention was called to it, and he went
to the house from the window of which
it was thrown. He found it to ie the
child of a domestic employed in the
family, and she had thrown the lifeless
body of the infant into the street think
ing thereby to conceal her shame.
A wet, heavy snow is falling in North
ern Illinois and ttill continues. It is
now over an inch in depth. Snow is
also reported throughout Iowa.
In Ottuuiwn, la., a mob gathered in
the principal street, seized a man named
Johnson, who had ravished a child
years old. put a rope around Ids neck
and hung him.
It is understood one of the items of
the metal schedule to receive overhaul
ing by the ways and means committee is
that which nnder the McKinley law
places a duty of 1'., cents per pound on
lead ore.
Father J. B. Eis, of the Sacred heart
church, of Co'.umbus, O., was shot in
the right arm by two burglars who
aroused lam while robbing the house
but the plucky priest ejected them by
main force.
Lizzie Borden, who was tried in Mass
achusetts for the murder of her father
and stepmother, and acquitted, has now
come into the family property, some
$-100,000, and has built a fh:e cottage
near tiie old blood-stained home.
j man -living near Lolo claims l.e
camped with the lost Carl in party three
weeks aa;o on the .Middle Fork of Clear
water river. He says the party are well
supplied with food for the winter, hav
ing 50. pounds of flour and plenty of
. meat.
Jr. Bailey, of (iap, a village 18 miles
et of I-ancaster, Pa., discovered an iron
pot under an old farmhouse he Lad re
cently itought. Investigation proved
that tiie pot contained over J'.'.tiOO in
gold and tilver coins. There were also
found three sets of solid silver spoons,
marked "C."
A. report has been issued by the Italian
committee on foreign affairs, based on
reports of the Italian consul at New
York and the consul general of Italy at
Kan Francisco, advising no further emi
gration to the United States on account
of the economic conditions prevailing
That the Mexican revolutionists are in
earnest, there can no longer be any
doubt. They feel confident that tiiey
can overcome Diaz or at least force him
to a number of concessions. Manuel
Garza's force numbers about GOO men,
well armed, and he claims to !e gaining
accessions daily.
James Kendrick and Patrick Quirk,
two men in the employ of the city of
Spokane, while excavating rock for the
Port street bridge just above the falls,
met with a terrible death. They were
working on a narrow ledge of rock 40
feet above the Spokane river, when
Kendrick slipped into the water, carry
ing Quirk with him. As soon as they
struck the water the rapid current bore
them over the .' JO-foot falls, and in a
twinkling they were carried into the
"Devil's Caldron," a bottomless, seeth
ing, foaming pool at the base of the falls
from which nobody has ever been recovered.
Mr. T. M. Whiteomb of l.yle is in Ihe
city today.
Mr. K. R. McKarland, of the Oregon
National Hank of Portland, is in the city
visiting old friends.
News ha ju!t arrived that the Rev.
Mr. MeCiutVv. pastor of the First ChrU church of The Italics, is lying very
ill at his home in Kentucky.
Mr J. B. Wheat of Sherman county
called on Tim Chkosici k office Unlay.
He informs us that the farmer are not
in the least discouraged on account of
the severe ios sustained by the heavy
rains ami low price of wheat, hut are
more industrious this fall than ever in
sowing winter wheat, ami it Is his opin
ion that Sherman county will produce
I more grain ine coming year uniu wci
ueiore in us iiiaiory,
Mr. C. P. Heald of Hood Biver is in
the city.
Mr. James McMillan of Sherman
county is in the city today.
Dr. I). Sidd.ill returned today from an j
extended eastern trip through the stales j
and Canada. j
Mr. Wm. Gilliam, first officer of the
ocean steamer, South Coast, is in the'
city visiting relatives and old time
friends. We acknowledge a pleasant ,
call from that gentleman. His home is i
in Berkeley, California, where he has re
sided for "the past nine years. Mr. !
Gilliam will return to his ship in Port-j
land m the morninsj
Horn of the Trial int Trlhulallou ol
ItiiMla' t'awr.
His imperial majesty the czar of ul'
the Ruvsius apitcurs to have more ditll
culty in eroding his realm by rail than
the average tramp has in going from
San Francisco to New York. To avoid
the watchful nihilist, united to the
teeth and equipped with bombs, the
imperial train of shell-proof cars trav
els in three sections, which has proven
us bewildering to the sanguinary sub
ject as three-card montc to the average
rustic. Still, this is not the only pre
caution. An army division is spreud
nut along the line, ami the ground
carefully paced by soldiers stationed
wr.-v V-V J"l 'v' v - V "iV.'l' .
fail to
.tilth (r
"it ami
':c pose
? the I Sttuirt bceiinu
in the
i 1 1 it t -nluhlv
twenty-five feet apart. From the last I
report we ore informed thnt in spite of
shell-proof cars and a vigilant soldiery, j
death by fulling into a stream, the cars
having1 jumped the track. In view of
Mr. Frank Garretson left for the Cas- i this, who can say the American tramp,
Mrs. O. W. Morgan is in the city from
the locks.
cade Locks vesterdav
Mr. Lyman was in
terday, returning to Fast
Mrs. A. C. Sanlord left
for the ranch near Wamic to remain
the winter.
! beatiug his way from ocean to ocean,
the citv ves- ' does not travel with less anxiety of
Portland this mind than the autocrat of all the Bus-
i sias?
morninu , AT
One of the newest designs in lace
pins is in the form of a small diamond
Homer D. Angell and his two neph- duck, poised, with wings outspread.
ews George and Charley Camplell just
returned from the Warm Springs reser
vation where they have 'oeen engaged
with W. E. Campbell's surveying party.
In Tiie Dalles, Nov. IMth. to the wife
of Henrv Stevens, a son.
C'uuiMMlt Ntatu lu AuihruMlolral
luUilliiiC kliniTi Many Itwfm'ta.
The Anthropological building ut the
world's fnircoutuilts n composite itutue
showing,' the average physical devclop
ment of sis tlnui-Jind Aincriciin college
girls. The exposition has few single
exhibits of greater interest and in
struenveiicM, to tiioitgutttil people,
says the New York lYcs. Thiscom
osite figure should receive the careful
attention of even futhcr and mother
who visits the fair.
For the statue shows many
defects; fuiilt-. which cannot
haven serious effect on the!'
American women and the v'yi
symmetry of their children 'i '
of the figure is incorrect, tii. u i
the great majority of the .! I "
did not know how to do n::i
simplest and most vital thin:.'
world; to stiind gracefully v.:.
urallv erect. The chest Is hum
thin and narrow. The'uui t i- too
small. In many other respects "rave
physical imticrfeetions exist.
The lesson which the statue enforces j movin
slioultl lie heeiieil ny parents ami in
structors ami by young women them
selves. Much has been done in the
physical culture of American girls.
Much more remains to be done. The
American young' women of the pres
ent day are notably taller, stronger
and more fully developed Minn their
grandmother were lit the same age.
They walk better, tiny sH'iid more
time in the open air and they taken
great ileal of wholesome gymnastic or
! cali.-.thenic exercise when' their moth
ers' mothers tooic none at all.
All this is highly encouraging. But
the movement towcrd physical juTfec
tion which has iiu.spieiou .lv begun
should be vigorously carried forward.
The happiness of American girls ami
I the Wei fare of generations yet to come
! ilcmuud this. Harmonious physical
, development means health, and health
j means beauty, the enjoyment of life
and the ability to perform the duties of
life without unnecessary hardship or
1 HuppowMt lu llavo
ttiurt llrurr.
A once precious diadem, which In
now only nil historical relic of much
interest, It the crown of the Scotch
Idiifrs, kept In the castle of Filiiibur.Th.
It is supposed, says the St. Bonis Ko
public, to have been made for Kohcrl
Bruce, und Is formed of two circles of
gold, the upper und narrower circlet
belli;.' surmounted by u row of crosses
nml jrem-itterusted liuitation flowcri.
The lower fin;.', the head bund proei-,
is lido:':1 . .I from end to end of the
golden l.i:nl wit n large precious stoiies
of different lands, mostly In their
rou;:h. unpolished state. Above rise
twonrchesof irold, which unite mid
are siirmourted with the historic
"cross und bull." I'.ven when the
How to Throw Huuiwt ,
There la not, the leant rati
of the fxlstenee of t, . c
hypnotism, ull evlile,,,,.,"
to the contrary l.otwlllMll 1
the St. I.ouls Iiepul,it,
jorlty of the hum,,,, ril(V
ble to hypnotic iiinm.,...
...u...i i- ,... ' "i;
men of Furope luive
of Fnghiud they
went t i the tr iu''le of froinr; to Scot-
land tii M'nt t hem !v . for n few mo
ment., upon tl,i celebrated "stone of
de'n pr
to l:i:ve ICi-i' I!ruc 's dla-
s.. , .1 upon V I , i ': t- royal hends.
I. diclared lib. Intention of re
sent hind's turnout! relic to Bon-
don, so thai such err Monies could be
ennie. I '"t it Inline, but the sturdy
Villa mi ' convinced hi:!i that Hiich a
prmvcdic.g would Ik- nil infringement
lijsm their rights, so the king had to
go to r.ilinliiir;'li us oilier,, had done
before. The wife of u preacher by
the r.ume of ( Jruiiirer once Mole the
Scotch crown und the other royut in
signh' - thi . in 1' or lii.VI. At the
time of the re.toiatioii they were
trar... fcrred tc Charles II. They were
returned t- B.iitiburgh tasllc in IT0T,
it ml have n maitud there ever since.
DoriiLK heart l-rmiidies of pink topaz
and aiiuamarine entwined in large true
lover's knots of diamonds ia the latest
Diamonds in combination with tur
quoises of faultless blue are found in
a peculiarly beautiful flexible (fold
curb bracelet.
Tiik Spanish topaz, hulking- like
solidified rich golden brown sherry.
is used as a mounting for riding whips
Material of Which the Kmblem la Gen
erally Made.
.No wreath has been so sunir bv poets am' "cent bottles.
and rhymesters as that which graces! Necklets, so long discarded, are in
the head of the bride on her wedding , favor again. As many as five row of
day, says the New York Advertiser, j jewels may be seen around the white
and in most countries the myrtle is ! throat of the woman of fashion,
closely associated with the bridal 1 1"kahi.s, black, white and pink, of
wreath. The latter has become a sym- I unique beauty of shaK' and color, are
bol of true womanliness, of purity of worn, set bud fashion in a tiny cup of
The Great EndUh Remedy.
, ToptlT and permanently
krmtm all form of Servoum
atorrkra, Impotencv and all
effect of Abt or Xwnn.
Been preacrlbed orer St
bfeanln thoiuandof
dnudit tat Weoa'a Phoeohoalaei It ae offer
txmf. woTtaJenmeaiclaelnpUoootUtU. kre hi
duooaen tore, lncloae price In inter, and
ew1IlDl br return mall. Price, one perluftA
l!li..s o tclll pJmar, lim will eif), panpa
let In pleia elnl envelope, 2 cent prxiwce.
Aihlfeat The Vte C'hanleal Co..
1.11 WutKlnardatenue.betrolt, Mica,
Sold In Ttielitlle br HUUelRr i llomrtoa.
I lioln; Out Hale of Oroeerle.
Owing to a contemplated change of
businem, the undersigned will close out
the entire stock of groceries, hardware,
wood and willow ware at rot for cash.
'Call early while the stock is unbroken. Bkothkhh.
mind and soul, and even Schiller is
aaiong those who have sung' its praises.
In the time of the Old Testament the
Jews saw in the myrtle a sign of what,
for them, was most beautiful and
precious the promised lunii for which
they were always longing. Later on,
among the Greeks, the myrtle and the
rose were considered the favorite llow- monds. rubies and olivines, is one of
ers of Venus, the gixldess of love, and the most charming ornaments worn on
gardens of myrtle were planted in her the soft lace of the dress bodice,
honor, with beds of roses, the red rose ' (;r.i,i:N cornelian, a delicately lovelr
brilliants, as ornuments for the
Disi coLi.Aits and girdles of ame
thysts in their various tints, rich pur
ple, light green, blue and pink, are
much worn ns a finish to the fashion
able mousseline de soie blouses.
A ti.nv humming bird, poised as if
on the wing, incrusted with small din- I
and the green myrtle representing the !
union of love and virtue. Nowadays
the myrtle has. however, several rivals.
In America, in FJngland. in France and
in Poland the orange blossom reigns I
supreme; in Italy the white rose has
taken the place of evergreen and
fragrant myrtle wreath. In Spain the
red and in Portugal the carnation
have supplanted it. In many parts of
Germany there are several distinct
customs to be observed. The sprigs
from which the wreath shall be twined
must in some places be taken at a fixed ;
hour of the night between certain holy
days. In Home countries or districts
the veil is used without the wreath. .
In the province of Dahtrne, in Sweden,
the bride wears a white cloth round
her head, and in several countries the
bridal wreath has, in the of i
time, taken the shape of a more or less
elaborate headgear or wedding' crown, j
This is the case in Norway and in
several places in Germany. In Alten- j
burg it takes the shape of a red velvet i
cap, round which run thirteen silver
rings, from which are suspended a !
number of silver and gold plates and i
coins. A veil and a profusion of float- I
ing silk ribbons in gay colors complete j
the bridal crown. In Itenmark the
myrtle is universally used for bridal
wreaths, together with a long white
veil. Many families possess myrtle
trees, which have for quite a genera
tion or more furnished the myrtle
wreaths for the brides of the family.
set llefure a Trarhere' Inntltute In ter
mini! unit Left t imoIvviI.
The following rather curious piece
of composition was recently placed
upon the blackboard at a teachers' in
stitute in Vermont r.nd a prize of a
Webster's dictionary offered to nny
person who could rend itanil pronounce
every word correctly. The book was
not carried off, as twelve was the
lowest number of mistukes in pronun
ciation made:
"A sacrilegious son of Belial who has
, suffered from bronchitis, having ex
I hausted his finances, in order to muke
gisxl the deficit resolved to ally him
self to a comely, lenient and docile
young hnly of the Malay or Caucasian
race. lie accordingly purchased a
callioH' and coral necklace of a
chameleon hue, and, securing a suite
of rooms at u principal hotel, lie en
gaged the head waiter as hiscoai! jutor.
lie then dispatched a letter of the
most unexceptional culigr.iphy extant,
inviting the young lady to a matinee.
She revolted at the idea: refused to
consider herself sucriticable to bin de
sires, and sent a polite note of refusal,
on receiving which he procu red a car-
stone, more refined and true in color bine nml bowie knife, said Unit he
than the chrvsoprase (which gets its I
peculiar green from the use of client-I
icalsi goes well with diamonds. j
Sl.f:M)t:ll gold bangles, with the ini-
tialsof the bride and bridegroom either j
in pearls or diamonds, have leen pre-
sented at recent fashionable weddings j
would not now forge fetters hymeneal j
with the queen, went to an Isolated i
spot, severed his jugular vein uml d'e
charged the contci.ts of the carbine j
into his abdomen. The debris were 11 - j
moved by the coroner." j
The mistakes in pronunciation were ,
ny ine nriui'grisim to me nriuesmuMis. . made on tiie loiiowing wonl.i: Sacri-
legions. Belial, bronchitis, exhausted
linaiices, deficit, comely, lenient, do
eile. Malav, calliope, chameleon, suite,
coadjutor, caligraphy. matinee, sacri
licable. carbine, byuieneal, isolated,
jugular and debris.
W iikn the hair of a Boman bride was
dressed for a wedding, it was always
parted with the point of a spear.
Tin; wedding ring is worn on the
left hand because, in symbolism, the i "l"! "'O -'1 P'ld..).)tt u.wq .uni'iu
right baud is authority, the left obedi-1 P"" aau.tjwixo si; ti.ii) juq Wpinuu.uu
ence. I puti toiojluip Jliiomn 'uoriuiiijliiini jo
Tiik wedding wreath is reminiscent uinmop oqi n it oin.l.tpu oi idn si nn( ,
of the age when the bride was always i Pl-"d.sui puno; sXiuApn o.m -jumil
presented with a bouquet of symbolic , Pun I'imiiiti 'o.w aqj pun :tituiiiq
Tiik Jewish title rabbi meant master
or teaelier.
Tin; most dignilicd title among' the
Hollanders was Stadtholder.
Tnr: word captain, so often used in
the llible, simply iticam, ollieer.
Tiik name l'tolemy v.a , adopted as a
title by the later lung., of Kgypt.
Tin; shah of Persia pretends to date
his title back for a thousand years.
Monks appointed judges for the dews
to aid him in the administration of
Tiik Jewish scribes were the lawyers,
registers and notaries public of their
Tiik most splendid und substantial
title of the middle ages was that of
doge of Venice.
Tiik title prince is from a Latin word
signifying leader, and dates from the
Boman empire.
Tiik judges who governed the Jews
were for the most part the heads of
their families or clans.
Tiik centurion, as the name implies,
was the commander of n hundred men
in the Boman army. Glole-I)ernocrat.
Cut flower and winter blooming
plant for sale by Mr. Phillip.
Hot clam broth at J. O. Mark's every
dav at 4 o'clock.
Is China all arrangements for a wed
ding are made by a go-between, who
ulso does the courting und makes the
I. most churches of Kngland a ring
is kept so that embarrassment may le
spared in ease of forgetfulness of the
parties concerned.
A :oi I'l.r. of hundred years ago Kng'
lish and German people in order to se
cure the greatest possible publicity,
were married in the church door.
Is Hungary the father of the bride
takes off her shoes and hands them to
her husband, thus turning over all his
authority to the groom. is as old ns anything else,
os is indicated by the discovery in
Egyptian tombs dating back to B. C.
2000 of wedding rings engraved with a
heart and two clasped hands.
V'f. watch the winds from cast and
west and our hopes are answered from
the south.
Ir there is anywhere a stray gleam
of sunshine or of love a little child
will find it.
Tiik religious improvident trust in the cast-off slough congenial quarters
Providence and the unreligious im-j for its growth. But as fur as present
provident trust to chance. observation gisis the grub never be-
The manifestation of life, whether comes a butterfly, but ischunged in ev-
intlie discovery of a nest of lledgo- cry case into a plant.
OAiiniitiuip oaunjR.idili! n; '.iin.s
-txj 1UtIl HHX twijouj ui jo vjih, jo
iqtf !'tq e n (..iii nqi in i!n sioois pun
.fpoq (1 Hjp,) Xuacx.i q.ui.M 'lUTqd
n o)ii; potiuopuicj) ."i!npi:j.1 s.iiiiod
-aq i; 'ss.xjoji! K;iirs.Ot Ajuiiji iin ax
uioj.ipun jo pii.isui '.ij.iia 'puuojif
jopun tt.ii(mi H.uqi jo o,1
e.tljuq it qiAtojif (pi; sji.ih,u i;
inql sjcwldu i mhA'iii ifuu.i.uoji ;o
I'UJH n 'o.ui vnj ai(i i(liw uoip.uiuoo
U puno; sA' pun 'qiu.q in s.i.)ui
jnoj jo o.uqi inoqii ti Xjd
-IIIIH H 1; KIII.)S1X.t St JO K.lylBlS 1sj
oqi til lucid u jo imiiiun lie i; v
1 j.tqiiiqM ujniJ.ioun si ii() ,,'ftio.wn.,
(B0 sjonv iiqi qoi q.w im(i sj 'pm
-jnop ,turf(uini, s.viiw 'piinjiM;
uj io.)fqo ijn jo snoun.) isoui aij,!,
1U,I v Jll UI
-av i It !.) "I lM,ft uieue.Mij
I rariK ItiicKlanu. llow it propugates
its species is a mystery. One traveler,
after describing its dual nature, calm
ly states that it is the grub of the
night butterfly. If so, then the grub
must also become u butterfly, or what
becomes of tile species'.' (ine would
be reudy to thut the grub docs
really so, and that some fungus finds
lings in a solitary place or the soft,
warm touch of a little child, is a pleas
ure to the senses and a joy to the soul.
-Kathrine Grosjean.
Servant Hlim In South Africa.
In South Africa, it Is the Kaffir girls
who demand references from the
As many famous vineyards of Europe
are incnpitble of producing in any one
year the niuomtt of wine bearing their
hihlc sold annually in the I'nileil
States, so the Bermudas grow only a
small percentage of the "Bermuda
women who desire to engage them ua potatoes" sold in this country. It often
domestics. It is not unusual to see
some such advertisement as this in the
papers: "Sable Moori, of Graskop, is
willing to do very light housework in
a family where no English servants
are kept. Those who desire her assist
ance must be ready to furnish testi
monials of good character. No others
need apply."
happens, indeed, that the so-called
Bermuda potutocn lire small and poor
potatoes of native growth, which have
been treated with acids in order that
t!i"y ten;,' b "'- l!'"' " ler-wiried tillers.
Mexican Silver Stove Polish causes no
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
It llram a lt"mitrlitill l,reiiili!unrc to
Ilie Am icril Trlccrului'.
There has b en i nnsidentble dif'us
hinn in tiie sei"iH;;ie paper-, of l::e
nbout the i uriiuis bubil of ihe ".' or"c '.
toads." found In Arizona nr.d '.ico.
of spurting blood from their eveiv. -hen
disturbed. Many witnesses ngree in
the iisvrtion that the little uiiinials
really posse ss this power. According
to one observer, the bloo.i, or tiie liquid
resembling bloo i. comes 'rot!' lifje
orifice:, just above mid In hind the
eves, und it upper. r. to have n ; '.t:;s ';.'
ing etYect. tiMn ua unimul covered
with it.
The homed toad, says till' Youth's
Companion, is a strange-looking crea
ture, and in certain ways itsnppcit ranee
recalls one of the inoi.: ivir.urk.ihle
monsters that in pust peoio;-ie l n;re.
lived in the western part of America
the tricenitops of Vrit. Marsh.
This gigantic animal, whose imtue
means "thrt chimicd face," lunl it.
skull inclosed in a Imuv helmet on the
upper par? o which, over the nose.
were three stout horns. The head of
o;ie of tl:c ir.on.strs is no le than
eight fee', long.
W hen it horned toad is laid upon the
head of the triccr.itops the rcsombluriec
is quite striking. nif this little nurli ru
inlialiitant of sonic of the miv.'v plains
of the west were a mint.i'tire'-tion.
with Vi;rmtio!i ,, of wouderfitl
beast that roamed there in cic ieet
A Prlnre'n I'imiUC. ('niiinu'lmira'letl hy a
Americans lire not the only js-ople
who show nn iiivini' reverera e for u
lordly title. The author of "Around
and About South America" tells of l.'s
vi .ir to Stanley. I ..lidan.! i;. lands, tiie
'.oiith-rnmo'it town on the friobe.
piirri tin incident convinced him that
a name sometime , equal ., an event
The decidedly Engl i di c'.pt'ivsioii of
the town is (Treat I;,' betghteiied upon
I'o'uir on ithore. where I laud upon u
Mnall jetty, af whose cKtrclnif v .lainls
n pyramid:.l brick nml stone monu
ment, hearing on a tablet the ra'her in
"Vvc,ivc coiiimi'iiieiitiou: "Alfred,
'I Ith I'cliruary, 1st I."
Knowing that many tuitions hue! ut
ilifTei-eiit t ;;. .. claimed por.s. i.ion of
the-- is! in . : nd that ..ev. rn! con
lliets haii r. . ' d. it was but natural
to suppo ; 1 . i';it proud pile dis
ti)igui;,!i 'i. .! r ; t v liere some British
-K,ratins( ' i. i;l. ...iigle-huuded. re
pi'Iled the l...; '.'iir cutters of several
l're ;cl, or .sj, i, men-of-war, ntid
that his I'.piireeiative coun'-ymen had
lints made the fact known to such of
the great world an might by u'-eident
stray tliither.
The very lirst citien I met I U gged
to i I! iik more of thix brave, this
ilotighiy Alfred. lisilogiing. of course,
for a memory defective in matter of
historical detail. And my blood ul
mof t congealed within my veins mid
m heart stood still with awe us I
learned that i-ere, here on this very
spot, a "real bv,.'' English prince hud
once set his fisit, on coming ushore to
pay u visit to the governor.
My informer mood solemn and seri
ous, but. there is no use In denying that
I was prolligiit-i enough to laugh.
Mmk. .Ta.n ai si iii.k is soon to retire
from the stage.
Tiik state of Franklin was the name
under which Tennessee was originally
Mils. OT.K.utv, whose famous cow
was responsible for the Chicago fire, is
said to be living at Mitsonvllle, Mich.
I'oi'K I,i.o was a famous pedestrian in
Ids youth, but since his election he has
not crossed the threshold of the Vati
can. Tiik Woman's Astronomy club of
New York claims to have lirst discov
ered the comet which hits lately visited
our northern sky.
A iii.imi letter-carrier is reported
from Bernardston, Mass., and it is said
that he rarely makes a mistake In the
delivery of letters.
Tiik eye-glasses of Emperor Nero,
through which he watched all sorts of
cruelties, were made of emeralds cut
into the shape of a lens.
Karl's Clover Boot, tne new blood
purifier, pives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation,
'.Tic, HOc. and $1.00. bold by Snipes A
Kinersly, druggists.
i'ttr mrm!. t.i 1.... i.
Htices prohibited, urn) '''
time all such exhibition,, .J''
in misirnt. neigiuiii, J),,,.
many, Italy und Switzerland
The word "hypnotism"
Greek "hypnos," inrm,jn;. '
wus coined to lit tl. CuV
Mr. Braid, un English pioaJ
gator of this euriou bn0ci,
chology. a
The following are l j,
striietloiis for bringing ?
trances: Take any bright
hold It between the Hnifi'm J
hand, alsmt a foot from tho,,
person tiMin whom the ?xJt
being tried, in such u rmiti
the forehead as to prislncetfe
strain compatible with t
gaze ut the object. The p,,,
then be directed to fix tlit-min
object he Is gazing ut. j,
first contract, then illlatecom,
and after they urc well dHai
und second finger of the nar,,,,
baud (extended and a little
should be carried fro,,,
toward the patient's vyv.
done the eyelids will' nimit
close. Carry out these ilirwn
in a few sew nils the pcrvn,
thoroughlv hvitnntizi'il
ilepresslon is far greater tlian
IMir of natural sleen
liiiihs remain In any pmitiaa
the bodv 1oms all m.bIi.i,. ,
and cold. After the nn,,
been satisfactorily carried oat i
tient mar casilv ln imi .
draught of cold air. hj Iridiou,
striking the bare leg ira
K'ii hand.
l.KNTS niHln..ila ,nr. ik
uh'iKll i'vit liivn(v. H,Mtii.i,i
elil lit rvHfy limii.. . SHintii,., hkm,
Cl'tlt. McMiiklu anil Cu., CIlH'llUltL
AM'I.P- l'ilhln I iinvii.: .,
i ilrt l.liit'tMl Hlitrv anil'iM
ivrekly. Ivrnmiivnt ini'UIou 1.
Mi , N'umerymi'ii, I urdHii.:, Or,
K W ANT vor n o voi:i; pif
It nnm me !'.'. lu t..ili t.i
1'nrtlfi (iri'lorfnl wliu rn luriilfcl-ii
trnvi-l thriiittftl Ihe ntuiitrv; n Imir I
net iin-t-swir) . A few vermirlw c,
i llle. HHirv hnur nmr I- ntt't
VUlll.'Kl'. II. JOMl4
llth anil Slain M... wr
Oldest Agricultural Paparifli
To all cash ubf rilwraof TiitCin
paying one year in nlvmri
The AiiKTican hi
1729 New York Atw
llir AUKHH-AN t, Whjf!) i
tlitf utM.ii ti 7't!t ywMi, ttw piotti
JMll-T til llir rntnttr)
it t n l.irc ricltl wfsrr.ifB! tf
f- nitt't. tU:nlttull vmiKiUtitni tt
national is en mem
nml ilmiM with ffirtntrsr ') friiwfi
nit litititit, MuffWMt li. tt
Tin: tiiiNvuw
nml "M-rvlliliiK Hist l"nf" In U wins
III'- lllulmti-llilIHl'Irt f itl"tUl'!
l.eni.'i. I,nlii"" l illKU'wil In ':
titiK'tliill n, tnk ITiu I" II" JSHlflK
Iwlll'lll III till' lllOHCT Hllll til" Ill'ltV ,
It n.n nn lh' 11 nml I 111 "I" '
nml 1. liirnlhHl m Un-lex U"'"
In mlvmicc TliU nili H t
stcili'tilliirsl air In lh ci I
Imrinr Vie niinlns vir thw '
mniM' iionito-r el inlt"i "( Hi '
t.'I'-l In ininieri" ilntlt Willi I" '
K rrilllVr l'prlllH"lll t W!mC
hlKlil V lliiirlnl llmt til"' '"""l,
.n.iiiiti nml fully liil.Tni"'! H'
iilnmud nml iluiie It.i'iiiis ilmnl'"
I ni'llnl. 1 hev nlmiliil nil. thrrH"1 .
Amkiim an Karnkii, which. brim1"""
h.i l-t.T InclliliM tlinii miv to"
if'tnim till" Inlufinalhm. "
llil- ilutv They will Hurt l "T
(Treat ni.e. lint 1, ( VHlllalilc llll"rioK',a
call K"-t III lniilhir i"f.
will h wiitiiuc year U-z II 7j. j
Notice is hernbv eivctl tin"'!
signed has ln:n iiulv api'''!"'
Couiity Court of the KUfr
Wasco County in prohn.M(t
the will annexed of tlnuW
I nderliill deceased. AllP"
claims amtinst said etntre
inired to present them "
prow-r voucher Bt the I'?' j
don A Condon In Dalle I"!'
within six months from the01'
not ice,
November 1 1, 1803. .. ., Z. l '
Kxecutrix of the Kitatoof J"1
hill, deceased.
I.ANi) lirricn. TjjJ,1','
Nullcf I licrWiv Klvi'ii tliJ 'n;
hhih.iI n.'lll.T In." Illof I'"11"'', m. ri
lilMkr flllHl ir.M.f in an l'i"' ih.
Unit aiilil iri'f will !' i""1'1' ' n I
mill H.'c.-lv.'r nt '111" Imlle"' "r''
II, Is'Al, via: .kt'
rtevlMiKilJiilill IIUKli"
llmiii'at.'iiil AIlfiit1oti ' j't til
He nsiiies till" f..ll..w lotr , L,l CO
Ilia eonlii n rc.iilciicc HI""1 "
of aillil IhiiiI, vl: trankl'""
ti. W. ,,k.v. A. Mlll-r. rni nj
ti-tli, "II ' l',1' """Lk . nV'tl"
Estray Taken V
( hlnck la.i.r- h'"n,,r ' h,"''""
hlpanil left Jhw. '';,"", .,
Ii ,,r,i,rty null myl ' f.'c.
D...1 ,'k-e.TI"jllw