THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1893 The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF WAaCO COUNTY. k .Kn.n ,t..n.l lm ia a ureal stimulus Irom tne with lortv-four senator. Irom tweuty-two I Arlington Kecord : K tlie L.khI I.or.1 or ! atale., re'r-nwentins; tlw same number of Grover Cleveland or the crazy fuvernor Irwonle. Kleven million people who have ; o( Oregon can alio us anything to 1 forty-four senators, are contrasted with I tiftv million who have the aauie repre- A31EKICAXISM TRJ CM I'll AST. sentalion. Twenty-nine million people navs aixty-eight senator from thirty four email atatea, and thirty-two million hare hut twenty senator from ton other Thia eort of representation ia a thaukful for as a nation or atate, will send Him or them a copy of Record free with postage paid. we the The continued rie in the price of U Ter ainee the pamMtre of the repeal hi'.l is ; something the quack flminoier did not : li the riae kecpa up at the Americana throughout the length and hmadth nf the land have cause for ain-! atatea nunlt nf : dissrai-e to intelliiwnt people who pre-, anticipate tend to rule ty majorities, ii mure present rate, wumu ."-m "unn ... than that, a great wrong. The senate on j worth inure than gold. Telegram. Since preaent line, haa no right ao exist. the eilver advocates are the ones who r-I claimed they would loe so much with Medical ethics are often beyond the the passage of the real bill, we aupjioae comprehension of the average person. the Telegram reiers to tliom as the An extraordinary incident ie reported quacks. Anyway, it is a pretty good from Olvrupia. The wife of a farmer , admission to make. I the contest in two great representative atatea. Ohio ia representative of the distinctive American policy of protec tion as perfected by Wni. McKinley.and in Illinois ia contained the heart of the foreign riffraff who assume to dominate the native born in the law-making and executive functions. Both have given audi majorities as are unmiatakbly in dicative of the spirit and the ability to yet govern tbeir inteieeta. The sweep- i ing victory in Ohio gives assurance that Mr. McKlnley will be the republican standard bearer in 18! Hi, while a major ity of 8,000 in Chicago shows that even in that hot-bed of anarchism there are till a majority of citizens who do not favor dynamite aa their arbiter and the red flag aa their token. The election of Altgeld, who got in .with a small major ity by an overwhelming vote in Chicago, has proven a salutary lesson, and here after in Illinois the qualification of na tive birth will be demanded to win the greater number of suffrages for a guber natorial candidate. It will etand aa a leeuon for all time. A clear menace to the December congress ia found in the handsome majority rolled up by Ohio. A rigid enforcement of the tariff rider contained in President Cleveland's last message would mean ruin to the demo cratic party. Hence the fear of tariff revision, which has closed manufactories and depressed trade, will be ended and the healing process will date from to day. Of course values cannot be restor ed in an instant. The panic was too widespread and too long continued for that, bnt we greatly mistake if staple products do not feci the influence of a rise at once. Further cheering news cornea from the Empire state, which elected Bart-: lett judge of the court of appeals and a majority on joint ballot in the legiaia ture. Iowa returns an old-fashioned re- j publican majority and our dispatches tell the story of victory all along the line. This should be a proud day for Americana. Anrrwilt l-amitivf ami SV.HS fc .ml lv Krtiirv.aiaor mt niail rao..U., iwl Sl'.ov tmt nuikntfu. iwito tnm Xm h.m Tha Favorite T0CT1 fOWSU i VJ 1 A W fur I'm Tula aaU Uraai a, Sao. For ! by Mnt,.aa Kiaraa. ANTi:i- l'ii-liln Canvawer r.aul atl- m pal aix milea from town waa about to be confined. They had no cloae neighbor, so the husband left the wife alone and went to the city for the family physician. The latter waa out on another case, and the husband sought other medical skill. He scoured the town in search of a physician to take the case. Five ethical gentlemen declined to respond, but No. 6 yielded to the earnest solicitation of the alarmed husband and went along with him. Meanwhile hours had been lost in delay, and when the phvsician arrived at the farm the child had been born and was nearly dead, and the mother was unconscious. Commenting on the above event the Spokane Review says: But the five were true to their ethics, and, as has been admirably stated in comic opera, "No matter what you do if your heart is only true." Their hearts were true to the absent medical brother, and if the child and mother had died that thought would have been sufficient solace. nrvktv. ivrnialii-t-.t l-.-lll.Ml. bKWJ t o . Niirmfryuiaii, r.irtlaml. Or. " The administration hu developed a bad case of crank scare since the aaaaaa ination of Mayor Harrison, of Chicago. Ever since Mr. Cleveland was inuugiir rated his every move uutdide of his pri vate apartments has leen watched by private detectives, and this week the force of detectives has leen ilouhled. Somehow the idea has got out that Mr. Clevelands has a morbid f"ar of asu. ination at the hands of some crank. SUMMONS. In tlx1 Circuit I oiirt nf thr Stat ol OrrRnn fur liiv I mint) i.l Want), A. 1 Holtoti. 1 Va ruuiiiti. ..ill'!'!.. MARKET REPORT. Mutter DMllnra Nnarpljr IVhrat Low mm It Can Ort. Mr Van Allen, outtiide of his monocle, his Trince of Wales beard, his man-iage into the Astor family, his tally-ho coach and hia f50,0CO contribution of hut fall, has not made any mark in the world. For the first time, a man absolutely without qualifications, in return for a money consideration, has been named as our minister to the foreign court, which at least has the right to expect, if we are going to he represented there at all, that the representative should he a man of some public reputation at home. If the Van Allen episode is to be Fbidav, Nov. 10. The markets lire very dull in a".l lines, and the sume can be said of business and trade. The merchants complain of a limited tratlic, which is confined to a local or city de mand for a home consumption. The provision and produce traffic, owing to the large supply, ia very dull. The only thing noticeable is a decline in frefh butter and is quoted at 40 to 5o cenli per roll. Eggs have declined a triile, as the offerings are a little more free, and the market ia better supplied at - cents per dozen cash, and -Tlv ceuts er dozen in trade. Poultry is steady at former qtn:.i;mii v Our dealers in the city say turkey- nrt quoted at 7 and S cents er pound up dressed. The grain market is as near the Imuh. as it is possible f .r it to get. The Port land market quotation is 4'J to 50 cents General Harrison says : "I am much gratified with the result of the elections." juite natural. The voters Tuesday throughout the atatea have said as plainly as words could make it: Give na back the prosperity of the days when republicans ruled the land. The democrat could not have expect ed other than defeat when they so ahamefuliy betrayed their incapacity to legislate in the special session of congress just closed. They couldn't agree on anything, and but for the aid of the re publican minority nothing would have been done yet. Wheat yesterday reached a lower point than ever before in tne history of Oregon since the 40', when in the absence of gold and silver, it was a legal tender in payment of all debts and the only circulating medium. The quo tation for first grade valley in Portland yesterday waa 50 cent per bushel. Sow that the northern states have so unanimously gone republican, it will be a pleasure to note its steady rise. in any way a precedent, it would be far lr bushel, a price never known on the better for us to abolish our whole diplo- ; "in discovery of gold in I'uli matic service than to farm it out to men I f'-mia. The European markets, from aa whose only title to consideration is their 1 ''' received, indicate a dull and .ui. money, and who are atwnt as much at ' 8irih condition. liusaia is sendini: her . home'as ambassadors at foreign courts ' surplus a bent into English toul French as a hanger-on at a stage door would be if selected for the leading part on the stage. Is there anything unreasonable i . this matter of government aid to coun try roads, asks the Willapa Pil'.t. For eign countries get their good roiuis in , this way and the Pilot believes it is the ; I-r ml. ll till. -.Ill .Oil K Ihllll and . II. 1 luuier, lH'LMulmt v J 1 In thr name ..( the lute 'f ontnn. u and ; va.'ti ..I vi.u arvtu-r. l. rnmmil u at1ear and im-?r I'll.-,.nu: nl.d attain! .u In Ihe tMitttl-l wuit nn nr U' tne npl day f :tit- r.-milar t.-rin ot tnMlIt Court til the tat ! Onuuit tor h-.-i .Miulv. next tollowlliK the I time h.-mil, ttw It, en ra-fnre Ihe lath day of N..vnl.r. 1MH.1, , ami K von tall '' h anawur. for want t'...r,i( tlie .liillit.t a.i!y to the ( .mrt ! ).r tin- rvhi'l .tatil In hl emni.lalnt. U-lt for il.vTvt in'1-l..Mire ..I that rvrtalh limrt ' 'j;ie del mail.- anil ex.--iilel hy y.m to tli ntintnl tOHllit irT nn tdeiilh day ol Novell!-t-cr. 1 -.-.aj, iiHn the i..'thwel iiiarterof et'Uon ;li in .nlh ranice II mat. W - M., In - a-... rimnt , t trrtf 'it. and that Mini renitaea : U- Under atli-h l.irvel.aoire deeree In the j manner ro i.;tM to Uh and aee rdlnc to th '. 1'raetii-' ot annl l ..n-t that Irom the iroeedi. of : ileh vtle the iii.-un :i tl hae and receive tht atim I live hntidrt I in d"llnr and lnter'-t on t -.u.t am i aitn-e N..wtiilk.-r Mil, at the rate ot In l'T ivtit. l-r annum, alao a further autn of ox!) '.4t. duluir-a- a teMaonahle attorni'T a lea I h.r iti-titiitin tltl- anil to lore l;ae aaid in.irt- H:e atul tin- imte thereby aeenreil and ' lie-in -oie,! nt-n. tii'ther wl'h iiiallttllt a roata i tl!lureinen! ina.le anil exia'tideil In Ihla null, llteltuliiitf a.-e'innff eta and exfwn-enf ante, and that )!asntit! have a Jlt.tKitient aKatliHt ou. tne aald Kriitik W lOU.-Hile. lor any deti t neney in Itie firiTa-al- of aale to aalMfy fully all Mnl -ipii . Hint uiH.ii Mich loreeliaiurr aale all of ' tli- ru'lit. title, interest and e.atin uf you and ) y.nir ro-tleifinniMv ea. h and alt i( you and thetn, and all other la-r-ona eialtultiir or to ' euitin li , tiiroiitfh or under you or thetn, or . either, m and toaald tni.rttfrur.-d .renne and ' eve-y rart thervof la- lorertiwM'd and lon.ver I lyineil from the e.llllv ot relein.toi. That lha ; phiailill la- allowed to hid at n:d for.-ciimurv : -me and rnireha' aal.l morteiia-ed lirvllll-ea, at hi-..ttlon. imd niton the aule ol aal.l inort i: t-.1 i.iemt-4 tin- imreha-er la let into the Imam'-iiii ttiereot. und every part thereof, 'in inttlinlely. ttml tor ueh other anil further rehel to Ihe ourt mux .eein eiiulUihle and Jllat, Till sunn- .in- l aerve.1 iimiii you. the aalit I r.Llia I. i. ill. i ie and Kh-ala l.i!leil , hy f.ul In :itnn In The lialie i hkiii'U.ii lieMataiNr t'Ml. !;-!;. 1 veea! at Iall.-- t lt. VI aaeo r.u IV, "."ir'ti . lor atx i-iiiM-etlllve Meeka. hy order of H"h. V 1 Itri'dnaiv, jinliw ol aanl l mirt, whti (. order vt.t- duly made and entered at n'lem oil Ihe th dav of relteii!l.r. I..1. Tll 11 O TT i UKUUUISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Ore Mwli A full line of all the Standard Tatont Drugs, Chemicals, Ktc ARTISTS MATERIALS.-,-, Country and Mail Ordera will receive prompt attention. gc 'dries I. C. Nickelsen, Tlie Dnlles, - Oregon, KSTAHLI8HHD INTO. Trio oldest, 1m rewt, and beat managerj lkouia in ISfliool HouUh, nnd Deaka Nluaalcal Ititatrunientij., Wutcliea, Jewelrj' tand Sponlng Gooda. Agt. HamtujruaHrenien ttemti.rifp Co 'a "Tcatata to and Irum llurup. Pbomit Attkntion. Iw Pkh kh. Ur to th Ti.m. THE DALLES LUMBERING Co. INCOKPORATKDWSS No. G7 Washington , The Dallis. Wholesale and Ketail iH-alers and Maunfactnrers of Building Material and Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Sloldiugs, Duasi Famiiij 1 Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and rl Boxes and Packing Cases. rotory awurt Ziumbor Yrrt atOlcl Vt. 13aaie, DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to any part of the city. ' n i n v I u I j a, i.l tl,M liaara am u.n,, t .11 .... I fluence of it, to their advantage, wl.'u h enntrnlied as it is, decrease AtueritMii iiin'ket. lur own market in dull and j liieie-a in the cereal line. The mill i j p.tyiu centa per hushel for Al grade o; wi.e it. W liKAT V2 to i'yc jier tin. Uaki.kv Pricee are up to 73 to Kir- proper way, It the counties do what ' centa per 100 lhs. itti duv of m-l.tetliUT. !.! 111 l 1 li i Ml.M.H K. Atturueva fur I'lallitlff Estray Taken Up. On' rwrW i-my, brnii(,i. elth-'T 5 iyf n' 't 1 hli inn l ft ,aw. Oh imt rmt hnv- Mtiir ly j HiK pnvrt hiiU lxtjliiir f this nntif- j H 1 iTlm FitiiUi'v. The ln, ur iuanuraciurers Haip ( SuiTerxmra to L. P. Frank, dereaml.) OF ALL - ICI3STID3 . 0"F" A (teneral Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIEINO PBOMPTLY -r,d NEATLY DOS Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wfcies, Eorsc Elanists, l Full Assartmcnt of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped. SKC'OXP STREET, THE DALLES, Oi they can and the states do what they can and the general (rovernment do the rest. There ia not a river or harbor in the United Statea that needs improving one half aa had as the roada do. There S.i Oath The oat market ia light at 0 to W) eenU per llJ lbs. Mu.LrvrrrFa Bran and ahorta are qnoted at $IK Ot) pr ton. tnid d!inirs22 oil to 00 t-r ton. l:.,!led hariev. tS.l (HI to iLM 00 ir ton. Siiell- ia nothing on earth that the people of ed corn 1 2" er KX) tt.s. this country need aa badly aa they need ! Fl.'rn Saiein uiilla flour ia quoted at trood roada and the sooner thev get ! M - per barrel. Diamond brand at 1 ... ! I.O l.V.l . ...! a- nil l.l.l I M- tiirootrh wrangling over politics, religion . i 1 ' ' and other abstruse aubiectH and unite in niip.-a in j.ri. e XOT1CK FUR rtT.IJCATluX. a long, strong pull tor good roada the aooner they will have proapcr and no matter how the ver queation or the tariff question or any other question ia settled there ia no genuine and laating proeperity until we do have good roads. Iihv Cleveland, with all hie whipper-in abilities, ia but a aingle man. If hie party would have but acknowledged him aa their leader, their general defeat at the polla might not have occurred. But they were not on hie aide, and they wrangled together like cate and dogs, de feating everv plan of work. When re publicans fail to agree the minority will j Kirc iij w uic uiaiijriL, hiiu iruiuiy liur- iti j.. i, ,, , B ' toM good atoriee, and laughed at other auw w . i . . v. ' J 1 " " 1. a till uciillAiaiB there can he no compromise or agree- 'Mark Twain," when in Xew York, lives at the quiet I'layera' club. He has a room in the top of the house, and there he worka and smokes aa free from interruption aa when at home in Hart ford. Mr. Clemens' hair, which was from f 'l IX) per ton, acifirdiiiif sty, I quality and condition. Wheat hay HiJ. . in lull atix-k on a limited demand S IX) to 10 00 tier ton. Potatoes 10 to 50c per 100 It. IirTTEH Fresh roll butter at 40 to cents per roll, in brine or dry salt quote 30 to 41) rrnt per roll. ' Eoos Good fresh eKs sell nt "" 27'.., cents. 1'ori.TBY Chickens, are quoted 1.7o to 1.Z. Uid fowls :',.t.K) dozen. Ueef a MfTTOs lleef cattle ol) ; we ! LasD firnca. The linllea. ir., '.v. ti. K. 'iee i her-by ctven that the fulumtritf iihi!i.1 MMtler hita llle.1,. nf hta Hi l-ii In .it to inn .e nual .riM,l In atififHirt uf hi- claim an. I that a nfH lll la' tliailo bef-.n- thu r.-tfl-ler Mini r.-..ier at The lnllea, i. ireKnli. oil W wllieaitay. liweiiilarr 1;. vu Hewitt Ulli(, le. Ai t lieali tl No. for the N',of ml K1-. of r te Ii I; II K.e... lie tl.liuva Ihe fulluw llitf lttie--a to irovr hla eoiitiuiio.ia rnleiie uiam ami eulcivall.iti nf aat.l lanil. 1 It. v. Welia. of The iNtllna. (Ir . I hnrlea KitatiMi, Jiittiea Kaatiiu ami I'aul l.iinvri.tti of Natiael.e, or . Julia W I. rain, K.ttKter. NOTICE FOR I'UI'.LICATIOX. Tlmb-T Lomt, Act June 3, l7x f. New - Umatilla- House THE IiALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and liagguge Office of the V . 1. R. R. Company, and ofl'n of the n'Mtoil Union Telegraph Oll'u.e are iu the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON given Club in Brooklvn last Tuesdav eveninir I "3Iark" wae exceedingly facetioua. He l?tHd. L'.i light gross meut, and confusion becomes worse con founded. A Portland democratic evening daily heads ita election dispatches "Got it in the neck." The elang ia very apropoa. The "change" having come, with valuee down and thousanda being fed by charity, the votere of the country could not help contrasting the situatioi. with the boun tiful days under republicanism, and with the same strength man famishing for food ia given at a fortunate moment, they grasped the implement of guillo tinic propensities the ballot and gave it to the democrats "where the chicken got the ax." Now that the country ia eafe, let us have a little reconstruction, or aa an esteemed paternal relative would aay, let ua organize. The eenate, which ao long delayed legislation, waa hindered by a very email fraction of the people though tbeir representatives eeemed to magnify their number to a respectable opposition. Oregon, with 31.3,707 people, has two aenatora t ttfii'tit irrreia tu K ' o. once aa black aa a crow 'a feathers, is j Mutton ia now quoted at now silvery, but still abundant. At the! per head. l'ork ofl'eriuga are dinner given him bv the Oxford i 8 . Pr',-e" re nominal weignt ana 's too cents ilressett. STAPLE (iRIM tltlKB. CoFFEK Costa Rica, is qtnited at L'lc per lb., by the sack. .Salvador, Arbuckles, 2'n:. Land irm:. The lmlle. or.. Nov. a. li'r.1 i t Nolle t- hereby given that In eiitiiilium-a avtlii the iruv.oiia of the art of rotiKr'-aa of June ?.. It'i. etitiiled "An art (or the amv of tllu bar In the atatea of ( allfi.rtlla, trreKoll. Nevaila and aitahiiiKlon Territory," Nnl C, Htatranann, f Kllitfalev, rottntv of V aae,, atate of (in iriiti. t haa tiiladnv lilerl in thla olliee hla RMnrti t.te- A M CTTOS l.eet Cattle are in I merit l..r the i.nreimae of the M . uf VV i oetter demand at j.'.ixi per 100 1 reetimi. . :i. m iowtiin. No. h , mi, in toj at per people's stories immensely. He has spent considerable time in Jr.tirope of Si-gab Golden C, in l.hls ir sack . late and fun there, aa Americani nnder- f K7; Extra C, 10 1'.'; Lrv granulated' stand It, is aa thoroughly unknown aa it 5? In 'wxea, I). G., in .'(n ib boxes. Ru e Japan rice, f.'-jfrf.Tc; Ialand, rice, 7 eta. I No i:; e. l.. aim will oiler i.roof to aim that the land aouirhl la more vaiuuhie for tta ! tiiula-r or atone than for aari.-u II u nil itir.i,.a, I ami to awtaliith lna elaiin Ut anlil himl before the H-ller anil Heeeiver ul Ihla oth'-e at '1 hu ' Ihillea. rr.. on the I.ith rlny of Jnmiarv, 1-'. He liailiea aa wltlieaaiv I.eorKe MeN-ml. .Ua per Ktl-ley. Uill lLont..MU ami Itfayette lias la, ail ol k lllffaiex , Or. Any ami al! i.-rotia elaltntiiff a.1verely the Shove fle.erHel Inlllla are r-.lletc! to ie tfieir ciaitna In Una oOiee un ur before anl'l l.ith ilny of jahllrirv, lrf. i ' JOHN W. LEW IH, lU-Kliitcr. ie in the inner recesses of the Egyptian j pyramids. Taken Up. In regard to the recent offer of Em peror William to furnisha country house for Bismarck an exchange aaya: The consideration and kindness which the German Emperor shows for Riamarck j ia not verv great, when it ia taken into j consideration that Bismarck furnished j most of the grandeur which the emperor enjoya. V illiam would have been very ' email potatoes had it not been for Bis- j marck. Offering the faithful servant J Beans Small whites, 414'.'i',jc ; i Pink, tc per HXi lba. i Kai.t Liverpool, 501b sk, (Vic : 100 lb ak, II 00; L'OOIh sk, ft 00. Stock salt, ! .ro jjer ion. Ikifi) Fttt'lTs Italian prunes, 12c per (lire sorrel neliling atKMit twelve yearn nirl, and branded thus on left houliler. The owner can have the animal by jMyliif firr thla notice D. J. COOI'KR. AiiKint I.l, lNUl. wtf lb, by box. Evaporated apples, low VjKt per lb. I)ried graMJH, "M li)c per pound. hides and fikn. Hides Are quoted aa follows: Dry, ; '"i green, isr-a. hiiEEP Pfci.Ts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins. OfA It. I . the ua. of any of hi. palace, ia, under I'.llVt.t! l". 7oc 11: the circumstances, somewhat equivalent I ekins, SJiia12 ea; Ireaver, $3 60 lb; to kindness of the traveler, who finding ' tter, 5 ; fisher, $:(.$; 50: silver gray bimaelf and dog in a wild country and i t'J."''' fox:,11 2:,;.frey f". ZZL?T?r' cot o,r -th- uil 5 cZ?' hro led it lor mpper giving the poor badger, 2.V; pWa., 2.V(aiv: com curuiled quadmped the bone. mnnh u Pa, 1. . ' m with a combined population of only VM),- 851 people, have six senators. A senator from Nevada, casting 0,800 rotes, haa aa much to aay as one from Oregon, casting thirty times that number. Let ns look into the matter a little further. Four senators (New York and Pennsylvania;, The British are killing the poor, de feneeleas Matabelea by the thousands. The savages cannot cope witli them, but Three other states, i die as cheerfully for their country as if Hm Von Baehaehaf Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure will cure you. It will alao greatly re lieve briuht's disease, and in mnnv nuM 41 - : i r i A r , , . , , 1 . J " .ur, .c. eiviiiu. aueanwnne irouoie ; ellect a cure. It will be fund invalua ia looked for in India. It is the general j ble in all diseases of the kidneys, such opinion the natives are growing reative as diabetes, inflammation of the bladder under British rule, and it ia believed it j yellow water, burning eensatmn when will take only a small epiirk to kindle j voiding yrine. To the aged it is pur'i. the fire of a revolution that will be far-1 nlarly adapted. Try it and reaching in it consequences. j It is fr iae tv -n & Kinerslev. Tra CoiumDia Packlngco.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANfFAfTfRERH OF Fine Lard and Sausages, The Dalles Mercantile Co., -JOIHir.RS ANII HKAI.CKM IN- General Merchandise Dry Good a, Clothinc, Gt-nts' Frrni?liinp Goods, Boot-', tluH-H, Hats, (!ajs, ( lux-frit), Hardware, Crocker)-, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. 390 to 394 Second St., The Dalles, Or TIP YOU WISTT Government, State, or Dalles Afilitary Road Lands, . A TT 1 HUMAS Muceaaor to Tlionilitirr 4 Hinlaon. 83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR. If you want Informntlim rdinwrntrir (iirvnn Ntlliff ti,r.Mn, y mi cn li" Iihm ntN( n m- Curers of BRAND is iBa, Dried Beef, Etc. .Mammic KuiltiinK. Tlie I)I. (r. t(iUlt hi 111 If- it! L'ittstpr- Ht- Iihm ritHf ri:iv of tltl Itiiittiesm. niitl iirHcitrtil mUi the ( ul tvl nuU Iind OfTt fi.r nvtrr Umi yrnra. Ht' U Aif'-nt lir th Kant On-ifun XmuA i mimiy, mu run vimi OrtmliiR, ur I - ifnjirot-) Airriirtilturril lviifM In nv iiititlty fl'-tiir-fj, ut will mutt a 1'an.phlft (!... (. m tl'iesst Imillsi tti ulivirtio sttitilt-li.aa to lilm li.r II Mr I- Alit ! anlrnf inta in I """'cdil mrrv mil, aim (imiitiq m ih im- r' H,'w4il UfHiT imri in mr iriiy, "hit , from ,oiirtlimc. 1U nitnutra fnmi K K Hattlxra l.ianatad on Uottrnniinl I.anrla. ir fnm want to Harrow Minaj, oa I.or( or Nhort tint, ha eaa " Wrltaa Flra, Mr, anil Aeeldanl faanranca. If " cannot call, wrlla. and your Icttara will ba promptly anaw REMEMBER CHRONIClJi THE I DALLES Twloo V. WooU. From Now to December 31st, 1894, OTvjxy