The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 11, 1893, PART 2, Image 4

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Th Krad o 15-Mlla
I the wrong she has done them, aud by a
! life devoted to their happiness, place
frienJ of good herself In a jiofition no that she can be
rood. knowing that well are the yrx-nt- forgiven. Arlington Ueeord
est blessing that run Ue liestowed upon
the country and towns tributary to them.
Every dollar put in to remedy a bad
road yield ten, and the dollar i left to
Btart a second ten. A hill leveletl or a
depression tilled in is nut fur a season,
but forever. The present rad to 15
Mile, which ha l-een traveled so long
that it seems to some of the farmer u
fixture by nature never to in- remedied,
is a shame to Wuseo county. A new
one has lieen surveyed and pre
liminary work done upon it. diHniii
with the steep grade and horteiiiu
A Vouiir foll-h Woman (Iikh Craiy.
In the front cell of the eity jail a piti
iul sijjl.t presented itself to a rejorter.
On an improvised couch lay a beautiful
omi Polish woman, "1 years of age,
tlie wife of Mr. Olijnicki, better known
I'.rown f r convenience' take, and the
mother of two children, a raving
maniac. She wait taken in custody by ' your
Oilu'cr Benedict in a loilging-hoiii'e on
t.. In --
How th Mathrwiii Ml; lla HlailB(ullw4
tram It I'uUiiiiAim Imitator.
The epidemic of death from toad
stool poisoniiip continues without
abutement. says the Philadelphia
Kecord. The alarm U apreud. Col
umns have been printed, most of them
revealinp the fuet thut the writers .
could not tell u toadstool from a mush- ;
room, uud terminating usually with
the su;re and satisfying udviee to 1
the person who w ishes to know how
to distinguish toadstools from mush-
rooms thut the safest plan is to "buy 1
mushrooms from a reliable
dealer." In the meantime, at a season '
when mushrooms are growing in muny i
heldb and tlie ileuillv toadstool up-
i I irst and Mi!!, where sheconducted her
, . . ileum mi t. .-.. it tow, ..-.on.. "I
self in a very violent manner, and it was-1 ,,, . .,uU J1i ..,.,!,...
, necessary to place her hands and fore- j to ,,at toadstools for mushrooms and
the distance. Haifa much again can arm in a leather mull to prevent her die in consequence of their ignorance,
lie nulled evert load over the new route. : from hurtins: Lereelf or doing injury to I It is comforting, thervfure, to went
which of itself is enough to double the others.
value of every acre of tillable land, and The Oliinicks were living at the Cas
make lasting prosperity. Not only this, i cades up to a fortnight ago, where the
but many of the roads and highway of huslund was employed as a tooldresser.
the state are in such a wretched con- The wife was then taken sick and
ditiou that tlie general prosperity of the
country is actually iuqteded thereby. In
the last half eeutury improvements
have been going on in every other way
than the one to place the farmers on a
prosperous tooting
wondered at that there is an agricultural
depression, wiien a practical embargo is
thus placed upon travel. The county
commissioners are now considering this
read to 15-Mile, and they shouid have
every encouragement. If they persevere
lust an authoritative word on the sub
ject in a letter from Charles Mcllvnino.
who is the recognized New Jersey au
thority on hymeuomyeetes, to the llud
donlicld News. IlrieH.v, Mr. Mcll
vuine savs thut in deaths from toad-
brought to St. Vincent' hospital, - stool poisoning' it is usually the uu-
remaiuing there till the early part of the
w eek. She tirst gave sign of a disorder
ed mi ml two day ago.
The husband was with her in her
It is scarcely to be i place of confinement, and big grief and
! deep affection for the unfortunate
' woman was quite affecting. At about
10 o'clock City Physician C. H. Wheeler
arrived and gave the patient an injec
tion of morphine, nfter which she
j quieted dow n somewhat and became
Dime Hoclal.
to the end and finish this road in the
allotted four years, there is none who ! aylnm, where treatment will soon
will not rise up and call them blessed, j store her to health. Telegram.
however much dissatistactpm may exi
at present. The precedents of the old
brewery hill grade ami the grading up
of our principal streets should show this,
w hich at the time these improvements
were going on, were loudly decried.
loaded pun which is discharged into
the unloaded brain, und that it is
those who think they know all about
the edible mushrooms who usually pet
poisoned, lie cxpluins that there is
but one deadly variety of toudstool,
but that is very abundant. Svnue
other toudstools will cause temporary
distress. Another authority stutes
that many toudstools ure just ps edible
us mushrooms. Mr. Mcllvaine says he
bus never found the dcudly toadstool
growing in a hold nor tnc etiinie musn-
more docile. She will le sent to the ! nH)m in a woods. The mushroom prows
County ConinilMloner.
The following business has been tran
sacted at the November term of county
commissioners, exclusive of bills
allowed :
Petition of Lee Evans and other for a
county road commencing at a point on
The Dalle and .Sandy road 120 feet east
of the bridge across Mosier creek, run
ning thence in a southerly direction.
Read first time Nov. 8th.
Petition of I. Deloreand others for a
county road commencing in the middle time,
of road from The Dalles to Warm Springs i
at the southeast corner of Wm. A Davis' !
ranch, in section 2tJ, township 5 south of I
range 12 east ; thence due east on said j Mr. John
line, read first time on Nov. 8th, and t'uiutilla.
A pleasant time was had by those who
attended the dime social at the Metho
dist church last evening. A program of
considerable merit was prepared, as fol
low? :
Singing from Finest of the W-heat.
1' raver.
Opening address, Kev. Whisler.
Organ solo, Mr. E. J. Collins.
P.ecitation, Fanny Cheesmau.
liass solo, Mr. Magee.
P.ecitation, Lola Eubank.
Vocal duet, Mvrtle and Retta Stone.
Singing from Finest of the Wheat,
The program was followed by a delec
table lunch of sandwiches, cake and cof-
j fee, and the remainder of the evening
was devoted to a general social Bootl
Osborne is
stationed at
rejected on account of irregularities.
Eeport of viewers and surveyors of a
imposed connty road jietitioned for by
Mr. C. J. Bright of Wasco was in the
eity yesterday.
Mr. C. P. Heald, a prominent fruit
A. P Huberts and others and "beginning S of Hood Kiver is in the city.
at a certain rek about four rods east of ! .Mrs. T. W. Sparks of Portland is visit-
the east side of the countv bridge across ! ir,tf at. tne residence of Mrs. llooth in
i Itus city.
I Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wood have gone
to Portland. They left this morning by
j tiie steamer Regulator.
I Mr. Stanley and daughter who have
I tnis city lor tue past week, departed
j this morning for their home in Calif or-!
r.ia. J
Fifteen-Mile creek, etc," read tirt time
Nor. Sch.
Report of viewers and surveyors of a
proposed" county road -elitiuned for by
A C- i'rafce. and f tlie-s wild "beginning
St a point on the east boundary of Dalies
City limits, live chains west and thirty
feet north of the northwest corner of the
R. R. Thompson donation land claim,1 Mr. Dunne of Kelly, Dunne A Co. of!
prt.ft j oruaim, Biuuuipniiieu i'y .irs. iunne
were pussr-iiKria uu Hie r-ir l.trguiULUr
tliis mornintf to return to tlieir hrinin.
to canyon tuy, etc., rean ursi time
Nov. 8th.
thence easterly along the
traveled road leading from Dalles Citv
A Hhninvftil Act.
Another sanguinary Cht between
email boys occurred Wednesday near
the school grounds. The youthful com
batants pounded each other up nntil
they could hardly see, and blood was
streaming from many wounds. They
would not have fought so long or so
hard, but they were cheered and encour
aged by those, who call themselves men,
but whose only claim to the distinction
is their year. The little contestants
were thua taught a demoralizing lesson
" that will help them en the road to the
penitentiary, and jierhaps rob some
future law-abiding citizen of hi life.
Then there were numbers of little boys
of all age watching the contest, all of
whom left with the idea that it is smart
and manly to fight. It would have been
a mercy to bave arrested these boy and
taught that it is disgraceful to fight,
rather than encourage them in lawless
ness. A the twig is bent the tree is in
clined. A boy who will fight at every
provocation makes man who will'kill
another in the beat of passion. And
since circumstances and education makes
us all what we are, the crime really rests
upon these thoughtless men who made
tiie boy fight in childhood. fShame
njxjn such conduct.
Dmrtcd Her Family.
Mrs. R. D. White, ho lived in Klicki
tat, Wash., a few miles from Arlington,
left her husband and family of five
children a few day ago and went out
into the world. She is a woman of pre
possessing apiiearance and more than
ordinary intelligence, but seems to have
become infatuated with the idea that
she is worthy of a hither or more pleas
ant life than staying at home with her
husband and attending to the duties in
enmbent on a wife and mother. All
good people will pity her, but not one will
say she did right. Her own conscience
will continually npbraid her. 8he can
not go down on her knees and ask God
to forgive and smile on her. None but
the vicious will tolerats her, and they
even will dispise and scorn her. There
is nothing j-ossible for her to do
but to return to her family, acknowledge
Mowrv of Moro
is in tlie
Mr. J. B.
citv todav.
Mrs. Jewettof White Salmon returned
home this morning.
Mrs. T. W. Sparks and eon left this
morning for Portland.
Mr. Wm. Strong and familv went to
directly from manure. The deadly toad
stool prows from sheath, which muy
be either pulled up with the sjifciiucii
or w hich may remain in the pmund
when the stem comes loose from it.
The pills of the deudly toadstool al
ways remain white, or iu upc are
sliphtly tinped with yellow. The
mushroom pills under the cap are
pinkish, chanpinp to purplish black
with ape. The poison of the deudly
toadstool does not tuke effect under
eipht hours. The antidote is a hypo
dermic injection of one-sixtieth of a
prain of atropine at each dose un
til one-twentieth of a prain is ad-
ministered or the action of the ;
poison arrested. The circulation
of Mr. Mcllvaine's ex-plicit directions j
will keep people from huntinp for '
mushrooms iu the woods, will enable
them to avoid the deadly toudstool '
and perhaps suvc many lives. J
A Tourlilnx Incident In 4 lit. Ltat Mis
niviits nf tla taoiontf (wiiBrml. i
Then came the death wound, and
after nearly a week's unavoidable de
tention Mrs. Jackson reaeiied her bus- !
band's deuthlx-d. writes Mrs. .lellerson ;
Davis iu an interesting- sketch with
portrait of '"The Widow of .Stonewall
Jackson" in the Ludies' Home .louruul.
Spent with the an;.'nish of his wounds
he lay dying, too near the silence of
the prave to do more thun murmur to
his wife: "Speak louder, I want to
hear ail you say," and feebly to caress
his baby with a whispered: "My sweet .
one. my treasure." while the innocent
smiled in his dyiiifT face.
Then wie, the heart-broken wife and
mother piven strength to minister to
both these objects of her love. From j
her firm lips the dyintf hero learned
that the pates of Heaven were ujar for
his entrance. ontrollinp her bitter
prief she f.anp for him the sucred soups
on which bis faintin spirit soured up
ward to its rest. When all wus iiver, .
and she had followed him to his prave,
she ajruin soupht her father's roof, uud
there hid her bowed head umonp her
ow n people, to live only for her baby.
In strict, retirement the younp widow
husbanded her means until her daupli- I
tcr was prown a pretty, graceful young-1
woman, and then, to promote her j
child'b happiness, the mother emerped .
from the privuey in which she had '
I lived since her husliund's death, und :
In lswj there were l,:lt5 vessels of all
kinds built in the t'nlted States, with
! an estimate tonnage of lttti, 000,000.
I SiNri: the establishment of our life
i saving service in 171, U.tistl perxons
j have hern succored tit tiie stations.
1 TtlE lifc-saviiip servieeon the Itritish
coast wus established in 1M. and bus
been the meuns of saving iil.Ui:'. lives,
t TliK naval warfare of the world was
revolutionized by the battle between
, the Merrimac und Monitor, March U.
lx WTO the Dutch ow ned and oHTiited
; one-half of the world's shippinp; now
they own about 1 per cent ol the
Ovi'li Ml per cent, of the sliippmp of
the world is built on the Itritish Isles,
and ueiirlv one hulf of this 01; the
Clyde. one-fourth of the American
shipping is engaged on the hiph seas,
77 per cent, being river, hike ami coast
ing trade.
TliK navigable river mileage of E11
roH), Asia uud America is 144,7.;j mile-,.
The 1' luted Stutes has the greatest
river mileage. 47.:;."i.Y
Tilt: longest artificial water course
in the world is the ltenpal canal. Itoo
miles; the next is the Erie. ;iii:. Each
cost nearly ?1 iiinumn).
I lS'JO the steam tonnage of the
world wus Uil.iHUl. the sailing tonnnpe
a.SH.lNM); in 1'ss the former was tl. 040,
tllHl, the lutter p,, 1.10.1111:1
SoviK of tiie steamship companies em
ploy more men than are enlisted in the
fcceond-vlass navies of Europe. The
Cunard line employs HUIOO.
The I'nited States has '.'r.' life-saving
stations. 1st on the Atlantic, 4s on the
lakes, IK on tlie I'aeilic and one at' the
Ohio falls, Louisville, K'v.
HLLtN rV.k. .w w.....ui
Blind and IimI, l shi Talka and WrllM
to I'erfiielliin.
There Is now in Washington, th
t4mMirurv puest of I'rof. Alexander
liruham bell, a beautiful little pirl w ho
wus born blind, deaf and dumb. Her
inline is Helen Keller, and, though
handicapped by the los f the two
most important senses ami as yet but
thirteen years old. she ulrruily shows a
brightness of intellect that promises to
muUe her famous as a writer
Prof. Hell, who told the thrilling anil
pathetic tory of this second l.ailiu
lli idpein.iii at the recent nunuiil mei't
inpof the national ueadeiny of scieticeH
in Washington, considers the cuse of
Holen Keller as incomparably more re-
ClIU A.iO, No, . ti-f.
llHVH u.l.l.l ""
i" ine
i"koi n w reck on
Losd near here, i,mki
IHI ..1
i " ''T:1 k
IIKI.r.N KI l.l.KK.
markable than that of her sister un
fortunate. He regards her as a won
der, both relatively und absolutely.
He declares that, hundicupped as she
!!4 u.. I... I T. .. , . . ...
EiUurd .1. Orady, 1.MI,,,,.,. ,,, '
t'.e hoP,.i(l ,,M, ; ,M,',' ' '
, I ! .11... I ....1. .. .. '"' I-
.. ... ...... ,...,ui .
du d tn.lii ; uii iii.i I.,,,.!,:.
.V delme fog prevai,,- ! v?r
in, ..I , ,i 1 1 .,, 1. , .., 1
; '"i 1,
ing the utii-osi ciuitii.ii .
mi" r.iilw ) several in ctd
though fori in, htelv
A t'MM ,,. ,l.u V
rai!av barns ; nh,d,,l . .1 ' H
',rtTi .
10 motors to hi. v up. Kircu: :
: ftroying t!,. building u, k''""1
lo., o(i,(i(HI. "n'ei-
I An t:siiumtfi uf o,,,
1 The candidate for
: making a speech In nn ., .
i of l.i ,litr.l - t "'tis
- " 1 , nu ia the fc
1 while wuilintr for Pui 1
.'i ! lut t-"'r shop, a,ul wi,L
S-vSJi I '"IT w bo he wan lietran t,, J
I butcher to line! out how lis J
! you hear that k pouch this .ti "
! he Inquireil after soum Knat'
"Ves," replied the butcher -i
i there." "What did you think .
j Pshaw," said the honest butclv,, J
: mnoe a m-iier speecn than tliat
. itreil lime trying to sell
worth of onp Isme." Ti, 1
is. she need not fear to lie measured in- ! concealed his ide ntity. -betroi
They Lovsd
llrt of ihr
1 l.ltilo Inilmn
irlmico 1'lMlita.
I witnessed a strange duel on one of
President t respo's big cattle ranches
iu the interior of Venezuela. Two
'anqucros. or cowboys, were enamored
of the same durk-eyed little Indiun
pirl of the preut Orinoco plains and
they decided to settle by a duel with
the lasso which of them should take
her to wife. A dozen fellow vauqueros
assembled to witness the fray.
The lovers, says the Florida Times
Union, soon appeared mounted 011
mettlesome mustangs, each with a
long, powerful luriut of tough cow
hide. They were Isith experts with
the lasso, und their horsemunship was
a marvel. They npprouched to within
forty and fifty yards of each other,
then begun to maneuver for a deciding
cast. After several feints the lariat of
the younger of the rivals, a handsome,
sun-bronzed fellow from urabobu.
went whizzing throuph the uir so
swiftly that the eye could scarcely fol
low it. The other sank his spurs deep
into his mustang. The unimul sprunp
forward just in time to save his muster
from the nHiso, and us he did so the
second lusso rose in the uir and settled
around the shoulders of the mun who
missed, pinning his anus to bis sides us
in a vise. He was jerked headlong out
of his Huddle.
His successful rival drew him along
band over hand, hulf lifting him from
the pround by the tenueious thong,
and put a bullet square lietwecn his
eyes. He then turned and nsle direct
ly to tin-camp where lived the cause
of this burbaric scene.
She mounted U-hind him and he
came pullopiup buck swinging his
j an unit I.nsllih na4,,
I.IIW, .11
IV '7 . r w una m
I I . r ri.r -w -1 , . '
1 ocn
telleetiially with other pirls who have
hud every udvuntuge.
Helen Keller has not only learned to
read by the raised letters uud to com
municute swiftly by meuns of the
touch, but bus actually gamed the
power of oral fcpeech und can under
stand what anyone savs by merely
placing her linger delicately on the lips
and under the chin. Prof. Itell spoke
of finding Helen one duv in one of the
institutions for the blind in boston,
sitting in the midst of a group of blind
pirls who could hear and reading aloud
to them.
Since she has learned to speak one
of lierdeliphts is to tell stories to her
little sister Mildred, and she fills these
with the most quaint and beautiful
fancies, e.eiiving in all thut she has
learned iu her lessons, or hear ! from
other people, or rememoereu irom posl , N,,ti( liwrej,v Bive ,(,,
reamiig, ior sue never inrgetn J, ten dulv apKiii)W ?
thing Helen bus already read more ( ountv tUmrt of the State of (w
iMMiks, ineliiding the clussics. than 1 Wucco County in probate, exenitrs'
most grown men und women. the will annexed of the etulrcf J
It is touching to see tlie eager prop- , I nderhill dweaseU. All per.r,i 2
nr al
lufort and After.
dnuUt far fVnwl'i IbMnha4lan
1 ton wurtblm nlleln In pUcaafa&Ws u
j uuiwnMt atom, fauioM prloa tl taw. b
wawlllnad ty tMitrn nulL Hlcwm,!
1 SlisU.fA. Sv will pUnt. ix mill tn
I M In puia MM ranlon, Mill I
AUOnM 1h ( ChvailNI
191 W,Klwartl avMiiw.Iiaatfc
Sold III The HkIIm by Hlakrlvy tk(
Kxcrutrla Nntlr.
inps of tins prisoned intellect after
the kuowled:re that the best of lis,
with all our eves, an- often as fur away
from as she. During her curly yearn,
on account of some peculiar notions of
her parents, rellirious questions were
not obtruded upon her. '1'h r child at j
the ape of nine knew nothing of (iod
or of Christian teaching. She hail at
tributed everything in her fanciful
wuv to mother nuture. One duv. how-
claims against said estate are fif.
quired to present them to c
propi r vouchers at the law nffife.
lion A Condon in Dalies Citv. m
within six months from thedtrot&
November 11, IM3.
Ci aha Z. 1'xrniniiL,
Executrix of the Estate of Jamal'iv
bill, deceased.
j ever, some over-zealous woman told
i Helen a lot of things which she Is
j lieved were tiecessarv for the child's
! well lieuur. The result was that Helen
: was thrown into a state of preut inen
, tal distrev. und wrote in herdr.irv that
nil'.l n llioroiii'hly npnoslic view of
; the subject of her origin, which indi-
A Url MmllrhM.
It (iuiiu's Improved Liver ft'rJ
I a sure pure for sick headache. U..
I complaint, dyspepsiu, iud.gesti..
1 liveness, torpid liver, etc. Tn
, insure iierlecl digestion, cormt
j liver mid stomach, regulate tb t
1 i.urifv and enrich the blood (ml
i the kkin clear. They slwi prrxfoc
j g fd HpM'til Hiid inriyinils 1
streiigtlM-ii tlii" entire srftsni br Ik
cated rearming powers. sidering 1 toI,j,. ,,,,. They on.'r"rcnire ens ;
Portland this morning on the Regulator
Messrs. Ilreyman and Summerville. i visited both the southern und north
bankers of Portland, left for home this ern states. In the course of time her
Mrs. Bitchier and Mrs. Lauretson took
the steamer this morning for Oregon's
Mr. Frank Fulton of Biggs is in tlie
city today.
Mr. James Leary is dangerously ill
with typhoid pneumonia.
Rev. W. C. Curtis returned from an
extended visit in the east this morning.
Mrs. Ira Powers, ir., and Miss Maie
Norton of Portland are guests of tiie
Misse Michell and the Misses William.
A Haw Barley.
A valuable new barley I the Egyptian
variety. It yields more to the acre, at
the same time being richer and making
better feed. It is superior for soup and
when ground and treated like corn meal,
makes bread impossible to distinguish
from corn bread. Call atTiix Chkonk i.e
office and see sample. A limited quan
tity of teed can be obtained for a dollar
a bushel.
daughter Ihtuiiic engaged to p. young
Virginian, Mr. Christian, of Kiehmond,
and a few months luter was married to
hi in.
Shortly after '.heir marriage Mr. and
Mrs. Christian removed to California,
whither Mrs. Jackson accompanied
them. They returned a short time
later to Charlotte, N. ('., where they
took a house and lived topcther. Now,
however, the widow's next trial was
imminent. Mrs. Christian wnsattucked
by a prostratinp fever and succumbed,
after bearing her illness with great
composed thif.
'I don't think it
I don't notice any
is your idea of a
am." "Ify love.
ftprlnf; Ma-dlcln.
Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pill on
account of their mild action are especi
ally adapted for correcting spring disor
ders, such as impure blood, tired brain
and aching and worn out bodv. Thev
act promptly on the Liver and Kidneva : ; l"n't vitality,
drive out all impurities from the blrxxl, bartl up he cannot even pay his lust
Bablow "Who
opera?" C'adley '
ever was composed,
composure in it."
"Pakhi.ow, what
pentleman?" "I
Parlow, you always do hove original
ideas, dcin t you?
"Asp how is your tabic?" asked the
prospective boarder. "Splendid," said
the landlady. "Why it's so rich that
people are dying of indigestion in my
house all the time."
"What marvelous vitality Klithurs
has! He's Inren ill nix months now.
Any other mun would hove died." "It
It's the times. He is so
and malaria from the system. Only
one pill for a dose. Try them this
spring. Sold at 25 cts. a box by Blakely
A Houghton, Druggists, The Dalle, Or.,
Hhp Lost.
Lost on the range between the bead of j
Mill creek and Tygh Valley, 160 head of j
ewes and lambs, branded 8. II., ear
mark crop in right, swallow fork in left I
in ewes and same mark reversed in j
weather lambs. Suitable reward will lie j
given for information that will lead to '
the recovery of the same. 1
80LOMOM Hol'NKK, j
Tygh Valley, Or.
debt to nature." Harper's llazar.
Give precd the rein and it will run
itself to death.
Hope's best pictures are made for
Contented people.
Evert land that flows with milk and
honey has giants in it
fv.lblKU LINKS.
It has been ascertained by Prof. Ker
tiot, of the Melbourn university, Aus
tralia, th:; the usually assumed weight
of Ml to lllli pounds js'i- square fisit. pro
lines! by u dense crowd of persons,
may be largely exceeded.
As illustration of the inconven
iences of too much learning is furnished
by a pupe in an eneyelopiedia w here
nppcurs: "Sweet Hap. see Acorns:
Sweet gum, see Liquiduiulier; Sweet
pea, see l.uthyrus; Sweet potato, see
1 la tutus. "
A tkai.n on the fireat Northern ruil
roud was delayed for some time recent
ly while cnissing the long bridge tieur
Blaine, Wush., by a steer which jmt
sisted in walking the entire length of
the bridge on the ties in front of the
'A Haiti mohf. invention is designed
to outwit train robbers. It is a double
safe lock for express cur safes. Should
the messcnp'T lie attacked be throws
the combination on lock No. 'i und the
safe can then bo opened only at the
. terminal station.
! It has been suid that the world pays
most to those who kill generals and
. great lords; next mont to those who
amuse singersaud actors, while those
who prench. teach and write for the
, pupers come along somewhere near the
: bottom of the list.
I.x splitting open a log at Middles
boroupli, K.V., workmen discovered a
.(lurk-brown spherical muss, which
: proved to be a toad. It was at tirst
perfectly lifeless, but upon coming in
contact with the air showed signs of
life and twin began to hop.
CiKS. fillANT once declined to Servi
an president of the I'unaiiia Cunul com
pany, with u salary of ?.!, dim, because
lie thought its scheme impracticable,
i s Mouths in a prad
; uute of the I'lilversity of Michigan,
1 cluss of ls.'iH. He was private secre
: tary to Lewis Cuss before moving to
Fomnkt Mr.uioit.N, of Smithlleld
township, .lellerson county, ()., sixty
five ycurs old, has finished plowing
thirty acres of bind, using a team of
horses, euch of which isthirtvvi
the untitiii'lit condition of her mind, of
a hip:i order.
Helen Keller is to be Prof Hell's
puest for some time in Vashinpton.
lie has known the little pirl ever
since she was six yen1" old and loves
her dearly. Helen is a fine French
scholar and has recently received a
large price for a magazine article.
An oil-well in Venango county. Pa.,
is culled the pulpit. Itecause it does ull
its spinning on Sunday.
A mi.xoi.e siinpe luis been found on
the coast of Florida with a circumfer
ence of five feet six inches.
A stkki. ship bus been constructed in
Cardiff, Wales, with the standing rip
ping, as well as the hull, all of stc-1.
fiiuiHTiME Nii.ssos has her dining
room papered with hotel bills which
she has paid during her professional
tours. The total sum is euorinoti..
A I'lKi i: of coal which strikingly re
sembles a human shell has been tuken
out of a mine near Miteou, Mo, Muny
believe it is a petrifaction.
A t Kl'.TAls .Mr. Henry, on American
living in France, bus succeeded in
making a clock entirely of paper,
which will run two ycurs without
wuuriug out.
Tlir. curious custom of placing a
horseshoe on the grave of the colored
dead is still practiced down south.
The belief is thut the horseshoe will
keep the witches from riding the de
ceased's spirit.
I a house in Iondon there is a rootu
the walls of which are completely pa
pered with postage stamps. It is esti
mated that these stump would be
worth five million dollars but for the
circumstance that they lire not genuine.
tor a dose and hevtr oraii'iiv
Sold at ..i cts. a tot by Biakcl'V
I IdllL-htOII.
Executor's Notice.
,-,.! . h-r. I.v given Pint tl)' H
lm lvn iMillited by ti.l I ..Hi. IV l' - '
him,, ul lir. ..n lor Vi Cuitp.
IU.- Mlnle el I utlnTllH. WiKIr, dnws
laTM.IIt lia"lllK rlHllllS l.',.llll ! '
liT- l.r li. .tiled slid reiiimil l" V
miiis, with i.r..f ..i. ti--r. I. t-
.IW nl II utttl oirtoti A W il.T:.'
W ( euiitv, iir.-y..i, it 111. Ill l Ir' ,
l tin inilue. l-o.l m
July i. i
tiie o.i if
Tin- Imll
. or..
Executors' Notice.
V...l I. I..-.... if.,n thut til
hiivr Iw ii duly iit'j, l.y Uir H
i ..unit 4 mum nl Wco ci.iiiiiv. Orrr
tors of tilt fUlHlrnl Jnllll Hull". OZl
I- ii.i Iisviik i'IhIiiii Knlli
IiitvIi rnittlfMl li irertil Hi mm,.
littl himI ith jirn'r imh'Ih', l,,9tr
t Al.l. ..'. Snii CilllllT. IlKf'.'!
iii.mili liimi thr ilnle i.l th I" 0'iuor.
M.Tiinm ol Ilia entitle el Juan
S 4,S.'ll
Executor's Notice to tfiW-
Strtlee Is lii.rel.y slvon II mt IMj-'' ",
if thr Hlslf nf OrrKnll lor W "T ,vif '
(llllv SiKilliUtl the tllill.TIK'.Kl WJl W
tlif li. I Kill still tmlinnelil "t Vn,
...I. All I-T...M. Iiavin
lltf eolnu. ol hhIiI nl ""TV,,)'1
to .r.- nt tliein, with the '7,1,1,
within nix Ii... 1. lh from l"-,r'VL,
to m. ill . ii at III lilsit." "I ""T
luillia 1 lly, In mill (niilitv.or " "
, II. V!.)ii, In snlil 1st ll. I'J . r.gtr
vt 1. HAM. I'"UF"':
Ii.lttl thin lt liny til tn.lllt"' ,r
f. H,
Sotiee Is hen'tiy xlveii
Ovr.H enm.nou wos netu-d by the re
cent sale in Paris of the collection of
pictures lKdofipiiip to M. Ctiquclin ' In11n.1l wltler lis. ll le.n.'f '" "V'
uine. ; P. in nke Hind I'""'' I" iil't",r' "J " , IK
M,u. v..., . tt ..... I Hint wlUI pr.Hil Hill Is- lines' it
Miss .ski.isa Hahiiis, of Frankfort, ! .....I t.-.'l'er ..I 11, f.
Ky., bus been asked by the author ol '1 ' mil"". "r 011 Moiiilny. Nov.-..'
Iteii-Hur" to sit for a picture of i M' . ''T'I'm P
V..I).... ' HoiiiHsteall siilillentlon So. iMJI
. , ' . 1 , 1 ii. t. , H I r: W . M . w"'-
IS the sprmp of lHS'J a Hunpurian ' lb' nam ttie follitwliis '1"'-.'Tl,ll,i"
lew sent to a Vienna puper a prain of eoniiniioii. r.,iil. in. iu'"
wonls taken from Nissot's ImmiIc of
Tiiebe can lie no such thing as the Tll and horses finished fresh
ripht use of a wronp thinp.
It ia easier not to speak at all than
it is to keep from say i up too much. is a touch of flavor in the
parden truck that is only known to the
man who swinps the hoc.
iMvio 11. Smith, son of tlm Morn. 01.
prophet. has ben on in-
i -:.i ' of I!., ri 1 11 in f,,r the ii-'ni e lit
Cut fliw.r hikI winter blooming
plant- lor ule by Mrs. Phillips.
Stoiiehenpe monument con
when entire, of two circles and
two ovals, the outer circle beinp rum
Miwd of till stones, each from l: to UO
feet in helpht.
A i-iiihonkh in the Montana peniten
tiary at Deer Islpo is qnitc an artist
111 wissi. lie rarved
........ .'1. plBtlllttt
P.. K. rim,,,r, .11 of 1 " ."f ;!?'
KI 'IKI JOHN . It-1'
the I nited Ntates, and the
are said to lie excellent.
tiootl A mntrln
1 htick the heads of all thr nresldenlji of I h..r..l.r ii'iin.", I "L.lrtl,
. i.. . .. ... iiiiilertmlli, t T no us"""
Assignee's Notice to Creditors
W r l.rr,..(,n. of The l'sll'': h,,'
, 1 -t .... r,,-rlv 1' "",..,'
lil-iTMllinrii. sli l r""""."". i.nt
. . 1 . - .....ill.! I.. llt-"
ntiiitliK Irmn dale.
A. R
August 0, IKM.-wiit