IS THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE.SATTJBDAY. NOVEMBER BX 1893. NEWS NOTES. John Johnson, a negro murderer, was electrocuted at Auburn, N. Y., yester day. Servian Minister Geonrevieh, stabbed by Anarchist Lauthier Momlav night in Paris, is much worse. i i. . . . . . :u v v wnooiiioum. i.ouirw, ... ., Durneu ana juiv i oner,, AVillard Johnson, aged 4, were burned to death, Mrs. John Sprasuc, u of the well- M(. T Kt.,uv o MitcUl,U Crook known theatrical manager, committed ( Co js jn t)lP ,.irv rou, t0 Stm jran suicide at her home at V.roadway, : t.jM, where he will remain during the Brooklvn X. Y. She had been murried j winter. Mr Kelly has several boxes ol which lie is taking down to put .j years. .! 0n exhibit at the midwinter fair. In a fight for the possession of a mill near Mt. l'mion, Ala., between the ,,,., , , ,, , , , , sheriff and his assistant and two ! Mr.L C. Richards of Goldendale is in brothers named Smith, the brothers' 'll' were shot and kil.ed. and thesheritfshot r. and Irs A , a Phelps w,U RO in the bead and badly wounded. A special from Xew York says Ad miral Mello, commander of the lirazilian rebellion, has declared himself for an empire. A private cable announces that a monarchy is proclaimed in Brazil. Mello lias hoisted the imperial Hag. The Grand Trunk Company is exoner ated from all blame, in the Battle Creek disaster the jury finding that it had fur nished first -class car ami all the latest improvements for safety. Conductor Scott will have a hearing on a charge of murder in the lirst degree. Judge McAdaui. of the superior court, bas annulled the marriage of the actress, Lillian Kussell, and Edward T. Solomon, composer. The divorce w:is granted on the grounds that Solomon had a wile in England at the time of his marriage to, Miss Kussell. The woman white-cap case that caused a sensation in Osceola, Neb., a few weeks ago, when a dozen prominent women were accused of flogging Osceola K'1' for alleged laxitv of morals., was settled yesterday bv the accused women plead ing guilty to unlawful assembly, and befng fined 123 each. Mrs. July Keynolds, of Weston, X. C, bas written to Governor McKiuley that her 15-year old son, James K. Hall, is held in elavery in Tangier island. He shipped in an oyster schooner from Xorfolk. The lad's condition, according to a man who escaped from the island, is worse than that of anv black slave be fore the war. The matter will be in vestigated. Great excitement prevails at Varner, Ark., on the Iron Mountain railroad, over the hanging, shooting and burning of a negro named Xelson, who a week ago murdered another negro. The mob, consisting exclusively of colored people, who broke down tiie jai!, hung Xelson -w a tree, riddled his body with buliets. . and then set fire to it. Fragments of the body were left dangling to the tree. 3Irs. Agnes McKiniey, a Canadian procures', imprisoned for bringing young girls here from Toronto for im moral pnrM.i?!e9. pardoned by the presi- dent on condition she should not ; again oaier the United Stii?"1, was released Ironi the Sir.g Sing penitentiary. When the pardon was read, she said : "I like the pardon all right, but it has a string with it which I object to." She started at on-e for Canada. A rancher named Peterson, residing near Kllensburg, Wash., came in town and bought a lot of supplies, including liquid poison for coyotes. He left be fore night and stopped at a ranch a few miles out. He took out some tobacco to chew and soon became sick. Looking among his groceries be found the bottle of poison had broken. He immediately gave an alarm and asked for help, and while calling fell over dead. PyBmmHa la MarMlllca. Marseilles, Nov. 16. At midnight an attempt was made to blow up the official residence of General Mothelin, commander of the Fifteenth corps. The house is surrounded by a high wall, into which niches for sentry boxes are built, though owing to the late quiet condition of affairs no sentries occupied them. Cases of dynamite were placed in the niches, also one in the hallway of the house, and one in the orderly's room ad joining the apartments occupied by the general. About midnight the last-mentioned bomb exploded with fearful force, shattering the walls and breaking every pane of glass in 'the house and the ad joining house. The supposition is that the dynamiters expected the firit con cussion to set off all the other cases. Had this occurred there would have been a great destruction of property and a heavy loss of life ; as it was, nobody was hart. The outrage is supposed to be work of the street-car-strikers, whose " strike was defeated by the aid of the soldiers. .Much Anxlty at ftlo. Moxtevwko, Nov. 1G. AH cable com munication with Kio Janerio was cut off yesterday morning, is reported, to the fact that the cable office and plant there are being removed further lrom the water, in anticipation of the promised furious bombardment of the capital by Mello's fleet. The situation of the behagnered citizens is felt to be extremely grave, and much anxiety as to the outcome is expressed here by those who are aware that Mello proposed to make upon the capital today, as cabled yesterday, the most determined onslaught he has yet conducted, lie fears the gathering of the fleet of Feixoto, and does not intend to be caught by it if be can avoid it. j PERSONAL MENTION. WiHlUWdKJT. Mr. Amos Koot Is in the city today. Mr. n. F. I.aii)hlin weut below this i morning, i Mrs. I-eni. Unless of Hake Oven la In town t0lH'-, Mr. li. r.. iiaworiu is visuma nn , ,mttlur j y., vf this city , , , J Z! I J. Ander , on court tldiul lo a ui iiniiu oil. i . v.... 11 ., ... winter months. ' Mrs. Mabel Powers and Miss Maie Norton returned to Portland by the early morning train. Mr. D. B. Kelley of Mitchell, who has been in the city several uavs, departed, for San Francisco this morning. Messrs. Pat. Mclllany, John Trana, Pr. Candiana and Mr. Collis, all of Cas cado Locks, are in the city today. Messrs. John Plvers, Wm. Davidson, J. 15. Pavton, L. E. 5Iorse and H. J. Hib bard of Hood lliver are in town today on court business. Mr. J. C. Hayes of Hood River, a prominent citizen and surveyor of that section, made Thk Cukoniclk a pleasant call this morning. A letter received this morning from IlulT.iio, X. Y., states Mr. Linus Hub bard, of this city, is lying very ill with typhoid fever in that city. He longs for our salubrious climate, where lie nau better lie, than in the malarial east. Rev. B. F. Bonney of W'amic ia in The Dalles todav and made Tin Chbonicle a call. He has been absent in the be nighted Willamette region for several weeks and promises Thk Cukoniclk readers with an interesting article soon. Friday. Dr. II. C. Hinkle of Portland and E. May are registered at the Umatilla House. Hon. T. R. Coon of Hood River is in the city today. He is registered at the Umatilla House. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Butler of Kinpslev are in the city. Mr. Butler gave The j LituoNicLK office an agreeable call today. Messrs. J. C. Coatsworth. F. Reid, H. Chrisman and M. Jameson left this morning on a bunting expedition in Sherman countv. 3IAKKIEO. In The Dalles, at the home of the bride's parents, Xov. loth, Mr. Albert W. Turner and Kliza Jane Matnev, bv Elder G. II. Barnett. May long life and much happiness at tend the youthful pair. NEWS OF THE STATE. Green Arnold, one of the best known j and most respected citizens of Union j county, died Wednesday nightof general I lehility, aged 75 years. i L. Vance, an old-timor of Josephine j county, was found dead in his bed at I Wililuwillo 10 ntiiiiD antitli nf flrunfu Pass, having shot himself through the ! heart with a 44-caliber revolver. Balfour, Guthrie & Company have j sued ex -Gov Z. F. Moody for tl,7."9,G7, ' alleged to be luc on a book account. I This account, the complaint states, was ! for convenience' sake "kept in the name j of M. A. Moody, although ''A. F. Moody was the debtor. I Herman Hid, a native of Finland, shot himself while duck hunting in the vicin- ; ity of Marshlie)d. ' His gun was dis charged while taking it out of the boat. The full chprge of shot took effect in his right breast, passing clear through Ids body. He was able to crawl out of his boat into the rafting-scow, but died a few minutes latere Monthly bport of Schoul No. 33. District Eight Mile, Or. Total number enrolled, 23. Those who have seen red 100 deportment for excellent behavior and scholarship are as follows: Emma Johnson, Amy Angell, Lor a Drake, Anna Patterson, Carrie Drum mond, Iva Lea bo, Amos Johnson, Annie Johnson, Alice Johnson, Willis and Ray Darnielle. Those who were neither absent or tardy were Emma and Amos Johnson, Carrie Drummoud, Alfred Huott, David Patterson, Iva Leabo, Willis and Ray Darnielle and Monroe Drake. Hattik I. Hill, Teacher. Look Ovar Veur County Warranto. All county warrants registered prior to January 16th, 18!W, will be paid if presented at my office, corner of Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Wm. Mk.iif.i.i,, Tressurer Wasco County. October 21st, 183. tf COMPOUND. A rnt dlcorry by an oM physician. Huetetfulln uted pnonthlt bp thtmaarulw o LadUt. U lbs only prrfwfly safaaml rrilabla mmtlclua dl- Bewara of anprlaclplnl dru(lu wbo offer Inferior millclBa In plaos of tliU. Aak fit Cook's Cotton Root C'omsoan4. tnk no rubtlU tute, or faeloaa ft and 0 outa in poatatt" In latter and wawul and, aaalod, by return mall. yoJlandad partk-nlan In plain onralopn, to lodloa only, 1 tlamiK. Adoraai Pond Lll T Com oanr. So. 3 ruber Uloek. Iwrrolt, Mich. Bold In Th IaUi by ilboieiey A ilouiiton. Use Mexican Kilver Stove Polish CLAY BEDS OF AM BOY. facnllar Dapoalta ot Hadlniant fouat a th rMl of Now Jaraoy. Millions of years ago certain aedi m ents, which hud their origin in tho washing away of conglomerate rocks far to tho northward. were brought by water and laid dowu over thia part of New Jersey. From age to ugethe character cif the material clumped according to the source from which it wus fetched. Thus.iu digging iuto the soil horeuhout. one liuds it urranged iu layers like cake. First, says the Washington Star, the spado will turn up a ml brick cluv. This deposit will extend , to a depth of three or four feet, per hups, Ueneuth this will lie u stratum or clay quite different in appearance, and speckled with iron, t'nderneuth the latter is a layer technically termed "lire clay No. i," and below this is "lire clay No. "J." Next comes a "seamy" stratum, and finally a layer of what is called "extra sandy," which is at the bottom of the formation. All of these clays are useful, being applied to various purposes, according to char acter and quality. They go through processes of grinding and refining in the factories by which they are freed from impurities and made smisith and perfectly plastic. Such is the raw material, which is eventually turned out in most bountiful shnnvs for tleeo- rating houses nud for other purposes j i)usjnesll Ollleo and is not opeued but of agricultural ornamentation. This ; wlt t(, tUc ,,,VM ,.,itor on the 'snpiM work at present employs artistic skill ' Bitin tlut Jt coutuins news. The news of the very highest order. The de- i etitor growls at the chump that sent signs ure made by sculptors of tho flrst! jt umi Kt.tliis jt ltll k to the business rauk, who consider it not beneath their ; 0flict. luj u letter murked "rush" dignity, any more than did Michael j USUully delayed. Angelo, to expend their genius upon the adornment of buildings. In fact,: many of the objects of art in terra j cotta which now gTuee private dwell- ; ing and public edifices seem almost too admirable, inasmuch as they cannot be j setui closely enough to be admired as j they deserve. j UNUiUAL H.r-Ht-MMCS. An empty whisky Hash in u C-jIuhi- i bus home, apparently sound, exploded ; while the family were at dinner the ' other day. A XoitTll C.uioi.iNA turkey gobbler recently scratched up eight potatis-s iu a garden und has been sitting on them for several weeks. Jamk.i Cm non, of Hancock, X. Y., while in the delirium of drunkenness. imagined a liou-coiistriotor was coiled about his neck. lie slashed at it with a knife and cut his throut from car to car. Doi iits as to the sanity of a clergy - man in Warren, l'u., are freely ex pressed. In a recent sermon he grave ly informed his parishioners that many of them were too generous with their donations. Is digginr a well in Carroll county. Mo., recently, a farmer claims to have found rt li depth of ten feet a r.treum of v. ;iU;" in which wen? Moating mini licrs of white walnuts, together with leaves from the trees. A i:i;i!.':;.ii!iiHiM of Sahni, Mass., wa so overci::i'j by the novelty of his po sition during the marrhifc ceremony that he fainted. The bride looked so mortified that she denied to 1m medi tating a severe Caudle lecture for his benefit. Is a dispute with n member of her lainilv. .Miss l.imiia J..i:u:-av. ot iilno Falls. Ind., bream. i cxeit"d that she ! fell to the flour in a swoon. She has since lx-en blind ii'id ? pi-ch!e-.., al though the cpaurrel occurred several weeks ago. Tkx years ago, when .Vr.. ir.niiie! Gamble, of GrusM . ICy. . ' ;is rr::irrieil. she weighed one bun::, d un.l i.:ty five pounds. For ;vai-r .i!u- re mained at ubout ti;'.. n:".--.'. I .v.: in is-'.' she began to gain fieMi, a:: l now weighs six hundred and live pounds. OF GENERAL INTEREST. The Minot Ledge lighthouse is of granite; height, H feet, the lower 40 feet being solid. Tun honeycomb presents a solution of the greatest possible strength and i space with the least possible material. A flka is provided with a genuine lancet, the knife inclosed in a case in the head of the insect, the case opening sideways, like that of a "razor. The family of Jukes, including in all "71J monsters of degradation," has ben traced with the utmost exactness through five generations to one woman, the notorious "Margaret, the mother of criminals." The grip seems to have no home, though it makes itself at home every where; the Russians call it Chinese ca tarrh, the Germans call it the Russian pest, the Italians name it the German disease, the French cull it the Italian fever. HEN'tY LABot.-ciiEltK thinks that It ought to be the custom for women to make proposuls of marriage, lie con tends that when a bachelor became ac quainted with a very charming woman, he would exert himself, by good con duct, to win a proposal from her. WELL UP IN YEARS. Maky I!i;hto.n, a coy maid of one hundred and one summers, was mar ried in the Grimsby (England) parish church recently. Twins In Glen Lllyn, near Chicago, lately celebrated the ninety-first anni versary of their birth. Their names are Airs. Ackerman and Mrs. Christian. Ciiaw.kk Kkvkrk (.rims. v. ho is still hale and hearty at eighty, lives nt Iiocklund, X. V and is a greut grnnd son of the immortal Paul Revere of the famous ride. Vicroit IIaim.ot. one of the few sur- j viving veterans of the French army nt j Waterloo, recently celebrated his one hundredth anniversary in his native I village in the Yonne. I A.t Irish woman named Mrs. Todd I died recently at Donaghmore, Xewry, j at tho oge of one hundred and ten ! years, hho well remembered .many of tli at irrintr sinu .,f lt 1 1 :..'.. i ' " :.-iihfu in llej. MARKED "RUSH." Am Attaaipt I,, iMr Why Tbiy Am Thu TrtU. It la a legend in the telegraph olliee that the sender tultes a pile of mes sages, and, sorting out those marked "rush." putii them at the bottom of the pile. There is also a class of commu nicants that every tiowspiipcr olliee knows which marks its letters "rush." It will never be known just what these writers expect, says tint Minne apolis Journal. Possibly It Is that when the letter is received by the post olliee authorities the wheels of Incle Sum's mighty engine for the distribu tion of muil" will stop while the post master seizes his hut and ru he., out to deliver the letter personull;. . If any body sees the postniiisur tearing across towu, brcuk-neek speed, he niuv know that the postmaster is deliver ing a "rush" letter, I'suully u letter murked "rush" bears a message some- j wjult ns follows: "Hasty, Minn., Sept. It. John y Montgomery died yesterday of old uj.'o. He will m- seriously missed in our beautiful village, .lolm L. John: on ruised a potato on his lower forty hi . yeur that weighed eighteen ounces. Frank Williamson wus taken to the In sane asylum yesterday." Sometimes a man will send a letter murked "rush" containing a check or i,st..i liriler. Then It goes to the ROUMANIANS KISSING FESTIVAL. yuour Aunuul tnlr ut lli'lnmu'n llio KtruiiK.' (IriKln AlleifMl. Heliiuigen. a Koumnniun country town of twelve hundred inhabitants, holds its annual fairon the feast of St. Theodoro. On this occasion the place swarms with newly married brides from sixty oreighty villages in the dis trict; widows who have taken fresh husbanda remain ut homo. The young women in festive attire, und frcnernlly j attended hy their mothers-in-law, curry ': Ju-rs of wine enw Tcuthed with flowers j In their hands. The ltumunischc ; Woehensohrift says they kiss everyone i thev meet, and afterward nresent the w"to his lip- for "nip." The indi- vulual thus regaled bestows a smull gift on the fuir Cyliele. Not to partake of the proffered wine is regarded as an insult to the young- wife and her family. She Is, therefore, reserved to- ; ward strangers, and only hisses those whom she thinks likely to taste of her wine. The is carried on every where in the street, in the tuvernsand in private houses. The origin of this custom is veiled in obscurity. Some say that it dates buck to the time when the Turks made frequent raids into Tran sylvania, anil carried away all the young women they could lay their hands on. Such of them us contrived to escape from captivity, hnpcniiig to return to llalmagen ut the time of the fair, kissed their friends and relatives, anil even strangers who congratulated them on their wonderful deliverance. WISHING ON A FALLING STAR. A OallcUtn U-Kriid Whlrh 1Itm lh Origin f thn C'tifttoni. Here und there in the highwavs ami byways of the world many Icgcndsuud superstitions still linger oud continue to retain their ancient prestige. Iu Tialicia. the province northeast of Hun gary, the Jieusants believe that when a star falls to earth it is ut once trans formed into a rarely lieauliful woman with long hair, blonde und glittering. This splendid creature, miraculously engendered, exercises on ull who come in contact with her a magical in fluence. Every handsome youth un fortunate enough to attract her atten tion becomes her victim. Thus having allured them to her. she encircles them with her arms In an embrace thnt be comes gradually tighter and tighter until the poor dupes are strangled to death. If certain words ore mur mured the moment the star starts to fall they cause her allurements to lose their power. From this superstition springs the custom of wishing while a star is seen hurrying through the air, a wish said surely to come true if com pletely formulated before the light is extinguished. The Spaniards saw. in the falling stars the souls of their dead friends, the thread of whose ex istence was cut short by destiny. The Arabs thought these sturs to lie burn ing stones thrown by the angels on to the heads of devils who attempted to enter paradise. TOUCHES OF ART. The French government has bought of W. T. Duunut, tho American painter in Paris, his "Portrait of Miss K. II.," shown at the salon of lss. and again at the I'niversal exposition of issy. It will tie placed at the Luxembourg. The picture galleries of Rome are to be illustrated by "Braun" photographs with the carbon process. A selection of paintings, three hundred and twenty-four in number, will be issued In portfolios, with letterpress written by Prof. Venturi, director of the Royal museum ut Rome. The German sculptor, Josef Kopf, who lives at Rome and has n ntelier in Budon linden, has presented the con tents of thut studio to the grand duke of Baden with the request that they be kept us a museum for the citizens anil guests. There ore many paintings and tapestries besides the sculptures by Kopf. A Ron. tomb has been unearthed at Cologne containing the lsmes of a man, a silver sword handle with nn in seription and an inkstand of bronze. The sword grasp is inlaid w ith gold and enamel, and the inkstand is rich in decoration. A coin of (lord inn III. gives some clew to the period of the in terment. Captain sweeney, , auyp ; th- lir-t l . A., Han 'MiilohV Catarrh iin-dieinii I have do me anv ''Mid.'' "'iiir& Kinersly. Diego, Cal .. . l.'Hliieilv ia j I Vet f, ii-id I hi' .Vl e(. - ; LETTERS A UOY'S PLUCK. Nln-Yar-IIU Ifctvlil 4aitiira i Thirty. Tvu I'munl Carp. An exciting combat between a nine- year-old boy and u t'llrt.v-t wo-ponud j German t ;rp took phu'o on Jutm-s M. wire's f.irm. near Bristol, stiyi, the 1 1'liilu lel;iiii.i Kecord. The .Ncdiariiiny : ertvh In r liny hensotin fills theditcho.i of tidjeecni. l:irnis wit'l w.Mer fr eighteen ii"ii" t " two feet deep. The j oilier d:iy Bii'id I'herry, the your? sou of .lohn t'herr-. of this place, cud two j sumll coiii'ir. . :..m; etil llshinc lir l!ie j I of th. m the o'l 'II Iti'll.'s nil tin Mo- ii. esp'ed t'irec huge .:!.; nix too uithou' , line. I).n unit, t he wiili r s'l: l e;, them ii. id, o'liel. liiaii hU play- m. ! :.. jumped in. l'.;e ditch und M-i.vd the !;.;:-e.i the monster fish. The en :: 'y r 'v v.tiio boy, find tl.e.:: iv;"it : f., . !:; , .:; it unlive fie Y;. Ci rry !n..l ti.rht hold ot it. Iml e.ii'p i'V.rr.'ed through tin- v.vter :Vi rind, i.i:.,.-,,'i:;,r Hie lad U-hli.d. 'i'he ii.e.-i i n shore thought l ,eir i'i;:r. ..ii.ion v. utild surely be di'o.vned. .'.' often hi-, v. :ole body was uu.ler v ::' '. . At hv.t tie t...h ;rew so weal-;- in I : ;h:y ei'cn- ., to ese;tie bis i uiil. ! ; U'.il he could lie Innvvn out upon the l.auU. Then v. '.I three hoyu 'i:iifi--l i:iv;i th" e::ri and hel I him to the ' ' eiiill h" bud gnsjs'd out. his l;ie. u-y Iml',-d iheir trophy home ::i.! put It 011 the scuh-s. The fish weighed thirty-two pounds. DAM OUTS IN Tl-li ARMY. I ! iU Tle-ilMMdvca "it. 1:1 Kddtera V. 0( liptl r llli I'l'it-ry. ! l"-."-ri i-.T t.i th.- v.' -eiit order of the n-iait euipero:- v.-'.th regard to the :; 1 i: iv;-'.:l.ii-iiies which had be 1 luiaioii in 1 he licrmiin i;nuv, -.1'' !... :..!. Glo'ie, 11 coi-r'sj)on-;.!:; IJev'iii c;:IK our a:lenlioii to ' !";;:. .1';' ihe hui'.cr him .. !f b; not , e I In : ; free (ro:!i ni'i'ee;;t ion fftlhis l.i. ll'U- a.'leU lis hi hiliettdf ..I'ts the .!i'e :i o." .i;Lie-ie';.nu;;. In most .li:-. :iy;ri'.-i of the Ituio-r the i.. be ei;,-iit 1 r-; ..i;il promi l y the po-.iii.m of the urm. Hut i-.-. r'.e. 1 liet. -l to the biiMtrlc. he nev- I; lli a!' hi; l.i o. 1 lie tl. er f, .v le, -liilti the purrin'. which ,-lv v.u.'. very coinnionlv worn anving hi;, oi-l 1. he time 1 -.. f l r derie!( U'iKiiim II., ac.'iiv wtts re-.tlng on when l'i ' C l'u- Uurel.. ...f ih r.-tl 1 rc.lcvieL, dun- 1 li !,Te . niit;:li r among la of!! .-r.;. l.i c on leni;::i J ion .. l'.' OI -i'Vi f f ippei-y. .f.'tV.lgllil vriu. :;ti" ' .! les en i ..r.vtv.iguuee:. dil'iered b-' idirrht'y from those of todny--Hliiiri-jMinted toes, rhliculoiisly high collnrx nr.d niiort overeouts without scams. Latter-diiy e?:(iiisites have ulso lUlovilcd the plan of erowdinr on the lini'cr ns r.ian.v rin."; ns po-.sildi ho j who e;i r. ouit,' ta' largest iiuniber on ; the rinr (in T .-.und et the tMiue time ! Wneo County Iu prol.Me, ejs-iitrii i Isold Ids linger being considered to I II. e w ill annexed of the nWnit Jt" have the blue . I blood. I'nderbill deceased. All nrnni liafi f HOW AMERICANS CHEER. j To llrltlahor ihr I'lamllta of Worlil'a ralr it s.iuuil I.Ike III The arrival of the presiilent and his j party called forth what to ujy llritish j ears was a most unexpected vocul ! demonstration, says a writer iu the Review of Reviews. The s-opo not i only cheered ns llritisli crowds ure j wont to cheer. They indulged in ; sounds which are to us expressive of j strong derision. Tin y literally cater- ; wauled. I was almost rut surprised us ! Milton uialii-s out his fiailen hero to be i w hen. instead of the applause he an-1 ;,, 'i',,,.,,,,,',.'.! (!.. umi licipaieii, tie wus greeted with one vast hiss. I Bitppo.M- every nation develops its own style of plaudit. The Ger mans have their short staccato "Ins-h," the Ifritish their sonorous "hurruh," while the Americans have selected the shrill feline yell. Asking a fuir Chi cngoan the rcuson of this strange pref erence, I got for answer; "I guess they wunt to inn We as much noise as they can; and they II ml they make most noise thnt wnv." Making allowance fortius peculiarity in cheering, no royal (sTsonuge could have Is-on more rapturously received than was the plain citizen, Grover Cleveland. In the simple morning dress of the ordinary citizen, without rlhlxms, r medul, or other decoration on his breast, with nothing in his garb to distinguish him from other men, this ruler of more than three score mil lion men stood out in instructive con trast to the brilliantly-uniformed rep resentatives of huropeun royalty l hind him. It wus an object lesson which could hardly Is- lost on the hun dreds present from monarchical states. POINTS OF SCIENCE. A .NTS are provided with a poison bug, which discharges a fluid having a strong sulphurous smell, sufUcieut to drive awuy most insect enemies. Camphor is the result of evnsirating an essential oil found In two different trees, the cinnnmoiiium enmphoru, which grows in ( hinu and Japan, and the dipteroenrpus cumphoru of Suma tra and Borneo. A l.KTTi;it from Prof. Garner, dated from his steel cage, which he has named Fort Gorilla, has ben received in Liigl.itid from Fernandez Vitrz, Af rica. The professor claims to liuvo made greut progress hi his study of the monkey luiigunge. WHERE WE LEAD. I'.NCI.E K.i furnishes forty-one per cent, of the world's silver. l.f Kliropc there lire rls,4()0 llisiinc; in the 1 niled states, HIM.Miill. Thiihe hundred and sixty niouiitiiins in the I'nited States are iver ten thou sand feet high. At. I. the glaciers in the Alps would not einul one of the largest in our ter ritory of A he, Ua. r.Mi.E Sam makes more piiHir than any other country in the world. The largest pii-r mill is at Wcstbrook, Me. In Great Britain the annual sick rate for each inhabitant is ten days to the year; in the I'nited States eight days. THE OFFICEOF SPEECi Uonaflla to Bo trarlvad Inna , Tonjua. Tho rxsuM'Ssion of the niurvu intricate faoulty of artioUttte siiyn a writer in Godt.yH more miraculous to the unthi than do the eternal varieties fe drinking and sleeping. Yet th' mer Is arbitrary and eon venting. Invention of man Mrhupi, ut lined ti him, if Prof. Garner of m,. sM-ech fame is to be bclli.,H, the latter ure natural, absnlut,. 111011, and the sinecpia nonnfexj,t The ollleo of speech the er-Li. to s'.vliii rrrnun uipioinui to me t'ontrnr, the Mil-i wlthMtiiuilinr-lH to convey u L 1- . . .1 ' 1 now lmiMirinui men. inut thin yt of thought transference, tliUojj, currier f ideus, this earring j, with the most delicate untidy burdens, nothing less than therert sence of tho soul pnrlshubti (", Indeed should be carefully and developed to its highest catiudty. The comparative ease wlthwhic' average Individual may I express the thoughts of hhni.f , era in an Intelligent, intelligible, pleusing fashion, mukes Itatn'mii criminal to neglect nucha vastpa uddltlon to the general good. In none of the arts f,,r rvl; not only an art, but the nnkfe them all -does general iufonm,, education and Intelligence eouctii much. MISSING LINKS. A MAX In Wisconsin is tbepnatri of a curiosity in tin-shape of a h,, hog. It Is estimated that last yesrlj ihxi.imhi bauauus wore coiisuainl t'nlted Mates alone. Thk t'nlted State has thmtr p, eeutage of blind jsiople tliaimirot4 country in the world. Nohtiiaui-ton (Lnglandiaemi shier it an omen of misfortaatUtan butterllies are seen together. Female spiders are much Urjrj i more feris-ious than the main. generally devour their husbunik The Ijicrynue C'hristl is a 1'ortui wine made from the Julue whtej flows without pressure from thtf TitriiR Is a haunted tree at fseorsport. Me., which shelters 11 where a murder had lHen comca oflleiul 1 M01 bas formed the initial "1 r on the bark. EXECUTOR'S NOTE: Xotiee is hereby giveu l lint tli signed hii Is-en dill v aiiiMiiiilnl n Countv Court of the Stole ill (rtvcsii claims M-uin-t nunl e'liile t brrrliT i ipiired to present them f m wi pror Viiuctiers at the Ihm fffirnlC don A I umi i ti in i'ulles Cut, (I'm within six mouths from the dat'ot tt not ire. XovemWr 11. lsli.1. Cl.Ml.l ',. TMKHnil. ' F.xeentrix of tiie K1ate of Jmuf Itf bill, deceased. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Ni.tlv I- hfp'hy fflii-l , tki I! riinnivfiMi M VI i i.uiiti U -ol-.'nl IW rrtlle 1bi lll mill Iml . m-lil "I l.n 1.1X-1 All I'Si'Ik l;lll illn T f IlK" -.MI I'l mill ll. i'r.i-ol bwliy try i ,i (.rwlil tlii-m. ttl'li 111 f" oil. nil lx n.elilli" (ruin tl.nUlfi'l tt'l" I. . .ilil .-ii!..t st hi" l.ini' "I !!" Iinlli.. i rn.ln ilil at IU J II, 11. tVILull, III lil l"l.i-I II'. J .in II. I.I. ImA ..F. I;" Patitl till ll On) "I N.ei liiKT. ' NOTICE. In the Cininty nirl of tlii- j'lutrafii!"1' aii I i.iiati. In th Mallfriil tli K1il-l 1 William llniiilil.m w llwiii, lMiia Nulla l liwhi lvn that ". l.v an itnlnr ut tiie Cimitv "', (ur Wawn Cmmlv. ni" m-,l..i.liw 7, imi, a aiiiHiinli'tr"" . I.t will ami tMlim-iu s " , llamllliill Wlliill, lliti-awl . Plallfm HKilhiat Mill lnli w B"? iirnxnt ll.o Min.n Willi .""p,, 1 ilien-lur u nn-at III nrtiixi i.l Jlf.''' At WIImiii. 11m I Mill-. Orcl. -'j uiniiili Iriim th ol tin M.Hir. I liaUil The lallo, tr.. .;; '''.V,-' M. s IU ti" . r.swutor ot Will W m. I!. V-SH.H 1 Two Matrimonial .rillemn! Two lln !""'"! !!?,!! ; IhiIIh. m-rllenl rv.iiUli"ii. L,. ' ill. I liiiliiilir. awa Is anil ' meh, lHirnl ilirulswalit ti won if Ilka In .rrwiiiiil " "ili,, milli-mil tinilif 41). hiT,:.'B!!,iri't Imniiia. (iiitli-iiin, If vmi ' uiiff"' mm. it II Mil III l,""""n.ini tiai, llaiuea ulnl aililreaw" "".'j, (V Pennsrlf di Hi l.lwlm Estray Taken Up on hlnek ixniy. braiuM l'.h',',BJ''i hlpainl led Jw. dwiier can M t Iiik .mri sua (siyniK ! ,V. , j ; J' . JD-UaHm Co.l,.lli..T ( i w A NT F.I) - Pimlihiir " ,""uil'', i r mr". l.linini litt1' ui klV. IVfHIMHttllt IM'-Hl"'1, 1 f..rf iMItM. in- I ni-i! CO O III sw' J IIICIIl " I )U whst III '"" I If yen wmh Ui rsh all tn n 'j lM,?h..l you rairt l I;" Z.i ' ,1,,, in., ui u" 1 .' .mi.ii ntliur i(r, ami lvarlll Taken Up- braiiuedtha. ' can hava W j.v AuiiI 1 IsiW. tf