THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1893 The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL TAPER OF WASCO COCNTY. There is one thing that the people of Oregon need not be iu fear of, and that is the assassination of their governor by a crank. They never kill any of their own number. Arlington Kecord. Ambrose Kierce says the only differ ence he can aee between Lee Fain-hlld and the monkey is that neither can write poetry. Ambrose seemingly does not know that Lee is headed for California. There has been an insurrection at Coouiassie, and the King of Ashantee was stoned to death in the streets. We wait with profound interest inch action President Cleveland may take for the overthrow of the usurper and the eleva tion to the throne of the rightful heir. Spokane Review. We are promised the new tariff bill, as the democrats wish it to be, in a very ahort time. While we are not breathless with anticipation, and have no terrible dread tiiat it will ever go into effect, we may as well register our howl now as later against wool being placed on the free list, and remind the democratic tariff tinkers that Oregon is hopelessly lost to them if they do so. Even Texas may have to be watched pretty closely if they commit this blunder. Rkm Fl'.Vtf 7 AM i) VERT KMT HOSKSTY. In talking with a Hawaiian relative President Cleveland asked if he did not think an eight months' atudv of the Hawaiian question did not eminently qualify him for disposing of the question to the best advantage. This was meant to be a poser, but the relative, Mr. Pratt, aid he considered a thirty years' resi dence in Hawaii a greater qualification. But then, nothing can change Grover's opinions on anything, and he will talk queen until the end of the play. Perhaps there is more truth than poetry in the rumor that Hoke Smith has kicked over the traces as a member of the Cleveland cabinet. With all the antipathy of a southerner to a negro, it is not likely he would be hand in glove with the president, who wants to restore a thick-lipped, curly haired negro to the throne of a monarch, particularly Lilio kulani, who was corrupt and profligate and universally diepised. The provis ional government is now composed of the leading men of brain in those islands, most of them of Anglo-Saxton origin, but who were nevertheless born in Hawaii. The anarchists of Chicago have so little to be proud of thatthey may be ex cused for being proud of Altgeld. It is seldom that the executive of a great state comes to the help of the lawless element as be has done, and the men and women who flaunt red banners in the face of an orderly community and make open war upon property are justi fied in toasting and feting him. Alt- geiu is distinctively tlieir governor, elected hy their votes and pledged to un do the work of the courts in visiting pen alty upon them. They would add the blackest ingratitude to the long list of their other peculiar characteristics if they were to fail in the praise of their champion on "Anarchists' day." Ore- gonian. Tuesday evening's Mountain con tained an article adverse to the action of the city council, though expressed weakly and with great fear and tremb ling; and last night, in an excess of seal to tot itself straight, it goes to the other extreme and arrays Itself squarely against the farmer. With this new ally, Tus Chronicle feels that it has a heroic battle upon its shoulders, but being on the side of right, has no fear of the out come. Iu the first place the article in last night's Mountaineer is contempt ible, not merely because that paper re treats from its own sentiments, but be cause it ignores the point of contention standing boldly out all through Th Chronicle's article ot'Tuesday. Here is the yeep referred to in Tuesday's Mountaineer : Oh, reader, defend this weakling with a broad mantle of charity : The ordinance was passed at the earnest solicitation of cltixens, and we learn this morning that the mayor in structed the marshal not to enforce it too strictly. This commuaity desirs to be a cit v. but not to such an extent as to drive trade away. The beach is an available nlace for teams to be fastened, and it will in no wav interfere with the public thoroughfares. How pitiful it is that we have an or dinance that the marshal is instructed not to force "too strictly." Perhaps the mayor was afraid some indignant far mer might take a shot at the retreating marshal leading away his horse. He would certainlv have that right. The next sentence is the only honest one in the paragraph, and will be hard to reconcile with what the Mountaineer said last night. Here it is in all its diplomatic leniency: "This com munity desires to be a city, but not to such an extent as to drive trade away." But, as if afraid of having said too much, it dismisses the whole matter by telling what a good place the beach is for teamsters, whereas the beach is infested with tramps, hobos and thieves what would steal everything out of the wagon, including the end gate, whjle the farmer was up town doing business. The criticism of the Mountaineer last night is equally senseless. Here are the principal points, sentence by sen tence : Purine the last two or three months, j hv reason of teams standing in the i streets, there has been several disastrous runaways. . If anyone can find where The Ciihon- icle has advocated country teams stand- j ing loose in the streets we will oiler a ; receipt for a year's subscription. I The council have rented a vacant lt for the purpose of hitching and ffe.iim: animals, and this place is as convenient and a great deal more cleanly to leed a horse hay and grain than on the side- walks. j Xo farmer has ever fed on a sidewalk, but if he had we will cite the foremost city for beauty and cleanliness, the capital itself, Washington, D. C, and that most DOWN WITH VKSPOTtSM. The Telegram savs : Crash the one man power. This 1s a constitutional j government with fixed limitations upon j the several departments. Urover Cleve-1 land, president of the United States, has assumed power and authority which the constitution does not confer uhu the executive department. He was ouiltv of usurpation in suspending the barley, .':t 00 to 00 per ton law. He was ouiltv of usnrm- ! l per 100 n s tion in suspending the purchasing clause them U a .Ik-l.t tendency for an illl' provKineut, owing to a feeling that the turill laws will remain unchanged. Wheat i:i to -hie per bn. Prices are up to M to Me cents per 100 lbs. Oat The out market Is light at AO to 8i cents per 100 Ilw. M ills rt-Frs Bran and shorts are quoted at lis IK) per ton. mid dlings fJ fiO to -': 00 per ton. Rolled MI0II- of the Sherman law before the repeal ,-, ' . ' tou Blul :! Fi.ol K Salem mills Hour Is quoted at 4 ", nor luirro . Diamond tirancl at per inn. bill passed. He was guilty ot consplr- ,tail acv and usurpation In using the power Hay Timothy Iihv ranges in price of " natronaire to force the ueonle's ren-! from .1:100 per ton, according to r . . . i:.:.... vi..... I uuiiinv ami p'iiiuhmi. " I., tfi,Mut.u.b. mi a I i (1 1 1, Mi I lIlHlltlllll He is now guilty of usurpation I s 0(, to 10 w) mT toll Potatoes 10 to 50c 100 lbs. BiTTTKB Fresh roll butter at 35 to Blakeley & Houghto DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Ore icinej, salt . .. , .. i nun tv anil condition, vt neui miy bill. and a gross violation of both the spirit and the letter of the constitution in making war on the provisional govern ment of Hawaii without the concurrent action of congress. These are high crimes and misdemeanors which must go unpunished. For once the Tdlegram has struck the keynote. Though the succeeding para graphs are rather far-fetched, ending with the usual hysterics, the premises are correct. Mr. Cleveland hits not once, but often in the last few months, grossly exceeded his authority, which would be a burning shame for the peo ple longer to tolerate. Impeachment's the thing. . Mr. Cleveland has closed the last door to his own escape by conferring upon Willis extraordinary powers as com mandant of the U. S. navy in Hawaii, in case his passports are proffered him by the provisional government. It is believed that the custom of rais ing the hat in saluting ladies is derived from the days of chivalry, when the knights unhelmed before ladies, that by so doing they might forego the advan tages which their armors conferred upon them rendering them defeuseless and at the same time by such act declare their belief that woman was the soul and fountain of honor. A New York democratic excange says: The results of the state election are gratifying beyond expectation. The re buke to the arrogant dictation of the bosses is so overwhelming that its ef fects cannot fail to be lasting and leue ficial. While the defeat of Judge May nard alone would have leen sufficient to express the indignation of the people against the course of the democratic machine, the defeat of the whole state ticket will serve as a warning to candi dates that consent to run on the same tii-ket 'ith a man who is known to be thuruiighh distasted I to the people. THE MARKETS. cents per roll, in brine or dry quote 'AO to -10 cents )r roll. K8 Good fresh eggs sell at i'H to 30 cents. Poitltbv Chickens, are quoted at 1.7a to i-'.So. Old fowls ;MM per dozen. Turkeys, T to 8 cents per lb. IIkkk a Mutton Beef cattle are In better demand at i-'.OO per 100 weight gross to $1'. .'." tor extra good. Mutton is now quoted at f 1.75 to i'l.'ih per head. Pork offerings are iight and prices are nominal gross weight and-l'y to4 '4 cents dressed. STAI'I.K (iROl'KHIRH. Copfke Cos tn Iwiea, is quoted at !Mc er lb., by the sack. Salvador, 3.c. Arhuckles', 25c. Ki?u ah Golden C, in Mils or sack , $5 12; Kxtra C, " 37; Drv granulated 1 12 In boxes, 1). G., in 30 lb boxes, $2 75. Ex C, fi 25. GO 200. Rice Japan rice, ti.(7e; Island, rice, 7 eta. liEANit Sniiill whites. 4Vi5l.c: Pink, 5c per 100 Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, Hoc; 1001b sk.l 00; 2001b sk, 2 00. Stock salt, $13 fit) per ton. PiiiKD Fbpith Italian prunes, 12c er lb, by box. Kvaporuted apples, llitu Vl per lb. Dried gnqieH, "id 10c per xm ml. IIIUKS A NO Vl'HH. Hides Are quoted as follows: Drv, '-'V green, IK.. Hhkep Pfci.Ts 25 to 50 ea. Ieerskins, 2t)c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light $1 lb, heavv 75c lb. Bear skins, K12 ea; heaver, M fit) lb; otter, so; nslier,'s.) do: stiver gray fox. 10r$25; red fox, $1 25; grey fox, 2 6lMf3; martin. jl.r$l 25; mink, ourraooe; coon, our; mvote, twHvir 7dc badger, 25c; polecat. 25crf45c; com mon house cut, lOcnf 25o ea. A full lint) of all the Standard Patent Mwlj Drugs, Chemicals, Ktc. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-,., fCouutry and Mail Order will receive prompt attention. I. C. Nickelsen, Tiie Dalles, - Oregon. ICSTAHLISHltD 1M70. The oldtmt, Inrgeait, and tieat managed houne in School Hooks, n ml X)Mlct Nluatleal Instruments. Watches, Jewelry and Sporting Goods. Agt. Hambunj-Bremen Stearnnhlp Co'sj Tlukvta to and from Kurnp. Prompt Attkntiox. Low Pkii kh. Vr to tux Timks. THE DALLES LUMBERING CQ I NCOK PORATSD INHfl No. (57 Washington Stref.t. . . The Dallr Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Manufacturers of Building Material acd Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, House Farnisii fa Special Attention Riven to the Manufacture of JFrult tnd Fl h ' Boxes and Packing Cases. s" rotory ud Xjumber "Vjirdl Old m. XiaUasu DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city, No I mprovnient an fariu I'riMlurt l.ln 8tMk anil Cereal. Fhiday, Nov. 17. The past few days, ponnlar and fashionable street. Penn-! h t heen marked with any new Probably the commercial affairs of the country were never on a sounder basis. More bubbles have been pricked and mere wind let out of questionable enter prises during the past year or two than recent history can furnish parallels for, says Town Topics. This beinj: the case and the lessons of the past being so fresh in men's minds, sensible action would see in to oe out a natural outcome ol a condition with more sensible elements in it than any which has prevailed for years past. One fact may unhesitatingly be accepted. The people breathe more freely than they did a few short months, or even weeks, ago. Hard times have been the plea for lack of investment, lack of enterprise In every direction. Those whose pockets have suffered very little, or not at all, from the depression have nsed the plea as freely as have those whose experiences have been the worst. The relaxation of the tension under which men have acted can have but one result benefit to trade all over the country, This must not be expected as a great spasm. It will doubtless come somewhat slowly. The returning confidence will gather force with every day's developments, and not descend upon the country like cloudburst. The men who could, but would not spend for fear of what might be, and the men who would, but could not on account of what really had over taken them, will each do a share toward the revivification of lagging industries. The former, seeing the impending peril pass and disperse like a threatening cloud, will coma into the marts and pur chase as before, and will reappear with their capital to aid the enterprises which languish for such support. The latter, with collections once made possi ble from expanding business, without fear of disaster overtaking them, or with the necessary fund furnished to com plete their ventures, will re-engage in the activities of commerce and in the enterprises conceived, but not matured. phrases in trade that is of interest. In most lines prices have undergone no material chut.g.'. Ia uro-eries, fciigar has declined from to 4' of a cent per lb. Coffee is very firm on an advance over former quotations. sylvania avenue, as an instance where negro hucksters drive to the very heart of the city, and feed their teams their noonday meal from boxes on the curb stone. Furthermore the lot the Mountaineer speaks of is sadly insufficient to accom modate all the teams which drive in at this season. They would be packed as tight as sardines in a box, and to hitch np four or six horses to a wagon and drive-out would be a practical impos sibility. The repeal of the ordinance would allow cows to prowl around at night, i ers purchases are most I v for the Port 1 . ... -..I 1 1 .. . L 1 I . imci iiiciuecurn uu biihuq itcttb, uivuk j fund uown iences, etc. Not to say that cows do not do this and have for months, we do not contend Have Vim HackaehfiT Ir. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure will cure you. It will also greatly re lieve bright's dim-aoc, and iu many rases effect a euro. It will be found invalua ble iu all diseases of the kidneys, such as diubete, inflammation of the bladder, yellow water, burning smmition when voiding yrine. To the aged it is partic ularly adapted. Try It and be convinced. It is for sale by Knies JSt Kinersley. An ex-prize-fluhter named I.ear, jeal ous of Irene (iooil, found her drinking with a bar-keeper at Cripple Creek, Colo., and onened fire on her, killing her. The barkeejier then emptied his revolver into I-ear, killing him. f.oftil Job I'rtntlna. If you have your job printing (lone at The Ciiiionk'lk you w ill have the ad vantage of having it done with the most (Successors to L. I). Frank, deceased.) OPA11 OF A General Line of manijfaGiurers liarnes r ... Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIEIWO PROMPTLY mna KEATLY DOITi ff-olcsalc and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wtips, Horse Blaia Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped. SKCOXD WKKET, .... THE DALLHR.01 Produce arrivals continue to ! quite j modern ami approved ty!, with which adequate for the demand, and quotation remain steady Butter is a drug in the market at .".' andoOcents per roll. Kng'iare very scarce at 'AO cents per dozen. Poultry, as the Thanksgiving season approrches is in large supply, and deal for repeal of the ordinance, and would like to see it enforced, in every particu lar, but do contend fand herein the Mountaineer's absence of argument is so conspicuous) that it is unlawful and against the spirit of the ordinance, as originally drafted, that teams are to drive out of the city at nightfall or pat ronize a feed yard. . These are all the points touched upon by ourcotemporary, other than the ill-advised epithet of re ferring to the editor of this paper as a mossoacK. jiui as our rival lives in a very large glass house, we will let him enjoy the consciousness of an occasional visit to Portland and Heppner. Why does not the Mountaineer attack us on our main standpoint which is prominent all through our article, that The Dalles is destroying itself by Itgis- lating against the farmer in favor of feed yards? Simply because it is unanswera ble. In arraying itself against the farmer, the Mountaineer ss keeping np with its former record in its spiteful kicks against the citizens, bemoaning their lack of enterprise and snarling at them contin ually. With the Mountaineer in oppo sition to both the city and country its field of usefulness is indeed small. John Hansen, who murdered his wife, complains that none of his former friends come to tee him, says the Astoria Her ald. Probably his former friends are not accustomed to associate with mur derers. No one has any use for a man who will murder bis wife, and the sooner he goes to hell the better will bis friends and the community be. The cold blooded assassin should not be allowed to see anyone. Hanging is too good for him. He was a common drunken brute while alive. He abused himself and ! family and was a disgrace to the com munity. Let him die like a dog. I iana mamet. (.quotations tiave not I changed since our lat remrt. Portland quotations lor coops ot mixed chickens are $2.00 and 13 JW per dozen. Ducks, :5 to $4 per doz ; geeee, $7.50 to $3.r0 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 11 cents r lb., dressed, 13 cts. per lb. The live stock market attracts but little attention outside of the local de mand. Prime fat beeves are a shade dearer but the advance is so trifling that former quotations are unchanged. Pest mutton sheep are down to a low figure and are quoted at $1.75 to $2.20 per head. Stock sheep are quotable at $1..'5." to $l.flO per head. Hogs are sold in this market to Portland and Sound dealers at 4Kj to 4' cents per lb. gross, the latter price being for prime heavy porkers. AstheseaHon advances the offering will be increased somewhat. Most of the holders will pack, rather than sell at bedrock lignres. Consequently there may lie concessions on the part of buyers and holders. The cereal market continues much de pressed. The daily reports from Kurope, New York ami Chicago, which effects our own markets more or less, are cabled as "eay,"asterotyped phrase.and with al weak, and on a downward scale. San Francisco reports, May deliveries down to 1.20J to$l.21 per cental. The major part of America's surplus has been removed and some writers suggest from that, that as the season advances the markets will improve. One com forting reflection is that buyers are not as timid as formerly, which may bo construed as a healthy tone for the future. Barley and outs, owing to the larife quantities of injured wheat, are not in much demand, and feed barley is quoted at 65 cents per cental and brewing barley at 60 cents. Oats, that are slightly colored at fM) to 75 cent per cental, light and very heavy at 85 cents fr cental. The wool market is still dull, although we keep continually supplied. All joist under the direct supervision of one of the most iiiccwful and artistic printers in the Northwest. ,.urtirif:B mm I IS: ' mm 'mm V- "fJ" AC.' 'I V. H.L HOT LU'IL, U Aii ivrnuU' ijmniiv.. mid I. UK V K TUN IC. M r liniKK'sisor sent l.r mall Z0c.,6uua nil CI.Uo it I'lickiuc. Nttiipin fro ft: 7' (Hi Favorite T507H WTtSl hU a J for tlie T-tti aaU Urwuu.Joo, For sale by WnlpM Kmerslv. PILES'0 OINTMENT SV KIWMi-MtMw l ull, ill tmitnm ael lUaflnfflaMtBIlhll wr hr MwlliTn. Jf ll.,I tm OTllitOT laatOT fnrwt lad imn pificUWi irrsriiz'sx htfrimg.mhmmrathtmtmtpr I di ui.7T.,r i,. maultiiut.ieimlu Ua.awiaAiLa .,.. . He Caluiia Packing ij., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANl'FAdTKKKHOr Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof' BRAND New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLF.H. OKF.GON. SINNOTT&, FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. li. It. Company, and ofllcsof the Weitera Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proot Sate for the Safety of all Valuables. LAKUhSjl : AMD : 1-IN EST : HOTEL : IN : OKEWJ flew Qolumbia JHotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and furnished throughout, and is now better tlm ever prepared to furnish the best Hold accommodations of any house in tlis city, ami at the very low rate of $1 a day. Tirst-Class Meals, 25c Office of the '-mi and commodious opposition Sup to Dufitr, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, Wspiolti Warm Springs and Prlmivllle is in the Hotel and xrson going to Prineville can tsvs j $(.00 bv going on this Stage lins. All trains stop here. IF YOU W-A.3STT Government, Slaie, or Dalles Military Road Lands, T homas A. Hudson, OiirccsMir to Thuriilmry A llmUon, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR. ir yen want Infnrmatlon cmifvriilnr tHivern min iniiiwi.iir mf ijiwh niuiiiiiK iiiiirHin, you enn Cfitiault him fivfl ill charK. Hr hns nimlr a MI!lVOf tills tlllvllHiflfl. mill linn lf me i' iiiiwi nuiH-s miiu iiiiice ir nver Umi years. '! Is Anent nf the KssUrn Oregon IjiiiI Company, a ml ran sell you (irsiliiti, nr I Improve)! Agricultural l-amls In any iiinitlly ili-slri!, anil will semi a t'smphlet il.f allilng tliew IhiiiU to anvuiiB anulvlna to iilin lor It. He la Asent for sale of lots In THiiai"'1 JJf' Tloa loTlia IimIIm. Tills Ailillllon i aeri lots, anil ilrstlnrd U. bv tha Prl,K"Pl' vT flener sirt l( the City, t mlv mfllllli'S " from Courthouse; 10 biIiibUm Innn K. H. VVm- Kattlara l.iMiatail nn OnttrnnMit Lanrla. If fnn want In Borrow Hossy, on Long or HhorS tlma, ho ean aootiimo"ls Wrltas riro, I.lfa. and Aaaldant loaurano. If ysa aannot call, writs, and yonr lottora will ba promptly mm Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Iiiillding. The Dalles. Or, REM KM 13 KK THE I DAUAlWr(Wm& Twloo J. Woolt From Now to December 31st, 1894, OKTIsY 81.00.