The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 25, 1893, PART 2, Image 3

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Weekly Ghronlele.
VeinvitHy'i Dally.
,l,t matiM tli mm liivu Miiry T '
... wlmi mi'li' ''
, , Mr il-wii'l Iiik, you know;
.j'limre l''ii' ry."
Lvo"rln. turkeys, M toly to
r ... i !
:.. it tl.iit tlila vi'ar CliriHlniiiN
i4r is
Yer tlx nut couie on th Hine
of ttiu '.?
in liu' ' ' "rowinr imn, no ih
to Ill Rt. the !iolle.
t .. .. 1 1 1 1 i limine Hiiiuinni'i- a turltpv
lU 111""
....... nrrow iviiiii2. in celxlimtiun
t,. Krnl nirtrch of tint Miifiiin'ttj
Liit (unniKtiiifs nt I' o'clock. In-
,,im rv to I pronttnkMl t the door.
;,n3ieof Mm:Enrlicrn t McIamxI vh.
liliiiiid in yet on trial in circuit
and there Is nothing new to note
rernor IVnnoyer lifts written letter
d Alliance Herald at I'Miitlltiton in
:i lie luiiinunrea IiIh ili'teriiiiimtion
iport tliu pojiuliHt ticket next June.
. htrlo( physic-lnim leave Salem
fin Eimlnrn Ort'iron. Tliey will
roc.' i to linker City, and v'ihU nil
KiinlH i, ained, concliuliiiK lit The
n Ilnydeti and Harry Hantlmry,
mivnof HoimI Kiver, were brought
r(nre JiiHtice Kutiutz todny on a
.wnf liirreny of a boat at Monicr.
were clieclmrifi'd.
h iilriniKS iHMore me rci'iirncr iiiih
nn. One of them very c mni'- --
I lft liiniMelf in the mamlm!' oil.. . ,
.1 that functionary had to do wan
-ji the door and dra liin in.
tUi for the literary and tiiUHicul
nauiunt Ui lie Riven ly the aimers
Mini's academy, Nov. 30th, ran
iincd at niukclcy & Huiinh ton's,
winu'i or J. 1'. Mclneriiy's.
LnlicH Aid society are muking ar-
icnts to (.'ive the fineHt entertain-
if the at-unon on the evening of the
I Ii'ciinlT. Our own local talent
HHHiHted liy some outxiuV, which
hrated in tliis Hue.
i' Hop it Co., who have leen in
hhh on First streut, keeping a China
aUiut three yeurs, havo cloned out
ikw Kee & Co. There Is little social
ti'Mice in the characterization of the
l...t It !. n -1. ........
- ho suliloui that a tramp knocks nt
or of any of our good people, re
nt; a hand-out, that it has come to
I'uitv. The reason is ow ing to the
h re of our nmrnhal, who is more
iiit when on the trail of one of
ntry, than a Jersey niDmj ul to
"ic summer tourint.
imhlic schools will observe
k'uivliitc day, as desicuated by the
'nor tomorrow, also the one ap-
1 by the president a week later.
been ruxtomarv with tiie Kuliuuls
oforo to close Fridav, as well as
day, hut this year the schools will
scHHion both Fridays, as usual.
hide Jerry" Iiuk, whose death is
I'd in our telegraphic coluiium, was
Dalles with I'resident Harrison
iiiontliR prior to the lust presiden-
't on. Though he made no speech,
wed his genial countenance with
of the diHtinKuiahed party, and
red good-natured repartee from
Wasco county admirers.
hi a rascally set of officers they
Multnomah county, to be sure,
Vnj to accept the grand jury find-
true. Our own grand jury have
Mutinied, and it has been an ex-
I'uillv good one, and if anything
Ji'ing with the Wasco county ofllcers
iiw tliev would have said so. The
"re identical with Cupar's wife in
Vl'irtnnt particular.
Ttiurilny' Illy
IhD.n.uin I. n.Mflp of hlllli'V
t I - I1.L... .U.U.....MI tl.UII tlll...ll"
J " In n n. hulM'Vlilinill l u ur
' line UH-rey mi tin" r.
'hs ntid hob-sleds are in order.
jiikfgivinu I in the reign of l'en-
h"ho found release from the in-
I't weather in the city jail last
reported that there is three feet
J1 at I'endleton and two feet at
fksgiving was generally observed
'v mo icnoois, uanas, snops ami
'i the stores.
mils of tustice are deserted, and
prtfT and county clerk's oflice are
l: . .
I'n nonor oi luanksgtving iay.
Vwnlng at the side of Tease &
i store Dent with the weight of
i on it, but did not fall.
U HHsenger train that cauie in this
P,' Dnss.'d thrniiih four feet nf
l the HI ue mountains last evening.
river is risinir runidlv and if a
"in or chinook should set in. the
" a might raise six feet in a day.
t ild there is tome destitution in
nt .... . t. . .1.-. 1 ll
! i" ctiiiii, iiis me tuny ui bu
''y or remirt to the proper
authorities all cases within their
knowledge deacrvltig of charity, that no
fullering muv exim.
"Sub," our 'pright!y Monier corres
poiid'int, bus reHimied I.H pont and we
hojie to hear from him regularly each
week hereafter.
It snowed Inst night. Tell ma some
thing I don't know. The hint sentence
is added bv our devil while we went out
to measure how deep it was.
Kev. Mr. Cora in, the deposed Congre
gational minister, is preaching at Salem,
endeavoring to gain a following, though
outside the pale of the church.
Mr. II. H. Camiilied hits opened out
his store, lately occupied by Mr. Leslie
Ilutler, in fine shape. Mr. Geo. Krauss,
who is so favorably known, will remain
with Mr. Campbell.
The asylum party for some reason
have cancelled their arrangements to
start to Eastern Oregon, and it is now
announced they will leave Salem aliont
the 1st of December.
A special meeting of the King's
Daughters will beheld Friday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs, S. I.. Itrooks to
consider important business. A full at
tendance is requested.
An electric light at the corner of Ninth
utid IV-ntlund would lie a very good tiling.
We understand Mayor Kreft will interest
himself in the matter and lay it before
the next meeting of the city council. j
In a telegraphic heading the Telegram
announces that the queen is restored to
the throne. According to today's dis
patches she is still thrown, for the
steamer which arrived in San Francisco
this morning states that Willis is wait
lug for further instructions before pro
ceeding in the matter.
We lire in receipt of an invitation to
attend the annual commencement exer
cises of the Arkansas Industrial Univer
sity, liegiiining Nov. I'-Uh and ending
Nov. 28th at Fayetteville, Ark., through
the courtsey of I'rof. H. Willis, formerly
professor of Wasco Independent acad
emy. I'rof. Willis is one of the few
philologists of America and exception an
ally able instructor.
Friday'! Dally.
Hhe ituflu'd hl iwK'ki'ts through und
1 wt leu no ictiiniiM thrill, 4
Thoiivli ulie fiiiiiiil .mime lines from an old. old I
A Kreat unpaid fun hill. .
In connection with the entertainment
, ,,, .... . ... I
on the 19th of December there will oe !
Kris Kringle doings. I
Will the party who got the wrong
"Derby" hat at the ball please return 't
to Garretson's jewelry siore. ;
A number of friends of Miss Lizzie
Schooling surprised that young lady last
night at the residence of Mrs. Fowler.
A very enjoyable evening was passed by
those present with games and refresh
ments. The new piece of road on Union street
is likely to lie washed away this winter
by the rivulets of witter which are al
ready making it soppy, it does no good
to build a road without providing a place
at the oide for water to run off.
A late edition of Webster's dictionary
has just lawn received at this otlice. It
is the most complete instructor upon
the English language ever published.
Webster's keeps up with the times and
the language which undergoes doily
changes. It should be the standard
with schools and families, and after
purchasing it, you are sure of having
"pot the beHt."
Mr. A. McCorkle, a young man about
20 years of age, was killed in Sherman
county near Kent. His body was found
Sunday evening and it is supposed
lie was run over by a wheat wagon
upon which he was seated, and driving
four horses, the inequality of the road at
that point throwing him out. His
futher, Mr. W. M. McCorkle, is well
known in the Tygh valley section, and
his sou'b violent death will lie deeply
The Know Htoriu.
The heavy snowfall so early in the
season is rare. Iietween the hours of
1 o'clock last night and 7 this morning
there was an average depth in The
Dalles of ten inches, later reaching
twelve and a precipitation of 1.03 inches.
The depth at Hood River is 17 inches
but at the Cascades much less. No per
ceptible offort in traffic is apparent,
though the heavy full in the Blue
mountains, about four feet, will un
doubtedly delay trains which are now in
that vicinity. The weather at present
is variable, though indications point to
warmer weather, when a bright sun
shining out from blue sky will rapidly
dissolve the "beautiful." However the
Portland forecast for the next twenty
four hours calls for more snow.
lot It Dawn Fine.
Tom: BUI, what is this gastric fever
they are talking about?
Bill: Why, it a kind of a fever
that's caused by inhaliug the gases from
sewers and things like that; the bad
smell makes theiu sick and it runs into
a fever.
Hprlng Medina.
Dr. Gunn'i Improved Liver Pills on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
a,.. i .!. inir nnil worn out bodv. Thev
act promptly on the Liver and kidneys;
drive out olf impurities from the blood,
and malaria from the system. Only
one pill for a ttose. try mem mis
spring. Sold at 23 cts. a box by lilakely
fc Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles. Or.,
Null" llllrnatv lu lh Knmnirr
la li Out Again.
Ij-e Evans has
pies at the store.
a fine exhibit of sp
Chailes Diigan lias left for Medfonl,
Oregon, on business.
The wagon road west of Mosier is
badly washed out and in need of repair.
Merchants Flaherty and Power are
having a large cellar excavated under
their building.
Jas Watt has invented and built a
grubbing machine, which promises to
be a decided success.
Iiev. Frank Ireland has left for Oys
terville, on the coast, where lie goes to
act as pastor for the Missionary i'.uptist
A Thanksgiving offering of provisions
was made to Kev. M. C. Aleride und
family at the school house last Sunday,
in which quite a number took part.
Our citizens are pointing out snow on
the surrounding mountains and talking
quite unconcernedly. Talk on, good
people, chat for you is chatter for us.
The present cold snap reminds us
most forci hi v that winter is coming on.
Many of our citizens figuring on this
event have pnt in their winter supplies
of provisions and have their woodshed
well filled. About the only preparation
we've made is to let our whiskers grow
and try to not think about anything.
Quite a number of new orchards have
been put out in this vicinity this fall.
N. Stnrgis has pnt out 1,500 trees, A.
Root and Geo. Salinger have put out
quite an acreage, about nine acres have
been planted on the Harlan ranches,
whilo a number of others have put out
family orchards.
Wishing to lay in a stock of groceries,
provisions, dry goods, boots and shoes
before the winter season, we will sell to
the highest bidder 2,000 pounds of fine
Italian prunes. Bids will be received
until Dec. 1, 'i3. Fruit will lie guaran
teed in good condition, and shipped as
soon as possible. Fifty per cent of the
purchasing price will tie demanded forth
with. The trees will be planted in the
spring. Srn.
No Mure Dtimorratlc 1'reftiilentii.
Dr. D. Siddall, who has just returned
from an extensive eastern tour, Las had
n . .'..1 r.hnnlnniln 1 r' .... Vila almciniu in
. ,. . , , TT . . .
note the iiohtical pulse. He savs that
. ... . ' , , .
throughout the states the feeling againBt
, . j .
the administration is intense and that
he .. m.vr ,.ve to BWS another dem0
crHtic pre()laeilt: In Canada, where he
.... a,HO - ,,. .,eolIt, logelv .R,,h
the politics of the L'nited States, becom
ing almost as much interested in them
as those across the border. They are
very bitter against the democratic man
agement of affairs and while they have
no vote, have an undoubted influence in
political campaigns in New England and
New York. In Colorado there are no
democrats and no democratic newspapers
can be purchased of newsboys in Denver.
1 The doctor speaks very highly of the
j world's fair and was present at its clos
I ing. He also availed himself of the op
portunity of visiting many of the leading
dentists and colleges in Canada and the
United States, and obtained many new
and useful appliances pertaining to den
tistry, and brought with him an entirely
new invention for making the cast alumi
num plate work which is now all the
rage in the east. The doctor has made a
specialty of this beautiful work for the
past four years, and claims to be the only
one who has ever made a success of it on
the Pacific coast.
A K-vival of Mood Times.
The Chronicle has it from reliable
authority that on the first of the month
loaning agencies in Portland will have
plenty of money to loan on good security.
This will mainly come from the east,
which is already experiencing easier
times. Investment is being sought and
money has come out from its hiding
places and good city and county bonds
are being eagerly sought as investment.
This money will find ready employment,
and will be used for improvements, pay
ment of debts, etc., and thus reaching
the channels of trade, our monetary
stringency will soon beat an end. It
is safe to say that spring will see a re
vival of good times, and the vast army
of the idle will for the most part again
find employment.
Orrfnn at the Midwinter.
Senator Steiwer and others report to
the Telegram that they are in favor of
transferring the unexpended balance of
money used for the world's fair to the
use of the midwinter exposition at San
Wishing to gain the opinion of our
representatives, a Chronicle reporter
conferred with Hon. E. N. Chandler upon
the subject, who said : "Most assuredly,
I am heartily in favor of spending the
balance at the midwinter exposition,
which is really but a continuation of the
world's fair. I am in favor of spending
every dollar of it at San Francisco."
Hon. T. R. Coon of Hood River has
not yet been heard from, but it is very
probable he will be of the same opinion.
Those who are best acquainted with him
here say there is no doubt but that he
is of the same sentiment and will
heartily endorse this use of the tied -tip
balance of the appropriation.
Improving Heeond Htreet.
According to a notice published else
where, Second street is to be improved
I from l.'nion to the brewery hill grade.
If properly made, this improvement will
j be a great blessing to farmers and team
j sters generally. After the street is once
fixed everyone will realize the great
! Iienefit and none will iiegrudge the nec
essary i x eio-e. This will also, prolia
; biy. inske I he way easy lor improving
; Ninth street in the same manner to the
j wagon briilge, and tints help out the
i great number of teamsters who use that
! thoroughfare.
i An Eilna;.-;;! at th Cascarira ftrratcr
Than Anticipated.
F.arly this week a blast was set off at
j Cascades which resulted In considerable
damage, and the discharge of the one
who engineered it, though luckily no
fatality occurred. Onehundred and fifty
pounds of giant powder had been placed
in the canal, at different points
which were tet off simultaneously
by electricity. A tremendous upheaval
resulted. A body of earth and rocks
containing many thousand cubic yards
was thrown into the nir and the whole
vicinity shook w ith the force of the ex
plosion. The glass was shattered in the
commissary department, and one huge
rock crashed through the roof of the en
gineer's house in the canal. It is
thought by some that a part of the charge
was placed in a natural crevice of which
the operator was ignorant, rendering a
much less quantity of powder sufficient
for the purpose. At any rute the manager
of the blast was discharged, and the
general shaking up will render his suc
cessor more careful in the execution of
this part of the work.
Pufur Itema.
Pleasant weathe- prevails hers.
Farmers in this vicinity are busy plow
ing and sowing.
The orchestra is firacticing every even
ing for the coming social.
The chopped runs every Saturday
which makes ocr lively town more lively
in appears nje.
Several new houses are b-ing built
and our town is growing, although
Cleveland is our president.
The Delphian Literary society is to
give a social on the 24th of November
and a good time is anticipated.
Rev. Jenkins is holding protracted
meetings in the U. B. church. We
think he will gain more worshippers in
his church. The Sc kibiilee.
Kuri'ilxe 1'arty.
A number of the young friends of
Elmer Ward pleasantly surprised that
young gentleman last evening at the
residence. We are informed the party
went off smoothly and a very pleasant
time was enjoyed. Those present were
Ilex Ward, Fred Chase, John McNeil,
Orla Connelh, Joe McNeil, Rowland
Wiley, Walter Norman, Chas. Burgett,
Misses Bertie Glenn, Bess Cram, Anna
Hawthorne, Anna Sandrock, Sophia
Nichols, Bessie Rowland, Rachel Mor
gan, Minnie Sandrock, Francis Fouts,
Virgia Cooper, Hattie Marden and
Edna Glenn.
About Ken MeAte.
Mrs. Luckey writes from Union that
her husband, J. C. Luckey, saw Ben
McAtee in Union on Nov. 2d, the day
after he left here, and had a short con
versation w!Jiim. He said he had in
tended to leave on the stage to see a man
on business, but as the stage was gone
he would go on horseback, and that he
must have been misinformed as to the
time of the stage leaving, as this w aj in
the forenoon and the stage left at 2 p. in.
Keal Kstate Transfers.
Otis S. Savage to Mrs. S. E. Kline, lot
10, block 1, Dalles City; I.
W. R. Menefee and wife to Frank
Menefee, block 18, second addition to
Dufur; $000.
Uriah Scrviss and wife to John Fagan,
lot 7, block 13, Thompson's addition;
$1 10.
L. L. Rowland and wife to G-?o. W.
Rowland, ne'i of ne' sec. 2, tp 1 south,
range 14 east, and a strip of land adja
cent; $.J00.
Wlitaua' Latest.
Mr. W. R. Winans, not satisfied with
nature's bequest of a coal mine, has re
cently run across a gigantic ledge of gray
granite, of fine texture and a very
beautiful quality of rock. The ledge is
in plain sight, as it comes out in the
face of precipice and extends back for
three-quarters of a mile. There is an
inexhaustible quantity of it and as it is
the first well defined ledge to be found
in this section, should be very valuable.
Float rock of the same kind can le found
at Grand Dalles, but it probably came
from a distance with a glacier.
Circuit Court.
The jury in the caseof McEachorn and
McLeod vs. S. B. Adams returned a
verdict for plaintiff for amount of ihe
note, ILStW.
The case is today being tried of the
state vs. Thos. Pryor for larceny of some
checks at Cascade Locks. The follow ing
is the jury : J. K. Bennett, G. M. Ster
ling, J. L. Harper, J. W. Allen,
W. Mc.Cruni, E. C. Dickenson, A.
J. Linton, J. Millard, Ed. Smith, E. P.
Koontz, A. Gramniond, Robt. Mcintosh.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters A Co. vOthVe Second s nd Jeffer
son streets.)
Their aacrcuful Kail at
Last Mfht.
Wlngata Mall
The grand Thandsgiving ball given by
the Mignonettes last night was the
social event thus fur this season.
Whether it was l)ecanse of a general tie
sire to honor the governor's appointed
Thanksgiving, or because of the popu
larity of the mirth-loving and mirth
creating Mignonettes themselves, it is
certain that a great number of people
availed themselves of the opportunity to
"trip the light fantastic" under their
auspices. The decorations were superb,
WingHte hall is spacious, but the walls
were completely covered with a wealth
of evergreen and the national colors
shone with brilliancy en every hand.
The numerous large American flags,
gracefully draped in all parts of the
building, gaye a thoroughly patriotic air
to the festivities fitting to the event.
The music was the Birgfeld orchestra,
which is all that need tie said as to its
merit. All the conditions were favorable
for a grand good time and this the Mig
nonettes and their invited guests cer
tanly enjoyed. Dancing was continued
until aliout 2 o'clock, and then the gay
revelers dispersed for their homes. The
beautiful decorations will probably be
left to do duty for the Chrysanthemum
club, if they conclude to give a dance on
Cleveland's Thanksgiving night.
To A 11 Whom It May Concern :
By order 6f the common council of
Dulles City, made and entered on the 3d
day of November, 1893, notice is hereby
given that said city council is about to
proceed to order and make the improve
ment of Second street in said city as
hereinafter stated, and the cost of such
improvement will be levied upon the
property adjacent thereto, and said im
provement will be made unless within
fourteen days from the final publication
of this notice, the owners of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to said street
about to be improved shall file their
remonstrance against said Improvement
as by charter provided.
The improvement contemplated and
about to lie made is as follows, to-wit :
To improve Second street in said city,
from Union street to the foot of the
brewery grade by filling the same the
entire length thereof between said points
with crushed rock, so as to bring said
street up to the established grade thereof,
as heretof jre established by ordinance
No. 247. Which grade in the middle of
the street is suposed to !e of the same
elevation as the side walks along said
etreet, except where said side walks are
not on a cnitortn grade from eqnare to
square, and said street shall be filled in
such a maimer that when said improve
ment is completed the center thereof
shall be on the established grade and
and shall slant to each side to an eleva
tion of 8 inches lelow said established
Said improvement shall be made with
rock of such size as shall be furniehed to
the projerty owners by the authorities
of Dalles city, and shall be hauled and
placed on said street at the expense of
the resective property owners abutting
upon said street, and spread on said
street so as to be of even surface and as
directed end under the supervision of
the committee on streets and public
DoftiLAB S. Drri'R.
Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated this 24th day of November,
!8'.i3. dl4
Typewritten letters have been form
ally ruled out in legal evidence.
Mol'NTAlx sheep are protected by
law hi Colorado. Ten years in the
penitentiary is the penalty for tdaying
A jvkv in Salem, 111., before agree
ing upon a verdict, eng'agvd in a game
of cards. This came to the cars of the
judtfe and the verdict was set aside.
AuorT the top notch of income for a
New York law firm is a year,
half of which may go to the head man;
but the most responsible judgeships
pay only from &i,0H0 to gs,000.
Prudent investments.
In is a grent blessing to have a cheer
ful confidence in the future. Two em
inent French gentlemen who were
great friends used to relate an amusing
story of their impecunious days.
Neither fame nor fortune had come to
them, but they were always hopeful.
The ye:irs had weighed heavily enough
upon Jules, however, for him to have
become entirely bald.
One day Alphonse met him with a
beaming countenance and cried, gayly:
"What do you think, Jules! I have
been buying a strong1 box!"
"Then, Alphonse," replied Julea,
firmly, "I shall buy a hair brush."
Chicago News.
Saved fr'roiu Oetli tly Onlona.
There has no doubt been more lives of
children saved from death in croup or
whooping cough by the uso of onions
than bv any other known remedy, ur
mothers used t ) make poultices of om'r
or a syrup, which was always effethel)
in breaking up a cough or cold.ctual.
(iunn's Onion Svrun is made by com
bining a few simple remedies with it
which make it more effective as a med
icine and destroys the taste and odor of
the onions. 60c. Sold by Blakeley &
I, . .k '.'., V ur J lu.itf V.rrnt
AM c-'iiniv warrants registered prior
to January 1'iih, will lie pnid if
presented at niv otlice, corner of Third l
and Washington streets. Interest
ceases on and alter ibis date.
Wm. Mkhki.l,
Treasurer Wasco Count v.
October 2M. IX' !. 'tf
Makes lifo miacrablo. All other
.lilnirnU urn n nothing in com
jiarifKjn. Women especiall y know
Us fullering, ami few oso-ajm iU
Many pcoplo take pills, which
pipe ami purgo, weakening the
body. MorotakoBimmons Liver
Regulator, liquid or powder, bo
causo more pleasant to tako, does
not grine, and is a mild laxative,
that atao tones up the pystem.
The relief is quick. It is Nature's
own remedy, purely vegetable.
"I never found anything to do me any
ptsKl until I used hliionoiiK Liver Kegulu
lor. It has been three years slnoo I rtrst
used It and I have not had Hick Headache
since. I sent my sister (who had from 0110
to two attack of Hlrk Headache every
week) one-half ot a (wkaiee, and she haa
not had It aluce." C. w. MoHms, Urowiw
vlllc, W.Va.
Baa our Z Stamp In red on wrapper.
J. U. ZE1XI.N & CO.. VhUadciphia. Fa.
Wasco vvarenocse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Fjeasonble.
"WT. W. Co.
RIVETED Clothing
Manufactured by
Sao Francisco, Calif.
104 Second St., The Dallea, Or.
Campbell Brothers,
ManufftCturern of (he lino&t French mid
Home Mmle
CANDIES of I'ortlnml.
Tropical Fruis, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco .
Can furniwh ny nf thrne (T04k1k at Whole
sale or Retail.
tserved In Every tttyle.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
A. A. Brown,
Keep a lull MMirtmeiit nf
and Provisions.
jblcb haolferi at Iw FUnrua.
to Cash Buyers.
Hiehest Cash Prices for lm and
other Prota.
About h year , from my pine? near Kiniff
lev. Or., 1 .110 bav mare brHmk'd with the U-ttfrs
JF"cmm- t.M iti it circle. Any information m
lit-r will be thankfully refHvl'hv
10 21w;t Kinsley, or.
Ciii Facte
Staple and Fancy Groceries