THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, I A TURD AY, NOVEMBER 18, 1893. The Weekly Ghronicle. DKIK.OX in t LOCAL HKKVITIM. WtHlnpMliiy't Imlty. i pil.her he Urklwl Hie fat exirna In a iiihiiii.t lli-nt- inl hM. ilul I" ! !'" "I " I"""'""' ' llu waa IwhiikIiik a liarj ' K"1'1- Anntlixr pre h bn nJilcd to Tiik CiiBoMt'i" job room. Tlit) Pmmoncl Mills have now h11 the liet tliy cn liandleand will iurclmp no uirB- The cm '' RK Alery vs. The Pullei UuuilwrtntC Co, U being tried todny tie lure U' t,ir,'uit l'onrt Mr. Ale ih in the city today, nv tlit the fiiruuirs nre plowing laiiii tl,e 0,'re' k fully Lj, u, Jnt year'", If It does not excited !,, amount. Tlif "lieriff nd hi deputies are very v peuple theiie dayi, serving milipoe iul the like, and even the prison- ,rget a breuthof frotth air, an thry pun hrotitfh the corridor, en route to tho jjicinl )renence. The jury iu tho rase of John Tliomus vi. A. J. Mcmes and C. L. Rlrhmotul rjiiilereil a verdict In favor of TIiouiuh ,r ":1H IH) daniugns fur a judgment wnili-red m JuMtice IKjlicrty's court and ,ti ot injunction. The n lining south. The assessor'! report, published 'n lOtlier column, shows thut the tux" ilut'ion is less than luct year, includ iiiilehtedneHH. liut the fact is easilv owtited for by the great depreciation tmi- o( property, horse", cattle and Jtan Trana, a coustuble at the Can !, undnrto)k to arrest a dago yester , hen the Ituliau's friends iouiiced in him and handled him pretty ''(.'My, hruising him und tearing his tlies. Another attempt will likely lie nle tiv the coiiHtuhle at a more favora- moment, when a charge for resisting officer will probably he added to 'the nple complaint of ansault, for which was to have tieen arrested. Thiirauty'a Iinlly. in th' nertnr Anil miimm'r time wbeii utliir tlimiTK if II ri'iirii mipri'iiie. niiu llowi't 1 know hits uot n worn in miv ; Inlor mi, wlieti they're forgot mid denrt, It llllk llir rail rliryfttoitlii'iimm, like ciiihIIiIhUh, doth gut tlM-rr iu the fall. flit Kpworth Iiii:ue will hold its atlily business meeting this evening. ( ordinance thut has to lie enforced 'iiiis no business on the recorder's k. Miunarnlie Hhipp.ed last night IKK) head mutton sheep Itciongmg to Kargher ". for the Sound markets. Ih. J. V. Hnedaker, the ilent'iHt, has ed Into the rooms formerly occupied Dr. W. If. Kinehart as an otlicc. kiine mechanics are at work adjoining I- itzlienild ruins on the enxt putting a building for a photograph gallery, line lot of fat hogs will be shipfied n Saltmarshe & Co.'s stock varde for Sound market, which came in to- report thut the Milton bank roblairs been located near the month of i- cn-ek is Incorrect. Thev are still rge. Portland lady being complimented Ix'Htity of her daughter's foot, ledgeil it and said she was going "t flume good sculptor make a bust s"Y" social will lie given at the '"my Saturday evening. A good yrimiB has been, prepared. The ad Vlln has lit'en placed at 15 cents, r'MncliiiloH refreshments. F'indiill a Kurgett recbivinl an order f niorning for a collin to lie sent to 1twum1"ii Landing. The particulars F' v,'i"y hrief anil merelv stated that a hud lieen found dead In his cabin 'hat plaee. The landing Is just be- I,,B nth of White Salmon. J. S. Fish last evening packed "zeu celery, to send to a resident of f 'o, who has bad a taste of the ' product, and who is willing to r the extra expense and trouble, K he never before tasted anvthing "m1 as the celery grown in Oregon must have some more al any price. Krldny Dully. Whin th mitninn winds irow iihlllyT"" AllH wh..(i ......t. .!.... .!!. flier Is one Knmt nHtlsfwtiii'n nKuivii witn iimniiw. Chrysautheiuiim club will give a tonight at the Schanno hall. English crop of wheat is W.000.- "hels net, or 6J, bushels per head. F'rt Valentine, the boy primmer, jome up for flniil disposal tomorrow old Snyder restaurant building is l"'t into shape und will be oci:u- ' t4iini hotel. Ilnsy Gleaner society will have a li hall of the Chrysanthemum !e. Tith and tlth. '"os. propose to devote thoir at tention to mining In the tiring and will I close out their large etocU of groceries, etc., a soon u poniihle. Kemeiiilier the "Y's" social at the academy tomorrow evening. AdinirHion, including supper, 1") cents. The (iiMid Templars will give a milli nerv and necktie social at the K. of I. hall Saturday night at S o'clock. Liter ary programme and refreshments. Ad niiimioii .VI cents. A fiirtnr came In with 125 turkeys yesterday, and the most he was offered was 7 cent a pound. learning that the 1 'I'ortland markets quoted them at 11c to itc, ne,, v, semi nielli isnow, ss the freight will not exceed cent per pound. Deputy Sheriir I'luruiau says he will lie glad to get rid of Strom, whom he characterizes as a human brute. He is continually getting into trouble with the other prisoners, and was only tamed by the "Oregon boot," the term Mr. I'hirman uses for the efficient leg irons. The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will on the day before Cleveland's Thanksgiving oiler a most dclcctablo line of toothsome viands for sale at I'case Si Mays. - The display of goodies w ill be made in one of the large windows, and all persons who are fond of mince pies will do well to call early and avail themselves of this niriBt rare orrportmiity.'t forget the " Y's" social tomorrow evening at the academy. The young ladies have made every effort to give everyone who attends a good time and their efforts are well worthy of recog nition. Those w ho attended the last affair of this kind had a very pleasant time and they may be sure of the same kind of a time tomorrow evening. The cuuse for which the young ladies are striving is t. most worthy one and they should lie encouraged. Besides you will have a merry evening; so remember the time Saturday night; the place at the academy and the admission 15 cents including a sumptnous supper. Hehftdul of Expenditures.1 The schedule of exfienditnres showing the amounts of all claim?, the names of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment is made, the amount of each bill, the amounts allowed, and the claims con tinued or rejected at the November term, lSll.'l, of the County Court for Wasco County, Oregon. The following list, however, docs not contain any claim for which the salary or fees are provided for by statute : Name and Nature of Claim. Amount. C Oropper, wood tor court house fSi b) J ten C Irwin, supplies for clerk. 5 supplies tor clerk . Charles F. Allison, ice 15 I'aul Kreft, painting 3 00 M II Nickelsen, supplies School superintendent 2 80 1 hi lies Tub Co, printing and ad vertising .12 50 Chronicle l'uh Co, printing and advertising 11 tK) Chronicle l'uh Co, letter heads. 20 00 lialles Water Works, water rent 10 00 M T Nolan, supplies 8 10 S K Ferris, street sprinkling. . . 2 25 Mays & Crowe, road supplies. . . 4 75 I'eter Godfrey, road work 5 (X) Ward & Sons, lumlier 28 5(i Ward A Sous, lutntier Hist 13. . 2S 72 John Water, work on scraper. . H 00 Jos T Peters & Co, lnuiUir rock crusher. 9 27 J.m T Peters & Co, lumber road Kist 12 18 IU Maier tt pauper 14 5 Leslie ltutlcr, supplies pauper. . 5 30 H llerbring, supplies paner. . . 6 50 A L Newman, supplies pauer. 3 00 A M Williams A Co, supplies pauper 4 25 Chrisman & Corson, supplies pauper 3 t5 D P & A N Co, transportation oamier 4 00 TT Nichols, board pauiair 3 50 CrHiidall & liurgut, burying pau per 10 00 Ir O C Hollister, medical at tendance pauper 27 50 John Trana, burial pauper 5 00 King & Alwiek, coffin for pauper 10 00 Wels-r A Smith, digging grave for pauper 5 00 Durham & Koliertson, team for road survey 10 50 Ward & Sons, lumber Dist 16. . 21 00 K hchiitz, examining toll road law 6 00 A F. Luke, lumber Pist 24 32 40 A V. Lake, lumber I i-t 18 32 40 A V. Iike, Kist No 17 18 25 Wallace & Kentman, hauling lumber I lists No 2 and 5 . . . . 3 00 J N Reynolds, work II U bridge 00 Oregon Lumber Co, lumber II It bridge 10 87 L Neff. work on 11 K bridge. ... -7 50 A K Viler, work on II K bridge 0 00 T C Dallas, spikes II K bridge. . 2 40 p w L Skiblie, board pauper... 1 ml Wm Michel!, burying pauper.. 60 00 CLAIMS CONTtNl'KD IOK TKUM. Ir Kshelman, medical attend ance paupers 3i 50 Geo 1) Barnard, supplies 6 85 STATE OF OREGON, f ' County or Wasco, f I, J. B. Crossen, County Clerk, do hereby certify that the above and fore going is a full and complete statement of the eliiiins presented and action taken hereon by the County Board at the November term thereof, save and except all claims, the salary or fee! of which are provided for by statute. Witness my hand and seal hkai.. of the County Court affixed ' this 15th day of Nov., 18!3. J. B. CROSSF.N, County Clerk. By K. Martin, Deputy. Mprln- Mmllcna. pr. Gunn'i Improved Llvor Till! on account of their mild action are especi ally adapted for correcting spring disor ders, such as impure blood, tired brain and aching and worn out bodv. They act promptly on the Liver and Kidneys; drive out all impurities from the blood, und malaria from the system. Onlv me pill for a dose. Try them this spring. Sold at 25 da. a box by Blakely A Houghton, Druggists, The Dalles, Or., wt6-l CONSCIENCE MONEY. Ft.rrlgnrr !') Mr. Threa Ynr-i Hkllilx Afirr SatiirilHysfti-riioon h Fiulsiider alked into Mr. r-kills's hotel, ai coinpanied by hlx son, a lud of about 17 years. lie t:iiked very brokenly and was understood with considerable difficulty. Without other preliminary he asked if Mr. Skiblie remembered buying some dressed hogs of him three years sgo. Mr. Skihhe did not and then he said something about f-1.85 in connection w ith the event, Mr. rikiblie lielieviug he was trying to collect I t,m( ,(lllonnt (rHUl,llle,ltlv " oM ,,, ! .,,,1,1 1,. littU .iter.ii, . ... ,.- 1.1 fi-Muw and busied himself waiting npon other customers, Lut still the foreigner hung around, wailing for further atten tion. With a view to ridding himself of the collector (as he thought) he seized a less busy moment, and stepped up to him, saying: "Well, old gent, how is it you never said anything about it all this time?" lie cither did not understand or ig nored the question, and, still talking, pulled out a purse, and took therefrom f -4.85, and handing it to Mr. Skiblie, said, very brokenly, but which we will give in a translated form: "Take this, I have had it over three years now. It is your money. You puid me $4.83 too much at the time I sold yon the dressed hogs." Mr. Skibtte thanked him very much, but the old fellow would not accept any thing. We w ill uot publish his name, but his residence is in Centcrville. It would seem the matter has troubled him greatly ever since be was overpaid, and now that a great burden is lifted from his conscience, we will let him en joy his good action with as little or as much publicity as he cares to give it. TAYLOR'S NARROW ESCAPE. Discharged Iiy th ttnnit Jury OdIjt for Lark of vldnc. The grand jury rendered "not a true bill" in the case of State of Oregon vs. Irviu Taylor, and defendant was dis charged. The circumitances of the case shold prove the folly of getting too thor oughly under the influence of liquor if the individual is of a quarrelsome nature when so influenced. Mr. Taylor is a model man ordinarily, and universally respected by his associates. A few months ago, while partly drunk, he quar reled with a Chinaman well known at Antelope, and with a spirit more to frighten than anything else, lie pulled out a revolver and discharged it in the floor within a few feet of the Chinaman. The latter thereupon had bini arrested for assault with iuteut to murder, but the grand jury, believing there was not sufficient foundation for the charge, dis- I charged Taylor with a warning. There is no doubt that bad whisky is at ttie root of half the crimes committed, and if Mr. Taylor will profit by his narrow escape from a term in the tienitentiary he will hereafter let it severely alone. It is bad medicine for the passions, and with an individual of his nature, substi tutes recklessness for bravery, iusamty for reason, aud makes murder not only possible, but an accident if it is not committed. CLEVERLY CAUGHT. Murderer and Adnltertr Caught Officers and Orla Cunnolljr. Mr. John Barnett, sheriff at Chehalis, left The Dalles this morning with a noted desperado, captured here by IVp uty Sheriff I'hirman and Marshal Maloney. His name is Jack Ken f row, alias Lew Spencer, alias J. Hamilton, and he is w anted on a charge of adultery, having separated a wife from her hus band in Chehalis and living with her three years. It is reported, also that he is guilty of committing a murder in Missouri. He was caught here very adroitly. Mr. I'hirman had received word from Sheriff Barnett that a man named Ken frow or Sjieneer would ask for a receipt from the postoffice for a registered letter sent to Fred Weigle, a Chehalis man, and the deputy asked Postmaster Nolau to watch for such a party. Soon Mr. O. K. Scott, a farmer living near this city, came in and asked for mail for Lee Spencer, who, be said, worked for him. IlewaB accompanied by another man, and he the postmaster correctly surmised was the man. As soon as they went out Mr. Nolan asked Orla Connelly, a mere boy, who works in the store, to follow the man, pointing him out, while he went for the officers. Orla did so, and soon Mr. I'hirman and Marshal Maloney appeared, who arrested him, and tele graphed to Barnett. The prisoner denied Ids identity, but Mr. I'hirman, after a careful search, found a receipt for a registered letter just given by Mr. Nolan, tucked away in the lining of his pocketbook, and then Mr. Phirman was confident of having arrested the right man. When Sheriff Barnett arrived he at once identified him, and though the prisoner still denied his identity, it was of no avail, and before leaving he broke down and acknowledged being fairly caught. Toughs Kal at tha Lark. John Trana, police officer of the Cascades, Is In the city for the purpose of enlisting the sympathies of the county officers to increase the police force at the Locks, as he alone is werlesi to deal with the rough element thore, if they choose to combine against an arrest. He wishes to correct the statement that he was treated roughly by the crowd while trying to arrest Jamei Daniels, a stone cutter, fur disorderly end net on Wednesday. He was merely lifted lioillly from his prisoner, while he was astride oi his lody trying to handcuff him. The same evening Mr. Trana cume to The Dalles. In the night, George McCauley, a depnty who tried to aid Trana in making the arrest, was handled roughly in a saloon for his In terference, but was not seriously hurt. Mr. Trana says that for weeks at a time everything will move smoothly and affair! w ill lie as quiet a! a churchyard, but some night or a holiday when they drink a little too much mineral water, they get out for a little sport and have thing! all their own way. For this reason ho wants the force increased that order may be enforced and peace reign. ASSESSMENT FOR 1893. Mr. Koonts Accompanla Hl Report with Explanatory Remarks. The county assessor, Mr. Joel K. Koontz, has completed his assessment rolls for tnis year's valuation, and kindly furnishes Tut Ciikokici.e with a com parative statement for the year! 1892 and 1893, as follows: ASSESSMENT SOU 1S.V3. Hn. acres gT. lnd ISS.WO I 9S7,1M X79.fc 7.1,11".' W.".,7U7 4&!,;i21 375.31S 701,7116 r,4.2f 114,Mt B4.7M 1SU.W.I-' a,ii;i WsRon r lands Zi,bM 2,WS V)I1 t own low l,(i:a,wi 4J.'.4s 371,918 25(1,411 7S.2M II 17," J: 2U0,7'. Improvement Milms. and Im plements. . . . Jioney, notes, accounts. . . . Household fur niture io. horses .... No. cattle.. .. 4148 fi.'eii , l.liill 4.929 fijwl l(A,l:M No, shiep Nu. awlue.... firnnii Tslue . Exemptions .$S,.rvi!l,3-JS .t,7. 777 ltill.K2S . t.r.iu; Tsxntile projierty . . . tVm,M f2,74U,VH fneludine mortgage notes, t Indebtedness. In a letter of explanation to the state board of equalization he makes the fol lowing statements: That three-fourths of the deeded land, heretofore placed at a high valuation, is pasture and grazing and cannot be justly aseesscd as high as that used for agri cultural purposes purely. Horses are aeseesed at $21.19, which is fully up to their cash value, and many have been sold for less. Cattle have been placed at $10.75, which have often been offered for sale at this figure with no buyers at that. Sheep at $1.50, w hich cannot be sold for such sum for lack of buyers. HogB he has placed at $4.03, which is fully as high as they are worth. He also mentions the fact that he has assessed town property above the current cash prices. From Mr. Koontz' letter, containing these explanations, it would be folly to suppose the state board will exceed the figures in any instance. .. From Our 'aw Primer. The Little Joker. Do you see the cat and the kit? At night the cat and the kit sometimes make a great noise under the house. The cat is the dam of the kit. Dam the cat and the kit. They Tolil Falsehood. Chprles and Frank Williams, the two lads who were placed in the city jail here, w ill be placed in charge of Super intendent Gardner of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. The boys have con fessed that they told falsehoods regard ing their names. According to the Telegram, Charles Williams is one of the boy's right name, but the other, the one with one foot only, is Roscoe Dnfo. The latter maintained a stoical de meanor, refusing to say much, but the Williams boy stated that Dufo'a parents lived near IVuver and that his own father resided in that city. They con cocted a plan- to run away because of their aversion to attend school. Farmers Will ltale Hop;. Mr. G. W. Lucas of Wamic is in the city. He reports the farmers in bis sec tion are very busy plowing and sowing fall wheat, and as the ground is in the finest condition there will be as much or more winter wheat sown this fall than formerly. The long distance to market and the low price of w heat, the farmers will try the hog enterprise as a branch of husbandry, and put their grain into pork instead of raising it to sell by the bushel. Wheat raising is largely un profitable where the markets are so un certain. Affairs at the Lock. Cascaiik Locks, Nov. 13. About 60 stone cutters were laid off a week ago at the Locks, but the con tractors have been hiring all the laliorers they could get for several days, past. There are about 4o0 men at . work there now come say 500. The mess house and bunk house are about full. Tomorrow Is pay day. The weather has been good for several days except for the east wind which blows hard and cold. Hheep Lost. Lost on the range lietween the head of Mill creek and Tygh Valley, 160 head of ewes and lambs, branded S. II., ear mark crop in right, swallow fork in left n ewes and same mark reversed in weather lambs. Suitable reward will lie given for information that will lead to the recovery of the same. Solomon IIoi skk, Tygh Valley, Or. CIRCUIT COURT. A Jary Goes to Hood River Hualneas Dona by the tirand Jary. Thurwlay'i pally The attention of Judge Bradshaw is still being confined to the Rock Alery case. The testimony Is all in and the lawyers were this afternoon speaking pro and con. A jury took the Regulator this morn ing, in charge of Bailiff Jackson, to ex amine the premises In the case of Water Supply Company of Hood River Valley V!. W. R. Winans. The jury will arrive this evening on the 11 o'clock train, and consists of J. A. Nickelson, J. Millard, Joseph Kelley, R. If. Williams, Frank Vogt, L. P. Ostlund, Wm. McCrum, J. W. Allen, R. G. Clostor, J. Staniols, Geo. Arnold and J. Mcintosh. The grand jury has transacted the following business today: In the case of State vs. W. J. Jeffers, not a true bill was returned, owing to his being taken to the asylum, and the probable fact that he was insane at the time of shooting at his son-in-law. In the cases of State vs. Milton Aiken and State vs. Ed Gibson, not true bills were found, because the prosecuting witnessei have left town and there is not sufficient evidence to convict. A true bill against Mell Kulp for as sault. Not a true bill against Richard Brook house and Frank Watkins for driving stock from the range. Yesterday a true bill was found against Lewis Caton for assault with dangerous weapon, but on account of his advanced age, a bill was returned for simple assault, and he was fined $75. Htrora Oeta the Full Penalty Mell Kulp ' Sienteneed--Grand Jury Notes, Friday's Dally. August Strom, the Wyeth rapist, came before Judge Bradshaw this morning to receive his sentence. The judge sen tenced him to ten years in the peniten tiary, the .full penalty, and said be was sorry the legislature had not provided a longer term to more adequately fit the crime. In Strom's case there was no mitigating circumstances, nor could there be in cases of that kind. Strom is merely a magnificent brute, and exhib ited no emotion while receiving his sen tence, and when taken back to his cell went to singing. He is thoroughly cal loused by a long life of uselessness. Mell Kulp was also sentenced to a fine of $50 or 25 days for assault and battery committed upon the person of Charles Brad'ey. The case of Fonts vs. Harris was given tJ'the grand jury at 8 o'clock last even ing. Fouts sued Harris for $10 before Justice Schutz and got judgment for $0, and the case is an appeal from the justice court. The case of the Hood River Valley Water Supply Co. vs. Ross Winans was this morning placed on trial. The Sup ply Co. wishes to condemn water and right of way over Winans' land, for irri gation purposes. In the cae of Rock Alery vs. The Dalles Lumbering Co., the jury returned a verdict of damages for plaintiff in the sum of $4. Damages were claimed of a loss of soil by the flume overflowing on plaintiff's land. THE G KAN 11 JffiV. The grand jury h:ve about concluded their lalxjrs.and this morning were busy examining the jail and county offices. An indictment against Wm. Hurst for larceny of a steer was returned, also against Thos. Pryor, Cascade Locks, for stealing checks, amounting in value to $225. Hurst did not appear, and his bonds men will forfeit their bonds. Judge Bradshaw has issued a bench warrant for his return. An undersized Chinamen was carry ing two great packs of wood this morn ing on Second street, the load dangling from each shoulder. A nobhi red man who would weigh about 175 pounds was curiously watching him and laughing at him, when the celestial invited the Indian to try the load. The latter stoop ed under the yoke and tried to lift the burden, but it did not budge. '"Heap sick," said tho Siwash, and w ith greater respect for the Chinaman's abilities he turned to a white man standing near and curiously asked: "What kind of an Indian him?" Real Kslate Transfers. Bert Rogers to Alfred S. Bennett, one fifth interest in a tract of land known as the forfeited railroad land claim of the Rogers heirs ; $200. Eva J. Spicer and Frank Spicer to Alfred S. Bennett, lots 3, 4, and 5, sec. 4; lot 5, sec 6; lot 10, sec. 8; and lot 1 and the nw'f of nwl of sec. 0, tp 1 north, range 13 east ; $1. Win. E. Miller to Wm. Wilhelm, ee'-$ sec. 12, tp. 1 north range 14 eu.t; $1348.33. To I oiilrtlmlora. Write on ono side of the paper only; we use the other side. Be natural in writing. Don't try to soar; the bat is the only mammal that flies. Write in English, or send glossary. To Poets Poems on all subjects accepted. Send locb of hnir as guaranti of divine afflatus. Give children of your brain proper transportation. We do not furnish Peasuses. Exchange. Hot clam broth at J. O. Mack's every day at 4 o'clock. BILIOUSNESS Who has not suffered tliU misery eaunel by bilo iu tho stomach which an ina"t;vo or sluggish liver failed to carry oil'. THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS -,V LZjrZ. ism J liquid or powder, which gives quick action to the liver and carries off tho bilo by a mild move ment of tho bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Simmons Liver Regulator. "I have been a victim to Biliousness fot years, and after trying various remedies my only success was la the use of Him mons Liver Kegulutor, which never failed to relieve me. I speak not of myself, alone, but my wholu luinlly." J. M. t'lLlr HA.X, Holina, Ala. ' .-EVERY PACKAGE'S Has onr Stamp In red on wrapper. . U. ZKJXUi CO., Ptuadclplua, Pa. Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonble. -MARK OOODH W. "W. Oo. THE I1ALLE8, OK COPPER RIVETED Clothing , Manufactured by LEVI STRAUSS CO., San Francisco, Calif. Every Garment Guaranteed. FOh SALE BY PEASE & MAYS, THE DALI.ES, OREGON'. COLUMBIA ? Fain, 104 Second St., The Dalles, Or. Campbell Brothers, PROPR16TORS. Manufacturers of the (hunt Kronen und Home Made CANDIES KiiHt of I'ortlami. Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tokco, Can furnish any of these r.xkU at Whole wile or Retail. FRESH OYST3U3RS Hurved In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. A. A. Brown, Kcei full assortment of i and Provisions. which h offen at lw Figure SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hinliest Casl Prices for lm Ml other Pruance. 170 SECOND STREET. S LOST. Attnutyimr mm. from mr ttbiri1 nir Kinir.H- W, Or., oiu twv m u iv hrrii.dtil w ith the Ictt-Ti JProiiiiM'H in Mrvle. Any iiiforiiitttlott tl Tier will be thankfully r.itivt ly ' JAMKf MTZi-KKALD, 10-21 w;lt Mngsk-y, Or.