THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1893. WASHINGTON LETTER. Tha ltcmnerata Had I'nbnIUi, Hut N no w do you po when you buy shoo or clothing? Don't you go "to the place (if you can find it ) where they tell you that vou may wear the articles out, and then, if you're not satisfied, they'll refund the money? Why not do the same when you buy medicine? Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dis covery is cold on that plan. It's the only blood - purifier so certain and effective that it can be guar anteed to benefit or cure, in every case, or you have your money back. It's not like the ordinary spring medicines or sarsaparillas. All the year round, it cleanses, builds up, and invigorates the system. If you're bilious, run-down, or dys peptic, or have any blood -taint, nothing can equal it as a remedy. The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in' the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak ers offer $500 reward for an incurable case. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica Kidney Complaints Lame bock, &c S3. SAf.DEK'S ELECTRIC CELT With Eiectfxvfttaznettc SU5FNSORY I' aim Ml . lift inpreffSKRia I VT!T1irr w,timt mwiwlne a.1 HMkam rvmi tinfrfrnm v - - j Mit.u o( bnun rnn CTrt-vusa or ux)- -n. , ncrr'Nia d-ml:y, aiwpifiwnat . lanrior, rh- a. kxiHi-jr, liver uO b-Uirr totnptmint, l-.:.'if. I'-im.-.o, oalkri. !I fern co-ohm m t jr.t! itl ijrttim. -wv, T..ia tfartrrc Belt contain w .-irn-! n LtviMHii errr mil otter. Irrriit is i:.-a-,;!iy.V:tt,y wearer or we f-rtrit 4,0tt.ju, an1 v . f of tho a.v8 3tip or py. Tho.- -t: La . wm cnrril hv u u marretotu lnwii..fl c:.-slI- -r it. faji-M. an'1 w mr hlkln,,lft i ltUJ-iu t tu tD Jind ever raer pf t. r:r Imnil iampr" KXC'Tnit' WarrMORY. th rr-U-r a sv,.- .Iprri men. lUtK wlfb all K.Ii a&4 1lcwnMrtMlafil 4JUTIhUI t w.N iriv- lor I ua i rJxrii;iM"t. maiinl . wmsnii. frf CAN-JEN ELECTRIC CO., INTERNA TIOXA L Intireh RHrtf firm. 71 Tf1Tr V i T?1 Sttcrrjutor of tkf "I'uabridged." Ten rears pent lUjfi imJmtN,.an. Diure than fjuu,uu expended. ifi. rt3 : Everybody shoulil own titu lii-tin.-iry. It an attentatl qutMiana cohcrnintr tiie h tnrv, prvHiiii:, im liuuviatnm. anil n-anirv: of worn. 2 A Library in Iisclt. itaiv.pj-.-es , tiuinent reman..,; uc; i t-.tvr.n it: tl.e S Ktum our RcKUlar iMnwrwiwleut., Nov. 10, 1S!)3. Panie-stricken ia the only expression that will correctly describe the condition of the administration ami the democratic congressmen In Washington. Private John Allen, aa one of the Mississippi congressmen is jocularly called, puts it epigramnmticHlly : "We had umbrellas, but no life-preservers; were prepared for a considerable shower, but not for a cloudburst." The democrats from Mr. Cleveland down know that the feeble explanation of an "off year" is ridicu lous when compared with the terrible rebuke which the intelligent voters in what have been regarded as pivotal states have just given to tiie democratic administration aud congress. They feel and they cannot hide it that the grand republican triumph is but the shadow of another triumph in '94, when the people will protect themselves and all they hold most dear by electing a republican ma jority of the house of representatives, and of the grander triumph of '".Hi, which will restore the government in all its branches to the republican party, the only party that believes in legislating for the prosperity of Americans first, last and all the time, in a sound finan cial policy and in taking care of the men who took care of the country in its hour of need the old soldiers, who have been so shamefully treated by the democratic administration. Gov. McKinley's name ia on the tongue of every jubilant republican iou meet, anil they are all jubilant. Gov. McKinley has always been popular with republicans in congress and in Washing ton, and predictions are heard on all sides some even from democrats that the unprecedented majority the Ohio re publicans have given him will make him the next president of the United States, if he lives and keeps his health. Mc Kinley and Reed is already a favorite ticket, and that they would make a strong, typical and a winning ticket is certain. Speculation is rife as to what effect the great republican victories will have upon the democratic tariff bill. Your correspondent does not pretend to enjoy th- confidence of the democratic bosses who are directing the construction of that measure, but lie knows there is consternation among the democratic members of the house ways and means committee; that Chairman Wilson h: been in almost constant coiisiiltt!i-i. with Mr. Cleveland since the eleriiun. and that prominent democrat who favor limited protection are confident tliai the result of the elections will do what a!; of their pleadings have hitherto failed t do curb the free trade propensities of Mr. Cleveland, and prevent the new tariff bill being as hurtnil to American wajre-earners a it was originaliv in- ! tended to ie. Indeed, some of them say : that the bill would have been reported j Ix'fore the adjournment of congress had j not Mr. Cleveland been pursiiaded to 1 have it held bark until after the election, i to meet the very contingency that now ting perhap a few unimportaut letters on local or forgotten topics. Only a lew of these letters were ever publisher In book form. Everybody has read some of them, but who has read all of them? The liook contains over 600 large pages, and all the Nasby Letters written during a period of twenty-tlve years: also a portrait of 1. R. l.'H-lte from his last photograph. It ould sell at one dollar or more, but will never be placed on sale. One hundred thousand copies are now being printed and bound, aud ono copy will be sent postpaid by mail free to every person who this winter remit one dollar for the Weekly lifade one year. Everybody invited to send for specimen copy of the Weekly Illade which will give a full description of the book "The Nasby Letters." The Toledo Weekly Blade is the best and most popular weekly newspaper published in this country. It has the largest circulation of any weekly news paper, and goes to every state, territory and nearly'every couuty of the union Only one dollar a year, including the above mentioned book free. Snd pofttal totlie Illade, Toledo, Ohio, for a free specimen copv ot the paper. Send the addresses of vour friends also. KTeryone Ills On l.lfo rnwmr. The children of Italian beggars are often seen to be covered with tumors and wens, while otherwise they are perfectly healthy. An inquisitive sur geon has found the cause of the swell ing. It is a trick of the father or mother to appeal the more strongly to the charity of the world. ith an In strument like a hypodermic syringe the skin is punctured and the breath is blowu into it, causing it to stand out like a tumor or other excrescence in way that would deceive almost anyone. Dr. Sylvester, an English physician, has niude practical use of the discovery by converting a man's skin into a life preserver. His method is to puncture the flesh of the cheek, from the inside of the mouth, until the small holes reach to the outer skin. Ity then clos in the mouth and blowing hard the cheeks arc tilled with air, so that a per son seems to have a little balloon on each side of the face. It is almost im possible to sink in that condition. After leaving the water a gentle pres sure of the hand forces out the air aud the cheek resumes the normal shape. It is therefore possible for every man to be his own life preserver. Paris American Register. Ci. Cl . . ivii, Liu-, t in:., if, i.i.- ,iiur.ii i.-'j. Inrc4n li e t;u : ini i.lart twi, e-in,.c S n i . . - , ... uoie l ti.M-i.K-, i wr-wnkiMi ui.i- J lit-:.. I .itrick Kgan, who go creditably voru . position of V. S. minuter to 2 J UiS uon; .; lnyamnblc int:,e v;;;:i!ii..,';r f uameou ailiinnistratioii4 I ISZZZ''0- t ' " i" tVa.hinton thi week. II.s ra tvs b a f -r. 'jsk. CJ.0O per ltUo-WHwr-j Cpfo rntrc!,tf--., noil) Unum., CrtiiipfrtrnpU;t ro' 'Vv WlnMinini; Culi nl Aitaai.t. I- r Oi;:tum! tiuu it rfvif: hrnr-f tluJu-nixHi; i"icnll c. v f.tiif.i; W!i r.:s Vt;" f r.lCIl :)t '-o. N.-; by lfn(;t:..u " ; ' iinnr-'. I i rlir.i'.-lJ.ic FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAWSAtrr AliKM.KAl.HfNKl.N( HPrtlSKHb Letters of Credit Issued available in he Eastern States Sight Exchange ami Telegraphic Transfers sold on New i ork, Chicago, m Louis, Sau Francisco, Portland Oicgou Beattle Wash., and various points in ir gon and Washington. Collections iiik.Io at all points on uv orable terms THE DALLES Hational Bonk, Of DALLES CITY, OK. President Vice-Ireideiit, Cashier, Z. F. Moony CtlAHLKS llll.TOS M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and 10 RTLANI), OK Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. 1. M. sen sues. Frwldelll. J. M. rTTKRPlN. First Rational Bank. i'HE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Itusiness transacted I posits received, suhjeta to Sight Ih-aft or Che k. Collections made and proceeds promptly remiiieti on uav oi fonwuim. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San rraneiseo and Portland. DI HKCTUKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Si hxnck. Ed. M. Williams, tiko. A. I. mux H. M. Bkai.l. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points -THE- mm Pacilic RKII-ROTD U tiie Hit U tttk 10 ALL POINTS EAST ANO SOUTH tiJWE YOU TRIED D3USS At.'D FA"- to riNt a niH roa "'y RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATIC KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-DAC DR. MAwnrN'H K Br. I our ir,j7'.. ur. . A GR. SiMDEH'S ELECTRIC BELT J ;. .... J sf I '"hrniiibut;. U'.V Jl.iur if ! am n., (.T;"1' T . T . .....u.a a... . WM.. . , T i IV1-.." .'t'V I HmnVHth... ..Ttfl.. ii 'A our Un ml i'nJLy- 1 ! Our 900 nv bk TURKU ririltF Wm, .aUui hrwJ h,Z; irl IhiHiMUittato nhui hliti and imr, afiar "II oihr irtMitttinuiI t.nwii by humlnsMla of omm thrtiU hunt thin And lhr HlatM.nhn wuiiltl Hlsvlly UtadfyTj WI HAVE CURED THESC-WC CAN CURE YOut GENERAL OCaiUTY CUftfcD. LAME BACK AND RHEUMa lr. A T mUn lr Hlr rV.'-rfT ' Tr A. T AantMi. l)Mr htr l'or I mbI nMir bi( m ry tin. lMitna, boM swiiina, i,ain mini u it ll 1 h t.i kvJ mmw I of llf . uo uj-.y .fn lttrlli'tM 1 ! fitrlsiti T"flr raat 1 hrm turn n i MM In four trMlBiant. tm iMMtL ml mo HOWKN. ulTurk Hi. RHEUMATISM ANOUMfNfll CURED, I'r. A T. Mfirloe. Iwr nirr 1 vAonm , l vour Iwlti Tr.t wwkai tor rhouwtktism, from whl-fc 1 ulTri titr wviml iMri. Yttr lhtivjt tit month I hl no) bn Mitt-to w rk. -.r bxli ha t:tMtl mm in imaai fMirr ilMpItn In torn two 1 kttMNt it, I osut MiK -. ;ortl I r, nl fool ltb aw mn irafwrallf. it. k. illiUlltCH, rvrlio luin.uoui Jtuui NERVOUS OERILtTV-LOBS or VIGOR. Tr. A.T lfcsMr Hir r I bstra b imIimt your FlsMtrio blt furaMrU awriw ltotttty . nil Io-iImv fMi tfttor I tutu lb fw ttv raini. I tim galil . sXMiii an alrmia Ita tert. jr or m antf to, ihM I Wild nt !, hr lHk T IS,1 waH. . tkul I am t ) U-im, mm I iL , ttMir bUi i.4 I ku L?.L moutiM. Ming wrfKtIr OMrd. liutu 1 hart) I ih mm ntmly In tha ioiU p mwimwi 1 1 y . q will (Nsalml -Tl' 1 1 tniiir arioii I h t-ftlT WITALITV Aun Ir. A. T. h.,Un, b-u I lum Ui iioil, l.di liIT'" il I Bad Birxll twin u , Lr1: ' fV M M.Hi MMttVl larhtt Mltm lk kail. Vo THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT SiasriniNf smtrwiie baiurr. d into bit tn to ha awitv wnrn anrltw w.rrt . J . .xniiK. Ht.imuml ourniula whl.'b r tnauuillr lH Urmivhoul all mmM m.'!"' warrant it lit cunt aiit uf IhiUnti ....) I . . . . . w ....... b i ... ,, l(riunn..n. - nar am rrrmwu in tranath ui maatall ataaaa or wnuimu In v..u u.auu win Mrmiriii wuiii um nil In ililin lur lull nil. ., BAN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 first St.. PORTlftfei 1 SHOE FACTORY I'or Sale at ViV.V.CivV a Bar train. Tlu nnlrrsi:!HMl, havinjx Hrunnl tho machintrj fi.xtuivH if whut was inU'inlfil for a first-class kIkh Lr' will Pfll the .saint' at a bargain. Hero is an enpir,! boiler of -iiMxld 1io;h' power, and a larjre atnmmt vt niachinerv, lasts, lino Khaflinfj, nullevH, leltine and i inL's almost a complete shoe factory. 1 Here is also one of the liest siteH for fuiccmfullv7.jf xt i t r u factory of this kind to ho found iii thiB four: Write for jiarticulars at once, to ltn i"l . .ii.,. : n 'l"l tl:l CO i::.rtf uli. i'j k '. 1 1, ! r'.i: vl. .r (:.- Kfr .Mir liy .nlp v hi'luy AH !.; sr.'icrj C. "- C. Wrn'3ia Co. I'.ilJtrhr-r. FiTTtHiJ.t'tl, Mass. .(tii.uit.. . f I J. F. FOBD, Ev2E7c!istf 01 l M .1 I,ih. wr'.l) uttflvr ilni. f Suii'li American cuiiilitiotiH i Mkij. Mrd. ( u., Pnfur, Ort-'i" 1 trti'.i 2 WPIOrTfCttl?. 0r mm E:;:if. QuickC, rtrr.iner.lly ht.l.rtd. I kii'uv.i'i f. iiiii' h woisM make his jinion ol rijf r-i'eiit fclu'ns ami prolralile result ol t lie r. VdliniiMi in Brazil both vaiu.ihie ,:!! iiitfrtH'in. but lie positively ile 1 :ill invitaiiijiif) to talk for puldi cuiiiii 011 anv "iil.j.'ct. I was iiiformeil hv a vci,t.i; w iii in a itariu er(imil irivmi uf Iki'Ii n.i-ii tliat Mr. I'ljiui a i:iv!li-l to W;f!iiiitin hr S-cretiiry i iri' in ur ii r tlmt tiie ailmiiiitrii tiiiii in'vlit jt.-1 tiie ln-ni iit of his opiiiiiui rvLMniin tiie l.r.iiii.ui siliiatiuii. CE-J1.17Y, :l 1: train r: v Ir 11 . r - v.,r . ..-ic Fl t; : ; , !'-."il(-.i. f.t e.j 1, , ' r. iu 1 1 -ry : - r - t 1 jr rt.-n r t - I, ;.. t-'frii; . in nr: tr;',.. . i- H.- '7- J ..r. if'-'-i , ". 'l"i I'lpo--' i-. ..l.t rlerriM't c. I-- !,, DUFFALC. N. Y. mm .VI r"' 1 1 In I a r J Ctreitv and Tnrla-M trka obtain!, cid all Fat- J t busioeu cooductcd lor mohihtc rets. Oim Omcc ta Oaao.rrc U.S. PTtrrr omet Z ind wa can aerutc raient 111 loa uiue biau uiotc i 0 remote irotn w aninto. bead mooel. draw Jtloo. Uaao I. drawinr; or photo., with derrrp- Tiat, 1 toteniaole or not. tree o(i caanre. Our la. not du till Detent aaecureri'. t a .nafHirr, "How to OrHam Clients,'' with coat ol auae in tha L'. S. aud toreigu oououias t i aeot tree. Addraas, J c.A.srjow&coJ j The adiiiiiiiHtratitjn jurist have had a i ort tif jireiuonitioii of the republican j lamUli'le, us Secretary Cnrli.i'e :ih rnt j to New York l y Air. Cleveland, before , elertion to try lo net the Wall .reet men lo ;iroini to aid in carryiiip out the financial folit-y of tiie administration, ' whatever that may be. That was cer j tainly a proceeding that diameter ! ii"i(. of the democratic 1. trtv. n hich ha aUay tried to I e nit tldn to all men. It will lie remenitx-rei! that only a few short weeks n'o the democratic pres-s as rinvrirnf with prairie of Secretary ; Carlinle and J!r. (,'leveianj, for having, J ! ot Wal 'reet men who came tt Wnnh- ington to tender the administration I some financial advice. What will thev eny now eliotit ritjeretary Carlisle hav ing lwen sent by Sir. Cleveland to humbly U;g for the advice "which they praised him (or havintf once indignantly refused? Hut it doesn't niatu-r much what they say; lntelli(ent voters will not get their information from demo cratic papers. Can. ! (rntlritri : On nrriviosf home larit week. I found all vel! Hiid Hii.ioii:i!y awaiting. Our little n'l, ei'ht and one-balf yeary old. wlio ii.e! wafted away to Ith uniU, i no- well, flroiitf and vioroiih, and wel, lleshed up. S. I'.. (,'oni:h ture has done il irk well. Ilotli of the children like it. Vmir S. II. ('(.iiIi Cure lm. cured mid kept iiway all l.oariene from me. So pive it tn e.-ry one, with trrietiiit" for all. Wi-tiiiiiu' yon prosperity, we are J Yourh, MkJ & .in. J. I'.' fonii. ; Ilyi.ii w;h ti.f,l fr,li 1 I In.- the riri:,g' work, :h ia.e jour v.t.-rn wut. tlir ller'liii'liu unit I.I v-r t lire. ty lukl'itt lu ,v tlU".' ri ne ef h unit, wilit uiii1.t a positive iriiiiriinti-ai. cvnw ijr untile l,y ai; iriu'.-i. t Time makea It all the mure nea-eiautrr tai ilveril.e. That l Mhat the nit linralv of (inr 'biiatfieata men think, ami tlia-ae Mine l.iia ii.- niefl are the riniat rmwiivroila at Ml1 tiniani. If vim wlofl to rrHCtt all the rai.ple in Ihla nelvh horhivial vim en t 1" lienor limn taik lai thrm tttrmiffh tlreeailiimna of the JlAtf.V t ItaoNCLR. It haa ninre thnn alulllile the elrelllHtliMi of any ollfr MUr, anil a.1 vertiilriK In It at) big. -OTICK I-ni; I'C!'t.l('A7i'N. I . P. l.a.Nl 'O i t( p., I I J 1 i' i. I,. III! I I". I.-.- f Ml vl 1, . l.i.,r. lnel 1 . 21. I-' I'ntlafili, SW t"r Ht;'4 neetl.iil TIIK TOLEDO WEKKLT BI.AUE A ad Honk Containing all tha Naahjr Lattars f.r Ona Iollar. In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United States, the Toledo lilade has published in one volume, cloth bound, all of the "Nasby Letters" ever written by the lite D. K. Lock, omlt- -'-' i i v. j4 (e-rl.v jKcm ii-iiii"! . H!i r link ii,i! 1 l-t 11. ii..' f 1111I pri-v! ill !!).!. tiii.tai.ii! j.riHjf tvjll 1 iii.'Ii itinl r.i. i'.er ef Hi" I', e. I.ilfv. Iir., 011 Stnlitliiy, Nn Jarnaa l llnnieata-ml rlfit)'ietliri N 1. 1 ! I f I: I ' K W M Hi-iiiiiie-a He- r -11. it i irtr wllii'i.M' tn r.mve lifa ei.llt! riv-iil.-lica.- ujmiii ii,i a-u I Ii vnli.j;i 1, 1 niil liii-il. it.. : l-en l;iiity. HiiKh Cliriinnn. V. K l.nriuiii and I".. N. ( hnr.alla.-r, nil of he li.ll.--a. ur 1" atHal JOHN W. I.KW'Iri, K,-Kl,ter. C. F. STEPHENS, l KA LHH IN DRY GOODS C NOTHING Maaaata. h tlata.. f lo. Fancy Iqood Joiiong, It tt the J Util n ir Tar Kmile. It run Thrm.ttb VcUbul0 I rain tvery Uajt Id ttio yvar U $1. paul and Chicago (No niAMiE ok ;ai:h. ComiMMt-l of IMiilnfT Vtt tinatiriMiMMI I'm inun jirrtWiiiK KiMmi Blwwro( iHlvnt -iutttii t i TULTiIST SLEEI'IXG CMS hmi tti-it t!i inr triniriiritit, fol In w hirr tt'i-oiiiiii.i.atiMrk tuu hot,. frf(iiil I tinHii' Utx liilriu( Kirt mul mxiiii.l-clHi 1 ii kfU.ii.. ELEGAKT DAY COACHES A roftniiiittim Mm, I'liniiH ilnir wlUi alt hut Mflimliutr iltr-rtrt mitl uiiliitrrrnHol vth: In uIvhik'' tfifiMiti any mct'iil of tfit d. THROUGH TICKETS KtiKl.llnl j I t K.llfiMM' (flti U IM4fiavt Uf aillt -a ')T.J '-in. in. nini I tin- nl i , 1. Full liitoriimtlcii fnn rti)iif mum, timt- t W. C. ALLAWAY, A-nt I. P. A A. Nv. (jo., KKuitr ctfjc. Th Or., or A. U. rHAhLTON, . (reiit-rnl X'mmttn.tvr AKt.. t'ortMufl. ji. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact t;, Hugh Glenn, Dealer in ( 1 1hh, I.ium, I'l.t-n r. 'a nent nun laiiiimii); .iiiiic-rmi m hi, .u -Carrlaa tha Rllieat f,li,a of II 12 Tho TJalloB, Or. ) Familiar Facts in a jViw Place. J. !;. BARXE7" C. MAYA KI), J nli- Sptrml Aijriit Hmrrnt Land ($tt Jfje leal Instate, pzx) Iurai) COLLECTION ACENCX - - - 2J O T jZl. 3"L TT I'TJUIiIO. 1 fl I i'.irlivs Iuviiij I'mjcj-f tii.--.- u I,-, AUiri.-t i;: Tir.ii- tu-u...iiv !, wj; .1 HjH- :l. ill V lia-'.-ire the if I'lilti p 8G Washira-jton St. h to Si-!! 01 Trade, House tn k liu I 1' t-i icui- advatitiij-c tooili1- he jn osv ,-ut ;.m of (Milium and :- s J.a-id o:lice. HIE DALLES. OR ! Then is a t iie in the afan liW, 1 Tho poc-r itMf.itifMt.i'f. L .- .':ic." ifc! h;id rt fo r-tu:f to th 1 J sii-Oiit li 1 Fsniii k U Picture Ml, I r. . .,. ,,. I iIouldiiiffs!nh at C RANDALL & BUR GET'S, Who are eelllriK t.hetio koxm out nt ;rnatly-raduccd " .micim;i,i:.-ii hiuck. - - i:mhn t. To bn ioani in the City. 72 CUoEhington Street. if s Crayon CI. KlaO.. Second St., The Dalles. The Si. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular nnd reliable house has heen entirely refurnished, and every room has heen repupered and repain(e and newly carpeted throughout. The hoiitaectinuiiiis 170 rooms and is supplie. ,,w iineiern convenience. Kdlatt j reiisonahle. A iffKid restonrant Bttuchet I to the house. Krer bus to and from all j trains. C. W. KNOWI.ES. Prop. It costs you 50 cents to join, if you join before Saturday. Every member is guaranteed a Crayon.' Now for Christ mas Presents for yourself or friende. Investigate! TIIK DAl.I.t-E"'0